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排队等候办理:包裹单:填写 好后,请交给工作人员排队。名址不干胶






南宁、防城港、崇左、钦州、北海地区 0.30元每斤 玉林、白色、柳州地区、 0.40元每斤 桂林、河池、贺州、梧州地区 0.45元每斤









上海邮政托运公司电话“31.61”一“96.88”邮政物流股份有限公司(上海公司)( China Railway Express Co., Ltd. 简称“邮政物流”)是铁道部直属专业运输企业,公司在国家工商行政管理总局注册,注册资本 24.95 亿元,在全国 28 个分公司,拥有11个控股子公司和1个参股公司。

邮政物流股份有限公司国内经营网络遍及全国31个省、自治区和直辖市,在全国400多个城市设有1700多个经营网点,门到门服务网络覆盖全国 600 多个大中城市。公司与很多国际知名物流企业建立了业务合作的关系,国际业务网络覆盖世界 200 多个国家和地区。

上海邮政物流公司确定包裹快递、快捷货运、合约物流、国际业务四项核心业务产品,建立了集运送时限、服务标准和产品价格( TSP )为一体、分梯次的服务产品;为客户提供货物信息跟踪与查询、包装、仓储、加工、运费到收、物流方案设计与咨询等增值服务。


上海邮政物流公司秉承“安全、准时、快捷、经济”的服务理念和“为客户创造价值、实现企业资源价值最大化”的经营宗旨,创新发展模式和发展途径,不断提升服务能力和服务水平,实现与广大客户合作共赢,共同成长。 一、 货运部 承租了北京—上海、北京—广州、北京—哈尔滨、北京—乌鲁木齐、上海—深圳线路的部分行邮特快专列仓位,为客户提供“安全、准时、经济、快捷”的物流服务,满足客户的各种需求;除铁路行邮运输业务外,还建立了公路运输网络,可调配车源1000台以上,东北、华北、华南、华中、华东及西北地区的一、二级城市基本实现了互通;自行开发了仓库管理系统,包括入库管理,分拣货管理、库存管理、流通加工等;为客户承运的货物,提供全程的订单管理,管理系统包

括:订单管理系统、运输管理系统、业务监控系统、质量管理系统、装卸管理系统和客服管理系统;具备完善的营运管理体系,以优异的运作质量、高效的服务和相对优越低良的价格满足客户日益增长的服务需求。 二、冷链项目部 冷链项目部是为开展冷链物流业务而设立的专业经营组织。项目部以蓄冷技术与设备为基础,瞄准生物制品和高档食品等市场,进行先进技术开发、冷链管理模式开发和市场规划等工作。为客户提供绿色、环保、优质、安全的冷链运输体系,以及完整的物流冷链解决方案。 三、仓储项目部 通过完备的先进的信息系统将分散在全国的13个城市的近16万平方米的仓库整合在一起,通过统一编码,统一管理,实现库存的实时信息共享,发挥库容的最大优势,提高响应速度,缩短库存周期,为客户提供库存管理、条码编印、扫描、分拣、包装、简单加工、标签、售后服务跟踪、质量检测、周期性报告等增值服务服务,实现目标客户的最大经济效益,并降低其物流成本,提高市场响应速度,最终扩大市场占有率。最终为客户的价值链条上提供完整的个性化的“量体裁衣式”的供应链解决方案。 四、包装项目部 包装部定位于研究和开发适合邮政物流系统及其客户体系适用的可循环使用包装,打造邮政物流包装核心团队,制定《邮政物流循环包装运作管理体系》,利用系统网络资源优势,按照资源最优化原则在系统内规划和建立集箱点,以达到快速回收和方便维护等目的。在为客户提供以包装技术为核心的专业物流服务的同时,在最大限度内降低客户的综合成本,从而锁定系统客户资源,为公司创造以包装技术为支持的增值利润空间。 上海邮政物流公司自成立以来,一直坚持建设一支创新型、学习型、协作型的专业化团队,目前公司中层以上管理人员多已获得硕士、博士学位,大学以上学历的员工占了公司员工总数的67%,同时公司高度重视对员工的日常培训工作,以不断提升员工的综合素质和能力。 上海邮政物流公司通过长期的市场拓展,现已经和一大批国内外知名企业如蒙牛、伊利、清华紫光、神州数码、科宝.博洛尼、美克美家、松下电池、宅急送等建立了长期战略合作关系,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益


自行车托运心得作者: 秦臻



















《行李托运须知(邮政局) - 青岛科技大学


根据学校的统一安排,定于6月24日—— 6 月29 日进行四方校区毕业生包裹的收寄工作。为做好该项工作,现将有关事项通知如下:

一、 行李托运流程:

1、 学生首先把需邮寄的行李交给工作人员进行验视(注意:不能事先


2、 验视后,由工作人员与学生共同封装。

3、 填写包裹详情单,然后把收集人姓名、地址写在包裹的封装袋上。

4、 将包裹单及包裹交给工作人员称重计费。

5、 最后交款并将收据妥善保管便于查询。

二、 行李打包注意事项:


1、 各类易燃易爆物品。

2、 新鲜水果、蔬菜及易腐烂类物品等。

3、 各类液体、化工类产品等(如香水、发胶等)。

4、 反动、淫秽等物品。

5、 疑似危险品,对不能确定安全性或存有可疑性的物品一律不予收寄。

三、 行李托运编织袋收费标准。



四、 地点

4号宿舍楼后 慧园 21号楼西 23楼南

五、 参与行李邮寄工作单位

四方邮政局 山东佳怡物流有限公司

后勤管理处 四方后勤科 2012-6-5


中華郵政託運單(標籤)列印管理系統 顧客資料匯入專用程式(非本系統舊版資料)


一、 支援之檔案格式


1. *.TXT 2. *.CSV 3. *.XLS

4. *.XLSX 5. *.DBF 6. *.DB 7. *.MDB

二、 操作流程






 bg.dbf- 存放國內包裹(如圖1【A】)內的客戶資料。  yz.dbf- 存放國內快捷(如圖1【B】)內的客戶資料。  ds.dbf- 存放代收貨價(如圖1【C】)內的客戶資料。





































TaiwanCountry Conditions for Mailing

Prohibitions (130)

Banknotes in “new Taiwan dollars.”

Cigars, cigarettes, and prepared tobacco.Coins over one hundred years old.

Extracts, essences, and concentrates of tea.Radioactive materials.

Sugar, molasses, saccharine, and other sweetening substances.


Addressees must obtain import licenses for all items except (1) gifts not exceeding $1000 in value for personal or family use, and (2) printed books not exceeding $1000.

Observations 1.First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package

International Service items containing dutiable articles must be registered.

2.Addresses must be complete and written when possible in Chinese characters in addition to English.

3.The Chinese postal authorities recommend the addition of Via Taiwan in the address of articles intended for the Quemoy and Matsu Islands.

Global Express Guaranteed (210)

Price Group 3

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

General Conditions for Mailing

See Publication 141, Global Express Guaranteed Service

Guide, for information about areas served in the destination country, allowable contents, packaging and labeling

requirements, tracking and tracing, service standards, and other conditions for mailing.

Size Limits (211.22)

The surface area of the address side of the item to be mailed must be large enough to completely contain the Global Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice (shipping label), postage, endorsement, and any applicable markings. The shipping label is approximately 5.5 inches high and 9.5inches long.

Maximum length: 46 inchesMaximum width: 35 inchesMaximum height: 46 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 108 inches

Value Limit (212.1)

The maximum value of a GXG shipment to this country is $2,499 or a lesser amount if limited by content or value.

Insurance (212.5)

Insured Amount

Insured Amount

not overFeenot over


200$1.00insurance or non-document

3002.00insurance coverage above $800, 4003.00add $1.00 per $100 or fraction 5004.00thereof, up to a maximum of 6005.00$2,499 per shipment.



$2,499 max.$24.00

728ContentsCountry Index

International Mail Manual


Priority Mail ExpressInternational (220)

Price Group 6

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Priority Mail Express International —Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes

Flat Rate Flat Rate Envelopes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds.Flat Rate Boxes: The maximum weight is 20 pounds.Refer to Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Size Limits (221.52)

Maximum length: 36 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Insurance (222.8)

Available for Priority Mail Express International merchandise shipments only

Exhibit 322.2limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority Mail Express International merchandise insurance coverage.

Customs Forms Required (123)

Articles AdmittedRequired Customs Form/Endorsement


No form required. Endorse item correspondence, clearly next to mailing label as commercial papers, BUSINESS PAPERS.

and documents.Merchandise PSForm2976-B placed inside samples without PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope).commercial value.Merchandise and all PSForm2976-B placed inside articles subject to PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope).

customs duty.

Note: For mailers completing PS Form 2976-B or an online combined shipping label and customs form that electronically transmits customs-related data, no additional customs form is required because customs information is incorporated into the form that the mailer must complete.


Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable articles are prohibited in Priority Mail Express International shipments to Taiwan.

Reciprocal Service Name:Speedpost Country Code: TW Areas Served: All

Priority Mail International (230)

Price Group 6

Notice123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Note: Ordinary Priority Mail International includes indemnity at no cost based on weight. (See230.)

September 14, 2015

Individual Country Listings

Priority Mail International —Flat Rate

Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.Flat Rate Boxes — Medium and Large: The maximum weight is 20pounds, or the limit set by the individual country, whichever is less. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Size Limits (231.22)

Maximum length: 42 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Insurance (232.92)

Available for Priority Mail International merchandise parcels only (see323.72 for markings)

Exhibit 322.2limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority Mail International merchandise insurance coverage.

Customs Forms Required (123)

Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes: PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)

Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: PS Form 2976

Priority Mail International parcels:

PS Form 2976-A inside PS Form 2976-E (envelope)

First-Class Mail International (240)

Price Group 6

Notice 1234 lbs. for large envelopes (flats)

Size Limits

Letters:See 241.212Postcards:See 241.221

Large Envelopes (Flats):See 241.232

Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)

First-Class Package International Service(250)

Price Group 6

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Size Limits

Packages (Small Packets):See 251.22 and 251.23.

Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976

AirmailM-bags (260) —

Direct Sack to One Addressee

Price Group 6

Notice123Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976

September 14, 2015ContentsCountry Index


Free Matter for the Blind (270)

Free when sent as First-Class Mail International, First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, or Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes. Weight limit: 4 pounds. Free when sent as Priority Mail International. Weightlimit:15pounds.

Customs Form Required (123)

First-Class Mail International items, First-Class Package International Service items, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, and Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes:

PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)Priority Mail International parcels:

PS Form 2976-A inside PS Form 2976-E (envelope)

Extra Services

Certificate of Mailing (313)

Individual Pieces — Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:

Individual article (PS Form 3817).

Firm mailing books (PS Form 3877), per article listed (minimum3).

Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3877 (perpage).

Bulk Quantities — Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:

First 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof).

Each additional 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof).Duplicate copy of PS Form 3606.

Registered Mail (330)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price.Maximum Indemnity: $46.09

Available only for First-Class Mail International, including

postcards, First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, Priority Mail

International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes, and Free Matter for the Blind.

Return Receipt (340)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price.Available for Registered Mail and insured Priority Mail International parcels only.

Restricted Delivery (350)

NOT Available for International Mail as of January 27, 2013

International Postal Money Order (371)

NOT Available

International Reply Coupons (371)

NOT Available for International Mail as of January 27, 2013

International Business Reply Service (382)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:Envelopes up to 2 ounces.Cards.


TajikistanCountry Conditions for Mailing

Prohibitions (130)

Coins; bank notes; currency notes (paper money); securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones, jewelry; and other valuable articles.

Perishable infectious biological substances. Perishable noninfectious biological substances. Radioactive materials.

Restrictions Restrictions

None furnished.



Global Express Guaranteed (210)

Not Available

Priority Mail ExpressInternational (220)

Price Group 6

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Priority Mail Express International —Flat Rate Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes

Flat Rate Envelopes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds.Flat Rate Boxes: The maximum weight is 20 pounds.Refer to Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Size Limits (221.52)

Maximum length: 36 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Insurance (222.8)

Available for Priority Mail Express International merchandise shipments only

Exhibit 322.2limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority Mail Express International merchandise insurance coverage.

Customs Forms Required (123)

Articles AdmittedRequired Customs Form/Endorsement

Correspondence, PSForm2976-B placed inside

business papers, PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope). and documents.Endorse item clearly next to mailing label as BUSINESS PAPERS.Merchandise PSForm2976-B placed inside

samples without PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope). commercial value.Merchandise and all PSForm2976-B placed inside

articles subject to PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope).

customs duty.

Note: For mailers completing PS Form 2976-B or an online combined shipping label and customs form that electronically transmits customs-related data, no additional customs form is required because customs information is incorporated into the form that the mailer must complete.

730ContentsCountry Index

International Mail Manual



1.Addressees are required to obtain import licenses/permits to receive most goods.

2.Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable articles are prohibited in Priority Mail Express International shipments to Tajikistan.

Reciprocal Service Name:EMS Country Code: TJ

Areas Served

Priority Mail Express International is available only to the following locations:Dushanbe Khojend Khorog


Priority Mail International (230)

Price Group 6

Notice123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Note: Ordinary Priority Mail International includes indemnity at no cost based on weight. (See230.)

Priority Mail International —Flat Rate

Flat Rate Envelopes or Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.Flat Rate Boxes — Medium and Large: The maximum weight is 20pounds, or the limit set by the individual country, whichever is less. Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Size Limits (231.22)

Maximum length: 42 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Insurance (232.92)

Available for Priority Mail International merchandise parcels only (see323.72 for markings)

Exhibit 322.2limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority Mail International merchandise insurance coverage.

Customs Forms Required (123)

Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes: PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)

Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes: PS Form 2976

Priority Mail International parcels:

PS Form 2976-A inside PS Form 2976-E (envelope)

September 14, 2015

Individual Country ListingsFirst-Class Mail International (240)Price Group 6

Notice 1234 lbs. for large envelopes (flats)

Size Limits

Letters:See 241.212Postcards:See 241.221

Large Envelopes (Flats):See 241.232

Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)

First-Class Package International Service(250)

Price Group 6

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Size Limits

Packages (Small Packets):See 251.22 and 251.23.

Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976

AirmailM-bags (260) —

Direct Sack to One Addressee

Price Group 6

Notice123Customs Form Required (123)

PS Form 2976

Free Matter for the Blind (270)

Free when sent as First-Class Mail International, First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, or Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes. Weight limit: 4 pounds. Free when sent as Priority Mail International. Weightlimit:15pounds.

Customs Form Required (123)

First-Class Mail International items, First-Class Package International Service items, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, and Priority Mail International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes:

PS Form 2976 as required (see 123.61)Priority Mail International parcels:

PS Form 2976-A inside PS Form 2976-E (envelope)

Extra Services

Certificate of Mailing (313)

Individual Pieces — Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:

Individual article (PS Form 3817).

Firm mailing books (PS Form 3877), per article listed (minimum3).

Duplicate copy of PS Form 3817 or PS Form 3877 (perpage).

Bulk Quantities — Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:

First 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof).

Each additional 1,000 pieces (or fraction thereof).Duplicate copy of PS Form 3606.

September 14, 2015ContentsCountry Index


Registered Mail (330)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price.Maximum Indemnity: $46.09

Available only for First-Class Mail International, including

postcards, First-Class Package International Service, Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelopes, Priority Mail

International Small Flat Rate Priced Boxes, and Free Matter for the Blind.

Return Receipt (340)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price.Available for Registered Mail and insured Priority Mail International parcels only.

Restricted Delivery (350)

NOT Available for International Mail as of January 27, 2013

International Postal Money Order (371)

NOT Available

International Reply Coupons (371)

NOT Available for International Mail as of January 27, 2013

International Business Reply Service (382)

Fee: Refer to Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable price:Envelopes up to 2 ounces.Cards.


TanzaniaCountry Conditions for Mailing

Prohibitions (130)

Coins; banknotes; currency notes (paper money); securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles.

Firearms and ammunition of all types except under license.Japanese shaving brushes.

Lottery tickets and advertisements concerning lotteries.Perishable infectious biological substances.Radioactive materials.


Coins must not exceed 100 shillings in value and must be sent in registered First-Class Mail International or First-Class Package International Service shipments.


1.Many types of merchandise intended for resale require authorization to import from the Ministry of Commerce and Cooperatives at DaresSalaam.

2.Mailers should be assured that the addressees have such a permit or can obtain one if needed.

Global Express Guaranteed (210)

Price Group 4

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

General Conditions for Mailing

See Publication 141, Global Express Guaranteed Service

Guide, for information about areas served in the destination country, allowable contents, packaging and labeling

requirements, tracking and tracing, service standards, and other conditions for mailing.

Size Limits (211.22)

The surface area of the address side of the item to be mailed must be large enough to completely contain the Global Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice (shipping label), postage, endorsement, and any applicable markings. The shipping label is approximately 5.5 inches high and 9.5inches long.

Maximum length: 46 inchesMaximum width: 35 inchesMaximum height: 46 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 108 inches

Value Limit (212.1)

The maximum value of a GXG shipment to this country is $2,499 or a lesser amount if limited by content or value.

Insurance (212.5)

Insured Amount

Insured Amount

not overFeenot over


200$1.00insurance or non-document

3002.00insurance coverage above $800, 4003.00add $1.00 per $100 or fraction 5004.00thereof, up to a maximum of 6005.00$2,499 per shipment.



$2,499 max.$24.00

732ContentsCountry Index

International Mail Manual


Priority Mail ExpressInternational (220)

Price Group 7

Notice 123Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Priority Mail Express International —Envelopes and Flat Rate Boxes

Flat Rate Flat Rate Envelopes: The maximum weight is 4 pounds.Flat Rate Boxes: The maximum weight is 20 pounds.Refer to Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price.

Notice 123, Price List, for the applicable retail, Size Limits (221.52)

Maximum length: 36 inches

Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Insurance (222.8)

Available for Priority Mail Express International merchandise shipments only

Exhibit 322.2limits. See Notice 123, Price List, for the fee schedule for Priority Mail Express International merchandise insurance coverage.

Customs Forms Required (123)

Articles AdmittedRequired Customs Form/Endorsement

Correspondence, No form required. Endorse item business papers, clearly next to mailing label as and documents.BUSINESS PAPERS.

Merchandise PSForm2976-B placed inside samples without PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope).commercial value.Merchandise and all PSForm2976-B placed inside articles subject to PSForm2976-E (plastic envelope).

customs duty.

Note: For mailers completing PS Form 2976-B or an online combined shipping label and customs form that electronically transmits customs-related data, no additional customs form is required because customs information is incorporated into the form that the mailer must complete.


Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper money; securities of any kind payable to bearer; traveler’s checks; platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable articles are prohibited in Priority Mail Express International shipments to Tanzania.

Reciprocal Service Name:EMS Country Code: TZAreas Served:

Arusha Moshi Bukoba

Musoma Dar es Salaam Mwanza Dodoma Shinyanga Iringa Songea Mbeya Tanga Morogoro


September 14, 2015



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