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《3-3 未来展望》





《Look Ahead 3》 Vocabulary

Lesson 1 Patterns of Life生活方式

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 的 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

aerial ['eəriəl] n.天线 alive [ə'laiv] a.有活力的 area ['eəriə] n.地区 background ['bækgraund] n.背景 bare [beə]a.赤裸的;光秃的;无遮蔽的 barge [bɑ:dʒ] n.驳船 bathe [beið] v.洗澡 block of flats ['blɔk əv 'flæts] n.一排房屋 brick [brik] n.砖 caravan ['kærəvæn] n.大蓬车 care for ['keə fɔ:] v.关心;介意 cave [keiv] n.山洞 childhood ['tʃaildhud] n.童年 chimney ['tʃimni] n.烟囱

close-knit [kləus 'nit] a.密织的,紧密结合的 community [kə'mju:niti] n.社区 concrete ['kɔŋkri:t] n.混凝土 conjuror ['kʌndʒərə] n.魔术师;变戏法者 cool [ku:l] a.凉的 cottage ['kɔtidʒ] n.村舍;小屋 council ['kaunsəl] n.地方议会;委员会 cruise [kru:z] n.巡游 cycle ['saikəl] n.循环;轮转 depend on [di'pənd ɔn] 依靠 deserted [di'zə:tid]a.被舍弃的;荒凉的,无人

detached [di'tætʃt] a.分离的 dock [dɔk] n.入船坞;靠码头 docker ['dɔkə] n.码头工人 docks [dɔks] n.港区

dramatically [drə'mætikli] ad.戏剧性地 dress [dres] v.穿衣 dwelling ['dweliŋ] n.住处,寓所 environment [in'vaiərənmənt] n.环境 especially [i'speʃəli] ad.特别,尤其 estate [i'steit] n.房地产 executive [ig'zekjutiv] n.管理人员 facade [fə'sɑ:d] n.(房屋)正面 farmhouse ['fɑ:mhaus] n.农庄住房 foreground ['fɔ:graund] n.前景 foreman ['fɔ:mən] n.领班;工头 hardly ever [ˌhɑ:dli 'evə] ad.几乎不;很少 hill [hil] n.小山;丘陵


43 hook [huk] n.钩子

44 hostel ['hɔstəl] n.旅店;学生宿舍

45 houseboat ['hausbəut] 可供居住的船,船宅 46 housing ['hauziŋ] n.房屋 47 identify [ai'dentifai] v.认出,识别 48 identity [ai'dentiti] n.身份 49 imagination [iˌmædʒi'neiʃən] n.想象;想象力 50 industry ['indəstri] n.工业 51 insurance [in'ʃuərəns] n.保险 52 ladder ['lædə] n.梯子 53 lampshade ['læmpʃeid] n.灯罩 54 launch [lɔ:ntʃ] n.汽艇 55 lawyer ['lɔ:jə] n.律师 56 leftover ['leftəuvə] a.剩余的 57 lifestyle ['laifstail] n.生活方式 58 load [ləud] v.装;装载

59 magical ['mædʒikəl] a.魔术的,有魔力的 60 memory ['meməri] n.记忆

61 mobile home ['məubail'həum] n.可移动的房子 62 mortgage ['mɔ:gidʒ] n.抵押贷款 63 passenger ['pæsindʒə] n.乘客 64 pension ['penʃən] n.养老金;退休金 65 plain [plein] n.平原 66 plateau ['plætəu] n.高原 67 playing card ['plei-iŋ ˌkɑ:d] n.纸牌,扑克牌 68 pleasure ['pleʒə] n.愉快;乐趣 69 porch [pɔ:tʃ] n.门廊

70 professional [prə'feʃənəl] a.专业的,职业的 71 purchase ['pə:tʃəs] v.购买 72 rabbit ['ræbit] n.兔子 73 range [reindʒ] n.排,行 74 relevant ['relivənt] a.有关的

75 responsible [ri'spɔnsəbəl] a.有责任的;负责的 76 rock [rɔk] n.岩石 77 row [rəu, rou] n.排,行 78 rubbish ['rʌbiʃ] n.垃圾,废物 79 search [sə:tʃ] n.搜寻 80 seaside ['si:said] n.海边

81 semi-detached[semidi'tætʃt] a.(房屋)一侧与他屋相连的 82 setting ['setiŋ] n.布景;环境 83 shabby ['ʃæbi] a.破旧的 84 sink [siŋk] v.下沉;沉没 85 skilled [skild] a.有技能的,熟练的 86 skip [skip] n.垃圾车斗

87 slate [sleit] n.石板瓦;板岩 88 slope [sləup] n./v.倾斜 89 spirit ['spirit] n.精神 90 stevedore ['sti:vidɔ:] n.码头装卸工人 91 stone [stəun] n.石头 92 surrounding [sə'raundiŋ] n.周围的 93 tent [tent] n.帐篷 94 terraced ['terəst] a.(房屋)沿斜坡建造的 95 thrive [θraiv] v.兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长 96 tile [tail] n.瓦片,瓷砖 97 tiny ['taini] a.极小的 98 toy [tɔi] n.玩具 99 tug [tʌg] n.拖船 100 unload [ʌn'ləud] v.卸 101 used to ['ju:stə] (过去)惯常 102 vegetation [vedʒi'teiʃən] n.植物,草木 103 wash-house ['wɔʃhaus] n.洗衣房 104 washing line ['wɔʃiŋˌlain] n.凉衣绳 105 waste [weist] n.废物,废料 106 watering can ['wɔ:təriŋ kæn] n.洒水壶

Lesson 2 Pleasures人生乐趣

1 accept [ək'sept] v.接受 2 addict [æ'dikt] n.有瘾的人 3 affect [ə'fekt] v.影响 4 ahead of [ə'hed əv] ad.在…前面 5 amazing [ə'meiziŋ] a.令人惊异的 6 aquamarine [ækwəmə'ri:n] a.蓝绿色的 7 assortment [ə'sɔ:tmənt] n.各种各样

8 attraction[ə'trækʃən] n.吸引;吸引力;吸引物 9 bend [bend] n.弯曲;弯曲处 10 blood [blʌd] n.血,血液 11 board game ['bɔ:d geim] n.棋类游戏 12 breath [breθ] n.呼吸

13 breathtakingly['breθteikiŋli] ad.惊人地 14 breeze [bri:z] n.微风 15 bright [brait] a.鲜艳的,明亮的 16 brilliant ['briliənt] a.光辉的;鲜明的 17 bury ['beri] v.埋葬 18 candle ['kændl] n.蜡烛 19 chess [tʃes] n.棋 20 close [kləuz] a.近的,接近的 21 collapse [kə'læps] v.倒塌 22 control [kən'trəul] n.控制 23 cove [kəuv] n.小海湾 24 crush [krʌʃ] vt.压碎 25

dawn [dɔ:n] n.黎明


deep [di:p] a.深的,深浓的 27 depressing [di'presiŋ] a.令人沮丧的 28 diamond ['daiəmənd] n.金钢石,钻石29 discover [dis'kʌvə] v.发现 30 dusk [dʌsk] n.黄昏

31 earthquake ['ə:θkweik] n.地震 32 effects [i'fekts] n.pl.结果;效果;作用 33 escape [i'skeip] v.逃跑;逃避 34 experiment [ik'sperimənt] n.实验 35 face [feis] v.面对 36 faint [feint] a.微弱的 37 fantasy ['fæntəsi] n.幻想 38 favourite 'feivərit] a.钟爱的 39 flash [flæʃ] v.闪亮 40 flicker ['flikə] v.闪烁 41 gather ['gæðə] v.搜集 42 ghost [gəust] n.鬼 43 giant ['dʒaiənt] a.巨大的 44 gun [gʌn] n.枪 45 high-tech [hai'tek] a.高科技 46 hillside ['hilsaid] n.山坡 Plesure 47 honeysuckle ['hʌni sʌkəl] n.忍冬属植物;杜鹃花 48 hopelessly ['həuplisli] ad.无希望地 49 ideal [ai'diəl] a.理想的 50 imaginary [i'mædʒinəri]a.想象中的;虚构的 51 imagine [i'mædʒin] v.想象 52 incredible [in'kredəbəl] a.难以置信的,惊人的 53 jagged ['dʒægid]a.锯齿状的;参差不齐的 54 jet [dʒet] n.喷气式飞机 55 job-share ['dʒɔbʃeə] v.分工 56 lightning ['laitniŋ] n.闪电 57 limit ['limit] v.限制 58 look-out ['luk'aut] n.嘹望台 59 magic ['mædʒik] n.魔术;魔力 60 monster ['mɔnstə] n.怪物;巨兽 61 mud [mʌd] n.泥,泥浆 62 nag [næg] v.唠叨 63 nightmare ['naitmeə] n.恶梦 64 pale [peil] a.苍白的 65 patio ['pætiəu] n.院子,天井 66 peaceful ['pi:sfəl] a.和平的 67 pine [pain] n.松树;松木 68 production [prə'dʌkʃən] n.生产 69 promotion [prə'məuʃən] n.促进;提升 70 reality [ri'æliti] n.现实 71 refuse [ri'fju:z, ri'fju:s] v.拒绝 72 result [ri'zʌlt] n.结果


73 ride [raid] n.(游乐场的)乘座活动;搭乘 74 roar [rɔ:] v.吼叫;轰鸣 75 rose [rəuz] n.玫瑰花;蔷薇花

76 rough [rʌf] a.粗暴的;粗糙的;粗陋的 77 runaway ['rʌnəwei] a.逃跑的 78 rush [rʌʃ] v.冲

79 satellite ['sætəlait] n.卫星 80 satisfied ['sætisˌfaid] a.满足的 81 scent [sent] n.气味,香味 82 sea level ['si: levəl] n.海平面 83 secret ['si:krit] n.秘密

84 seductive [si'dʌktiv]a.诱惑人的;富有魅力的 85 set [set] n.(一)套 86 sharp [ʃɑ:p] a.锋利的;强烈的;激烈的 87 sheer [ʃiə] a.垂直的 88 skyscraper ['skaiˌskreipə] n.摩天大楼 89 sliver ['slivə] n.长薄片,狭长片;碎片 90 smell [smel] v.嗅,闻 91 sparkle ['spɑ:kəl] v.闪耀;闪火花 92 spill [spil] v.充满;溢出;涌流 93 studio ['stju:diəu] n.电影制片厂 94 take part n [teik 'pɑ:t in] v.参加 95 tanker ['tæŋkə] n.油船 96 taste [teist] v.尝;辨味 97 terrified ['terifaid] a.感到惊恐的 98 terrifying ['terifaiiŋ] a.令人惊恐的 99 thirsty ['θə:sti] a.干渴的 100 tram [træm] n.有轨电车 101 trap [træp] v.使陷于困境;诱捕 102 twinkling ['twiŋkliŋ] a.闪烁的 103 typical ['tipikəl] a.典型的 104 ultimate ['ʌltimit] a.最后的,终极的 105 visual ['viʒjuəl] a.视觉的 106 whisper ['wispə] n./v.低语;耳语 107 wild [waild] a.野的

108 would rather [wud 'rɑ:ðə]v./ad.宁愿;宁可

Lesson 3 Borders 跨越边界

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

appalling [ə'pɔ:liŋ]a.令人震惊的;骇人听闻的 boarding ['bɔ:diŋ] a.供膳的;供膳宿的 border ['bɔ:də] n.边界 border post ['bɔ:də ˌpəust] n.边防哨所 brain [brein] n.脑

brand-new ['brænd'nju:] a.崭新的 campsite ['kæmpsait] n.营地 check-in clerk ['tʃekin klɑ:k] n.验票员 citizen ['sitizən] n.公民


10 comment ['kɔment] n.评论

11 confident ['kɔnfidənt] a.有信心的 12 cross [krɔs] a./v.横穿;穿过 13 currency ['kʌrənsi] n.货币

14 declaration [deklə'reiʃən] n.申报;宣布 15 deeply rooted [di:pli 'ru:tid] a.根深的

16 deportation [di:pɔ:'teiʃ(ə)n] n.驱逐(出境) 17 depressed [di'prest] a.压抑的;抑郁的 18 detention [di'tenʃən] n.拘留 19 disappointed [disə'pɔintid] a.失望的 20 disgusting [dis'gʌstiŋ] a.令人作呕的 21 drawing book['drɔ:iŋ buk] n.画图簿 22 dreadful ['dredful] a.可怕的 23 duty-free [dju:ti'fri:] a.免税的 24 echo ['ekəu] v.发出回声 25 enormous [i'nɔ:məs] a.巨大的 26 equal ['i:kwəl] a.平等的,相等的 27 explore [ik'splɔ:] v.探究,探索

28 extradition [ekstrə'diʃən]n.(对逃犯的)引渡 29 fasten ['fɑ:sən] v.扎牢;扣紧 30 feature ['fi:tʃə] n.特征;特色 31 flat [flæt] a.平的;平坦的 32 flight attendant['flaitə tendənt]n.空中服务员 33 forbidden [fə'bidn] a.被禁止的 34 former ['fɔ:mə] a.前者 35 frontier ['frʌntiə] n.边境 36 gift [gift] n.礼品 37 guard [gɑ:d] n.卫兵

38 hang-gliding ['hæŋglaidiŋ] n.悬挂式滑翔运动 39 hike [haik] v.徒步旅行;步行 40 hire ['haiə] v.雇;租 41 hut [hʌt] n.小屋;棚屋 42 illegally [i'li:gəli] ad.非法地 43 immense [i'mens] a.巨大的,广大的 44 immigration official [ˌimi'greiʃən ə'fiʃəl] n.移民局官员 45 indeed [in'di:d] ad.真正地;确实 46 inn [in] n.小旅馆;小酒店 47 item ['aitəm] n.项;项目 48 linger ['liŋgə] v.逗留,徘徊 49 lock [lɔk] n.锁 50 lounge [laundʒ] n.休息室

51 marvellous['mɑ:vələs]a.奇异的;惊人的;妙极的 52 miserable ['mizərəbəl] a.悲惨的,糟糕的 53 official [ə'fiʃəl] n.官员 54 painful ['peinfəl] a.痛苦的 55 patch [pætʃ] n.补片;膏药;胶布

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 perfume ['pə:fju:m, pə'fju:m] n.香水 porter ['pɔ:tə] n.行李搬运工 purchase ['pə:tʃəs] n.购买 receive [ri'si:v] v.收到

recommendation [rekəmen'deiʃən] n.推荐,介绍 relaxed [ri'lækst] a.放松的;松懈的 relief [ri'li:f] n.解除;宽慰;免除 require [ri'kwaiə] v.需要;要求 resident ['rezidənt] a.居住的 n.居民 rocky ['rɔki] a.(多)岩石的 rotten ['rɔtn] a.腐烂的;腐朽的;讨厌的 sandy ['sændi] a.沙的;多沙的 scared [skeəd] a.惊慌的;吓坏了的 seat [si:t] n.座;座位 seat belt ['si:t ˌbelt] 安全带 sheltered ['ʃeltəd] a.掩蔽的;遮蔽的 showdown ['ʃəudaun] n.摊牌 sigh [sai] n.叹气,叹息 similar ['similə, 'simələ] a.相似的 stony ['stəuni] a.多石的;冷酷的 stuff [stʌf] n.材料;东西 stupid ['stju:pid] a.愚蠢的 superb [su:'pə:b,sju:-] a.壮丽的;极好的 surround [sə'raund] vt.围绕 sycophantic [sikə'fæntik] a.谄媚的

tolerable ['tɔlərəbəl] a.可容忍的;可忍受的 valley ['væli] n.山谷,溪谷 visa ['vi:zə] n.签证 vision ['viʒən] n.视觉;视野 wave [weiv] v.波动 worry ['wʌri] v.担心

Lesson 4 Rigehts and Wrongs是是非非

1 academy [ə'kædəmi] n.(高等)专科院校;专门学校 2 act [ækt] v.行动;表演 3 apparently [ə'pærəntli] ad.显然 4 arson ['ɑ:sən] n.纵火 5 arsonist ['ɑ:sənist] n.纵火犯 6 authoritarian [ɔ:ˌθɔri'teəriən]a.独裁主义的 7 authority [ɔ:'θɔriti] n.权威;权力 8 believable [bi'li:vəbl] a.可相信的 9 blow [bləu] v.吹 10 burglar ['bə:glə] n.夜盗;窃贼 11 burglary ['bə:gləri] n.夜盗行为;盗窃 12 burgle ['bə:gəl] v.夜盗;盗窃财物 13 burn [bə:n] v.烧 14 cadet [kə'det] n.军校学员;练习生


15 camp [kæmp] n.营地

16 career [kə'riə] n.生涯,职业 17 circumstance ['sə:kəmstəns] n.情况,环境 18 companion [kəm'pæniən] n.同伴;同事 19 confrontation [kɔnfrən'teiʃən] n.对抗 20 courage ['kʌridʒ] n.勇气 21 creep [kri:p] v.爬行;潜行 22 crime [kraim] n.罪,罪行 23 criminal ['kriminəl] n.罪犯 24 currently ['kʌrəntli] ad.当前 25 defend [di'fend] v.防守,为...辩护 26 delighted [di'laitid] a.高兴的 27 demand [di'mɑ:nd] v.要求;查问 28 detective [di'tektiv] n.侦探 29 distraught [di'strɔ:t] a.异常激动的;发狂的 30 division [di'viʒən] n.部门

31 embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt] n.窘迫 32 embezzlement [im'bezəlmənt] n.盗用;贪污 33 enemy ['enimi] n.敌人;仇敌 34 entail [in'teil] v.必需;使承担 35 event [i'vent] n.事件,事情 36 fact [fækt] n.事实 37 female ['fi:meil] a.女性的 38 fiction ['fikʃən] n.虚构,杜撰 39 fine [fain] n.罚金,罚款 40 foam [fəum] n.泡沫

41 gang [gæŋ] n.一伙人;(歹徒等的)一帮 42 half-eaten ['hɑ:f i:tən] a.一半被吃掉的 43 hero ['hiərəu] n.英雄 44 hide [haid] v.隐藏 45 impatience [im'peiʃəns] n.不耐烦 46 investigate [in'vestigeit] v.调查 47 justice ['dʒʌstis] n.正义 48 knight [nait] n.骑士,武士 49 landowner ['lændəunə] n.地主 50 lead [li:d] v.引导,致使 51 legend ['ledʒənd] n.传说,传奇

52 legendary ['ledʒəndəri] a.传说中的,传奇的 53 loan [ləun] n.贷款

54 local government [ləukəl 'gʌvənmənt] n.地方政府 55 merry ['meri] a.欢乐的 56 mug [mʌg] v.对...行凶抢劫 57 mugger ['mʌgə] n.行凶抢劫者 58 mugging ['mʌgiŋ] n.行凶抢劫 59 murder ['mə:də] n./v.谋杀,凶杀 60 murderer ['mə:dərə] n.杀人犯,凶手

61 notice ['nəutis] v.注意 62 outlaw ['autlɔ:] n.歹徒;逃犯 63 patrol [pə'trəul] n.巡逻 64 pickpocket ['pikˌpɔkit] n.扒手 65 prison sentence ['prizən ˌsentəns] n.徒刑 66 property ['prɔpəti] n.财产 67 protect [prə'tekt] v.保护 68 punch [pʌntʃ] v.用拳猛击;用力击 69 rebel ['rebəl] v.造反 n.造反者 70 representative [repri'zentətiv] n.代表 71 reputation [repju'teiʃən] n.名誉,声望 72 riot ['raiət] n.暴乱;骚动 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 apology [ə'pɔlədʒi] n.道歉 applaud [ə'plɔ:d] v.喝彩;欢呼 basic ['beisik] a.基本的 best-selling ['best'seliŋ] a.畅销的 book-keeping ['buk ˌki:piŋ] n.簿记 chassis ['ʃæsi] n.底盘;底架

clockwise ['klɔk-waiz] ad.顺时针方向转地 complain [kəm'plein] v.抱怨 component [kəm'pəunənt] n.组成部分;成分 correspondence[kɔri'spɔndəns] n.通信;符合 delivery [di'livəri] n.传送;交付 deserve [di'zə:v] v.应受,值得 73 rob [rɔb] v.抢劫;盗取 20 74 robber ['rɔbə] n.强盗,盗贼 21 75 robbery ['rɔbəri] n.抢劫案 22 76 series ['siəri:z] n.连续,系列 23 77 serve [sə:v] v.服务,服役;服刑 24 78 several ['sevərəl] pron.几个 25 79 shoot [ʃu:t] v.发射 26 80 shoplifter ['sɔpˌliftə]n.在商店中行窃的小偷 27 81 shoplifting ['ʃɔpˌliftiŋ] n.进商店行窃 28 82 snatch [snætʃ] v.抢夺 29 83 spray [sprei] n.喷雾(液体);喷雾器 30 84 steal [sti:l] v.偷窃 31 85 symbol ['simbəl] n.象征 32 86 theft [θeft] n.偷窃 33 87 thief [θi:f] n.窃贼,小偷 34 88 threaten ['θretn] v.威胁 35 89 till [til] n.(账台中)放钱的抽屉 36 90 vandal ['vændəl]n.破坏他人(或公共)财产者 37 91 vandalise ['vændəllaiz]v.破坏(他人或公共财产) 38 92 vandalism ['vændəlizəm] n.破坏他人(或公共)财39 产的行为 40 93 violent ['vaiələnt] a.猛烈的,暴力的 41 94 washing machine ['wɔʃiŋ məˌʃi:n] n.洗衣机 42 95 while [wail] a.当...的时候 43 96 white collar [ˌwait 'kɔlə] a.白领的 44 97 witness ['witnis] n.目击(者);目睹

45 Lesson 5 For Sale 促销之道

46 47 1 abbreviate [ə'bri:vieit] v.缩写 48 2 abbreviation [əˌbri:vi'eiʃən] n.缩写 49 3 accountant [ə'kauntənt] n.会计 50 4 advertise ['ædvətaiz] v.登(做)广告 51 5 agent ['eidʒənt] n.代理人;代理商 52 6 aisle [ail] n.(席位间的)通道 53 7

aluminium [ælju'miniəm] n.铝



design [di'zain] n./v.设计 desktop ['desktɔp] n.桌面电脑 differ ['difə] v.不同,相异 display [di'splei] n./v.展览;陈列,显示 distinction [di'stiŋkʃən] n.优良;卓越 distribute [di'stribju:t] vt.分发;分布 employ [im'plɔi] v.雇用,使用 enclose [in'kləuz] v.装有;含有;围住 encourage [in'kʌridʒ] v.鼓励 export [ik'spɔ:t] v.输出,出口

eye level['ailevəl]n.齐眼睛的高度,与眼睛对平 fuel tank ['fjuəl tæŋk] n.燃料箱,燃料罐 grow [grəu] v.生长;发展

hand-crafted [hænd 'krɑ:ftid] a.手工制作的 hand made [hænd 'meid]a.手工制的 huntsman ['hʌntsmən] n.猎人 image ['imidʒ] n.像;映像;形象 import [im'pɔ:t, 'impɔ:t] v.进口 inspect [in'spekt] v.检查,审查;视察 invoice ['invɔis] n.发票,装货清单 karate[kə'rɑ:ti]n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术) layout ['leiaut] n.布局,陈设 luxurious [lʌg'zjuəriəs] a.奢侈的,豪华的

manufacturer[mænju'fæktʃərə]n.制造人,厂商 mass-produced[mæsprə'dju:st] a.大批生产的 necklace ['neklis] n.项链 order ['ɔ:də] n./v.定购;命令 original [ə'ridʒənəl] a.最初的;原始的 package ['pækidʒ] n.包裹;包;捆 panel ['pænl] n.专门小组;一组调查对象 payment ['peimənt] n.支付,付款 peasant ['pezənt] n.农民 peel [pi:l] v.剥(皮),削(皮) persuade [pə'sweid] v.说服,劝服 pick [pik] v.摘,采;挑选


《展望未来 3 语法练习题集》



1. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ______ he grew up as a child.

A. which B. that C. where D. when

2. Carol said the work would be done by October, _______ personally I doubt very much.

A.it B. that C. when D. which

3. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _____, of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who B. which C. this D. what

4. _____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. (NMET 2001)

A. It B. As C. That D. What

5. The film brought the hours back to me __________ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until B. that C. when D. where

6. __________ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior school is increasing.

A. Which B. As C. That D. It

7. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., _______ many people have got home.

A. whose time B. that C. on which D. by which

8. All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those __________ in the forest.

A. once they grew B. they grew once C. they once grew D. once grew

9. He made another wonderful discovery, __________ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is

10. He was very rude to the Customs officer, __________ of course made things even worse.

A. who B. whom C. what D. which

11. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, __________ was very reasonable.

A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose

12. He‟s got himself into a dangerous situation __________ he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where B. which C. while D. why

13. I can think of many cases __________ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn‟t write a good essay.

A. why B. which C. as D. where

14. The gentleman __________ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.

A. who B. about whom C. whom D. with whom

15. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, __________ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

A. that B. while C. which D. when

16. The result of the experiment was very good, __________ we hadn‟t expect.

A. when B. that C. which D. what

17. Have you seen the film Titanic, __________ leading actor is world famous?

A. its B. it‟s C. whose D. which

18. John said he‟d been working in the office for an hour, __________ was true.

A. he B. this C. which D. who

19. Is this the reason __________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained

20. The famous basketballer, _______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.

A. where B. when C. which D. who

21. We are living in an age __________ many things are done on computer. (2003北京春)

A. which B. that C. whose D. when

22. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and some other places, __ other visitors seldom go.

A. what B. which C. where D. when

23. York, ________ last year, is a nice old city.

A. that I visited B. which I visited C. where I visited D. in which I visited

24. Luckily, we'd brought a road map without __________ we would have lost our way.

A. it B. that C. this D. which

25. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, ________ the sailing time was 226 days.

A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which

26. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% __________are sold abroad.

A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that

27. There are two buildings, __________stands nearly a hundred feet high.

A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which

28. The English play __________ my students acted at the New Year‟s party was a great success.

A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which


1. C。先行词是地点名词,且定语从句中缺地点状语,用关系副词 where。

2. D。关系代词 which 代替 Carol 所说的话。句意为:Carol 说这工作将在十月完成,我本人对此表示怀疑。

3. B。关系代词 which 代表前面整个主句,在定语从句中作主语。of course 为插入语,做题时可略去不看。

4. B。关系代词 as 代表整个主句,在定语从句中作主语。

5. C。先行词是表示时间的词 the hours,并在定语从句中作状语,因此选关系副词 when。定语从句与先行词被 back to me 分开。

6. B。as 在定语从句中代表主句。意为“正如…”,它引导的定语从句既可放在主句前,也可放在主句后。which 也可以代表主句,意为“这 / 那件事…”,但它引导的定语从句只能放在主句的后面。

7. D。on 不表钟点; by 指时间“到那时为止”。句意为“在办公室里,我似乎直到下午5:30才有空,那时,许多人都已回到家。”

8. C。先行词是 those(指 those flowers)。they once grew 前省略了关系代词 which。副词 once 要放在行为动词前。句意为:这儿所养的花是由他们曾在森林里种植的花培养出来的。

9. A。答案中的“I think”是插入语,如果将其去掉,便可清楚地看出答案。另外,which 在题中引导一个非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。

10. D。考点与是在第20小题相同,题干的句子结构也几乎一样。

11. B。表示先行词所表示的“那个人或物的…”用 whose…或the…of which=of which…。因此,表示 “花瓶的价格” 可说 the price of which 或 of which the price 或 whose price。另外,若在 its price 前加 and 也对。

12. A。先行词是 situation,指地点位置,用 where(=in which)引导定语从句。

13. D。先行词是 many cases,定语从句中缺状语(in many cases在许多情况下),用 where (=in which)引导定语从句。

14. B。tell sb about…把有关…的情况告诉某人。

15. D。这是非限制性定语从句,先行词是 moment,关系词在从句中作状语,用 when。

16. C。which 代表整个主句,在定语从句中作 hadn‟t expected 的宾语。

17. C。用 whose 作定语。

18.C。关系代词 which,代表 John 所说之事,在定语从句中作主语。which = and that / this / it。

19. A。the reason 后接定语从句。因为代表先行词 the reason 的关系代词 that / which 作 explained 的宾语,所以被省略了。注意与 the reason why?不同:Is there any reason why you can‟t come? (why 在定语从句中作状语)

20. D。先行词是人 The famous basketballer(著名的篮球明星),用 who 引导定语从句。

21. D。先行词是表时间的 age(时代),并在定语从句中作状语,用 when。

22. C。先行词是地点名词 places,并在定语从句中作状语,用 where(

23. B。先行词虽然是表地点的 York,但代表它的关系词在定语从句中作及物动词 visited 的宾语,排除 C 和 D; 又因 that 不可引导非限制性定语从句,排除 A。

24. D。此题不仅考查定语从句,同时考查虚拟语气。其中的without which为介词加关系代词结构,介词短语表达与过去事实相反的条件。

25. A。这是考查非限制性定语从句。因为the sailing time与nine months是部分与整体的关系,所以选A:of which the sailing time =the sailing time of which =and the sailing time of the nine months。句意是:这次环球旅行花了这个老水手9个月的时间,其中海上航行时间有226天。

26. A。因为前后是句子,而又没有连词连接,所以选A,将后句变成一个起补充作用的非限制性定语从句,80% of which=and 80% of them (其中80%)。

27. D。因前后是两个句子,必须要有连词将其连接,排除A和B; 若选C,那么that引导的定语从句修饰the large one,因缺少谓语动词而不成句子; 所以只有D正确:the larger of which =and the larger of them (其中较大的那一座建筑物)。

28. C。因为表示“在剧中演出”是act in a play,所以选C:my students acted in the play。


1. He asked me _________ we could go to Beijing to watch the games by plane .

A. that B. if C. how D. what

2. ---I wonder __________ she will be able to come back from Hong Kong .

---Maybe tomorrow morning .

A. when B. where C. if D. that

3. Our physics teacher asked _____________ .

A. if is everyone here B. if everyone is here C. if everyone was here

4. How lovely the dog is ! Can you tell me _____________ ?

A. where did you get it B. where will you get it C. where you got it

5. ---Can you tell me __________ ?

---She is in the computer lab .

A. where Linda was B. where is Linda C. where was Linda D. where Linda is

6. John asked me _____________ to visit his uncle‟s farm with him .

A. How would I like B. if or not would I like C. whether I would like D. which I would like

7. My friend wanted to know _____________ with his new car .

A. what wrong is B. what is wrong C. what wrong was D. what was wrong

8. Do you know what color _____________ ?

A. the little girl like best B. did the little girl like best

C. does the little girl like best D. the little girl likes best

9. ---Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her ?

---Because she wondered ___________ .

A. where did other students go B. when would the policeman come

C. what her students have done during the trip D. if her students had survived the earthquake

10.--- I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _______ ?

---- Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.

A. where is the nearest hospital B. how long it will take me to the airport.

C. how far is my trip to the Olympic Village. D. how I can get to the National Museum

11. Everyone knows that the earth _______ around the sun.

A. moves B. was moving C. moved D. is moved



1. He was made _____.

A. go B. gone C. going D. to go

2. I saw the boy _____ out a moment ago.

A. run B. runs C. how to run D. running

3. They knew her very well. They had seen her _____ up from childhood.

A. grow B. grew C. growing D. to grow

4. Most of the people _____ to the party were famous scientists.

A. invited B. to invited

C. being invited D. inviting

5. The television is a _____ machine.

A. newly-inventing B. newly-invented

C. newly-invent D. newly-invention

6. The workers are pouring _____ steel into the model.

A. melting B. melted

C. melt D. being melted

7. Mr. Wang has two _____ sons; one has got married and the other has gone abroad.

A. grow-up B. growing-up

C. grown-up D. grew-up

8. The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn't make his point _____.

A. understand B. understanding

C. to understand D. understood

9. -Who were those people with the banners?

-A group _____ itself the League For Peace.

A. calling B. calls

C. called D. is called

10. Returning to the room, _____.

A. the book was lost B. I found the book missing

C. the book was missing D. I found the losing book

11. If _____ green, the door might look more beautiful.

A. paint B. painted

C. to paint D. painting

12. He never let himself _____.

A. cheating B. be cheated

C. being cheated D. to be cheated

13. "Can't you read?" Mary said _____ to the notice.

A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily

C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing

14. Dick made it _____ to all his friends.

A. to know B. known

C. know D. knowing

15. I had Helen's brother _____ the windows, but Helen had them _____ instead.

A. to clean; cleaned B. cleaned; cleaned

C. cleaning; cleaned D. clean; cleaned

16. You'd better not have the light _____ all day long.

A. burning B. burned

C. to burn D. being burnt

17. _____ how to express the idea in English, he turned to the dictionary.

A. Does not know B. Not knowing

C. Knowing not D. Not to know

18. On entering the office, I found Mr. Thompson _____ at the desk and _____ something.

A. seated; write B. seated; writing

C. seat; write D. seating; writing

19. Please get someone _____ the washing machine. I want to get it _____ as soon as possible.

A. to repair; to be repaired B. repair; repaired

C. to repair; be repaired D. to repair; repaired

20. _____ more time, he could have done the work much better.

A. To be given B. To give

C. Given D. Giving

21. The information _____ to me is of great value.

A. brought B. taken

C. being taken D. being carried

22. The building _____ next month will be a modern hospital.

A. built B. being built

C. to be built D. to built

23. _____, Mr. Thompson left the room.

A. Drinking the coffee B. Had drunk the coffee

C. After drank the coffee D. Having drunk the coffee

24. _____ afraid _____ behind, Bill studied even harder than ever before.

A. To be; of falling B. Being; fall

C. Being; of falling D. To be; to fall




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