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《春季小心吃发物 容易旧病复发》
旧病复发的复是什么意思 第一篇

春季小心吃发物 容易旧病复发

春季是个百花盛开的季节,当然很多花茶也是对身体非常有好处的。中医学认为,春饮花茶好,因为这种茶可散发冬天积在人体内的寒邪,浓郁的香茶,又能促进人体阳气生发,提神醒脑,清除睡意。尤其是对女性,有针对性地每天喝花草茶,能由内而外改善体质和肤质。下面就与小编一起来学习一下吧。 花草茶赏心悦目,果香四溢,入口回甘。它不同于一般的食补,气味难以下咽,调制过程复杂,花茶适合现代人在任何时间及场合饮用。春天是人体新陈代谢最活跃的时期,无论普通人或有基础疾病的特殊人群,都容易突发疾病。花茶有一定的药用价值,如能根据个人的体质来对症饮用,将有助于提高身体免疫力,调理病症。

菊花茶 抗辐射抑














旧病复发的复是什么意思 第二篇


Old games in vogue as China finance system faces erosion

Thanks partly to a lack of transparency by the Chinese authorities and partly to ignorance from the rest of the world, economic headlines emanating from Beijing tend to cause panic and euphoria?in equal measure and rapid succession.

So a slowdown in Chinese growth in the first quarter and the realisation that China has entered a period of slower economic expansion have shaken global markets in everything from commodities to currencies over the past two days.

In the wake of the first quarter dip, fears of an imminent financial crash have proliferated. But a cursory examination of how China works should help ease fears for now.

When we think of an archetypal financial crisis we usually think about it in terms of a catastrophic and rapid loss of faith in the soundness of a finan-cial institution or system.【旧病复发的复是什么意思】

To simplify things, we can divide financial crises into three categories.

In the most recent example in 2008 the crash came with a run on previously rock solid institutions such as Lehman Brothers by other institutions as they suddenly decided there was nothing really backing the piles of clever financial instruments they had all accumulated.

In 1997 we saw another category of crisis unfold when investors lost faith in countries and pulled their money out of Asian tigers and dragons such as Thailand and South Korea.

The third category of crisis – a public run on one or more financial institutions – has been around for as long as people have been lending money to each other and was most recently seen in Britain with the run on Northern Rock in 2007.

None of these traditional systemic financial crises can happen in China.【旧病复发的复是什么意思】

Firstly, all large Chinese financial institutions are majority owned and directly controlled by the state, with senior executives appointed by the ruling Communist party.

A Lehman-style collapse is impossible because to avoid it the government would just have to call in the heads of all the major banks and order them to lend to each other again.

As for the prospect of a run by global investors, China’s strict capital controls make that very difficult, while $3.44tn in foreign exchange reserves gives Beijing ample firepower to defend its currency and system even if money can leak out.

The third scenario, which envisages a run on financial institutions by businesses and individuals, is also constrained by capital controls and state ownership of banks.

If you suddenly lose faith in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China why would you still have faith in China Construction Bank or Bank of China since they all have the same owner?

Since the banks are in effect backed by the full weight of the Communist party, the public would have to lose all faith in it in order to flee the state banks. If the party was being toppled, a financial crisis would probably be low on the list of concerns.

If we think of a financial crisis as a brief moment in which the old order rapidly falls apart, China appears to be well insulated. But there is another financial disaster scenario and it is one that played out in China a little over a decade ago.

Back then, the state-owned financial institutions, under orders from the party to avoid a traditional crisis at all costs, were busy rolling over, forgiving and hiding the mountains of bad loans they had built up through state-directed lending in the 1990s.

The result was non-performing loan ratios of up to 50 per cent and a clutch of zombie banks that kept on lending but created progressively less real economic activity.

Some analysts warn that a similar dynamic is at work today following the expansion in lending to local governments and state-backed infrastructure projects in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008.

Credit intensity figures in China show that more loans are needed to drive lower growth rates, and that suggests the old games of the late 1990s are back in vogue.

It is hard to envision a calamitous collapse in the Chinese financial system, but a slow erosion is probably already under way.







在距今最近的2008年金融危机中,一些机构把资金撤离雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)等曾经



第三种金融危机源于公众对一家或多家金融机构的挤兑。这种情况从人们开始互相借贷资金之日起就一直存在,最近一次出现是2007年在英国发生的对北岩银行(Northern Rock)的挤兑。

















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