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What's this in English



1.早晨在学校门口见到你的老师向她问好时应该说: .

A:How do you do? B. Goog morning!

C. Good afternoon D. Goodbye.

2.新的学年刚开始,到学校后遇到了你的老同学时应该说 .

A. How do you do? B. All right

C. How are you? D. Fine, thank you!

3.你同桌的书掉在了地上,你帮他捡了起来,他说Thank you!你应该说 

A. Thank you ,too . B. Fine, thank you.

C. I'm sorry, D. That's all right.

4.你的阿姨想知道你几岁了?她对你说:“How old are you?”你应该回答 • 。

A. I am eleven. B. My name is Li Lei.

C. How old are you? D. Yes, I am eleven.

5.在你放学回家的路上,遇到一位很久没见的老朋友,他说:“Nice to meet you.”你应该回答:“ ”

A. How are you! B. Fine, and you.

C. How do you do! D. Nice to meet you, too.。


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.D

Ⅱ.学习Unit 5, What's this in English?学习第五单元,用英语说这是什么?

Look at these pictures!请看这些图片。

1.cup 杯子 2.pencil 铅笔 3.ruler 尺子 4.book 书

5.desk 桌子(书桌) 6.clock 钟 7.pencil-box 铅笔盒 8.map地图 请反复朗读以上这些单词,然后与老师进行问答练习。首先老师自问自答,请同学注意问与答的形式及书写形式。


问:What's this in English? 回答:It's a cup. 用英语说这是什么? 这是茶杯。 问:Is it a pencil-box 回答:No, it isn't. 这是铅笔盒吗 •这不是铅笔盒。 第二组练习:

问:What's that in English 回答:It's a desk. 那个用英语说是什么?是书桌。 问:Is it a desk? 回答:Yes, it is.那个是书桌吗? 是的,那是书桌。


问:What are these in English? 回答:They are chairs.这些用英语说是什么? 这些是椅子。

问:Are they Chairs? 回答:Yes, they are. 这些是椅子吗?是的,这些是椅子。  第四组练习:

问:What are those in English? 回答:They are pens.那些用英语说是什么? 那些是钢笔

问:Are they pencils? 回答:No, they aren't. 那些是铅笔吗? 不,那些不是铅笔。


this这个,that那个, these这些, those那些,在英语中被称为:指示代词。指示代词有单数,复数之分。this这个,that那个表示单数,these这些,those那些表示复数形式。单数指示代词要与be动词is连用,而复数指示代词则与be动词are连用。this, these是指离说话人很近的人或物。that, those表示离说话人远的人或物。this和that只能修饰单数名词,如:this car that bus.等等 而these和those只能修饰复数名词:如:these people, those books等等。


in English是用英语„„。in加上某一种语言,就不是用什么语言写。说„„

如:I can write a letter in English. 我能够用英语写。

Can you say the word in Russian?我会用俄语说这个词吗?



1.特殊疑问句通常用降调朗读。如:What's this?

2.在回答的时候不用yes,或no,而做直接回答。如:What's your name? My name is ××.

3.开头必须是疑问代词或疑问副词,如:What(什么) where (哪•)who(谁) How(怎样)等等。



1.一般疑问句通常读升调。如:Is it a pen?

2.在回答的时候必须用yes或no开头。而不能做直接回答。如:Is it a map? Yes, it is.


如:①Are you eleven? Yes, I am。或,No, I am not.


②Can you spell your name, please? Yes I can,或No, I can't.




Ⅲ.Please open your book on page 19 and 20. 请打开书19页和20页。

Look at Lesson 19. Do it in pairs. 请看19课,最好两个人做看图回答练习。 Ⅳ.Please do the following exercise:请做下面的综合性练习。

1.Complete the dialogue.完成下列对话。

A:Hello, Jim ,What's this in English?

B:It's .

A:Is it your orange?

B:Yes, .

A: And what's this in English? Is it an apple?

B:NO, it . It's a pear. A:Is it your , too? B: ,it is n't.

2.找出划线部分读音与众不同的选项。 1.A.English B. egg C. pen D. desk 2.A.clock B. box C. orange D. old 3.A.map B. banana C. that D. apple 4.A.bus B. number C. ruler D. cup 5.A.too B. good C. look D. book

3.用适当的词填空,使句意完整。 6.What this English? It's apple. 7.Is this orange? No, isn't. It's •egg. 8. that Japanese car? , it is. 9.This a car. is English car. 10.What class you ? I in Class One.

4.单项选择: 11. are you? Fine, thank you.

A. What B. How C. How old D. Where 12. is your name? Li Lei

A. What B. How C. How old D. Where 13. That's an jeep.

A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. American(美国的) 14. It's a cup.

A. What's that? B. Are you Lin Tao? C. Is it a cup? 15. I'm eleven.

A. What's this? B. Can you spell it? C. How old are you? Ⅴ.Homework:家庭作业




Starter Unit 2

What’s this in English?


Go for it! 学生用书的每个单元有6页,其中包括Section A、Section B和Self Check。Section A为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如;Self Check使学生对自己现阶段的英语水平,即对本单元的语音目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。

Starter Unit 2是Go for it! 预备篇三个单元中的第二单元。预备篇是为了使没有英语学习基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个英文字母和最基本的英语日常用语。


A、 语言知识目标

1、 词汇:Letters Ii——Rr


2、 句型:What is this in English?

It is a/an map/orange„【whats,this,in,english】

Spell it, please. P- E- N, pen.

B、 语言技能目标


C、 情感目标

1、 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的主动性;

2、 通过小组活动 、组间竞赛,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神;




2、What’s this in English? It’s a/an„句型

3、a/an 的正确使用


Go for it! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以培养学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。每个单元的教学内容都围绕一个相对集中的主题,让学生在完成各项任务的过程中学会语言,真正体现“Learn by doing. Learn through doing.”的教学原则。但是在Go for it! 的教材上,每个单元只有一个总体的教学内容安排,既没有具体的课时数安排,也没有分课时的教学内容安

排。所以,对教师来说,这是个机会——是灵活运用教材的机会。对Go for it!,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,都是合理的。但这也是挑战——教师必须从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,合理安排每单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。


1、 兴趣活动教学策略:多采用做游戏和猜谜等形式。

2、 开放性教学策略:新课标的理念之一是“开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道”。这要求我们


3、 任务型教学策略:任务型教学途径是以应用为动力,以应用为目的,以应用为核心的教




1、 通过闪现等活动,锻炼学生反应能力和注意力集中程度。

2、 通过猜物体等活动,培养学生的逻辑推理能力。


五、单元课时分配 8 课时

第1课时:完成Section A——1a,1b,1c。

课时目标: 学习key等词汇

学习确认物体(Identify things)

学习a/an 的初步用法

第2---4课时:完成Section A——2a,2b,2c,2d,3;Section B——1a,1b,2a,2b

课时目标: 学习字母 Ii——Rr



第5--7课时:完成Section A——4a,4b,4c,5;

Section B——3a,3b,4;Self Check 1,2,3,4。

课时目标: 学习将相同元音音素的字母和单词归类



第8课时: 语言活动,巩固知识。


1 period

Task 1 Warming up

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How are you?

I’m fine, thanks.

How are you? I’m OK.(S-T,S-S)

(这一步,旨在引导学生在真实的交际中运用Starter Unit1中学到的日常用语,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的快乐。)

Task 2 A Guessing game

Teachers show a part of a letter and ask,“What’s this?”Get the students to answer


questions like this“I think it’s A/B.”Then show the whole of the letter to let the students

check whether they’re right or wrong..

(让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象力,猜出其中是什么字母。既复习学过的字母,又丰富学 生的想象力。“What’s this? It’s„”是本单元的重点句型。通过这个游戏,让学生在听说中



Task 3 Presentation

Show the picture of a girl and her room, then present the new words and the


What’s this in English? It’s„


Task 4 Listen, look and say

a. Section A—1a b. Section A—1b

Task 5 Word challenge

Show the things as quickly as possible, have a competition between boys and girls.

Get them to name the things they see.


Task 6 Pair work


Get the Ss to practice the conversation in

the picture. Then make their own conversations.

Task 7 Group work

Students work in groups, draw a picture , Of their room and talk about the picture Using “What’s this in English? It’s a/an„” Teacher is ready to offer his/her help to those students who are in need of it.


Task 8 Report

Ask some demonstration groups to show their pictures before the whole class. They may do like this: This is my room. What’s this in English? It’s a/an„



1、 Read and recite the new words and The conversation in this period.。

2、Get the students to finish the pictures of their rooms and write down the English names of the things in their rooms.


2—4 periods

Task 1 Warming up

a. Greetings.

b. A Guessing game.

Teacher prepare 8 pieces of paper with the words in Section A on them. Put them in a box. Get one of the students to pick a word out of the box. The other students ask: What’s this in English? The student answers: It’s a/an „

c. Letters challenge(Unit 1).


Task 2 Presentation【whats,this,in,english】

Teacher presents the new letters.

Task 3 Listen, number and write

Section A—2a, 2b, 2c, 2d.

Task 4 Letter BINGO

Get Ss to draw a form of 16 squares in their exercise books and play the BINGO game. Teacher may get one of the students to call out the letters.


Task 5 Look and learn

a. Section A-3

b. Teacher shows more special letters.

c. Ss try to think of other special letters.


Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?










this和that均指单数的事物。this指处于说话者近处的事物;that指处于说话者远处的事物。而it则指代上文出现的单数的事物,也可指代上文出现的this或that。例如: A:What’s this? 这是什么?

B:It’s a pen.这是支钢笔。

c:And what’s that over there? 那边的是什么?

B:It’s a ruler.那是把尺子。





Period 1

Step l:Introduction

Review greetings.

Review the letters learn in the last unit. Get the students to introduce themselves in English. Step 2:Lead—in

Have ready a quilt,a map,a jacket,a key,a ruler,a pen,an orange.Hold the key up and say What’s this in English? It’s a key.

Repeat and then get students to repeat.Do the same with a key,a pen,a ruler.If possible,use flashcards to teach the spelling of the words.Put a flashcard beneath a drawing of each object.

Step 3:Practice

Listen.Play the tape twice.Have the students circle the things they hear.

Get the students to act out the conversations in the picture of 1a. Make sure the students understand what they should do.Students can work in pairs then ask them to act out the conversations they made.

Do 2a,2b,2c and 2d one after another.2b:after the students do 2a, show them how to write the letters on the blackboards,both of “Big” and “small".Make sure all the students know how to write them. Use the flashcards to practise saying the names of the letters and to learn their order.Before doing 2c,ask the students to give the letters containing the/i:/and /e/ sounds.Repeat with the // and/a/sounds.List them out on the blackboard.Then get them to listen to the tape and read the letters and words after the tape.

Step4:Games time

Play the letter game with the students like the following instructions.Sometimes the teacher can explain the rules of the game in Chinese.



Step 5:Homework

Finish off the workbook (Do entering famous school)

Period 2

Step 1:Lead—in

Write the names in the big letters on the blackboard,teach the students to read the names.Then get them to listen to the tape and number the names.Have the students pay attention to your writing names on the Bb.Make sure everyone knows how to write the names.

Step 2:Pairwork

Give each student an English name.Make them remember it and know how to spell it. Write your name,and one or two others on the blackboard. Ask students to look at the words carefully.Explain how capitals are used in English names.

Step 3:Pairwork

Ask the students to say out where we can find English words or English names around us and what they are.What’s the meaning of it?

Maybe the students can list a 1ot.If they couldn’t,give them some notes such as WC, NBA,Exit and so on. Let the students try their best to search as many abbreviations as possible. step 4:Practice

And get them to introduce themselves to the others with their new English name.All these must do after the students know how to do it.The teacher can give them an example with the help of one student.The teacher can take the dialogue on the book for an example.Practise:



A:I’m Paula.P—A—U—L—A,Paula.What’s your name?

B:I’m James.J—A—M—E—S,James.

A:How do you do?

B:How do you do?

A:Nice t0 meet you.

B:Nice to meet you,too.

Have students switch roles and repeat.

step 5:Homework

Copy the new words and Finish off the workbook. (Do entering famous school)

Period 3

Step 1:Lead—in

Have ready a map,an orange,a ruler,a pen,a key, a quilt.Use these to ask students:What’s this in English?

Get them to answer the question one by one.Then ask them to listen and number the words they hear.

After they finish 1a,make sure they read the words correctly.And ask students to write the words down in small letters.

Step 2:Pairwork

Do the contents list on the book.Then play a guess game.The teacher should get ready a soft bag,and some objects such as a ruler,a pen,a key,an orange and so on.First show all the things to students,then hide all of them in the teacher’s desk,put one into the bag,try not to let students see it.At last get students to guess what’s in your bag.The teacher can ask the student:

T:What’s this in English?

A:Is it a book?

T:N0,it isn’t.

A:Is it a pen?

T:Yes,it is.

If the student Succeed.congratulate to him or her.Then do the same to another one. This game can also be played in small groups if you have enough materials.

Step 3:Listen and read

Have the students listen to the tape and repeat.

Get the students to listen to the tape and repeat,ask them to try to find what is the connection between the words.

Step 4:Homework

Finish off the workbook.(Do entering famous school)

Period 4

Step 1:Go through all the contents list on this part,make sure all the students understand them.If they don’t,you my use Chinese to explain it.

Step 2: Classwork (Do entering famous school)



( )1.; ( )2.; ( ( )4.; ( )5. ( ;( )7. ( )8.; ( ;( )10.;二、英汉词组互译


1.用汉语 2.一床被子 3.一个橙子

4.一件上衣 5.一幅地图 6.你的钢笔

7.in English 8.that key 9.this ruler 10.thank you



( )1.Good morning,class! a.My name is Jim.

( )2.Hello! b.Fine.thank you.

( )3.What’s your name? c.Dale is.

( )4.How are you,Jim? d.Hello!

( )5.What’s this? e.Thank you.

( )6.Sit down,please. f.Good morning.

g.It’s “M”.


( )1.This is ______ nice jacket.

A.an B.a C.one D./

( )2.What’s that _______in Chinese?

A. in B.to C.on D.at

( )3._______ your book?

A.This is B.Is its C.It’s D. Is this

( )4.---Colin,what’s this in English? ---__________.

A.This is a pen B.It’s a pen C.It’s pen D. This is pen

( )5.Is this ______ English book?

A.a B.an C.one D. /








一、1. S 2.D 3.S 4.S 5 .S 6. S 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.S

二、1.in Chinese 2.a quilt 3.an orange 4.a jacket 5.a map 6.your pen 7.用英语 8.那把钥匙 9.这支直尺 10.谢谢你

三、f d a b g e

四、1.B 2.A 3.D 4. B 5.B

五、1.This is Nancy. 2.Look,what’s this? 3.What’s this in English?

4.This is a nice quilt. 5.Spell it, please.

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