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Module 10 Unit 1 I've got a stomach ache教案



Module 10 UNIT 1 I've got a stomach ache

一、 教学内容


What is the matter?

I have got a stomach ache.

What did you eat yesterday?

I ate chocolate biscuits.

Wang fei has got a cold。

二、 教学目标



(4三、 教学重点


What is the matter?

I have got a stomach ache.

What did you eat yesterday

I ate chocolate biscuits。


五、 教学方法


六、 教具准备


UNIT 1 I've got a stomachache

一、 教学内容

词汇: matter stomach ache medicine chocolate


What is the matter?


I have got a stomach ache.

What did you eat yesterday?

I ate chocolate biscuits.

Wang fei has got a cold.

二、 教学目标





三、 教学重点


What is the matter?

I have got a stomach ache.

What did you eat yesterday?

I ate chocolate biscuits.

Wang fei has got a cold.

四、 教学难点

五、 教学过程

Step 1: greetings

S: Good afternoon.

Sing an English song.

Step 3: Presentation and Practice


What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is cake,

How many cakes can you eat?

I can eat three cakes.








I've got a stomach ache.

M10 U1 I’ve got a stomach ache





Module 10 Unit 1 He’s got a stomach ache

奎文区先锋小学 宋小娟


本模块着重谈论各种疾病,而第一单元侧重于情境的呈现,围绕生病就医展开话题。 故事中,句型“I’ve got a …”是在三年级学习过的;涉及到一般过去时态的句型“What did you eat yesterday?” “I ate …”在第八模块出现过类似句型,有所铺垫。

二、Teaching aims教学目标

1.知识技能目标:学生能听懂、会认读、会说新单词matter,medicine以及重点句型“What’s the matter?” “I’v got a stomach ache” “What did you eat yesterday?” “I ate …”从而理解故事内容,并能回答相关问题。




运用所学两组问答句型(“What’s the matter?” “I’ve got a stomach ache”“What did you eat yesterday?” “I ate …” )询问及表达自己的病情以及原因

四.Teaching aids: 教具

1. word cards. 2. PPT

五、Teaching Procedure:教学过程

Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greetings:

T: Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Song.

2. Sing a song.

T: Let’s enjoy a song. Stand up and clap your hands. (播放歌曲I’m thirsty. 学生跟唱。)

Step2: Lead in (以free talk的形式。)

T:What’s your favourite food? Ss:…

T: Yesterday I was hungry, so I ate a big bowl of noodles. (出示面条图片。)What did you eat yesterday?


T: What did Sam eat yesterday? Do you know?

Step3: Presentation

1. T: Listen and answer the question.


What did Sam eat yesterday?

Get the answer: He ate chocolate biscuits. (PPT出示图片。)

设计意图: 引导学生带着问题听录音, 创设任务情境,使得听更有目的性。

2. T: Chocolate biscuits are very delicious. But What’s the matter with Sam? And Why? Listen again and find out the answer.

Get the answer: He had got a Stomach ache.

He ate thirty biscuits. That’s too many!

3. Listen and repeat.

T: Now listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronounciation and

intonation. (注意及时纠正学生的发音,形成正确的语音语调。)

4. Work in groups and read the text fluently and emotionally. Then we’ll have a show.

5. Have a show. (小组上台展示,对学生进行及时的评价。)

Step4 : Practise

1. T: Look at the picture. What’s the matter?

T: What did he do yesterday? Can you guess? (PPT出示图片,学生看图片操练重点句型。)

2. 小检测。

What’s the matter?

I’ve got a ______________.

What did you eat yesterday?

I ate_________.

设计意图:设计检测环节,引导学生巩固学过的重点内容, 同时对所学内容进行检测,实现查漏补缺。

Step5: 拓展

T: Let’s learn to see the doctor. ( 根据课文内容,小组合作表演。)

2. 情感教育:合理膳食,健康人生。

Step 7 : Summary

1. What have we learned today? ( 引导学生起来说一下本节课的收获。可以用汉语。)

2. Which group is the winner? (小组评价总结。)

Step8: Homework

1. Listen and read the text at least 15 minutes.

2. Search the Internet and find out the information about eating health

and share with your parents.



奎文区先锋小学 宋小娟


Module 10 unit 1 I've got a stomach ache

Module10 Unit1 I’ve got a stomach ache. 一、教学准备和分析



① 技能与知识目标:

基本要求:能够听懂,能够说出带有过去时态的句型:“What did you eat?”会说这个简单的情景对话:在诊所里,病人肚子疼,与医生的对话。

初步要求:进一步了解did与不同的疑问词的搭配使用,如:与when, where, what等词的使用。

复习巩固:能够听懂并说出“What did you eat ? What’s the matter?” 能够应用学习过的知识向别人询问过去发生的事情,并且通过游戏和韵诗等的活动,熟悉基本的过去时态的问句。

② 运用能力目的:能比较熟练地运用What did„? When did„?语句结构来询问一些发生过的事情,并能辨明what, when 与did搭配时回答的区别。能在他人用What did„? When did„?询问时,比较熟练地运用正确的过去时态回答问题。并且会说在诊所里与医生的对话。

③ 素质教育目的:通过本模块的学习,学生能对所学的内容进行主动联系和实践,能向他人提一些问题来询问过去发生过的事情,并能与他人积极合作,使学生在活动中掌握知识。


对一般过去时态的进一步学习,用句型“What did „? / When did „? ”有针对性地对过去发生的事情进行提问。”What’s the matter?”询问发生什么事儿了?





① 进一步学习“What did „? / When did „? ”句型。

② 学习 matter 麻烦事 medicine 药 toothache 牙疼 fever 发烧

③ 扩展学习。学习“What did „? / When did „? ”句型对于不同人称时的提问与回答,并且能运用过去时态明确地询问事件发生的时间、地点、人物、事件,会说我得了感冒,我患了牙疼„„等.


① 学生通过本节课的学习可以向别人询问,诉说自己的身体状况。

② 能够在真实的情境中灵活的运用过去时态,并且做一些过去事情的调查。



Step1 Warm-up and review

1 Sing a song and do the actions.

2 Review the past tense of verbs.

Step2 Presentation

1 Warmer:【have,got,a,stomach,ache】【have,got,a,stomach,ache】

Show the screen and let the students write the past tense of verbs. Then show the new words: matter,麻烦事 medicine,药 toothache,牙疼 fever,发烧

Get the students to draw a picture of a body and then write the following words in the appropriate places: back, stomach, head, ear, tooth,

Explain to the students that these are places on their body where they can have an ache, headache, earache, toothache.

Do some actions and mimes to represent different illnesses and ailments. The students have to say, ‘You’ve got a „’


Ss: You’ve got a cold.

T: Yes.【have,got,a,stomach,ache】


Ss: You’ve got a stomach ache.

T: That’s right.

2 Listen and say:

What’s the matter?

I’ve got a stomach ache.

What did you eat yesterday?

I ate chocolate biscuits. 4 Show the tasks and have a chant

Show the tasks:① Read and translate. ② Ask some questions. Then work in groups and perform. Then have a chant.

5 Practice

Work in groups and make a dialogue.

e.g. S1: What’s the matter?

S2: I’ve got a stomach ache.

S3: I’ve got a toothache.

S4: What did you eat yesterday? S5: I ate four hamburgers.

6 Homework


After class, talk about your weekends.

e.g. S1: What did you eat yesterday?

S2: I played football.

7 Board design





新标准英语第七册第十模块第一单元I've got a stomach ache教学设计



I’ve got a stomach ache.




学习并掌握单词 :matter, stomach ache, medicine, chocolate biscuits。学习运用句型: What’s the matter? I’ve got a stomach ache.What did you eat yesterday? I ate chocolate biscuits.运用活动式教学,辅以TPR教学法,充分发挥学生的主体地位,调动学生的积极性和团结协作的精神。在教学中教育学生养成良好的饮食习惯。






课件,CD, cassette,糖果等。


Ⅰ. Preparation

1 Greet to the children.

2 The teacher show a bag to the kids, and say:“I’m very happy to have a class with all of you today. And I bring you some presents here. Can you guess what is in the bag?” The children guess.Then the teacher show the sweets to them.Ask the kids to guess the number of the sweets in order to revise numbers they learnt before. T: “We all like sweets. But don’t eat too many. It’s bad for your teeth and maybe it will make feel

teethache or stomach ache. Today Sam meets trouble. What happened to him? Let’s see the story together!”

Ⅱ. Presentation

1 Play the cartoon of this text on the big screen. The pupils watch it and think the teacher’s question : Where is Sam? Then answer the question:

He’s at the doctor’s.

2 Listen to the cassette and follow it to read the dialogue sentence by sentence.

3 Learn the text in details.

1) Teach the new word: matter and the sentences What’s the matter? I’ve got a stomach ache.(write them on the board) Show the words which are connected with ache on the screen and ask the kids to say the chant after the teacher , do the actions as well.

Headache, headache, earache

Toothache, toothache, backache

2) Elicit the children to ask and answer with the sentence structure. Encourage the kids to act the illness with gestures. Then say the chant:

What, what, what’s the matter? I’ve I’ve I’ve got a headache. What, what, what’s the matter? I’ve I’ve I’ve got a toothache.

3) Teach the new word: medicine spell it and read it in different intonation. Learn the new phrase: take this medicine and do the actions


4 Ask the children to read the text after the teacher and find the sentence with I’ve got…

5 Let the pupils to read the text by themselves.

6 The teacher and the students read the dialogue in two charactors together.

7 The children practice reading of the text in pairs.

8 Ask and answer the questions about the story.

What’s the matter with Sam? He’ got a stomach ache.

What did he eat yesterday? He ate chocolate biscuits.

How many biscuits did he eat? He ate thirty biscuits.

Ⅲ Practice

1 Show the short essay on the big screen and ask the kids to fill in the blanks with the given words. Then check it and read it together.

2 Look at the pictures given on the screen, practice asking and answering the key sentence structures in pairs:

A: What’s the matter?

B: I’ve got a ….

A: What did you eat yesterday?

B: I ate ….(four hamburgers; fifteen biscuits; eight chocolates; etc. ) Encourage the children with sweets.

Ⅳ. Production

Show some words about illness on the big screen first. Then the teacher give the whole class an example with the help of a pointed pupil. After that the children make up new dialogues in pairs.

Ⅴ. Summary

1 Show the kids an English proverb : Diet cures more than doctors. Tell them to take care of themselves. Try to keep happy and healthy.

2 Sum the class we learnt today. Read the key points on the blackboard.

3 Homework for today:

1) Collect the words about illness as many as you can!

2) Act the dialogue with your friends.



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