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南京市大厂高级中学 2015-1016学年高一学情调研考试



第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



1. With the media now ______ a close watch on the food safety, our government are taking measures to bring the process of food production ____ control.

A. keeps; in B. keeping; under C. kept; out of

D. to keep; on

2. John makes up his mind to get a seat for the football match _________ it means standing in a queue all night.

A. as if B. ever since C. even if

D. only if

3. Many experts hold the view _______ environmental awareness is _______ the key to better environment lies.

A. which; where B. which; in which C. that; where D. that; in which

4. _____ is easy to answer the question of ______ English will keep on changing.

A. What; if B. It; whether C. This; what D. As; whether

5. Could it be at the station _______ we met you last night ______ you left your bag?

A. that; that B. that; when C. where; that D. where; when

6. Evidence shows that the _____ of a parent adds to the possibility that a youngster will have problems with trust.

A. disappearance B. absence C. association D. concern

7. The government urged that every effort _________ to bring down house prices.

A. should make B. would make C. must be made D. be made

8. Employees are allowed to take a ten-minute break ______ to relax, use the toilet or do _____ else is necessary.

A. every two hours; something B. each second hour; anything

C. every other hour; what D. every second hour; whatever

9. He promised that he ______ some copies of that book for every one of us when he _____there.

A. will buy; goes B. would buy; went C. had bought; went D. would buy; would go

10. ______ the Greek god Zeus, athletes competed ___ the ancient Olympic Games ___ tradition.

A. In honor of; in; by B. In honor of; for; in

C. In memory of; on; by D. In memory of; with; in

11. Though Betty doesn’t like her present job, she wants to ________ it until she gets another one.

A. hang up to B. hang on to C. hang off to D. hang back to

12. The incomes of male workers went up by almost 80%. ______, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.

A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise

13. It is reported that the United States uses ______ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice as B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much

14. The Oxlin Airlines is one of the oldest airlines in North America, and the first American airline _______ international flights.

A. to operate B. operating C. operated D. having operated

15. — What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

— You ________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t

第二节 :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


A gentle wind blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was 16 . She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery(火红的)ball. She was 17 by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls 18 up above in the sky.

The atmosphere 19 her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. “It’s getting 20 ,” she thought, “I must go home. My parents will be 21 where I am.”

She wondered how her parents would 22 , when she got home after the three days she was 23 . She kept on walking, 24 herself to the bungalow(小房子) where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and 25 . Just in a few hundred meters she would be safe in her house.

It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold, too. She 26 she had her favorite sweater on — it kept her really warm. She imagined having it 27 her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed 28 . The outside garden seemed 29 . She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy.

She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a 30 written by her father. It said, “Ellen, there is some coffee 31 . I went looking.” Ellen was her mother but — where was she? She entered her parent’s home. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, 32 . Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer 33 , something was different. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.

It felt so good being back home. 34 she heard a voice, “Are you feeling better now? You know you got us very, very 35 .”

16. A.disappearing B.setting C.rising D.shining

17. A.amazed B.excited C.disappointed D.frightened

18. A.moving B.flying C.stepping D.flowing

19. A.surprised B.confused C.relaxed D.exhausted

20. A.early B.cold C.warm D.late

21. A.wondering B.knowing C.ignoring D.finding

22. A.say B.take C.like D.react

23. A.working B.missing C.spending D.travelling

24. A.pointing B.enjoying C.directing D.teaching

25. A.easily B.silently C.happily D.willingly

26. A.believed B.wished C.gussed D.judged

27. A.with B.for C.at D.in

28. A.same B.familiar C.difficult D.different

29. A.crowded B.tidy C.deserted D.clean

30. A.text B.letter C.note D.sentence

31. A.ready B.gone C.present D.available

32. A.cried B.laughed C.coughed D.slept

33. A.woke up B.stayed up C.broke up D.held up

34. A.Fortunately B.Similarly C.Suddenly D.Constantly

35. A.moved B.lost C.inspired D.scared




How to Tell Time Like a Man Our digital watch has two sides... tough and tougher. Get it now for an unbelievable $59!

Your watch shouldn’t cost more than your car. It should look and feel like a power tool and not a piece of flashy jewellery. Wearing it shouldn’t make you think twice about swinging a hammer or changing a tire. A real man’s timepiece needs to be ready for anything. But that’s just my opinion. If you agree, maybe you're ready for the StauerCenturion Hybrid. Use your Promotional Code below and I’ll send it to you today for ONLY $59.

This is a LOT of machine for not a lot of money. The Stauer Centurion Hybrid sports a heavy-duty metal body, detailed with a rotating bezel(旋转表圈) that allows you to track directions. The luminous(发光的)hour and minute hands mean you can keep working into the night. And the double digital displays give this watch more than one ability. The LCD windows displays the time, day and date, includes a stopwatch function, and a bright green backlight. We previously offered the Centurion for $199, but with the promotional code it’s yours for ONLY $59!

No matter what, this watch can keep up. Thanks to the Stauer 30- day Money Back Guarantee, you’ve got time to prove it. If you’re not totally satisfied, return it for a full refund of the purchase price. You also get a 2-year replacement guarantee on both movements. But I have a feeling the only problem you’ll have is deciding whether to keep the StauerCenturion on your dresser (化妆台)or put inside your toolbox.


When you use your Promotional Code

Stauer Centurion Hybrid Watch $199 Promotional Code Price Only $59 or two payments of $29

Order now to take advantage of this fantastic low price.


Your Insider Promotional Code: CNW342-03

Please use this code when you order to receive your discount. Smart Luxuries—Surprising PricesT

36. According to the first paragraph, this watch is supposed to ______________.

A. help change a tire B. be used as decoration

C. be a useful and reliable tool D. be more expensive than a car

37. From the passage, we learn that the watch_____________.

A. is able to track directions B. has no stopwatch function

C. includes a blue backlight D. is equipped with one digital display

38. The main purpose of the passage is to ______________.

A. advise people to collect watches

B. persuade people to buy the product

C. report the new development of men’s watches

D. compare the differences of different watch brands


“Business is war.” The traditional language of business certainly makes it sound that way: winning the competition, getting market share, beating up suppliers, locking up customers. There are the victors and the losers.

But today in doing business, you have to listen to shareholders, work with suppliers, keep good relations-even with competitors. That doesn’t sound like war. Besides, there are few victors when business is looked upon as war.

Most businesses succeed only if others also succeed. Business is competition and

cooperation as well. In other words, business is war and peace.

To bring together competition and cooperation, we turn to game theory. Game theory provides that whether one person wins or loses depends on what other people do. It is particularly effective when there are many interdependent factors and no decision can be made in isolation from other decisions.

Game theory breaks down the game into key elements :players, added values, rules,

tactics(计谋), and scope (PARTS).Every element affects the result of the game. This means that each of the five elements gives you a way to change an existing game into an entirely new one. Change one of the PARTS, and you change the whole.

Why change the game? An old Chinese saying explains: If you continue on the course you’re heading, that’s where you’ll end up. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not. You can play the game very well, and still suffer great loss. the wrong game: you need to change it. Even a good game can be made into a better one. Real success comes from actively shaping the game you play-from making the game you want, not taking the game you find.

39. The author of this passage is _______ the idea that “Business is war.”

A. in favor of B. against C. considering D. doubtful of

40. Why does the writer mention game theory?

A. To inform the readers of the key elements.

B. To explain how competition and cooperation co-exist in business.

C. To prove business is war.

D. To introduce the Chinese old saying.

41. The correct understanding of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph is _______.

A. you are really good at playing the game, but you still lose it out

B. you are so competitive that you beat up all of your competitors terribly

C. you play the game too well to suffer great loss

D. the competition is so hard that you have to put all your heart into it


Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with fitness trackers on their wrists. Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you’ve burned and the distance you’ve traveled. Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you’ve climbed and steps you’ve taken, metrics(度量)it had never occurred to me to wonder about.

Not one to resist peer pressure, however, I paid $100 for a Fitbit Flex. I chose that brand on the basis of research:asking my friend Sari which tracker she used.

The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker. I entered my height and gender(性别)and certain information I considered none of its business: birth we all walk 10,000 steps a day—about five miles, and so does Fitbit. I decided 6,000 steps was a good place for me to start.

I changed my tune when, on day one, I hit 6,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband. Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps.

OK. So I got a little obsessed(着迷). On day five at a department store, I decided to check my progress. My target number was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress department watching my smartphone register each step I took. I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.

Now I always wear my tracker, not because I've grown to love fitness but because I like being trendy and self-absorbed. Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10, 000 steps. Who wouldn’t love a tool that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment?

42. Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?

A. To measure their blood pressure. B. To tell them the right direction.

C. To report the amount of exercise. D. To email information to others.

43. The underlined part “none of its business” in Paragraph 3 probably means“________”.

A. necessary B. unimportant C.priceless D. ridiculous

44. The author started from 6,000 steps because___________.

A. it is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex

B. it is the best choice for beginners

C. the author wasn’t confident at first

D. the friend Sadri asked the author to do so

45. What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?

A. Thrilling and dangerous B. Painful and unbearable

C. Boring and uncomfortable D. Joyful and encouraging


第三部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Commercial advertisement was once thought of as a technique of the marketers to inform the potential buyers about the availability of certain products. It was seen more as a medium to inform the buyers rather than persuade them to buy. The present day marketers see advertisement as a medium to damage the image of their competitors and their products. This indeed, is an undesirable and an immoral practice. Instead of speaking about their own products, these marketers speak about the drawbacks (often without any basics) of the competing products.

People watching TV advertisements would notice that there has always been an advertisement war between the marketers of different consumer goods. A few such cases are given below.

1. Parachute Coconut Oil vs. V.V.D. Gold

Some time back, the producer of V.V.D Gold Coconut Oil claimed in their TV advertisement that only their products was superior and the one sold in blue colour bottles (the reference was to Parachute coconut oil) was suitable only for un-natural hair.

2. Tata Salt vs. Captain Cook

Tata salt was first iodised (碘处理) salt marketed by an Indian Company. It has been enjoying a good and steady market. Captain Cook, another producer of iodised salt, who entered the market later, had to adopt some strategy to get control of the market. The TV advertisement of Captain Cook stressed on ‘Free flow’ of their salt when transferred to a container. The producer of Tata Salt retaliated (报复) by saying that the claim of Captain Cook was a trick and those who were quality conscious should deal with it carefully.

3. Pepsi vs. Coco Cola

Coca Cola was selected as the official soft drink for the Wills World Cricket 1996. When the cricket series was on, the marketers of Pepsi constantly advertised on TV. Their advertisement gave the idea that the cricketers liked Pepsi the best and as a matter of fact there was nothing official about it.

4. Horlicks vs. Complan

Sometime back, the TV advertisement of Complan, a health drink directly attacked Horlicks, which has been in the market for several decades. The claim of Complan was that their brand (which according to them was Brand C) has a higher percentage of ingredients (材料) compared to Brand H (reference was nothing but to Horlicks).

The above examples clearly show how the technique of advertisement is misused by some marketers to ruin the image of their competitors. This, certainly, is not a healthy trend.

Any marketer should only speak about his products and not about his competitors’ products. The awareness of consumers has certainly increased over the years and they are no longer easily taken in. There are many consumer products like salt, oil shaving blades etc. But one thing for sure is that offering the same product in a different container will not make the product different.

Mass media like Radio, Television and newspaper should not allow advertisements that tell lies. Legal regulations, in this regard, should also be made stricter.


南京市大厂高级中学 2015-1016学年高一学情调研考试



第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



1. With the media now ______ a close watch on the food safety, our government are taking measures to bring the process of food production ____ control.

A. keeps; in B. keeping; under C. kept; out of

D. to keep; on

2. John makes up his mind to get a seat for the football match _________ it means standing in a queue all night.

A. as if B. ever since C. even if

D. only if

3. Many experts hold the view _______ environmental awareness is _______ the key to better environment lies.

A. which; where B. which; in which C. that; where D. that; in which

4. _____ is easy to answer the question of ______ English will keep on changing.

A. What; if B. It; whether C. This; what D. As; whether

5. Could it be at the station _______ we met you last night ______ you left your bag?

A. that; that B. that; when C. where; that D. where; when

6. Evidence shows that the _____ of a parent adds to the possibility that a youngster will have problems with trust.

A. disappearance B. absence C. association D. concern

7. The government urged that every effort _________ to bring down house prices.

A. should make B. would make C. must be made D. be made

8. Employees are allowed to take a ten-minute break ______ to relax, use the toilet or do _____ else is necessary.

A. every two hours; something B. each second hour; anything

C. every other hour; what D. every second hour; whatever

9. He promised that he ______ some copies of that book for every one of us when he _____there.

A. will buy; goes B. would buy; went C. had bought; went D. would buy; would go

10. ______ the Greek god Zeus, athletes competed ___ the ancient Olympic Games ___ tradition.

A. In honor of; in; by B. In honor of; for; in

C. In memory of; on; by D. In memory of; with; in

11. Though Betty doesn’t like her present job, she wants to ________ it until she gets another one.

A. hang up to B. hang on to C. hang off to D. hang back to

12. The incomes of male workers went up by almost 80%. ______, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall.

A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise

13. It is reported that the United States uses ______ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice as B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much

14. The Oxlin Airlines is one of the oldest airlines in North America, and the first American airline _______ international flights.

A. to operate B. operating C. operated D. having operated

15. — What do you think we can do for our aged parents?【Could,it,be,at,the,station,______,we,met,you,last,night,______】

— You ________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t

第二节 :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


A gentle wind blew through Jennifer’s hair. The golden red sun was 16 . She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery(火红的)ball. She was 17 by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls 18 up above in the sky.

The atmosphere 19 her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. “It’s getting 20 ,” she thought, “I must go home. My parents will be 21 where I am.”

She wondered how her parents would 22 , when she got home after the three days she was 23 . She kept on walking, 24 herself to the bungalow(小房子) where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and 25 . Just in a few hundred meters she would be safe in her house.

It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold, too. She 26 she had her favorite sweater on — it kept her really warm. She imagined having it 27 her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed 28 . The outside garden seemed 29 . She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy.

She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a 30 written by her father. It said, “Ellen, there is some coffee 31 . I went looking.” Ellen was her mother but — where was she? She entered her parent’s home. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, 32 . Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer 33 , something was different. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.

It felt so good being back home. 34 she heard a voice, “Are you feeling better now? You know you got us very, very 35 .”

16. A.disappearing B.setting C.rising D.shining

17. A.amazed B.excited C.disappointed D.frightened

18. A.moving B.flying C.stepping D.flowing

19. A.surprised B.confused C.relaxed D.exhausted

20. A.early B.cold C.warm D.late

21. A.wondering B.knowing C.ignoring D.finding

22. A.say B.take C.like D.react

23. A.working B.missing C.spending D.travelling

24. A.pointing B.enjoying C.directing D.teaching

25. A.easily B.silently C.happily D.willingly

26. A.believed B.wished C.gussed D.judged

27. A.with B.for C.at D.in【Could,it,be,at,the,station,______,we,met,you,last,night,______】

28. A.same B.familiar C.difficult D.different

29. A.crowded B.tidy C.deserted D.clean

30. A.text B.letter C.note D.sentence

31. A.ready B.gone C.present D.available

32. A.cried B.laughed C.coughed D.slept

33. A.woke up B.stayed up C.broke up D.held up

34. A.Fortunately B.Similarly C.Suddenly D.Constantly

35. A.moved B.lost C.inspired D.scared




How to Tell Time Like a Man Our digital watch has two sides... tough and tougher. Get it now for an unbelievable $59!

Your watch shouldn’t cost more than your car. It should look and feel like a power tool and not a piece of flashy jewellery. Wearing it shouldn’t make you think twice about swinging a hammer or changing a tire. A real man’s timepiece needs to be ready for anything. But that’s just my opinion. If you agree, maybe you're ready for the StauerCenturion Hybrid. Use your Promotional Code below and I’ll send it to you today for ONLY $59.

This is a LOT of machine for not a lot of money. The Stauer Centurion Hybrid sports a heavy-duty metal body, detailed with a rotating bezel(旋转表圈) that allows you to track directions. The luminous(发光的)hour and minute hands mean you can keep working into the night. And the double digital displays give this watch more than one ability. The LCD windows displays the time, day and date, includes a stopwatch function, and a bright green backlight. We previously offered the Centurion for $199, but with the promotional code it’s yours for ONLY $59!

No matter what, this watch can keep up. Thanks to the Stauer 30- day Money Back Guarantee, you’ve got time to prove it. If you’re not totally satisfied, return it for a full refund of the purchase price. You also get a 2-year replacement guarantee on both movements. But I have a feeling the only problem you’ll have is deciding whether to keep the StauerCenturion on your dresser (化妆台)or put inside your toolbox.


When you use your Promotional Code

Stauer Centurion Hybrid Watch $199 Promotional Code Price Only $59 or two payments of $29

Order now to take advantage of this fantastic low price.


Your Insider Promotional Code: CNW342-03

Please use this code when you order to receive your discount. Smart Luxuries—Surprising PricesT

36. According to the first paragraph, this watch is supposed to ______________.

A. help change a tire B. be used as decoration

C. be a useful and reliable tool D. be more expensive than a car

37. From the passage, we learn that the watch_____________.

A. is able to track directions B. has no stopwatch function

C. includes a blue backlight D. is equipped with one digital display

38. The main purpose of the passage is to ______________.

A. advise people to collect watches

B. persuade people to buy the product

C. report the new development of men’s watches

D. compare the differences of different watch brands


“Business is war.” The traditional language of business certainly makes it sound that way: winning the competition, getting market share, beating up suppliers, locking up customers. There are the victors and the losers.

But today in doing business, you have to listen to shareholders, work with suppliers, keep good relations-even with competitors. That doesn’t sound like war. Besides, there are few victors when business is looked upon as war.

Most businesses succeed only if others also succeed. Business is competition and

cooperation as well. In other words, business is war and peace.

To bring together competition and cooperation, we turn to game theory. Game theory provides that whether one person wins or loses depends on what other people do. It is particularly effective when there are many interdependent factors and no decision can be made in isolation from other decisions.

Game theory breaks down the game into key elements :players, added values, rules,

tactics(计谋), and scope (PARTS).Every element affects the result of the game. This means that each of the five elements gives you a way to change an existing game into an entirely new one. Change one of the PARTS, and you change the whole.

Why change the game? An old Chinese saying explains: If you continue on the course you’re heading, that’s where you’ll end up. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not. You can play the game very well, and still suffer great loss. the wrong game: you need to change it. Even a good game can be made into a better one. Real success comes from actively shaping the game you play-from making the game you want, not taking the game you find.

39. The author of this passage is _______ the idea that “Business is war.”

A. in favor of B. against C. considering D. doubtful of

40. Why does the writer mention game theory?

A. To inform the readers of the key elements.

B. To explain how competition and cooperation co-exist in business.

C. To prove business is war.

D. To introduce the Chinese old saying.

41. The correct understanding of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph is _______.

A. you are really good at playing the game, but you still lose it out

B. you are so competitive that you beat up all of your competitors terribly

C. you play the game too well to suffer great loss

D. the competition is so hard that you have to put all your heart into it


Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with fitness trackers on their wrists. Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you’ve burned and the distance you’ve traveled. Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you’ve climbed and steps you’ve taken, metrics(度量)it had never occurred to me to wonder about.

Not one to resist peer pressure, however, I paid $100 for a Fitbit Flex. I chose that brand on the basis of research:asking my friend Sari which tracker she used.

The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker. I entered my height and gender(性别)and certain information I considered none of its business: birth we all walk 10,000 steps a day—about five miles, and so does Fitbit. I decided 6,000 steps was a good place for me to start.

I changed my tune when, on day one, I hit 6,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband. Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps.

OK. So I got a little obsessed(着迷). On day five at a department store, I decided to check my progress. My target number was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress department watching my smartphone register each step I took. I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.

Now I always wear my tracker, not because I've grown to love fitness but because I like being trendy and self-absorbed. Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10, 000 steps. Who wouldn’t love a tool that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment?

42. Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?

A. To measure their blood pressure. B. To tell them the right direction.

C. To report the amount of exercise. D. To email information to others.

43. The underlined part “none of its business” in Paragraph 3 probably means“________”.

A. necessary B. unimportant C.priceless D. ridiculous

44. The author started from 6,000 steps because___________.

A. it is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex

B. it is the best choice for beginners

C. the author wasn’t confident at first

D. the friend Sadri asked the author to do so

45. What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?

A. Thrilling and dangerous B. Painful and unbearable

C. Boring and uncomfortable D. Joyful and encouraging


第三部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Commercial advertisement was once thought of as a technique of the marketers to inform the potential buyers about the availability of certain products. It was seen more as a medium to inform the buyers rather than persuade them to buy. The present day marketers see advertisement as a medium to damage the image of their competitors and their products. This indeed, is an undesirable and an immoral practice. Instead of speaking about their own products, these marketers speak about the drawbacks (often without any basics) of the competing products.

People watching TV advertisements would notice that there has always been an advertisement war between the marketers of different consumer goods. A few such cases are given below.

1. Parachute Coconut Oil vs. V.V.D. Gold

Some time back, the producer of V.V.D Gold Coconut Oil claimed in their TV advertisement that only their products was superior and the one sold in blue colour bottles (the reference was to Parachute coconut oil) was suitable only for un-natural hair.

2. Tata Salt vs. Captain Cook

Tata salt was first iodised (碘处理) salt marketed by an Indian Company. It has been enjoying a good and steady market. Captain Cook, another producer of iodised salt, who entered the market later, had to adopt some strategy to get control of the market. The TV advertisement of Captain Cook stressed on ‘Free flow’ of their salt when transferred to a container. The producer of Tata Salt retaliated (报复) by saying that the claim of Captain Cook was a trick and those who were quality conscious should deal with it carefully.

3. Pepsi vs. Coco Cola

Coca Cola was selected as the official soft drink for the Wills World Cricket 1996. When the cricket series was on, the marketers of Pepsi constantly advertised on TV. Their advertisement gave the idea that the cricketers liked Pepsi the best and as a matter of fact there was nothing official about it.

4. Horlicks vs. Complan

Sometime back, the TV advertisement of Complan, a health drink directly attacked Horlicks, which has been in the market for several decades. The claim of Complan was that their brand (which according to them was Brand C) has a higher percentage of ingredients (材料) compared to Brand H (reference was nothing but to Horlicks).

The above examples clearly show how the technique of advertisement is misused by some marketers to ruin the image of their competitors. This, certainly, is not a healthy trend.

Any marketer should only speak about his products and not about his competitors’ products. The awareness of consumers has certainly increased over the years and they are no longer easily taken in. There are many consumer products like salt, oil shaving blades etc. But one thing for sure is that offering the same product in a different container will not make the product different.

Mass media like Radio, Television and newspaper should not allow advertisements that tell lies. Legal regulations, in this regard, should also be made stricter.


(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)


1. 本试卷分两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,第Ⅱ卷为非选择题。

2. 所有试题的答案均填写在答题纸上,答案写在本试卷上的无效。

第Ⅰ卷(客观题 共85分)

第一部 听力 (共两节,满分20分)

第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. What are they talking about?

A. How to drive a car.

B. Driving in England.

C. Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.

2. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is healthy now.

B. The man didn’t take exercise.

C. The man drank a lot of orange juice every day.

3. Where is the man going?

A. To class. B. To the movie. C. To the library.


4. What does the woman worry about?

A. The lock on the door will break.

B. The man will not be able to sleep.

C. Someone will break in while the man is sleeping.

5. What does the man think the building will be?

A. A market.

第二节 (共15小题)

听下面5段对话和独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中B. A hotel. C. A department store.


选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-8小题。

6. What is the man invited to do?

A. To give a talk.

B. To give a concert.

C. To teach in his mother school.

7. What is the man now?

A. A pop singer. B. A teacher. C. A famous writer.

8. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The man is going to accept the invitation of his school.

B. The man used to like school but have some trouble in his subjects.

C. The man is going back to his former school to get further education. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11小题。

9. Where will the woman’s speech be on?

A. On the radio. B. On TV. C. In a theatre.

10. What do the two speakers want to do this evening?

A. Join an important dinner party.

B. Persuade more people into voting for someone.

C. Prepare a news program to be shown in the town.

11. What does the woman have to do tonight?

A. Make a speech.


B. Host a TV program.

C. Interview the hotel manager.


12. When does the man usually spend his winter holiday?

A. Either in the 2nd or 3rd week of January.

B. Both in the 2nd and 3rd week of January.

C. Neither in the 2nd nor 3rd week of January.

13. Which is the man’s favorite sport?


A. Skating. B. Skiing. C. Surf-skiing.

14. Why doesn’t the woman like to spend her weekend with the man?

A. She likes to stay at home.

B. She dislikes the cold weather.

C. She doesn’t like any outdoor sports.


15. Why cannot the woman rent a bigger house right now?

A. She hasn’t enough money at hand.

B. She already spent all her money on vacation.

C. She will save some money to buy a new house.

16. How can the woman solve the problem at present?

A. By renting a new house.

B. By sharing a big house with her friend.

C. By borrowing some money from her friend.

17. How much should the woman pay for the rent now?

A. 400 Yuan a month. B. 600 Yuan a month. C. 1,200 Yuan a month.


18. How long does Miss Susan Brown work every night?

A. 8 hours. B. 9 hours. C. More than 10 hours.

19. What was her job before a night nurse?

A. A secretary. B. A clerk. C. An office cleaner.

20. What’s the most serious problem in her life now?

A. Working at night.


第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)


21.My sister is good at _____ English language, and now she is learning _____ second foreign language.

3 B. Having headaches. C. Having no time to

A. a, a B. the, a C. a, the D. the, the

22. Could it be at the station _______ we met you last night ______ you left your bag?

A. that; that B. that; where C. where; that D. where; where

23. Family violence against women hasn’t caused widespread concern because it is not the Chinese tradition to _______ the family conflicts to outsiders.

A. express B. expose C. enquire D. distribute

24.— What’s up? You look really down.

—My wallet, mobile phone and ID card ____, I have called the police but I have heard nothing from them up to now.

A. being stolen B. having stolen C. to steal D. stolen

25. —The window must have taken you quite a lot of time that day.

—You are right. They ______ for weeks.

A. wouldn’t be cleaned B. haven’t been cleaned C. weren’t cleaned D. hadn’t been cleaned

26. —Most students went to the museum yesterday. It’s a pity you were absent. —I wish I ______. A. had B. did C. weren’t D. would

27. After three hours’ drive, they arrived in ______ they thought was the place they had been looking forward to visiting. A. which B. where C. that D. what

28.________ the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, which is known for its simple design and painted ceiling.

A. Added to B. Adding to C. Added up D. Adding up to

29. —What do you think of contemporary Chinese literature?

—Sorry, I have only a(n)______ idea about it. A. subjective B. straightforward C. arbitrary D. vague

30.His company has been _____ for two years. If it goes on like this, it will have to shut down.


A. in the red B. in the dark C. in the black D. in the white

31. Until we have discussed all the details, no decision _______ about any new operation.

A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made

32. —Will my daughter be all right soon, doctor?

—Well, she _____ be, if she takes these tablets.

A. must B. may C. can D. should

33. Owing to the popular Sounth Korean drama, a new mix-and-match food trend, beer and fried chicken, has _____ among young audience despite its unhealthy nature.

A. caught up on B. caught on C. counted on D. caught up with 34.______ wondering which way to take, the little boy behaved like a real gentleman, who comforted his sister from time to time.

A. Leaving B. Having left C. To leave D. Left

35. — John, who helped us a lot last summer, is coming this afternoon. —That’s great. Let’s _____.

A. see the handwriting on the wall B. kill the fatted calf

C. do as the Romans do D. Be the apple of his eye

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care. What I 36 most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we 37 ate our meal.With so little conversation I was quick to 38 his family as cold.When we got into the 39 to go home, his father suddenly appeared.40 , he began to wash his son’s windscreen.I could feel he is a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later.My father often 41 me early in the morning.“Buy Xerox.It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone.No pleasant 42 or inquiry about my life ,just financial 5

2016届江苏省泰州中学高三上学期期中考英语试题 word版


(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)


1. 本试卷分两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,第Ⅱ卷为非选择题。

2. 所有试题的答案均填写在答题纸上,答案写在本试卷上的无效。

第Ⅰ卷(客观题 共85分)

第一部 听力 (共两节,满分20分)

第一节 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. What are they talking about?

A. How to drive a car.

B. Driving in England.

C. Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.

2. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man is healthy now.

B. The man didn’t take exercise.

C. The man drank a lot of orange juice every day.

3. Where is the man going?

A. To class. B. To the movie. C. To the library.

4. What does the woman worry about?


A. The lock on the door will break.

B. The man will not be able to sleep.

C. Someone will break in while the man is sleeping.

5. What does the man think the building will be?

A. A market.

第二节 (共15小题)

听下面5段对话和独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,B. A hotel. C. A department store.

每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-8小题。

6. What is the man invited to do?

A. To give a talk.

B. To give a concert.

C. To teach in his mother school.

7. What is the man now?

A. A pop singer. B. A teacher. C. A famous writer.

8. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The man is going to accept the invitation of his school.

B. The man used to like school but have some trouble in his subjects.

C. The man is going back to his former school to get further education. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11小题。

9. Where will the woman’s speech be on?

A. On the radio. B. On TV. C. In a theatre.

10. What do the two speakers want to do this evening?

A. Join an important dinner party.

B. Persuade more people into voting for someone.

C. Prepare a news program to be shown in the town.

11. What does the woman have to do tonight?

A. Make a speech.

B. Host a TV program.

C. Interview the hotel manager.


12. When does the man usually spend his winter holiday?

A. Either in the 2nd or 3rd week of January.

B. Both in the 2nd and 3rd week of January.

C. Neither in the 2nd nor 3rd week of January.

13. Which is the man’s favorite sport?

A. Skating. B. Skiing. C. Surf-skiing.

14. Why doesn’t the woman like to spend her weekend with the man?

A. She likes to stay at home.

B. She dislikes the cold weather.

C. She doesn’t like any outdoor sports.


15. Why cannot the woman rent a bigger house right now?

A. She hasn’t enough money at hand.

B. She already spent all her money on vacation.

C. She will save some money to buy a new house.

16. How can the woman solve the problem at present?

A. By renting a new house.

B. By sharing a big house with her friend.

C. By borrowing some money from her friend.

17. How much should the woman pay for the rent now?

A. 400 Yuan a month. B. 600 Yuan a month. C. 1,200 Yuan a month.


18. How long does Miss Susan Brown work every night?

A. 8 hours. B. 9 hours. C. More than 10 hours.

19. What was her job before a night nurse?

A. A secretary. B. A clerk. C. An office cleaner.

20. What’s the most serious problem in her life now?

A. Working at night.


第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)


21.My sister is good at _____ English language, and now she is learning _____ second foreign language.

A. a, a B. the, a C. a, the D. the, the B. Having headaches. C. Having no time to

22. Could it be at the station _______ we met you last night ______ you left your bag?

A. that; that B. that; where C. where; that D. where; where

23. Family violence against women hasn’t caused widespread concern because it is not the Chinese tradition to _______ the family conflicts to outsiders.

A. express B. expose C. enquire D. distribute

24.— What’s up? You look really down.

—My wallet, mobile phone and ID card ____, I have called the police but I have heard nothing from them up to now.

A. being stolen B. having stolen C. to steal D. stolen

25. —The window must have taken you quite a lot of time that day.

—You are right. They ______ for weeks.

A. wouldn’t be cleaned B. haven’t been cleaned C. weren’t cleaned D. hadn’t been cleaned

26. —Most students went to the museum yesterday. It’s a pity you were absent. —I wish I ______.

A. had B. did C. weren’t D. would

27. After three hours’ drive, they arrived in ______ they thought was the place they had been looking forward to visiting.

A. which B. where C. that D. what

28.________ the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, which is known for its simple design and painted ceiling.

A. Added to B. Adding to C. Added up D. Adding up to

29. —What do you think of contemporary Chinese literature?

—Sorry, I have only a(n)______ idea about it.

A. subjective B. straightforward C. arbitrary D. vague

30.His company has been _____ for two years. If it goes on like this, it will have to shut down.

A. in the red B. in the dark C. in the black D. in the white

31. Until we have discussed all the details, no decision _______ about any new operation.

A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made

32. —Will my daughter be all right soon, doctor?【Could,it,be,at,the,station,______,we,met,you,last,night,______】

—Well, she _____ be, if she takes these tablets.

A. must B. may C. can D. should

33. Owing to the popular Sounth Korean drama, a new mix-and-match food trend, beer and fried chicken, has _____ among young audience despite its unhealthy nature.

A. caught up on B. caught on C. counted on D. caught up with

34._ _____ wondering which way to take, the little boy behaved like a real gentleman, who comforted his sister from time to time.

A. Leaving B. Having left C. To leave D. Left

35. — John, who helped us a lot last summer, is coming this afternoon. —That’s great. Let’s _____.

A. see the handwriting on the wall B. kill the fatted calf

C. do as the Romans do D. Be the apple of his eye

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others had their own ways of showing care. What I 36 most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick of the clock in the dining room as we 37 ate our meal.With so little conversation I was quick to 38 his family as cold.When we got into the 39 to go home, his father suddenly appeared.40 , he began to wash his son’s windscreen.I could feel he is a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later.My father often 41 me early in the morning.“Buy Xerox.It’s a good sharp price,” he might say when I answered the phone.No pleasant 42 or inquiry about my life ,just financial instructions.This manner of his 43 me and we often quarreled.But one day, I



班级:____________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:_____________


21. My sister is good at _____ English language, and now she is learning _____ second foreign language.

A. a, a B. the, a C. a, the D. the, the

22. Could it be at the station _______ we met you last night ______ you left your bag?

A. that; that B. that; where C. where; that D. where; where

23. Family violence against women hasn’t caused widespread concern because it is not the Chinese tradition to _______ the family conflicts to outsiders.

A. express B. expose C. enquire D. distribute

24. — What’s up? You look really down.

—My wallet, mobile phone and ID card ____, I have called the police but I have heard nothing from them up to now.

A. being stolen B. having stolen C. to steal D. stolen

25. —The window must have taken you quite a lot of time that day.

—You are right. They ______ for weeks.

A. wouldn’t be cleaned B. haven’t been cleaned

C. weren’t cleaned D. hadn’t been cleaned

26. —Most students went to the museum yesterday. It’s a pity you were absent.

—I wish I ______.

A. had B. did C. weren’t D. would

27. After three hours’ drive, they arrived in ______ they thought was the place they had been looking forward to visiting.

A. which B. where C. that D. what

28. ________ the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling’en Palace, which is known for its simple design and painted ceiling.

A. Added to B. Adding to C. Added up D. Adding up to

29. —What do you think of contemporary Chinese literature?

—Sorry, I have only a(n)______ idea about it.

A. subjective B. straightforward C. arbitrary D. vague

30. His company has been _____ for two years. If it goes on like this, it will have to shut down.

A. in the red B. in the dark C. in the black D. in the white

31. Until we have discussed all the details, no decision _______ about any new operation.

A. will be made B. is made C. is being made D. has been made

32. —Will my daughter be all right soon, doctor?

—Well, she _____ be, if she takes these tablets.

A. must B. may C. can D. should 33. Owing to the popular Sounth Korean drama, a new mix-and-match food trend, beer and fried chicken, has _____ among young audience despite its unhealthy nature.

A. caught up on B. caught on C. counted on D. caught up with

34. ______ wondering which way to take, the little boy behaved like a real gentleman, who comforted his sister from time to time.

A. Leaving B. Having left C. To leave D. Left

35. — John, who helped us a lot last summer, is coming this afternoon.

—That’s great. Let’s _____.

A. see the handwriting on the wall B. kill the fatted calf

C. do as the Romans do D. Be the apple of his eye



Aggressive pedestrians are in fact as dangerous as careless drivers. They cause traffic accidents, injury and death.

These dangerous walkers can be seen in any big city all over the world. About 69% of last year’s pedestrian deaths in the US occurred in urban areas. They cross streets ignoring “DON’T WALK” signals, suddenly appear without warning from behind parked vehicles, walk slowly at crossroads with cell phones attached to heads, blocking traffic.

These pedestrians and drivers share a common disregard for the rules of the road, both for selfish reasons. The drivers believe in the power of their machines. If their machines can go faster, they believe they have the right to go faster. If their machines are bigger, they believe they have the right to push smaller vehicles aside. Aggressive pedestrians, on the other hand, believe in the primacy(首位) of the individual, the idea that they are first in any environment, under any circumstances, even when they are on foot in a roaring tide of steel and rubber.

Last year, an estimated 5,220 pedestrians died in traffic accidents. Some 69,000 pedestrians were injured. On average, that worked out to one pedestrian killed in a traffic crash every 101 minutes, and one injured every eight minutes.

The good news is that the accident rate is dropping. For example, the number of pedestrians killed last year was 24 percent less than the number killed in traffic accidents a decade earlier. The bad news is that the basic causes of pedestrian deaths remain pretty much the same----disregard for traffic signals, inattention and crossing roads under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Alcohol, in fact, was involved in 46 percent of the traffic accidents that resulted in pedestrian deaths. Of those, 31 percent of the pedestrians were found to be drunk.

The bottom line is that the pedestrians must do more to protect their lives as well as the lives of other road users. They can start by obeying traffic signals, using marked cross-walks and calling a cab when they’ve had too much to drink.

36. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. how aggressive pedestrians cause traffic accidents

B. why so many Americans were killed on roads last year

C. what the traffic rules of the road about pedestrians were

D. who are to blame for pedestrian deaths, drunk drivers or the aggressive pedestrians

37. What is the pedestrians’ selfish reason for traffic jams?

A. They know all drivers are skilled and with great care.

B. They believe individuals are always first.

C. They think traffic rules have nothing to do with them.

D. They guess all vehicles will slow down at crossroads.

38. What was NOT the basic cause of pedestrian deaths in the US a decade ago?

A. Disregard for traffic signals B. Paying no attention to surroundings.

C. Crossing roads drunk. D. Overspeeding driving.

39. What word can best describe the author’s attitude to the traffic accidents caused by pedestrians?

A. Excited. B. Cold. C. Concerned D. Indifferent


Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life. Relationships with family, friends, neighbors,even pets, will all do the trick, but the biggest longevity (长寿) boost seems to come from marriage or an equivalent relationship. The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Farr,who wrote that widowers(鳏夫) were at a much higher risk of dying than their married

peers. Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man's life and two to a woman's. The effect holds for all causes of death,whether illness, accident or self-harm. Even if the odds are stacked against you, marriage can more than compensate. Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart. Likewise, a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn't smoke. ,however,as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their spouse's death,and caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems. Even so, the odds favour marriage. In a 30-year study of more than 10,000 people,Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.

So how does it work? The effects are complex,affected by socio-economic factors,healthservice provision,emotional support and other more physiological (生理的)mechanisms. For example,social contact can boost development of the brain and immune system,leading to better, health and less chance of depression later in life. People in supportive relationships may handle stress better. Then there are the psychological benefits of a supportive partner.

A life partner,children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100. The ultimate social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says:“People are interconnected,so their health is interconnected.”

40.Linda Waite's studies support the idea that ________.

A. the married are happier than the unmarried

B. older men should quit smoking to stay healthy

C. marriage can help make up for ill health

D. unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life

41.What do the underlined words “flip side” in the second paragraph mean?

A. the consequence of a broken marriage

B. the emotional problems arising from marriage

C. the responsibility of taking care of one's family

D. the disadvantages of being married

42.What can we learn about social network from Christakis’s 30-year study?

A. They have effects similar to those of a marriage.

B. They help develop people's community spirit.

C. They provide timely support for those in need.

D. They help relieve people of their life's burdens.

43.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. To stay healthy,people are advised to build up social network.

B. Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.

C. We should share our social networks with each other. D. It's important that we develop a social network when young.


Imagine living in a country tom by war. Or maybe you live in a place where there are few jobs and little chance to earn a living. Your family decided to move---not to another town, but to another country. You and your family have become immigrants. People are called immigrants when they move to a foreign country to make their homes.

People become immigrants for many reasons. The most common one is economic opportunities. Most immigrants are attracted to other countries by the promise of jobs, farmland, or business opportunities.

Other people become immigrants in order to get away from mistreatment or natural disasters. They are refugees(难民). Some refugees move to avoid wars and political unrest. Others are seeking freedom to express their religious views. Still others are uprooted by disasters, such as terrible flooding or drought.

Some people have become immigrants against their will. Captured in Africa, shipped to foreign lands and forced to work as slaves, many early African immigrants to North and South America came in chains.

Except for Native Americans, all people came to the United States from someplace else. For nearly 500 years, immigrants have landed on America’s shores seeking a better life. Throughout American history, immigrants often worked low-paying, dangerous jobs that other people refused to do.

Immigrants from around the world helped shape American life. Many immigrants absorbed the customs and language common to most Americans. They also brought their own traditions, including music and foods. Over time, many of these traditions have become part of American life.

The first European immigrants to America hoped to colonize(使成为殖民地)new lands. By the mid-1500s, Spaniards had ventured into Florida, California, and the American Southwest. French immigrants arrived in the early 1600s and built their first colony in Canada. The English also arrived in the early 1600s. They established 13 colonies along America’s Atlantic Coast.

In the 1700s, England became the major power in colonial North America. But many European immigrants came to live in the English colonies. They included people from Sweden, Holland, Germany, Scotland, and Ireland.

Immigrants still come to the United States seeking freedom and economic opportunities. Most new immigrants no longer come from Europe. They come mainly from Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Asia.

Today, the U. S. government limits the number of immigrants into the country each year. People who sneak illegally into the United States are called illegal immigrants, who, if caught,

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