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编辑:huantt  成考报名   发布时间:03-21    阅读:

  21世纪大学实用英语作 者翟象俊,陈永捷,余建中总 以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的21世纪大学实用英语综合教程1全新版,希望能帮助到大家!



  Do you know what has led to john’s failure this time? In high school he excelled in almost everything.


  Don’t put off tomorrow what you should do today .if you fall behind it will be difficult for you to catch up.


  He achieves great success in his work, because he always finds new ways to attack problem.


  Don’t be too hard on the child you should allow him to have some fun time to reduce stress.


  We all except prof. smith to give us some helpful tips on college study


  Betty looked nervous as if she were afraid to introduce herself to others.


  Now that you are in collage ,you should learn to be independent.


  I used to enjoy having fun with my classmates but I can’t even keep in touch with them today.


  Despite his young age, through hard work the new teacher has earned the respect of his student.


  Probably Liu Xiang will once again compete with robbers for the gold medal in the 100-meter hurdles final.


  To my surprise Wilma come in first in the 100- meter dash. she suffered from a serious illness in her childhood and had trouble even walking normally.


  The couch encouraged the player do their best to beat the Los angles Lakers the best NBA basketball team if the day.


  The little girl fell into the river and was fortunate to have been saved by a stranger from than on, she began to learn how to swim,


  Jack said he will quit his job by the end of the year, as he finds it not worth so much of his time and energy .


  The little boy has an unusual memory. He has memorized over 300 tang poems, an almost impossible task for children of his age.


  Medical tests show that Mr. Zhang despite his old age. is in prefect physical. Condition. He is about to compete with young runners in a long-distance race next week.


  We set out very early in the morning, so we could arrive at our destination not too late we made it before 7 pm.


  At that time, the villagers had no money and had to trade their eggs for what was valuable to them


  The heat of that summer noon not only spoiled our picnic food but also made some of us fall ill.


  On his way to look for food for his sailors turner saw some ducks walking on the other side of the river.


  Although no one can imagine what our life will be like in ten years, we will certainly be able to communicate with people more easily.


  This super high way connects our city with Hang Zhou greaty shortening the distance between the two cites.


  The old women wept at the sight of her son. Who had worked in a dist ant city factory for three years without company.


  In the dark ,no one could recognize who I was of I didn’t speak. So how can you prove that I was there that night.


  The net work has gone down .the technician is asking an expect technical engineer for help.


  As college students are adults, so teachers no longer ask them to sit up straight recite texts or not to chat in class.


  In order to develop its international service, the company needs to translate its original Chinese catalogue into various foreign language . 外国客人拥抱了那位一年级小学生;孩子先是有点窘,接着又咯咯笑起来。

  The foreign visitor hugged that first grader; the child was at first embarrassed and then started to giggre.


  Although he tried to keep silence, regretfully his typical sign revealed his disappointment.


  The job of a librarian also include helping readers to find information ,therefore the ability to communicate with people is vital for him. 她不确定毕业后是否在娱乐业发展,这行业看上去既刺激又可怕。

  She’s unsure whether to start her career in entertainment after graduation since it seems both exciting and scary.


  If you want your roof covered with plants instead of asphalt, you have to make sure that your roof is strong enough.


  Thanks to the tough structure of the house, the wind didn’t blow it away last night.


  In summer the asphalt road absorbs heart from the sun and can get as hot as 190 degrees Fahrenheit.


  Once you knew how to solve this kind of problems ,it is actually quite eray.


  Though I want to have a holiday and relax in a beautiful place too much work has kept me from leaving.


  Tom though about all the problems on the horizon and decided to deal with the relatively easy once first.


  A plan is under way for building a hospital that will provide paralyzed people with special care.


  Studies have show that the sea level in this area has risen by as much as 1.6 meters in the past 1000 years.

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