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1 那些可以恣意哭笑张扬的日子,那些固执地一直仰望天空的日子,我们转身就真的再也回 那些可以恣意哭笑张扬的日子,那些固执地一直仰望天空的日子, 不去了。 不去了。 2 对话要怎么说,表情才不难过。故事要怎么写,结局才不会寂寞。我们要怎么做,爱情才 对话要怎么说,表情才不难过。故事要怎么写,结局才不会寂寞。我们要怎么做, 会很快乐。 会很快乐。 3 我以为长大一些,冷漠一些,过的低调一些。我以为寂寞一些,骄傲一些,会快乐多一些。 我以为长大一些, 冷漠一些,过的低调一些。我以为寂寞一些,骄傲一些, 会快乐多一些。 4 我不让自己哭就算我会输,爱情好残酷让女人变成赌徒,不知不觉放弃自由和幸福,你却 我不让自己哭就算我会输,爱情好残酷让女人变成赌徒,不知不觉放弃自由和幸福, 慢慢退出爱的路。 慢慢退出爱的路。 5 你在做什么?我在仰望天空。 你在做什么?我在仰望天空。 6 为什么要把头抬到 30 度,是我相视他的角度。 是我相视他的角度。 7 爱错了人可以回头吗,如何一场暧昧一场生死。 爱错了人可以回头吗,如何一场暧昧一场生死。 8 寂寞是一种戒不掉的瘾,我的寂寞谁能了解。 寂寞是一种戒不掉的瘾,我的寂寞谁能了解。 9 一个一路向南,一个一路向北,尽管地球是圆的,可有些人因为心里对爱的执着,就是怎 一个一路向南,一个一路向北,尽管地球是圆的,可有些人因为心里对爱的执着, 么也相遇不了。 么也相遇不了。 10 如果我有钱,我想买走你的一切谎言。 如果我有钱,我想买走你的一切谎言。 11 我记得你最爱说的话是 你是个喜欢自己和自己对话的女子。”这样的几个字,我想了一 我记得你最爱说的话是“你是个喜欢自己和自己对话的女子 这样的几个字 你是个喜欢自己和自己对话的女子。 这样的几个字, 难眠。不是因为被你看透而伺机地想着该怎样保护自己, 夜,难眠。不是因为被你看透而伺机地想着该怎样保护自己,只是因为好想一个人静静地 离开,在你还没有厌倦我的这样的古怪的时候。只是,我认真了好几回, 离开,在你还没有厌倦我的这样的古怪的时候。只是,我认真了好几回,拖出去的行李箱 被你轻易拉回,我才知道我是不舍的。 被你轻易拉回,我才知道我是不舍的。 12 我把幸福飘洒到世界每一个角落,远方的你收到了吗? 我把幸福飘洒到世界每一个角落,远方的你收到了吗 你收到了吗? 13 冬天 厚而沉重的季节迷茫着凄凉和悲伤似乎比夏天的伤感来得更直接 适合那些歇斯底 里的痛 14 如果哪天,我可以越过你的微笑,忘却一切温暖的拥抱

,这样,会不会,能有彼此幸福 如果哪天,我可以越过你的微笑,忘却一切温暖的拥抱,这样,会不会, 的可能? 的可能? 15 那一句承诺,终于在诀别的时候,刻成了爱的十字伤。 那一句承诺,终于在诀别的时候,刻成了爱的十字伤。 16 别丢下我,这里只剩我一个,我害怕孤单怎么面对。 别丢下我,这里只剩我一个,我害怕孤单怎么面对。 17 我哭的时候 你不在 你知道我多想抱着你吗? 你知道我多想抱着你吗? 你知道我多想你抱着我吗? 我做噩梦的时候 你不在 你知道我多想你抱着我吗? 你知道我多想你安慰我吗? 我心情不好的时候 你不在 你知道我多想你安慰我吗? 你知道我多想你在我身边照顾我吗? 我生病的时候 你不在 你知道我多想你在我身边照顾我吗? 你知道我多想躺在你的怀里入睡吗? 我睡不着的时候 你不在 你知道我多想躺在你的怀里入睡吗? 你知道我多想听你在我耳边说你也很想我吗? 我想你的时候 你不在 你知道我多想听你在我耳边说你也很想我吗? 18 在一起叫梦,分了叫痛,是不是,说:没有做完的梦,最痛,我承受了结果。能不能给 在一起叫梦,分了叫痛,是不是, 没有做完的梦,最痛,我承受了结果。 我一首歌的时间,紧紧的拥抱,变成永恒! 我一首歌的时间,紧紧的拥抱,变成永恒! 19 即使道行再深的女子,一旦爱上一个男人也难逃宿命的劫数,那颗便面完整却千疮百孔 即使道行再深的女子,一旦爱上一个男人也难逃宿命的劫数, 的心,血肉模糊,疼痛扭曲,可在人前却始终保持淡然,无懈可击。 的心,血肉模糊,疼痛扭曲,可在人前却始终保持淡然,无懈可击。 20 我再也不愿意,为了你的笑脸,我变成爱情的小丑,这个爱情小丑,在你的世界里,怎 我再也不愿意,为了你的笑脸,我变成爱情的小丑,这个爱情小丑,在你的世界里, 么只有都已没有,你走吧你走吧,把所有情感都带走,你别回头。 么只有都已没有,你走吧你走吧,把所有情感都带走,你别回头。 21 幸福离我太远,寂寞在滋长,摇摇晃晃。 幸福离我太远,寂寞在滋长,摇摇晃晃。 22 死亡,只能证明我存在过。 死亡,只能证明我存在过。 23 在这个匆忙与现实的世界里,张望着重复着,习惯着而又疲倦着,同一辆车,相同的风 在这个匆忙与现实的世界里,张望着重复着,习惯着而又疲倦着,同一辆车, 景。 24 嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插在自己心里。。 嫉妒是一把刀,最后不是插在别人身上,就是插在自己心里。 。 25 木头对火说抱我,火拥抱了木头,木头微笑着成了灰烬,火哭了,泪水熄灭了自


《心痛——心碎》心就像玻璃杯,碎了,很难去补。在我的心里,有一个伤口。而这个伤口今天就要公开了。  在我读六年级之前,有位男生跟我是同桌,他挺可恶的。每天我们都会做两件事,就是——吵架,打架,不过是闹着玩的。或许我是女孩吧,他有些让我。他心情好的时候,我打他的时候,他绝不还手,一味地让我打。有时候,我不打他,他会惹我。他明知道我讨厌他用他那五音不全的嗓音唱歌,他就会用这种办法去气我,惹我,我当然就会打他。每天也就这打打闹闹地过。  因为我们经常打闹,有些同学还过分的说我们是夫妻。是男生说的话,我们两个一起打那个人,我打男生时候,很大力,他跟我也差不多,那个男生就会很“惨” 。女生的,我搞定。有时候,上课的时候,我们会趁老师过身面朝黑板写字的时候,我们就在下面开打。生活真的多姿多彩。而且好像我跟他有缘分似的,整一年都跟他做同桌。每一天都过的很开心、很幸福。并且,还会有时莫名其妙的想他,想去学校跟他打闹。我也不知道为什么。  就这样,一年过了。我们分班了。他在另一个班。开始的几个星期,他还认识我。后来,就装不作认识我了。当时心就莫名其妙地开始难受了。  每一次,他跟我擦肩而过,又装不认识我的时候;每一次我跟他擦肩而过,好像陌生人那样;每一次,看见他跟别的女生打骂的时候……我的心,就有些东西在劈里啪啦的碎。我知道,那是心碎!心也会莫名其妙的痛起来,我知道,那是心痛。  既然他只是我生命的一个过客,那么,为什么要让我认识他,为什么让我跟他同一个班!如果是这样的话,我宁愿从来没有认识过他!既然我不会跟他做永远的朋友,那么又何必让我认识他!为什么!我天生就不是一个公主,我知道!我知道不会有人喜欢我,最起码是在小学阶段不会有!为什么要把我这个梦毁了!为什么要这样折磨我呢!为什么,为什么……如果结果是这样,我宁愿不读这所学校。  这个伤口伤了我很久,我不可能忘记。它已经是我心灵上的一个烙印,一个悲痛的烙印。永永远远不会忘记这个伤口。而这位男生,会永远在我心灵的最深处。我也不会忘记跟他在一起的日子,在一起的开心、幸福。这段情也不会成了我的心灵包袱。它会和这个男生一起埋在我的心灵最深处。  可是上天为什么要这样折磨我,一次次的相遇,一次次的痛苦。我天生就是一个丑小鸭,这我知道,但是为什么要这样折磨我所以,我变的很坚强,不会落泪。我只会把坚强的自己露出来。  



那些让你心碎的唯美英文句子第六波导读:Based psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. if it exceeds, you are already in love. 心理学研究表明,被某人秒杀的感觉最多持续四个月。如果超过,恭喜你,你恋爱了。Thousands of sweet words are not better than a single cold word.Then you will find much accident in sentiment.千句甜言,不如一句冷语,原来,感情的事情总会有太多的出乎意料。Although women are like clothes,some women are the brands that you can't afford.就算女人如衣服,有些女人也是你穿不起的牌子。Love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself and be good to yourself, because without you the rest of us are without a source of many wonderful things.爱你自己,接受你自己,原谅你自己,善待你自己,因为如果没有你我们的生活将会失去很多精彩。Love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love. Don’t let yesterday take up more of today.爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。不要让太多昨天占据你的今天!For we lose not only by death, But also by leaving and being left, By changing and letting go and moving on..让我们失去所拥有的不仅仅是死亡,还有离别和离去,还有改变,放弃和前行...Don't have quiet sorrow dark hate living, this silent wins audio. With far up, meet why had known each other.别有幽愁暗恨生,此处无声胜有声。同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。When one memorized and looked back to what he had experienced,he would't regret for the precious years he wasted,and he would't either be shamed for living in idleness and achieving nothing.当他回首往事的时候,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为碌碌无为而羞耻。The greatest grief in life is insistently loving someone who doesn't love you.人生最大的悲哀就是偏执地爱着一个不爱自己的人。If somebody's presence does not add value to your life...Then his absence should make no difference.如果一个人的出现,不会为你的生活增色,那么即使他离开,也不会有任何影响。The most beautiful scenery is the soonest to disappear. What is hurt the most is always the truest affection.走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真的感情。An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。The good seaman is known in bad weather。惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。The unexamined life is not worth living. -- Socrates混混噩噩的生活不值得过。 -- 苏格拉底Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一个人的滋味吗?就像

喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone.这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。One is never as unhappy as one thinks,nor as happy as one hopes.一个人永远不像他所想象的那样不幸,也不会像他所希望的那样幸福。A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness.对快乐的巨大期望正是对快乐的阻碍。Apologies do not always imply that you are wrong and the other side is right. Sometimes, it implies that you treasure the relationship of you two.道歉并不总意味着你是错的,对方是对的。有时它只是意味着相对自我而言,你更珍视你们之间的关系。Whom we love best to them we can say least.面对最爱的人,我们能说的话最少。All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成为现实。 ——Walt Disney(华特迪士尼)Sometimes the best way to get someone's attention, is to stop giving them yours.有时候,让别人在乎你的最好办法,就是不那么在乎他。We've never forgotten about the truth.We are just becoming skillful liars.我们从没有忘记真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做自己想做的梦,去自己想去的地方,做自己想做的人,因为生命只有一次,机会只有一回。I'm sorry my sad, you continue your inflexible.我难过我的难过,你继续你的执著。Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.每个清晨,当我睁开双眼,会对自己说:我,而不是我之外的什么东西,来决定我今天是快乐或不快乐。我自己能选择。What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.在我们背后的以及在我们面前的事情,相较于在我们内心的,都属芝麻小事。Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. The so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night.只有很少的人才懂得,人生是因为缺憾而美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过是丢掉了白天的太阳之后,又错过了夜晚的星星。Every day may not be good... but there's something good in every day.每天不见得都是好日子...但是,每天总会有些好事发生的。A frown and a smile are both possible. Why not smile?皱眉和微笑都是一个动作表情,何不微笑?I am love three things in this world: sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for ni

ght, and you forever.在这个世界上我喜欢三件事,太阳、月亮和你。太阳是白昼,月亮是夜晚,而你,是永远。

























不会因为忧伤而风情万种。 21、坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情,生活不是林黛玉,





















39、原来和文字沾上边的孩子从来都是不快乐的,他们的快乐像贪玩的小孩,游荡到天光却还不肯回来。 1不能在一起就不能在一起,也许、一辈子也没那么长!








《实用 翻译 易错句子》

1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。

2.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

3.Teaching is learning. 教学相长。

4.driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。

5.Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。

6.Getting daily exercise is important. 每天锻炼很重要。

7.Listening to his speech is boring. 听他的演讲很无聊。

8.Parking is prohibited here. 此地禁止停车。

9.Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。

10.Walking in the rain is romantic. 雨中漫步很浪漫。

11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous. 冬季登这座山很危险。

12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. 冬季开车去深圳要2小时。

13.Asking a woman's age is impolite in my country. 在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。

14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. 乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。

15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people. 对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。

16.Finding your office isn't easy. 你们办公室真是难找。

17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting. 听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。

18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me. 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。

19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China. 拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。

20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience. 失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。

21.Meeting new people makes me nervous. 与陌生人见面使我很紧张。

22.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。

23.Making money is everybody's dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。

24.Complaining doesn't solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。

25.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard. 一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。

26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. 为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。

27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. 大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。

28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. 老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。

29.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。

30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. 吸烟会导致多种健康问题。

31.Having a cold isn't much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。

32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。

33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。

34.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。

35.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。

36.You are great! 你真棒!

37.You are crazy. 你疯了!

38.You are hopeless! 你没救了!

39.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病!

40.You are too much! 你太过分了!

41.You're impossible! 你没救了。

42.You are disgusting. 你真恶心!

43.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!

44.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。

45.You are abnormal. 你变态!

46.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。

47.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。

48.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。

49.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是!

50.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。

51.You are good for nothing. 你真没用!/你真是饭筒!

52.You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋!

53.You are daydreaming. 你做白日梦!

54.You are a pain in the ass. 你是个讨厌鬼!

55.Hey!You are a big help. 嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。[glow=255,red,2][千万注意,这是反语!][/glow]

56.You are a loser! 你输定了!

57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met! 你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙!

58.You are too careless! 你太不小心了!

59.You are getting on my nerves! 你真让我烦!

60.You are so selfish. 你真自私。

61.You are so annoying. 你真烦人。

62.You are to blame. 都是你的错。

63.You are going to make it. 你准行!

64.You are going to win. 你会赢的!

65.You are my only hope. 你是我的希望。

66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it. 你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去!

67.You are the best. 你真是顶呱呱![这是母亲对儿子、女孩对男友常说的话。]

68.You are fantastic. 你太棒了!

69.You are special. 你真特别![其实,一个SPECIAL就是最高的赞赏。]

70.You are amazing. 你真了不起!

71.You are incredible.=You are so great. 你真难以置信。

72.You are one in a million. 你是万中挑一。

73.You are so clever. 你真聪明!

74.You are perfect! 你太好了!

75.You are a genius. 你真是个天才!

76.You are a nice guy. 你是个不错的小伙子。

77.You are really something. 你真了不起!

78.You are a lucky dog! 你真幸运!

79.You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。

80.You are so sweet. 你可爱!

81.You are my angel. 你是我的小天使!

82.You are so kind. 你真好!

83.You are so considerate! 你真体贴!

84.You are the one for me. 你是我的梦中情人。

85.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

86.You are mind.I'm yours. 你属于我,我属于你。

87.You are breaking my heart. 你让我心碎。

88.You are sexy. 你真性感!

89.You are so hot. 你真撩人!

90.You are turning me on. 你真让我动心!

91.You are kidding. 你开玩笑!

92.You are making fun of me. 你在开我玩笑!

93.You're a liar. 你骗人!

94.You are a snake. 你真阴险!

95.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover. 你真令人难以置信。

96.You are always wrong. 你总是犯错误。

97.You are always in trouble. 你总是惹麻烦。

98.You are a mess. 你搞得一团糟。

99.You are shame to our family. 你是我家的耻辱。

100.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable. 你真丢脸。

151.I wonder if they can make it. 我不知他们能否办到。

152.I wonder if you could pass me the salt? 能不能把盐递给我一下。

153.I wonder if there's a pay phone in this building. 我不知道这栋大楼里有没有付费电话。 154.I wonder if it will snow tomorrow. 我想知道明天会不会下雪。

155.I wonder if we can catch the first train. 我想知道我们能否赶上第一趟车。

156.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards. 我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。 157.I wonder if the library is open today. 我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。

158.I wonder if your mother likes me. 我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。

159.I was wondering if I could use your computer. 我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。

160.I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?

161.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night .If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影? 162.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year. 我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。

163.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered. 我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。

164.I wonder if he knows what he is doing. 我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。

165.I wonder if she is married. 我想知道她是否结婚了。

166.I guess so.[BR] 我想是的。

167.I guess it's going to rain . 我想要下雨了。

168.I guess not . 我不这么想。

169.I guess you're right. 我想你是对的。

170.I guess I need a doctor. 我想我得去看医生。[身体不适是就可以用这个句子了。 171.I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。

172.I guess she'll come to the party. 我猜她会来参加宴会。

173.I guess you can come over. 我猜你能过来。

174.I guess I'll pay for dinner. 我想,晚餐有我付吧。

175.I guess she will forgive you . 我想她会原谅你的。

176.I guess she is wrong. 我想是她错了。

177.I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a hamburger. 我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。

178.I guess it's OK with me. 我想这个对我来说是合适的。

179.I guess she will be OK. 我想她会没事的。

180.I guess Jim did this. 我猜这是吉姆干的。

181.I guess she is about fifty. 我猜她大约五十岁。

182.I guess I must be going now. 我想我现在得走了。

183.I guess they had a good time in Guilin. 我想他们在桂林一定玩得很开心。

184.I guess she will marry him. 我想她会嫁给他的。

185.I guess your daughter is dying to see you. 我想你女儿一定渴望见到你。

186.I guess we'll have a good profit this year. 我想今年我们的盈利状况会很好。

187.I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China. 我想上海将成为中国最繁华的城市。

188.I guess we need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter. 我想我们得再召开一次会议来讨论这件事。

189.I guess we have to stay home this Sunday. 我想这个星期天我们得呆在家里。

190.I guess we won't be able to finish this today. 我想今天我们是做不完了。

191.I guess I'll be late for the meeting. 我猜我开会要迟到了。

192.I guess she has something to tell you. 我猜想她有话对你说。

193.I guess you want me to help you with your English. 我猜你在英语方面需要我的帮助。 194.I guess I don't have to call you,now that I ran into you! 既然我们不期而遇了,我想就没必要打电话给你了。

195.I guess the share price will go up. 我想股价会上涨。

196.I guess you are paying for lunch. 我猜你要为这顿饭付钱了。

197.I guess he is the right man for me. 我想他是合我心的男人。

198.Speaking good English is no at difficult as you think. 说流利的英语并非像你所想象的那么难。

199.I'm not as stupid as you think. 我并非像你想象的那么蠢。

200.It's not as bad as you expected. 事情并非你预料的那么糟。

201.The t's not as good as it could be. 这本应该会更好的。

202.The United States is not as great as I thought. 美国并非像我以前认为的那么好。 203.The weather is not as cold as I expected. 天气并非像我预料的那么冷。

204.He's not as old as he looks. 他的实际年龄并非像他看起来那么老。

205.She is not as pretty as her picture. 现实中的她并没有照片上那么漂亮。

206.He is not as clever as his brother. 他没他哥哥那么聪明。

207.He is not as naive as he used to be. 他不像以前那么天真幼稚了。

208.Guangzhou is not as clean as Shenzhen. 广州没有深圳那么干净。

209.The film is not as interesting as you tole me. 这部电影并没有像你告诉我的那样有趣。 210.Chinese is not as difficult as it seems. 中文并非像表面上看起来那么难。

211.It is not as successful as last time. 这次并没有上次那么成功。

212.Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be . 迈克尔·杰克逊没有以前那么红了。 213.His problem is not as serious as it seems. 他的问题并没有看上去那么严重。

214.This flight is not as long as the flight to Beijing. 这次飞行旅程没有去北京那么远的距离。 215.I am not as upset as I was yesterday. 我没有像昨天那么忧虑了。

216.This restaurant's food is not as good as my cooking. 这家餐馆的菜还不如我做的好。

217.My scores were not as good as I had hoped they would be. 我的成绩没有我希望的那么好。 218.She is not as pretty as her sister. 她没有她姐姐那么漂亮。[流言蜚语,少说为妙。 219.Come on ,it's not as difficult as you think. 别这样,英语并没有你想的那么难。 220.I promise I won't do it again. 我保证不会再干这种事。

221.I promise I won't do anything stupid. 我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。

222.I promise I'll never lie again. 我保证不再说谎。

223.I promise to pay you back. 我保证还你钱。

224.I promise I'll be on time . 我保证按时到。

225.I promise I'll keep it secret. 我保证不泄露秘密。

226.I promise I won't be late again. 我保证不会再迟到。

227.I promise I'll be quick.[BR] 我保证立即去做。

228.I promise I'll be home bu 10 o'clock. 我保证10前赶回家。

229.I promise I'll be good . 我保证做个好孩子。

230.Mom,I promise I'll study hard. 妈妈,我保证更加努力学习。

231.I promise I will remember your birthday this time. 我这次保证记住你的生日。

232.I promise I won't hurt you . 我保证不会伤害你。

233.I promise I won't let you down. 我保证不会让你失望。

234.I promise I'll come back to China. 我保证会回到中国。

235.Dear,I promise I'll get a better job.I promise I'll make more more money.Don't leave me! 亲爱的,我保证会找个更好的工作。保证会挣更多的钱。不要离开我。

236.I promise I'll pay more attention to you . 我保证今后对你更加关心。

237.I promise I won't make you angry again. 我保证不会再惹你生气。

238.I promise I'll never leave you. 我保证不会离开你。

239.I promise I'll keep my promises from now on! 从现在开始我保证信守诺言。

240.I'll try my best,but I can't promise anything. 我会尽力而为,但我不能做任何保证。 241.Please forgive me,I promise I won't be late again. 请原来我,我在也不会迟到了。

《你说的话 我都相信》

你说的话 我都相信

说得好听 说得甜蜜

你说的每一句 我都相信

为了爱情 失了聪明

听你的话 闭上眼睛

这个梦多美丽 让它继续








为了爱情 失了聪明

听你的话 闭上眼睛

这个梦多美丽 让它继续












然后静静 静静


田馥甄 - 魔鬼中的天使

作词:姚若龙 作曲:陈小霞

LRC制作:活在當下 QQ:6313827












才发现自己胸口插了一把刀子 你是魔鬼中的天使

让恨变成太俗气的事 从眼里流下谢谢两个字

尽管叫我疯子 不准叫我傻子



你可以重重把我给打倒 但是想都别想我求饶






让恨变成太俗气的事 从眼里流下谢谢两个字

尽管叫我疯子 不准叫我傻子

随人去拼凑我们的故事 我懒得解释 爱怎么解释 当谁想看我碎裂的样子 我已经又顽强 重生一次






让恨变成太俗气的事 从眼里流下谢谢两个字

尽管叫我疯子 不准叫我傻子


一, 动名词作主语

王牌例句:Finding a good job is not easy these days.现在找份好工作不容易。

最常用的三个句子Top Three Sentences

1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。

2.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

3.Teaching is learning. 教学相长。


1.Driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。

2.Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。

3.Finding your office isn't easy.你们办公室真难找。

4.Listening to his speech is boring.听他演讲很无聊。

3.Getting daily exercise is important. 每天锻炼很重要。

4.Listening to his speech is boring. 听他的演讲很无聊。

5.Parking is prohibited here. 此地禁止停车。

6.Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。

7.Walking in the rain is romantic. 雨中漫步很浪漫。

8.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous. 冬季登这座山很危险。

9.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. 冬季开车去深圳要2小时。

10.Asking a woman's age is impolite in my country. 在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。

11.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. 乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。

12.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people. 对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。

13.Finding your office isn't easy. 你们办公室真是难找。

14.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting. 听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。

15.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me. 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一 件事。

16.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China. 拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。

17.Losing someone you love is a painful experience. 失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。

18.Meeting new people makes me nervous. 与陌生人见面使我很紧张。

19.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。

20.Making money is everybody's dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。

21.Complaining doesn't solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。

22.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard. 一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。

23.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. 为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。

24.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. 大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。

25.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. 老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。

26.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。

27.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. 吸烟会导致多种健康问题。

28.Having a cold isn't much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。

29.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。

30.Going to school is boring.Going to work is even more boring.Having money and doing nothing is my dream.上学很无聊,工作更无聊,有钱不用做事才是我的梦想。

31.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。

32.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。

33.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。

二,you are...

王牌例句:You are crazy.你疯了。

最常用的三个句子Top Three Sentences

1.You are great! 你真棒!

2.You are hopeless! 你没救了!

3.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病!


1.You are too much! 你太过分了!

2.You're impossible! 你没救了。

3.You are a son of a bitch.你这狗娘养的。

4.You are a dead man.你死定了.

5.You are disgusting. 你真恶心!

6.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!

7.You are fired.你不用上班了。

8.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。

9.You are abnormal. 你变态!

10.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。

11.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。

12.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。

13.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是!

14.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。

15.You are good for nothing. 你真没用!/你真是饭桶!

16.You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋!

17.You are daydreaming. 你做白日梦!

18.You are a pain in the ass. 你是个讨厌鬼!

19.Hey!You are a big help. 嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。(千万注意,这是反语!)

20.You are a loser! 你输定了!

21.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met! 你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙!

22.You are too careless! 你太不小心了!

23.You are getting on my nerves! 你真让我烦!

24.You are so selfish. 你真自私。

25.You are so annoying. 你真烦人。

26.You are to blame. 都是你的错。

27.You are going to make it. 你准行!

28.You are going to win. 你会赢的!

29.You are my only hope. 你是我的希望。

30.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it. 你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去!

31.You are the best. 你真是顶呱呱![这是母亲对儿子、女孩对男友常说的话。]

32.You are fantastic. 你太棒了!

33.You are special. 你真特别![其实,一个Special就是最高的赞赏。]

34.You are amazing. 你真了不起!

35.You are incredible.=You are so great. 你真难以置信。

36.You are one in a million. 你是万中挑一。

37.You are so clever. 你真聪明!

38.You are perfect! 你太好了!

39.You are a genius. 你真是个天才!

40.You are a nice guy. 你是个不错的小伙子。

41.You are really something. 你真了不起!

42.You are a lucky dog! 你真幸运!

43.You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。

44.You are so sweet. 你真可爱!

45.You are my angel. 你是我的小天使!

46.You are so kind. 你真好!

47.You are so considerate! 你真体贴!

48.You are the one for me. 你是我的梦中情人。

49.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

50.You are mind.I'm yours. 你属于我,我属于你。

51.You are breaking my heart. 你让我心碎。

52.You are sexy. 你真性感!

53.You are so hot. 你真撩人!

54.You are turning me on. 你真让我动心!

55.You are kidding. 你开玩笑!

56.You are making fun of me. 你在开我玩笑!

57.You're a liar. 你骗人!

58.You are a snake. 你真阴险!(相当于中国女孩说的“你真坏”,“你好讨厌”一样)

59.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover. 你真令人难以置信。(注意:这是在夸奖对方 一流的接吻技巧)

60.You are always wrong. 你总是犯错误。

61.You are always in trouble. 你总是惹麻烦。

62.You are a mess. 你搞得一团糟。

63.You are shame to our family. 你是我家的耻辱。

64.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable. 你真丢脸。

65.You are a disgrace.你真是可耻。

三,I prefer...

王牌例句:I prefer hot weather to cold weather.比起天冷,我更喜欢天热。

最常用的三个句型Top Three Sentences

1.I prefer tea to coffee.比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。

2.I prefer KFC to McDonald's.比起麦当劳,我更喜欢肯德基。

3.I prefer not to think about it.我还是不去想它为好。


1.I prefer movies to VCDs.比起看VCD,我更喜欢看电影。

2.I prefer you to your sister.比起你姐姐,我更喜欢你。

3.I perfer swimming to running.与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。

4.I perfer cats to dogs.比起狗,我更喜欢猫。

5.I perfer winter to summer.比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。

6.I perfer South China to North China.比起华北,我更喜欢华南。

7.I perfer Chinese food to Western food.与西餐相比,我更喜欢中餐。

8.I perfer country music to jazz.比起爵士音乐,我更喜欢乡村民谣。

9.I perfer driving to travelling by train.比起乘火车旅行,我还是喜欢自己驾车。

10.I perfer living in the country to living in the city.比起在城市居住,我还是喜欢住乡下。

11.I perfer to work than to rest.我宁愿工作也不想休息。

12.I perfer living together to getting married.与结婚相比,我更喜欢同居。

13.I perfer heath to money.比起金钱,我还是看重健康。

14.I perfer cash to check.比起支票,我更喜欢现金。

15.I perfer talking face to face to talking on the phone.比起在电话里交谈,我更喜欢面对面交谈。

16.I perfer hand written letters to email.I'm old fashioned I guess.比起电子邮件,我更喜欢手写的 信件。我想我可能是个老古董。

17.I perfer Guangzhou to Bejing.与北京相比,我更喜欢广州。


王牌例句:What I need is your understanding.我需要的是你理解。

最常用的三个句子Top Three Sentences

1.What I want is money.我要的是钱。

2.What you lack is patience.你缺少的是耐心。

3.What I didn't like is his attitude.我不喜欢的是他的态度。


1.What he just said is absolutely true.他刚才说的完全是真实的。

2.What I mean is we shouldn't do it.我的意思是我们不应该这样做。

3.What I like about China is the hospitality of its people.对于中国,我喜欢的是中国人的热情。

4.What I appreciated most was his friendliness.我最欣赏的是他的友好。

5.What I want to know is how soon they will give us an answer.我想知道的是他们多久能给我们答复。

6.What he says is inconsistent with what he does.他言行不一。

7.What I saw and heard in Britain was very interesting.我在英国的所见所闻非常有趣。

8.What I'm going to do is take the GRE exam.我打算做的是考GRE。

10.What makes me unhappy is the fact that you didn't tell me the truth.使我不高的是你没有将事情的 真相告诉我。

11.What will be discussed at the next meeting is not clear.下次会议上将讨论什么事情还不清楚。

12.What annoys me is his carelessness.使我烦恼的是他的粗心大意。

13.What caused her death is still a mystery.她的死因还是一个迷。

14.What attrracts me is her personality, not her beauty.吸引我的是她的个性,而不是她的美貌。

15.What bothers me is the noise in Guangzhou.让我心烦的是广州的噪音。

16.What inspiers me is the hard work of our employees.员工们对工作的努力激励着我。

17.Believe it or not, what I have told you is all true.信不信由你,但我告诉你的都是事实。

18.Never mind, what matters is your courage to challenge him.不要紧,重要的是你敢于向他挑战的勇气

19.What you don't understand is his "inner self".你不明白的是他的内心世界。

五.I wonder if...

王牌例句:I wonder if you could lend me your car.不知你是否可以将你的车借我用一下. 最常用的三个句子Top Three Sentences

1.I wonder if he can speak English.我不知道他会不会讲英语.

2.I wonder if I might have a glass of water.可以让我喝杯水吗?

3.I wonder if she has been invited.我想知道你们有没有邀请她.


1.I wonder if I should buy that book.我不知道是否该买那本书.

2.I wonder if we could call him now.我在想我们是否能现在就打电话给他.

3.I wonder if Martin is in the studio. 我想知道马丁是否在录音室.

4.I wonder if they can make it. 我不知他们能否办到。

5.I wonder if you could pass me the salt? 能不能把盐递给我一下。

6.I wonder if there's a pay phone in this building. 我不知道这栋大楼里有没有付费电话。

7.I wonder if it will snow tomorrow. 我想知道明天会不会下雪。

8.I wonder if we can catch the first train. 我想知道我们能否赶上第一趟火车。

9.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards. 我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。

10.I wonder if the library is open today. 我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。

11.I wonder if your mother likes me. 我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。

12.I was wondering if I could use your computer. 我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。

13.I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?

14.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night .If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影?

15.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year. 我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。

16.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered. 我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。

17.I wonder if he knows what he is doing. 我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。

18.I wonder if she is married. 我想知道她是否结婚了。

六,I guess...

王牌例句:I guess it's going to rain . 我想要下雨了。

最常用的三个句子:Top Three Sentences

1.I guess so.我想是的。

2.I guess not.我不这么想。

3.I guess you're right. 我想你是对的。


1.I guess I need a doctor. 我想我得去看医生。

2.I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。

3.I guess she'll come to the party. 我猜她会来参加宴会。

4.I guess you can come over. 我猜你能过来。

5.I guess I'll pay for dinner. 我想,晚餐有我付吧。

6.I guess she will forgive you . 我想她会原谅你的。

7.I guess she is wrong. 我想是她错了。

8.I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a hamburger. 我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。

















1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。

2.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

3.Teaching is learning. 教学相长。

4.driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。

5.Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。

6.Getting daily exercise is important. 每天锻炼很重要。

7.Listening to his speech is boring. 听他的演讲很无聊。

8.Parking is prohibited here. 此地禁止停车。

9.Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。

10.Walking is the rain is romantic. 雨中漫步很浪漫。

11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous. 冬季登这座山很危险。

12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. 冬季开车去深圳要2小时。

13.Asking a woman's age is impolite in my country. 在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。

14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. 乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。

15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people. 对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。

16.Finding your office isn't easy. 你们办公室真是难找。

17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting.


18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me.


19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China. 拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。

20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience. 失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。

21.Meeting new people makes me nervous. 与陌生人见面使我很紧张。

22.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。

23.Making money is everybody's dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。

24.Complaining doesn't solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。

25.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard. 一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。

26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. 为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。

27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness.


28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. 老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。

29.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。

30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. 吸烟会导致多种健康问题。

31.Having a cold isn't much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。

32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。

33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship.


34.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。

35.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。

36.You are great! 你真棒!

37.You are crazy. 你疯了!

38.You are hopeless! 你没救了!

39.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病!

40.You are too much! 你太过分了!

41.You're impossible! 你没救了。

42.You are disgusting. 你真恶心!

43.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!

44.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。

45.You are abnormal. 你变态!

46.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。

47.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。

48.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。

49.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是!

50.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。

51.You are good for nothing. 你真没用!/你真是饭筒!

52.You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋!

53.You are daydreaming. 你做白日梦!

54.You are a pain in the ass. 你是个讨厌鬼!

55.Hey!You are a big help. 嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。[千万注意,这是反语!]

56.You are a loser! 你输定了!

57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met! 你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙!

58.You are too careless! 你太不小心了!

59.You are getting on my nerves! 你真让我烦!

60.You are so selfish. 你真自私。

61.You are so annoying. 你真烦人。

62.You are to blame. 都是你的错。

63.You are going to make it. 你准行!

64.You are going to win. 你会赢的!

65.You are my only hope. 你是我的希望。

66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it. 你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去!

67.You are the best. 你真是顶呱呱![这是母亲对儿子、女孩对男友常说的话。]

68.You are fantastic. 你太棒了!

69.You are special. 你真特别![其实,一个SPECIAL就是最高的赞赏。]

70.You are amazing. 你真了不起!

71.You are incredible.=You are so great. 你真难以置信。

72.You are one in a million. 你是万中挑一。

73.You are so clever. 你真聪明!

74.You are perfect! 你太好了!

75.You are a genius. 你真是个天才!

76.You are a nice guy. 你是个不错的小伙子。

77.You are really something. 你真了不起!

78.You are a lucky dog! 你真幸运!

79.You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。

80.You are so sweet. 你可爱!

81.You are my angel. 你是我的小天使!

82.You are so kind. 你真好!

83.You are so considerate! 你真体贴!

84.You are the one for me. 你是我的梦中情人。

85.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

86.You are mind.I'm yours. 你属于我,我属于你。

87.You are breaking my heart. 你让我心碎。

88.You are sexy. 你真性感!

89.You are so hot. 你真撩人!

90.You are turning me on. 你真让我动心!

91.You are kidding. 你开玩笑!

92.You are making fun of me. 你在开我玩笑!

93.You're a liar. 你骗人!

94.You are a snake. 你真阴险!

95.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover. 你真令人难以置信。

96.You are always wrong. 你总是犯错误。

97.You are always in trouble. 你总是惹麻烦。

98.You are a mess. 你搞得一团糟。

99.You are shame to our family. 你是我家的耻辱。

100.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable. 你真丢脸。

101.You are a disgrace. 你真是可耻。

102.I prefer ho weather to cold weather. 比起天冷,我更喜欢天热。

103.I prefer tea to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。(Because I'm Chinese!)

104.I prefer KFC to McDonald's. 比起麦当劳,我更喜欢肯德基。

105.I prefer not to think about it. 我还是不去想它为好。

106.I prefer movies to VCDs. 比起看VCD,我更喜欢看电影。

107.I prefer you to your sister.

比起你姐姐,我更喜欢你。[这可能是女孩子最喜欢听的话,但千万别倒过来,不然你就惹麻烦啦] 108.I prefer swimming to running. 与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。

109.I prefer cats to dogs. 比起狗,我更喜欢猫。(Both of them I like!)

110.I prefer winter to summer. 比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。

111.I prefer South China to North China. 比起华北,我更喜欢华南。

112.I prefer Chinese food to Western food.


113.I prefer country music to jazz. 比起爵士乐,我更喜欢乡村民谣。

114.I prefer driving to travlling by train. 比起乘火车旅行,我还是喜欢自己驾车。

115.I prefer living in the country to living in the city. 比起在城市,我还是喜欢住在乡下。 116.I prefer to work than to rest.(I agree!) 我宁愿工作也不想休息。

117.I prefer living together to getting married. 与结婚相比,我更愿意同居。[此非本人发言,一切纯属虚构!]

118.I prefer health to money.


119.I prefer cash to check. 比起支票,我更喜欢现金。

120.I prefer talking face to face to talking on the phone.


121.I prefer hand written letters to email.I'm old fashioned I guess.


122.What I need is your understanding. 我所需要的是你的理解。

123.What I want is money. 我要的是钱。

124.What you lack is patience. 你缺少的是耐心。

125.What I didn't like is his attitude. 我不喜欢的是他的态度。

126.What he just said is absolutely true. 他刚才说的完全是真实的。

127.What I mean is we shouldn't do it. 我的意思是我们不应该这样做。

128.What I like about China is the hospitality of its people.


129.What I appreciated most was his friendliness. 我最欣赏的是他的友好。

130.What you don't understand is his "inner self" 你不明白的是他的内心世界。

131.What I want to know is how soon they will give us an answer.


132.What he says is inconsistent with what he does. 他言行不一。

133.What I saw an heard in Britain was very interesting. 我在英国的所见所闻非常有趣。 134.What I 'm going to do is take the GRE exam. 我打算做的是考GRE。

135.What makes me unhappy is the fact that you don't tell me the true.


136.What will be discussed at the next meeting is not clear.下次会议上将讨论什么是还不清楚。 137.What annoys me is his carelessness. 使我烦恼的是他的粗心大意。

138.What caused her death is still a mystery. 她的死因还是一个迷。

139.What attracts me is her personality,not her beauty. 吸引我的是她的个性,而不是她的美貌。 140.What bother me is the noise in guangzhou. 让我厌烦的是广州的噪音。

141.What inspires me is the hard work of our employes. 员工们对工作的努力激励着我。 142.What I have told you shi all true. 我告诉你的都是事实。

143.What matters is your courage to challenge him. 重要的是你敢于向他挑战的勇气 144.I wonder if you could lend me your car. 不知你是否可以将你的车字借我一下。 145.I wonder if he can speak English. 不知道他会不会讲英语。

146.I wonder if I might have a glass of water. 可以让我喝杯水吗?

147.I wonder if she has been invited. 我想知道你们有没有邀请她。

148.I wonder if I should buy that book. 我不知道是否该买那本书。

149.I wonder if we could call him now. 我在想我们是否能现在就大电话给他。

150.I wonder if Martin is in the studio. 我想知道马丁是否在录音室。

151.I wonder if they can make it. 我不知他们能否办到。

152.I wonder if you could pass me the salt? 能不能把盐递给我一下。

153.I wonder if there's a pay phone in this building. 我不知道这栋大楼里有没有付费电话。 154.I wonder if it will snow tomorrow. 我想知道明天会不会下雪。

155.I wonder if we can catch the first train. 我想知道我们能否赶上第一趟车。

156.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards. 我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。 157.I wonder if the library is open today. 我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。

158.I wonder if your mother likes me. 我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。

159.I was wondering if I could use your computer. 我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。

160.I was wondering if you could give me some inFORMation about places to visit in the area? 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?

161.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night .If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影? 162.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year.


163.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered.


164.I wonder if he knows what he is doing. 我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。

165.I wonder if she is married. 我想知道她是否结婚了。

166.I guess so. 我想是的。

167.I guess it's going to rain . 我想要下雨了。

168.I guess not . 我不这么想。

169.I guess you're right. 我想你是对的。

170.I guess I need a doctor. 我想我得去看医生。[身体不适是就可以用这个句子了。] 171.I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。

172.I guess she'll come to the party. 我猜她会来参加宴会。

173.I guess you can come over. 我猜你能过来。

174.I guess I'll pay for dinner. 我想,晚餐有我付吧。

175.I guess she will forgive you . 我想她会原谅你的。

176.I guess she is wrong. 我想是她错了。

177.I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a hamburger. 我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。

178.I guess it's OK with me. 我想这个对我来说是合适的。

179.I guess she will be OK. 我想她会没事的。

180.I guess Jim did this. 我猜这是吉姆干的。

181.I guess she is about fifty. 我猜她大约五十岁。

182.I guess I must be going now. 我想我现在得走了。

183.I guess they had a good time in Guilin. 我想他们在桂林一定玩得很开心。

184.I guess she will marry him. 我想她会嫁给他的。

185.I guess your daughter is dying to see you. 我想你女儿一定渴望见到你。

186.I guess we'll have a good profit this year. 我想今年我们的盈利状况会很好。

187.I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China.


188.I guess we need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter.


189.I guess we have to stay home this Sunday. 我想这个星期天我们得呆在家里。

190.I guess we won't be able to finish this today. 我想今天我们是做不完了。

191.I guess I'll be late for the meeting. 我猜我开会要迟到了。

192.I guess she has something to tell you. 我猜想她有话对你说。

193.I guess you want me to help you with your English.


194.I guess I don't have to call you,now that I ran into you!


1.Saying is easy. Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。

2.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

3.Teaching is learning. 教学相长。

4.driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。

5.Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。

6.Getting daily exercise is important. 每天锻炼很重要。

7.Listening to his speech is boring. 听他的演讲很无聊。

8.Parking is prohibited here. 此地禁止停车。

9.Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。

10.Walking in the rain is romantic. 雨中漫步很浪漫。

11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous.冬季登这座山很危险

12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. 冬季开车去深圳要2小时

13.Asking a woman’s age is impolite in my country. 在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。

14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk.


15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people.


16.Finding your office isn’t easy. 你们办公室真是难找。

17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting. 听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。

18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me. 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。

19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China.


20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience.


21.Meeting new people makes me nervous.


22.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。

23.Making money is everybody’s dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。

24.Complaining doesn’t solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。

25.Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is hard.


26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat.


27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. 大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。

28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired.


29.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。

30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems.


31.Having a cold isn’t much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。

32.Getting married costs a lot. Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。

33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。

34.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。

35.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。

36.You are great! 你真棒!

37.You are crazy. 你疯了!

38.You are hopeless! 你没救了!

39.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病!

40.You are too much! 你太过分了!

41.You’re impossible! 你没救了。

42.You are disgusting. 你真恶心!

43.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!

44.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。

45.You are abnormal. 你变态!

46.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。

47.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。

48.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。

49.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是!

50.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。

51.You are good for nothing. 你真没用!/你真是饭筒!

52.You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋!

53.You are daydreaming. 你做白日梦!

54.You are a pain in the ass. 你是个讨厌鬼!

55.Hey!You are a big help. 嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。


56.You are a loser! 你输定了!

57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met!


58.You are too careless! 你太不小心了!

59.You are getting on my nerves! 你真让我烦!

60.You are so selfish. 你真自私。

61.You are so annoying. 你真烦人。

62.You are to blame. 都是你的错。

63.You are going to make it. 你准行!

64.You are going to win. 你会赢的!

65.You are my only hope. 你是我的希望。

66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it.


67.You are the best.


68.You are fantastic. 你太棒了!

69.You are special.


70.You are amazing. 你真了不起!

71.You are incredible.=You are so great. 你真难以置信。

72.You are one in a million. 你是万中挑一。

73.You are so clever. 你真聪明!

74.You are perfect! 你太好了!

75.You are a genius. 你真是个天才!

76.You are a nice guy. 你是个不错的小伙子。

77.You are really something. 你真了不起!

78.You are a lucky dog! 你真幸运!

79.You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。

80.You are so sweet. 你可爱!

81.You are my angel. 你是我的小天使!

82.You are so kind. 你真好!

83.You are so considerate! 你真体贴!

84.You are the one for me. 你是我的梦中情人。

85.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

86.You are mind.I’m yours. 你属于我,我属于你。

87.You are breaking my heart. 你让我心碎。

88.You are sexy. 你真性感!

89.You are so hot. 你真撩人!

90.You are turning me on. 你真让我动心!

91.You are kidding. 你开玩笑!

92.You are making fun of me. 你在开我玩笑!

93.You’re a liar. 你骗人!

94.You are a snake. 你真阴险!

95.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover. 你真令人难以置信。

96.You are always wrong. 你总是犯错误。

97.You are always in trouble. 你总是惹麻烦。



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