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《Apple ID、Apple Developer注册以及加入iDUP》

Apple ID、Apple Developer注册以及加入iDUP 指南V1.0

华南师范大学网络教育学院 潘战生 2010-09-14

一、iTunes 的使用以及Apple ID 的注册

iTunes,读作[ai'tju:ns], 是苹果电脑提供的一款免费的数字媒体播放程序,有Mac版本也有Windows版。iTunes最早是在2001年1月10日于旧金山的 Macworld Expo 推出,用于播放以及管理数字音乐和与视频文件。iTunes可以管理和同步iPod、iPhone上的内容,可以连线到 iTunes Store下载购买的应用程序、数字音乐、音乐视频、电视节目、iPod 游戏、各种 Podcast 以及 标准长片。

iTunes原来是由 Jeff Robbin 和 Bill Kincaid 开发,作为一个 MP3 播放程序被称为 SoundJam MP,并且由 Casady & Greene 在 1999年 发表。在 2000 年被苹果电脑购买,更新了使用界面并且加上烧录 CD的功能,改名为iTunes。起初仅限于Mac OS 9使用,版本2发行9个月后被引入到Mac OS X,而版本3则不再支持Mac OS 9。在2003年10月,随着 iTunes 4.1 的发行,加入了对 Windows 2000 与 Windows XP 的支持。

iTunes 可从苹果电脑的网站免费下载,也随所有的 Macintosh 电脑与一些 iPod/iPhone附带并且提供给 Mac OS X。它也提供作为苹果电脑的 iLife 多媒体应用程序套件的一部分。

iTunes 的启动:


在其中找到iTunes 图标,单击,即可启动iTunes:

iTunes Store中有许多收费或免费的数字音乐、影片、应用程序、播客等资源,但即使是免费的资源,也需要使用iTunes Store 的账号(称为 Apple ID)登录后才能下载。Apple ID 的注册可以和信用卡绑定,这样就可以通过该账号在App Store 上购买资源,包括音乐、应用程序、影片、图书、电视节目等。Apple ID 的注册有国家或区域的划分,以注册时所填信息为准,不同国家的账号可用的资源有所不同。网上有许多无信用卡申请 iTunes Store 账号的教程可作为申请的参考,例如这里。(美国地区的iTunes 中的内容比中国地区的要丰富,例如美国地区的iTunes 中有Music、Movies、TV Shows、Audiobooks 等,中国地区都没有)

中国地区无信用卡iTunes Store 账号申请过程如下:

启动iTunes,点击左面版中的“iTunes Store”,在右面板上放的搜索框中输入QQ并按回车,检索到免费的QQ 应用程序后,点击QQ 图标,然后选QQ 图标下的“Get App”或“免费应用程序”按钮,在弹出的登录窗口中选“创建新账户”:

输入你的电子邮件账号等信息,注意,这个账号就是你以后登录iTunes Store 的账户,而且用于接收iTunes 发出的注册确认信息。


iTunes 向你填写的电子邮件发出确认信息:


输入你的iTunes Store 账户及密码进行登录,完成账户创建过程:


《Apple Inc.》












Eleven things you didn't know about Apple

The company behind the ubiquitous iPhone and iPad is famously secretive, but there a few little known facts about the California-based company.


1 Steve Jobs was adopted and half Syrian

1. 史蒂夫·乔布斯童年被领养,且有一半叙利亚血统。

Apple’s legendary co-founder and chief executive died in October 2011, but while heading up the company Steve Jobs revealed that he was actually adopted and half Syrian. His biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Syrian immigrant Abdulfattah Jandali met as 23-year-old students at the University of Wisconsin.

苹果公司联合创办人、前行政总裁史蒂夫·乔布斯于2011年10月逝世。据相关消息显示,乔布斯童年曾被收养,而且有一半叙利亚的血统。乔布斯的亲生母亲是乔安妮·席贝尔(Joanne Schieble),亲生父亲是从叙利亚移民到美国的阿卜杜拉法塔赫·詹达利(Abdulfattah Jandali ),他们相识于威斯康星大学,当时他们还是23岁的大学生。

Jobs was put up for adoption in 1955, through pressure from Schieble’s parents. Schieble and Jandali later married and had a daughter, Jobs’ biological sister.

但因为女方父母对这桩恋情的强烈反对,乔布斯最终于1955年被送去领养家庭。席贝尔和詹达利后来也结婚了,并育有一女,也就是乔布斯的亲妹妹。 2 Apple’s first computer was satanically priced

2. 第一代苹果机价格的秘密。

Apple’s first computer, the Apple I, was priced at $666.66. Steve Wozniak apparently priced it without realising that the triple-six configuration had Satanic connotations, instead pricing it at one-third over the wholesale price of $500, and preferring one repeating digit over 667 because it was "easier to type".

第一代苹果机“Apple I”标价666.66美元,史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克显然没有意识到这个由5个6组成的数字背后所具有的“邪恶涵义”,他只是想让定价比批发价500美元高出1/3。定这个价格的另一个原因是,一个重复数字要比667“更易输入”。

3 Apple ships everything by air, not sea

3. 所有的苹果产品都通过航空运输,而不是海运。

Apple is Cathay Pacific’s biggest freight customer, as it prefers to move most of its stock by air instead of boat. The benefit is being able to move stock quickly rather than cheaply, with stock moved from China to the US in 15 hours instead of 30 days. It means that less money is tied up in stock (normally on credit) before it can be sold on.


It also means that phones, tablets and computers all worth in excess of £500 each are not sitting in a container at sea which might sink or get hijacked.


4 A Macintosh is an apple variety

4. “麦金塔”是一种苹果的名字。

The Apple Macintosh is so called because the macintosh was Jef Raskin’s favourite variety of Apple.


At the time it was just a codename, which Steve Jobs reportedly tried to change to “bicycle” while Raskin was out of the office, but Macintosh stuck until the end of product development and made it onto the box.


5 Apple’s hero shots aren’t computer generated

5. 苹果产品的效果图并非计算机生成的图形。

The big, glossy super-high-resolution photos of Apple’s latest products in adverts and on its site are not computer generated. Instead, they are a painstaking blend of hundreds of high resolution, super-close up photos all with narrow depths of field.


The individual images are stitched together, in a similar way to high dynamic range photography which blends photos with different exposures, into one massive, ultra-high-resolution image entirely in focus.


6 Steve Wozniak is still an Apple employee

6. 史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克还是苹果的员工。

Apple co-founder Steve “Woz” Wozniak set up the company in 1976 with Steve Jobs in his garage. He no longer actively works for Apple, but is still officially an Apple employee and receives a stipend estimated to be worth $120,000 a year.


7 Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow

7. 噢,哦,噢,哦,噢,哦

Steve Jobs’ last words were "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow" while looking over the shoulders of his family, according to his sister Mona Simpson, who allowed the eulogy she gave at Jobs‘ memorial service to be published in the New York Times.

乔布斯的妹妹莫纳·辛普森(Mona Simpson)同意将自己的悼词公开发表在《纽约时报》上。根据悼词所言,乔布斯在最后时刻一直望着家人,最后的遗言是“噢,哦,噢,哦,噢,哦”。

8 Apple had three founders

8. 苹果有三位创始人。

Apple was founded in 1976 by three people, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.


Ronald drew the first Apple logo, wrote the original partnership agreement and the Apple I computer manual, but sold his 10% stake two weeks in for just $800 because of concerns over debt.

韦恩绘制了第一个苹果的商标,撰写了最初的合作契约和第一代苹果机的使用手册。但是韦恩在苹果成立2周后就因负债累累而以800美元卖掉了10%的股份。 That same stake would have been worth over $35bn today.


9 Thank Ive for the white iPod


Steve Jobs was opposed to the idea of white products initially, but was convinced to use white as Apple’s primary colour for its products by Apple’s designer Sir Jony Ive.


In Ive’s recent biography, former Apple designer Doug Satzger has said that Jobs was only won over by white when shown a different shade called “moon grey”.

在最近出版的伊夫的传记中,前苹果设计师道格·萨茨格(Doug Satzger)说,

《Apple Tree 教学案例》

Apple Tree

课题名称:Apple Tree

教材版本,学科:九年义务教育课本 牛津上海版 1A,Module 3 Unit1 Apple Tree

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