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飞到永无岛去,尽管一个个孩子总要长大,孩子的梦想却世世代代,传承不息。 我想,现在我还是应该相信天使的存在,因为这样,就会多一个天使的存在,并且陪着我度过这人生美好的时光。



彼得是个永远长不大的孩子。他性格活泼开朗,是个勇敢又爱冒险的孩 他有着天真的想法,就是永远不要长大,做个小孩子。他会飞,一次,他出去冒险,过了一个月又一个月,他回来的时候,发现妈妈的床上已经有一个新的小男孩。他觉得妈妈非常讨厌,放下他不管。他就飞到永无乡。 自从遇到温迪后,温迪的举动彻底改变了彼得,温迪非常快乐,他愿意当自己弟弟的妈妈。她那时候不知道约翰。迈克尔是她的弟弟,所以他们玩起了过家家。






孩 他有着天真的想法,就是永远不要长大,做个小孩子。他会飞,一次,他出去冒险,过了一个月又一个月,他回来的时候,发现妈妈的床上已经有一个新的小男孩。他觉得妈妈非常讨厌,放下他不管。他就飞到永无乡。






《Book review of Peter Pan彼得潘读后感》

Book review of Peter Pan

“All children, except one, grow up.” Can such a beginning call up something, something that is funny and interesting in your childhood? Or are you lamenting the past pure youth? I did recall my lost innocent, unaffected childhood and sigh for my growth, dreaming that I were still a 6-year-old girl. However, only Peter Pan can stay unchanged as a happy, straightforward and brave child.

Peter Pan, a child who never grows up, lives in Never Land, an island which filled with magic, containing all kinds of animals, mermaids, fairies and also pirates. One day, Peter appears in little Wendy’s house and invites her and her brothers to Never Land. Wendy, having aspired to go there long ago, heads for it immediately. Not only do they play lightheartedly in that wonderful land, but also fight doughtily with the

cold-blooded and ruthless pirates. Days wearing on, Wendy misses her parents more and determines to go home. Sad as Peter is, he still sends Wendy home and years later bring Wendy’s kids to his Never Land.

After reading, I become possessed of all sorts of thoughts, thoroughly indulged in the book. Sorry to say that I get a little woeful. It seems that Peter is the purity and trueness hidden in the bottom of our hearts. When we grow up, we forget the bright side of the world, and we become even more realistic and false. What replace our forepassed conviction is that we are in a dirty society, full of fraud, of the inside track, and having nothing to do with “you reap what you sow”. “When people grow up, they forget the way to fly, because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless.” The words linger in my head. Though sometimes we might lose the way to truth, goodness and beauty, it does happen and it doesn’t matter. If we strive to trust them, they will finally get to us. We are what we believe in. “Flying is a symbol. Believing in fairy tales, believing in Peter Pan, you will able to fly.” One critic said.

While Peter represents the romantic innocence and purity of the world, Captain Hook,

the chief pirate, is on behalf of the cut-throat, brutal reality. Emerging in a horrified look “cadaverous and blackavized, hair dressed in long curl”, Hook exemplifies the so-called bad guy (in deeper level, the harsh reality), merciless and cruel to people. The fight between Peter and Hook is throughout almost the whole book, and finally Peter wins. Without doubt, it fully illustrates the adage that evil can never prevail over good. If we exert our subjective initiative to the full to achieve success, the harsh reality including tough works, unbearable adversities, just to name a couple, can not stop our forwarding steps.

Different from the images of Hook, thoughtful Wendy is well respected by Peter, perhaps for the reason that Wendy works as a role of a mother, telling stories to Peter and the Lost Boys in Never Land (also the reason why Peter bring her to Never Land). Why does Peter so long for motherly love? “I originally thought that mom would be waiting for me with the window open, so I strolled outside for two months, another two months, and then another. Then I fly home. As I reached home, however, I found that the window had been closed. Mom had forgotten me completely. And there had been a little baby in my bed. ”When these sentences floated before my eyes, irresistibly I took a deep breath, concerning about our current parental care. Parents are responsible to take good care of the inexperienced, ignorant children, aren’t they? Hopefully, notorious events, like “xiao yueyue”, can raise their alarm.

It is said that fairy tales can bring children happy, while adult ruminations. I cannot agree with the saying more. Trying hard to exploit Peter’s purity to fight against Hook’s darkness, I am keeping going on the way.




河口街道二吕小学 丛 林

指导教师 高 燕





《Peter pan in London 彼得潘读后感》

Peter pan is a night in London's kensington district, outside the open window to Mrs. Darling before bedtime story. One evening he was found, he lost his shadow in the

escape. Come back to the shadow, when he awoke the Mrs. Darling daughter, Wendy Wendy to help him repaired shadow. Peter found Wendy also know many stories, so he invited Wendy to Neverland narrowly do they this a group of Lost Boys mother. They are all in kensington park lost child. Wendy said yes, and her two brothers, John and Michael together with Peter pan to never island.

On the way to the island of never, they encountered many dangerous flight full of magic. Children were artillery strike from the air, but as the little fairy ding-ding framed, Wendy was almost killed by a lost boy. Peter and his companions for WenDiJian after a small House (Wendy House), let her live in his rehabilitation. John and Michael also adapt to the loss of the boy's life.

Peter invited Wendy went to his home in underground, and Wendy also soon get accustomed to the mother's role. Peter led Wendy and her two brothers repeated

adventure, they really in danger for the first time in the lagoon of mermaid. Where Peter and the lost boys rescued Princess Lily, but also involved in a war with the pirates. Their enemies are evil Captain Hook. Captain hook scratched the Peter. He let Wendy fled in a kite, but helpless lying on the rocks at high tide. He sure to die, but he believes that death itself is “an awfully big adventure”. Fortunately, a bird nest to Peter himself as a boat, he returned to the house.

Because Peter saved tiger lotus, he got the help of the Indian tribe their possessions for Peter guards against the next pirate attacks. At the same time, fell in love with Peter, Wendy. Peter for feeling confused and agitated Wendy, he spoke of his feelings, but hurt the feelings of Wendy. She decided to take John and Michael back to England.

Unfortunately, captain hook caught them, and when the children fell asleep to Peter's

poison. He did not know these things happen. After he woke up, the fairy ding-ding tell him Wendy they abducted. In order to cheer Wendy, Peter wants to drink his medicine.

Ding-ding too late to tell him about the poison, so she drank the medicine instead of Peter. When she was on the verge of death, Peter to those who still believe in the fairy of children's sympathy, saved ding-ding.

Peter on the way to hooke's ship saw a have a clock that ticks crocodiles, so he decided to learn myself this sounds, this way would not be attacked by wild animals. However, he forgot to stop the boat this sound, the results a thought as to the pirates. The pirates on board search crocodile, Peter pan has stolen the key to put everyone into vessel. When the pirates to detect out of bed when the voice of the barn to see, Peter, kill them. Finally Peter easily defeated the captain hook, let him fall into the crocodile's mouth, rescued all the people. Then they returned to London in a boat.

In order to let the heart's mother no longer sad, Wendy decided to go home, and all of the missing boy also back to London. Before Wendy and her brother's home, Peter flew in front of them, want to close the window, so Wendy will think her mother had forgotten her. But when I saw Wendy's mother in order to Wendy and sad, he was in pain flew away, leaving an open door.

Shortly after he came back again once, see the Wendy's mother. She agreed to adopt the lost boys. She hopes also adopted Peter, but Peter refused. He was afraid they would “catch question and make question a man”. And in the story also hinted that Mary knew Peter when young.

Peter promised each spring will come back to Wendy. The end of the story, Wendy looks at the window, the air said, (You won 't forget to last come for me, Peter? Do, both Please don' t forget)

After back home to Wendy and promised that she will go back to find her at this time of year to hear her say his story until one year, when Wendy said his story, Peter pan had asked her who is tinker bell! Wendy surprised that he forgot to tinker bell! Tinker bell and tell him, but Peter pan only frowned say they are too many, and life is very short, I can't remember "in the later, Peter pan sometimes remember back sometimes forget Wendy years there has been no change to grow up and Peter pan after a Peter pan was never seen again Wendy still tell the story of Peter pan, the story is so one generation to another generation

When Peter was still living in the UK's home, he heard his parents say he would grow up one day, but Peter doesn't want to grow up, so he fled to kensington park home, living with fairy, after never island, when a child forever, will never grow up. And he fly back to the original one day in the UK's home, only to find that his parents had to lock the window deep, and originally belong to he appeared on the bed of another child.



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