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第一部分 听力(共四节,满分30分)


第一节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关





2. A.



3. A.



4. A.

B. C.

5. A.



第二节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符


6. A. I’m sorry to hear that! B. It’s my pleasure. C. That’s right.

7. A. Congratulations! B. Just so-so. C. Good luck.

8. A. Three years ago. B. In three years. C. Three times a day.

9. A. No, you couldn’t. B. Sorry, you can’t C. Yes, you could.

10. A. Well done . B. Good idea. C. It doesn’t matter.

第三节 听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确选



11. What is Bruce doing?

A. Doing his homework. B. Writing an e-mail. C. Reading a book.

12. Has France been to Shanghai before?

A. Yes,he has. B. We don’t know. C. No,never.


13. What size does the man want?

A. Size S. B. Size M. C. Size L.

14. What color does the man choose?

A. Blue. B.Orange C.purple

15. How much should the man pay for the jacket?

A. 26 dollars. B. 76 dollars. C. 96 dollars.

第四节 听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能完成下列信息表格的正确选项。对话听两遍。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

16. A. December B. October C. November

17. A. song B. movie C. speech

18. A. take pictures B. pick flowers C. sell flowers

19. A. zoo B. park C. school

20. A. 7:00 B. 7:10 C. 7:30

第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节。满分30分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



21. ________ useful robot! It can help with the housework like a man servant.

A.How B. What an C.How a D.What a

22.The set of keys ________ mine. My keys are in my handbag.

A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.aren’t D.don’t

23.The students in our school often go to help people in the Old People’s Home. They are very good ________ old people.

A.from B.in C.at D.with

24.—Would you mind closing the window to keep out the noise?

—________.I’ll do it right away.

A.No way B.Of course C.Pretty good D.Not at all

25.—Where is Mr. Zhao?

—He ______ to New York. He’ll come back ______ a week.

A. has been; in B. has gone; after

C. has gone; in D. has been; after

26.—I think being honest is the most important thing in doing everything.

—_____ .

A. All right B. Never mind C. So do I D. Yes, please

27.—My brother eats too much meat these days.

—No wonder he is ________.

A.fattest and fattest B.fatter and fatter

C.the fatter ,the fatter D.fat and fat

28.— I’m leaving for Canada on a study trip next week.

— _____.

A. Enjoy yourself B. That’s all right

C. You’re welcome D. It’s a pleasure

29.I’m sorry, but you mustn’t smoke here. Smoking ________ here.

A. allow B. is allowed C. is not allowed D. don’t allow

30. — Are you sure you can do well in tomorrow's test, Lucy?

— . I've got everything ready.

A. It's hard to say B. I'm afraid not C. I think so D. I hope not

31.—________ have you been a reporter?

—For more than three years.

A.How long B.How many C.How soon D.How often

32.The shop assistant said he knew ________ .

A. where does the manager live B. where the manager lives

C. where did the manager live D. where the manager lived

33.—We won the football match with Class 1yesterday afternoon.


A. Thank you B. Congratulations C. Not at all D. It doesn’t matter

34.Don’t always ________ every word that you don’t know when reading an article.

A. look for B. look after C. look like D. look up

35.—Do you know the girl ________ is wearing a beautiful dress?

— I don’t know. She seems to be new.

A. who B. which C .what D. whether

第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Jim Green is a English schoolboy. His sister Kate is 14. At present,Jim and Kate are at a school in Sydney, one of cities in Australia. They have been there for two years. They like the school, but they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents. Jim and Kate have been to schools in America. France. Japan and China. This is because their father,Mr Green,works for a very big company. The company has sent him to work in many different countries. Mr Green usually stays in one country for about two years. Then the company moves him again.His always goes with him. The Greens are a happy family and love seeing the world.Jim and Kate have learned to French,Japanese and a little Chinese. The two children have friends all over the world. But they are glad they are going to return to England.Recently, the children told parents.“We want to stay in England .We don’t want to move again.”Their father and he asked his company to keep them in England. The Company has agreed. Jim and Kate are very about this.

36.A.16-years-old B.16-year-old C.16 years old D.16-year old

37.A.biggest B.the biggest C.bigger D.the bigger

38.A.also B.so C.too D.either

39.A.western B.Chinese C.international D.great

40.A.class B.friend C.company D.family

41.A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell

42.A.whether B.that C.when D.where

43.A.they B.them C.their D.themselves【2016年大理云龙县中考分数线】

44.A.agreed B.disagreed C.believed D.offered

45.A.sad B.surprised C.afraid D.happy

第三部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误。正确“T”,错误“F”,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer.

Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them quickly.

Don't use earphones when running in the school yard or on the street. You will

keep yourself from the outside world and can be easily surprised.

School bags should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting them on your back. When buses are crowded, it is easy enough for thieves to steal(偷) the things in your bags on your back.

If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go in the other direction, let the stranger know that you know he or she is there. Next, go and get help from others if it is necessary. Don’t go home directly. You are safer on the street than you are in your home or in a lift.

If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes before the buses leave. This stops a stranger from studying you. On buses, don’t sit alone; sit behind the driver or with friends. Don’t sleep.

( )46. It’s not important to get some information about life.

( )47. You’d better sit behind the driver when you are alone to take a bus.

( )48. It’s good for you to use earphones when you are running outside.

( )49. You shouldn’t sleep all the way though it’s a long bus trip.

( )50. If you find a stranger following you, go home right away.

第二节 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。(共10小题;每小题两分,满分20分)


Computers are good tools(工具).The Internet is also good. But some people spend too much time online. They can’t stop. Doctors say this is a new sickness. They call this sickness Internet Addiction Disorder (互联网成瘾症)(IAD).

People with IAD are online a lot. They spend hours chatting to their friends or playing online games. Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends. Some people with IAD even Do you have IAD? Think about these questions:How many hours a day are you online? Is it a lot or a little? When you are not online,are you thinking about playing a computer game or checking your messages? When you are online,do you forget the time? Do you get angry when you can’t play a game?【2016年大理云龙县中考分数线】

If you have IAD,what can you do? Dr. Ivan Goldberg and Dr. Kimberly S.Young have some ideas. First,ask yourself “Why am I online a lot?” Then try to take a break. For example,use the computer or play games twice a week,not every day. In this way,you can have a good social life with other friends.

51. The passage is mainly about________

A.a new sickness B.an online game C.messages D.computer jobs

52. What do you think is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word?

A.换 B.辞去 C.寻找 D.调整



第一部分 听力(共四节,满分30分)

第一节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍。

1. As well known that the elephant is the symbol of Thailand.

2. Don’t smoke here,please! Here is a no-smoking area.

3. People pay more and more attention to playing football in our school.

4. A small number of students in Yunnan province go to school by rope-way.

5. In most countries,people shake hands for the first time.Including China.

第二节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听两遍。

6. Happy New Year,Betty!

7. Don’t make much noise.Your grandmother is sleeping.

8. How was your winter vacation,Jack?

9. Thank you for inviting me to your party.

10.We shall go on a school trip.

第三节 听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答问 题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。


A: Hello, Tina! Where did you go yesterday?

B: My brother and I visited my grandparents. How about you,Jim?

A: I went to our farm with my parents.

B: Wow,how interesting that sounds!

A: Would you like to go with us next time?

B: Yes,I’d love to.When will you go again?

A: I’m not sure.Maybe next Saturday.

B: Great! By the way,what did you do on the farm yesterday?

A: I fed cows.

B: I see.Oh,that’s the bell.Let’s go to class.

A: Let’s go!


W:Yesterday I found my good friend Lisa smoking.

M:Did you ask her why?

W:Yes.She said she wanted to be cool.

M:Well,it’s not cool at all.

W:Year,I told her about a tennis club at school.I thought she would enjoy it.

M:That’s a good way to stop her bad habit.Did she agree?

W:Yes,she wanted to have a try.I decided to go there with her.

M:Sounds good.You can both take exercise.

W:Right.Oh,I must be off now.I’ll meet her after class.

第四节 听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能完成下列信息表格的正确选项。短文听两遍。

We are taking about the vacation plans.We have different opinions.My grandparents would like to go to Kunming because it’s a place where the weather is always warm.My father hopes to visit Sanya because he can swim there.My mother wants to go to Shandong province to go climbing.She thinks going climbing is good for her health.I hope to visit Hawaii because I want to meet some famous stars.My brother hopes to visit Japan because he likes Tokyo very much.









一、大理州二○一四年州组织录取普通高中最低控制分数线:见附件。 二、艺术类及体育类专业的录取:





五、为严肃招生录取纪律,未经州招考院同意,各县、市不得将考生档案材料直接报送录取学校。 附件:大理州二○一四年州组织录取普通高中最低控制分数线表








县 市 下关一中 大理一中 大理州民族中学 大理州实验中学 大理新世纪中学
定向择优班 定向择优班 定向择优班 民族班 定向择优班 定向择优班
大理市 683 660 655 640 640 625
漾濞县 699 685 675 650 660 655
祥云县 702 695 670 640 640 625
宾川县 702 700 690 650 670 660
弥渡县 697 693 670 640 670 660
南涧县 703 690 695 670 675 665
巍山县 702 690 685 650 670 655
永平县 702 695 685 650 670 665
云龙县 702 695 690 675 670 660
洱源县 689 685 685 670 670 655
剑川县 693 690 685 675 665 655
鹤庆县 700 685 670 645 640 625






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