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新人教版九年级上册《第13章 内能》2015年单元测试卷(广



1.5月31日是“世界无烟日”,吸烟有害健康已成为同学们的共识,会议室里贴了如图所示的标志,这主要是考虑到在空气不流通的房间里,只要有一个人吸烟,整个房间就会充满烟味,这是因为( )

A.分子在不停地运动 B.分子间有引力

C.分子间有斥力 D.物质是由分子组成的

2.关于物体的内能,下列说法正确的是( )





3.下面事例中,通过热传递方式改变物体内能的是( )





4.下列现象中,通过做功改变物体内能的是( )





5.沿海地区同沙漠地区相比,冬暖夏凉,昼夜温差小.这是因为( )





6.对下列现象的解释,正确的是( )





7.将两个铅柱的底面削平、削干净,然后紧紧地压在一起,这时两块铅就会结合起来,甚至下面可以吊一个重物都不能将它们拉开(如图)这一现象说明( )

A.分子在做无规则运动 B.分子间存在扩散现象

C.分子间存在斥力来 D.分子间存在引力

8.用细线把很干净的玻璃板吊在弹簧测力计的下面,记住测力计的读数.使玻璃板水平接触水面,然后稍稍用力向上拉玻璃板,如图所示.则弹簧测力计的读数( )





9.水具有比热容大的特点,下列现象及应用与此特点无关的是( )





10.在标准大气压下,将0.2kg水从25℃加热至沸腾需吸收的热量是(C水=4.2×103J/(kg•℃))( )

A.2.1×103J B.6.3×103J C.2.1×104J D.6.3×104J


11.夏日荷塘里荷花盛开,微风吹过,飘来阵阵花香,说明分子在;荷叶上的两滴露珠接触后合成一滴.表明分子间有 力;水与酒精混合,总体积会变小,是因为分子间有 ,分别在冷水杯和热水杯中滴一滴墨水,热水中的墨水扩散快,说明分子无规则运动的快慢与 有关.

12.一切物体不论温度高低,都具有 两种方式.当小明在一杯冷水和一杯热水中分别滴入一滴红墨水时,发现整杯热水变红的时间要比冷水短许多,这个现象说明 .

13.如图所示,当试管内水沸腾时,软木塞突然被冲出来,其原因是试管内水蒸气对软木塞 ,此过程中水蒸气的内能转化为软木塞的 .

14.煮粽子时常能闻到阵阵清香,这是 现象,说明了 .

15.淘气的小明把图钉按在铅笔的一端,手握铅笔让图钉冒在课桌上来回摩擦几下后,发现图钉冒变烫了,这是用 的方法改变了物体的内能.把瓶装水放在冰箱里,一会儿变凉了,这是用 的方法改变了物体的内能.

16.荷叶上两滴水珠接触时,能自动结合成一滴较大的水珠,这一事实说明分子间存在着 .如图所示,封闭在注射器筒内的空气很容易被压缩,这实验说明分子间有 .个大粒圆的爆米花芳香扑鼻,该现象说明分子不停地 .

17.一只电热快速开水壶,内装质量为1.5kg,初温为20℃的水,在对水加热的过程中,水的内能 ,将这些水烧开,水吸收的热量是 J.[当地气压为1标准大气压,C水=4.2×103J/(kg•℃)].

18.散热器常用水作为冷却剂,这是利用了水的比热容较 (选填“大”或“小”)的性质.如果散热器中装有3kg的水,当温度升高了20℃时,它吸收了 J的热量.[已知c水=4.2×103 J/(kg•℃)].


[C小”或“不变”).质量为2kg的水,温度从30℃升高到50℃,吸收的热量是 J.




(1)如图甲中,当向上拉测力计时,观察到测力计示数会 ,这说明了 .

(2)如图乙是探究气体扩散现象的实验,抽掉玻璃板后,过一会儿将观察到两瓶颜色都变成红棕色,要使实验具有说服力,正确的做法是: .

(3)如图丙,向装有少量水的集气瓶中打气,当瓶塞跳起来时会看到瓶口出现白雾,这说明了 .



水 实验次数 质量(kg) 升高的度数(℃) 加热时间(min) 1


煤油 3

4 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.05 10 10 10 20 10 20 5 10




2015年佛山一中学等9所公办普通高中 指标生分配学校及计划数(禅城区)

2015年佛山一中学等9所公办普通高中 指标生分配学校及计划数(顺德区)

— 3 —

2015年佛山一中学等9所公办普通高中 指标生分配学校及计划数(三水高明区)




M4 Unit 3 Language in use 语言运用

Grammar: 结果状语从句和让步状语从句


( )1. _________ he was tired, he kept on working.

A. Though B. But C. As D. If

( )2.Although he is very old, ___________ he is quite strong.

A. / B. but C. however D. because

( )3. Susan wasn’t late for class ___________ she got up late.

A. but B. and C. although D. if

( )4. He is ___________ old to walk on his own.

A. too B. so C. such D. as

( )5. He studied medicine ____________ he could become a doctor.

A. so B. so that C. such that D. such as

( )6. I hurried to school ____________ go to school in time.

A. so B. in order to C. so that D. such that

( )7. ____________ I don’t often make dinner, I can cook.

A. Although B. But C. If D. As soon as

( )8. I didn’t go by plane _____________ I was afraid of flying high.

A. because B. so C. although D. but

( )9. The team walked very fast ____________ they were the first to get to the top.

A. so B. so that C. in order to D. such that

( )10. His father walked __________ fast _________ he couldn’t catch up with him.

A. so; that B. such; that C.too; to D. such; as

( )11. The boy can speak both English and French ________________ he is only ten.

A. because B. since C. although D. but

( )12. He is ____________ a famous writer that all people in China know him.

A. such B. too C. so D. as

( )13.We’d better hurry ___________ it is getting dark.

A. if B. because C. in order to D. and

( )14. ____________ careful with the traffic when you walk on the street. Be B. Being C. Are D. Been

( )15. __________ he has made up his mind, we can do nothing but to say good luck to him.【江义村委会对中考生奖励】

A. As B. Since C. Because D. When

( )16. ________________ the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the square..

A. because B. since C. although D. but

( )17. I knocked on the door but ____________ answered.

A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

( )18. It’s bad for you ___________ you eat too much junk food.

A. if B. because C. in order to D. and ( )19. If our parents do everything for our children, we won’t learn to depend on _________. them B. us C. themselves D. ourselves

( )20. He was __________ tired ________ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; that













Charles was a middle-aged man. He (1)__________ in a village. Charles was complaining all the time. When the day was sunny, Charles said (2)___________ was too hot. When the birds were (3)_________, he said they were too loud. Charles said parties were (4)_________ crowded and flowers were too colorful.

One day, Charles walked around his garden. He complained that the carrots were too orange.

(5)_________ he thought the trees were too tall. Then, a blue bird arrived at his (6)_________. It was a magic bird. (7)________ bird said, “I heard enough of your complaining. You complain all day and night. I am going to give you three wishes, then maybe you’ll (8)________ complaining!”

“Only three wishes? Why can’t I have (9)__________ than three?” asked Charles. “Forget it! No wishes for you! ” shouted the bird. Then it flew (10)____________. “They were probably the worst wishes in the world,” complained Charles.

(1) ___________ (2) ___________ (3) ___________ (4) ___________ (5) ____________ (6) ___________ (7) ___________ (8) ___________ (9) ___________ (10) ___________




Name:_________ Class:_________ Score:_________


1.月台;站台____________2.会议;集会____________3. 未出席;未出现_____________

4. 关上;合上_____________5. 锁;锁住 ___________ 6.简单的;容易的 __________


10. 乘客;旅客________________ 11. 地址____________ 12. 文本;正文______________

13. 一对;两个______________ 14. 事实上____________ 15.管理;支配_______________


19. 工作________________ 20. 沙发______________21. 小吃________________

22.午夜;子夜___________23.空的____________24. 不能做某事的____________

25. (使)烤焦;烤糊_____________ 26. 杯子___________ 27. 任务;工作_______


1.小心„„_____________2.照顾;照管_____________3. 就要/正要做某事________________

4.唤醒某人_____________5.如此„以至于„_____________6. 一对;两个_______________

7. 短信_______________8. 上交____________________9. (梦想)成真___________________

10.发送某物给某人_________________=__________________11. 出差________________

12. 让某人独自一人 ____________13. 担心„„________________ =___________________

14. 对„感到厌烦_______________15. 不能做某事_____________16. 整天______________


( )1. The bus to Shenzhen is leaving _______ Door 2. A. for B. from C. to D. in ( )2. Please ______ the water when you brush your teeth. A. take down B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down

( )3. ---Lily and I will go to the old people’s home this weekend.

---______. Can I join you?

A. So will I B. So I will C. So do I D. So I do

( )4. Don’t ________. He is very tired.

A. take up him B. wake up him C. wake him up D. take him up

( )5. The problem was _____ difficult ______ we all didn’t work it out.

A. so; that B. such; that C. so a; that D. such a; that ( )6. _______ they are brothers, ______ they don’t like each other at all.

A. Although; but B. Although; / C. Because; although D. Because; /

( )7. “I am a singer” is ______ an interesting TV show ______ many people like watching it.

A. so; that B. such; that C. so; as D. such; as

( )8. This morning I ______ up late and I had to _________ school. A. woke; hurried to B. woke; hurry to C. have woken; hurry to D. woken; hurry to

( )9. I’ll ring you up __________ I arrive in Lhasa.

A. although B. but C. as soon as D. because

( )10. Mike made a mess of his room. His mother asked him _________.

A. tidy it up B. to tidy it up C. to tidy them up D. tidy up it


1. 昨天从学校一回到家,我就把我的衣服扔在床上。

________________________ I got home from school yesterday, I threw my clothes on the bed.

2. 她现在很累,不能动。

She is very tired now and she _____________________________________ move.

3. 他家的每个人都担心他的未来。

Everyone in his family __________________________________________ his future.

4. 要确保没有人发觉这件事。 _____________________________________that no one finds out about this.

5. 他刚要出去,这时门铃响了。

He _______________________________________ go out when the doorbell rang.


I am taking an English second language course in this college(学院). This is my first term here. I work with fourteen other students in this class. People call us the students in Grade One, though most of the students in this class are girls.

I live in Room 215. It is on the second floor of our dormitory(宿舍) building. I live in the room with other students.


I like English, though I’m not good at learning it. People say it’s an easy language. They may think so, but it is certainly not easy for me. I think English spelling is unpredictable(不可语言). And I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation. I speak English with a Chinese accent(口音). Sometimes people don’t understand me, and I don’t understand them, either. I get nervous(紧张) when the teacher asks me questions. The teacher says I make too many mistakes in grammar.

I am working hard, but I am making little progress. I don’t learn fast. I’m a slow student. The teacher is kind enough to give me a lot of help. And I really need it.

( ) 1. There are ___________________students in the class.

A. thirteen B. fourteen

C. fifteen D. sixteen

( ) 2. Most of the students in writer’s class think _______________________.

A. English is very interesting B. English is easy to learn

C. English is hard to learn D. English is very important

( ) 3. It is very important for the college students in Grade One to _________________. A. speak with correct pronunciation B. speak with correct grammar

C. write with correct spelling D. make others understand you

( ) 4. The underlined word “slow” in the sentence means_______________.

A. not quick to walk B. not quick to run

C. not quick to speak D. not quick to learn ( ) 5. This passage mainly talks about ____________.

A. how to learn English

B. the writer’s trouble in learning English

C. the teachers’ kindness

D. the dormitory building


广东省佛山市顺德区江义初级中学九年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use》教案 (新版)外研版

Unit 3 Language in use

ⅠTeaching model

Revision and application

ⅡTeaching method

Formal and interactive practice, task-based approach.

ⅢTeaching aims

1. To review and check the words learned in this module;

2. To summarise and consolidate tenses learned before.

ⅣTeaching aids

Recorder, OHP, handouts

ⅤTeaching Steps


Step 1 Revision

Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2

Step 2 Language practice

1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.

1) I visited the Giant’s Causeway two years ago.

2) It produces electricity for millions of people in China.

3) I’ve never seen it, so I’m not sure I agree with you.

4) I looked to the east-the sky was becoming grey.

5) You’ll get there in five minutes.

6) Am I going the right way?

2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.

Step 3 Grammar.





谓语结构:am / is / are或其他动词的一般现在时形式

时间状语:often,always,usually,every day,on Saturday等

e.g. My father is always busy with his work.

Mr Wang often plays basketball on Sunday.

注意: 1) when, until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句中, 若

主句是将来时或祈使句, 从句则要用一般现在时表示将来。


2. 一般过去时


谓语结构:was / were或其他动词的过去式形式【江义村委会对中考生奖励】

谓语结构:was / were或其他动词的过去式形式

时间状语:yesterday,last week,two days ago,in 2012等

e.g. Mrs Smith was a teacher two years ago.

My mother went to Shanghai last month.

注意: used to是过去时, 表示过去常常。

e.g. I used to take a walk in the morning. 我以前常常早晨散步。

3. 现在进行时


谓语结构:am / is / are +动词-ing形式

时间状语:now,at the moment等

e.g. Mum is cooking in the kitchen now.

注意:go, come, leave, fly等表示位移的动词的现在进行时可用来表示将来。 e.g. She is flying to London tomorrow. 她明天将飞往伦敦。

4. 过去进行时


谓语结构:was / were +动词-ing形式

时间状语:at this time yesterday,those days,when或while引导的时间状语从句等 e.g. I was doing my homework when you rang me.

注意: while从句中的动词只能是延续性动词,


e.g. The phone rang while / when Mr. Wang was sleeping on the sofa.

王先生正在沙发上睡觉时, 电话铃响了。

5. 一般将来时


谓语结构:be going to / will+动词原形

时间状语:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next year等

e.g. Li Hong is going to buy a pair of shoes tomorrow.

I’ll move to America next year.

be going to更强调计划性,而will着重表达个人意愿或想法。例如:

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.

I will give you the information when I get it.

注意:there be结构的一般将来时常用There is /are going to be或There will be表示。

e.g. There is going to / will be a film this evening. 今晚将有一场电影。

6. 现在完成时


谓语结构:have / has +动词的过去分词

时间状语:already,yet,ever,never,just,before,for +时间段,since +时间点等

e.g. John has worked in the library since five years ago.


A: Have you seen the film?

B: Yes, I have.

A: When did you see it?

B: Last night.



I have lived here for a long time.

I have been ill for a week.

注意:have been to 曾去过某地, 表示一种经历have gone to 到某地去了

e.g. My father has been to Shanghai twice. 我父亲去过两次上海。

Mr Wang isn’t here. He has gone to Dalian. 王先生不在这儿, 他去大连了。 各种时态中一般疑问句和否定句的构成(以do为例):

1. 一般现在时

一般疑问句式:Do I / we / you / they +do…?

Does he / she / it + do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / They +do not (don’t) + do…

He / She / It does not (doesn’t) + do…

2. 一般过去时

一般疑问句式:Did I / we / you / he / she / it / they +do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / He / She / It / They +did not (didn’t) + do…

3. 现在进行时

一般疑问句式:Am I doing …?

Are we / you / they +doing…?

Is he / she / it + doing…?

否定句式: I am not (I’m not) doing…

We /You / They +are not (aren’t) + doing…

He / She / It is not (isn’t) + doing…

4. 过去进行时

一般疑问句式:Were we / you / they +doing…?

Was I / he / she / it + doing…?

否定句式: We /You / They +were not (weren’t) + doing…

I / He / She / It was not (wasn’t) + doing…

5. 一般将来时

一般疑问句式:Will I / we / you / he / she / it / they +do…?

Am I going to + do…?

Are we / you / they +going to + do…?

Is he / she / it + going to + do…?

否定句式: I / We /You / He / She / It / They +will not (won’t) + do…

I am not (I’m not) going to + do…

We /You / They +are not (aren’t) going to + do…

He / She / It is not (isn’t) going to+ do…

6. 现在完成时

一般疑问句式:Have I / we / you / they +done…? Has he / she / it + done…?


否定句式: I / We /You / They have not (haven’t) +done…

He / She / It +has not (hasn’t) + done…

Step 4 Explain the differences in meaning.

1. Explain the differences in meaning between Sentences a) and b).

1) a) I often play basketball. b) I am playing basketball now.

2) a) She has gone to the Great Wall. b) She has been to the Great Wall.

3) a) They had an English class yesterday. b) They were having an English class at nine o’clock yesterday morning.

4) a) He is doing an interview. b) He has done an interview.

5) a) We are drawing a picture of Victoria Falls now.

b) We will draw a picture of Victoria Falls.

2. Check the answers:

Step 5 Complete the sentences.

2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 2.

1) Listen! It _________________ outside.

2) The great musician ________________ a concert in Guangzhou next month.

3) Last summer, my parents ______________ the Terracotta Army in Xi’an.

4) He __________ already __________________ a new book about travel.

5) Thousands of people _________________ along the Great Wall every year.

6) A few minutes later, a stranger ___________________ at the end of the street.

7) The students _________________ about the journey to the Grand Canyon when the teacher came into the classroom.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct from of the words in the box.

4. Ask the students to check with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Step 6 Complete the passage.

1. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 3.

The sun was going down when we (1) _______ (arrive) at the ground floor of the building. I (2) ____ (be) afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little nervous when I (3) ___________ (walk) into the lift. The lift (4) ________ (climb) faster and faster until we (5) ________ (reach) the 88th floor. It (6) ______ (be) high up there, but I was not afraid when I (7) ___________ (stand) at the top.

The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, one of the tallest buildings in the world, (8) ___ (be) 420.5 meters high. It was built in 1999, and it (9) ____ (have) a fantastic view of Pudong District and the center of Shanghai. I really like the tower and I am sure I (10) ___________ (visit) it again.

2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets

3. Ask the students to check with a partner.

4. Check the answers:

Step 7 Work in pairs.

1. Talk about the wonders of the world you have or have not visited.

A: Have you ever visited the Great Wall?

B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

A: When did you visit it? / When will you visit it?

B: I visited it five years ago. / Maybe I’ll visit it next year.

Step 8 Complete the sentences.

1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 5.

2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 5.

1) The Changjiang River is about 6,300 kilometers_________.

2) The Terracotta Army is a famous ___________ wonder in China.

3) For my homework I have to write an article about the _________ of the world.

4) Mount Qomolangma is the ___________ mountain in the world.

5) In my ___________, the Great Wall is the greatest man-made wonder in the world.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There is one extra word.

4. Ask the students to check with a partner.

5. Check the answers:

Step 9 Complete the passage.

1. Introduce background of the Louvre Museum to the students.

2. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 6.

I’m really (1) ______________ my visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris. It’s the most visited museum in the world-every year, (2) ______________ people visit it. The Louvre is in an old building, but to get inside you must (3) ______________ a giant glass pyramid that is (4) ______________ 20 metres tall. The entrance to the museum is (5) ______________ the pyramid. Some people do not like the glass pyramid. They say it looks too new and does not suit the older buildings. I do not

(6) ______________ them. I think it looks great.

3. Complete the passage with the expressions in the box

4. Ask the students to check with a partner.

5. Check the answers:











































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