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编辑:ruan18650468816  成考报名   发布时间:10-16    阅读:


  1. He hoped the firm would___him to the Paris branch.

  A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) remove

  2. Having decided to rent a flat, we___contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

  A) set about B) set down C) set out D) set up

  3. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied___.

  A) originally B)extremely C) violently D) intensively

  4. ___their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.

  A) But for B) For all C) Above all D) Except for

  5. One day I___a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.

  A) came across B) came about C) came after D) came at

  6. She was complaining that the doctor was___too much for the treatment he was giving her.

  A) expending B) offering C) costing D) charging

  7. The manager spoke highly of such___as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.

  A) virtues B) features C) properties D) characteristics

  8. Since the matter was extremely___, we dealt with it immediately.

  A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant

  9. You don't have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you___on business first.

  A) would go B) will go C) went D) have gone

  10. When I try to understand___that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.

  A) why it does B) what it does C) what it is D) why it is


  1. [译文] 他希望公司能将他调到巴黎分部。

  答案为C。词汇测试题。exchange 意为“交换、调换”;transmit 意为“传播、转送、输送”;transfer 意为“迁移、调动”;remove 意为“排除、消除、搬迁、与”。

  2. [译文] 在决定租一套公寓后,我们开始着手联系城里的房屋经纪人。

  答案为A。本题测试动词词组的用法。set about意为“开始、着手”,表示有目的地开始做某事;set down意为“放下、卸下”,set out to do sth.表示为某个目的而努力;set out意为“出发、启程”;set up意为“竖起建起、搭起”。

  3. [译文] 雇主和雇员之间的关系已被做了精密地研究。


  4. [译文] 尽管这对亲人之间有些性格差异,他们却正形成明显的,真诚的爱情。

  答案为B。词义考查题。but for 意为“要不是、要是没有”后面要求用虚拟语气。

  for all意为“虽然、尽管”,(e.g.) For all his wealth, he was not happy. above all意为“最重要的是”。except for意为“除……之外”。

  5. [译文] 一天我在报纸上偶然发现一篇关于某州大学的一位英语教授的学术报告。

  答案为A。这是一道动词词组考查题。come across (sb./sth.),意为“偶然发现/遇见某人”;come about 意为“发生”;come after 意为“跟随”;come at 意为“达到、得到”。

  6. [译文] 她在抱怨那位医生收费太高。

  答案为D。近义词辨析题。expend,意为“花费、耗尽、用量”;offer 意为“提供、提出、出价”;cost 意为“花多少钱”;charge 意为“索价、要价”。

  7. [译文] 这位经理高度赞扬了他的员工所表现出的诚实、勇敢、守信等美德。

  答案为A。词义辨析题。virtue 意为“优点、美德、好处”;feature 意为“相 、特色、特征、特写、特别督导”等;property意为“属性、性质”;characteristic意为“特点、特征、特色”。

  8. [译文] 由于事情非常紧迫,我们立刻处理了它。

  答案为C。辨析词汇题。tough 意为“坚韧的、坚强的、坚硬的”等;tense 意为“拉紧的、紧张的”;urgent 意为“急迫的”;instant 意为“即刻的、立刻的”。

  9. [译文] 你没有必要这么着急。我宁愿你先去上班。

  答案为C。结构搭配题。would rather意为“宁愿、宁可”,后引起虚拟语气的从句,表示对未来推测的一种情况,当后面跟that从句时,谓语动词过去式,故我们可选C)项。

  10. [译文] 当我试图认识究竟是使么使得美国人不能像其期望的那么幸福时,在我看来有两个原因。


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