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NCE 3 句子整理



1、Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society.

开头就很平铺的说出了文章要说的内容,而且不觉得做作。。对比俺写文章。。绞尽脑汁想出来的句子,和后面又连不上。。蛮突兀的,而且,punctuality 可以用在阐述character方面的例子。

2、Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos.

这几天研究NEC, 发现其实他们蛮喜欢用这种双重否定的。。或者说 是用本身就带否定意味的词来表达,什么not donot。。出现得不多。而且,是我们chinese喜欢用的排比句式。。。同时,这个句子MS是个虚拟。。。

3、Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.

这三句话是连一起的,所以说这篇文章推荐背诵。三个句子,都是看起来很小儿科的句子,单词句式都会,但是觉得很自然地,第一句陈诉观点,第二句虚拟假设相 反情况,到第三句又很自然地用倒装来说也有少量情况出现。。。反思俺写文章,都是心血来潮在前面一堆类似句式中突然冒一个其他的句式,多变的目的是达到 了,但是一点都不灵活。。。— —|

4、He is therefore forgiven, if late for a dinner party.

if引导的条件状语后置,其实这更多的符合欧美人的表达习惯,后面看到的很多句子,都和我们一般写出来的不一样。我们一般写 if...,he...,或者When..., he....

5、But people are often reproached for unpunctuality(又是一个直接表示否定意义的词) when their only fault is cutting things fine.

推荐背的是 cutting things fine 这个词组——卡得太紧

句子意思是:但人们则常常仅仅由于将时间安排得太紧而引起不准时受到指责。 如果让我们来写这个句子的话:

But people are often blamed just because they have arranged their agandas too heavy to be punctuality.— —|

6、The over-punctual can be as much a trial to others as the unpunctual.


as much a trial to others as。。觉得这个句子蛮经典的。。很明白地说出了早到也是对人的一种折磨。。。

7、Although being early may mean wasting a little time, this will be less than if you miss the train and have to wait an hour or more for the next one; and avoid the frustration of arriving at the very moment when the train is drawing out of the station and being unable(又是。。) to get on it.



同时几个单词觉得蛮好:drawing out of the station 一般都会说 about to leave, take off,... very,这个词用在这里感觉就是正好掐在那一个让人觉得很闷郁的关键点

avoid the frustration 动词的名词形式,记得论坛上有篇蛮经典的帖子就是说 名词化趋势,把表达句子中心意思的词尽量用名词表达

be unable to ..比couldn't, failed to, not successful。。这些用滥的会不会要好一点,而且 这个更多的就是强调事情有没有做成功

8、An even harder situation is to be on the platform in good time for a train and still to see it go off without you.


9、She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, since her patents had imressen upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to maike two journeys to meet her.


10、She felt in her handbag fot the piece of paper...

表达,使用的单词 feel。。一般我们写做习惯:She searched in her bag for the piece of paper..

11、The girl, tear streaming down her face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van. 那个 tear streaming down her face 觉得这个状语用得蛮好的。。。


1、 People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so.

再一次的 without。。其实读过去 发现NCE里面很多这样的 with, without 带表示状态结构

tend to。另外表达喜欢做什么意思的词

2、 Those who never have to change house become indiscriminate collectors of what can only be

described a clutter.

蛮欣赏指代词 those 的用法的

of + what引导名词从句

3、 both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment.


比如说爬山,气喘嘘嘘的。。quite out of breath

4、 …and so they gradually acquire a value beyond their true worth.

gradually:逐渐的意味,有随时间流逝的沧桑感。。。— —|

beyond their true worth:超越了本身的价值

如果自己翻译怎么写?they become more precious than they used to be?

5、 Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.

in an attempt to: 表示目的

6、 Collecting, makes a person contented, with no

time for boredom.

还是by 状语的插入位置,也许这样更加符合他们的表达习惯吧。。


1、 Her shopping had tired her and her basket had 通过这样一种比较级来强调tired。。。

2、 In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest…

一般我们写,只想着做什么什么,just thinking, concentrate on..

3、 She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open, yet Yet的用法,印象中老师一直强调yet的用法,也是属于英语中活用比较多的词

4、 It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.

5、 Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves, but then she decided

that at her age it might be more prudent to have someone with her, so she went to fetch the porter from his basement.

第一反应:这个impulse 更加形象的说出了是当时立刻的反应,带有冲动不理智的色彩。。 选词的准确也许更多的是理解相近词各自不同的感情变化吧。。


1、 He did not marry again and I was brought up without a woman‟s care; but I lacked for nothing,

for he was both father and mother to me.

看到这里的时候会发现,几乎在这里的每篇文章里面都会出现without , 以及本身带有否定意味的词而使句子变成双重否定。

lack for。。记得高中做改错题这个是出现得最多的。。一般错写成lack of。。注意注意

2、 His roots and mine had become too firmly embedded in the new land.

这个句子的引申:比如说 某些观念已经深入地建立在人们心中。。

Several ideas have become too firmly embedded in people‟s mind.

3、 I hired a car the day after landing and bought a comprehensive book of maps, which I found on the last stage.


Comprehensive:感觉上也是外国人用得比较多的词 eg: comprehensive education 综合教育

On the last stage: 另外一种表达“最后”

还有划线的。。这个看起来蛮小儿科的,就是I don‟t think。。否定前提。 但是在母语环境的影响下,在不知不觉的情况下,还是会说出 I think it does not…

4、 It was not that I actually remembered anything at all.


5、 Fortunately for me, as I was wondering what to do next, there appeared on the horizon a man As 的用法,老师曾经强调过,属于比较灵活的词语,像引导定语从句,也可以引导原因状语从句,语气的强弱问题。。只是没太弄明白,所以多背一点有关的来提高对这个词的感觉吧。。。——|

There appeared 这个是一个很简单的倒装句,因为前面的文字说作者感觉自己像掉进了一个梦魇,周围冷清没有一个人出现,所以这个倒装句更好地突出了 appeared 表达看见活物的心情,和强调了Fortunate for me


1、 Without it we could not make a living.

还是without,以及双重否定的一个虚拟结构。同时 make 这个词是很经典的。


Eg: creativity v.s knowledge

Without creativity we could not make a living in such a fast-developing society.

2、 We know instinctively, just as beekeepers with their bees, that misfortune might overtake us if

the important events of our lives were not related to it.


Eg: We know instinctively, just as beekeeper with their bees, that a good eating habit is necessary for one to keep fit.

3、 This is a rare occurrence as our climate seldom goes to extremes.

带as 的句子。。这里是引导原因的连词

同时 this is a rare occurrence 这个表达,比普遍的 this seldom happens。。要好

4、 Next came a horse, but we were afraid that the strength of the current

would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted.


第55课 From the Earth: Greetings

1、 Radio telescopes have one big advantage over conventional telescopes in that they can operate

in all weather conditions and can pick up signals coming from very distant stars.

这个 over 这个词。。以及 in that 表示原因的用法。

2、 状语的位置,习惯了把for+时间段的放在句子前后,偶尔看一下这样的表达会觉得不适应

3、 划线的用法。

4、 Astronomers no longer regard as fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signal which

have been sent by intelligent beings on other worlds.

regard as fanciful the idea that….这个句子,刚开始看没太懂结构。

其实正常的应该是 regard the idea that they… as fanciful. 为了平衡句子结构所以把as fanciful这个给提前了。蛮地道的表达。。至少是蛮不中式英语的表达


5、 Highly advanced civilizations may have existed on other planets long before intelligent forms

of life evolved on the earth.


最震撼的是看俺爸爸帮我改邮件, 最后一句 我本来写的是

I‟m waiting for your replay.。。。。。 蛮土的

Your reply will be highly appreciated.。。。以后俺发邮件最后一句都是这个了。。。


6、 Aware of the fact that it would be impossible to wait thousands or millions of years to receive

an answer from a distant planet, scientists engaged in Project Ozma ate concentrating their attention on stars which are relatively close.

过渡句,连接2段间逻辑关系的句子。可以用做进一步详细的阐述,也可以做转折。 engage in 参与

7、 A single picture would tell us more than thousands of words.

这个简单句可以用于很多写作的论述中间。 比如说电脑的作用:

A simple operation on the computer would save us more than thousands of minutes.

8、 In an age when anything seems to be possible, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to

ridicule these attempts to find out if there is life in other parts of the universe.

很好的结尾总结句子。还是那个 creativity v.s knowledge

In an age when anything seems to be full of innovation, it would be narrow-minded in the extreme to regard knowledge gained as superior than creativity.



2、插入语,以及一些小的结构是在老外们表达的时候很喜欢用的。也避免了满篇的which, who什么的定语从句,而且使句子结构比较灵活。而这些小成分放的位置,有时候是很形象


人生是个圆,有的人走了一辈子也没有走出命运画出的圆圈。他就是不知道,圆上的每一个点都有一条腾飞的切线。所以,人生要经得起考验和磨练。1、如果生活是一杯水,那么痛苦就是掉落杯中的灰尘。没有谁的生活始终充满幸福快乐,总有一些痛苦会折磨我们的心灵。我们可以选择让心静下来,慢慢沉淀那些痛苦。  2、总要等到过了很久,总要等到退无可退,才知道我们曾亲手舍弃的东西,在后来的日子里,再也遇不到了。  3、无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。  4、时间可以改变很多人或事,所谓的沧海桑田,其实不过就是弹指一挥间而已。  5、曾经在某一个瞬间,我们以为自己长大了。有一天,我们终于发现,长大的含义除了欲望还有勇气和坚强,以及某种必须的牺牲。在生活的面前我们还都是孩子,其实我们从未长大,还不懂得爱和被爱。  6、你浪费掉了太多自以为是而又狼狈不堪的青春,那里有笑有泪,有自信有迷茫,你伤人也被人伤,难免颓废与寂寞。也许你会坚信自己与众不同,坚信世界因你而变;你以为自己长大了,但突然发现,长大需有勇气、责任、坚强及某些妥协。在生活面前,其实也许你从未长大。  7、在一回首间,才忽然发现,原来,我一生的种种努力,不过只为了要使周遭的人都对我满意而已。为了要博得他人的称许与微笑,我战战兢兢地将自己套入所有的模式,所有的桎梏直到走到中途,才忽然发现,我只剩下一副模糊的面目,和一条不能回头的路。    8、没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的故事,因为每个人都有自己的话要说;没有人喜欢听你抱怨生活,因为每个人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,这世界愿意倾听、习惯沉默的人,难得几个。我再也不想对别人提起自己的过往,那些挣扎在梦魇中的寂寞、荒芜,还是交给时间,慢慢淡漠。   9、不要太在乎一些人,越在乎,越卑微。从现在起,聪明一点,不要问别人想不想你,爱不爱你?若是要想你、爱你自然会对你说,但从你的嘴里说出来,别人会很骄傲和冷落你。不要过份在意一些人,过份在乎一些事,顺其自然,以最佳的心态面对。这个世界就是这样:往往在最在乎的事物面前,我们最没有价值。  10、不喊痛,不一定没感觉;不要求,不一定没期待;不落泪,不一定没伤痕;不说话,不一定没心声;沉默,不代表自己没话说;离开,不代表自己很潇洒;快乐,不代表自己没伤心;幸福,不代表自己没痛过。  11、有的人你看了一辈子,却忽视了一辈子;

有的人你只看了一眼,却影响了你的一生;有的人热情的为你而快乐,却被你冷落;有的人让你拥有短暂的快乐,却得到你思绪的连锁;有的人一相情愿了N年,却被你拒绝了N年;有的人一个无心的表情,却成了永恒的思念。这,就是人生。  12、人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。生活有进退,输什么也不能输心情。生活最大的幸福就是,坚信有人爱着我。对于过去,不可忘记,但要放下。因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线。生活简单就迷人,人心简单就幸福,学会简单其实就不简单。   13、时间就像卷笔刀,我们都是笔。有的人被卷啊卷,笔芯就断了;有的人头就尖了;有的人花边很漂亮。这都不重要,重要的是社会地位最高的是一种叫2B的笔,只有他们能做选择题。  14、激情是鼓满船帆的风,风有时会把船帆吹断,但没有风,帆船就不能航行。  15、真正的朋友,是能够伴你度过寂寞、孤独以及沉默的那个人。  16、你生气,是因为自己不够大度;你郁闷,是因为自己不够豁达;你焦虑,是因为自己不够从容;你悲伤,是因为自己不够坚强;你惆怅,是因为自己不够阳光;你嫉妒,是因为自己不够优秀。凡此种种,每一个烦恼的根源都在自己这里。所以,每一次烦恼的出现,都是一个给我们寻找自己缺点的机会。   17、给自己一个任性的机会,让自己自由自在的任性一次。任性的转身后,就要任性的不再执着,就要任性的不再轻言放弃,就要任性的洒脱,就要任性的一个人勇敢向前走,无所畏惧的勇往直前。只有我们自己知道,清高自傲的盔甲,装在脆弱的躯壳里。  18、一个人久了,除了寂寞点外还是蛮开心的。一个人久了,会慢慢变得成熟起来。一个人久了,会比以前更爱父母。一个人久了,对所有的节日大多没什么期待。一个人久了,听到看到别人一对对的很甜蜜,心里多少还是会有些介意。一个人久了,会越来越理性,越来越现实。一个人久了,会上瘾的。  19、爱情如果说最伤人,不是他不爱你,或者你不爱他。而是望着,却不可以拥抱;想着,却不可以拥有;说着,却不可以对望。哪怕用尽了一生的力气,透支了一辈子的幸运,一直都无法靠近,还要面对一天一天的淡忘。为什么丘比特的箭要射在心上,是为了提醒我们,真爱有时会让人受伤。  20、我这个人很简单,对我好过的人我就一辈子都记得。我很容易喜欢上一个人,只要他在我难过的时候稍微对我好那么一点,哪怕只是笑一笑,我就可以闭着眼睛什么都不管

地去爱他,也许这根本不是爱,但到底什么是爱,我也不明白。  21、多数时候,我们都是独自行走,要学会忍耐与坚强,别把人生走向寄托在他人身上,曾经得到的帮助,只是你的幸运罢了,只有依靠自己去跋涉、去闯荡、去拼搏,才能真正赢得属于自己的东西。那些险滩与旋涡,皆是你必经的风景,亦是命运的公正,没人欠你什么,能够对你负责到底的,唯有你自己。  22、当你说你不自由时,不是指你失去了做什么的自由,而是你想做的事得不到别人足够的认同,那带给你精神上或道德上的压力,于是你觉得被压迫、被妨碍、被剥夺。翅膀长在你的肩上,太在乎别人对于飞行姿势的批评,所以你飞不起来。   23、世界上只有两种可以称之为浪漫的情感,一种叫相濡以沫,另一种叫相忘于江湖,我们要做的是争取和最爱的人相濡以沫,和次爱的人相忘于江湖。  24、生活就像忐忑,没有准确的歌词,却惊心动魄。  25、茫茫人海中谁遇见了你、你邂逅了谁、谁错过了你、你注意了谁、谁陪你走了一程、你陪谁过一生、一路上的行走,你会遇上很多人也许是陪你走一站的,也许只是一个过客,于是生命中留下了许多逗号,一段经历一个逗号,一段感情一个逗号,一段付出一个逗号,无数个逗号的等待,只为最终那个句号。  26、有些话没对你说,并不是想对你刻意隐瞒什么,而是我大脑这台计算机还没有算出,说还是不说,才能让你得到更多的快乐;有些想法没有表达,其实并不是想有意掩饰什么,而是我还没有那么高的智商能准确判断,表达后你的幸福能不能比原来更多。  27、我还是习惯了一个人的生活,不计较是否会接到电话、短信,渐渐地失去对电话的依赖,失去对你的依赖,也失去对温暖的依赖还记得吗?你们俩牵手,在模糊的光晕里与我错肩美好得像是幻觉一样,而我在离你几千公里外的地方静静地举起相机,按下快门,对着胶片微笑你说,是不是不爱了,就不疼了。  编后语:当你说你不自由时,不是指你失去了做什么的自由,而是你想做的事得不到别人足够的认同,那带给你精神上或道德上的压力,于是你觉得被压迫、被妨碍、被剥夺。


① 通过句子记单词乃学习英语的最佳途径,通过每个小时识记10个英文句子,38小时即可达到搞定英语词汇的目的。② 目前网络上还有一个版本是784个句子记忆考研单词,本材料比前者整整减少了一半的学习量,而且本材料句子逻辑性强,语境丰富,绝非单词的随意堆砌,非常便于识记。③ 本资料是《魔术英语 38小时速听速记考研英语词汇》中的内容,是笔者辛苦10个小时辛苦劳动录入电脑,经搜索,乃首发资源。但由于涉及版权问题,仅限人人网内分享,请勿转帖它处,如喜爱本资源,请购买正版图书,并可享受到记忆卡片,mp3下载等增值服务。④ 本资料中囊括绝大多数考研英语词汇,但也有若干生僻词汇未包括在内,请大家注意。风景状物1. a bar code label is attached on the centigrade thermometer.摄氏温度计上系着一枚条形码标签。2. A compass, an album and a stack of pads are carelessly put near the calendar.指南针,相册和一沓便笺本被随意地搁置在日历旁边。3. There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discarded barn.在废弃的牲口棚里有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。4. The gardener is trimming a peculiar pine tree’s limbs with a saw.园丁正在用锯子修建一棵造型独特的松树。5. Spiders spin webs amid the bush to capture insects as their food. 蜘蛛在灌木丛中结网并以捕捉昆虫为食。6. The capacity of that plastic container is 10 gallons, namely 80 pints, and the height is approximately 60 centimeters.那个塑料容器的容积式10加仑即80品脱,高度大约为60厘米。7. A gym locates besides the erect portrait and monuments of suburb with blooms around.在市郊笔直的雕像和纪念碑附近,坐落着一座体育馆,周围花团锦簇。8. The brave cowboy is herding a flock of sheep to descend a slope.那位勇敢的牧童把一群羊赶下山坡。9. The whistle of subway weakened and vanished away in the dim tunnel.地铁方向传来的汽笛声音在昏暗的地道里变弱消失了。10. The bamboos and honey peaches dot the bright and spectacular view on the mountain peak.竹林和水蜜桃树点缀着山顶亮丽壮观的风景。11. The flour-roller clinging to the wall is stirring the mixture of flour and water with a constant rhythm.紧靠墙角的面粉搅拌机正在有节奏地搅动着面水混合物。12. The shallow smelly draining ditch outside the inn annoyed the civilians.客栈外面那条浅浅的发臭的排水沟使周围的民众很烦恼。13. The purple purse made of genuine leather for auction arouse our attention.那个待拍卖的真皮姿色钱包引起了我们的注意。14. There is a stack of grain and some textiles on the saddle of donkey.驴鞍上驮着一麻袋谷物和

一些纺织品。15. There was a bottle of brandy(whisky),some stale toast and a bowl of bacon with ants in the cupboard(closet) of the bachelor.那个单身汉的食橱里放着一瓶白兰地酒(威士忌酒),一些不新鲜的靠面包和一碗爬满蚂蚁的咸肉。16. Under the command of its master, the loyal hunting dog is wandering in the bundles of weeds, waiting for prey.在主人的指挥下,那只忠实的猎狗在野草丛中徘徊着等待猎物的出现。17. The crude hut concealed by bunches of weeds, hedges and oaks refreshed my memory of childhood.被杂草、篱笆和橡树遮掩的那个简陋的小屋唤起了我对童年的回忆。18. We can see a queue of saints(pilgrims),some solemn isolated temples and bare summits in distance from the windows of our sightseeing bus.从旅行车窗中我们看到一队圣徒(朝圣者),一些庄严孤立的庙宇和远处光秃秃的山峰。19. The machine consists of cylinder, piston, rotary, shaft, gears, bearings, bolts, screws and stainless steel crusts.那台机器由气缸、活塞、旋转轴、齿轮、轴承、螺栓、螺丝钉和不锈钢外壳组成。20. Through the mist, the stream that stretched for miles was barely visible and authentic.透过薄雾,那条绵延数里的河隐约可见,却更感真实。2.科学技术21. The attempt to develop atomic energy will undoubtedly revolutionize the lives of the coming generation.开发原子能的尝试必将使未来人类的生活发生革命性的变化。22. The only resource of petroleum products is crude oil, which is pumped up from the interior of the earth.原油由地下抽出,它是石油产品的唯一原料。23. Alcohol molecule is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.酒精分子式由碳、氢、氧三种元素构成。24. After analyzing the ancient housing estate, the historical expert reached a conclusion that the Indians were the original inhabitants in North America.经过对古代住宅区的分析,历史学家得出一个结论:印第安人是北美地区最早的居民。25. Most of the telecommunication networks are accurately controlled by electronic robots.大多数远程通讯网络由电子自动装置精确地控制。26. You should read the handy booklet for reference before commencing using the delicate scale.在用这台精密天平之前,你应该读一下那参考手册。27. Some species of bacteria and virus thrive in simple compounds such as alcohol.一些细菌和病毒活跃于简单的化合物诸如酒精中。28. Laser light beaming onto glass fibers casts a characteristic pattern.射在玻璃纤维上的激光放射出一种特有的图像。29. Through the microscope lens I can clearly observe the worm egg that is not apparent to the naked eye.透过显微镜片,我清楚地看到了肉眼无法看到的蠕虫卵。30. He is amazed that through triangle mirror, the torch

light’s reflection spectrum turns to a colorful ribbon image.令他感到惊奇的是:通过三棱镜的反射后,手电光的反射光谱变成了多彩的带状图像。31. The study demonstrates that the quality of reaction accelerator can influence the density of refined copper.研究表明,反应催化剂的质量影响精炼铜的密度。32. It’s estimated that the claw hook of the cargo crane can’t heave the heavy lumber up.据估计,该货物起重机爪形钩吊不起那些沉重的木材。33. It’s inevitable that horrible earthquakes will happen in the margin of shifting earth layers.移动着的地层边缘将不可避免地发生重大的地震灾害。34. Steel rods that could reinforce concrete structures are indispensable in constructing.钢筋可以加固混凝土结构,在建造过程中必不可少。35. A scholar predicted that such festival decoration would be a typical feature (trait) of next magnificent ceremony.一位学者预测,这种节日的装饰是下次盛大庆典的典型特征。36. The earth’s axis is an imaginative line between the north and south polar and the equator divides the north and south hemisphere.地球的轴心是介于南北极之间的那条假想的线;赤道是南北半球的分界线。37. Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas.二氧化硫是有毒气体。38. It is absolute that the string of a piano vibrates when the keys are struck.钢琴的琴键一弹琴弦就想,这是再自然不过的事情了。39. Emergence of the Internet is a grand symbol that mankind has access to a network era.因特网的出现时人类进入网络时代的重大标志。40. The philosopher said that human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct.那位哲学家说人类的行为主要是认知的产物,而动物的行为时本能的使然。 人物素描41. Although working on a white-collar job, Mister Li is skilled at maintaining the gasoline turbine engine.李先生虽然从事白领工作,但在修理汽油轮机方面非常老练。42. The carpenter asserted that antique sofa could be readily converted into a bed.那位木匠声称这张老式的沙发他可以很容易地改成一张床。43. The eminent physicist from rural household is very modest , never boasts.那位农民家庭出生的杰出的物理学家从不吹嘘,很谦虚。44. He is adored by youngsters for his talent, wisdom, honesty and upright character and has gained wide acceptance.他因才能、智慧、和正直获得广泛认同而受到年轻人的崇拜。45. The embarrassed spokesman refused to make any comments on the split of the company.尴尬的发言人拒绝对公司的分裂发表任何评论。46. Owing to always leaning on the counter with depression and couldn’t concentrate on sales, the salesman was dismissed by her shopkeeper.由于那位收货员总

是沮丧地倚在柜台上,不能集中精力销售,因此被店主解雇了。47. The arbitrary sponsor declared abruptly to abolish the annual racial rally.那位武断的主办者突然宣布取消一年一度的种族集会。48. With a bundle of cartoon monthly, the postman(messenger) walked out of elevator and squeezed sideways through the crowded corridor.抱着一沓卡通月刊,送信人走出电梯,侧着身子挤过拥挤的走廊。49. The crippled beggar packed a pinch of beans in cigar wrapping paper, and then bound it with a cord.那位跛足的乞丐用雪茄烟包装纸包了一捏豆子,然后用细绳捆扎起来。50. The retailer introduced all sorts of recorders to a keen enquiring consumer.零售商向那位热切咨询的消费者介绍了各种款式的录音机。51. Some adult males and females are occupied in sowing grains in acres of fertile and fruitful field.一些成年男女正在肥沃多产的广阔土地上忙碌地播种谷物。52. The thirsty porter uncovered the kettle, and then drank the last drop of juice.那位口渴的搬运工揭开壶盖,把一壶果汁喝光了。53. The workmen, who were holding spades, squeezed gold ore particles out of tons of rock in the pit. 手握铲子的矿工在矿井中将金矿颗粒从成吨的岩石中分离出来。54. The grocer, who was driving a wagon, got frustrated by the frost and slippery lane.驾着马车的杂货商因冰冻路滑而沮丧。55. The evil selfish landlord was cursed and defied by cynical farmers in poverty.那位可恶自私的地主受到愤世嫉俗的穷人的咒骂和蔑视。56. My workmate gestured, clarifying his intentions of using a forged(faked) passport in haste.我的同事打着手势,匆忙地解释着他使用假护照的意图。57. It is evident that the typist (receptionist) wearing fashionable blouse is capable.很明显,那位穿着时髦女衬衫的打字员(接待员)很能干。58. The pregnant woman clumsily sliced up a loaf and put them on a rack oven.那位孕妇笨拙地将面包切成片,放在架式烤炉上。59. For the sake of security, he steered the steamer into port and cast anchor before the awful hurricane came.为了安全起见,在可怕的暴风雨来临之前,他把汽船驶进港口抛锚停泊。60. The client selected a pair of jeans, an elastic pants and a gown for his madam.那位顾客给夫人买了一条牛仔裤,一条有弹性的便裤和一件女礼服。61. With somewhat panic expression, grabbing the mobile phone, she dashed off the dormitory.带着惊恐的表情,她抓起手机,冲出宿舍。62. The princess with curly hair wore a crown decorated with small cube crystal (ruby) at the luncheon.用餐时,那位卷发公主戴了一顶镶有小正方体水晶的王冠。63. He shrugged his shoulder, indirectly implying that he was indifferent to the ballet concert in a nearby

pub.他耸耸肩,间接地表示他对附近一家酒吧举行的芭蕾舞毫无兴趣。64. In a snack-bar, he dips tomato jam in a tray with the loaf when sucking soda.在一家快餐店里,他一边吮吸着汽水,一边用面包蘸着碟子里的西红柿酱。65. Despite of holding an umbrella, the trousers of the viewer on the muddy wayside were soaked.虽然打着雨伞,这位站在泥泞路边的观众,裤子已经湿透了。66. They cheer with Coca-cola, exchanging congratulations for having been aboard an aircraft carrier.他们以可口可乐代酒,为登上航空母舰而互相庆贺。67. The muscular boxer exerted every ounce of energy in this fierce vital punch to punish his opponent.那位肌肉发达的拳击手竭尽全力向对手发出致命的一击。68. My partner, who is licking ice-cream, has rich imagination and speaks fluent oral English. 我的那位正在吃冰激凌的伙伴有这丰富的想象力和一口流利的英语。69. The elegant bride embraced her lover tenderly at the wedding.那位美丽的新娘在结婚典礼上与爱人温柔拥抱。70. Though being a deaf and dumb mechanic, he holds no negative (passive) attitude to whatsoever his work and never lags. 虽然他是一位聋哑技工,但对工作没有任何消极态度,也从来没有落后。71. The chess champion of the union was unexpectedly eliminated in the preliminary match.工会的象棋冠军这次预赛中被意外地淘汰了。72. My neighbor frowned at the draining pipe choked by trash and rust.我的邻居因排水管被垃圾和铁锈堵住而沮丧。73. After attending the banquet celebrating the anniversary of charity council, the drunken millionaire fell down to the lawn adjoining a nightclub parking.参加慈善委员会成立一周年的宴会后,酒醉的富翁摔倒在一家夜总会停车场附近的草坪上。74. The rigid teacher criticized sandy for the fact that remotely relevant to the topic, his composition was simply nonsense! 严厉的老师批评桑迪那篇毫不扣题的作文简直是胡说八道。75. In order to protect his teeth against dental decay (erosion), sandy’ mother declared to prohibit excessive sweet diets and desserts.为了防止牙齿被蛀蚀,桑迪的妈妈声明,禁止他过度地吃甜食和饭后甜点。76. The sincere Confucian’s formal style of speaking was appropriate for the occasion.这位诚挚的儒家学者的讲话方式适合于那种场合。77. A refugee walked into a supermarket of downtown, adapted his eyes to the dizzy light indoors and peered at the price on the tag of some shavers.一位难民走进市中心的超市,尽量让自己的眼睛适应室内炫目的灯光,细看标签以辨认出那些剃须刀的价格。78. He deleted all the classical dramas in his computer, and reproduced some modern jazz music into it.他删去计算机中所有的经典戏剧,并


50个句子记完的7000单词 2008-02-22

1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.


2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.

2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?

3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.


4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.


5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.


6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.


8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.


9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.


10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.


11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.


12. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

12. Billie Holiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.


14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises.


15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.


16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them.


17. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.


18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.


19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.


20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois.


21. Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.


22. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.


23. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur.


24. Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.


25. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.


26. By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art.


27. In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.


背完100句 背过7000词


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.


2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.

2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢?

3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.


4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.


5. In group to remain in existence[iɡ\zistəns], a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.


6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.


7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.


8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.


9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.


10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.


11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.


12. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.

12. Billie Holiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。

13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.


14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises.


15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live.


16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them.


17. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.


18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns

ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.


19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.


20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois.


21. Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.


22. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.


23. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur.


24. Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.


25. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood.


26. By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art.


27. In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.


28. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff.

28. Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。

29. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone.

29. Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

30. Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance.


31. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.


32. That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.



考研励志句子(2008-11-17 19:29:35)转载标签:励志教育 分类:收藏的 虽然还没有开始,提前写下来。*"不可能"这个词,只在愚人的字典中找得到。      *你在这个世界上每一天都是一个崭新的自我,为此而高兴吧!善用你的天赋。      *他在月亮底在睡觉,他在太阳底下取暖,他总是说要去做什么,但却什么也没做就死了。    *如果我们都去做自己能做到的事情,我们真会教自己大吃一惊。    *从做需要做的事情开始,接着就做可能的事情,最后,你会突然做起不可能的事情。    *当一个人一天有许多要放入时,一天就可以有一百个口袋。    *最近的时刻总是至高无比的时刻。现在晚餐耽搁五分钟,要比十年前的大悲伤更重要。*你的一生中,可以有所作为的时候,只有一次,那就是现在。然而,许多人却在悔恨过去和担忧未来之中浪费了大好时光。    谁虚度年华,青春就会褪色,生命就会抛弃他们。  *无限风光在险峰!    *从平庸到优秀只有一步之遥。    *发现你的敌人在什么地方,就尽可能地抓住他,使出全力去打击他,并且要不断前进。    *你掌握的着自己的心态,因而你主宰着自己的命运。*任何时代,都是积极者的时代,上进者的时代,创造者的时代。    *一个人若只用平庸的标准来要求自己,却又想名垂千古--这不是痴心妄想吗?    *完成任何一项任务都像去打一场仗一样重要。    *一个人只有选择优秀,才能到达卓越。*没有人可以阻止我前进,除非我自己要停下来。   没有人可以阻止我奋斗,除非我自己要放弃。    *即使你把我关在一丝气也透不出的屋子里,   我仍然能想像出外面明媚的阳光。   即使命运把我扔在沙漠最深处,   我仍然知道远方有蓝色的海洋。    *任何人的成功都来源于自觉自愿地去寻找机会,发挥创造力。如果你只会坐井观天,守株待兔,那么你永远只能是井底之蛙,永远逮不着那千分之一几率的兔子。励志经典句子 发生一件事,如果你 喜欢它,那么享受它。 不喜欢,那么避开它。 避不开,那么改变它。 改不了,那么接受它。 改变观念,你就能接受它。 ★★★★★ 复杂的事情要简单做。 简单的事情要认真做。 认真的事情要重复做。 重复的事情要创造性地做。 ★★★★★ 人生幸福三诀 第一是: 不要拿自己的错误来惩罚自己 第二是: 不要拿自己的错误来惩罚别人 第三是: 不要拿别人的

错误来惩罚自己 有了这三条, 人生就不会太累了…… ★★★★★ 过去的快乐留待回忆, 未来的快乐正在计划, 但快乐只能现在感受! ★★★★★ 生命是一次奇遇,用心感受,会有属于自己的惊喜! ★★★★★ 如果你要等有了实验室才来做实验的话,那么有了实验室你也不会做实验。 ★★★★★ 得意淡然,失意坦然 ★★★★★ 生命不是用来寻找答案 也不是用来解决问题 它是用来愉快的过生活的。 ★★★★★ 你可以高烧40度还坚持工作,但你解决的问题和你制造的麻烦一样多! ★★★★★ 不论你在什麽时候开始,重要的是开始之後就不要停止。 不论你在什麽时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨。 你不能左右天气,但你能转变你的心情。 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 ★★★★★ 激励自己不用太多资料,只需要行动和一个笔记本 每天总结自己,改正自己一点一滴的毛病,看很多书没有用,只有自己心里的才真正属于自己。所以,每天记笔记,需要改正的,不断进步的。好的东西。然后就去做就行了。更多:1 当你无法从一楼蹦到三楼时,不要忘记走楼梯。要记住伟大的成功往往不是一蹴而就的。  2 幸福=身体好+有追求+有所爱  3 把你的手举过你的头顶,你会发现你的手总比你的头要高,说明做事情总比想事情重要,实实在在的去做些什么吧!  4 我们走入生活,总以为前方会有一个莫大的幸福在等待自己。但是蓦然回首,才发现幸福其实就在点点滴滴流逝的时光中。  5 你只希望坐在屋里得到窗口进来的一缕阳光当然也可以,但有远见有毅力的人会探出头去看看窗外真正美丽多彩的世界。  6 失败只有一种,那就是半途而废。  7 有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。  8 人年轻的时候经历种种磨难并不是件可怕的事情。经历过的事情,挫折也好,忧伤也罢,都会成为你生命中最宝贵的财富。坚持下去,你会发现这个世界上真正能够打败你的,只有你自己。  9 Every ebb awaits an overwhelming flow.跨过人生低谷,飞越前途险峰。  10 只要你选择了一条路,别人肯定会为你让路。  11 一个人的成功不取决于他的智慧,而是毅力。Never quit,keep up with it!  12 痛苦的秘密在于有闲工夫为自己是否幸福而烦恼。  13 因为我们正在追逐幸福,所以不免要触摸痛苦。  14 人生永远都是一种balance。当你得到某个东西的时候,就意味着你在失去;当你失去某个东西的时候,就意味着你在得到。无论失去和得到都不需要高兴,因为这都是有代




















模仿万能作文总结的万能段落,只要能对上号的都往上丢,保证能多加5分以上。 以下各条只是一些点,相应展开一下就可以了——










(1)哲学方面的:党制定执行正确方针、政策、路线的理论基础、根本依据; 有助于克服各种错误思想——说明一下;




(5)最重要一条:有利于实现人民根本利益,促进人的全面发展和经济社会发展。 万能结尾:


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