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碰见好久不见的朋友了,只记得那句“long time no see" ?看看还有什么好的打招呼方式吧!

Woman: Hey! Hello there! Haven’t seen you in ages!

Man: Oh… all right yeah.

Woman: Great to see you again! You’re looking really well!

Man: Oh! You think so? Thanks...

Woman: So, how are you?

Man: Well, you know, mustn’t grumble.

Woman: What’ve you been up to? Still working in that coffee shop?

Man: Yeah...same one...

Woman: Still trying to be an actor?

Man: Well, yeah, you know...

Woman: So Hollywood hasn’t called in yet?

Man: Not yet...

Woman: Still living in…that …er…little flat?

Man: Yeah. Same one.

Woman: Well, great.

Man: How about you? You still there…working in the fast food place?

Woman: No! Stopped that a long time ago! I’m working in the city now, financial industries!

Man: Oh. Great. Are you still sharing that house with all those other people?

Woman: No way! I bought a big house with… four bedrooms, and a garden… the works.

Man: Hmm…good for you.

Woman: Listen! We should get together for a drink sometime! Catch up!

Man: Yeah, I’d love to.

Woman: Let’s do it! Keep in touch then!

英国到底是Great Britain还是UK?怎么说才最准确呢?看看这个短片,了解一下它们到底都指什么吧!

Man: So where are you from?

Woman: Scotland. Are you Scottish too?

Man: Well no, I’m English actually, but„you know„it’s all like the same thing, isn’t it?

Woman: Not exactly.

Man: Go on! Isn’t Scotland just like well, a bit of England?

Woman: No, it is not!

Man: Sorry, Britain I mean.

Woman: “Britain” is not “England”!

Man: Well yeah„I know„that I’m not stupid or anything„but Britain’s like, England, Scotland and Wales, isn’t it?

Woman: Not exactly.

Man: Yeah, it’s the UK – the United Kingdom.

Woman: The United Kingdom is “Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland”.

Man: Oh I see, but we’re all like the same nation, aren’t we?

Woman: Not really. Four nations, one state.

Man: Oh, I get it! So the UK (is) like the same as Great Britain...

Woman: Great Britain is a geographical term – it’s a big island with Scotland, England, and Wales on it.

Man: All right, but we all have the same prime minister, don’t we?

Woman: Yes. And the same head of state.

Man: The Queen!

Woman: Exactly.

Man: And the same government?

Woman: Well, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own local parliaments.

Man: Oh. I see.

Woman: It’s complicated.

Man: Yeah, I can see that.


Man: Hey! Nice pants!

Woman: Excuse me?

Man: I said nice pants.

Woman: You can’t see my pants, can you?

Man: Of course I can.

Woman: How can you see my pants?

Man: They’re on your legs!

Woman: Ha. You haven’t been to America recently, have you?

Man: Oh I er „I er actually just got back from LA! That’s “Los Angeles” by the way....

Woman: I know.

Man: Yeah, I picked up some of the American words, and now I forget which ones to use! So confusing!

Woman: We call these “trousers” in Britain.

Man: Of course we do...you know there are so many things „that’s it’s exactly a completely different language sometimes!

Woman: Really?

Man: Yeah!

Woman: Would you like a crisp?

Man: Crisps? In the States, they’re “chips”!

Woman: Oh. So if I want to order our chips in America, what do I ask for?

Man: French fries!

Woman: I see.

Man: And you know what that is, don’t you?

Woman: A fizzy drink.

Man: That’s a “soda”!

Woman: Hmm„

Man: You know the lift over there?

Woman: Yeah?

Man: That’s an elevator.

Woman: Oh really?

Man: You know in the States, you don’t go to watch a film...

Woman: You “watch a movie”!

Man: Exactly! And you don’t walk on the pavement„

Woman: You walk on the “sidewalk”!

Man: You got it!

Woman: I’ve watched a lot of films...oops...movies!






3.いい颜(かお)をしない 【_D`



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