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001 Love your neighbor as yourself.


002 Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.


003 Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder? 野驴有草岂能叫唤,牛有料,岂能吼叫。--《旧•伯》6:5

004 I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. 我灵愁苦,要发出言语。我心苦恼,要吐露哀情。--《旧•伯》7:11

005 Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water? 蒲草没有泥,岂能发长。芦荻没有水,岂能生发。--《旧•伯》8:11

006 Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? 年老的有智慧,寿高的有知识。--《旧•伯》12:12

007 The lamp of the wicked is snuffed out; the flame of his fire stops burning.


008 that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a moment.


009 There is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore.


010 Man does not comprehend its worth.


011 The price of wisdom is beyond rubies.


012 To shun evil is understanding.


013 It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right. 尊贵的不都有智慧。寿高的不都能明白公平。--《旧•伯》32:9

014 Surely no one lays a hand on a broken man when he cries for help in his distress. 人仆倒岂不伸手?遇灾难岂不求救呢?--《旧•伯》30:24

015 Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.


016 For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.


017 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.


018 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.


019 He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment. 恶人因奸恶而劬劳。所怀的是毒害,所生的是虚假。--《旧•诗》7:14

020 like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.


021 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.


022 Has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman,


023 Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.


024 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. 君王不能因兵多得胜。勇士不能因力大得救。--《旧•诗》33:16

025 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.


026 A righteous man may have many troubles.


027 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil.


028 For evil men will be cut off,


029 Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked.


030 The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously.


031 Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.


032 the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.


033 The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. 义人的口谈论智慧,他的舌头讲说公平。--《旧•诗》37:30

034 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you.


035 A man who has riches without understanding is like the beasts that perish.


036 show no mercy to wicked traitors.


037 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. 当为贫寒的人和孤儿伸冤。当为困苦和穷乏的人施行公义。--《旧•诗》82:3

038 Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. 慈爱和诚实,彼此相遇。公义和平安,彼此相亲。--《旧•诗》85:10

039 How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery?


040 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,


041 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.


042 For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.


043 Seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.


044 Wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 智慧以灵明为居所,又寻得知识和谋略。--《旧•箴》8:12

045 Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!


046 He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.


047 The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out. 行正直路的,步步安稳。走弯曲道的,必致败露。--《旧•箴》10:9

048 Love covers over all wrongs.


049 The wages of the righteous bring them life, but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.


050 When pride comes, then comes disgrace.


051 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. 正直人的纯正,必引导自己。奸诈人的乖僻,必毁灭自己。--《旧•箴》11:3

052 When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes.


053 When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.


054 A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings trouble on himself.


055 Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. 妇女美貌而无见识,如同金环带在猪鼻上。--《旧•箴》11:22

056 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge.


057 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.


058 He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin. 谨守口的,得保生命。大张嘴的,必致败亡。--《旧•箴》13:3

059 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty.


060 Joy may end in grief.


061 A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.


062 A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated.


063 The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.


064 A large population is a king's glory, but without subjects a prince is ruined.


065 A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. 不轻易发怒的,大有聪明。性情暴躁的,大显愚妄。--《旧•箴》14:29

066 Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. 吃素菜彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛彼此相恨。--《旧•箴》15:17

067 Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.


068 How good is a timely word!



001 Love your neighbor as yourself.


002 Resentment kills a fool, and envy slays the simple.


003 Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder? 野驴有草岂能叫唤,牛有料,岂能吼叫。--《旧·伯》

004 I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.


005 Can papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water? 蒲草没有泥,岂能发长。芦荻没有水,岂能生发。--《旧·伯》

006 Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? 年老的有智慧,寿高的有知识。--《旧·伯》

007 The lamp of the wicked is snuffed out; the flame of his fire stops burning. 恶人的亮光必要熄灭。他的火焰必不照耀。--《旧·伯》

008 that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a moment. 恶人夸胜是暂时的,不敬虔人的喜乐,不过转眼之间。--《旧·伯》

009 There is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore.


010 Man does not comprehend its worth.


011 The price of wisdom is beyond rubies.


012 To shun evil is understanding.


013 It is not only the old who are wise, not only the aged who understand what is right.


014 Surely no one lays a hand on a broken man when he cries for help in his distress. 人仆倒岂不伸手?遇灾难岂不求救呢?--《旧·伯》

015 Age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom.


016 For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.


017 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.


018 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.


019 He who is pregnant with evil and conceives trouble gives birth to disillusionment.


020 like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. 纯净的言语,如同银子在泥炉中炼过七次。--《旧·诗》

021 The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men. 下流人在世人中升高,就有恶人到处游行。--《旧·诗》

022 Has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman,


023 Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. 不可像那无知的骡马,必用嚼环辔头勒住他,不然,就不能顺服。--《旧·诗》

024 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.


025 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.


026 A righteous man may have many troubles.


027 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret-it leads only to evil.


028 For evil men will be cut off,


029 Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked. 一个义人所有的虽少,强过许多恶人的富馀。--《旧·诗》

030 The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously. 恶人借货而不偿还。义人却恩待人,并且施舍。--《旧·诗》

031 Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. 离恶行善,就可永远安居。--《旧·诗》

032 the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.


033 The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just.


034 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you. 我的心切慕你,如鹿切慕溪水。--《旧·诗》

035 A man who has riches without understanding is like the beasts that perish. 人在尊贵中,而不醒悟,就如死亡的畜类一样。--《旧·诗》

036 show no mercy to wicked traitors.


037 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.


038 Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. 慈爱和诚实,彼此相遇。公义和平安,彼此相亲。--《旧·诗》

039 How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery?


040 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, 侧耳听智慧,专心求聪明。--《旧·箴》

041 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.


042 For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. 因为得智慧胜过得银子,其利益强如精金。--《旧·箴》

043 Seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.


044 Wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 智慧以灵明为居所,又寻得知识和谋略。--《旧·箴》

045 Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!


046 He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.


047 The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.


048 Love covers over all wrongs.


049 The wages of the righteous bring them life, but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.


050 When pride comes, then comes disgrace. 骄傲来,羞耻也来。--《旧·箴》 051 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.


052 When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes.


053 When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.


054 A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel man brings trouble on himself. 仁慈的人,善待自己。残忍的人,扰害己身。--《旧·箴》

055 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. 妇女美貌而无见识,如同金环带在猪鼻上。--《旧·箴》

056 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge.


057 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. 口吐真言,永远坚立。舌说谎话,只存片时。--《旧·箴》

058 He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.


059 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty.


060 Joy may end in grief.


061 A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. 愚蒙人是话都信,通达人处处谨慎。--《旧·箴》

062 A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated. 轻易发怒的,行事愚妄。设立诡计的,被人恨恶。--《旧·箴》

063 The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. 愚蒙人得愚昧为产业。通达人得知识为冠冕。--《旧·箴》

064 A large population is a king’s glory, but without subjects a prince is ruined. 帝王荣耀在乎民多,君王衰败在乎民少。--《旧·箴》

065 A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. 不轻易发怒的,大有聪明。性情暴躁的,大显愚妄。--《旧·箴》

066 Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.


067 Folly delights a man who lacks judgment, but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.


068 How good is a timely word!


069 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.


070 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. 乖僻人播散分争。传舌的离间密友。--《旧·箴》

071 Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.


072 A wicked man listens to evil lips; a liar pays attention to a malicious tongue. 行恶的留心听奸诈之言。说谎的侧耳听邪恶之语。--《旧·箴》

073 Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.















1 起初神创造天地。(创 1:1)

2 神说:"要有光",就有了光。(创 1:3)

3 神就照着自己的形像造人,乃是照着他的形像造男造女。(创 1:27)

4 耶和华神用地上的尘土造人,将生气吹在他鼻孔里,他就成了有灵的活人,名叫亚当。(创 2:7)

5 因此,人要离开父母与妻子连合,二人成为一体。(创 2:24)

6 亚伯兰信耶和华,耶和华就以此为他的义。(创 15:6)

7 从前你们的意思是要害我,但神的意思原是好的,要保全许多人的性命,成就今日的光景。(创 50:20)

8 神对摩西说:"我是自有永有的。"又说:"你要对以色列人这样说:'那自有的打发我到你们这里来。'" (出 3:14)

9 这血要在你们所住的房屋上作记号,我一见这血,就越过你们去,我击杀埃及地头生的时候,灾殃必不临到你们身上灭你们。(出 12:13)

10 日间,耶和华在云柱中领他们的路;夜间,在火柱中光照他们,使他们日夜都可以行走。(出 13:21)

11 除了我以外,你不可有别的神。(出 20:3)

12 不可妄称耶和华你神的名,因为妄称耶和华名的,耶和华必不以他为无罪。(出 20:7)

13 因为活物的生命是在血中。我把这血赐给你们,可以在坛上为你们的生命赎罪,因血里有生命,所以能赎罪。(利 17:11)

14 你们要归我为圣,因为我耶和华是圣的,并叫你们与万民有分别,使你们作我的民。(利 20:26)

15 耶和华若喜悦我们,就必将我们领进那地,把地赐给我们。那地原是流奶与蜜之地。(民 14:8)

16 耶和华对摩西说:“这百姓藐视我要到几时呢?我在他们中间行了这一切神迹,他们还不信我要到几时呢? ”(民 14:11)

17 惟独我的仆人迦勒,因他另有一个心志,专一跟从我,我就把他领进他所去过的那地;他的后裔也必得那地为业。(民 14:24)

18 耶和华对摩西、亚伦 说:“因为你们不信我,不在以色列人眼前尊我为圣,所以你们必不得领这会众进我所 赐给他们的地去。”(民 20:12)

19 你要尽心,尽性,尽力爱耶和华你的神。(申 6:5)

20 也要殷勤教训你的儿女。无论你坐在家里,行在路上,躺下,起来,都要谈论。(申 6:7)

21 所以,你要知道耶和华你的神,他是神,是信实的神。向爱他,守他诫命的人守约,施慈爱,直到千代。(申 7:9)

22 使你知道,人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠耶和华口里所出的一切话。(申 8:3下)

23 这律法书不可离开你的口,总要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利。(书 1:8)

24 我岂没有吩咐你吗?你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不要惊惶,因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华你的神必与你同在。(书 1:9)

25 至于我和我家,我们必定事奉耶和华。(书 24:15下)

26 路得说,不要催我回去不跟随你,你往哪里去,我也往那里去。你在哪里住

宿,我也在那里住宿。你的国就是我的国,你的神就是我的神。(得 1:16) 27 听命胜于献祭;顺从胜于公羊的脂油。(撒上 15:22下)

28 人是看外貌。耶和华是看内心。(撒上 16:7下)

29 神人说,不要惧怕。与我们同 在的比与他们同 在的更多。(王下 6:16) 30 你们不要忧愁,因靠耶和华而得的喜乐是你们的力量。(尼 8:10下)

31 此时你若闭口不言,犹大人必从别处得解脱,蒙拯救,你和你父家,必至灭亡。焉知你得了王后的位分,不是为现今的机会么。(斯 4:14)

32 我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回。赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华;耶和华的名是应当称颂的。(伯 1:21)

33 神所惩治的人是有福的!所以你不可轻看全能者的管教。(伯 5:17) 34 我知道我的救赎主活着,末了必站立在地上。(伯 19:25)

35 然而他知道我所行的路;他试炼我之后,我必如精金。(伯 23:10) 36 我从前风闻有你,现在亲眼看见你。(伯 42:5)

37 不从恶人的计谋,不站罪人的道路,不坐亵慢人的座位。(诗 1:1) 2 圣经中的经典句子

38 惟喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想,这人便为有福!(诗 1:2)

39 他要象一棵树,栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯干。凡他所作的,尽都顺利。(诗 1:3)

40 耶和华啊,早晨你必听我的声音;早晨我必向你陈明我的心意,并要警醒。(诗 5:3)

41 我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿。便说,人算甚么,你竟顾念他,世人算甚么,你竟顾念他。(诗 8:3-4)

43 你叫他比天使(或作“神”)微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。(诗 8:5) 44 我的心哪,你曾对耶和华说:“你是我的主,我的好处不在你以外。” (诗 16:2)

45 我将耶和华常摆在我面前,因他在我右边,我便不至摇动。(诗 16:8) 46 因此,我的心欢喜,我的灵(原文作“荣耀”)快乐,我的肉身也要安然居住。(诗 16:9)

47 耶和华的律法全备,能苏醒人心;耶和华的法度确定,能使愚人有智慧。(诗 19:7)

48 耶和华我的磐石,我的救赎主啊! 愿我口中的言语,心里的意念,在你面前蒙悦纳。(诗 19:14)

49 有人靠车,有人靠马,但我们要提到耶和华我们神的名。(诗 20:7) 50 耶和华是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。(诗 23:1)

51 他使我躺卧在青草地上,领我在可安歇的水边。他使我的灵魂苏醒,为自己的名引导我走义路。(诗 23:2-3)

53 我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。(诗 23:4)

54 在我敌人面前,你为我摆设筵席;你用油膏了我的头,使我的福杯满溢。(诗 23:5)

55 我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我,我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。(诗 23:6)

56 有一件事,我曾求耶和华,我仍要寻求;就是一生一世住在耶和华的殿中,

瞻仰他的荣美,在他的殿里求问。(诗 27:4)

57 因为他的怒气不过是转眼之间,他的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿虽然有哭泣,早晨便必欢呼。(诗 30:5)

58 以耶和华为神的,那国是有福的!他所拣选为自己产业的,那民是有福的!(诗 33:12)

59 你们要尝尝主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善,投靠他的人有福了!(诗 34:8) 60 耶和华靠近伤心的人,拯救灵性痛悔的人。(诗 34:18)

61 你当默然倚靠耶和华,耐性等候他。不要因那道路通达的和那恶谋成就的,心怀不平。(诗 37:7)

62 神啊,求你按你的慈爱伶恤我,按你丰盛的慈悲涂抹我的过犯。(诗 51:1) 63 神啊,求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。(诗 51:10)

64 神所要的祭,就是忧伤的灵。神啊,忧伤痛悔的心,你必不轻看。(诗 51:17) 65 天天背负我们重担的主,就是拯救我们的神,是应当称颂的!(诗 68:19) 66 我要歌唱耶和华的慈爱,直到永远;我要用口将你的信实传与万代。(诗 89:1) 67 我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁;但其中所矜夸的,不过是劳苦愁烦,转眼成空,我们便如飞而去。(诗 90:10)

68 求你指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。(诗 90:12) 69 住在至高者隐密处的,必住在全能者的荫下。(诗 91:1)

70 他们年老的时候,仍要结果子;要满了汁浆而常发青。(诗 92:14)

71 天离地何等地高,他的慈爱向敬畏他的人,也是何等地大。东离西有多远,他叫我们的过犯,离我们也有多远。(诗 103:11-12)

73 有耶和华帮助我。我必不惧怕。人能把我怎么样呢。(诗 118:6)

74 这是耶和华所定的日子。我们在其中要高兴欢喜。(诗 118:24)

75 少年人用什么洁净他的行为呢。是要遵行你的话。(诗 119:9)

76 我将你的话藏在心里,免得我得罪你。(诗 119:11)

77 你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。(诗 119:105)

78 你的言语一解开,就发出亮光,使愚人通达。(诗 119:130)

79 流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割。(诗 126:5)

80 若不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力。若不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。(诗 127:1)

3 圣经中的经典句子

81 儿女是耶和华所赐的产业。所怀的胎是他所给的赏赐。(诗 127:3) 82 看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美。(诗 133:1)

83 神阿,求你鉴察我,知道我的心思,试炼我,知道我的意念。(诗 139:23) 84 看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路。(诗 139:24)

85 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明。在你一切所行的事上,都要认定他,他必指引你的路。(箴 3:5-6)

87 你要保守你心,胜过保 守一切。因为一生的果效,是由心发出。(箴 4:23) 88 敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端。认识至圣者,便是聪明。(箴 9:10)

89 愚妄人所行的,在自己的眼中看为正直。惟智慧人,肯听人的劝教。(箴 12:15) 90 愚妄人的恼怒,立时显露。通达人能忍辱藏羞。(箴 12:16)

91不忍用杖打儿子的,是恨恶他。疼爱儿子的,随时管教。(箴 13:24)

92 回答柔和,使怒消退。言语暴戾,触动怒气。(箴 15:1)

93 吃素菜,彼此相爱,强如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。(箴 15:17)

94 房屋钱财,是祖宗所遗留的。惟有贤慧的妻,是耶和华所赐的。(箴 19:14) 95 教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离。(箴 22:6)

96 你心中不要嫉妒罪人。只要终日敬畏耶和华。(箴 23:17)

97 一句话说得合宜,就如金苹果在银网子里。(箴 25:11)

98 你的仇敌,若饿了就给他饭吃。若渴了就给他水喝。(箴 25:21)

99 因为你这样行,就是把炭火堆在他的头上。耶和华也必赏赐你。(箴 25:22) 100 不要为明日自夸,因为一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。(箴 27:1) 101 当面的责备,强如背地的爱情。(箴 27:5)

102 遮掩自己罪过的,必不享通。承认离弃罪过的,必蒙伶恤。(箴 28:13) 103 求你使虚假和谎言远离我。使我也不贫穷,也不富足,赐给我需用的饮食。(箴 30:8)

104 恐怕我饱足不认你,说,耶和华是谁呢。又恐怕我贫穷就偷窃,以致亵渎我神的名。(箴 30:9)

105 艳丽是虚假的。美容是虚浮的。惟敬畏耶和华的妇女,必得称赞。(箴 31:30) 106 我见日光之下所作的一切事,都是虚空,都是捕风。(传 1:14)

107 神造万物,各按其时成为美好;又将永生安置在世人心里。然而神从始至终的作为,人不能参透。(传 3:11)

108 因为人所作的事,连一切隐藏的事,无论是善是恶,神都必审问。(传 12:14) 109 你们的罪虽象朱红,必变成雪白;虽红如丹颜,必白如羊毛。(塞 1:18下) 110 我又听见主的声音说:“我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?”我说:“我在这里,请差遣我!”(塞 6:8)

111 因此,主自己要给你们一个兆头,必有童女怀孕生子,给他起名叫以马内利(就是神与我们同在的意思)。(塞 7:14)

112 因有一婴孩为我们而生,有一子赐给我们,政权必担在他的肩头上。他名称为奇妙、策士、全能的神、永在的父、和平的君。(塞 9:6)

113 他已经吞灭死亡直到永远。主耶和华必擦去各人脸上的眼泪,又除掉普天下他百姓的羞辱,因为这是耶和华说的。(塞 25:8)

114 所以主耶和华如此说:看哪,我在锡安放一块石头,作为根基,是试验过的石头,是稳固根基,宝贵的房角石,信靠的人必不着急。(塞 28:16)

115 主说:因为这百姓亲近我,用嘴唇尊敬我,心却远离我;他们敬畏我,不过是领受人的吩咐。(塞 29:13)

116 主耶和华以色列的圣者曾如此说:你们得救在乎归回安息,你们得力在乎平静安稳;你们竟自不肯。(塞 30:15)

117 他必象牧人牧养自己的羊群,用膀臂聚集羊羔抱在怀中,慢慢引导那乳养小羊的。(塞 40:11)

118 但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力;他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。(塞 40:31)

119 压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭。他凭真实将公理传开。(塞 42:3)

120 他在耶和华面前生长如嫩芽,象根出于干地。他无佳形美容,我们看见他的时候,也无美貌使我们□慕他。(塞 53:2)

121 他被藐视,被人厌弃,多受痛苦,常经忧患。他被藐视,好像被人掩面不看的一样,我们也不尊重他。(塞 53:3)

122 他诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦;我们却以为他受责罚,被神击打苦待了。(塞 53:4)

123 哪知他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤;因他受的刑罚我们得平安,因他受的鞭伤我们得医治。(塞 53:5)

124 我们都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路,耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。(塞 53:6)

125 他被欺压,在受苦的时候却不开口;他象羊羔被牵到宰杀之地,又象羊在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。(塞 53:7)

126 大山可以挪开,小山可以迁移,但我的慈爱必不离开你,我平安的约也不迁移。这是伶恤你的耶和华说的。(塞 54:10)

127 耶和华说:我的意念,非同你们的意念;我的道路,非同你们的道路。(塞 55:8) 128 天怎样高过地,照样我的道路,高过你们的道路;我的意念,高过你们的意念。(塞 55:9)

129 耶和华啊!现在你仍是我们的父!我们是泥,你是窑匠。我们都是你手的工作。(塞 64:8)

130 耶和华对我说,你不要说我是年幼的,因为我差遣你到谁那里去,你都要去。我吩咐你说什么话,你都要说。(耶 1:7)

131 人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢。(耶 17:9)

132 古时耶和华向以色列显现,说,我以永远的爱爱你,因此我以慈爱吸引你。(耶 31:3)

133 主耶和华如此说,看哪,我必亲自寻梢我的羊,将它们寻见。(结 34:11) 134 我也要赐给你们一个新心,将新灵放在你们里面,又从你们的肉体中除掉石心,赐给你们肉心。(结 36:26)

135 但以理却立志,不以王的膳和王所饮的酒,玷污自己;所以求太监长容他不玷污自己。(但 1:8)

136 即或不然,王啊!你当知道我们决不事奉你的神,也不敬拜你所立的金像。(但 3:18)

137 但以理知道这禁令盖了玉玺,就到自己家里(他楼上的窗户,开向耶路撒冷),一日三次,双膝跪在他神面前,祷告感谢,与素常一样。(但 6:10)

138 他护庇人,搭救人,在天上地下施行神迹奇事,救了但以理脱离狮子的口。(但 6:27)

139 我喜爱良善,不喜爱祭祀,喜爱认识神,胜于燔祭。(何 6:6)

140 以后,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说豫言。你们的老年人要作异梦。少年人要见异象。(珥 2:28)

141 那时候,凡求告耶和华名的就必得救。(珥 2:32上)

142 主耶和华说,日子将到,我必命饥荒降在地上。人饥饿非因无饼,乾 渴非因无水,乃因不听耶和华的话。(摩 8:11)

143 说,我遭遇患难求告耶和华,你就应允我。从阴间的深处呼求,你就俯听我的声音。(拿 2:2)

144 但我必用感谢的声音献祭与你。我所许的愿,我必偿还。救恩出于耶和华。(拿 2:9)




Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.


And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.


And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.


Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,


Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;


Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;


Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.


Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

圣经里的10个经典句子 1、"生命在他里头,这生命就是人的光。光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光。"(《新约·约翰福音》第1章)

What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. "John 1-4,5"


2、"你们要进窄门,因为引到灭亡,那门是宽的,路是大的,进去的人也多;引到永生,那门是窄的,路是小的,找着的人也少。"(《新约·马太福音》第7 章)

Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few wh o find it. "Matthew 7-13,14"


3、" 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。"(《新约·哥林多前书》第1 3章)

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious pr boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or re sentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. I t bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never end s.


4、"死啊,你得胜的权势在哪里?死啊,你的毒钩在哪里?死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。感谢上帝,使我们借着我们的主耶稣基督得胜。"(《新约·哥林多前书》第15章) Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin,

and. The power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


5、"草必枯干,花必凋残,因为耶和华的气吹在其上;百姓诚然是草。草必枯干,花必凋残;惟有我们上帝的话,必永远立定!"(《旧约·以赛亚书》第40 章)

The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the LORD blows upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.



For I know that my Redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand up on the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then in my fles h I shall see God.


7、 "不可封了这书上的预言,因为日期近了。不义的,叫他仍旧不义;污秽的,叫他仍旧污秽;为义的,叫他仍旧为义;圣洁的,叫他仍旧圣洁。"(《新约·启示录》第22章)

Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is n ear. Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.



Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in al l these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.



And I applied my mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a chasing after wind. For in much wisdom is much vexation, and those who increase knowledge increase sorrow.


10、"哈利路亚!因为主我们的上帝,全能者作王了。……世上的国成了我主和主基督的国;他要作王,直到永永远远。……万王之王,万主之主。" (《启示录》第11、19章) Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. The kingdom of the world has

become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he wil l reign forever and ever. 这也是亨德尔歌剧《弥赛亚》中大合唱《哈利路亚》的歌词,它是至今唯一能让我多次热泪盈眶的歌曲。从这短短的几句话中我们可以看到无穷的胜利喜悦。欢呼吧!因为胜利属于我们



神的话——《圣经》中的经典名句精选 处世 饶恕 忠心 言语 诚实 谦虚 老练 勤劳 仁爱 喜乐 平安 祷告 忍耐 合一 重生 清心 省查 贪心 情欲 施舍 节制 嫉妒 信心 同情 主爱 知足 审判 律法 正直 和睦 纠错 天国 人生 刚强 智慧 苦难 保护 仰赖

处世:箴11:12“藐视邻舍的,毫无智慧,明哲人却静默不言。” 太7:12“所以,无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人。” 彼前 3:16“存着无亏的良心,叫你们在何事上被毁谤,就在何事上可以叫那诬你们在基督里有好品行的人自觉羞愧。”

饶恕:太6:14,15“你们饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必饶恕你们的过犯; 你们不饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必不饶恕你们的过犯。”

罗12:20,21“你的仇敌若饿了,就给他吃;若渴了,就给他喝。因为你这样行, 就是把炭火堆在他的头上,你不可为恶所胜,反要以善胜恶。”

弗4:26,27“生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落,也不可给魔鬼留地步。” 忠心:路16:10“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心;在最小的事上不义,在大事上也不义。”




雅3:2“若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。” 箴 25:11“一句话说得合意,就如金苹果在银网子里。”




诗34:12,13“有何人喜好存活,爱慕长寿,得享美福:就要禁止舌头不出恶言, 嘴唇不说诡诈的话。”


箴11:2“骄傲来,羞耻也来。” 16:18“骄傲在败坏以先,狂心在跌倒之前。” 老练:提前4:12,15“不可叫人小看你年轻,总要在言语、行为、爱心、信 心、清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。这些事你要殷勤去作,并要在此专心,使众人看出你的长进来。” 罗5:3-5“因为知道患难生忍耐:忍耐生老练;老练生盼望:盼望不至于羞耻。” 勤劳:箴6:6“懒惰人哪,你去察看蚂蚁的动作,就可得智慧。”



仁爱:林前13:4-8“爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸, 不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理:凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。爱是永不止息。” 喜乐:箴17:22“喜乐的心,乃是良药;忧伤的灵,使骨枯干。”

罗5:3,4“就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的。因为知道患难生忍耐;忍耐生老练; 老练生盼望。”

徒2:28“你已将生命的道路指示我,必叫我因见你的面,得着满足的快乐。” 平安:约14:27耶稣说:“我留下平安给你们,我将我的平安赐给你们。我所赐的,不像世人所赐的。你们心里不要忧愁,也不要胆怯。”







弗 4:2,3,15“凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心。”“惟用爱心说诚实话,凡事长进,连于元首基督。” 温柔:箴15:1“回答柔和,使怒消退;言语暴戾,触动怒气。”



彼后 1:4“祂已将又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们,叫我们既脱离世上从情欲来 的败坏,就得与神的性情有分。”

清心:太 5:28“只是我告诉你们,凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与 她犯奸淫了。” 太5:8“清心的人有福了!因为他们必得见神。”


诗 119: 9“少年(指青年)人用什么洁净他的行为呢?是要遵行祢的话。”


省查:加 6:4“各人应当察验自己的行为。”




箴5:22“恶人必被自己的罪孽捉住,他必被自己的罪恶如绳索缠绕。” 情欲:约壹2:15-17“不要爱世界和世界上的事;人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。因为凡世界上的事,就象肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的。乃是从世界来的。这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常存。”





林前 9:25-27“凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制,他们不过是要得能坏的冠冕: 我们却是要得不能坏的冠冕。所以我奔跑,不像无定向的;我斗拳,不像打空气的。 我是攻克己身,叫身服我;恐怕我传福音给别人,自己反被弃绝了。”


箴 27:4“忿怒为残忍,怒气为狂澜,惟有嫉妒,谁能敌得住呢?”


诗 37:1“不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行不义的生出嫉妒。” 信心:来11:l“信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。”



来 11:6“人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦;因为到神面前来的人,必须信有神,且信祂赏赐那寻求祂的人。


林前 9:22“向软弱的人。我就作软弱的人,为要得软弱的人,向什么样的人, 我就作什么样的人,无论如何,总要救些人。”


赛 49:15,16“妇人焉能忘记她吃奶的婴孩,不怜恤她所生的儿子?即或有忘记的,我却不忘记你,看哪,我将你铭刻在我掌上。”






太 12:36,37“凡人所说的闲话,当审判的日子,必要句句供出来;因为要凭你的话定你为义;也要凭你的话,定你有罪。”

律法:雅2:12。你们既然要按使人自由的律法受审判,就该照这律法说话行事。” 太22:37一40“耶稣对他说:“你要尽心、尽性、尽意,爱主你的神。„„其次也相仿,就是要爱人如已。这两条诫命是律法和先知一切道理的总纲。”


约壹5:3“我们遵守神的诫命。这就是爱祂了。并且祂的诫命不是难守的。” 正直:诗 84:11“祂未尝留下一样好处,不给那些行动正直的人。”





4.凡事都有定期,天下万物都有定时。生有时,死有时。栽种有时,拔出所栽种的,也有时。杀戮有时,医治有时。拆毁有时,建造有时。 哭有时,笑有时。哀恸有时,跳舞有时。 抛掷石头有时,堆聚石头有时。怀抱有时,不怀抱有时。寻找有时,失落有时。保守有时,舍弃有时。撕裂有时,缝补有时。静默有时,言语有时。喜爱有时,恨恶有时。争战有时,和好有时。













《圣经》经典名句精选 处世 饶恕 忠心 言语 诚实 谦虚 老练 勤劳 仁爱 喜乐 平安 祷告 忍耐 合一 重生 清心 省查 贪心 情欲 施舍 节制 嫉妒 信心 同情 主爱 知足 审判 律法 正直 和睦

纠错 天国 人生 刚强 智慧 苦难 保护 仰赖




饶恕:“你们饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必饶恕你们的过犯; 你们不饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必不饶恕你们的过犯。”

“你的仇敌若饿了,就给他吃;若渴了,就给他喝。因为你这样行, 就是把炭火堆在他的头上,你不可为恶所胜,反要以善胜恶。”


忠心:“人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心;在最小的事上不义,在大事上也不义。” “你务要至死忠心,我就赐给你那生命的冠冕。”



“若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。” “一句话说得合意,就如金苹果在银网子里。”


“言语纯全,无可指责,叫那反对的人,既无处可说我们的不是,便自觉羞愧。” 诚实:“口吐真言,永远坚立;舌说谎话,只存片时。”

“有何人喜好存活,爱慕长寿,得享美福:就要禁止舌头不出恶言, 嘴唇不说诡诈的话。” 谦虚:“只要存心谦卑,各人看别人比自己强。”


老练: “不可叫人小看你年轻,总要在言语、行为、爱心、信 心、清洁上,都作信徒的榜样。这些事你要殷勤去作,并要在此专心,使众人看出你的长进来。”


勤劳: “懒惰人哪,你去察看蚂蚁的动作,就可得智慧。”



仁爱: “爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸, 不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理:凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。爱是永不止息。”

喜乐: “喜乐的心,乃是良药;忧伤的灵,使骨枯干。”

“就是在患难中也是欢欢喜喜的。因为知道患难生忍耐;忍耐生老练; 老练生盼望。” “你已将生命的道路指示我,必叫我因见你的面,得着满足的快乐。”

平安: 耶稣说:“我留下平安给你们,我将我的平安赐给你们。我所赐的,不像世人所赐的。你们心里不要忧愁,也不要胆怯。”


祷告: “应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。”

忍耐: “愚妄人怒气全发,智慧人忍气含怒。”



合一: “有人攻胜孤身一人,若有二人便能敌档他,三股合成的绳子,不容易折断。” “凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心。”“惟用爱心说诚实话,凡事长进,连于元首基督。”

温柔: “回答柔和,使怒消退;言语暴戾,触动怒气。”


重生: “圣灵所结的果子就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制。„„凡属基督耶稣的人,是已经把肉体连肉体的邪情私欲,同钉在十字架上了。” “祂已将又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们,叫我们既脱离世上从情欲来 的败坏,就得与神的性情有分。”

清心: “只是我告诉你们,凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与 她犯奸淫了。” “清心的人有福了!因为他们必得见神。”




省查: “各人应当察验自己的行为。”



贪心: “但那些想要发财的人,就陷在迷惑,落在网罗和许多无知有害的私欲里,叫人沉在败坏和灭亡中。贪财是万恶之根;有人贪恋钱财,就被引诱离了真道,用许多愁苦把自己刺透了。”


情欲: “不要爱世界和世界上的事;人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。因为凡世界上的事,就象肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的。乃是从世界来的。这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常存。” 施舍: “有施散的,却更增添,有吝惜过度的,反致穷乏,好施舍的,必得丰裕;滋润人的,必得滋润。”




林前 9:25-27“凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制,他们不过是要得能坏的冠冕: 我们却是要得不能坏的冠冕。所以我奔跑,不像无定向的;我斗拳,不像打空气的。 我是攻克己身,叫身服我;恐怕我传福音给别人,自己反被弃绝了。”

嫉妒: “嫉妒是骨中的朽烂。”




信心: “信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。”




同情: “与喜乐的人要同乐,与哀哭的人要同哭。”

“向软弱的人。我就作软弱的人,为要得软弱的人,向什么样的人, 我就作什么样的人,无论如何,总要救些人。”

主爱: “为义人死,是少有的:为仁人死,或者有敢作的;惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。”



知足: “我无论在什么景况都可以知足,这是我已经学会了。我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处丰富;或饱足,或饥饿;或有余,或缺乏;随事随在,我都得了秘诀。我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能作。”



审判: “人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?我耶和华是鉴察人心、试验人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他作事的结果报应他。”





正直: “祂未尝留下一样好处,不给那些行动正直的人。”

和睦: “使人和睦的人有福了。因为他们必称为神的儿子。”

纠错: “若有人偶然被过犯所胜,你们属灵的人就当用温柔的心把他挽回过来,又当自己小心,恐怕也被引诱。”

天国: “看哪!神的帐幕在人间。祂要与人同往,他们要作祂的 子民;神要亲自与他们同在,作他们的神。神要擦去他们一切的眼泪; 不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭号、疼痛,因为以前的事都过去了。”

“神为爱他的人所预备的是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也 未曾想到的。” 人生: “我们度尽的年岁,好象一声叹息。我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁; 但其中所矜夸的,不过是劳苦愁烦,转眼成空,我们便如飞而去。”

“人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的生命,有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么换生命呢?” “不从恶人的计谋,不站罪人的道路,不坐亵慢人的坐位,惟喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想,这人便为有福。他要像一棵树,栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯干。凡他所作的,尽都顺利。”

刚强:提后l:7“因为神赐给我们不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强、仁爱、谨守的心。” “你们要靠着主,倚赖祂的大能大力,作刚强的人。”


智慧: “敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端,认识至圣者,便是聪明。”



苦难: “然而祂知道我所行的路,祂试炼我之后,我必如精金。”

保护: “耶和华的使者,在敬畏祂的人四围安营搭救他们。”

仰赖: “你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明,在你一切所行的事上,都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路。不要自以为有智慧,要敬畏耶和华,远离恶事。”


《圣经经典句子 the bible》

I. Fill in the blanks. 2. As a story, the Bible can be divided into four parts: created them.

4. And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but surely die." who is forever praised. Amen. will be a blessing.

8. Jesus answered, “I am 9. Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the 10. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but for as a prince hast thou 12. And I have said, I will bring you up out of unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the and said, “We are campaigns. And the LORD said to you, “You will .” over all Israel and Judah.

17. And Solomon slept with and he was buried in the city of and 19. After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of came, and

night. of the forest is my lover among the young men.

24. In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword, his fierce, great and powerful sword, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the made it holy.

26. The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing. take away the sins of many people. 31. The man said, "This is now and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 32. Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover? Under the apple tree I roused you; beautiful one, and come with me. 36. Many waters cannot rivers cannot If one were to give II. Translation:

1. 五色令人目盲,五音令人耳聋,五味令人口爽,驰骋畋(tián)猎,令人心发狂,难得 之货,令人行妨。是以圣人之治也,为腹不为目,故去彼取此。(The five colors blind man's eyes. The

five notes deafen his ears. The five tastes spoil his palate. The chase and the hunt make his heart go mad. The rare treasures constrain his action. Therefore, the Sage provides for the belly and not for the eyes; He rejects that to prefer this.)

2. 天长地久。天地所以能长且久者,以其不自生,故能长生。是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存。非以其无私邪?故能成其私。(Heaven lasts; earth endures, they last and endure because they do not live for themselves. And thus can live forever. Therefore, the Sage positions himself behind and yet stays ahead. He denies himself and so is preserved. Is it not because of his selflessness that he complete his own?)

3. 上善若水。水善利万物而不争。处众人之所恶,故几于道。居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时。 夫唯不争,故无尤。(The man of supreme goodness resembles water. Water benefits all things. Without competing with them, staying in places that men despise; Therefore, it is very close to Tao, dwelling in good places, having a heart that loves the profound, allying with benevolence, inviting trust with words, being righteous in governing, managing all things well, moving at the right time - -Just because he does not compete, the man of supreme goodness frees himself of blame.)

4. 生也死之徒,死也生之始,孰知其纪!人之生,气之聚也;聚则为生,散则为死。若死生为徒,吾又何患!故万物一也,是其所美者为神奇,其所恶者为臭腐;臭腐复化为神奇,神奇复化为臭腐。(Life is the succession to death and death is the beginning of life. No one knows exactly the regular patterns for both. The birth of a man is the convergence of the vital energy, which in turn forms life. The breaking-up of the vital energy causes death. If life and death are closely related to each other, why then should I worry about death ? therefore, all things in the world are in the same circle of life and death. Thus, beauty can be considered as something miraculous while ugliness can be considered obnoxious. Something obnoxious can be transformed into something miraculous and something miraculous can be transformed into something obnoxious. )

5. 人生天地之间,若白驹之过郤(xi),忽然而已。注然勃然,莫不出焉;油然漻然,莫不入焉,已化而生,又化而死。(The life of a man between heaven and earth is as brief as the passage of a horse through a crevice in the wall. In full vigour, everything comes into the world; in slow decline, everthing returns to the dust. In the process of change, something is born and something is dead.)

6. 来世不可待,往世不可追也。(About the future we don’t know; The past we can no longer find.)

7. 大智闲闲,小知间间。(Men of great wits are open and broad-minded; men of small wits are mean and meticulous.)

8. 昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧(qú)然周也。不知周之梦为胡蝶与?胡蝶之梦为周与??周与胡蝶则必有分矣。此之谓物化。(I, by the name of Zhuang Zhou, once dreamed that I was a butterfly, a butterfly fluttering happily here and there. I was so pleased that I forgot that I was Zhuang Zhou. When I suddenly woke up, I was astonished to find that I was as a matter of fact Zhuang Zhou. Did Zhuang Zhou dream of the butterfly or did the butterfly dream of Zhuang Zhou? Between Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinctions. This is called “the transformation of things.”)

9. 若然者,乘云气,骑日月,而游乎四海之外。死生无变于己,而况利害之端乎!(Such a man can ride the clouds and mists, mount the sun and the moon, and travel beyond the four seas. How can a man unaffected by life and death bother about benefit and harm?)

10. 君子务本,本立而道生,孝悌也者,其为人之本欤。(The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. Filial piety and fraternal submission,---are they not the root of all benevolent actions?)

11. 志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺。(Let the will be set on the path of duty. Let every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped. Let perfect virtue be accorded with. Let relaxation and enjoyment be found in the polite arts.)

12. 吾十有五而志于学;三十而立;四十而不惑;五十而知天命,六十而耳顺;七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。(At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning. At thirty, I stood firm. At forty, I had no doubts. At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. At sixty, my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth. At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right.)

13. 子曰:“知(zhì,智)者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。”(The Master said, “the wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the virtuous are long-lived.)

14. 子曰:“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。”(The Master said, The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress.)

15. 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎?(The officer may not be without breadth of mind and vigorous endurance. His burden is heavy and his course is long. Perfect virtue is the burden which he considers it is his to sustain;---is it not heavy? Only with death does his course stop;---is it not long?)

16. 子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。”(The Master said, The wise are free from perplexities; the virtuous from anxiety; and the bold from fear.)

17. (乾卦)《象》曰:天行健;君子以自强不息。(It says in the Great Symbolism: “Heaven, in its motion, (gives the idea of) strength. The superior man, in accordance with this, nerves himself to ceaseless activity.)

18. 《易》曰:“憧憧往来,朋从尔思。”子曰:“天下何思何虑?天下同归而殊途,一致而百虑。”(It is said in the I, “Full of anxious thoughts you go and come; (only) friends will follow you and think with you.” The Master said: “In all (the processes taking place)under heaven, what is there of thinking? What is there of anxious scheming? They all come to the same (successful)issue, though by different paths; there is one result, though there might be a hundred anxious schemes.”)

19. (坤卦)《象》曰:地势坤,君子以厚德载物。” [It says in the Great Symbolism: “The (capacity and sustaining) power of the earth is what is denoted by Kun. The superior man, in accordance with this, with his large virtue supports (men and )things.”]

20. 方以类聚,物以群分,吉凶生矣。[Affairs are arranged together according to their tendencies, and things are divided according to their classes. Hence were produced (the interpretations in the I concerning )what is good (or lucky) and evil( or unlucky)]


Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clangin cymbal.


And though I have the gift of prophecy, and the understanding all my misteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could I remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 我若有先知讲道之能,也明白各样的奥秘,各样的知识,而且有全备的信念,叫我能够移山,却没有爱,我就不算的什么。

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to the burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.


Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒;爱是不自夸,不张狂;

Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;


Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;


Bears all things, believe that things, hopes all things, endures all things.


Love never fails.



What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. "John 1-4,5"


Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it. "Matthew 7-13,14" .


3、"爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是永不止息。"(《新约·哥林多前书》第1 3章)|

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. I t bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.



Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and. The power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.



The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the LORD blows upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades ; but the word of our God will stand forever.



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