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【句型1】 only if “只有……”


楚。 【句型2】 contribute to“为……做贡献”

仿写:许多退休的老人还能利用他们丰富的经验为社会做贡献。 【句型3】 enrich...and broaden...“增长……,扩大……”

仿写:旅游可以让我们增长知识,扩大视野。 Ⅱ.话题写作








参考词汇:闯红灯run the red light

At present we are living in the best age.However,there are still a small number of






1.不良行为 2.格格不入 3.在这个文明社会 4.冒着生命危险 5.为……感到遗憾 6.在电话上大声喧哗 7.一位负责任的公民 8.关爱他人 9.对社会有很大影响 10.为社会做贡献 二、以下是本短文的主要内容,根据所给汉语,完成下列句子。

1.他们的不良行为与我们的文明社会格格不入。 2.有些人甚至无视交通规则,冒着生命危险闯红灯。 3.在公共场合我们也经常听见有人在电话上大声喧哗。

It's not to hear someone on their cellphones 4.我们应该清楚在公共场合的行为会影响他人,只要我们去除自己的不良习惯,关爱他人,我们就能对这个社会有很大影响。 ,5.我为这些不良行为感到遗憾。 6.我一看到这幅图就陷入了沉思。 三、根据以上内容,选择合适的连接词,组成一篇完整的文章。


society.For example,some people often ignore traffic rules and risk their lives to run the red light.Littering is still a serious problem.In addition,it's not unusual to hear someone speaking loudly on their cellphones in public places.Worse still,you can even find silly things written by some tourists in scenic spots.

As far as I am concerned,everyone should learn to become a responsible citizen.We must be aware the way we behave in public places will affect others.As long as we kick some of our bad habits and care about others,we will make a great difference to our society.




1. 鹰击长空的壮阔令我们羡慕不已,大厦高耸的巍峨让我们感叹不已,成功者的光环让我们惊羡不已。我们在感叹这些时,是否想到鹰的一次又一次苦练,是否想到大厦的坚强基石,是否想到成功者背后的脚踏实地的奋斗?朋友,振翅飞翔需要脚踏实地。

2. 心是一棵树,一个个故事被年轮携载,一回回驿动与飞鸟相约,一次次碰撞使它绵密柔韧,一幕幕经历造就了它博大的胸怀。

3. 大海的深处是平静的,花朵的一生是无声的,巍峨的山峦是缄默的。大自然中许多蔚为壮观的生命往往以沉默示人。

4. 尝试是乌云蔽日时能直上云霄的那只勇敢的鸟;尝试是大浪迭起时海上勇往直前的一叶扁舟。对于勇敢者,尝试是一条崭新的生活之路;对于懦弱者,尝试是一座铁筑的高墙。

5. 眼泪不一定是脆弱。眼泪可以是成长,可以是安慰,可以是怀念,可以是真情,可以是跨越,也可以是走过。因为可以流泪,我才可以感受亲情、爱情、友情,感受生活,感受生命。

6. 蜡烛有心,于是它能垂泪,能给人间注入粼粼的光波;杨柳有心,于是它能低首沉思,能给困倦的大地带来清新的嫩绿;百花有心,于是它们能在阳光里飘出青春深处的芳馨。

7. 别在树下徘徊,别在雨中沉思,别在黑暗中落泪。向前看,不要回头,只要你勇于面对抬起头来,就会发现,阴霾不过是短暂的雨季。向前看,还有一片明亮的天,不会使人感到彷徨。

8. 不管你是何等渺小、卑微.你同样可以在属于你的天地里,谱写生活的童话,创造生命的奇迹。也许。正是因为有了你,世界才增添了一份色彩,你要勇敢地时自己说:“我很重要,我就是一道风景。”

9. 你是否羡慕过东坡的人生?是啊,他乐游赤壁,醉饮山林,写下光照千秋的激昂文字。然而,你是否看到他内心的累累伤痕?作为一个士人,他肩负着出将入相,封妻荫子的期许,却接连惨遭贬谪。他的不平,他的郁闷,他的痛苦,他的无奈,你看到了吗?

10. 机智和美好的语言有时只不过是一种瞬时的智慧和淋漓的表达。但智慧和表达的本身并不证明结果,朴素的行动才是开在成功路上的鲜花。

11. 友谊有两面,一面灿若云霞朗若皎月,闪烁的是真诚的光华,洒下的是关切的妩媚,不因距离阻隔,经得起时间的淘虑;绕到友谊的另一面,那各式各样的花花绿绿,或旋转着或摇晃着,乃至让人眼花缭乱的全是幌子。

12. 生命是一枝铅笔,那木质的笔杆,更像一棵苗条的小树,派生出清清溪涧、幽幽鸟鸣。从铅笔刀的刀口吐出的小小刨花,多像落叶,轻舒漫卷;又像波浪,给生命镶上美丽的花边„„生命如一枝铅笔,总是给你许多优美而又深刻的遐想。生命是一枝铅笔,还意味着在人生这篇文章里,如果因为某种原因而写出了错字、别字甚至病句,你就可以用醒悟的橡皮轻轻地擦去,再在擦拭一新的空白处,重新斟酌,重新运笔,写下自己新生后的火热心迹。生命是一枝铅笔,你可以用它为自己的未来设计充满喜悦与渴望的蓝图,也可以用灯下苦读的身影做细线条,勾勒出一幅充满活力的图画。生命是一枝铅笔,它还给予我们这样一个有力的启示——做人,要像它一样,时时刻刻把腰杆挺直!

13. 当摩西率领着苦难的族人劈开红海、走出埃及的时候;当耶稣为拯救全人类而被背负十字架步履艰难地走上山冈的时候;当达·芬奇完成《蒙娜丽莎》,和午后的阳光一起点燃了人类永恒的微笑的时候;当贝多芬扼住命运的咽喉,在双耳失聪之后用天籁之音谱写《第九交响曲》,让人类在音乐中陶醉的时候;当杰斐逊独居斗室,用燃烧的笔尖力透纸背地写下《独立宣言》„„

14 .如果只看到太阳的黑点,那你的生活将缺少温暖;如果你只看到月亮的阴影,那么你的生命历程将难以找到光明;如果你总是发现朋友的缺点,你么你的人生旅程将难以找到知音;同样,如果你总希望自己完美无缺,假设你的这一愿望真的能如愿以偿,那么你最大的缺点就是没有缺点。

15. 当你身临暖风拂面,鸟语花香,青山绿水,良田万顷的春景时,一定会陶醉其中;当你面对如金似银,硕果累累的金秋季节时,一定会欣喜不已。你可


16. 当爱像明媚的阳光一样照彻寒冷的心房时,我们会发现,爱的本身就是一波震颤的弦音,一种花香的弥散,持久,热烈,而又延己及人.从一双手到另一双手,从一个人到另一个人。这是从施爱者灵魂深处飘散出来的温暖,它苏醒着精神世界中一行疲惫的足迹、一颗受了冷漠的心灵,然后,得了爱的人会在自己的心田擦亮火柴般地用一份温暖.去照耀另一颗心,尽管有时是那么微弱。

《【创新设计】2015高考英语(浙江专用)高考倒计时30天 精炼一刻钟-第19天]》


【句型1】 in other words,...=to put it differently,...“换言之,……” 仿写:换言之,我会尽最大的努力实现目标。

①In other words,I will try my best to gain my goal.

②To put it differently,I will try my best to gain my goal.

【句型2】 Ever since then,I have found that...“从此以后,我已发现……” 仿写:从此以后,我已发现微笑是快乐的最好方式。

【句型3】 In this light,if...,there can surely be no doubt that...“这样说来,假如……,当然毫无疑问地……。”




度假胜地).As soon as we arrived,no one told us anything about the all-inclusive package or where anything was located.When we arrived at our room,there were ants everywhere in the bathroom.

There were four different restaurants to choose from.However,if you didn't make a reservation ahead of one hour,was no other choice of eating.Plus,food stopped being served at 9 p.m.,so if you got hungry after that you were out of luck.The food wasn't the best quality but the highest price.There were only two choices of beer,and you could not get soda at any

of the restaurants.The service at all the restaurants was horrible.We waited over an hour multiple times for our meals.

The evening activities were pretty much a house band,and that was it.There was no dancing or any other organized activities.Also,there was only one bar open after 11 p.m.The population statistics of the resort was mostly elderly and families,so they seemed to meet those groups more.There were no organized activities during the day around the pool,either.We were at the resort for four days,and three of those days there were no water activities going on (which is the main reason we booked here).This may have not been the resort's fault.On our last day when there were activities,we signed up.However,when we got there to do the activity,they had over-booked so we couldn't do it.By then we had to leave to go home.

Also,their web site did not mention that the hotel is one and a half hours from the international airport.It is a horrible drive with the place.

This was,by far,the worst hotel experience I have had.The service was horrible and guest service was always crowded with people complaining.We were expecting a lot more from an all-inclusive package and our price!

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇应用文。杏仁斯马格勒斯湾度假村,位于加勒比海边,该酒店交通、娱乐、美食、住宿全包。但是,作者到此一游,对这里的娱乐、美食等有很多不满。

1.The purpose of the author is .

A.to share his happy experience in the resort

B.to show his discontent about the resort

C.to warn tourists not to go to the resort

D.to damage the resort's reputation

解析 主旨大意题。作者在文章中对该旅游胜地的住宿、服务、餐饮、娱乐表示不满,并没有想毁坏它的名声或给他人提出警告,故选B。

答案 B

2.The underlined part “to be screwed” in the passage means A.to be charged too much

B.to be starved to death

C.to be waiting a long time

D.to be taken good care of

解析 词义猜测题。由该词后面的句子可知,在这里吃饭你别无选择,食品质量不好,但价格最高,由此推断你如果没有提前预约,肯定就会挨宰的。 答案 A

3.From the second paragraph we can know that .

A.only two kinds of beer are produced there

B.one hour is a rule to wait before a meal

C.soda is not sold in the restaurants

D.the four restaurants are of the same kind

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的倒数第三句可知,这里的餐馆只提供两种啤酒,并且我们在任何一个餐馆都买不到苏打水,由此排除A项,选择C项。 答案 C

4.Why were there no other organized activities?

A.Because this is an ancient city.

B.Because loud noise was forbidden at night.

C.Because a house band took control of the activity.

D.Because the number of the aged takes a big part.

解析 细节理解题。第三段谈到了这里活动稀少是因为这里人口趋于老龄化,为了迎合老人们的需求,所以夜间活动较少。

答案 D

5.On the last day of his stay at the resort,.

A.he disliked taking an activity at the pool

B.he regretted signing up later than others

C.there were too many people at the pool

D.there was still nothing interesting to attract him

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一、二句可知,当我们赶到那里时,已经是人满为患,我们只好不参与了。

答案 C

【温馨提示】 all-inclusive adj.包括一切的 soda n.汽水,苏打 horrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的。


原文 However,if you didn't make a reservation ahead of one hour,you were sure to be screwed because there was no other choice of eating.

译文 然而,如果不提前一小时预订的话,你肯定就会挨宰的,因为你吃饭没有别的选择。

分析 该句的however是承接上文,if 在此引导条件状语从句,make a reservation“预订”,而主句部分则包含有because引导的原因状语从句,句子结构紧凑,条件、原因等环环相扣。


A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.He was sad to discover it was a mousetrap.So the mouse ,“There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The chicken came up and raised her head and said,“Mr.Mouse,I can tell this is a grave concerning to you,but it is of no consequence to me.” The mouse turned to the pig and told him,“There is a mousetrap in the house!” The pig said,“I am so sorry,Mr.Mouse,but there is nothing I can do about it but pray.” The mouse turned to the cow and said so.The cow said,“Wow,Mr.Mouse.I'm sorry for you,but it's no skin off my nose.” So,the mouse returned to the house,head down,to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house—like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.In the darkness,she did not see it was a poisonous snake whose tail was caught.The snake bit the farmer's wife.The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup,so the farmer took a knife to the chicken.But his wife's sickness continued,so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.To feed them,the farmer butchered the pig.The farmer's wife did not get well;she died.So many people came for her funeral,the farmer had the cow killed to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his hole in the wall with great sadness.So,the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you,remember we are all at risk.We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。老鼠发现了农夫夫妇安装了老鼠夹子之后,他把这个消息告诉了很多动物,但是这些动物对此不以为然,觉得和自己无关。后来,因为老鼠夹子,这些动物都遭到灭顶之灾,为什么呢?

1.The author wrote this passage .

A.to tell people how clever the mouse is

B.to remind people to encourage one another

C.to warn people against the hidden danger

D.to show the coldness among people



【句型1】 Since+S+过去时,S+现在完成时。“自从„„”


【句型2】 It pays to+V...“„„是值得的。”

仿写:帮助别人是值得的。 【句型3】 be based on“以„„为基础”

仿写:社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。 Ⅱ.完形填空

When I was a young man,I thought life was all about me—about how I'd make my way in the world,become successful,then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never to fill my heart and light up my day.And suddenly,all my big plans for myself didn't seem so any more.I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours.And I that my own life wouldn't count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours.In the end,girls,that's why I President:because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.

I want all our children to go to schools worthy of their —schools that challenge them,inspire them,and instill in them a of wonder about the world around them.I want them to have the chance to go to college—their parents aren't rich.And I want them to get good jobs—jobs that pay well and give them benefits like health care,jobs that let them spend time with their own kid and with dignity.

Sometimes we have to send our young men and women into war and other dangerous to protect our country—but when we do,I want to make sure that it is only for a very good reason,that we try our best to settle our differences with others peacefully,and that we do everything possible to keep our servicemen and women .And I want every child to understand that the blessings these brave Americans fight for are not free—that with the great privilege of being a citizen of this nation great responsibility.


C.But B.While D.Although

解析 前一句说作者年轻时只想着自己人生顺利和成功,而此句开始讲述两个女儿给自己带来的乐趣,自己再也不只想着自己了,因此前后两句是转折关系。

答案 C


C.drop B.escape D.prepare

解析 fail to do意思是“没做成某事”,never fail to do意为“总是做某事”。所在句子意思是:“然而,之后你们两个好奇而又调皮的小家伙进入了我的世界,用你们的微笑永远充实着我的心灵,照亮着我的每一天。”

答案 A


C.respectful B.important D.delighted

解析 突然间,我自己所谓的人生的伟大规划都不那么重要了。

答案 B


C.realized B.regretted D.reminded

解析 此处指:我意识到自己的生活不那么重要了,除非我能确保你们能拥有一切机会生活得快乐并且实现你们生活中的愿望。

答案 C

5.A.searched for

C.asked for B.accounted for D.ran for

解析 run for President意思是“竞选总统”。句意:那就是我要竞选总统的原因:为了你们和这个国家的所有孩子去争取你们应得的东西。

答案 D


C.possibility B.ability D.reputation

解析 potential意思是“潜能”。我希望我们所有的孩子都能上能让他们充分发展他们的潜能的学校。

答案 A


C.ray B.sense D.bunch

解析 instill sth in sb意思是“给某人头脑中逐步灌输某思想”,a sense of wonder就是curiosity的含义。此处指让他们能够进入会培养他们对周围世界的好奇心的学校。

答案 B

8.A.as if

C.in case B.now that D.even if

解析 此处指即使他们的父母并不富有。

答案 D


C.retire B.resettle D.request

解析 retire with dignity意思是“有尊严地退休”。此处只有resign(辞职)和retire与前面的jobs有关,但resign明显不合文意,因为整句都是讲工作带来的好处,既然好就不会辞职了。

答案 C


C.nations B.situations D.scenery

解析 由句意可知此处指形势或局面,即situation。

答案 B


C.successful B.fortunate D.safe

解析 此句是该总统竞选人承诺会尽量用和平方式解决和别国的争端并且会采取一切措施确保在役军人的安全。

答案 D


C.lies B.goes D.stands

解析 此句为倒装句。意思是“每个孩子享受一个美国公民的权利的同时要承担一份沉甸甸的责任”。

答案 A


An American soldier called his parents from San Francisco after a war.“Mom and Dad,I'm coming home,but I've got a favor to ask.I have a friend I'd like to bring me.”

“Sure,”they replied.“we'd love to meet him.”

“There's something you should know,”the son continued.“he was hurt pretty in the fighting.He stepped on a land mine (地雷) lost an arm and a leg.He has nowhere else to go,and I want him to come and live with us.”

“I'm sorry to hear that,son.Maybe we can help him find 4 to live.” “No,Mom and Dad,I want him to live with us.”

“Son,”said the father,“Someone like him would be a terrible burden on us.Just come home and forget about this guy.He will find a way to live on his .”

At that point,the son hung up the .

A few days later,the parents received a call from the San Francisco police.Their son had died after falling from a building, the police believed was suicide.They went and recognized him,but their horror,they also discovered something they didn't expect:their son had only one arm and one leg.

1.解析 这里表达要带朋友回家,所以用with。

答案 with

2.解析 根据后文可知这位朋友伤得很重,所以用badly。

答案 Badly

3.解析 前面谈到受伤的原因,后面为伤害的程度和结果,所以用and表示顺


答案 And

4.解析 这位士兵的父母要给这位受伤的士兵找住处,所以用somewhere。

答案 somewhere

5.解析 根据前面一句可知,父母希望这位士兵忘记他受伤的同伴,让他靠自己生活。

答案 own

6.解析 由文章开头可知,这是在打电话交谈,所以这里表示这位士兵放下了电话。

答案 phone/telephone

7.解析 这里考查定语从句,which用来指代前面提到的这位士兵坠楼身亡的事情。

答案 which

8.解析 考查固定结构:to one's horror,意思是“使某人害怕或恐怖的是”。 答案 to




【句型1】 in other words,...=to put it differently,...“换言之,……” 仿写:换言之,我会尽最大的努力实现目标。

①In other words,I will try my best to gain my goal.

②To put it differently,I will try my best to gain my goal.

【句型2】 Ever since then,I have found that...“从此以后,我已发现……” 仿写:从此以后,我已发现微笑是快乐的最好方式。

【句型3】 In this light,if...,there can surely be no doubt that...“这样说来,假如……,当然毫无疑问地……。”




We were 度假胜地).As soon as we arrived,no one told us anything about the all-inclusive package or where anything was located.When we arrived at our room,there were ants everywhere in the bathroom.

There were four different restaurants to choose from.However,if you didn't make a reservation ahead of one hour,other choice of eating.Plus,food stopped being served at 9 p.m.,so if you got hungry after that you were out of luck.The food wasn't the best quality but the highest price.There were only two choices of beer,and you could not get soda at any of the

restaurants.The service at all the restaurants was horrible.We waited over an hour multiple times for our meals.

The evening activities were pretty much a house band,and that was it.There was no dancing or any other organized activities.Also,there was only one bar open after 11 p.m.The population statistics of the resort was mostly elderly and families,so they seemed to meet those groups more.There were no organized activities during the day around the pool,either.We were at the resort for four days,and three of those days there were no water activities going on (which is the main reason we booked here).This may have not been the resort's fault.On our last day when there were activities,we signed up.However,when we got there to do the activity,they had over-booked so we couldn't do it.By then we had to leave to go home.

Also,their web site did not mention that the hotel is one and a half hours from the international airport.It is a horrible drive with the place.

This was,by far,the worst hotel experience I have had.The service was horrible and guest service was always crowded with people complaining.We were expecting a lot more from an all-inclusive package and our price!

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇应用文。杏仁斯马格勒斯湾度假村,位于加勒比海边,该酒店交通、娱乐、美食、住宿全包。但是,作者到此一游,对这里的娱乐、美食等有很多不满。

1.The purpose of the author is A.to share his happy experience in the resort

B.to show his discontent about the resort

C.to warn tourists not to go to the resort

D.to damage the resort's reputation

解析 主旨大意题。作者在文章中对该旅游胜地的住宿、服务、餐饮、娱乐表示不满,并没有想毁坏它的名声或给他人提出警告,故选B。

答案 B

2.The underlined part “to be screwed” in the passage means .

A.to be charged too much

B.to be starved to death

C.to be waiting a long time

D.to be taken good care of

解析 词义猜测题。由该词后面的句子可知,在这里吃饭你别无选择,食品质量不好,但价格最高,由此推断你如果没有提前预约,肯定就会挨宰的。 答案 A

3.From the second paragraph we can know that A.only two kinds of beer are produced there

B.one hour is a rule to wait before a meal

C.soda is not sold in the restaurants

D.the four restaurants are of the same kind

解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的倒数第三句可知,这里的餐馆只提供两种啤酒,并且我们在任何一个餐馆都买不到苏打水,由此排除A项,选择C项。 答案 C

4.Why were there no other organized activities?

A.Because this is an ancient city.

B.Because loud noise was forbidden at night.

C.Because a house band took control of the activity.

D.Because the number of the aged takes a big part.

解析 细节理解题。第三段谈到了这里活动稀少是因为这里人口趋于老龄化,为了迎合老人们的需求,所以夜间活动较少。

答案 D

5.On the last day of his stay at the resort,A.he disliked taking an activity at the pool

B.he regretted signing up later than others

C.there were too many people at the pool

D.there was still nothing interesting to attract him

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一、二句可知,当我们赶到那里时,已经是人满为患,我们只好不参与了。

答案 C

【温馨提示】 all-inclusive adj.包括一切的 soda n.汽水,苏打 horrible adj.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的,令人讨厌的。


原文 However,if you didn't make a reservation ahead of one hour,you were sure to be screwed because there was no other choice of eating.

译文 然而,如果不提前一小时预订的话,你肯定就会挨宰的,因为你吃饭没有别的选择。

分析 该句的however是承接上文,if 在此引导条件状语从句,make a reservation“预订”,而主句部分则包含有because引导的原因状语从句,句子结构紧凑,条件、原因等环环相扣。


A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.He was sad to discover it was a mousetrap.So the mouse ,“There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The chicken came up and raised her head and said,“Mr.Mouse,I can tell this is a grave concerning to you,but it is of no consequence to me.” The mouse turned to the pig and told him,“There is a mousetrap in the house!” The pig said,“I am so sorry,Mr.Mouse,but there is nothing I can do about it but pray.” The mouse turned to the cow and said so.The cow said,“Wow,Mr.Mouse.I'm sorry for you,but it's no skin off my nose.” So,the mouse returned to the house,head down,to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house—like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught.In the darkness,she did not see it was a poisonous snake whose tail was caught.The snake bit the farmer's wife.The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup,so the farmer took a knife to the chicken.But his wife's sickness continued,so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.To feed them,the farmer butchered the pig.The farmer's wife did not get well;she died.So many people came for her funeral,the farmer had the cow killed to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his hole in the wall with great sadness.So,the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you,remember we are all at risk.We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。老鼠发现了农夫夫妇安装了老鼠夹子之后,他把这个消息告诉了很多动物,但是这些动物对此不以为然,觉得和自己无关。后来,因为老鼠夹子,这些动物都遭到灭顶之灾,为什么呢?

1.The author wrote this passage A.to tell people how clever the mouse is

B.to remind people to encourage one another

C.to warn people against the hidden danger



【句型1】 The reason why+句子...is that+句子“„„的原因是„„” 仿写:我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。

①The reason why we have to plant trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. ②The reason why we have to plant trees is that they can supply fresh air to us.

【句型2】 So+形容词+be+主语+that+句子“如此„„以致于„„” 仿写:时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。 【句型3】 adj.+as+Subject(主语) +be,S+V...“虽然„„”




a situation in which someone with excellent job qualifications(资格) is working in a position that requires less qualifications,as for instance in the case of a lawyer driving a school bus.In the second sense,it means working part-time when one would prefer to be working full-time.In the third sense,it is a form of overstaffing(人浮于事) in which employees are not being fully made use of.

All forms of underemployment have an effect on the economy and the health of the business community.Long-term underemployment can also cover up the truth behind the employment situations.When nations collect employment statistics,they usually come up with a base number of “unemployed” individuals,using that number to judge the health of the job market.This number does not include part-time workers looking for full-time jobs,as they are considered employed,and it also doesn't reflect workers who are underpaid,considering their qualifications.

In the first sense,underemployment is a common problem in many of the developed world.Many people with college degrees are working in low-level or service industry jobs because the job market is full.

The issue of part-time employment is also very serious.Some people are forced into part-time jobs,while others find themselves taking a part-time job because nothing else is available,even though they really need to work full-time.This problem is especially common in areas with seasonal employment,where employers find it cheaper to maintain and lay off part-time staffs,rather than keeping a full staff at all times.

In the sense of shortage of workers,underemployment appears in a variety of situations.Some companies maintain a full staff to be prepared for seasonal work,or to keep well-trained,qualified workers so that they will be available when needed.Labor laws and union pressures may also prevent a company from cutting down on staff or working hours,leading to a situation in which people report to work,but have nothing to do.

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。低度就业或不充分就业不是指没有工作,


1.The purpose of the passage is A.to show underemployment is becoming more serious today

B.to imply women are laid off more than men

C.to explain the meaning of “underemployment”

D.to tell the present economic situations

解析 主旨大意题。全文在解释underemployment的含义,故选C。 答案 C

2.According to the text,underemployment means .

A.the same meaning as the word—unemployed

B.employees are not fully taken charge of

C.qualified workers get a low salary

D.people who do manual work for wages

解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段对underemployment的解释:In the third sense,it is a form of overstaffing in which employees are not being fully made use of.可知B正确。

答案 B

3.When it comes to unemployment statistics,A.the underpaid workers are included

B.it implies the people who are jobless

C.the part-time employees are included

D.it shows the employment situation of a country

解析 推理判断题。第二段的第三句When nations collect employment statistics,they usually come up with a base number of “unemployed” individuals,...由此推断失业统计则包含没有工作的人,故选B。

答案 B

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE to the 3nd and 4th paragraphs?

A.Underemployment only occurs in advanced countries.

B.People with college degrees sometimes take a part-time job.

C.Part-time staffs seems to benefit from firms less.

D.Companies need full-time staffs indeed.

解析 细节理解题。虽然第三段提到了在发达国家低就业很常见,但是并没有说低就业仅发生在发达国家,由此可知A不符合文章的意义。误解分析:根据第三段第二句可知B正确;第四段的it cheaper to maintain and lay off part-time staffs说明C正确;根据even though they really need to work full-time可知D正确。

答案 A

5.Some companies maintain a full staff .

A.to compete with others in the future

B.to make preparations for seasonal work

C.to get the skilled workers paid

D.to obey labor laws and union pressures

解析 细节理解题。文章最后一段提到有些公司没有解雇员工是为季节性的工作做准备,由此可知B正确。

答案 B

【温馨提示】 underemployment n.不充分就业,未按专长就业 underpaid adj.少付工资的 full-time adj.全部时间的,专任的,全日制的 lay off 解雇,休息,停止工作 staff n.全体人员,全体职员


原文 In one sense,it refers to a situation in which someone with excellent job

qualifications is working in a position that requires less qualifications,as for instance in the case of a lawyer driving a school bus.

译文 第一种意思是指一种情形,在这种情形中,一个有着优秀的从业资格的人在一个需要较少资格的岗位上工作,譬如一个律师开校车。

分析 该句结构较为复杂。首先该句子中in which 引导了一个限制性定语从句,先行词为situation,也可以用where来引导该定语从句;再次,在该定语从句中又包含有that引导的定语从句,that作定语从句中的主语,不能省略。


of Canada usually stays below 0℃.However,in some parts of Canada,such as southern British Columbia,the temperature rarely goes below 0℃.In most of the regions in Canada where people live,snow will be on the ground from mid-December to the middle of March.Though Canada's winter may be much colder and longer than you are used to,it can be very enjoyable.For many Canadians,being active in winter is an important part of enjoying life.There are many outdoor winter activities,including skiing,ice fishing,walking,and skating.Joining in one of these activities may help you appreciate winter and enjoy your time outside in the snow.

Dressing for winter

During winter in Canada,you will need warm clothing.If possible,arrive with these items or be prepared to buy them soon after your arrival.You will need:

*Insulated waterproof boots

*A scarf for your neck



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