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Are we all behind this? 大家都同意吗?

We are all for it. 我们都同意。

Count me in. 我同意。

Ditto. 我同意。

Sounds good. 好主意。

Good thinking. 好主意。

That‘s fine with me. 我可以。

Fantastic! 好极了!

I’m not sure I can agree. 我恐怕不能同意。 I‘m afraid we can’t. 恐怕我们不能。 are you crazy? 你疯了吗?

You must be kidding. 你一定是在开玩笑。 What are you talking about? 你在说什么? I don‘t think so. 我不这么认为。

I wouldn’t say that. 我不赞同。

Why not? 为什么不?

I‘m not really sure. 我不能肯定。

It maybe not be that simple. 可没那么简单。 I cannot agree with you anymore. 我完全不同意。 I cannot agree with you. 我不同意。




Arrival/berthing/departure Qingdao 抵达/停泊/离开青岛

21:10 voyage No.54 commenced/completed 21:10 第54 航次开始/结束

21:10 St. by engine for failing 21:10 主机备车准备航行

21:10 departure from Dalian to Kobe 21:10 离开大连去神户

M/E started at 21:10 21:10 启动主机

Telegraph tested and ship clock checked at 21:10 21:10 与驾驶台试车钟,对时

M/E blown thro. And tried on fuel at 21:10. CTR 12345 21:10 主机通压缩空气,并用油试车,转


First movt. D.S. Ast/Ahd. at 21:10 21:10 开始微速后退/前进

F.W.E. at 21:10 完车在21:10

Rest of movt. as per movt. book 其他车令见车令记录薄

Deck officer informed to reduce engine speed to 110r/m 驾驶员通知主机减速到110r/m 21:10 St. by eng. duo to bad weather/rough sea/fog/poor visibility/sailing in narrow waterway 21:10 由于天气不好/海况差/有雾/能见度差/狭水道航行而待机备车

21:10 anchoring outside Ningbo(port) waiting for pilot/high-water

21:10 在宁波港外下锚等待引航员/潮水

21:10 shifting from anchorage to pier/buoy No.14 21:10 从锚地移泊到14 号码头

21:10 stop eng. at sea for life saving/firefighting drills 21:10 在海上停车进行救生/消防演习 21:10 approaching Tianjin stop UMS engineer attend in E/R

21:10 到天津港停止无人机舱,轮机员在机舱值班

21:10 arriving at anchorage of Nagoya 21:10 到达名古屋锚地

21:10 entering/leaving dry dock 21:10 进入/离开船坞机电设备操作及工作情况

F.O transferred to daily service tk./settling tk./sump tk 将柴油驳到日用油柜/沉淀油柜/油底壳 F.O service tk. topped up 使柴油柜装满

Ballasting/deballasting of port/stbd/No.2 tk 左舷/右舷/2 号舱装压载水/排放压载水 F.O tk/Mixing columns/Air bottle drained 排放燃油柜/集油柜/空气瓶中的残水 Pump out port No.1 ballast water overboard 将左舷第一舱的压载水排出舷外

21:10 Aux./Exh. boiler soot blown 21:10 副锅炉/废气锅炉吹灰

21:10 oil mist detector zero setting checked 21:10 检验油雾探测器零值设定

21:10start/cut out air conditioning 21:10 启动/关掉空调

A/E on/off load at 21:10 21:10 辅助发动机受载/卸载

21:10 shore power supply connected/cut off 21:10 接通/断开岸电机电设备故障 21:10 M.E stopped accidentally 21:10 主机突然停机

21:10 M.E speed automatically reduced to 112r/m 21:10 主机转速自动减速到112 21:10 black out occurred with unknown reason 21:10 断电,原因不明

No.1 cylinder found cracked/leaky 发现1 号缸有裂纹/泄露

Exhaust temperature found too high 发现排烟温度过高休假的句子

Pump found in trouble 泵发现有故障

Spark found between rotor and stator 发现转子和定子之间有火花维护保养与检修 Cyl.liner cleaned and measured 对缸套进行了清洁和测量

Pump/motor dismantled, cleaned, checked, repaired and reassembled对泵/马达进行了拆卸,清洁,检查,修理和装复

Ignition condition inspected and indicator cards taken 检查了燃烧情况并测取示功图

No.3 cylinder checked and piston drawn out, packing 对第3 号缸进行了吊缸检查,更换了填料 renewed (盘根)

The clearance between thrust pads measured 测量了推力块间隙

The armature winding in No.2 generator rewound 重绕了2 号发电机电枢绕组

The exhaust valve seats skimmed up 排气阀座整新

The steam pipe rewrapped with asbestos 蒸气管已用石棉重新包扎

Put the purifier into operation from * to * 从*到*,分油机投入使用

Function of M/E safety device examined and found all

in good order except**检验了主机安全装置功能,除了**外均正常

Engine room floor, rail way (guide) cleaned, chipped and one coating painted 机舱地板,栏杆清洁,铲刮并油漆一层

M/E turbocharger water wash 主机增压器已用水洗过接收物料

150 tons of fuel oil received 收到150 吨燃油

Stores from agent received 收到代理送来的物料

(something) found different from order list specification (某些物料)规格与定购单不符 Quality of (something) found inferior (某些物料)质量低劣

Weight of (something) found no more than 20kg (某些物料)重量不到20kg

Package of (something) found damaged (某些物料)包装破损与甲板部合作

Fire pump started to flush the anchor/deck at 21:10 21:10 启动消防泵,冲洗锚/甲板

Heeling pump started for ballasting from 21:10to 21:20 从 21:10 到21:20 启动压载泵压载 Supply power to No.2 hold for cargo handing at 21:10 21:10 给第2 货舱供电卸货

Discharge the oily-ballast water/tank washing water to reception facilities 将含油压舱水/洗舱水排放到接收设备人员情况

Mr. Wang ,2nd engineer separated 大管轮王先生离任

Mr. Wang promoted as 4th engineer 王先生升为三管轮

Mr. Wang ,motorman injured on his watch in the engine-room 机匠王先生在机舱值班时受伤 Mr. Wang, assistant engineer, home leave 轮助王先生休假

Mr. Wang,electrician ,sick leave 电机员王先生病休

Mr. Wang has taken his duties of assistant electrician 王先生任电助其他公务联系

Mr. Wang,representative of local administration inspected the IOPP and oil Record Book 地方当局代表王先生检查了油污证书集油类记录本

Mr. Wang,representative of local administration took a sample of engine-room bilge water 地方当局代表王先生取走机舱舱底水样

Mr. Wang, surveyor of classification society inspected the pollution prevention equipment onboard 船级社验船师王先生检查了船上的防污设施

Mr. Wang, officer of local administration inspected the ash residue taken from incinerator to verify the oil 地方当局官员王先生检查了焚化炉中的灰烬,确认油泥已焚化

sludge had been burnt out

Mr. Wang, engineer of local shipyard discussed the occasional repair with the chief engineer. 当地船厂工程师王先生与轮机长讨论了临时修理事宜

Mr. Wang, manager of the agent discussed store supply with the chief engineer 代理行经理王先


A part of engine-room crew was invited to join reception party held by the Municipal


Oil Record Book Part 1 shall be provided to every oil tanker off 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, other than oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operation. For oil tankers, Oil Record Book Part 2 shall also be provided to

record relevant cargo/ballast operaions.《油类记录薄》第1 部分供每艘150gt 及以上的油船每艘400gt 及以上的非油船记录有关机舱的作业。对于油船,还应备有《油类记录薄》第2 部分,记录有关货油/压载的作业


When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date,operational code and item number shall be inserted inthe appropriate columns and the required particulars shall be recorded chronologically in the blank spaces填写《油类记录薄》时,日期,作业代号和项目编号应记入相应的表格内,所要求的细节,应按年月顺序记入空栏Through 15 ppm equipment 通过15ppm 设备修理单 需要修理的部件名称+to be+所需动词的过去分词

All cylinder liners to be cleaned and measured 全部缸套清洁并测量

All windings to be thoroughly cleaned and baked dry 全部线圈彻底清洁并烘干

Shaft to be lathed as per attached sketch 轴按附图加工

Cylinder liner to be bored as required 缸套按要求钻孔

Coupling to be skinned up in way of shaft 联轴节在轴的部位光车

Cylinder to be hydraulically tested in presence of C/E and Surveyor


Cooling system to be tested to C/E’s satisfaction 冷却系统试验至轮机长满意为止

部件名称+found+毛病+to be+所需动词的过去分词

Liner of No.3 cylinder found cracked to be renewed 3 号缸套发现有裂纹需换新

Two end covers found leaky to be replaced 两个端板发现泄露需更换

部件名称+if found+毛病+to be+所需动词的过去分词

Pump for main engine if found in trouble to be remedied


Pump for main engine if found damaged to be renewed



Please supply us with the following stores as soon as



Please supply my vessel *** with the under-mentioned 请尽速供应我***船下列机器零件和物料

engine parts and stores at your earliest convenience You are kindly requested to arrange delivery of the under-mentioned items, if possible before the 10th inst.

请供应下列各项物品,如有可能,望不迟于本月10 日交货

You are kindly requested to arrange for the supply of the following stores prior to our departure at Oct.8th 请于我船10 月8 日开航前(安排)供应下列物料

I will be grateful if you supply my vessel with the following stores as early as possible


致谢语:Thank you very much and looking forward to your answer soon

Thanking you for your help and co-operation 感谢你的协助和合作事故报告

While vessel on voyage from * to * 当船从*港到*港的航行中

While vessel passing 当船经过

While vessel was sailing on 当船正在航行中

Due to human error/maintenance operation 由于人为过错/维护操作

Due to a blackout/contaminated fuel oil 由于失电/燃油混有杂质

Due to unknown cause 由于不明的原因

Vessel collided with another vessel in the fog/restricted water


Vessel grounded in shallow water/dense fog 船在浅水/浓雾中搁浅

Vessel encountered bad weather causing severe damage to 恶劣天气使船严重受损以致 Vessel caught fire in engine room 船的机舱失火

Black out occurred 发生使电事故

…is disabled/out of action/seriously damaged 已失去航行能力/无法行动/严重损害 Explosion has occurred in boiler/engine crankcase 锅炉/发动机曲轴箱发生爆炸

Nothing can be done until water in engine room has

been discharged overboard 在机舱里的水排出前什么事都不能做近三次中译英考试题 My dear ship owner, duiring the PSC inspection, the exhaust pipe of the diesel engine for the emergency fire pump was found leaking and no operating instructions displayed in the working language at its location; the gas release alarm including the time delay for the fixed CO2

extinguishing system for the machinery space was tested and found not to meet the requirements. This deficiency was required to be rectified immediately.

船东,港口国监督检查中发现,应急消防泵驱动柴油机排气管泄漏,且机旁缺少用工作语言写明的使用说明;机舱固定二氧化碳灭火系统气体释放报警,包括时间延时继电器在内,在PSC 检查中测试不合格,要求立即整改。

As to these spare parts, the guarantee period should be at least 12 months counting from the date when we receive them. As to these stores, if you insist that I sign

有关这些备件,保修期至少12 个月,从我们收到的日期算起。有关这些物料,如果你坚持要我签字,我就地在收据上注明

the receipt, I must note down the shortage in it. 不足的数量。

Crankshaft deflection of main engine to be measured once before and after repair, the report in three copies to be hand over to the chief engineer.


Prior to bunkering, the designated overflow tank must be identified and the filling line and all relevant valves correctly opened.


Oily water separator, the first stage to be opened up.休假的句子

The internal separating disc to be cleaned, the heating coil to be taken out and hydraulic test to be carried out. The leaky place to be welded up.


The Oil Record Book should be written either in chinese or in english. After being filled up, it should be kept on board ship at least three years.



When dismantling the steering gear, we found a few parts seriously worn out to be repaired. 拆检舵机时,我们发现一些部件严重磨损需要修理

We prefer all the spare parts to be sent on board before departure


Take out (disengage) turning gear; survey; dead slow



Dock repair; marine fuel oil; ball bearing 坞修;船用燃料油;滚珠轴承

My dear ship owner, the key items of PSCO

inspection relating to the machinery space are 15PPM

automatic alarm, fire fighting apparatus and so on. But I

am very upset that their inspction is arranged so late and

non-conformities are not drawn up in time, so that we

have no time to rectify them. Besides, I think the criteria

for their inspection have not embodied the purpose for

actual PSC inspection.

船东,PSCO 涉及到机舱的检查项目,重

点是15PPM 自动报警器、机舱灭火设备

等。但我非常遗憾PSCO 的检查安排的如



查标准没有体现出 PSC 检查的宗旨。

While the vessel was on route for HONGKONG, it

encountered bad weather causing severe damage and

completed passage at reduce revolutions. Damage can

not be repaired by ourselves, please arrange an engineer

form your shipyard to come on board my ship to have it

repaired. Your prompt arrangement will be greatly

appreciated. All expenses will be for the owner`s







Once a fire is detected, the engine should be slowed

down, fuel shut off from the affected cylinders and

cylinder lubrication increased




The windlass.,capstan, mooring winch and hydraulic

hatch cover are all in good order. If the axial clearance


恩点公务员论坛-国内最大的公务员考试学习基地,为无数考生实现了公务员的梦想 价值,源自恩点„„


1.下列各句中,有语病的一句是( )。

A. 一项新的研究成果显示,动物不但具有独特的性格,而且性格相当复杂,它们性格的复杂性甚至能够与人类的相媲美

B. 进入21世纪,随着经济全球化进程的加快和知识经济的深入发展,集中到知识和人才方面

C. 代所形成的审美趣味和欣赏习惯

D. 后定居、扩散、暴发危害的物种

2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。




D. 中国国务院新闻办公室1日发表《,以回应美国国务院于2月25日发表的《2003

3. )。


B. 张洁和王强上课说话,被教师叫到办公室去了



4. )。



C. 科学渗透到心灵深处,化为自己的思维方式和价值观的有机组成部分,才是真正的牢固的科学意识

D. 在一些人对他从事的工作不理解的时候,也曾使他受到很大的压力

5.下列句子中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是( )。

A. 我们要注意团结跟自己“合不来”、“看不惯”的同志

B. 这次考试能够取得优异成绩的原因,是因为大家复习认真,准备充分的结果

恩点公务员论坛-国内最大的公务员考试学习基地,为无数考生实现了公务员的梦想 价值,源自恩点„„

C. 从毛泽东同志发出号召以来,学习雷锋的活动,都在全国轰轰烈烈地、持久地开展起来了

D. 这个生动的事实证明,只有落后的工作,没有落后的群众

6.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。

A. 中国第一计算机集成制造系统工程研究中心建成后,受到国内外同行大加赞赏,共有二万三千多人次前来参观

B. 技术和身高均占优势的中国男篮在决赛的最后一分钟被韩国队反超,难道不是因为队员们关键时刻心理素质不过硬又是什么

C. 现在可以这样说,这只是部分实现了我的原始初衷,远未达到尽善尽美的程度

D. 不管你承认不承认,不管你忌讳不忌讳,“高考是中学教学的指挥棒”谁也无法改变

7.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。

A. 这个厂通过大搞技术革新,生产效率迅速提高,现在每月的生产值都能超过原计划的30%~45%


C. 调性和表现力

D. 供绝密情报的丑闻

8.下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )A.

B. 随着电子技术的发展,,但因为它没有感觉,灵敏度差,不能做精细


D. 经过整改,这个单位的人员安排、生产计划以及科室人员的配置,都达到了上级的要求

9. )。

A. 210辆消防车300多名消防官兵,放弃休假,始终坚守在各自执勤B.

C. 400元零花钱,资助给贫困地区的失学儿童赵长波,确保他能够支付读完小

D. 3月17日,6名委员因受贿丑闻被驱逐出国际奥委会。第二天,世界各大报纸关于这一起震惊国际体坛的事件都作了详细报道

10. 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )。

A. 她九岁起即在报刊发表作品并被一些诗集选录

B. 来自京、津、沪等城市的当年爬雪山过草地进行万里长征和坚持南方六年游击战争的红军老战士代表将登台高唱革命老区歌曲

恩点公务员论坛-国内最大的公务员考试学习基地,为无数考生实现了公务员的梦想 价值,源自恩点„„

C. 鲁迅杂文语言的特点是犀利幽默,在嬉笑怒骂之中给人以深刻的启示

D. 由于人口过于集中,造成了不少大中城市的供应、就业、住宅、水电等日益严重

11. 没有多余词语的一个句子是( )。

A. 马路的北头有商店和医院,商店的后面就是我的家

B. 他冒着风雨向前走着,在雨水中寻找路径

C. 参加长跑的运动员,听到广播马上到操场集合

D. 每到节假日,或是星期天,他就更忙了

12. 病句修改有错误的一项是( )。

A. 王林同学一年来管理班费没差错一分钱,受到全班同学的称赞。




C. 他那优秀的品质,经常浮现在我们的脑海中。


D. 修改:把“指教”改为“解答”

13. 下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( )。


B. 营造快捷通畅的商业氛围休假的句子

C. 少有生活的体验和真实的感情


14. )。

A. 一些家长常期望通过使用补品和保健品来提高和增长孩子的智力,

C. 发展速度下降的主要原因

D. 如果美国政府不履行它应当承担的义务,那么,任何人也不能保证在今后一段时间内中美两国之间的贸易不会爆发战争

15. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。

A. 自1993年北京大学生电影节诞生以来,已经累计有超过100万人次参与了影片的观摩

B. 市教委要求,各学校学生公寓的生活用品和床上用品由学生自主选购,不得统一配备

恩点公务员论坛-国内最大的公务员考试学习基地,为无数考生实现了公务员的梦想 价值,源自恩点„„

C. 能否贯彻落实科学发展现,对构建和谐社会,促进经济可持续发展无疑具有重大的意义

D. 今年的电力供需紧张状况将有所缓解,拉闸限电现象会相应减少,但整体上看仍然偏紧

16. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。休假的句子

A. 高致病性禽流感是由高致病性禽流感病毒引起的鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类的烈性传染病

B. 通过在中国这几个月的生活,我已经把这一点感觉到了

C. 由于京沪高速铁路投资巨大,不仅对我国民族铁路工业有着巨大的影响,同时对德、法、日等国企业甚至政府都极具吸引力

D. 我们虽然身处雪域边关,但是全国人民一直关心着我们,一直没有忘记我们

17. 下列句子中有歧义的一句是( )。

A. 他只顾埋头看书,丝毫没有感觉到身边有人

B. 内涵是指概念所反映的事物或本质

C. 刚才打电话来的是我前几天认识的张小明的弟弟

D. 你的话对他没有任何作用

18. 下列句子中有歧义的一句是( )。


B. C. 只有充分发动小区居民,才能搞好工作

D. 小王和小李的爸爸到学校里来了

19. 下列句子中有歧义的一项是( )。


B. 妈妈借了张阿姨五百元钱



20. 下列四句中有歧义的是( )。








C. 作为一个出色的医务工作者,他受到了全市人民的尊敬

D. 小王的父亲从新华书店买回一本他最喜欢的书

22. 下列句子中没有歧义的一句是( )。

A. 咬死了猎人的狗怎么办

B. 这是一个部门全年的财力情况统计表

C. 文学的繁荣和发展,在一定程度上取决于文学评论的规模与质量

恩点公务员论坛-国内最大的公务员考试学习基地,为无数考生实现了公务员的梦想 价值,源自恩点„„

D. 香港和内地的一些报纸纷纷报道了此事

23. 下列句子中有歧义的一句是( )。

A. 从昆虫有保持幼虫状态和有的老年人更新复壮的现象也许可以找到保幼复壮类激素

B. 人的生长发育和性成熟过程,是由DNA上的基因所决定的

C. 听到王老师说我是艺术界的泰斗这样的话,从内心深处感到无法接受

D. 她只能以自己的幽香去招引蝴蝶,而蝴蝶虽闻到了清香,却不能飞到园中

24. 下列句子中有歧义的一句是( )。

A. 他本想给父亲买些鲜果和螃蟹什么的

B. 你这儿经常来人吧

C. 钱先生的被打和被捕,使他们知道了敌人的厉害

D. 人家那么多解放军要你去

25. 下列句子中有歧义的一句是( )。

A. 张老师的女儿说她生病了

B. 生物学家的研究表明,人是从猿进化来的

C. 铁路托运需要办理很多繁杂的手续

D. 北京市中级人民法院驳回了被告的上诉请求解析



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