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背道而驰,例句 篇一:《写作常用句型 例句版》


1. Bear sth in mind 牢记在心The government must bear it in mind that the protection of the environment should be the priority. We should bear in mind that it is unwise to develop the economy at the expense of our environment.

2. Go a long way 有效

Since praise, encouragement, and appreciation go a long way—even just saying “thank you” leaves a lasting impression.

3. Give sb the credit for… 把…归功于某人

It’s generally recognized that Edward Jenner should be given the credit for defeating the disease of smallpox.

4. Enable sb to do/make it possible for sb to do 使人能做某事

A developed economy enables people to lead a quality life.

Allowing children to make their own decisions enables them to develop independence.

5. Boost efficiency /productivity 提高效率/生产率

Working in an office can help boost workers' efficiency.

6. Give sb a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

A sound economy gives a country a competitive edge in the international community. Being different from others gives a person a competitive edge.

7. Expand one’s outlook 开阔视野

When doing a part job, kids have opportunities to expand their outlook, and gain financial independence.

8. Generate opportunities 带来机会

Social activities generate opportunities for good students to accumulate social experience. Social activities generate opportunities for students to achieve well-rounded development.

9. Dedicate/devote A to B 在某事上付出(时间、精力等)

The humorous teacher make students more willing to dedicate more time to study.

10.Assume/shoulder the responsibility for … 承担责任

It is the government that should assume the responsibility to contain/curb deteriorating air pollution.

11. Be mindful of… 对某事很关注

The big companies should be mindful of the environmental needs of the local communities.

12. Put…into practice 实践

Putting new ideas into practice is far more difficult than having them.

13. Fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人潜能

A job which I take much interest in enables me to fulfill my potential.

Learning multiple subjects fulfill students’ potential.

14. Remove the barrier for … 移除障碍

Machine translation is intended to help remove the barrier for communication between people who do not speak the same language.

15. Be in tune with… 与…一致

Some American scholars argue that John Dewey thought is thoroughly in tune with the Asian philosophies.

16. Keep pace with… 保持步伐一致,跟得上

It seems as if agricultural development is unable to keep pace with population growth.

17. Promote /stimulate the development of… 促进发展

Social activities have the potential to promote well-rounded development.

Learning a wide range of subjects can promote well-rounded development.

18. Raise public awareness of … 唤醒公众意识

It is high/quite time that the government raised the pubilc awareness of the importance of environmental protection.

19. Be the cornerstone of…/lay the foundation for sth 是…的基石

A well-preserved environment lays the foundation for sustainable growth.

20. Be an essential ingredient of …/be an integral part of 是…必不可少的一部分

Watching films is an essential ingredient of our recreational activities.

21. Be a main driving force behind… 是…的主要动力

The reckless pursuit for maximized profit serves as the driving force behind the large-scale destruction of the environment.

22. Reverse the damage to … 挽回损失

They are constructing facilities to reverse the flood damage to the town.

23. Be a perfect complement to … 是…很好的补充

The system has the potential to develop into a perfect complement to antivirus software and firewalls.

24. Be in accordance with … 与…一致

The authorities must ensure that things proceed in accordance with the law.

25. Integrate/incorporate sth into… 合并

This project brought together a group of teachers who created multimedia learning objects that in corporate innovative uses of technology into the curriculum to enhance students’ learning and illustrate new ways of thinking.

26. Give priority to sth /attach importance to sth重视某事

Universities are supposed to attach greater importance to education instead of social activities. Universities are supposed to give priority to recruiting good teachers.

27. Awaken the conscience of society 唤醒社会良知

They worked to protect battered and abused women, to awaken the conscience of society, and to arouse compassion.

28. Take sanctuary in sth 在…中找到避风港

Our house is a place in which we can take sanctuary.

29. Gain/gather/lose momentum 某事势头强劲/势头减弱(背道而驰,例句)

A switch to renewable energy resources has been gaining momentum in many portions of the USA in response to the environmentalists’ concerns.

30. Be at risk/be in peril/be at stake 处在风险中

If we continue to develop the economy at the cost of the e, the younger generation will be at risk of losing their healthy development.

If we continue to destroy the environment, many animals will be at risk of extinction.

31. Be concerned about 关心

32. Have a hard time doing sth 艰难做某事

When he went to America for the first time, he had a hard time adjusting oneself to the local lifestyle.

33. Be threatened with/be under threat 遇到…威胁

If we continue to develop the economy at the cost of the e, our survival will be under threat If we continue to develop the economy at the cost of the e, we will threatened with extinction.

34. Abide by/comply with/conform to 遵守

We swear that we will respect and abide by the rules which govern the Olympic games.

35. Be overly dependent/reliant on 过度依赖某事

Technology, originally intended to liberate we humans, has successfully made us overly dependent on it.

36. Be in short supply 供应短缺

In some developing countries, school classes are very large, ranging from 50 to 100 students and classroom resources are in short supply.

People who have the virtue of creativity is in short supply.

37. Widen the gap/disparity between a and b 加大差距

The reform and open policy has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

At present, the technology available for individuals is actually widening the gap between the poor and the rich rather than narrowing it.

39. Be subject to 经受,遭受

Homeschooled children are less subject to the stress and pressure experienced by conventional students who spend six, seven, or even eight hours a day with their peers.

40. Be attributed to /be traced to/be ascribed to归咎于

The large-scale destruction of the environment should be attributed to the reckless pursuit for maximized profit.

41. Be susceptible to 易受不良影响

Children tend to be more susceptible to advertising, especially when they view it alone.

42. At the price/expense/cost of 以…为代价

We cannot afford to develop the economy at the price of the environment.

43. Run counter to 背道而驰

Our economic development runs counter to our wish to improve our life quality.

44. Be confronted with 面对(挑战、困难)

Confronted with population explosion, we should adopt land to human activities rather than protecting endangered species.

45. Erode the cultural identity/national pride 侵蚀文化认同、民族自豪感

Extinction of native languages has been eroding the cultural identity of native Americans.

46. Drive up the crime rate 导致犯罪率上升

The unprecedented unemployment rate is driving up the already alarming violent crime rate.

47. Exert detrimental influence on/have adverse effect on 对…产生不良影响

An excessive/extensive amount of tv time may exert detrimental influence on children’s eyesight. The violent and sexual scenes in films have adverse effect on their behavior.

48. Be incompatible with/be at odds with 无法共存

Their findings were incompatible with the previous research results, which suggests that there

might be some problems with the methods used in the previous experiments.

49. Stifle creativity 扼杀创造力

The requirement to wear uniforms tend to stifle creativity.

Some scholars argue that copyright laws may stifle creativity.

50. Be likely to fall prey to sth/be vulnerable to sth容易受到…伤害

Some medical professionals assume that the elderly may be vulnerable to the side effects of H1N1 vaccination.

51. Be oblivious to sth对…无视

Oblivious to our limits, we attempt things that we can’t really handle.

52. Deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的某物

If parents make decisions for their children, they will deprive them of the right to determine their own life.

Parents who help children to make decisions deprive them of chances to develop independence.

53. Take sth for granted 认为某事理所当然

A large proportion of people take it for granted that universities should upgrade their equipment.

54. Poorly-informed 消息不灵通的 (uninformed 完全不了解 misinformed 消息有误的) If we gain information from a single source, we will likely to be poorly-informed.

55. Lower one’s expectations 降低期许

To keep ourselves from being disappointed, we sometimes lower our expectations or avoid taking challenges. There may be good reasons for this, but it can limit what we experience.

56. Go from bad to worse 越来越糟

Things went from bad to worse, and in the end the nominee for treasury secretary apologized for tax mistakes.

57. It is not uncommon/rare for people to do … 人们经常做某事

It is not uncommon for students to complain about their teachers’ incompetence.

58. It is no exaggeration to say that 毫不夸大地说

It is no exaggeration to say that every human being is fooled by his/her own ideas once in a while.

59. There is a definite link between a and b 两者之间有必然联系

It has been scientifically proven that there is a link between the rise in global temperature and the increase of co2 emissions.

60. Take steps/measures to do 采取措施

It is high time that we took steps to control air pollution

背道而驰,例句 篇二:《写作常用句型 - 例句版》


1. Bear sth in mind 牢记在心

The government must bear it in mind that the protection of the environment should be the priority. We should bear in mind that it is unwise to develop the economy at the expense of our environment.

2. Go a long way 有效

Since praise, encouragement, and appreciation go a long way—even just saying “thank you” leaves a lasting impression.

3. Give sb the credit for… 把…归功于某人

It’s generally recognized that Edward Jenner should be given the credit for defeating the disease of smallpox.

4. Enable sb to do/make it possible for sb to do 使人能做某事

A developed economy enables people to lead a quality life.

Allowing children to make their own decisions enables them to develop independence.

5. Boost efficiency /productivity 提高效率/生产率

Working in an office can help boost workers' efficiency.

6. Give sb a competitive edge 给某人竞争优势

A sound economy gives a country a competitive edge in the international community. Being different from others gives a person a competitive edge.

7. Expand one’s outlook 开阔视野

When doing a part-time job, kids have opportunities to expand their outlook, and gain financial independence.

8. Generate opportunities 带来机会

Social activities generate opportunities for good students to accumulate social experience.

9. Dedicate/devote A to B 在某事上付出(时间、精力等)

A humorous teacher makes students more willing to dedicate more time to study.

10.Assume/shoulder the responsibility for … 承担责任

It is the government that should assume the responsibility to contain/curb deteriorating air pollution.

11. Be mindful of… 对某事很关注

The big companies should be mindful of the environmental needs of the local communities.


12. Put…into practice 实践

Putting new ideas into practice is far more difficult than having them.

13. Fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人潜能

A job which I take much interest in enables me to fulfill my potential.

Learning multiple subjects helps students to fulfill their potential.

14. Remove the barrier for … 移除障碍

Machine translation is intended to help remove the barrier for communication between people who do not speak the same language.

15. Be in tune with… 与…一致

Some American scholars argue that John Dewey thought is thoroughly in tune with the Asian philosophies.

16. Keep pace with… 保持步伐一致,跟得上

It seems as if agricultural development is unable to keep pace with population growth.

17. Promote /stimulate the development of… 促进发展

Social activities have the potential to promote well-rounded development.

Learning a wide range of subjects can promote well-rounded development.

18. Raise public awareness of … 唤醒公众意识

It is high/quite time that the government raised the public awareness of the importance of environmental protection.

19. Be the cornerstone of…/lay the foundation for sth/be the bed rock of 是…的基石

A well-preserved environment lays the foundation for sustainable growth.

20. Be an essential ingredient of …/be an integral part of 是…必不可少的一部分

Watching films is an essential ingredient of our recreational activities.

21. Be a main driving force behind… 是…的主要动力

The reckless pursuit for maximized profit serves as the driving force behind the large-scale destruction of the environment.

22. Reverse the damage to … 挽回损失

They are constructing facilities to reverse the flood damage to the town.

23. Be a perfect complement to … 是…很好的补充

The system has the potential to develop into a perfect complement to antivirus software and firewalls.

24. Be in accordance with …(be in line with/be in keeping with) 与…一致

The authorities must ensure that things proceed in accordance with the law.

25. Integrate/incorporate sth into… 合并

This project brought together a group of teachers who created multimedia learning objects that in corporate innovative uses of technology into the curriculum to enhance students’ learning and illustrate new ways of thinking.


26. Give priority to sth /attach importance to sth重视某事

Universities are supposed to attach greater importance to education instead of social activities. Universities are supposed to give priority to recruiting good teachers.

27. Awaken the conscience of society 唤醒社会良知

They worked to protect battered and abused women, to awaken the conscience of society, and to arouse compassion.

28. Take sanctuary in sth 在…中找到避风港

Our house is a place in which we can take sanctuary.

29. Gain/gather/lose momentum 某事势头强劲/势头减弱

A switch to renewable energy resources has been gaining momentum in many portions of the USA in response to the environmentalists’ concerns.

30. Be at risk/be in peril/be at stake 处在风险中

If we continue to develop the economy at the cost of the environment, the younger generation will be at risk of losing their healthy development.

If we continue to destroy the environment, many animals will be at risk.

31. Be concerned about 关心

The big corporations should be mindful of and sensitive to the environmental needs of local communities.

32. Have a hard time doing sth 艰难做某事

When he went to America for the first time, he had a hard time adjusting oneself to the local lifestyle.

33. Be threatened with 遇到…威胁

If we continue to develop the economy at the cost of the environment, we will be threatened with extinction.

34. Abide by/comply with/conform to 遵守

We swear that we will respect and abide by the rules which govern the Olympic games.

35. Be overly dependent/reliant on 过度依赖某事

Technology, originally intended to liberate we humans, has successfully made us overly dependent

on it.

36. Be in short supply 供应短缺

In some developing countries, school classes are very large, ranging from 50 to 100 students and classroom resources are in short supply.

People who have the virtue of creativity is in short supply.

37. Widen the gap/disparity between a and b 加大差距

The reform and open policy has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

At present, the technology available for individuals is actually widening the gap between the poor and the rich rather than narrowing it.

39. Be subject to 经受,遭受

Homeschooled children are less subject to the stress and pressure experienced by conventional students who spend six, seven, or even eight hours a day with their peers.

40. Be attributed to /be traced to/be ascribed to归咎于

The large-scale destruction of the environment should be attributed to the reckless pursuit for maximized profit.(背道而驰,例句)

41. Be susceptible to 易受不良影响

Children tend to be more susceptible to advertising, especially when they view it alone.

42. At the price/expense/cost of 以…为代价

We cannot afford to develop the economy at the price of the environment.

43. Run counter to 背道而驰

Our economic development runs counter to our wish to improve our life quality.

44. Be confronted with 面对(挑战、困难)

Confronted with population explosion, we should adopt land to human activities rather than protecting endangered species.

45. Erode the cultural identity/national pride 侵蚀文化认同、民族自豪感

Extinction of native languages has been eroding the cultural identity of native Americans.

46. Drive up the crime rate 导致犯罪率上升

The unprecedented unemployment rate is driving up the already alarming violent crime rate.

47. Exert detrimental influence on/have adverse effect on 对…产生不良影响

An excessive/extensive amount of tv time may exert detrimental influence on children’s eyesight. The violent and sexual scenes in films have adverse effect on their behavior.

48. Be incompatible with/be at odds with 无法共存

Their findings were incompatible with the previous research results, which suggests that there might be some problems with the methods used in the previous experiments.

49. Stifle creativity 扼杀创造力

The requirement to wear uniforms tend to stifle creativity.


Some scholars argue that copyright laws may stifle creativity.

50. Be likely to fall prey to sth/be vulnerable to sth容易受到…伤害

Some medical professionals assume that the elderly may be vulnerable to the side effects of H1N1 vaccination.

51. Be oblivious to sth对…无视

Oblivious to our limits, we attempt things that we can’t really handle.

52. Deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的某物

If parents make decisions for their children, they will deprive them of the right to determine their own life.

Parents who help children to make decisions deprive them of chances to develop independence.

53. Take sth for granted 认为某事理所当然

A large proportion of people take it for granted that universities should upgrade their equipment.

54. Poorly-informed 消息不灵通的 (uninformed 完全不了解 misinformed 消息有误的) If we gain information from a single source, we will likely to be poorly-informed.

55. Lower one’s expectations 降低期许

To keep ourselves from being disappointed, we sometimes lower our expectations or avoid taking challenges. There may be good reasons for this, but it can limit what we experience.

56. Go from bad to worse 越来越糟

Things went from bad to worse, and in the end the nominee for treasury secretary apologized for tax mistakes.

57. It is not uncommon/rare for people to do … 人们经常做某事

It is not uncommon for students to complain about their teachers’ incompetence.

58. It is no exaggeration to say that 毫不夸大地说

It is no exaggeration to say that every human being is fooled by his/her own ideas once in a while.

59. There is a definite link between a and b 两者之间有必然联系(背道而驰,例句)

It has been scientifically proven that there is a link between the rise in global temperature and the increase of co2 emissions.

60. Take steps/measures to do 采取措施

背道而驰,例句 篇三:《英语写作三十个高分句型》



1. promote the development of... (促进……的发展)

例句:The widespread use of English has promoted the development of English training schools in China.


2. There is a definite link between A and B (A和B之间有密切联系)

例句:There is a definite link between the adult crime rate and the crime rate of youngsters.


3. spin out of any control(失去控制)

例句:The situation in the Middle East is spinning out of any control.


4. enrich one’s experience...(丰富……的生活)

例句:Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students experience and make them more capable in university.


5. broaden one’s horizons(开阔人的眼界)

例句:Not only can traveling broaden one’s horizons, it can relax one’s body and soul as well.


6. be monotonous and unmotivating(单调而且无法给人动力的)

例句:Many students find the schooling in traditional schools monotonous and unmotivating.(背道而驰,例句)


7. It is wrong headed to equate... with...(把……等同于……是错误的)

例句:It is wrong headed to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house.


8. distinguish between A and B(区分A和B)

例句:Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. 很多青年缺乏区分是非的能力。

9. at the expense of...(以……为代价)

例句:We should not develop economy at the expense of the water pollution. 我们不能以水污染为代价发展经济。

10. A has rendered B+形容词/名词 (A让B变成……)

例句:The fast paced way of life has rendered many people alienated from one another. 快节奏的生活让很多人变得彼此疏远。

11. lead to crimes(导致犯罪)

例句:The widespread violence and pornography on TV often lead to youngsters’ crimes.


12. raise the public awareness of(提高公众意识)

例句:The media should raise the public awareness of the significance of preserving the ecosystem.


13. sth. is the root cause of...(某事是……的根源)

例句:The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity.


14. fulfill one’s potential(发挥人的潜力)

例句:Working under pressure can help employees fulfill their potential.


15. Create tension and conflicts between...(在……之间制造紧张和冲突)

例句:Cultural differences between the tourists and local residents may create tension and conflicts between them.


16. an indispensable part of...(……中不可缺少的一部分)

例句:Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.


17.A is best characterized by...(A最重要的特征是……)

例句:A fine journalist is best characterized by discipline, determination and penetrating observations.


18. runs contrary to(与……背道而驰)

例句:Their suggestion runs contrary to the overwhelming evidence that technology enhances our efficiency.


19. live a stressful life(生活压力大)

例句:It seems that the people in developing countries live a more stressful life than the people in industrial countries.


20. relax one’s body and ease one’s mind(让人放松身心)

例句:Even though on holiday students spend less time studying, holidays relax students bodies and ease their minds.


21. Render us slaves to...(使人成为……的奴隶)

例句:We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technology.


22. Leave much to be desired (令人不满意)

例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.


23. Pose a great threat to...(对……造成一大威胁)

例句:Terrorism poses a great threat to the world peace.


24. curb the proliferation of...(控制……的扩散)

例句:The government should take immediate measures to curb the proliferation of pollution.


25. Spare no effort to+V (不遗余力的)

例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


26. ...cannot emphasize the importance of ...too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过)

例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting the environment too much. 我们再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不为过。

27. It is conceivable that+句子 (可想而知的); It is obvious that+句子 (明显的); It is apparent that+句子 (显然的)

例句: It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。

28. sth. plays a vital role in...(某事在……中起关键作用)

例句:It is extensively accepted that education plays a pivotal role in individual growth.


29. get a clear perspective of...(对……有更清晰的认识)

例句:Only by getting a clear perspective of the civil servant exam can we make a sensible choice.


30. sth. is unwarranted (某种做法很不合理)

例句:Keeping pets without trying not to disturb neighbors is unwarranted. 饲养宠物却打扰邻居的做法是不合理的。

背道而驰,例句 篇四:《对生活感慨的句子
























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