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关于推心置腹的短句 篇一:《Heart有关短语》

lose one's heart to someone 爱上某人

win one's heart 获得某人欢心,赢得某人的爱情

broken heart 伤心,绝望

hard-hearted 无情的

heart of stone 狠心,铁石心肠

pour out one's heart 倾诉衷肠

have a heart 发慈悲

have one's heart in the right place 真心实意,富于同情心

wear one's heart on one's sleeve 十分坦率,感情容易激动

my heart bleeds for you 我对你深表同情

chicken-hearted 胆怯,胆小鬼

heart is in one's mouth 十分紧张,焦急万分

lose heart 丧失勇气

strong-hearted 勇敢的

heart to heart 诚恳的,贴心的

change of heart 改变看法

at the bottom of one's heart 内心深处

a warm heart 热心肠

a heart of oak 有胆量的人; 刚强果断的人

after someone’s heart 称某人的心, 中某人的意

bare one's heart 推心置腹地说出真心话

be the heart and soul of 是...的核心人物; 是...的灵魂

big heart 宽阔的胸怀; 高尚的气度

Bless my heart! 我的天哪! 好家伙!

brace one's heart 抖擞精神, 振作

break one's heart 使人难过(心碎)

bring/come home to someone’s heart 使某人有深刻的体会

by heart 默诵; 默记

cross one's heart 在胸口画十字(表示说的是真话)

cry/weep one's heart out 痛哭不止, 哭得死去话来(关于推心置腹的短句)

cut/touch someone to the heart 触及某人痛处, 使某人伤心

do someone’s heart good 使某人打心眼里高兴

devour one's heart 伤心难过到茶饭不思的地步, 忧伤过度

eat/tear one's heart out (为某事)暗自伤神, 忧伤

Faint heart never won fair lady 没有勇气的人得不到美人的青眯(勇者制胜)

false heart 险诈, 不忠实

free heart 胸怀坦白; 无忧无虑

gain/win someone’ heart 取悦某人, 获得某人的宠爱

gather/take heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神

get to the heart of 抓住症结所在

give heart to someone 鼓励某人

go to someone’s heart 使某人伤心; 使某人深受感动

God bless my heart! 哎呀! 好家伙! 我的天哪!

have a heart of gold 有一颗金子般的心(心地善良)

have no heart 冷酷无情

have one's heart in 专心一意, 用心, 感兴趣

have/bring one's heart in one's boots/mouth/throat 吓一大跳; 吓得要命

imprint on one’s heart 铭刻某人心中

in one's heart of hearts 在内心深处

in the heart of 在...中心

It's a poor heart that never rejoices 人人都有欢乐的时候

keep a good heart 不丧失勇气

lay one's heart bare 倾吐衷情

lie at/weigh upon someone’s heart 重重地压在心上, 使深感焦虑

lift one's heart 鼓起勇气; 振作起来

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 世上无难事, 只怕有心人

One's heart dies within one. 心灰意懒, 意气消沉

One's heart fails one. 失去自信心。

Open/pour out one's heart to sb. 向某人倾吐肺腑

pluck up one's heart 鼓起勇气, 打起精神

read someone’s heart 看出某人的心思

reverberate/ring in one's heart 言犹在耳; 萦绕在心里

search one's heart 反省

set one's heart at rest/ease 使安心, 放心

The heart knows its own bitterness.心中的苦楚自己知道

wear someone in one's heart 忠于某人

weep one's heart out 哭得死去活来

What the heart thinks the tongue speaks 言为心声

When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth.心里有什么, 嘴里总要说出来 with a heart and a half 高兴地

with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重(愉快)地

with heart and soul 全心全意地, 热心地

关于推心置腹的短句 篇二:《那些触动心灵的句子》

1. 人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站,很难有人可以至始至终陪着走完,当陪你的人要下车时,即使不舍,也该心存感激,然后挥手道别



4. 交朋友不是一天两天,而是直到死的那天。 爱总是那么奇怪,明明什么都介意,但最后又什么都原谅了。 没有人有耐心听你讲完自己的故事,因为每个人都有自己的话要说;没有人喜欢听你抱怨生活,因为每个人都有自己的苦痛;世人多半寂寞,这世界愿意倾听,习惯沉默的人,难得几个。------ 我再也不想对别人提起自己的过往,那些挣扎在梦魇中的寂寞,荒芜,还是交给时间,慢慢淡漠。



7. 你失去的叫爱情,并不叫真爱,真正的爱情求之不来,挥之不去。 信仰像空气,摸不着,看不到,却必不可缺 离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便再与你无关。


9. 如果柯南不是新一就好了,柯哀就完美了。 每一个矜持淡定的现在,都有一个很傻很天真的曾经。

10. 有些人,遇不见,是错过;遇见了,是过错。

11. 有一种儒雅叫白马,有一种热血叫平次。有一种华丽叫基德,有一种守护叫柯南。

12. Sometimes, the harder you want to forget something, the more you seem to remember it. 有时候,越想忘记,却越刻骨铭心。

13. 有时候是我们自己想太多才让自己如此难受。

14. 很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐,还不如幼稚的没心没肺。 15. :佛说,与你无缘的人,你与他说话再多也是废话。与你有缘的人,你的存在就能惊醒他所有的感觉。

16. 晚上睡不着的人都是有故事的人

17. 被特别在乎的人忽略会很难过,而更难过的,是你还要装作不在乎。

18. 心情不好时,要经常问自己,你有什么而不是没有什么

19. 很多时候,宁愿被误会,也不想去解释。信与不信,就在你一念之间。懂我的人,何必解释。

20. 我放风筝,让它捎一句晚安给你。

21. 不要把事情看得太重,在人生的天空中,这些只不过是点点星光。 22. 主动,是因为在乎。不联系,是因为觉得该你在乎了。

23. 失望只有两种可能:选错了人,或是怀有不该有的期待。 24. 有的人是属拖把的,事情拖着拖着就一干二净了。

25. 我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回那时的自己。

26. 认识我的人以为我很静,了解我的人以为我很疯,只有懂我的人才知道其实我很忧伤。

27. 有没有这么一个人,你无数次说着要放弃,但终究还是舍不得。 28. 语言苍白的时候,沉默在发言。

29. 那些你一笑就跟着你笑的人,不是傻逼就是爱你的人。

30. 我学会了不再太依赖一个人,因为依赖,所以期望,因为期望,所以失望。

31. 人总是在接近幸福时倍感幸福,在幸福进行时却患得患失。 32. 在疼爱你的人面前,你永远都只是个孩子。

33. 不要等到人生垂暮,才想起俯拾朝花,且行且珍惜。

34. 挫折经历的太少,所以才把一些琐碎的小事看得很重要。 35. 人的一生要撒8.8万个谎,最容易脱口而出的谎话是:“没事,我很好。”

36. 那年,未来遥远得没有形状,我们单纯得没有烦恼。

37. 有时候,我们就像鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,一开口就化成了一串省略号

38. 宁愿一个人呆着,也不要跟不合拍的人呆一块。

39. 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

40. 我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去。 41. 我们似乎总会在某一年,爆发性地长大,爆发性地觉悟,爆发性地知道某个真相,让原本没有什么意义的时间的刻度,成了一道分界线。

42. 不是在最好的时光遇见了你们,而是有你们在,我才有了最好的时光。

43. 毕业以后,兄弟都不在身旁,偶尔聚到一起,聊的是贷款买房。在工作以后,朋友都各自很忙,想找人醉一场,到最后独自上网。青春是一场无知的奔忙,总会留下颠沛流离的伤,我多么希望明天有太阳,灼烧我那腐烂的梦想。

44. 喝醉了才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你。

45. 最深的孤独,是你明知道自己的渴望,却得对它装聋作哑。 46. 因定三生果未知,繁华浮影愧成诗。无端坠入红尘梦,惹却三千烦恼丝。

47. 一花凋零荒芜不了整个春天,一次挫折也荒废不了整个人生。 48. 吵架最激烈不过一分钟,而那一分钟你说出的话,是你用一百分钟都弥补不回来的。

49. 人的一生要疯狂一次,无论是为一个人,一段情,一段旅途,或一个梦想。

50. 我不确定自己能用多少时间把你忘了,也不敢保证我就能真的把你忘了,我只能像现在这样,不吵不闹,不悲不喜,安安静静的与你,再无交集

51. 在记忆里面,总有一些瞬间,经历时没什么特别,回想时却胜万语千言。

52. 朋友之间不言谢,遇见,就是幸福

53. 回忆是所有心痛的根源。如若不曾有回忆,就不会有那么多甜美的画面,如果不曾有回忆,也不会有那么多失望的眼泪„„心不动,则不痛。

54. 我总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。

55. 这世上,没有能回去的感情。就算真的回去了,你也会发现,一切已经面目全非。唯一能回去的,只是存于心底的记忆。是的,回不去了,所以,我们只能一直往前。

56. 从生到死有多远,呼吸之间;从迷到悟有多远,一念之间;从爱


57. 总有一个人,一直住在心里,却告别在生活里。忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,来来往往身边出现了很多人,总有一个位置,一直没有变。看看温暖的阳光,偶尔还是会想一想。

58. 青春是一本太仓促的书,我们含着泪,一读再读

59. 一个懂你泪水的朋友,胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友。

60. 我们再也回不去了 ------ 我们不可能再有一个童年;不可能再有一个初中;不可能再有一个初恋;不可能再有从前的快乐、幸福、悲伤、痛苦。------ 昨天,前一秒,通通都不可能再回去。------ 生命原来是一场无法回放的绝版电影!

61. 有些人。有些事。该忘就忘了吧。人家从没把你放心里过。你又何必自作多情。

62. 有没有试过回过头去看你跟一个人的聊天记录,从一开始到现在。看着看着就笑了,笑着笑着就哭了。。。一个人,从陌生走近你,然后再陌生。

63. 再苦再累,只要坚持往前走,属于你的风景终会出现;只要是自己选择的,那就无怨无悔,青春一经典当,永远无法赎回;过去只可以用来回忆,别沉迷在它的阴影中,否则永远看不清前面的路;不要期望所有人都懂你,你也没必要去懂所有人;聚散离合是人生的规律,

关于推心置腹的短句 篇三:《unit1-5句子整理必修一到五》

Unit 1


upset ignore tip friendship nature thunder cheat share series dare power trust suffer quiz survey situation habit loose gossip grateful

highway culture spirit community selfish recover understand favorite settle background discover entirely point experience solve 重点短语

calm down be concerned about make a list of

be crazy about according to get along with fall in love try out add up share sth. with sb. go through a series of

on purpose join in communicate with face to face happen to do at dusk stay away set down hide away laugh at go on holiday walk the dog live in peace get tired of 重点句子

I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 在遛狗时,你不小心让狗挣脱了绳子,结果狗被车撞了。

I’m only able to look at nature through dirty curtains It’s no pleasure It’s a good habit for you to keep a diary. She found it difficult to settle and…

4. Do you want a friend like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 你想有一位无话不谈、能推心置腹的朋友吗?


… nature is one thing I’d seen the night face to face.


7. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.

Unit 2 重点单词(关于推心置腹的短句)

Include international native modern vocabulary culture actually rule latter elevator/lift usage identity government command petrol/gas

request polite standard recognize apartment/flat accent direction block official voyage conquer gradually enrich especially rapidly spelling settle/settler 重点短语

play a role (in) play a part(in) even if be based on from one place to another the same…as… such as make use of at present

no longer come up to the number of 重点句子

1. (然而,他们可能不是什么都懂。)

2. (这是因为英国于1765年到1947年统治过印度。)


(美国人把被英国人称作“petrol”的东西称作“gas”。 此处what引导宾语从句) 4. …those 5. …there(more than one+单数可数名词,作主语时,谓语用单数)

6. It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker.

(对于一个中国人来说把英语说得跟以英语为母语的人一样好是不容易的。) 句型:It is + adj/n+ for sb to do sth 对于某人来说做某事是… 扩充:It is + adj+ of /for sb to do sth

当句式中形容词修饰to do sth 时用for; 若形容词修饰sb,则用of. eg: It’s kind of you to help me carry the box.

7. 8. At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different

from the English spoken today.

Unit3 重点单词:

Journal/ journey/trip/tour (tourist, tourism)/travel/voyage/flight

fare transport finally persuade cycle/recycle extreme bury canal brick express dam track steel mine/miner trap competition organize congratulations 重点短语:

prepare to do sth/get prepared instead of a/the number of stubborn insist attitude camp proper/properly topic familiar prefer disadvantage record/recorder flow cousin province graduate brave /bravery schedule detail wool determine/determination/determined freeze reliable encourage gradually source/resource inn afford lucky special temple café population directions separate field 重点短语:

get sb interested in make camp dream of doing

persuade sb to do persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth insist on sth /doing sth put up one’s tents set /break(beat)/hold a record care about care for sth/sb

give in(to sb) give away give off give out make up one’s mind read one’s mind keep/bear sth in mind be familiar with sth be familiar to sb be similar to 重点句子

1. 2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she 3. 4. 5. 6. middle school, … I 7. they are Dai, … near the Langcang River, the Chinese part of the river

Unit4 重点单词:

Shake rise burst ruin/destroy earthquake injure judge honour useless imagine shock rescue disaster shelter survivor

fresh countryside smelly nervous strange/stranger well pipe event suffering steam thousands of Shake hands with sb. Burst into

Judging by/from Be/feel honoured by Give honour to sb Dig out as usual right away Be proud of at an end 重点句子

1. 2. , were asleep…. 3. 4. 5. 句型:主语+ be + adj + to do 其中to do 用主动形式表示被动含义 6. All hope was not lost. all 与not 连用 表示部分否定 7. It’s never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。(关于推心置腹的短句)

Unit5 重点单词:

quality willing principle fight mean peaceful prisoner advise continue active vote position accept violence save

equal degree educated terror generous reward criminal president sincerely selfish devoted cruel easy-going mankind guidance offer lawyer legal equal sentence violence relative found generous 重点短语:

as a matter of fact come to power devote … to …

set up in trouble lose heart worry about out of work believe in put…in prison realize one’s dream of blow up 重点句子

1. 2. 相当于连词,用来引导从句


should have done 本应做而未做

needn’t have done 本不应做而做了 can’t have done 过去不可能做过

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. However, this was a time 10. 11. …. We had reached a stage 12. 13. 14.


Unit1 重点单词:

cultural survive remain state valuable rare dynasty belong heat select design fancy jewel reception amazing light wonder remove furniture decorate secretly wooden doubt prove besides consider opinion evidence pretend treasure celebrate former mystery 重点短语

look into serve as take apart in rather than think highly of belong to in search of in return care about agree with to one’s surprise


1. There is no doubt

2. 3. 4. 5. …..that his greatest gift to …….

6. This gift was the Amber Room 7. 8. 9. It was also a treasure

Unit2 重点单词

honest ancient compete competitor medal host magical interview athlete admit stadium gymnasium replace prize sliver physical/mental root relate poster advertise foolish promise golden regular slave responsibility opportunity allow spirit volunteer homeland glory hopeless nowadays standard 重点短语

take part in/join in used to play a role in

compete against/for work out make sure a set of as well every four years one after another all over the world as a matter of fact pick up stand for on a …. basis

together with find out make a bargain with 重点句子

1. … a special village is built for them “Ancient Greece”.

4. Only athletes will be admitted as competitors.

5. That’s 6. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women.

7. you have the running races, together with …..


revolution universal artificial intelligence anyhow totally advantage/disadvantage type disagree material personal create arise wander wonder predict devoted sum develop rapidly memory shape network application connect quality download internet virus

web signal program coach electronic spoil niece expert finance mobile performance explore analytical logically cheat operate/operator/operation calculate/calculator simple-minded technology/technological 重点短语

as a result deal with have … in common make up after all watch over

be filled with with the help of compare …to/with …. According to at that time from then on Share … with … as well as be crazy about Provide …. With in a way 重点句子

1. Over time my memory has developed 2. 3. …. 4. 5. as a “universal machine” 6. 7.

Unit4 重点单词

wild/wildlife protection reserve hunt/hunter loss

stomach apply suggest thick disappear insect contain powerful drug carpet affect attention bite (bit, bitten) effect zone recently fierce lazy distant fur respond destroy appreciate incident dust unexpected inspect sweater rare secure dinosaur 重点短语

die out pay attention to come into being get dressed in peace in danger protect…from be concerned about have an effect on wake up turn around burst into laughter in relief a certain number of without mercy

according to know for sure endangered species 重点句子

1. There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. 2. We/re being killed for ……

Our fur is being used to make ……(关于推心置腹的短句)

I wonder what is being done to help you.

Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched by an elephant. So good things are being done to save wildlife.

3. Please show me a place where there’s some wildlife protection. 4. They learned this from the way the bones were joined together.

5. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. 6. It is hoped that one day there will be enough animals …….

Unit5 重点单词:

appreciate musician/musical clap form pretend earn extra stick saying unknown reputation instrument sort concert band fame reputation brief pub studio actor humorous broadcast celebrate attractive sensitive realize copy fan devotion recognize upset Rap Choral Rock’ n’ Roll Folk music Jazz Classical music Orchestra Country music attractive/attract/attraction advertisement/advertise passer-by/passers-by perform/performance loosely/loosen 重点短语

to be honest play jokes on break up by chance come up with dream of be based on in addition as well as in cash attach importance to pay for rely on get familiar with or so

1. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone

clapping and enjoying your singing? (with复合结构做状语)


2. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as played music, most of which was

based loosely on the Beatles.

3. So they left Britain, to which they were never to return. 4. ….. but they could only find one who was good enough.

5. …… the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians.

6. …… after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees

started ……

7. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real



Unit1 重点单词

starve plenty satisfy feast hunt

origin trick independence gather harvest agricultural custom admire energetic shape religious social permission possibility grateful apologize sadness obvious forgive decorate award ancestor festival beauty celebrate ancient light honor belief spirit Christian weep wipe event sweets poet drown heart-broken 重点短语

take place in memory of play a trick on look forward to as though have fun with sb. turn up keep one’s word hold one’s breath do harm to dress up day and night set off throw away 重点句子

1. Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient


2. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return

either to help or do harm.

3. It’s now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and …….

4. ….. to honor Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s dependence from


5. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and …..

6. Some western countries have very exciting festivals, which take place forty days before


7. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks forward to the end of winter and to the

coming of spring.

8. She could be with her friend right now laughing at him.

9. It’s obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting …..

Unit 2 重点单词

diet energy digestion balance roast ought slim curiosity research customer weakness strength debt gently limit benefit sigh combine item packet

serve business frustrate fit cooperation menu fat heavy curiosity hostess discount raw fried barbecue fibre consult warmly advertise admit offer 重点短语

balanced diet ought to lose weight put on some weight on one’s way even though throw away according to rather than amount to cut down before long

be amazed at feel sick in debt

be tired of be curious about get away with tell lies get rid of in research of earn one's living glare at benefit from take off 重点句子

1. But don’t you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner? 2. So that is what they did.

3. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer

and Yong Hui put on more weight.

关于推心置腹的短句 篇四:《推心置腹造句》
























关于推心置腹的短句 篇五:《描写享受阳光的句子》



















  • ·我待人推心置腹下一句(2016-01-20)
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