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主题句子 第一篇

★ 1866 年,Alexander Bain 首次提出英语段落主题句的概念为“a collection of sentences with unity of purpose” ,即主题句统领段落的主题,决定了段落的一致性。

★ 根据Brooks and Warren ,主题句是“a kind of backbone ,a spine ,which supports the body of the paragraph and around which the rest of the structure is formed”

★ 一般说来,为了保证段落的统一性,每个段落应有个中心思想(central idea) ,这是写作者要表述的主题思想。在大多数情况下段落的中心思想是由主题句表述的。起提纲挈领的作用。

★ 在对语言的掌握得心应手的作者手中,主题句可以应用自如,不用主题句也可以使段落中所有的句子统一、连贯,中心思想突出、明了。但是“In the hands of the less experienced writer ,this controlling idea had better be expressed in the first sentence. ”

◇ 主题句一般由两部分构成: ( 1) 主题( Subject)和( 2) 关于该主题的观点或态度。也就是说, 一个恰当的主题句不仅讲述某一主题, 同时还应阐明作者对该主题的看法或者态度, 而这种看法就决定了什么内容可以放在该段中。所以, 有的修辞学家也把主题句称作“支配性思想”。

◇例如:( 1 ) Smoking cigar ettes can be an expensivehabit.该句作为一个段落的主题句, 由两部分组成:“Smoking cigarettes”是主题, 而“an expensive habit”则表明作者对该主题的看法或态度, 这种看法决定了只有与“吸烟浪费钱”有关的内容才能放在围绕该主题句展开的段落中。而吸烟引起的其它问题, 比如危害健康或污染环境, 则不能放进去。

◎ 人们一般认为, 主题句可以放在段首、段中、段未, 甚至可以隐含在文中。这种观点实际上缺乏对主题句重要性的认识。

◎ 根据Wesbster 's New World Dictionary 的定义, 主题句是“一个段落或篇章一部分的主要句子, 提出( 段落的) 主要思想, 通常位于段首, 尤其适用于说明文体”。

◎ 根据对美国出版的Reader's Dig est 和T imes 的两本期刊中的100 篇短文的调查,其中仅有2 篇短文主题句较为模糊, 而68 篇的主题句位于段/ 文首, 其余30 篇已经将段落的主题句升格为小标题。由此可见, 主题句在英文段落和篇章写作中占有相当重要的地位。 ⊙ 一个好的主题句应该具备三个主要特征, 或者说有三个功能. [1] 对文章走向的前瞻性 。

[2]对文章结构的支配性, [3] 对作者的制约性。

⊙前瞻性 (predict)

好的主题句应能前瞻文章总的走向是否有前途,并暗示作者应提供什么样的细节、论据、事例等以对主题加以展开或者论证。如果主题句为:Horses are bigger than rabbits. 马比免的个儿大, 显然是毫无前途的, 因为任何读者都是不会对这个连三岁小孩都明白的道理感兴趣的。而且, 除了孤零零的主题句外, 作者还能写什么呢?当然,这只是个非常极端的例子, 借以说明类似的主题句只能使文章走进死胡同。


In our country, pop stars are greatly admired.{主题句子}

Automobile accidents cause many injuries and deaths.

College students in dorms are restricted by hours regulations.

⊙支配性 contraol

主题句的另一重要功能就是对文章的结构起支配作用并对文章的走向施以控制, 使文章层次分明, 结构紧凑, 成为有骨有肉的整体。例

A good farmer cooperates with waether, soil and seed.

More examples:

1. Good English is clear, appropriate and vivid.

2. Riding a bicyle to work has several advantages over driving a car.

3. There are five important charactersitics to keep in mind when choosing a college. ⊙制约性


I like watching sports on TV and I also like to participate in sports.

Many students do not like to read Chauser, and they prefer Shakespeare, whose language is easier to understand.

1. The Most Important Personal Quality of a College Student

( honesty, creativity, fortitude, diligence, teamwork…)

2. Should University Students Go in for Business?

主题句子 第二篇



任何作者在写文章时必然有其目的和思路。英文文章,尤其是说明文和论述文,往往要求每一段落有主题句(Topic sentence)。它一般是一句具有高度概括性、简短的肯定句,段落中的其他句子则是围绕主题句来进行说明、解释、证实或扩展。



Americans make no distinction in greeting friends, acquaintances, elders, or superiors. When Americans see someone they know only by sight, they are likely to say "Hi" in all cases. This does not mean that they have no more regard for friends than for casual acquaintances. It only means that "Hi" serves as greeting for both.




I believe that we all accept the principle that an affluent society must do what it can to prevent hunger and misery, and also to provide equality of opportunity to those who have been denied it. But how far can a society go in the redistribution of wealth without changing the very nature of society? I think this is a problem that we’ve got to face. I do not think that a majority in Congress are trying to face it, or realize that it is a problem, because so many of them are still hard at work at this business of redistributing income.

首句以I believe开始,看似一个表明作者观点的主题句,但其后出现信号词But引导的第二句话。一般情况下,这种文章是以退为进,下面将要出现的才是作者想要表达的要点。但随后几句话是疑问句、否定句,作者并没有明确表明自己的态度,只是提出问题,所以本段中But how far can a society go in the redistribution of wealth without changing the very nature of society?可算作主题句。这里整个第一段都是作者的介绍段落(lead-in),我们可以推断作者将在以下段落中就该话题进行论述。

All that reminds me of what happened in the universities during the 1960s and 1970s—events that I witnessed from a ringside seat. During this period we had a fashion of giving A’s to every student—there were no failures. The effect on academic life was devastating. When illiterate or lazy students could get an average, good students stopped studying. The rest was a profound change in academic life: formerly dropouts were those who failed in their studies; in the 1960s and 1970s most of the dropouts were the most gifted and brilliant students, who found that college had

become meaningless.{主题句子}

本段为论述文中常用立论方式:类比举例。例证文字一般较容易看懂,往往是几句话串成一个有情节的故事。但我们要理解的是:故事说明了什么?作者经常会在例证的前后作总结性陈述。本段中,作者回忆上世纪六、七十年代大学中所有学生都能得到高分导致优秀学生退学的现象,说明这一做法之弊端。文章强调的是结果,也就是弊端。在现象和结果两部分的描述之中有一句话The effect on academic life was devastating,可以很简洁地概括本段的主旨。

What happens in the schools is not unlike what happens in society at large when the penalties of improvidence, laziness or ignorance are not just softened, but removed. When there is no such thing as failure, there is no such thing as success either. Motivation, the desire to excel, the urge to accomplishment—all these disappear. The dynamism of society is lost.

首句中is not unlike作为关键词承上启下,指出上段中事例与本段内容的相关性:曾经出现在校园中的情况正在当前社会中重演。那么作者的意图也是一样的,强调如果没有失败也就没有成功。主题句是When there is no such thing as failure, there is no such thing as success either.

This, I’m afraid, is the direction in which our society has been going steadily for many years. The biggest losers are the brightest and most capable men and women. But the average person is a loser too. Faced with no challenge, assured of a comfortable living whether they work or not, such persons become willing dependents, content with a parasitical relationship to the rest of society.


What is significant in our time is that there is a whole class of people interested in encouraging this parasitism. Many welfare officials and social workers are threatened with a loss of their power if there is a marked reduction in the number of their clients, so they are motivated to increase rather than decrease welfare dependency. Politicians, too, have flourished by getting increased federal grants for this or that disadvantaged group. They go back to their constituents and say, “Look what I’ve done for you.” and get reelected. These are the office-holders who are far more interested in being reelected than in doing what is good for people, good for the economy, good for the nation.

文章接着深入探讨为什么会出现上文所提依赖现象。段首句直接道出有一批人热衷于维持这种社会状态。一类人是welfare officials,另一类人是politicians (too是很明显的信号词)。他们出于各自的目的鼓励人们依赖社会和他人。回看全段,段首句只能算是导入句,而其后文字又花开两朵,全段并没有一句话可以作为主题句。我们可以把段首句之后的内容融合进第一句话,主题句总结为Welfare officials and politicians are interested in encouraging this parasitism out of their respective motivations.

If everybody is rewarded just for being alive, you get the same sort of effect as you do when you reward every student just for being enrolled. You destroy not only education; you destroy society

by giving A’s to everybody. This is a philosophical consideration that bothers me very much as I sit in the United States Senate and see its great budget allocation going through.

本段只有三句话。首句重复作者所做的类比。第二句点明首句中的 “the same sort of effect”,也就是You destroy not only education; you destroy society by giving A’s to everybody.从本文最后一句我们能够推测作者是向国会提出本文论点,希望引起关注。这也回应了第一段中最后一句I do not think that a majority in Congress are trying to face it, or realize that it is a problem.但是,作为一篇论述文,我们要看的是其观点而不是作者写作的背景。作者提出的观点是“如果人们总是获得同样回报,这将会摧毁整个社会”。第二句You destroy not only education; you destroy society by giving A’s to everybody应该是本段主题句,它也是全篇文章的主题句。


How far can a society go in the redistribution of wealth without changing the very nature of society? The effect (of giving every student A's in 1960s and 1970s) on academic life was devastating. When there is no such thing as failure, there is no such thing as success either. This, I’m afraid, is the direction in which our society has been going steadily for many years. Welfare officials and politicians are interested in encouraging this parasitism out of their respective motivations. You destroy not only education; you destroy society by giving A’s to everybody.



1. What is the foremost argument the author wants to make in the passage?

A. Society can be destroyed by giving everybody the same reward.

B. You can’t provide equal opportunities to everybody.


C. Not every student should get A in his study.

D. Only diligent people should be rewarded.

2. The author cites the situation in the 1970s in order to show that ____.

A. every average student is able to get “A”

B. A for everybody will lead to bad consequences

C. most of the dropouts were gifted

D. there’s a profound change in academic life

3. What’s the meaning of “parasitical” in line4 paragraph4?

A. negative B. positive C. dependent D. passive

4. Many welfare officials are motivated to increase their clients because ____.

A. they encourage parasitism

B. they profit a lot from their clients{主题句子}

C. they are aiming at a greater power

D. they really care about the clients

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is most probably a ____.

A. university professor

B. political critic

C. social welfare worker

D. congressman




1. If you have studies properly, there should be no reason to cram at the last minute. It is much wiser to get a good night’s sleep than to stay up till the early hours of the morning and then be half awake during the exam. Health is an important factor in taking successful exams. Avoid strain and fatigue by eating regularly and getting your usual amount of sleep. The best preparation the night before an exam is to review briefly the material that you have reviewed during the preceding days. Then relax, preferably by going to bed early.

2. Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. Dogs are particularly valuable in guiding the blind, protecting properly, finding lost people and hunting criminals. Horses are used in guiding herds, carrying men in lands where there are no roads, and helping farmers work their land. Pigeons have long been used to carry messages. Wild animals from the jungles, forests and seas are very popular performers in circuses and moving pictures. People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things.

3. Both the Sun and the Moon appears larger when they are rising or setting, although there is no real difference in the distance they are from the Earth. The perceptual phenomenon, known as the “Moon illusion”, has been studied over the year. Various explanations, including the muscle strain for the person looking up and the comparison of the Moon with other things on the horizon that make it appear larger, have been disputed by scientists, but thus far there is no widely accepted explanation of the phenomenon.

4. About 2,500 years ago there was a very long war. One battle followed another, and the end never came. During one of the battles, there was a partial eclipse of the sun. The day got very dark, and the soldiers on both sides were filled with fear. They believed that the gods were angry, so they stopped fighting, and ended their long war.

5. What is the kinship between these seemingly dissimilar species, science and art? Obviously there is some—if only because so often the same people are attracted to both. The image of Einstein playing his violin is only too familiar or Leonardo with his inventions. It is a standing joke in some circles that all it takes to make a string quartet is four mathematicians sitting in the same room. Even Feynman plays the bongo drums. (He finds it curious that while he is almost{主题句子}

always identified as the physicist who plays the bongo drums, the few times that he has been asked to play the drums, “the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics.”)

Keys: 1. Health is an important factor in taking successful exams.

2. Animals perform many useful and entertaining jobs. They are smart enough to learn

certain things.

3. “Moon illusion” has been studied over the year but thus far there is no widely accepted

explanation of the phenomenon.{主题句子}

4. 本段并没有明确的主题句,根据内容我们可以概括为:A partial eclipse ended a long


5. 本段主题句可为Obviously there is some—if only because so often the same people are

attracted to both.或者结合段首两句概括为:The kinship between science and art lies, at least, in the fact that so often the same people are attracted to both.

主题句子 第三篇

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主题句子 第四篇





























主题句子 第五篇

















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