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Unit 1 school

1、Good morning. Hello! I’m Joy.

2、Good afternoon.

3、Good night.

4、Good evening.

5、Open your backpack.

6、Take out your pencil case.

7、Show your ruler/ pencil/ eraser/ book.

8、What’s your name?

I’m Lily.

Unit 2 body

9、I have two eyes/one nose/one mouth.

10、My eyes can see.

11、What’s this?

It’s the head.

12、Touch your nose/ mouth/ foot.

Unit 3 animals

13、Are you Joy?

No, I’m lily. I am a cat.

14、I like my dog.

It has short legs.

Unit 4 revision

15、Here’s my pencil/ruler/book/eraser.

16、Look at my big eyes/nose/mouth/ears/legs/faces.

It’s too long/short/big.

17、Give me your tail.

Unit 5 numbers

18、How old are you?

I’m six.

19、What’s your phone number?

My phone number is 58409380.

Unit 6 colours

20、What colour do you like?

I like yellow.

21、What colour is it?

It’s blue.

22、How many birds can you see?

I can see……

23、Show me one green pencil.

Here you are.

Unit 7 fruit

24、May I have two apples?

Here you are.

25、Wash your hands.

It’s time to eat.

Unit 9 classroom

27、How are you? Fine, thank you.

28、Where is my ruler?

It’s under/in/on the desk..

29、Let’s clean our classroom.

30、How clean our classroom is!


31、How many appls can you see?

I can see 2 apples.

Unit 10 my room

32、What’s in your room ?

There is a picture in my room.

Unit 11 toys

33、what’s your favourite toy?

My favourite toy is the doll.(= It is the doll.)

34、I want this red ball.

35、I like that car.

36、Can I have that ball,please?

Sure,here you are.

Unit 12 revision

37、This is Yaoyao.

Nice to meet you.

38、Is it in the tree?

Yes,it is. / No,it is not.

39、What can you see in the picture?

I can see some cars.

Unit 13 shapes

40、what shape is it? It is circle.

41、Give me a piece of paper.

42、Have some fun.

Unit 14 clothes

43、who is wearing a purple dress?

She is wearing a shirt.

44、You look nice in the new dress!

45、I put on my shirt. I take off my socks.

Unit 15 food and drink

46、I like to eat .

47、I don’t like it. It’s too sweet.

48、Happy birthday.

Birthday noodles for you.

Have some noodles.

49、Can I help you?

I’m hungry. I want some bread.

I need some bread.

Unit 16 revision

50、What do you have for your breakfast?


51、Who’s he?

He’s my dad.

52、Where is your mum?

She’s at home.

My mom is an engineer.

That’s mine.= That’s my apple.

Unit 2 Friends

53、What is he like?

He is tall.

54、Where are you from?

I’m from Canada.

Unit3 Parks

55、Are you ready?

Let’s go boating.

56、I can’t see it.

57、Let’s take a picture.

58、What a beautiful park!

Unit5 Streets【新发型新起点的句子】

59、Where are you going?

I’m going to the supermarket.

60、Excuse me.

61、Don’t play in the street.

Unit6 Beijing

62、Have you been to the Summer Palace?

Yes, I have./No,I haven’t.

63、Welcome to Beijing.

64、How beautiful!

Unit7 Festivals

65、Merry Christmas, Mom.

You, too. = The same to you.

66、Happy Spring Festival.

67、I’m happy in Toronto.

68、Let’s take a Taxi.

69、Do you like winter?

Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

70、We can plant trees in spring.

71、Is the frog sleeping?

Yes,it is.

Unit10 Weather

72、What’s the weather like today?

It’s sunny (in Beijing).

It’s a cold day.

What a fine day!

73、What season is it?

It’s spring.

74、It’s time to say Good bye.

Unit 11PE Class

75、I can bounce the ball very well.

76、The rabbit can run faster than me.

I am the best jumper.

77、Let me try.

78、Be careful!

79、May I join you?

Sure,come on.

Unit 13 Time

80、It’s time for breakfast.

It’s time to do my homework.

81、10 plus ten is 20 minutes.【新发型新起点的句子】

82、What time is it? It’s 6:40.

Unit 14 My Day

83、When do you get up every day?

I get up at :50.

84、What do you do every day?

I get up in the morning.

85、It smells good.


Unit 15 The Days of the Week

86、What day is it today?

It’s Wednesday.

87、What do you want to do on Monday?

I want to play football.

88、What’s your family name? My family name is White.

89、Ping is taller than Pong.

90、My favourite food is chocolate.

91、What class are you in? I’m in Class Two.

92、I go to Guangming Primary School.

93、What’s your phone number? My phone number is 7658341. Unit2 My Body

94、What’s the matter?

My finger hurts. (My fingers hurt.)

I feel bad. What about you?

95、What’s the matter with Bill? His foot hurts.


96、Let’s go to the doctor.

97、I can listen with my ears.

Unit3 My Food

98、You must have breakfast every day.

99、May I have some soup?

100、 I don’t have any food for you.

Unit5 My Pet

101、 Look at my rabit.

102、 What’s its name? It’s Stone.

103、 It has a long tail.

Unit6 My Clothes


105、 What a beautiful coat! What do you wear in winter?

I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakers.

106、 I will dye my clothes.

Unit7 My Birthday

106、 When is your birthday?

My birthday is in September.

107、 If your birthday is in fall,you can have candies. 新起点三下

108、It’s between the science roon and the clinic.

109、Do you like music ? No,I don’t .

Why? It’s interesting for me.

110、What are you going to do after school? I am going to sing song. 111、Are you coming with me? Yes./No.

112、Class is over.

113、How many bedrooms are there in your home?

There are two bedrooms in my home.

114、 What’s your father’s job? He’s a teacher.

115、 I am waiting for you.

116、 What is your mother doing? She is cooking.

117、 What are you doing? I am doing my homework.

新起点 新高度

新起点 新高度-------


秀水二中 王计平


郗老师的讲座分为:语文是一门什么样的课、怎样解读一个文本、怎样解读一首古诗、怎样进行系统的作文教学、怎样指导写好一篇作文等五部分,这些内容有很强的针对性,也有很强的现实意义。 中国有句老话:“授之于鱼不如授之于渔”。不在理论上下功夫,不在自身积累上下功夫,只是照搬别人的方法,总归是邯郸学步,最终自己都不会走路了。



对于文本的解读,郗老师的“细读法”我认为对语文学习很有帮助,它可以在一定程度上提高学生的语文能力。“细读法”就是“细致的诠释”,也就是对细节作出充沛的阐释,针对语言、结构、内容、修辞、音韵等文本内部的问题,发掘词句之间精微的联系,发现词语之间的选择、搭配、隐显程度、言外之意等等。郗老师以《记承天寺夜游》为例,讲述了这一解读法。 这篇文章写景的句子只有18个字:“庭下如积水空明,水中藻荇交横,盖竹柏影也。”就这18个字,被后人誉为神来之笔。然而,究竟“神韵”在何处?苏轼的错觉和李白有何不同?苏轼写的鱼和庄子有何不同?苏轼为何如此之闲?这些问题的设计就带领学生走进了一个探究文字内蕴的境界,学生会自觉的去探讨、去交流、去调动已有的知识积累,来主动研究这个问题,而后俩个问题的设计,则是把学过的知识进行比较,在比较中加深对问题的理解。这就是真正意义上的问题,而不是什么“伪问题”,当然,问题设计的“真”与“伪”,全赖于教师自己对文本把握的“深”与“浅”。如果教师对文章背景,作者生平都了解不够深入,何来真正有意义的问题呢?



当然,最重要的是要让学生学会“延长瞬间,放大微末”。 叙述的要害是延长瞬间,描写的关键则是放大微末。郗老师的例作《牙疼》就把自己一次牙疼看医生的经历表现得淋漓尽致。 河马似的大张着嘴,不时“丝丝”地倒吸着冷气,像一个破打气筒漏气似的,我觉得一向不敢得罪的左颊最内侧的牙,却又无缘无故莫名其妙地疼了起来,隐隐约约而又实实在在,疼的天苍苍地茫茫。我装着若无其事的样子看着若无其事的医生,硬撑着男子汉的架子。没料到牙疼的更加轰轰烈烈了,上下牙齿一咬合如同满口有了浸醋的棉花,弥漫开去的酸痛感觉使整个脑袋眩晕且又憋胀似的疼痛起来,嘴里浓乎乎粘溜溜的液体也恨不能飞流直下。我此时很想趴在枕头上,痛痛快快地哼一段唉吆呻吟曲。一不留神牙齿一碰,顿时又疼得日月模糊,天昏地暗起来。左脸下方的肌肉活动必定是不太对劲,混混沌沌中似乎天地之间唯有那颗牙如齐鲁大地突兀而起的泰山一样,但轻轻摸一摸,老样子。又是钱塘涨潮般的疼痛,一浪高过一浪,汹涌澎湃。这是一种空

洞的疼痛,空洞的几乎不涉血肉,好像一个人掉在茫无际涯的宇宙,上上下下都无着落,但又清清楚楚地牵动着我脑袋上的每一根神经。我托塔天王般地托着艳若桃花的左腮,所有的情感都聚集在医生的呼叫上了。 如果学生看到上述文字,应该对“延长瞬间,放大微末”这八个字体会颇深的。




1. What season is it?

2. Let’s plant them here.

3. Look at all my peanuts!

4. No pain, no gain!

5. Let’s pick our peanuts.

6. what a fine day!

7. Be careful!

8. I can’t throw the ball far.

9. I’m the best jumper!

10. what a fast swimmer!

11. what a good jump!

12. Spring is warm and green.

13. summer is hot and bright.

14. winter is cold and white.

15. Fall is cool and golden.

16. I’m going up in the sky.

17. It’s time to say goodbye.

18. It’s sunny in Beijing now.

19. Can play with me?

20. I wear a warm coat.

21. I want to eat the peanuts.

22. Good night! Sleep tight!

23. There is a birthday cake.

24. It’s cold and dark here. 25. Here are two seeds for you.

26. I’m turning into vapour.

27. It’s time for English class.

28. Hello. There is Lily speaking.

29. Let’s play on the swing.

30. What time is it? It’s 7:40.

31. Can you slide? No, I can’t.

32. The peanuts are very delicious!

33. There are four seasons in a year.

34. Do you like spring? Yes I do.

35. Is the frog sleeping? Yes!

36. The time tick tocks away.

37. Twenty four hours make a day.

38. Is it fall? Yes, it is.

39. I can wear my favourite coat in winter.

40. We can plant trees and fly kites in


41. What’s your favourite season?

It’s spring

42. No, not me. I want to fly a kite.

43. What’s the weather like today?

44. It’s cold and snowy.

45. Hello,Mr. Could. Can I stay here? 46. I can bounce the ball very well. 47. Can you Kick the ball? Yes, I can. 48. Can you catch the ball? No, I can’t. 49. May I join you? Sure. Come on. 50. Can you jump rope? Let me try. 51. The rabbit can run faster than me. 52. What can you do in winter?

I can go skating in winter 53 . I’m sorry. It’s too small for me. 54. Come on!

Let’s climb the monkey bars. 55. Can you play on the seesaw? Sure. 56. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for bed.

It’s time to go to bed. 57. It’s 7 o’clock now.

It’s time to go home

58.when do you get up every day? I get up at 6:50.

59.what do you do on the weekdays? I go to school and have classes. 60.Stop playing, Monkey. It’s time for school.

61.When do you play football? At 5:40 after school. 62.Tomorrow is your birthday. We’ll have a party.

63.It smell good. How can I get some? 64.What day is it today? It’s Tuesday. 65.What do you want to do on Saturday? I want to play pingpang. 66.Sorry. I don’t want to eat bread. 67.We have an English class on Thursday

68. Jack meets Mary on Tuesday. They sing and dance.

69.They are at Sam’s birthday party. They are happy.

70.What do you do when the clock says two?

71.There are four weeks in a month. 72.There are twelve months in a year. 73.There are three months in a season.



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