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餐厅句子 第一篇



We could grab a quick bite. 我们快找点吃的吧。

I‘m not hungry. 我不饿。


Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. 晚上好,欢迎光临我们饭店。

Have you made a reservation, sir. 请问先生订座了吗?

Do you have a reservation? 您有预订吗?

I have a reservation under Peter Li. 我有在皮特名下的预订。

The reservation is under chen. 有,是用陈的名字预订的。【餐厅句子】

Yes, our table is No.11. My surname is Victor. 有的,我们预订了11号桌。我叫维克多。

Please wait here or take advantage until our hostess escorts to your table. 请稍等或自便,有人会领你入座。

I didn’t reserve a table. 我没有预订.

No, we do not. 没有预订。

No, I haven‘t reserved in advance. 没有,我事先没有预订。

Wait to be seated. 请等座位。

How many people please? 请问几个人?

How many? sir. 几个人? 先生。

How many of you, please? 请问几位?

A table for three, please. 三位。

We’d love a table for two. 我们想要张2人桌。

We need a table for four. 我们要一张四人桌。

Do you have a table for four please? 你能安排一张四人桌吗?

It‘s okay. 可以的。

Can we have a quiet area? 我可以要一个安静的地方吗?【餐厅句子】

Do you have a private room? 您要一个包间吗? Would you like the smoking or non-smoking section? 您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?

Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking area? 您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?【餐厅句子】

Smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区?

Doesn’t matter. 没关系。

Smoking, please. 吸烟区。

Non-smoking. 非吸烟区。

I‘d like the non-smoking(smoking) section. 我喜欢非吸烟(吸烟)区。

Would you prefer sitting inside or outside? 您比较喜欢做里面还是外面?

This way please. 请这边走。

Come this way please. 来请这边走。


Please follow me. 请跟我来。

I’ll show you to your table. 我领你们就座。

Where would you prefer to sit? 你喜欢坐在哪里?

Is this table all right? 这张桌子可以吗?

Will this table be all right? 这张桌行吗?

How about this table? 这张台可以吗?

It‘s all right. 很好。

Not bad. We’ll take it. 可以,就做这儿吧。

This one is very good. 这张桌很好。

Well, I think we‘d like to take that one by the window. 嗯,我们想还是靠窗的那张吧。 Sorry, sir. The one by the window has been taken by others. 对不起,先生,靠窗的那张已经有人预订了。

It doesn’t matter. This one will do. 没关系,那就这张吧。

Please sit down. Our waitress will be with you in a moment. 请坐,服务员马上就来。

Please take seats. Here‘s the menu. Our waitress will get you tea in a minute. 请坐,这是菜单,服务员马上就给您上茶。

Be seated, please. Here’s the menu. You may look at the menu first and decide what you like to have. I‘m going to have one waitress to serve you. 请坐。这是菜单,请先看看菜单再决定点什么菜,我去安排一个服务员过来。

Thank you, Miss. 谢谢,小姐。

You’re welcome, sir. 不客气。

Is this seat taken? 这里有人坐吗?

It‘s for you. 为你留的。


Enjoy your meal. 享用美食吧。


Cheers! 干杯!

Bottoms up! 干杯!

Glasses up! 举杯!

Let’s have a toast! 让我们来干一杯!

Let us raise the glass to friendship. 为我们的友谊举杯。

Let‘s just have another toast. 让我们再次举杯庆祝。

We can have another toast for that. Cheers! 为了这个我们再次祝酒,干杯!


Could you wrap this? 请打包好吗?

I’d like to take the rest home. 我想把剩下的打包回家。 Wrap the steak up for him, so he‘ll take it with. 打包这份牛排,他要带走。 Why don’t you wrap his steak up? 你为什么不打包他的牛排?

餐厅句子 第二篇


1、早上好/中午好/晚上好 Good morning/afternoon/evening.

2、欢迎光临。 Welcome to our restaurant. 3、请问您有预订吗? Do you have a reservation? 4、请问您几位? How many people please? 5、这边请。 This way please. 6、请当心。 Please be careful. 7、您先请。 You first, please. 8、您喜欢这张桌子吗? Do you like this table? 9、对不起,这张桌子已经被预定了。 Sorry, this table is reserved. 10、那张桌子怎么样? How about that table? 11、靠窗/靠大堂/靠角落。 By the window/near the lobby/corner 12、吸烟区/无烟区。 Smoking area/ none smoking area 13、对不起我们没有空桌子,您介不介意在大堂等会儿? Sorry, we have no table available now, would you mind waiting in the lobby? 14、您介不介意和别人同一张桌子呢? Would you mind sharing a table? 15、请坐! Sit down, please! 16、要不要为您拿一张婴儿椅? Would you like a baby chair ? 17、请问您是用自助餐还是散点呢? Would you like buffet or a la cart? 18、请问您是用餐还是喝饮料? Would you take a drink or a la cart? 19、这是我们的菜单,请慢看! This is our menu, please take your time. 20、自助餐台在那边,请随便用。 Buffet counter is over there, please help yourself. 21、我可以帮助您吗? May I help you? 22、请问您几点到? At what time? 23、对不起/请稍等/我将通知我的领班/经理。 Sorry, just a moment please, I will call my captain/manager. 24、请问您贵姓? May I have your name? 25、我可以知道您的电话号码吗? May I have your telephone number? 26、您能告诉我您的房间号码吗? Can you tell me your room number? 27、请问怎么拼写? How do you spell it? 28、请问您还有什么特殊的要求吗? Do you have special request?

29、我可以重复您的点单吗?您点的是……对吗? May I repeat your order? Your order is ……, is that right? 30、谢谢您的来电。 Thanks for your calling.


31、我们24小时营业。 We open round the clock. 32、自助早餐从7点开始至10点结束。 The breakfast is from 7:00am to 10:00am. 33、自助晚餐从6点开始至10点结束。 The dinner buffet is from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. 34、自助餐的价格是78元。 The price of buffet is 78RMB. 35、自助餐提供免费饮料,沙拉,汤,主食,甜点,日式菜还有餐后咖啡茶,要不要试一下呢? The buffet offer drinks, salad, soup, main course, dessert, Japanese food and coffer or tea. Would you like to try? 36、您好,打扰一下,先生/小姐,冰水,请慢用。 Excuse me, sir/miss, ice water please. 37、现在可以为您点单吗? May I take your order now? 38、您是喜欢吃中式餐还是西式餐? Would you like Chinese food or Western food? 39、我们有……供您选择。请问您喜欢哪一种? We have a choice of ……,which one would you like/ 40、我们有米饭和炸薯条,请问您喜欢哪种配菜呢? We have rice and French fries, what would you like your side dish? 41、您点的菜配有蔬菜沙拉和汤,请问您喜欢吗? We have vegetable salad and soup served with dish. Do you like it? 42、这道菜味道不错,许多客人对它的评价很高。 This dish is delicious, many people give high comment on it. Would you like to try? 43、我建议您点……因为很多客人都喜欢点这个菜。 I would suggest you try ……,many people like to order it very much. 44、我向您推荐……这是我们餐厅的特色菜。 I’ll recommend …… to you, this dish is our special food. 45、您不妨尝一尝……怎么样? How about having some ……? 46、为什么不试一试呢? Why not try……? 47、今天的厨师特价是…… Today’s chef’s recommendation is ……

48、今天的例汤是……值得一试。 Our daily soup is ……,It’s worth trying. 49、如果赶时间的话,我向您推荐…… If you are in a hurry, I would recommend …… 50、很抱歉,现在没有这道菜,您不妨尝一尝别的菜,好吗? 如…… Sorry, I’m afraid we have no ……now, would you try another one? Such as…… 51、请问您点的牛扒喜欢几成熟呢? How would you like your steak? 52、二三成熟:rare 三四成熟:medium rare 五成:medium 七八成:medium well 全熟:well-done

53、我们有千岛汁、法汁、意汁配蔬菜沙拉,请问您喜欢哪一种呢? We have thousand island、french、Italian dressing served with vegetable salad,which one would you like? 54、我们有香草、巧克力、草莓冰淇淋供您选择,您喜欢哪种口味呢? We have vanilla、chocolate、strawberry ice cream,which one would you like? 55、我们有鲜榨橙汁、苹果汁、梨子汁,请问您喜欢哪种呢? We have choice of fresh orange juice,Apple juice、pear juice,which one would you like ?

56、请问您是喜欢小份的还是大份的? Would you like small one or big one? 57、您是单面煎还是双面蒸蛋吗? How would you like your egg,one side or two sides? 58、请问您喜欢煮的还是煎的水饺呢? How would you like your dumpling,boild or fried? 59、请问您喜欢沙拉先上还是汤先上呢? Would you like your salad first or soup first? 60、请问您的咖啡是餐前上还是餐后上? Would you like your coffee now or later? 61、请问您喝点什么饮料呢?我们有…… Would you like something to drink? We have…… 62、请问您是喜欢单份的还是双份的? Would you like single or double?

63、请问需要加冰块吗? Would you like some ice cube? 64、还要别的什么吗? Anything else? 65、请问需要报纸吗? Would you like to see newspaper? 66、洗手间在那边。 Toilet is over there. 67、不客气。 You are welcome. 68、我没听懂您所说的话。 I don’t understand what you said. 69、您再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon. 70、我现在可以为您服务汁酱吗? May I serve your sauce now? 71、请问您需要一些芝士粉吗? Would you like some Parmesan Cheese? 72、这是您点的鲜榨橙汁,请慢用。 This is fresh orange juice, enjoy your meal. 73、这是您点的咖喱菜饭,请慢用。 This is curry vegetable rice, enjoy your meal. 74、请问您需要再来一杯橙汁吗? Would you like one more orange juice? 75、让您久等了! Thanks for your waiting. 76、这道菜要花20分钟。 This dish will take 20 minutes to prepare. 77、我已知会厨师尽快为您做菜。 I already tell our chef cooking your dish as soon as possible. 78、您点的菜很快就好了。 You order will be ready very soon. 79、请问这盘子可以撤走了吗? May I take it away? 80、您对这一切都还不满意吗? Is everything to your satisfaction? 81、您用餐愉快吗? Did you enjoy your meal? 82、我现在可以为您清理一下台面吗? May I clean your table now? 83、请问需要来点甜点吗? Would you like some dessert? 84、请问餐后需要来点咖啡或菜吗? Would you like some coffee or tea after your meal? 85、您好,打扰一下,这是您的帐单,请过目。 Excuse me, it’s your bill, please check it.


86、总共80元。 Total is 80RMB. 87、收您100元,请稍等。 I got 100RMB, just a moment, please. 88、这是找您的零钱和发票,请过目,谢谢! This is your change and receipt, please check it. 89、在这签上您的姓名和房号好吗? Would you sign your name and room number? 90、请签上您的正楷名字可以吗? Would you sign your name in printel number? 91、我可以看一下您的房卡吗? May I see your room card? 92、请稍等,我将与收银核对一下。 Just a moment please, I will check with casher. 93、请带好随身物品。 Do not leave anything behind. 94、欢迎下次光临,请慢走。 Thanks for your coming. Welcome again. 95、对不起,我马上为您更换一份。 Sorry , I will change it for you at once. 96、对不起,需要更换其他的菜吗? I’m sorry, would you like another one? 97、我们为此感到非常抱歉,我将马上通知我的领班/经理。 We apologize for that, I will speak to our captain/manager. 98、这是免费赠送的。 It’s on the house. 99、这是我们的一点心意/请接受我的道歉。 It’s with our compliments, please accept our apology. 100、很高兴再次为您服务。 We’re looking forward to serving you again.

餐厅句子 第三篇











餐厅句子 第四篇






















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