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《unit 6 business advertisement》

Unit Six

Business Advertisement

I. Interpreting Skills (口译技能)

Decoding Training (IV): Note Taking II(口译笔记II)

What Notes To Take?

Interpreters are not able to note down every word he hears. They shall therefore be very clear that what are to be noted down and what are to be kept in mind. Following are some items that are supposed to be noted down.

1. Key Words and Main Ideas

Interpreters have their own note taking habits as to what and how much to write down in their notebooks. However, most interpreters only jot down(略记)the semantic meanings of the very important words and phrases and draw arrows to indicate the relations among them. It is advisable not to write too much when taking notes, as it is likely to distract the interpreter from clearly understanding the speech. Skilled interpreters always keep their notes brief in content and simply jot down the key points. An interpreter should not take notes indiscriminately(不加选择地). He should make a logical analysis of the original speech and try to catch the key words so as to follow the speaker’s flow of thought.

2. Figures, Proper Names, and Lists

For the purpose of aiding memory, interpreters obviously note down the elements that are difficult to remember. Special attention should be given to personal names, places, figures, time, and the names of organizations. First, when numbers are spoken, notes become indispensable(绝对必要的), for numbers cannot be recalled reliably without the help of notes, especially when the speech involves a series of numbers. Second, when proper names, especially the ones with which the interpreters are not familiar, are cited by the speaker, notes are also essential. Third, when the speaker gives a long list, interpreters should try to note all the elements of the list as completely as possible.

3. Links and Transitional Expressions

For the purpose of representing the structure of the speech, interpreters need to write down links and separations between ideas. Interpreters may remember these points without notes, but the written notes of these elements will ensure the efficient and complete reproduction of the original structure. Transitional(过渡的)words or phrases such as "but", "so", "if" are of special importance in indicating the logical relationship between different sense groups and helping interpreters remember what has been said. Therefore, such links and transitional expressions should be jotted down carefully.

4. Beginning and End

It is also necessary to point out that an interpreter should try his/her best to remember the

beginning and the end of a speech. It is quite likely that when a long speech comes to an end, the interpreter fails to recall how the speaker began or ended his/her speech. However, the listeners usually remember the beginning and end better. It is therefore suggested that the interpreter note down the beginning and the end of the speeches he/she is going to interpret.

How To Take Notes?

As for how to take notes, it is very much a question of personal preference. However, there are some general guidelines to follow.

1. Take the Notes in Columns

Usually, interpreters prefer to takes notes vertically(垂直地)so as to break up the sentence into sense units for easy digestion. In addition, vertical notes leave enough margin(空白)and space between lines in order to insert markers such as arrows and other meaningful symbols that help imply the relations among what is noted down. Therefore, many experienced interpreters prefer top-opening notebooks to those that open on the side.

2. Use Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviations(缩写)and symbols account for much of the veteran interpreters’ notes. Using abbreviations and symbols instead of words in full spelling is what almost every professional interpreter practices when taking notes, as the abbreviations and symbols save time and efforts. In order to facilitate note taking, we might as well use some simple words to stand for various groups of transitional expressions. For example, we may write "if" to stand for all conditional expressions such as ―so long as‖, ―on condition that‖, ―provided/providing that‖ and ―in case‖; ―tho‖ for all concessive expressions such as "although", ―though‖, "even though", "while", "in spite of" and "despite".

3. Few Words, More Lines.

Skilled interpreters always keep their notes brief in content and simply jot down the key points. An interpreter should always concentrate on listening and practice the maximum economy in note taking. As a rule, his notes should be of such a type that each word (or symbol, or sign) usually represents a sense group, leaving an appropriate space between two words or symbols. In short, the words noted down should preferably be reduced to the minimum(最小值)in number. It is advisable for an interpreter to take notes in columns(纵向)so that each sense group represented by a key word or symbol in the notes occupies half a line or even one line, and that the next sense group is noted in another line.

4. Be Logical and Legible

The notes are taken for immediate use in interpreting. Therefore, the notes should be logical and legible(清晰的). As far as possible, the interpreter should be able to make a logical analysis of the speech that is being made and to take his notes accordingly. In this way, the speaker's flow or sequence(顺序)of ideas can be better grasped and noted and therefore better interpreted. At the same time, the interpreter must see to it that his notes are legible. They must be easy to read, for the interpreter cannot afford the time to hesitate or meditate(思考)before interpreting them.

II. Phrase Interpreting (短语口译)

A. English to Chinese

1. Swatch 2. Ericsson

3. Rejoice 4. Seven-up

5. Nokia 6. Honda

7. Philips 8. Olympus

9. Marlboro 10. Lexus

B. Chinese to English

1、消费者广告 2、企业广告

3、地方广告 4、全国广告

5、全球广告 6、印刷广告

7、电子广告 8、户外广告

9、商业广告 10、网络广告

III. Sentence Interpreting(句子口译)

A. English to Chinese

1. Along with China’s entry into the WTO and more businesses going international, English

advertisement has gradually become a major tool for enterprises to promote exportations and to develop foreign markets.

2. Advertising can incorporate controversial political tones, social tones, partial nudity, etc. to

capture the attention of consumers and entice them to make a purchase.

3. Vacuum cleaner of this brand is competitive in the international market and it is the best-selling

product of the same kind.

4. The computer we produced is characterized by it’s high quality, compact size, energy saving

qualities and is also easy to operate.

5. With the rapid development of world economy, newspapers, magazines and television companies

are dependent on advertising for a large part of their income.

B. Chinese to English

1. 如果广告的写作者只是简单的把国内成功的广告翻译成英文,往往不会成功。

2. 作为中国最重要的汽车展之一,“2006年中国汽车展”将于六月在北京国际展览中心举行。

3. 互动电视提供了崭新的视听空间,集娱乐、购物、营销和广告于一体。

4. 英国电视上广告必须服从严格的规定。

5. 我们的产品具备了您所需要的各项特色,而且比日本产品便宜20%,所以我们向您极力推


I. Decoding--Notes Taking (笔记记录)

II. Memorizing--Story Retelling (故事复述)

III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing (信息重组)

Text A

All ads want you to like the product. Even very informative ads can be delivered in such a way as to have human appeal and interest. For instance, a print ad for a luxury car, if it shows 2 car engines side by side, a full cocktail glass on each, one vibrating and one still, then your attention is immediately captured. The copy or the wording, then explains that this is the way the smoothness of a BMW engine is tested before it leaves the factory. The ad is informative, technical and yet has a human touch. Also clients and agencies will try to develop a personality for the brand of their products so that the consumer will come to like the personality and feel it is a friend and therefore become a loyal purchaser of that brand only.

Well, let me give you an example. You know how fond the British are of animals, especially dogs and cats, well, Andrex is a well-known brand of toilet paper and it always uses a golden-coloured puppy in its ads. Usually a little scene is shown. It could be that the puppy is playing with the toilet roll in the upstairs bathroom, and wraps himself up in it and runs downstairs, unrolling the paper behind him right through the kitchen and into the garden. The setting is always a clean and bright house, the puppy is sweet and soft and his mischievousness endears him immediately to all the viewers. We enjoy watching


词类和句子成分 练习 一

一) 根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类:

1 deep 2 finger 3 fly 4 papers

5 pass 6 refuse 7 size 8 spoon

9 delicious 10 thick 11 town 12 map

13 myself 14 and 15 on 16 sheep

17 ship 18 mine 19 important 20 an

21 catch 22 first 23 laugh 24 third

25 leave 26 here 27 fly 28 home

29 round 30 sing 31 blind 32 but

33 eighth 34 about 35 bad 36 yours

37 child 38 against 39 ah 40 with

41 cinema 42 Tuesday 43 cheap 44 advice

45 two 46 they 47 able 48 for

49 say 50 quickly 51 if

二) 根据常见的后缀辨别下列单词的词性。

1 scientist 2 singer 3 conversation

4 beautiful 5 loudly 6 famous

7 government 8 dangerous 9 instruction

10 careful 11 lively 12 safeties

13 national 14 traditional 15 illnesses

16 wonderful 17 competitions 18 information

19 successful 20 natural 21 illnesses

22 lovely 23 really 24 friendly

25 usually 26 yearly 27 advertisement

友情提示:1.一个单词多种词性是很 普遍的现象,这里的词性是指常见的词性 2.本题中加ly并不都是副词,小心为好!

三) 判断下列句子中划线单词的词性。

1、Mary dances well.

2 His father is reading.

3 Tom is looking for his watch.

4 He often plays violin after school.

5 Mr. Green works in a university.

6 The teacher taught us an English song.

7 I have bought this pen for two years.

8 Nothing can live without water.

9 You may keep this dictionary for two weeks.

10 You can‘t agree with me .


练习 一 答案 解析

一) 根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类:

1. deep 深的,形容词 2. finger 手指,名词

3. fly 飞,动词 4.papers 报纸,名词

5 pass 通过,动词 6 refuse 拒绝,动词

7 size 尺寸,名词 8 spoon 汤匙,名词

9 delicious美味的,可口的,好吃的,形容词

10 thick厚的,形容词 11 town 城市,名词

12 map 地图,名词 13 myself我自己,反身代词

14 and 和,并列连词 15 on 在„„上,介词

16 sheep 绵羊,名词 17 ship 轮船 ,名词

18 mine 我的,名词性物主代词 19 important重要的,形容词

20 an 一个,冠词 21 catch赶上,动词

22 first 第一,序数词 23 laugh 笑,动词

24 third 第三,序数词 25 leave 离开,动词

26 here 这儿,副词 27 fly 飞, 动词

28 home 家,名词 29 round 圆形的,形容词

30 sing 唱,动词 31 blind 瞎的,形容词

32 but 但是,转折连词 33 eighth 第八,序数词

34 about关于„„,介词 35 bad 坏的,形容词

36 yours 你的,形容词性物主代词 37 child 小孩子,名词

38 against反对„„,介词 39 ah 啊哈 感叹词

40 with 和„„,介 41 cinema 电影院,名词

42 Tuesday 星期二,名词43cheap 便宜的,形容词

44 advice 建议,名词 45 two 二,基数词

46 they 他们,代词 47 able有能力的,形容词

48 for 为„„。介词 49 say 说,动词

50 quickly快地,立刻地,马上地,副词 51 if 如果,连词

二) 根据常见的后缀辨别下列单词的词性。

1 scientist科学家,名词 2 singer 歌手,名词

3 conversation谈话,名词 4 beautiful 漂亮的,形容词

5 loudly 大声的,副词 6 famous著名的,形容词

7 government 政府,名词 8 dangerous 危险的,形容词

9 instruction 说明,名词 10 careful 小心的,形容词

11 lively 活泼的,有生气的,形容词 12 safety 安全,名词

13 national 国家的,人民的,形容词 14 traditional传统的,形容词

15 illness 不健康,不可数名词 16 wonderful好的,棒极了,形容词

17 competitions竞赛,名词 18 information 信息,名词

19 successful成功的,形容词 20 natural自然的,形容词

21 illnesses某一种疾病,可数名词 22 lovely 可爱的,形容词 23 really 真地,副词 24 friendly友好的,形容词

25 usually 通常地,频度副词 26 yearly 每年的,形容词

27 advertisement广告,名词

三) 判断下列句子中划线单词的词性。

1、Mary dances well.副词,玛利的舞跳的很好。

2 His father is reading.代词,他的爸爸正在读书。

3 Tom is looking for his watch.名词,汤姆正在找他的表。

4 He often plays violin after school.介词,他放学后通常弹钢琴。

5 Mr. Green works in a university.动词,格林先生在一所大学工作。

6 The teacher taught us an English song.名词,老师教给我们一首英文歌曲。 7 I have bought this pen for two years.数词,我已经买这只钢笔有两年了。 8 Nothing can live without water.介词,没有水,万物都不能生存。

9 You may keep this dictionary for two weeks.情态动词,你可以保存这本字典两周。

10 You can’t agree with me .代词,你不能同意我(的观点)。



1 Tom is a student.

2 He is fat.

3 I am tired .

4 We are students.

5 The bag was lost .

6 The boy was foolish .

7 They were kind.

8 She is in the room.

9 The books are on the desk.

10 Snow is white.

11 Kate was here yesterday.

12 My father became a teacher in 1978.

13 The weather gets hot in summer.

14 She looks beautiful.

15 The flower smells good.

16 We were very happy.

17 You are right.

18 The soup tastes delicious.

19 The chair is yours.

20 The children are asleep.

21 The story is interesting.

22 He feels better today.

23 The leaf turns green.

24 I stayed awake all the night.

25 The weather still remained cold in April.

26 The little girl is six.

27 My work is to look after the baby.

28 His job is taking care of the patient.

29 The girl is very pretty.

30 He went mad.

31 Please don’t get angry.

32 The weather is getting colder and colder.

33 You look angry.

34 She looks like her mother.

35 You look unhappy, what’s the matter?

36 Those roses smell beautiful.

37 This tastes nice. What’s in it?

38 Do you feel happy?

39 He remained silent.

40 The weather is going to stay fine.

41 M y job is teaching English.

42 She is at home.

43 I feel terrible.

44 He is older than he looks.他比看上去要老。

45 He seen interested in the book.他似乎对这本书感兴趣。

46 The story sounds interesting.这个故事听起来有趣。

47 The desk feels hard.书桌摸起来很硬。

48 The cake tastes nice.饼尝起来很香。

49 The flowers smell sweet and nice.花闻起来香甜。

50 You have grown taller than before.你长得比以前高了。

51 He has suddenly fallen ill.他突然病倒了。

52 He stood quite still.他静静地站看。

53 He becomes a teacher ..他当了教师。

54 He looks well.他面色好。

55 It sounds nice.这个听起来不错。

56 I feel good.我感觉好。

57 The egg smells bad.这个鸡蛋难闻。

58 He became a teacher at last.

59 His face turned red.

60 Is he an English teacher, Chinese teacher or Japanese teacher? 他是一个英语、汉语还是日语老师?



1 Tom is a student. 汤姆是一个学生。

Tom主语,名词 a student表语 名词

2 He is fat. 他很胖。

He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词

3 I am tired .我累了

I 主语,代词 tired表语,形容词

4 We are students.我们是学生。

We 主语,代词 students表语,名词

5 The bag was lost.包丢了。

The bag 主语,名词 lost丢,形容词,表语

6 The boy is foolish.这男孩是愚蠢的。

The boy主语,名词foolish愚蠢的,形容词,表语

7 They were kind.他们很亲切。

They主语,代词 kind.亲切的,和蔼的,形容词,表语

8 She is in the room.她在屋里。

She 主语,代词 in the room.在屋里,介词短语,表语

9 The books are on the desk.书在桌子上。

The books 主语,名词 on the desk.在桌子上,介词短语,表语

10 Snow is white.雪是白色的。

Snow 主语,名词 white白色的,形容词,表语

11 Kate was here yesterday.凯特昨天在这。

Kate主语,名词 here 代词,表语 yesterday时间状语

12 My father became a teacher in 1978.我爸爸在1978年成为一名教师。My father 主语,名词 a teacher名词,表语 in 1978.时间状语

13 The weather gets hot in summer.夏天,天气变热了。

The weather主语,名词 hot 形容词表语in summer时间状语

14 She looks beautiful.她看起来很漂亮。



We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples of the advertised products. Our firm is an company engaged in import/export of arts and crafts. Recent years we have put more interest in glass art works. We are thinking of expanding our business to the U.S.A. and hope we will establish business relations with you very shortly.



1. According to a recent survey, four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2.The latest surveys show that Quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3.No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5.Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person’s physical fitness.


6.Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


7.In view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


8.Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9.An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city .However ,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents ,who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10.Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus ,which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.


21.People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer . 人们把会使用计算机与人生成功相提并论。

22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.


23. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.


24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


27. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.


28. This is a matter of life and death--a matter no country can afford to ignore. 这是一个关系到生死的问题,任何国家都不能忽视。

29. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons: 我同意后者,有如下理由:

30. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.








本项考试内容:涉及个人信息的诸多方面,考官的提问更是千变万化,但一定设计个人信息的某个方面。通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray.





2.听清考官所问之问题。若没有听懂,可以要求考官重复其问题。方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。


实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。然后阐述理由。B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。



Part One (interviews)

In the first part of the test the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference.

General Procedure

Examiners’ greeting and self-introduction

Candidate’s names and hometowns

Mark sheets required

Questions for reference:

Can you tell me about yourself?

Can you tell me about your hometown?

Can you tell me about your friends?

Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown? Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English? Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work?

Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies? Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies?

Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies? Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies? Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China?

Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China?

Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China?

Could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in China?

Could you tell me how working life is changing in China?

Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry

《advertisement 广告》



Book One

Unit one

1. Add up your score and see how many points you get.

2. She broke your favorite camera and you had to get it repaired.

3. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

4. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a look at the moon by myself

5. I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.

6. The dark, rainy evening ,the wind ,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.

7. It was the first time in s year and a half that I had seen the night face to face.

8. I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.

9. I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.

10. I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment.

11. I hate others gossiping.

Unit Two

1. In some important ways they are very different from one another.

2. At first the English spoken in England was very different from the English spoken today.

3. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.

4. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.

5. The fly agreed immediately without a second thought.

6. Believe it or not ,there is no such thing as standard English.

7. However, on TV and the radio you will hear difference in the way people speak.

8. Go round the corner on your left-hand side ,straight on and cross two streets.

Unit Three

1. How do they make use of it in their daily life?

2. Ever since middle school ,I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.

3. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire river from where it begins to where it ends.

4. She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.

5. Once she has made up her mind ,nothing can change it.

6. Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice.

7. Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us .

8. The lake shone like glass in the setting sun.

9. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds.

10. We can hardly wait to see them.

11. Give my best wishes to your parents.

12. Good luck on your journey.

Unit Four

1. What do you think will happen before an earthquake?

2. At about 3 am on July 28, 1976 ,some people saw bright lights in the sky.

3. It seemed as if the world was at an end !

4. A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses.

5. Many children were left without parents and the number of people who were killed reached

more than 40000.

6. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.

7. All hope was not lost.

8. To the north of the city , most miners were rescued.

9. Here is a letter of invitation .

10. Our office would like to have you speak to the visitors on July 28 at 11 am .

11. We invite you to bring your family on that special day.

12. No words are strong enough to express our thanks.

Unit Five

1. He devoted his life to helping black people get the same rights as white people .

2. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress

until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.

3. We put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important or fight the

government .

4. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

5. As a matter of fact it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people


6. We used anything we could find to make candles to see the words.

7. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group of visitors.

8. The way he thought of to solve the problem puzzled me.

Book Two

Unit One

1. Decorating the Amber Room with gold and jewels took the country’s best artists about ten


2. About four meters long , the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.

Unit Two

1. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”.

2. The Olympic Games are held every four years on a regular basis.

3. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as


4. No other countries could join in , nor could slavers or women.

5. Women are not only allowed , but play a very important role in gymnastics.

6. There’s as much competition among countries host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. Unit Three

1. From then on I grew rapidly both in Size and in brainpower.

2. As time went by I did research into how to make my radio ..

3. Over time I have been changed quite a lot.

4. By the time I was 16,my dream had come true,

5. In reality he has a long way to go .

Unit Four

1. There has been some progress in saving endangered wildlife in China.

2. They longed to help the animals that are in danger of dying out.




6. In brief Daisy burst into laughter. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were Wang Ping. The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Beijing. According to a UN report , some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500


7. This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but there are very few left.

Unit Five

1. Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert .

2. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.

3. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music.

4. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians.

5. They had to rely on other musicians to help them.

6. He has a good knowledge of English.

7. Then things went wrong.

8. He could not go out anywhere without being followed.

9. At last feeling upset and sensitive ,Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the

country before it became too painful for them.

10. I’m honored that you would ask me for advice.

11. First, you will agree on what music you want to write and play.

12. Than, make a special time for practicing and stick to it.

13. Above all, just have fun.

Book Three

Unit One

1. Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of year

2. People will decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit and will get together to

have meals.

3. They look forward to the end of year and to the coming of spring.

4. The country ,covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as if it is covered with pink snow.

5. Based on the reading passage ,what do most festivals seem to have in common.

6. Li fang was heart broken because she could be with her friends right now laughing at him.

7. He would drown his sadness in coffee.

8. Li Fang set off for home.

9. I don’t want them to remind me of her.

10. I was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave. Unit Two

1. What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet .

2. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

3. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant.

4. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies

5. The smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walking in.

6. According to my research , neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet.

7. Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Yong Hui put on more weight .

8. After their business cooperation turned into a personal one they got married and lived happily

ever after.

Unit Three

1. I wonder if you would mind us asking a few questions?

2. His eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on the table .

3. Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.

4. I had just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.

5. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand.

6. I’m afraid I don’t quite follow you.

7. He sits down at a table next to the front window.

8. It’s all I have on me.

9. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like .

10. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your helping me.

Unit Four

1. However, according to a widely accepted theory ,

2. the universe began with a big bang that threw matter in all directions.

3. What is more important is that as the earth cooled down ,water began to appear on its surface.

4. It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life .

5. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to

dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.

6. This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.

7. They were followed in time by land animals.

8. Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.

9. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether

this problem can be solved.

10. Gradually the weight lessened.

11. On the earth if I fall from a tree I will fall to the ground.

12. When we get close to the moon , we shall feel its gravity pulling us ,but it will not be as

strong This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on the earth.

13. a pull as the earth’s.

14. Leaving the moon’s gravity was not as painful as the earth’s

15. We watched ,amazed as fire broke out .

16. Go and check that I have locked the windows.

Unit Five

1. They were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins.

2. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way ,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the

train from west to east across Canada.

3. It is Canada’s most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains .

4. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters.

5. There was frost on the ground , confirming that fall had arrived in Canada.

6. It is more than 100 kilometers from Rongchang to Chongqing.




(一)主语+谓语(及物)+ 宾语

1. We are discussing the merits and drawbacks of Internet. 我们在讨论网络的利与弊。

2. The chemical/nuclear waste endangers people’s health.化工/核废料危害人们的健康。

3. Improper eating habits impair people’s health. 不良的饮食习惯有害健康。

4. The high unemployment rate undermines the social stability. 居高不下的失业率破坏社会稳定。

5. The uniform dress policy represses the natural development of students’ individual characters.


(二)A. 主语+谓语(不及物动词)

1. The symptoms of avian influenza have disappeared. 禽流感的症状已经消失。

2. The Era of Information Globalization has already come. 信息全球化的时代已经来临。

3. Roberts never complain. 机器人从来不会抱怨。

4. The environment has been deteriorating along with the rapid development of economy.


5. The number of TV viewers drops rapidly between 9 am and 6 am..


6. Overweight/obese people suffer psychologically and physically. 肥胖的人身心都受到伤害。

B. 主语+谓语(不及物动词+介词)如:complain about, suspect of, approve of, result in/from, attend to, care about, accuse of, distract from, 等。

1.Many residents complain about the thunderous noise made on the streets by automobiles.


2.Overindulgence in computer games results in obesity and myopia/nearsightedness


3.The overuse of machines in our work may lead to much more dependence on high technology.


4.We can hardly side with the latter opinion for the following several sound reasons


5.Few people subscribe to the proposal raised by the animal-rights advocates.


6.The trash/rubbish/garbage/refuse should be well disposed of.垃圾应该得到妥善处理。

C. 主语+谓语(不及物动词+ 副词+介词)如:make up for, look forward to, do away with, put up with, look out of, look down upon, end up in 等。

1.I will make up for your loss due to my carelessness. 我将弥补由于我的粗心给你造成的损失。

2.We shall never look down upon manual labour. 我们永远都不应该轻视体力劳动。

3.We should do away with the sedentary lifestyle. 我们应该抛弃久坐的生活方式。

4.I can hardly put up with people’s indifference to immoral behaviour.


D. 主语+谓语(及物动词)+名词+介词 如:make good use of, lose sight of, lay emphasis on, take advantage of, attach greater importance to, pay attention to 等。

1.With the rapid growth of economy, more and more people have begun to attach greater importance to their education. 随着经济的迅速发展,越来越多的人们开始重视教育了。

2.We should make good use of all the wastes. 我们应当充分利用所有的废物。

3.Our government has paid more heed to the conservation of endangered species.


4. A growing number of people have laid more emphasis on the environmental protection.


(三) A. 主语+系动词+表语(名词)

1. More and more people become die-hard environment protectors.越来越多的人们成了坚定的环境保护者。

2. The imbalance of global economic development has become a hot-button issue among us.


3. Many people will remain a paper book devotee.许多人将依然是传统书籍的忠实拥护者。

4. The greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages.


5. One merit of the Internet is quick and easy access to the latest information.


6. The legalization of euthanasia is an issue of controversy.安乐死的合法化是具有争议性的话题。

7. Tourism has become an important source of non-trade foreign exchange revenue.


8. Playing video games is a time-consuming hobby.玩游戏是个很费时的爱好/嗜好。

B. 主语+系动词+表语(形容词)-----be, seem, appear, look, remain, sound, feel, smell, taste, prove, grow, turn, prove, go, become, etc.

1. The proposal proves impractical and ridiculous.这个建议似乎既不切实际又很荒唐。

2 .The project sounds quite convincing and constructive.这个方案听起来相当令人信服且具有性。

3.Riding a bike proves physically beneficial.骑自行车事实证明是有益健康的。

4.Some information on the Internet is misleading and cheating. 网上的一些信息既误导人又带有欺骗性。

5.Without proper guidance and supervision, children taking up a part-time job easily become money-oriented. 如果缺乏正确的引导,做兼职的孩子很容易养成一切向钱看的人生观。

(四) 主语+谓语+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语

1. Our government has already showed us its power by sending astronauts onto the moon.


2. The critics show us some convincing evidence. 反对者向我们展示了一些具有说服力的证据。

3. Some Green Peace activists offer us some pertinent advice on how to minimize the side-effects of global warming. 绿色和平活动成员给我们一些有关如何使全球变暖所带来的负面影响降到最小的中肯建议。

4. A co-educational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature.


5. Part-time jobs give students a feeling of achievement through contributing to society.


(五) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补

A. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(形容词)

1. Many people find English pleasant to learn. 许多人发现学英语很愉快。

2. We consider keeping pets emotionally detrimental. 我们认为养宠物伤感情。

3. Robots can make humans redundant, replaceable and extinct. 机器人使人类懒惰,无用,甚至灭绝。

4. Some busy parents allow their children to watch TV the whole day in order to keep them quiet.


5. We consider it improper to send our aged parents to a nursing home.


B. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(名词)

1.Few people consider KFC a delicacy.没有多少人认为的食物是美味佳肴。

2. In English people name fat people couch potatoes. 在英语里,人民把肥胖的人称作沙发土豆。

3. People call TV an idiot box. 人民把电视叫做白痴匣子。

4. We consider the freedom of speech a part of human rights. 我们把言论自由看作人权的一部分。

5. People think the experiments on animals cruelty and brutality.人民认为在动物身上做实验既残忍又野蛮。

C. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补(不定式)

1. We expect the government to take much stronger campaigns against drug addicts.


2. I require you to send someone to deal with this thorny issue as soon as possible.


3. Would you allow me to have an interview with you to elaborate on my personal details?


4. Experts advise the government to demolish the old houses in the downtown area to promote the city’s image. 为了改善市容,专家们建议拆除市中心的旧建筑物。

5. The invention of computer enables us to calculate more accurately and quickly.



(一) 简单句

1. The advertisement is misleading and exaggerative. 广告不仅具有误到性而且还很夸张。

2. The direct cause of drug-taking is ignorance and curiosity. 吸毒的直接原因是无知和好奇。

3. Kent and Linda contribute a lot to the development of the company.肯特和琳达对公司发展做出很大贡献

4. The opponents attribute the deterioration of environment to the rapidly expanding population and economic development. 反对方把环境的恶化归咎于人口的迅速增长和经济的快速发展。

5. Traveling abroad widens one's horizon,enriches one's mind and fosters independence.


(二)并列句 主要连词有:and,but,or,neither...nor..,for, so,yet 等。

1.Some overnight millionaires lead an extravagant and wasteful life,and many impoverished peasants still live a miserable life and face the dangers of starvation and exposure.


2.The dangers from new technology such as nuclear energy and genetic engineering seem very small compared with immerse potential benefits,but they do exist.


3.The government may levy heavy tax on private car owners,or it will develop the public transport.


4.Printed books(P-books) neither will be replaced by e-books, nor will fast food take the place of traditional food. 传统印刷的书不会被电子书籍所取代,正如快餐不会取代传统食物一样。

5.Children should be encouraged to take part in organized sports,for they can foster a sense of cooperation and competition. 应该鼓励孩子参与有组织的运动,因为他们从中可以培养合作和竞争意识。

6. The government has made great efforts to conserve the cultural heritage,yet there are still many beings severely damaged. 政府已经尽很大努力去保护文化遗产,然而还有许多正遭受严重的破坏。

7. Tele-education has been playing an increasingly significant role in modern education, so some optimistic people claim that our children no longer need to go to the traditional school to receive formal education.

远程教育在现代教育中起着日益重要的作用,于是有些乐观的人声称 我们的孩子不必去传统的学校接受正规教育。

与分号搭配的连接性副词主要有:however,therefore,nevertheless,as a result,instead,thus,in contrast,similarly,for example,at the same time,on the other hand,consequently 等。

1.The zoos preserve many forms of wildlife;in addition,they keep city people in closer contact with the more natural World.


2.Some people are using bicycles for transportation;moreover,others are joining carpools or taking public vehicles to get to their destinations.


3.The intelligent machines such as robots can replace humans to do some dangerous tasks;besides,they release housewives from daily household chores.


4.The company produces poisonous gases day and night;consequently,the incidence of cancer among residents nearby rises sharply.


5.Nuclear energy has many benefits;for example,it is very cheap and clean.


6.Advertising plays a significant role in American business;furthermore,it exerts enormous impacts on the nation's economy. 广告在美国商业中起着重要的作用,而且它对国家的经济有着极大的影响。

7.Without commercials,the public's favorite programs would not be shown;therefore,viewers must accept them as necessary.


8.Many ads and commercials do give important information about products; however,some of them are merely misleading and cheating.


9.Watching television is an inexpensive form of entertainment;besides,it is a good way to learn English.看电视是一种便宜的娱乐形式,此外,它还是学习英语的好途径。

10.Chemical wastes in the environment can seriously endanger people's health;for instance,the chemicals dumped in the rivers cause sickness,genetic damage and even death. 环境中的化工垃圾严重威胁人们的健康。例如,倾倒到河流的化工废料导致人患病,基因遭破坏,甚至死亡。

11.Careful consumers rely on good advertising;otherwise,they would not buy products wisely.


12.The development of modern science and technology brings mankind numerous benefits;at the same time,it poses potential risks to human society.



1.Our eating habits have changed drastically since western fast food was intro duced into China a decade ago. 自从十年前西式快餐进入中国以来,我们的饮食习惯发生了巨变。

2.As long as everyone is fully aware of the risks of obesity and takes some effective measures,I am sure that We can lead a healthier life.


3.All that the advocates say is unfounded.支持者所说得一切均是站不住脚的。

4.It is imperative that some actions should be taken to put an end to the worsening air pollution.


5.It is commonly believed that space exploration can promote the cause of science.


6.Some people hold that the development of tourism produces some adverse impact on traditional culture. 有些人认为旅游业的发展对传统文化产生着一些负面的影响。

7. I can hardly attach my consent to the proposal that women should go back home to be full-time housewives.我很难认同妇女应回家做全职太太的建议。

8.The most practical countermeasure is that more rigid laws and regulations should be laid down to penalize

the violators. 最实际的对策是制定更严厉的法律和法规来惩处违规者。

9.Experts predict that tele-education will play an even more significant role in the near future.



1.When everyone is fully conscious of the significance of environmental protection and takes some feasible actions,I am fully confident that we can enjoy a cleaner environment.


2.It is true that the Olympic games can promote goodwill and boost the host nation’s economy,

but this is not to say that they are without disadvantages.


3.Since tourism helps increase understanding between people,it will finally wipe out prejudice against other nations,and make the world a more peaceful one.


4.Smoking pollutes the air and the people will suffer terribly if someone smokes in an enclosed public place,such as buses and trains.


第三节 主要从句分析


(一) 主语从句: 连词that, whether,whether or not,whether...or not, who,whom,whose,what,which ,when,where,why,how引导的主语从句连词that引导从句,并连接从句和主句。

1. It is widely accepted that environment exerts profound influence on one's personality.


2. Whether or not cameras should be installed in public areas has triggered a heated debate.


3. Who should be responsible for our senior citizens has been widely discussed in our community.


4. How we can improve the present traffic situation has been widely discussed in our community these days. 近来在我们社区人们广泛讨论如何去改善交通现状。

5. Where we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments.


6.It seems that the opponents have more followers.似乎反对方有更多的支持者。

7.How the nuclear waste can be properly disposed of is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians alike. 如何恰当地处置核废料对于科学家和政治家们是个迫切的问题。

(二) 宾语从句:连词that, whether,whether or not,whether...or not, who,whom,whose,what,which ,when,where,why,how引导的宾语从句

1.Medical science has proved that animal fats and an excessive intake of sugar impair people’s health. 医学已经证明动物脂肪和过量的糖份摄人对健康有害。

2.Censorship ensures that corrupting values will not be spread.新闻审查制度确保腐朽的价值观不会被传播。

3.Animal right activists claim that animal tests are cruel,inhumane and unnecessary.


4.Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence.最近的研究对电影暴力和现实中的暴力是否有关联提出疑问。

5.Many people don't care if overeating is harmful to their health.


6. I wonder if this practice can bear closer analysis.我不知这种做法是否经得起推敲。


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