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关于希望的文章 第一篇







的。我们的国家虽然在社会主义初级阶段,虽然要靠几代人,甚至几十代人的不断努力,但是我们没有放弃,因为希望就在前面,火光会驱散眼前的黑暗。眼前的黑暗与挫折只是暂时的,只是我们国家前进的一个关卡,越是艰难险阻,我们越是要积极面对,因为越是艰难,说明我们离火光已经不远! “美哉我少年中国,与天不老;壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆”!这样的话从始至终都激着我们前进。


关于希望的文章 第二篇


Don’t stop believing

Life is struggle, and disappointment is inevitable.So many sleepless nights witnessed us raging at ourown inability towards cruel reality. However, in the endless darkness, it’sfirm belief that guidesus forward and never give up.

There was such a person.Four years ago, she wona championship in France.Since then, she seemed to lose direction and couldn’t back to her top. In 2012 she failed the quarter-finals after wasting four match points, though starting with a leading position. After the game, she hit her head on the door, dropped her face in clothes, cryingand humiliating herself, “I do not deserve to play tennis”,“I was born to be a loser”. The disappointment and regret filled in her mind. A few moments later, she slowly calmed down.The failure revived glorious memories of her championship-winning days.“I suddenly realized why I chose to step on the playing fields---- Iaspire to be at the top.” she wrote in autobiography, “I will come back.”Training with belief to return to top, she gradually stepped forward. In 2014, againshe won.【关于希望的文章】

Her name is Li Na, the most prestigious tennis player in China.

There was such a person. Eight years ago, he bought a bottle of water of 1.5 RMB on the train, and asked the conductor forreceipt. The conductor sneered and said, “There has been no receipt on the train.”At precisely that moment, he was so disappointed with society. Shouldn’t obtaining a receipt after consuming be one of the basic rights of us citizens? Weeks later, the man took the Ministry of Railways to the court, in which he said, “People are always used to obeying the power. However, if we give up a receipttoday, tomorrow we will be forced to give up our land, property rights and the safety of life. Right is just a piece of paper if we don't fight for it.”At last, he won the lawsuit. People all thought he would offend the Ministry. However, when he bought a meal on the train, the conductor offered receipt to him in person. Once a reporter asked him, “What inspired you to challenge authority?”

“The belief of a better country.“

The man is called Hao Jinsong, a thirty-four year old lawyer.

There will surely be times when we are met with disappointment.Only thosewhocan stick to their beliefs from beginning to endcan survivehard times and achieve great career. The turning point in the process of growing up is when we discover the core of strength and belief within us that survive all disappointment.Remember, don’t stop believing.


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