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韩斌,nature 第一篇

Nature 2012年发表的中国人相关文章一览

Novel Foxo1-dependent transcriptional programs control T-reg cell function

DOI: 10.1038/nature11581 张奇伟 清华大学医学院

Progressive degeneration of human neural stem cells caused by pathogenic LRRK2


刘光慧等 生物物理所 生物大分子国家重点实验室

Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution

DOI:10.1038/nature11622 李英瑞等人 深圳华大基因

赵书红、张杰等人 华中农业大学动物遗传育种与繁殖中心

Structural insight into the type-II mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases DOI:10.1038/nature11541 杨茂君 清华大学生科院

Adenoma-linked barrier defects and microbial products drive IL-23/IL-17-mediated tumour growth DOI:10.1038/nature11465

王克鹏 深圳北京大学香港科技大学医学中心生物医学研究所

A map of rice genome variation reveals the origin of cultivated rice DOI:10.1038/nature11532

韩斌 中科院上海生命科学研究院水稻基因组研究项目专家组

在这篇文章中,研究人员获得了来自446个地理上不同的普通野生稻和1,083个栽培籼稻和粳稻品种的基因组序列,构建出了一个全面的水稻基因组变异图谱。在搜索选择标记的过程中,研究人员确定了55个在驯化过程中发生的选择性清除(selective sweep)。

Structure-based prediction of protein-protein interactions on a genome-wide scale DOI:10.1038/nature11503

邓磊 同济大学电子与信息工程学院计算机科学与技术系


Crystal structure of a bacterial homologue of glucose transporters GLUT1-4

DOI:10.1038/nature11524 颜宁课题组 清华大学


Androgenetic haploid embryonic stem cells produce live transgenic mice DOI:10.1038/nature11435 周琪、赵小阳 中科院动物研究所

Complex brain and optic lobes in an early Cambrian arthropod DOI:10.1038/nature11495

侯先光 马晓娅 云南大学古生物研究重点实验室


The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation

DOI:10.1038/nature11413 方晓东 深圳华大基因研究所

张国范、刘晓等 中国科学院海洋研究所

A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes DOI:10.1038/nature11450 王俊 华大基因

The accessible chromatin landscape of the human genome DOI:10.1038/nature11232 渠鸿竹 中科院基因组研究所

渠鸿竹博士与Stamatoyannopoulis博士实验室研究人员利用新一代高通量测序平台完成了125种人类细胞和组织的DNase I 高敏感微点(DHSs)的全基因组图谱,首次展示了至今为止最为详尽的人类基因组调控DNA图谱,揭示了染色质可及性、转录、DNA甲基化、序列特异性转 录因子结合谱式等不同层次的表观遗传调控因素之间复杂的相互关系。本项研究对于彻底读懂、读通人类基因组这本"天书"具有重要的意义。

A subset of dopamine neurons signals reward for odour memory in Drosophila DOI:10.1038/nature11304 刘畅 中科院昆明动物所


Widespread adoption of Bt cotton and insecticide decrease promotes biocontrol services DOI:10.1038/nature11153 吴孔明院士 中国农科院植保所

在过去的十六年多以来,广泛种植转Bt抗虫棉控制住了几种重要的害虫,减少了杀虫剂的使用量。因为广谱杀虫剂杀死节肢动物害虫的同时也杀死了它们的 天敌,而这些天敌对进行生物防治害虫是有益的,种植Bt棉减少杀虫剂的使用能够增强生物防治的效应。然而,这个假说没有经过长期的、大范围的检验。根据 1990-2010年在华北6省36个种植抗虫棉点上的连续调查结果显示种植Bt棉的田块三种具有杂食性的节肢动物天敌(瓢虫、草蛉和蜘蛛)数量显着增 加,而害虫蚜虫则显着减少,减少了杀虫剂的使用量。调查结果还显示这些天敌为Bt棉种植田块邻近地块中的作物(玉米、花生和大豆)提供了额外生物防治效应 的证据。这个工作通过证实种植Bt棉能促进农田生物防治效应,扩大了通常评价Bt棉生态效应的范围。

The molecular evolution of acquired resistance to targeted EGFR blockade in colorectal cancers DOI:10.1038/nature11219 吴建 第四军医大学

VIROLOGY Bird flu in mammals DOI::10.1038/nature11192 Hui-Ling Yen 香港大学


Preferential electrical coupling regulates neocortical lineage-dependent microcircuit assembly DOI:10.1038/nature10958

禹永春 复旦大学医学神经生物学国家重点实验室

Crystal structure of an orthologue of the NaChBac voltage-gated sodium channel

DOI:10.1038/nature11054 颜宁 清华大学医学院

The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution DOI:10.1038/nature11119

Changbao Li, Bin Han, Qi Feng, Danlin Fan


Inhibitory receptors bind ANGPTLs and support blood stem cells and leukaemia development DOI:10.1038/nature11095 郑俊克 上海交通大学医学院

A Xanthomonas uridine 5 '-monophosphate transferase inhibits plant immune kinases


冯锋,周俭民 清华大学生命科学院,中科院遗传与发育所,海南大学 研究揭示了野油菜黄单胞菌III型效应蛋白AvrAC攻击植物免疫系统、增强细菌毒性的生化和分子机理。

Structural basis of ultraviolet-B perception by UVR8 DOI:10.1038/nature10931 施一公 清华大学生命科学院

韩斌,nature 第二篇



这是植物界的大牛邓兴旺教授刚刚发表在Plant Cell(18:2855-2864,2006)上的一篇关于中国植物生物学研究的评述。大牛写文章就是不一样,高屋建瓴,指点江山,激扬文字。国内植物界的大牛都被他一一点评了,对我们了解国内植物生物学研究的进展极具有意义,文字通俗易懂,尤其有些措辞简直恰倒好处,也应该是我们写文章的经典范例。建议大家有空仔细读读。遗憾的是,还没有一个从事玉米研究的中国科学家进入他的法眼,不过,我相信5年后,玉米一定会有Plant Cell以上的文章出来。大家一起努力!!我把主要意思翻译过来,希望对大家有帮助,注意里面有我很多个人评论,不是文章所写,大家注意区分,呵呵,否则会诋毁邓牛的光辉形象。 文章,开篇就比较了1991-2005年来中国科学家在14种代表期刊中发表文章情况,2002年后简直暴涨;以及与亚洲其它几个主要国家(韩国,日本)的比较(与日本的差距仍然很大说明),说明中国研究所取得的长足进展。(14种期刊是:The Plant Cell, The Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, Science, Cell, Genes and Development, Current Biology, PNAS, Nucleic Acids Research, and Development,当作努力的目标吧!)。


B:中国和韩国以及日本发表文章的比较(只比较The Plant Cell, The Plant Journal, Plant Physiology三种杂志)


改革开放后,中国植物生物学研究进展是多方面的,首先中国已经或马上有2个国际化期刊 一个是原植物学报,已经由BLACKWELL出版,改名The Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 另外一个是植物生理和分子生物学报,07年将由Oxford University Press,改名为,Plant Molecular Physiology。所以这两个期刊也是我们国内投稿可以选择的地方。









A 就是NIBS,其实邓牛心中还是认为它是NO.1.不过没有明说而已:).

B 上海植生所

C 主要研究据点,学过中国地理的人都应该知道是哪几个地方吧,呵呵.

主要研究对象和牛人(强调,目前在国内植物学界活跃的牛人,无一不是在北美,欧洲或者日本等发达国家学习过,所以,如果要在学术界出人头地,以某种方式出国几乎是唯一的选择。) 水稻(怎么强调也不为过,确实)


韩 斌(国家基因中心(上海),现在成了中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所的副所长了?这个不清楚,主要贡献领导了水稻第4染色体的测序,2002NATURE)

杨焕明,于 军,汪 建和王 俊(北京基因所,也就是华大,贡献就不用说了吧)

李家洋 (现中科院副院长,前遗传所所长,克隆了MOC1基因,发表在NATURE,当时的报道也是铺天盖地啊,还有多篇plant cell)

林洪宣(中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所,图位克隆了水稻的QTL SKC1,发表在NATURE GENETICS,也是国内为数不多的,呵呵)

张启发,王石平(华中农业大学,后者我认为也是院士的有力竞争者,文章中提到了他们的3篇PNAS和1篇Gene and Development,其实工作远不止这么多。)

刘耀光(华南农业大学,克隆了一个水稻恢复基因,今年Plant cell的封面文章,该文从SCIENCE到NATURE,几经周折啊,不过结果还不错,和日本竞争慢了点,但有新发现,牛人,但讲英文确实不怎么样。)

吴 平(浙江大学生命科学院院长,在邓牛的实验室做过访问学者,做N,P高效利用的,973首席,为了这个973折腾了5年,今年也发了PLANT CELL)

何祖华 (中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所,不是很熟悉,今年关于赤霉素的文章发了PLANT CELL)

拟南芥(从95年开始在中国火了10年之久,从经费角度应该开始走下坡路了,但牛人还是一堆) 激素信号方面:



张大鹏(中国农业大学,低调的科学家,呵呵,今年的NATURE article文章大家应该都知道,ABA,这个的重要性不言而喻啊,我目前也感兴趣,呵呵)

薛红卫(中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所,研究油菜内脂,这个英文单词太长了,一般词典找不到,也是很重要的一种激素,与GA不同,2005年PLANT CELL)




张立新(中国科学院北京植物所,也不熟悉,(研究光合作用的,2006年PLANT CELL) 逆境反应(这个是热点和难点啊)


宋纯鹏(河南大学副校长,在双氧水方面工作不错,最近发了PLANT CELL,在这个学校工作应该是很不错的了,是中国农业大学王学臣的学生,博士毕业后在朱健康实验室呆过,不过感觉宣传有点过了.)




黄 海(中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所,不怎么熟悉,自己的评价是,做出了令同行尊敬的工作.多篇PLANT CELL)



杨维才 (中国科学院遗传与发育所,不怎么熟悉,最近发了plant cell)


孙大业(河北师范大学校长,关于百合花花粉发育的文章99年就上了plant cell,在国内一下就名声大振,不过最近没有见到什么突出的工作。)

陈晓亚(今年的新科院士,中科院上海生命科学院植物生理生态所,棉花纤维发育方面颇有建树。) 朱玉贤(北京大学,编的书很多人都应该读过,今年他的一个80后博士生发了PLANT CELL,关于棉花纤维发育,当然和转录因子有关系。)

薛勇彪(人称彪哥,现遗传与发育所的所长,在水稻上拿的钱最多,但突出贡献却在金鱼草的自交不亲和方面的研究,发了多篇PLANT CELL)










韩斌,nature 第三篇


Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (15分)

( ) 1. I like playing _____ tennis very much but my brother doesn’t. He likes playing _____ drums. A. a; / B. the; the

C. the; / D. /; the ( ) 2. It was a _____. I was late again.

A. snack

B. shame

C. shape

D. success

( ) 3. — How _____ you _____ to work tomorrow?

— By bus. A. does; go B. will; going C. will; go

D. do; going

( )4. Peter lived in Shijiazhuang five years ago, but later he moved to___ city in Hebei.

A. the other B. other

C. another D. others

( ) 5. Tom is looking forward to _____ a tour of Beijing this summer.

A. taking

B. studying

C. digging

D. deciding

( ) 6. —_____ is it from here to the Palace Museum?

— Let me see. It’s about 15 kilometres. A. How long

B. How far

C. How old

D. How often

( ) 7. Math is difficult. But if you _____ learning, you can improve it!


A. practice B. finish

C. keep

D. stop

( ) 8. —How _____ having dinner together?

— Great! Let’s go to the restaurant _____ noon. A. in; at

B. at; in

C. about; in

D. about; at

( ) 9. —We walked in the forest, watched the fish in the lake and listened to the birds.

—So you learned so much about _____ there.

A. people

B. history

C. rights

D. nature

( )10. Our team got an important score in the _____ minutes of the game and we

won. A. final

B. lucky

C. quick

D. free

( )11. —What’s your plan for the weekend?

—I _____ at the library. A. volunteer

B. volunteered

C. will volunteer D. volunteering ( )12. Linda will go to Australia tomorrow. We _____ her a nice journey.

A. wish B. want

C. hope

D. ask

( )13. — I don’t like fish _____ chicken. What about you?

— I don’t like fish, _____ I like chicken very much. A. and; or B. or; but

C. but; or

D. or; and

( )14. —When will you _____?

—On Monday. I have to study at home today and I hope to get good scores. A. make a fire B. walk the dog C. take the exam D. have a party

( )15. — I’m going to Beidaihe for my summer holiday.

— _____ A. Not good.


B. That’s awful.

C. That’s awful!

D. Have a good


二. 完形填空(10分)

My name is Jeff Brown. I’m thirteen years old and I’m a(n) of Garden City Middle School. This is a photo of all my classmates. There are students in my class. In the photo, we are playing at school after class. Two boys and two girls are at the pool. They are Joe, Peter, Lily and Tina. Joe and Tina are brother

and sister. Their parents work in our school, too. They English and history. Their classes are . We like them very much. Michael, Salina, Julie and John are dancing to . Bob

and I are playing . Bob is my best friend. We both (两个都) live Seventh Avenue. Kate is riding a bicycle. She can’t swim she can sing very

well. Maria is learning to skate. I don’t think it’s easy to learn it. ( )16. A. teacher B. student C. worker D. officer ( )17. A. eight

B. nine

C. ten

D. twelve ( )18. A. swimming B. dancing C. talking D. cleaning ( )19. A. speak B. teach C. study D. write ( )20. A. easy

B. difficult C. interesting D. boring ( )21. A. the class B. the teacher

C. music D. the picture ( )22. A. happy B. sad

C. tired

D. hungry ( )23. A. soccer

B. basketball

C. ping-pong D. tennis

( )24. A. on B. to C. from

D. with ( )25. A. and B. or C. but

D. so

三. 阅读理解 (20分)



(The students are talking about their plans for the coming weekend in the classroom.)

Sandy: What are you going to do this weekend, Millie?

Millie: I like watching movies. My parents are going to take me to the movie theatre this Saturday afternoon. Then we will have supper in a restaurant.

Jack: To a restaurant? Great! I like having meals with my parents in a restaurant, but we can’t this weekend. My mum will go to see my grandparents in the countryside. I’m going with her.

Peter: My grandparents will come to see us this weekend. So I’m going to take them out to the park. There are always lots of old people exercising there. I hope my grandparents will enjoy staying with us.

Sandy: You all have a great weekend. And I’m going to meet my favourite star. Millie, Jack & Peter: Jay Chou?

Sandy: Yes.

Millie, Jack & Peter: Wow! Great! We all like him. ( )26. The students are talking about their plans for _____. A. their summer holiday B. their winter holiday C. the coming weekend

D. the school trip

( )27. Millie’s parents will take her to _____.

A. the supermarket B. the movie theatre

C. the library D. the museum ( )28. _____ are going to the countryside this weekend.

A. Sandy and Millie B. Millie and her parents【韩斌,nature】

C. Jack and his mother

D. Peter’s grandparents ( )29. Lots of old people always _____ in the park.

A. exercise B. sing songs

C. talk with each other

D. play chess

( )30. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Only Millie likes Jay Chou. B. Sandy doesn’t like watching movies. C. Peter’s grandparents are going to visit Beijing.

D. All the students will have a great weekend.


It’s July now. Peter (P) and Mary (M) are talking about their plans for the summer. P: When will you go to Washington? M: I will leave next month. P: What will you do all day?【韩斌,nature】

M: I’m going to work with my father in his shop. What are you going to do this summer?

P: I’m going to camp (野营) with some friends.

M: What will you do there?

P: We’ll do many things. We’ll go fishing and climb the mountain. At night we’ll sit together to sing or tell stories (故事).

M: It must be interesting. Is John going with you? P: No. He’s going to Beijing with his parents. M: Well, have a good trip!

P: The same to you. See you in September. M: See you!

根据对话内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 ( )31. Mary will leave for Washington in July. ( )32. Mary’s father is in Washington. ( )33. Peter is going to camp with his parents. ( )34. John will not stay with Peter this summer. ( )35. Mary and Peter will come back in September. 四. 词语运用 (10分)

A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。

36. The farmers worked hard in the ________ (田地) all day. 37. Will our school ________ (组织) a chess club next weekend? 38. — Would you like some ________ (汉堡包)? — No, thanks.

39. My cousin bought some bottles of ________ (汽水). 40. Linda, here’s a letter for you from ________ (德国).

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. Now many people like to keep ________ (pet) at home. 42. Liu Yan ________ (stay) with her grandparents next month.

43. The old man always leaves the little dog ________ (alone) at home. 44. There are some famous ________ (university) in Beijing.

45. Everyone is excited during the _________ (baseball) season. 五. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 46. 你愿意和大家一起分享你的经验吗?

Would you like to ________ your experience ________ others? 47. 我们来这儿为戴维加油。

We come here to ________ ________ David. 48. 昨天北京队和上海队比赛了。

Beijing Team ________ ________ Shanghai Team yesterday. 49. 史密斯一家上周五从这个城市搬走了。

The Smiths ________ ________ from the city last Friday. 50. 琳达,我不在家的时候请你照顾好自己。

Linda, ________ ________ ________ yourself when I am not at home. 六. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,其中两项为多余选项。(5分) A: Hi, Mike. (51) ________ What are you going to do for the holidays? B: I don’t know. (52) ________

A: Yes. I’m going on a trip to Chengde with my parents. B: Oh, a great city. It’s a good city for summer. A: That’s right. B: (53) ________ A: On July 15th. B: How will you go there? A: By train. B: (54) ________

A: We’ll stay there for a week. B: What are you going to do there?

A: We are going shopping and visiting some famous places. B: (55) ________

A: Thank you.

七. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 56. Tomorrow we’ll go home by plane. (改为同义句)

Tomorrow we’ll ________ ________.

对划线部分提问) ________ ________ you late yesterday?【韩斌,nature】

58. Tom is going to buy some milk in the shop. (改为同义句) Tom ________ ________ some milk in the shop.

59. Tony will have a picnic in the park on Sunday. (改为一般疑问句) ________ Tony ________ a picnic in the park on Sunday?

60. Mike often watches the basketball game on TV in the evening. (用tomorrow evening 改写句子)

Mike ________ ________ ________ watch the basketball game on TV tomorrow evening.

八. 短文填空(10分)


Did you watch the movie Lost in Thailand? In it, Wang Baoqiang acts as a (61)_________. He is a cheerful (欢乐的) man and (62)_________ laughs. His mother is ill, so

he (63)_________ to go to Thailand (泰国) to plant a health (64)_________. If he has success in planting the tree there, he believes his mother will be (65)_________. His mother likes Fan Bingbing, (66)_________ he tells his mother that he is going on a trip with (67)_________ girlfriend, Fan Bingbing. He just wants to (68)_________ his mother happy. (69)_________ the holiday in Thailand, he goes sightseeing (去观光) and has lots of (70)_________ there. 九. 书面表达(10分)


提示词语: do morning exercises, fish, study, do the housework, visit


1-5 DBCCA 6-10 BCDDA 11-15 CABCD 16-20 BDABC 21-25 CABAC 26-30 CBCAD 31-35 FTFTT

36. field(s) 37. organize 38. hamburgers Germany 41. pets baseball

46. share; with 47. root for 48. played against 49. moved away care of 51-55 GEACD

56. fly home 57. Why were going to

61. visitor 62. always fine 66. so

67. his

68. make 69. During 70. fun

63. decides 64. tree


58. will buy 59. Will; have 60. is

50. take

42. is going to / will stay43. alone 44. universities


39. pop


One possible version: I’ll do morning exercises every day. And in the afternoon, I will fish at the lake. I’ll also try to study English, because I’m not good at it. I will listen to English songs, watch English TV shows and read English storybooks. During the holiday, I’ll help my parents do the housework. I also want to visit some friends.



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  • 2024新时代好少年事迹心得作文
  • 新时代好少年事迹的作文
  • 新时代好少年简要事迹作文
  • 新时代好少年典型事迹作文
  • 新时代好少年的事迹作文