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我的周末英语作文 我的周末英语小学作文

编辑:huangtingting  成考报名   发布时间:11-22    阅读:



  Today, dopted mother, mother and I have a lot of aunt and friend together to rong county bamboo flower dragon groove.

  Along the way, we are talking and laughing, everyone with a happy mood. After a bumpy all the way at last to the entrance of the bamboo forest. Dopted mother saw all the way scenery is very beautiful, and suggest that we walk into the flower dragon ditch. Can we go for more than 1 hour to go nearly a third, and I have a few friend's feet are very painful. How much time will I spend on some partners said: "hey, we all walk". The points dopted mother said: you guys go this way. Think of the red army twenty-five thousand li, this bitter doesn't consider as what, dozen spirit I continue to go "will continue to go after we listened to. Experienced difficulty finally came to spend dragon ditch.


  Treasure in the bottom of my heart for a long time longing and expectation, finally succeeded. I can finally get rid of a stream, to breathe the fresh air.

  Entering the eyes, everything is so pure and fresh, fresh air with the fragrance of the earth, washed away my boredom. Going forward, the beautiful scenery out of the fundus. Flowers, lotus pond pond. The blue sky, white clouds, flowers, the grass of a beautiful mountain water painting, intoxicated by me. Intoxicated by all this.

  Well there is no way, scenes and village. Along a winding path, unknowingly went into the forest, came to the stream of the school. Streams on the bottom, the fish in the creek drama, and amusement. From time to time naughty shot out of the water. I gently picked up a stone at the surface, a beautiful ripple on immediately. A circle, until my feet, disappeared, again.


  My sister and I had to get up, wash gargle finished, we began to a day of work.

  Must assign the respective work first, I sweep the floor. Clean Windows, sister sweep the floor, someone will think: this is a big deceit small? You guess wrong, after all, the mop the floor live more tired? So I chose the dusting and cleaning Windows.

  Work assignment well, I'll wipe a window to the sitting room, singing while clean Windows, interesting! For a moment, I saw the window railing parked a stare big eyes. Dead flies with the bulging belly. Then saw a spider, the spider extraordinary eyes, is really scary, I yelled: la la la, la la la, sister go down, and quickly said: "what's wrong?" I pointed to the spider was spinning a web, window: "this have what good afraid of." Sister said as he pulled the spider hook down, step on one foot, ah, this poor spider is really short life! I'm so sorry for it. We began cleaning, soon find out.

  This is really happy. A happy day, I like this day!

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