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编辑:huantt  成考报名   发布时间:01-19    阅读:





  Off-year called off-year, because one day before the day of the week to prepare for New Year! Most people want to buy a good Spring Festival couplets, prepare necessities and clean it's good to have a good year.

  This year, I in xinyang Chinese New Year New Year's day, January 16, I got up early and went to the balcony, I saw on the street to raise the red lantern, "hit" more and more strong, my mother took me to the commercial center area, only commercial center "crowded", "traffic", on both sides of the street can be seen everywhere spring signs, citizens into the market, the supermarket to buy them. The whole city of xinyang overflow in a festive atmosphere.






  Today is the lunar December 23, however, is one of the traditional festival in China.

  In the evening after dinner, we began to CiZao. Mother brought two clean plates and filled with CiZao offerings. There was an almond, candy, fruit, etc., everything is very delicate. Dad brought a bowl of rice, a bowl of water, incense, incense inserted into the rice. Sugar, dad said, is to the kitchen god to eat, eat after the mouth is sweet, will say our house in the jade emperor's good thing; Rice and water is for the kitchen god horse, let the horse eat have strength to bring the kitchen god, heaven. I didn't know it, ready to these things are said. After then, dad took paper, burn, mom and dad take turns upon his head, says the mother also as "auspicious" god say good, back to the house drop. I also learn to the appearance of the mother devoutly upon a few head, thinking about hope our wishes can be achieved.

  Around the neighborhood CiZao firecrackers cracked ringing off the hook, very lively. My family didn't buy firecrackers. Dad proposal: "we put no dangerous fireworks!" "Good." I'm glad to answer, while took dad bought me from Shanghai to fantasy toys lamp. Ahead of time division: dad ignition, mother dubbing, I to reflect all kinds of lamp design. Listen to the ignition! Before - and touch! Beautiful fireworks keeps changing, some like stars flickering, some like small caterpillars in peristalsis, some like beautiful ribbons in playing, gorgeous! We have put a lot of consecutive "fireworks", is so spectacular.

  However this year, I made a lot of interesting things, let me know how the knowledge of the traditional culture of our country.


  On January 23, "off-year" on this day, I had a really time and enrich! Morning, mom and dad took me to visit the majestic Palace Museum; In the afternoon and on the edge of the nest of ice and snow kingdom spent a happy time. Quick let me share with you!

  The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, this is my first time to enter the mysterious palace, 24 emperors lived the Ming and qing dynasties. I with a strong curiosity and recall the glory days to read past resplendent and magnificent temple, through themselves jade the steps of the build by laying bricks or stones becomes, touch solution carefully carved nanmu window frame, heard a series of sensitized palace story, reminiscent of the holiday before seen the documentary "the Palace Museum", the history as if will emerge in front of my eyes, I like also became the main characters in the story, back to 600 years ago, have a feeling of intimacy.

  There were so many Forbidden City baby! High above the big dragon, beautiful jewelry box, a fire extinguishing bucket of gold, and black bars and warm in winter and cool in summer. But in these many treasures, make me the deepest impression is "allow of jue" and the temple of the plaque. It means that the "integrity, dedication, control, the doctrine of the mean". It was emperor qianlong personally play to cultivate one's morality, governing the grandchildren, and all the truth. I think, the plaque for today we still have the profound meaning of education. Do a "allow of jue", should be a diligent direction of the young people.

  The happiest of course from the high snow ski PM slide fast flying there for an instant. Cool breeze across the face, with hair flying everywhere, I cried, like a free bird, very happy. Have a happy nature also have difficulties. The most difficult to pull the heavy snow circle along the slippery trail up step by step process. I fell down several times, but I didn't give up, also did not ask help dad, completely on its own insist, bravely on the highest point of the snow slide. Slide down, mother asked with concern: "baby, fall off not pain, climb tired not tired?" I raise red face, proudly answered: "don't hurt, no hard to pay can enjoy the joy of success?"

  Morning visit let me relive history, eyes; Games in the afternoon to my physical and mental relaxation, laugh, this is really a happy day!






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