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篇一 小型大葱移栽机视频
[我爱发明]大葱培土种植机 大葱保姆(发明人刘德波)

  [我爱发明] 20151031 大葱保姆

  本期视频主要内容: 大葱在播种后3到4个月时,因为涨势相对密集,需要将葱苗移栽到空间更大的土地里。这样会让大葱生长的更加健硕。而移栽,也是大葱种植的过程中,最复杂的一步。刘德波是山东平度市小戈庄的一位普通农民,因为从小看着父亲种植大葱,极度耗费经历。善于动手的他,钻研出来了一台给大葱培土的机器,也正是因为这个帮助大家种植大葱的铁家伙,他成为了当地的发明大王。(《我爱发明》 20151031 大葱保姆)








篇二 小型大葱移栽机视频
[我爱发明]辣椒移栽机 辣椒搬迁队(发明人韩敬哲)

  [我爱发明] 20160721 辣椒搬迁队

  本期节目主要内容: 河南省商丘市柘城县的村民韩敬哲的辣椒移栽机构造很简单,就是通过楔型结构的铲开沟,然后,把辣椒苗放入到烟花筒一样储苗筒内,让其自由落下,正好落入到开好的沟里。到底能不能成功?这台辣椒移栽机究竟能否减轻人们的负担,代替人们来完成劳动呢?敬请收看。(《我爱发明》 20160721 辣椒搬迁队)















篇三 小型大葱移栽机视频

篇四 小型大葱移栽机视频

篇五 小型大葱移栽机视频

篇六 小型大葱移栽机视频

Trees Transplanting Machine Mechanics Model Establishment and

Shovel Blade Finite Element Analysis

Jie Zhou a, Zhipeng Li b, Qiang Huo c

Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China【小型大葱移栽机视频】

azhou19880528@gmail.com, blizp386@sohu.com, c505675673@qq.com

Keywords: trees transplanting machine, shovel blade, mechanics model, finite element analysis. Abstract. As shovel blade is the main working part of a trees transplanting machine, its design greatly affect the quality of the work conducted by the machine. In the research reported in this paper, the stress and strain analyses of the shovel blade were conducted. To carry out the analyses, the mechanics model of the machine was established first, then a three-dimensional model was built within Pro/E, and the blade’s static mechanics was analysed using ANSYS. With the results obtained, the maximum working pressure of the slave blade was finally identified , to satisfy the requirements of actual working conditions.


Trees or small saplings are often required to be transplanted to other places due to the modern city construction, environmental transformation, forestation, etc. To use human resources to transplant results in high labor intensity, low efficiency, and high cost. In order to satisfy the requirement of the market, a kind of trees transplanting machine with simple structure and high efficiency has been applied to dig holes, place seedlings and transplant [1]. A machine of high-automation is desirable in order to meet the demand for mechanical transplantation of the afforestation seedling. The depth and ball diameter of soil are determined according to the diameter at breast height of the trees. Statistics show that tree transplant with the machine, the survival rate of forestation is 95% or above. Compared with the traditional afforestation technology the application of the machine shortens seeding period of 2-3 years, increases the rate of trees growth to 57.7%, and improves economic efficiency to 98% [2]. Because the shovel blade is the main working part of a trees transplanting machine, its design greatly affect the quality of the work conducted by the machine. In order to enhance the quality of the shovel blade design, this research established the mechanics model of the tree transplanting machine and carried out the finite element analysis of the shovel blade to predict its maximum working pressure.

Structure and working principle

The trees transplanting machine mainly consists of main frame, lift frame, supporting frame, shovel knife, and connecting and hydraulic mechanisms. Its overall structure is shown in Figure 1. The notations used in the figure are as follows: ‘1’, the tree; ‘2’, shovel blade; ‘3’, a shovel lifting lever with a sliding slot sword; ‘4’, supporting frame; ‘5’, supporting frame connected to the structure; ‘6’, shovel knife; ‘7’, ground; ‘8’, foundation platform; ‘9’, the rotation axes; ‘10’, overall lifting devices of shovel knife with hydraulic control ; ‘11’, overall lift sword of shovel sliding channel.

The shovel blade of trees transplanting machine is located in the opening-closing state in the front of the shoveling trees. The left three slices of shovel blades and the right three slices of shovel blades are open with a certain angles, and move along the transplanting machine toward the trees. After the shovel blade moves slowly to surround the tree, the shovel blade closes slowly and moves downward, and then penetrates the ground to reach the deep soil . The edge is closed when the cutting of a full root ball of the directed globular is complete, which is similar to cutting watermelon skin. The digging of each piece of shovel blade is controlled by the shovel blade lifting lever moving along the sliding slot of the fixed frame. All of the movements are controlled hydraulically.

Fig. 1 Trees transplanting machine general structure schematic drawing

Mechanics Model of the Shovel Blade

The shovel blade installed on the supporting frame can move up and down. Because the shovel blades have uniform motion in the start-up process, the internal and external force generated by mutual balance can be calculated using the statics instead of dynamics [3].

Figure 2 shows the following nine forces of shovel blade which influence the resistance of the shovel blade: soil gravity W, the stillness of the soil lateral pressure P0, soil-shovel blade surface friction and adhesion (µ1 · N), shovel on both sides of pure cutting blade resistance N11 and N12, soil role on the knife edge in shovel to reverse force method N2, soil-shovel blade cutting edge surface friction (µ1 · N2), shovel goes on soil caused sword to pressure the soil additional method Pb , and the soil to shovel blade with reaction force N0


Fig. 2 Shovel knife acorns resistance analysis

The mechanics theory is applied for the projection into σ axis. The shovel resistance P of the shovel blade can be obtained using the formula below [4]:





+µN2⋅cosa0⋅sinω]+N2zsinδ−N2zsinδ−N2z⋅cosδ2 (1)【小型大葱移栽机视频】

When the shovel blades used are identical, the forces that shovel oil cylinder on the shovel blade body tackle with shovel resistance P are equal.

Some researchers employ Simi-experience method, which is widely adapted in soil - machine system dynamics. The method utilizes the empirical formula [5] based on the similarity theory model to calculate the shovel blade resistance.

0.75530.2447P=0.1307X1.1884ρsC(13.9275+0.5633×100.0243β) (2)

where, X—— shovel blade displacement quantity(m); a0⋅cosω}+(N11z+N12z)cosδ+(N11z+N12z)sinδ2

s—— soil bulk density(g/cm2);

C—— soil cohesion(Pa);

B—— shovel blade around angle of half horn(°);

The experiment shows that the thickness of shovel blade will directly affect the result of compressive stress, which greatly influences the shovel resistance. To reduce the value of shovel resistance value the thickness of blade must be reduced. ρ

Finite Element Analysis

The three-dimensional moldle of shovel blade is established using Pro/E and the unit is set as meters Newton seconds (m·N·s); the three-dimensional model built is then imported into ANSYS as geometry models. The unit types are set as solid45 and the material is set as steel of 45#. Tensile strength σb=570~690MPa, elastic modulus E=206GPa, and Poisson's ratio µ=0.3[6]. The shovel blade is divided using discrimination grids and solid45. Through the mechanics analysis of shovel blade, it is assumed that the freedoms of the top and bottom are zero in the directions of X, Y, and Z. The number of the nodes of network division is 5,876.

The oil cylinder pressure of the shovel blade increases gradually during the digging process, so the stress should be within the allowable range as long as the oil cylinder pressure on the shovel blade does not exceed the maximum value when shovel reaches itsfinal position).

The shovel the force F[7] is calculated as follows:

F=DS (3)

where, D is the shovel blade oil cylinder pressure; S is the cylinder section area of shovel blade oil; S = 0.01767hm2. The cylinder force of shovel blade oil is 102833N in the final stage.

Within ANSYS, the stress image is acquired using the boundary conditions and the load as shown in Fig. 3. The maximum stress value obtained is 98.926 MPa, which does not exceed the requirement of the allowable stress of material. Observed from the convective stress, the point of stress concentration appears at the top and bottom of shovel blade edge. Structure in these places is weak, which has to be improved in the future.

Fig. 3 Shovel blade Stress of convective in final status

Concluding Remarks

The stress analysis for the shovel blade of the tree transplanting machine has been conducted. Due to the uniform motion of the shovel blade, only the hydraulic driving force and resistance, which the soil imposes on the shovel blade, are investigated in the research. The shovel blade’s mechanics model for the in-depth soil is built and the three-dimensional model is produced using Pro/E.

According to the results of finite element-stress analysis, the stress distribution of the shove blade of tree transplanting machine is reasonable. The Maximum forces of the shovel blade occurs in the final stage of digging process; and the maximum stress value is 98.926 MPa which satisfies the allowable requirements of materials.


[1] Zhengping Gu, Ruizhen Shen: submitted to World forestry research (2005)

[2] Jiangguo Yu, Jinwei Qu: Farm machinery research. 38-41 (2006), p.12

[3] Hua Zhang: Small nursery stock move kind of machinery research (Zhejiang University

Publications, China 2008)

[4] Juxin Qu. The digging machines at home and abroad research situation and development

trendNew study of digging machines for trees (China's forestry science research institute Publications, China 2009)

[5] Wenhua Yang,Hang Chen:4YS-600 style shovel blade of trees transplanting machine element

analysis(Farm machinery research Publications, China 2008)

[6] Daxian Cheng: Mechanical design manual edtied by Chemical industry Publications, Beijing


[7] Femando J D,Daniel E V: Fuzzy control activisms pensions (Mechatronics Publications, pp

897-920 2000)

Advanced Design and Manufacture IV


Trees Transplanting Machine Mechanical Model Establishment and Shovel Blade Finite ElementAnalysis


篇七 小型大葱移栽机视频







1.根 大葱根为白色弦状须根,粗1-2毫米,着生在短缩的茎盘上,平均长30-40厘米,无根毛,吸收肥料和水分的能力较弱。大葱根的再生能力较强,随着叶片数增多和培土加高,根系分布在培土层(地上)和地下40厘米的土层里,横展半径达20-30厘米。

2.茎 营养生长期,大葱的茎为短缩茎,叶片呈同心环状,着生其上。通过春化后,生长点停止分化叶片,形成花薹。

3.叶 大葱叶由叶身和叶鞘组成。叶鞘圆管形,层层包围,环生在茎盘上。每个新叶均在前片叶鞘内伸出,抱合伸长,组成假茎即葱白。幼叶刚伸出叶鞘时黄绿色,实心;成龄叶深绿色,管状,中空,表层披有白色蜡状物,具耐旱生态型。

4.花 大葱花薹的粗度和高度因品种特性和营养生长情况而异。花为伞状花序,圆球形,藏在膜状球形总苞内,内有小花400-500朵,先后开放。小花为两性花,异花授粉。

5.果实和种子 大葱果实为蒴果,成熟后开裂,种子易脱落。种子呈盾形,内侧有棱,种皮黑色、坚硬、不易透水,千粒重2.4-3.4克。种子寿命较短,在一般贮藏条件下仅1-2年。生产上宜用当年新籽作种。


大葱的整个生长期可分为营养生长和生殖生长两个时期。但生长期的长短随播种期而定。春播仅需通过1个冬天,需15-16个月;秋播要通过2个冬天,需21-22个月,到第3年才抽薹开花结籽。为了提高商品葱 的产量和品质,大葱一般都行秋播,翌年收商品葱,第3年收籽。因此,大葱的生长发育周期可分为以下几个阶段:

1.发芽期 从播种到子叶出土直钩。此期主要依靠种胚贮藏的养分生长。种子吸水,养分转化,种胚萌动,胚根伸入土中,而后,子叶弯钩拱出地面称“打弓”;继续生长,子叶尖端伸直称“伸腰”或“直钩”。适温15-20℃下发芽期需14天左右。发芽期要求苗床保持湿润,才能发牙迅速,出苗整齐。

2.幼苗期 从幼苗直钩到定植。幼苗出土后,叶片开始制造养分,进行自养生长。秋播葱的幼苗期约250天,需经过冬前苗期、越冬期、返青期,进入旺盛生长期。冬前幼苗从直钩到越冬,不应超过30天,幼苗长到2叶1心,就能安全越冬,翌年也不会抽薹。翌年日平均气温达到7℃以上时开始返青,13℃以上时进入旺盛生长期。春播葱的幼苗期80-90天,出土后很快进入旺盛生长期。

3.假茎(葱白)形成期 从定植到收获 ,根据其生产特点可分为3个时期:




4.贮藏越冬休眠期 北方地区,大葱在低温下强迫休眠,并在此期间通过春化阶段。

5.抽薹开花期 由花薹抽出叶鞘到破苞开花。主要是进行花器官的发育。大葱的花薹绿色,有较强的光合作用能力,光合强度高于同株叶片4倍,对种子产量有级大影响。

6.种子成熟期 同一花序各花开放时间有先后,种子成熟时间也不一致,从开花到种子成熟需20-30天。后期温度高,种子成熟快,但饱满度较差。种子成熟后,应分期将花球剪下,脱粒、晒干收藏。


1.温度 大葱是耐寒性蔬菜,耐寒能力较强,幼苗和种株在土壤、积雪和保护物覆盖下,可在-30~-40℃代温露地越冬,但耐热性较低差。种子在2-5℃条件下能发芽,在7-20℃内。随温度增高而种子萌芽出土所需的时间缩短,但温度超过20℃时不散发。在13-25℃下叶片生长旺盛,10-20℃下葱白生长旺盛,温度超过25℃,则生长迟缓。


2.光照 大葱对光照强度要求不高,。光照过低,光合作用减弱,有机物质积累少,生长不良;光照过强,叶片容易老化。大葱对日照长度要求为中光性,只要在低温下通过春化,不论在长日照或短日照下都能正常抽薹开花。

3.水分 大葱叶片管状,表面多蜡质,能减少水分蒸腾,耐干旱。但根系无根毛,吸水力差。所以大葱各生长发育期,都需供应必需的水分才能保证出苗齐、生长壮、葱白粗、结实率高、籽实饱满。但大葱不耐涝,炎夏高温多雨时,应控制灌水防涝,以免沤根死苗。大葱抽薹期也应控制水分,使花薹生长粗壮,防止种株倒伏。

4.土壤营养 大葱对土壤适应性广,但根群小,无根毛,吸肥能力较弱。所以,种在土层深厚、排水良好、富含有机质的疏松壤土上为好,便于大葱培土、软化。大葱在砂性土中栽培,假茎洁白、美观,但质地松,耐用藏性差;在黏性土中栽培,假茎质地紧密,辛辣味浓,耐用贮藏,但色灰暗;壤土下栽培则产量高,品质好。



1.章丘大葱 章丘大葱株高120厘米左右,葱白长50-60厘米,横径3-5厘米,单株重0.5-1千克,不易抽薹和分蘖,葱白肥大,洁白柔软,




2.锦藏 日本培育。短叶直立,叶色浓绿,抗倒伏,适收期长。适于夏季栽培,加工出口。

3.东京夏黑1号 引自日本。耐热性强,高温条件下生长良好。葱白长30-40厘米,硬度大,整齐,品质优良,适于加工出口。

4.白树 生长旺盛,增产潜力大,耐寒性强,兼有耐热、抗病性,栽培容易,最适秋冬收获。葱白紧实,肉质致密,纤维细,风味佳,商品性高。

5.九条太 耐用寒性强,不易抽薹,多作为冬葱利用。株高60厘米左右,3-4个分蘖,叶色浓,肉厚,富含香气,品质佳。软白部较长,为葱白、葱叶兼用品种。

6.小春 耐寒性强,叶生长旺盛,早春不晚抽薹,叶直立、色浓绿,柔软有香气,作为小葱、中葱商品性最佳。分蘖多,增产潜力大。抗病性强,特别是对霜霉病抗性强。

7.细香葱 主要有中国细香葱和从日本引进的寿美香葱。中国细香葱在我国长江以南各省有少量栽培,形态与分葱相似,但叶和假茎都较分葱更细,管状叶粗度一般不超过0.5厘米,假茎粗度一般不超过0.6厘米。耐寒耐肥,对土壤适应性广,但耐热和耐旱性较弱。质地柔嫩,香味较浓,辣味较淡,品质好。

8.分葱 品种不多,主要有中国分葱和从日本引进的浅黄系九条葱。中国分葱在我国长江流域各地都有种植,其叶细长管形,先端尖,长30-40厘米,假茎白色,较短,株高不超过40-50厘米。分蘖力强,每个分株长出3-4叶时即行分蘖,一般每年形成20-30个分蘖,在南方周年常绿,随时可以采收。但冬季寒冷和夏季炎热时,植株生长停滞,枯叶增加。



大葱对温度的适应性较广,幼苗可以越冬,炎夏也不休眠,且产品不论大小,随时可以收获上市,故可分期播种,周年供应。但供应冬季贮存的大葱,需在一定气候条件下栽培,才能形成粗大质优的葱白。大葱 是









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