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爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感 篇一:《爱丽丝梦游仙境读后感 英文》

Alice ’ s Adventures In Wonderland

1. Author: Lewis Carroll

2. Title: Alice ’ s Adventures In Wonderland

3.Publisher: Shanghai World Books Publishing Company , published in 2001.

4.Main characters : Alice , Cat , Rabbit , Caterpillar , the Duchess , the Queen

5.Narration mode :Third person narration

6.Good Quotations :

1)But Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen ,that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.

2) Do cats eat bats? Or do bats eat cats?(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)

3) That’s the reason they’re called lessons, because they lessen from day to day.

4) I told a “tale”, not a “tail”.

5)I said ground which means the surface of the earth ,not the past participle of “grind”.

6)Lastly ,she pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would ,in the after-time, be herself a grown woman; and how she would keep, through all her riper years ,the simple and loving heart of her childhood ;and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows ,and find a pleasure in all their simple joys ,remembering her own child-life ,and the happy summer days.

Brief comment and general introduction:

“Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland” was improvised by the writer more than one hundred years ago when he was taking an outing near a river, with three little girls ,one of them named Alice .

“One summer afternoon,” the story began,“Alice had a dream„”

Alice and her sister were sitting under a tree when she saw a white rabbit with watch in it‘s jacket. She ran after the rabbit and fell into a large rabbit-hole. She found a beautiful garden at the bottom of the hole, but she couldn’t go into it. Alice tried to use the bottle of drinks and some cakes to help her to be bigger or smaller. But she couldn’t go into the garden either. She went out side and met the white rabbit. He asked Alice to get the hat for him. Alice found the hat but she got more bigger. She ate some cakes to get smaller and went away. She met Cheshire Cat which could smile. She visited the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. She went to the beautiful garden and met a strange Queen which wanted to cut off everybody’s head. She went to a stupid trial .The Queen was angry with Alice and wanted to cut off her head. A lice fought them and then she waked up. She just made a dream.

In the dream Alice saw different animals doing strange thing in a wonderland .Full of full ,humor and satire ,the stories have entertained the children a lot ,but at the same time ,they also suggest in a mild irony to the adults ,especially the royal family who rule the country ,that injustice in a society must be redressed .


After hearing the story ,many people ,even Queen Victoria, were greatly inspired.(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)

The story is funny and excited. It has an interesting end---Alice just had a dream. Maybe someone would think that it’s not only a dream, but also a true story. But I think it is only a dream. Alice is a strange girl who(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)

has many interesting things. I like her.


Alice has a bright fairy tales, lively and innocent, like fantasy, love brains, full of curiosity. No ghost of a trace of her a kind of innocence. It is this innocence, before starting to read this story in another interesting, very exciting.

This book everything is so strange interesting. The people there speak unpredictable, those enable Alice ate or drank the water can change into small, small cakes and large mushrooms. Paper fantasy adventure, cute characters, vivid language brings us to the beautiful world of fantasy, adventure, which making us together with Alice.

May be we could think this story was so fanny and ridiculous after reading .But I think Alice really made a good example for me .Every time life and things get hard on me ,I will try to struggle and flight . But I found it is hard to conquer .Look at Alice ,she was so strong ,brave and seemed didn’t afraid of anything .She had a long dream we’d never have a chance to experience ,but I actually learned much from her .And now ,I would like to be a girl like Alice ,brave ,powerful and confidence.(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)


陶倩倩 29

爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感 篇二:《爱丽丝梦游仙境英文读后感》









丽丝漫游奇境记》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是一部被公认为世界儿童文学经典的童话,由于其中丰富的想象力和种种隐喻,不但深受各代儿童欢迎,也被视为一部严肃的文学作品。作者刘易斯·卡罗尔还写有续集《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》。(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)



故事中的主人公爱丽丝,她是一个十分可爱的小女孩,让我在阅读中情不自禁地喜欢上她。她天真活泼,有一颗纯真的童心,对一切未知的东西充满着好奇,具有丰富的想象力。她喜欢把自己演成两个人对话。在一次槌球比赛中,由于她骗了自己,她就打自己一记耳光,甚至有时候还会把自己骂哭。看到桌子上的瓶子上写着“喝吧”,她还要检查一下上面有没有标着“毒药”二字,她可爱的举动让我想到我在平时受到的教育:陌生人给的东西不能吃。她的小脑瓜装满了奇思妙想,她把老鼠讲的故事想象成老鼠尾巴一样的形状,还拐了五个弯,她看到陪审员从厢座里翻倒出来,她想起自己失手打翻的鱼缸和满地乱蹦的金鱼,让人忍俊不禁。她还懂礼貌、善良、富有同情。在掉下兔子洞的过程中,她不愿意把空罐头瓶扔下去,因为害怕砸了下面的人。她讲话口无遮拦,当着老鼠的面总是提到“猫狗逮老鼠” 的事情,气得老鼠伤心离开,事后她又拼命地道歉。正是这种纯净的童真,才让这篇故事读起来趣味横生,让人爱不释手。


爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感 篇三:《爱丽丝梦游仙境英文读后感1500字》

“Alice‟s Adventures In Wonderland” was improvised by the writer more than one hundred years ago when he was taking an outing near a river, with three little girls ,one of them named Alice .(爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感)

“One summer afternoon,” the story began,“Alice had a dream„” Alice and her sister were sitting under a tree when she saw a white rabbit with watch in it„s jacket. She ran after the rabbit and fell into a large rabbit-hole. She found a beautiful garden at the bottom of the hole, but she couldn‟t go into it. Alice tried to use the bottle of drinks and some cakes to help her to be bigger or smaller. But she couldnt go into the garden either. She went out side and met the white rabbit. He asked Alice to get the hat for him. Alice found the hat but she got more bigger. She ate some cakes to get smaller and went away. She met Cheshire Cat which could smile. She visited the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. She went to the beautiful garden and met a strange Queen which wanted to cut off everybody‟s head. She went to a stupid trial .The Queen was angry with Alice and wanted to cut off her head. A lice fought them and then she waked up. She just made a dream.

In the dream Alice saw different animals doing strange thing in a wonderland .Full of full ,humor and satire ,the stories have entertained the children a lot ,but at the same time ,they also suggest in a mild irony to the adults ,especially the royal family who rule the country ,that injustice in a society must be redressed .

After hearing the story ,many people ,even Queen Victoria, were greatly inspired.

The story is funny and excited. It has an interesting end---Alice just had a dream. Maybe someone would think that it‟s not only a dream, but also a true story. But I think it is only a dream. Alice is a strange girl whohas many interesting things. I like her.

Alice has a bright fairy tales, lively and innocent, like fantasy, love brains, full of curiosity. No ghost of a trace of her a kind of innocence. It is this innocence, before starting to read this story in another interesting, very exciting.

This book everything is so strange interesting. The people there speak unpredictable, those enable Alice ate or drank the water can change into small, small cakes and large mushrooms. Paper fantasy adventure, cute characters, vivid language brings us to the beautiful world of fantasy, adventure, which making us together with Alice.

May be we could think this story was so fanny and ridiculous after reading .But I think Alice really made a good example for me .Every time life and things get hard on me ,I will try to struggle and flight . But I found it is hard to conquer .Look at Alice ,she was so strong ,brave nd seemed didn‟t afraid of anything .She had a long dream we‟d never have a chance to experience ,but I actually learned much from her .And ow ,I would like to be a girl like Alice ,brave ,powerful and confidence.

爱丽丝漫游仙境英语读后感 篇四:《曹操的秘密日记读后感500字》















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