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姓名 得分 笔试部分

一。选择最佳答案(每题2 分,共20分)

( )1. How are you?

A.Tom. B.Yes,it is. C.Fine,thank you.。

( )2.How old are you?

A. I’m Lucy. B.Good morning. C.I’m five。

( )3. What colour do you like??

A.How are you? B.I like green. C.My mother。

( )4. How many dogs are there?

A.cat. B.two. C.He’s fourty。

( )5. Have you got any fish?

A.Yes,it is. B.No,I’m not. C.Yes,I have。

( )6. How do you go to school?

A.I don’t like it. B.I go to school by bus. C.It’s my brother’s。

( )7.What’s your favorite food?

A.It’s small. B.hot dog. C.I like it。

( )8. Whose bike is it?

A.It’s Tom’s. B.Yes. C.It’s red。

( )9. What's for breakfast?

A.It’s on the table. B.egg. C.it’s red。

( )10. What do you do every day?

A.cat. B. I read book. C. He is short?


A.brother B.eye C.pen D.yellow E.lemon

16. book pencil ruler ________

17.father mother sister _________

18.apple pear banana ________

19.red green black ________

20.nose arm leg ________


horse 直升飞机 鱼 carrot

mouse 大象 香蕉 banana

helicopter 马 热狗 fish

elephant 橘子 胡萝卜 mouth

orange 老鼠 嘴巴 hot dog



( )1.Have you got a pencil?

( )2.Good morning!

( )3.a yellow bee。

( )4.This is my nose。

( )5.What’s for breakfast?

( )6.I go to school by bus。

( )7.Do you like bananas?

( )8.What’s your name?

( )9.I like dogs。

( )10.learn English

a. 你叫什么名字?

b. 你有一支铅笔吗?

c. 早上好。

d. 学英语。

e. 你喜欢香蕉吗?

f. 一只黄色的蜜蜂。

g. 我喜欢狗。

h. 我坐车去学校。

i. 早饭吃什么?。

j. 这是我的鼻子。


I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m., I go to school and play badminton with my friends. Do you like playing badminton?

答案 听力

一 1.(A) 磁带录音 PRC

2.(B) 磁带录音 down

3.(A) 磁带录音 light

4.(A) 磁带录音 blue

5.(A) 磁带录音 VCD

二 1.(A) 磁带录音 six

2.(B ) 磁带录音 school bag

3.(A) 磁带录音 bus

4.(B) 磁带录音 red

5.(A) 磁带录音 apple

三 1.(C) 磁带录音 where

2.(A) 磁带录音 my

3.(C) 磁带录音 red

4.(B) 磁带录音 ten

5.(C) 磁带录音 are


一 1.(C)2.(C)3.(B)4.(B)5.(C)6.(B)7.(B)8.(A)9.(B)10.(B)

二 C A E D B

三 horse 马

Mouse 老鼠

Helicopter 直升机

Elephant 大象

Orange 橘子

Currot 胡萝卜

Banana 香蕉

Fish 鱼

Mouth 嘴巴


Hot dag 热狗

四 1. B 2.c 3.f 4.j 5.i 6.h 7.e 8.a 9.g

五 略(抄写题)



班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________

Listening Part

一.选出所听到的内容,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(播一遍) ( )1. A .bee B. bus C. bear ( ) 2. A. what B. where C. who ( ) 3. A. some B. sofa C. sock ( ) 4. A. wind B. window C. winter ( ) 5. A. sleep B. slow C. sweep ( ) 6. A. shirt B. coat C. hat ( ) 7. A. train B. tree C. play

( ) 8. A. a pink hen B. a big duck C. a brown pig

( ) 9. A. an elephant B. an ice-cream C. an orange ( ) 10. A. some juice B. some water C. some soup


( ) 1. A. I see a snowman. B. I am cold. ( ) 2. A. Here you are. B. Thank you. ( ) 3. A. Have a pizza, please. B. I need a tie. ( ) 4. A. I live in SuZhou. B.I love SuZhou.

( ) 5. A. By plane. B. Get in the plane.

三. 听录音,勾出你所听到的内容。(播二遍)

Writing Part


H ____ F ____ K ____ G ____ M ____

N ____ P ____ Q ____ S ____ T ____


1 __p 向上 9 w__y 道路 17__ce 冰 2 __weets 糖果 10 z__bra 斑马 18h__ad 头


3 __rain 火车 11 __ellow 黄色的 19 g__rl 女孩

4 __ain 雨 12 nos__ 鼻子 20__rog 青蛙 5 __ueen 皇后 13 mo__key 猴子 21__lephant 大象 6 __range 橘子 14 l__on 狮子 22 d__ck 鸭子 7 __rince 王子 15 kit__风筝 23 __ar 汽车 8 __ase 花瓶 16 __ug 罐 24 __pple 苹果


( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp ( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber ( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach ( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five ( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks ( ) 6. A. desk B. door C. table D. cold


red brown pear panda eye banana tiger peach hand white grape eraser mouth monkey apple nose black backpack elephant ruler

颜色: 动物:





A. 3 B. 橙子,橙色 C.瓜 D. 鱼 E. 眼睛 F. 鸟 G. 猴子 H. 菠萝 I. 鸡 J. 兔子


六、写出下列句子的中文意思。 1. Good morning!

_________________________________________ 2. What’s your name?

_________________________________________ 3. How many birds can you see ?

_________________________________________ 4. I like an orange duck .

_________________________________________ 5.Here you are.



1. An orange duck ( ) A. 一只橙色的鸭子 B. 一只橙色的小鸡 2. Sorry. ( ) A. 对不起 B. 你好 3. Stand up . ( ) A.起立,立正 B. 坐下

4. Good night . ( ) A. 晚安 ! B. 晚上好! 5. Goodbye . ( ) A.再见 B.你好


1、Bill: How old is you ,Lily ? Lily: ( )

A: I’m six. B: I’m Lily C: I’m a cat D: Good night! 2、Bill: What’s your name? Lily: ( )

A: I’m six. B: I’m Lily C: I’m a cat D: I like yellow. 3、Bill: What’s this? Lily:( )

A: I’m six. B: I’m Bill C: It’s a cat D: Good night! 4、Bill: What colour do you like? Lily: ( )

A: I’m six. B: I’m Bill C: It’s a cat D: I like yellow. 5、Bill: I like an orange duck? . Lily: ( )

A: I’m six. B: Here you are. C: It’s a cat D: I like blue.


( ) 1.What do you hear? A. We can draw. ( ) 2. What can you do? B. He’s my friend. ( ) 3. What do you see? C. I need new shoes. ( ) 4. Who is your friend? D. I hear ‘ Moo, moo’. ( ) 5. What do you need? E. I see a yellow tiger.



Hello, I’m May and I’m a girl. I ___1___ in Shanghai. I’ve got a bedroom. ___2____ it, please, the lamp is ____3____ the desk. I love my bedroom and my family.

I can do many things. I can clean the window, ____4___ the floor, read books and write. Today(今天), I want to(想要) go to a farm, but(但是) it is cold, the wind blows, blows and blows. So(所以) I ____5___ a coat, a hat and gloves to put on. My friend

ask(问) me:“ _____6___ do you go to the farm?”I reply(回答):“ ____7__ van.” I _____8___ some hens, chicks, ducks, pigs, cows and sheep on the farm. I am very happy. ( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live ( ) 2. A. Look at ( ) 3. A. in ( ) 4. A. sleep ( ) 5. A. am ( ) 6. A. How ( ) 7. A. To ( ) 8. A. listen【小学二年级英语试卷及答案】

B. Find B. under B. sweep B. need B. Where B. Off B. see C. Listen to C. on C. swim C. do C. What C. By C. look



Listening Part 一、材料:

1, bear 2. where 3. sock 4. wind 5. sleep

6. shirt 7. tree 8 a brown pig 9. an ice-cream 10. some juice 答案:C B C A A A B C B A 二、材料:

1. What do you see? 2. May I have some water? 3. What do you need? 4. Where do you live? 5. How do you go to the Great Wall? 答案: A A B A A 三


I am a panda. I need a scarf and gloves.

I am a horse. May I have a hot dog or some biscuit?

I am a sheep. I like the bell and I like to drink some juice. I am a monkey. I put on the dress and the belt.

Writing Part



1 _u_p 向上 9 w_a_y 道路 17_i_ce 冰 2 _s_weets 糖果 10 z_e_bra 斑马 18h_e_ad 头 3 _t_rain 火车 11 _y_ellow 黄色的 19 g_i_rl 女孩 4 _r_ain 雨 12 nos_e_ 鼻子 20_f_rog 青蛙 5 _q_ueen 皇后 13 mo_n_key 猴子 21_e_lephant 大象 6 _o_range 橘子 14 l_i_on 狮子 22 d_u_ck 鸭子 7 _p_rince 王子 15 kit_e_风筝 23 _c_ar 汽车 8 _v_ase 花瓶 16 _j_ug 罐 24 _a_pple 苹果 三、D B C B A D


四、颜色:red brown white black 动物:panda tiger monkey elephant

水果名称:pear banana peach grape apple 学习用品:eraser backpack ruler 人体部位:eye hand mouth nose




小学二年级英语期末笔试测试题 第一卷 听力部份(30分)

一. 在你听到的字母或字母组合后的括号中画 √, 听两遍.(每题1分,共10分) 1. a ( ) u( ) I( ) 2. Y( ) R( ) M( ) 3. B( ) P( ) D( )

7. USA( ) USSR( ) SOS( ) 8. AM( ) PM( ) UN( ) 9. FBI( ) DNA( ) GMT( )

二. 用大写形式写出听到的字母, 听三遍(每题1分,共5分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三. 请将你所听到的单词的序号填在括号中, 听两遍. (每题1分,共10分) 1. ( )A. apple B. bat C. car 2. ( )A. duck B. dog C. elephant

3. ( )A. monkey B. noodles C. orange

7. ( )A. have dinner B. have breakfast C. have lunch 8. ( )A. watch TV B. do homework C. get up 9. ( )A. Here you are. B. Hurry up! C Thank you!

10. ( )A. Happy Christmas. B. Happy New Year. C. Happy Spring Festival.

四. 选择你所听到的图在后面的括号中画√,听两遍。( 每题1分,共5分)

( ) ( ) ( )

4. ( )A. sister B. frog C. zoo 5. ( )A. big B. Art C. dress 6. ( )A. by bus B. by car C. by train

4. g( ) q( ) r( ) 5. F( ) E( ) L( )

6. CCTV( ) BBC( ) ABC( )10. shirt( ) thank( ) green( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( ) ( ) 第二卷 笔试部分(20分)

一. 按字母表顺序补全所缺字母的大、小写。(每空0.5分,共5分)

二. 将下列单词中不属于同一类的用横线画出来。(每题1分,共5分)

例如:apple orange banana 1. bus car jacket bike 2. dress train T-shirt trousers【小学二年级英语试卷及答案】

3. Monday Thursday Sunday Chinese

三. 根据所给出的图片写出每个单词的首字母。(每题1分, 共5分)

四. 请将左右两栏中相对应的中英文用线连起来。(每题1分,共5分) Here you are.

Hurry up.

4. Maths Saturday English Music

5. Summer Autumn Christmas Spring

Happy New Year! Come on.

Have a nice weekend! I’m tired now. 我累了。 周末愉快。 快点。 快来。 新年快乐。 给你

小学三年级英语下册Unit 2预习学案及限时作业 三年级________班 姓名:_____________【小学二年级英语试卷及答案】



father 妈妈 mother 爸爸 grandfather 奶奶 grandmother 爷爷 man 女人 woman 男人




1.bin 2.water 3.bus 4.apple 5.light

6.bird 7.jelly 8.dog 9.egg

1. stop 2. slow 3. road 4. swim 5. juice 6. plane 7. play 8.fast 9.sleep 10.ferry

A 慢的( ) B 果汁( ) C 轮船( ) D 飞机( ) F 快的( ) G 公路( ) H 睡觉( ) I 玩 ( )三、根据说给情景,选择正确的句子,将序号填入括号。 ( )1.当朋友问你住在哪里:可以说: A. Where do you live? B. Where do you go? ( )2.老师请你擦桌子,可以说:

A. Sweep the floor, please. B. Clean the desk, please. ( )3.妈妈给你说吃一些面条:可以说: A. Have some soup B. Have some noodles ( )4. 你想买一个热狗,可以说:

10.hand E 游泳( )J 停 ( )

A. May I have a hot dog? B. Have a hot dog. ( )5.你想让同学和你一起唱歌,可以说:

A. Come and play with me. B. Come and sing with me. ( )6.你想说我喜欢游泳,可以说:

A. I like to swim. B I like to dance. ( )7.爸爸让你上车,可以说:

A. Get in the car. B. Get off the car. ( )8.你给同学说我们乘出租车去公园,可以说:

A. We go to the park by car. B We go to the park by taxi. ( )9.你想给姐姐说红灯停,可以说: A. Red light. Stop! B. Red light. Go! ( )10.你想说看,绿灯,我们可以走了,可以说:

A. Look! It’s green. We can go. A. Look! It’s green. We can stop. 四、选择正确的答句,将答句前的序号写在括号内: 1. I live ___Beijing. A. in B. on 2. ___ the desk,please. A. Clean B. Sweep 3. ___ I have a hot dog? A. May B. Can 4. Have ___ juice. A. a B. some 5. I like ___ play. A. to B. 不填

6.Come and dance ___ me,please. A. to B. with 7. We go to the zoo ___ bus. A. by B. on 8. Get ___ the car. A. in B. on

9. Look ___ the light. A. at B. in

10.Look!It ___ red light,we can go. A. is B. are 五.选择想对应的答语,将答语前的序号填在括号内。 ()1.Where do you live? A. Yes. I can.

()2.May I have a pizza? B. We go to the park by car. ()3.How do you go to the park? C. I live in Beijing. ()4.Do you love Xi An? D. Ok. Here you are. ()5.Can you sing a song? E. Yes. I do. 六、选出与中文相对应的英文选项,把序号写在题前括号内. ()1.我喜欢写字。 A. Look!The car is fast. ()2.吃一些面条。 B. Come and sing with me. ()3.你住在哪里? C. I like to write. ()4.我可以要一些牛奶吗? D. Where do you live? ()5.过来和我一起唱歌。 E. How do you go to the park? ()6.你怎样去公园? F. Red light. Stop! ()7.红灯.停! G. Have some soup. ()8.看,车开的真快. H. May I have some milk?





班级 姓名 分数



1. boy girl man

2. father mother brother

3. tall thin big

4. grandfather handsome grandmother

5. short pretty friend


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三.听录音,选出你听到的句子(只填A, B)。(10分)

( )1 A. This is my sister. B. This is my brother.

( )2 A. My name is Joy. B. His name is Binbin.

( )3 A. He is a boy. B. She is a girl.

( )4 A. Who’s he? B. Who’s she?

( )5 A. What does she look like? B. What does he look like?


( )1. A boy.

( )2. What does he look like?

( )3. Boy or girl?

( )4. Dad, I have a new classmate.

( )5. He is tall.



big boy pretty grandmother classmate

美丽的 奶奶,外婆 同班同学 大的 男孩


1. brother 2.handsome 3.sister 4.big 5.short

6. mother 7.tall 8.father 9.pretty 10.grandfather

家庭成员: _________________________________________


七.情景交际。(只填A, B)(10分)

( )1.上课时,老师对大家说: Nice to see you, 大家也应该对老


A. Who’s she? B. Nice to see you,too.

( )2.你到同学家做客,同学的妈妈对你说:Nice to meet you

时, 你应该对同学的妈妈说:

A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Good morning.

( )3.朋友到你家做客,你怎样介绍你的爸爸?

A. This is my sister. B. This is my father.

( )4. 当别人向你说“早上好”时,你也应该说:

A. Good morning. B. Goodbye.

( )5.你想知道一个女生的名字,应该怎么问?

A. What’s her name? B. What’s his name?


1. woman

2. cat

3. book

4. man

5. girl


A B 1. What does he look like? Nice to meet you, too. 2. What’s her name? He is tall. 3. Boy or girl? Her name is Joy. 4.Who’s he? A boy. 5.Nice to meet you. He is my father.


1. He is a boy. 她是一个女孩。 ( ) 2. I have a new classmate. 我有一位新同学。 ( ) 3. This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。 ( ) 4. He is handsome. 他很大。 ( ) 5. Who’s she? 他是谁? ( )



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