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Unit 1 My day 说课稿

Unit 1 My day 说课稿

Part A Let’ s learn﹠Read and write


我说课的内容是人民教育出版社PEP 五年级下册Unit 1 My day A部分的Let’s learn 和Read and writ。下面,我将从说教材、说教法、说学法、说教学程序,说板书设计五个板块进行说课。



本课选自义务教育PEP小学英语教科书五年级下册教材第一单元,重点学习一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况以及周末活动安排的表达,尤其是学会使用频度副词谈论日常生活。本单元内容与日常生活息息相关,容易激发学生的学习兴趣和思想共鸣,便于学生在学习中理解和运用,学生有话可说,可以培养学生的语言交际能力。本课时是A部分的Let’s learn和 Read and write,我把它设置为本单元的第一课时,它是整个单元的重点,占有很重要在地位,为后面课时的学习做铺垫。



(1)知识目标:能够正确听、说、认读短语:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner和能够正确听、说、朗读“ When do you…? I…at…”等询问他人和表达自己作息时间的交际用语。

(2)能力目标:能够听懂、会说句型“ When do you…? I…at…”,并根据实际情况运用所学动词短语表达自己的作息时间。



(1)教学重点:掌握Let’s learn中的五个动词短语,并能用这五个短语询问和回答作息时间。








四、Teaching procedures

I will finish this lesson in 5 steps.

Step 1 Warming up (3 mins)

1. Greetings (1 mins)

I will greet with students as usual to make students relax.

T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?

Ss: Hello, Miss XX. I’m fine, thank you. What about you?(You’re fine.)

T: I’m fine too, thanks. What’s the weather like?

Ss: It’s sunny.(Oh,It’s a sunny day.It’s a beautiful day.Let’s start our class)

2. Sing a song ( 2 mins)

According to the psychological characteristics of children, singing a song can make Ss feel relaxed and satisfied. The teacher asks Ss stand up and clap their hands with music, which can arouse exciting motion and Ss are quickly into a happy English studying atmosphere. In this song, Ss will review the words and sentences they have learned last term “ do homework, watch TV, read books, play football. What do you often do on the weekend? I often …”. Ss are familiar with these words and sentences, so they will be confident. It’ s helpful for Ss learning new knowledge.

T: Everybody, stand up. Clap your hands. Sing a song with me. Are you ready? Ss: I’m ready.

What do you often do on the weekend?

I often watch, watch TV.

What do you often do on the weekend?

I often play, play football.

What do you often do on the weekend?

I often read, read books.

What do you often do on the weekend?

I often do, do homework.

Step 2 Lead in (2 mins)

Ss are curious about teachers, so I will talk about my day and tell them how I spend my day. In this way, Ss will learn more about teachers and it can narrow the gap between teachers and students. At the same time, I can lead in the topic “my day”. Then I will tell Ss that we will meet a new friend “Pedro”. What does Pedro do in his day? Ss must are very interested in it, so they will study new knowledge actively.

T: I often get up at 6 o’clock, go to school at 7:20, go home at 5 p.m. and go to bed at 9 p.m. This is my day. (板书标题 Unit 1 My day) Today, we will meet a new friend Pedro. What does he do in his day? Turn to page 5 and let’s see it.

Step 3 Presentation and Practice (25 mins)

Now, I will mainly talk about this step. In this step, I will use body language, pictures and games to help Ss understand the meaning of words. Then, I will lead Ss learn the main sentences in a real situation.

1. Let’s guess (10 mins)

The teacher does actions and shows pictures: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports and eat dinner and let Ss guess the meaning of words. (板书词组:do exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports and eat dinner ) Then Ss read after teacher. When teach “exercises and breakfast”, I will divide them into two parts” exer-cises, break-fast”. Ss firstly read them slowly and loudly, and then read them quickly.

T:What does Pedro do?Look at this picture and look at me. What does it mean? Ss:做早操.

T: Great. 做早操、晨练。Do morning exercises. And then, look at these pictures. What does Pedro do? eat breakfast, have…class, play sports and eat dinner.

2. Let’s play (2 minus)

It considers that children can keep their attentions in limited time. The game can avoid the lifelessness and boredom from the pure machine practice. It can form a relaxing and natural atmosphere for practicing. Ss can achieve the aim of consolidating and deepening the words.

Say words in a loud or low voice and do actions. If the teacher speaks loudly, Ss

should speak lowly and if the teacher speaks lowly, Ss should speak loudly. If some Ss break the rules, they should stand up and say the words loudly. Hence, Ss will pay attention to the class.For example:

T: do morning exercises. (Loudly)

Ss: do morning exercises. (Lowly)

T: eat breakfast. (Lowly)

Ss: eat breakfast. (Loudly)

3. Let’s say (10 minus)

Teacher points the pictures and ask “When does Pedro do morning exercises? Does Pedro do morning exercises at 8 o’clock?” Let Ss watch the video and learn new sentences in a real situation, and then try answer “At 7 o’clock”. (板书主要句型:When do you …? I …at…) Let Ss listen to the dialogue again carefully and follow it. Teach the meaning of a.m. and p.m.

4. Let’s act (3 mins)

Role play. After be familiar with the dialogue, let Ss try to act out the dialogue. It achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson. Two Ss in a group, one plays Zhang Peng, and the other plays Pedro. They choose one phrase and make a conversation with the sentences “When do you …? I …at…”.

Step 4 Consolidation (7 mins)

To master the words and sentences needs certain amount of practice. So, I will adopt the “Task-based” teaching method. First, let Ss read the phrases of “Ask and write” and write down their timetable. Then I shall instruct the Ss to use the words and patterns learnt to ask about their partner’s timetable. I will walk in the class and help Ss who have trouble in conversation finish the exercises. It is no doubt that this will encourage them to speak English. The teacher asks three groups stand up and make a dialogue. The teacher should correct their mistakes and encourage them. This step also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson. The teacher should tell Ss how to arrange their time and develop good habits. Step 5 Summing up ﹠Homework( 3 mins)

1. Summing up

Let Ss review what we learned in this lesson and then make a conclusion.

Phrases: do exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports and eat dinner Sentences: When do you…?

I …at…

2. Homework

(1) Listen and recite the dialogue.

(2) Do a survey about their friends’ timetable.

五、Blackboard design

This is my layout design.

Unit 1 My day

do morning exercises eat breakfast have…class

play sports eat dinner

When do you ...?

I... at...

In this lesson, what I design is to try to attract Ss’ interest. They learn and practice while playing. It is helpful for developing Ss’ interest for English learning.

Distinguished judges, that’s all for my teaching ideas. Your sincerely teaching and correcting will be appreciated. Thank you for your listening. Thank you.

Unit 1 This is my day说课稿

Unit 1 This is My Day 说课稿


今天我说课的内容是PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 This is my day.A部分的第二课时。下面我将从教材分析、教法学法指导、教学过程、板书设计和教学反思五个方面进行我的说课。

一、 教材分析

1、 教学内容分析

本单元围绕着“My day”这一核心话题来展开教学活动,主要学习有关日常作息时间的交际用语,对一天中的生活起居以及周末活动等进行简单描述。本课时包括Let’s talk 和Let’s find out两部分,要求学生能够正确运用When do you get up/eat breakfast…?等询问作息时间,以及运用I usually get up at…等应答语。学好本节课将为学生进一步运用When do you…?进行询问打下坚实的基础。




能够听、说、认读主要句型When do you get up/eat breakfast…?及答语I usually get up at…







3、 教学重难点分析

(1)本节课的教学重点是掌握句型When do you get up/eat breakfast…?及答语I usually get up at…

(2)教学难点是usually, often, sometimes三个频度副词的使用。【My,day说课稿】






Step1 Warmming-up

由于本节课主要学习Let’s talk中的对话练习,在第一课时学生已经学习了eat breakfast等动词短语,对话主要是围绕这几个短语展开,因此让学生复习巩固尤为重要。我主要让学生听录音,跟读Let’s learn 部分并拼写动词短语。

Step2 Presentation and practice

















Step3 Summary



Step4 Homework




五、教学反思 在设计这堂课时,我尽可能地采用听、说、游戏的方式,通过各个有趣、实用、轻松、活泼的闯关活动,让学生在玩中学,学中用,逐步解决本课的重、难点,提高了课堂实效,培养了学生学习的兴趣。




译林版小学英语 四年级下册

Unit 3 My day 说课稿



Unit 3 本单元以“My day”为标题,围绕“mike的一天活动”这一主题而展开一系列的教学活动。

story time是第一课时,讲述的是mike从起床到睡觉一天所做的事情。继续巩固句型“when do you…? I…at…”的教学。 二:教学目标:



(2)理解 stroy time的内容,继续巩固句型“when do you…? I…at…”。








重点:(1)继续巩固句型“when do you…? I…at…”。










“sing a song”在上课伊始若能有效激发学生兴趣,可大大提高课堂学习效率。在本课的导入环节,我设计了 say部分利用了PPT,学生在图片上数字及时间,让学生在阅读基础上巩固旧知,同时又为是本单元story time中的教学内容作铺垫,此处目的在于唤醒学生记忆,促进巩固。接着教师简要地说说自己一天所做的事,让学生理解中文意思,同时引入课题:my day。



接下来,让学生读课文,再次感知课文并画出“stroy time”的短语,进一步明确课文内容,加深了解课文。这样起到了承上启下的作用。




在基本熟悉课文以后,本环节设计了“read and find”创意活动,帮助学生进一步熟练课文内容,是一次有效输出所学语言的实践活动。


在“show your day”学习这个环节中,呈现“表格”。让学生自己说说自己一天所做事情。让学生学到的知识得以运用。



Unit1 This is my day说课稿


Unit 1 This is my day (Part B Let't learn)


一、 说教学理念:

有了前面两年学习英语的经历,五年级学生 了一定的英语水平,更何况这一课时的设计是来源于学生日常生活的实际,因此,这一课时主要是训练学生的口语交际能力,让学生能说,让学生会说,让学生想说,本课时主要通过已学知识点,从日常的生活中入手,激发学生想说的欲望,在由浅到深,循序渐进,运用""引导学生回忆旧有的英语词组,如家务类 clean the bedroom 休闲类play chess等


今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP English Book 6 Unit 1 This my day part B 的Let't learn, what do you do on the weekend 以及词组go hiking 引导学生说出play play basketball go swimming play chess 等,家务类和休闲类的词组


本节课是词组教学."when do you do…(get

)"What do you do on

Saturdays "从而"climb mountain go shopping play the piano visit grandparents 以通过学生对句型和词组的掌握,引导学生尽可能多的新的词组,如fly kite play basketball go swimming play chess 等"家务,休闲以及体育类的词组


四、 说教学目标




(1) 使学生能听,说,读,写climb mountain go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking 等词组.以及在小组讨论下,挖掘出原有的知识play pingpong fly kite play basketball go swimming play chess 以及家务类与休闲类词组

(2) 理解掌握句型:"What do you do on…… 以及回答"I often……"等句子,并且能运用到日常的生活当中.go shopping


(1) 能听懂Let'chant中的指令并做出相应动作.,如(2) 能根据本新词组,回忆旧知识点,


(1) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,.

(2) 培养学生的合作交流能力.


1.学习新词组climb mountain go play piano visit grandparents go hiking 以及句型 "I often……



1.培养学生合作学习的能力.,, 树立自信心.

2.单词mountain,掌握拼写,强调字母组合ou 发( ),ai发

( ).将单词grant和parents让学生掌握


Let'learn ,let'sing 和Let'chant的录音磁带.以及卡片go to bed get up have dinner eat breakfast play sports do morning exercises .以及短语卡片 climb mountains go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking 以及卡纸




Review 复习

活动一,复习句子 when do you do……以及已教的单词get up 等

教师说:on Saturdays and Sundays, we don't go to school ,It is fun Ok Let's chant Warm up (热身)


仔细听Let's chant ,让学生说出在chant中听到的单词或短语

教师问:What do we do on the weekend

学生答:I often ………

复习巩固词组climb mountain go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking


活动三:教师呈现课件 很多形象生动的图片有 climb shopping play the piano 也有课外创编的play pingpong fly kite等

教师让学生同桌合作 一问一答 教师问学生,:I often play pingpong,fly kite and go shopping 等等


小组讨论,除了原由的词组,,或者其他同学课外学的.如 休闲类, 体育类 家务类等,. 活动五:我的地盘我做主

各小组汇报讨论的结果,I often…… on the weekend


活动六 :用句型What do you do on the weekend 收集班级的其他同学和老师的时间安排,从而进行汇报




1.He /she is……

2. He /she has……

3. He /she likes………

4.He /she often ……………on the weekend

5.He /she…………



My day说课稿

My day说课稿 Good morning,everyone. I'm No…. It’s my great honour to be here and share my teaching idea with you. Today, my topic is My day taken from unit1,book6.I am going to talk about it from the following aspects :The analysis of the teaching material、The analysis of students,teaching and learning methods、teaching procedures、teaching assessments、blackboard design and time division.

First, let’s focus on the teaching material. It includes two parts: Let’s try, let’s talk. It mainly deals with the

dialogue.And the students have learnt some knowledge about the time in book4,such as the structure”it’s 1 o’clock,It’s time for…….”. So it is helpful for students to learn in this unit.

Next, it is about the students.

Our students are in Grade5. They are active and curious, interested in new things. After learning English for two years, they have some Basic English knowledge, so the teacher should provide more chances for Ss of using language.

According to what I have analyzed, I set the following aims:

Knowledge aims: to enable Ss understand and speak: when do you……?I…..at….o’clock.

Then ability aims: to develop students’ 4 basic skills and communicative ability by learning the useful

structures. Make sure that students can use these sentences in real situations.

Moral aims: to arouse the students’ interests in

learning English and foster students’ conciousness of good cooperation and proper competition

Among these,the key point and difficult point is using the sentence patterns when do you……?I…..at….o’clock in real life

To accomplish the above teaching aims, I'll adopt communicative teaching method、 Task-based teaching method and TPR. In this lesson, I'll use a tape-recorder, PPT, some flashcards as teaching aids.

As for the learning methods: teach the students how to be successful English learners and let the students

study by observation-imitation-practice, at the same time, independent learning and cooperative learning are necessary.

Now, let’s come to the most important part of my lesson----the teaching procedure.Before teaching,I’ll divide students into 4groups.If they do a good

performance,they’ll get a point for this group.

Step one Warming-up

I'll lead in today's topic with a game: wolf,wolf,what’s the time?And then make some free talks with the students. For example, T: Hi, boys and girls,what time is it now? Ss:It’s 9 o’clock.It’s time for English class. The purpose is to form a better English learning

surrounding for the students, and at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt knowledge. Step two Presentation (it includes 2 tasks)

Task1: listen and finish “Let’s try”. First, I will present the three pictures in “Let’s try” and ask Ss some

questions:Where is it in the picture? Let the students

listen to the tape carefully, and circle the right picture. After the first time listening, I will give students the

important sentences. Listen again and check the answer. Then I’ll present the script by PPT, and explain it to the class. At last, let the students listen again without the script.

Task2 sentence learning

After listening Let’s try,I’ll present a timetable and ask students”When do you get up in the morning?.Let them use the sentence pattern:”I…at…o’clock” to answer my question.After learning the reply,I’ll encourage students to ask me”when do you…..?”

Task3. Listen and answer

I’ll present the picture of the dialogue in let’s talk. Design a situation. For example, zhangpeng and Pedro are talking about their timetable. Listen to the tape. Ask the students two questions: “when does Pedro finish class in the morning? When does Pedro eat dinner?” Let the students to make notes when they are listening. Then I will use PPT to present the whole dialogue and check the answers.

Task4 Listen and repeat. Let the students read after the tape and then read by themselves.

In this step,situational teaching method and task-based teaching method are used here.The purpose is to help the students to get the main idea of the passage and enhance their English listening skills.

Step three. Practice (it includes 3 activities).

Activity 1: role-play.

Let all students work in pairs: Each student acts one person in the dialogue. After three minutes, let the pairs

raise their hands to act out the dialogue. The voluntary pairs can get one smiling face for themselves.

Activity 2:Let’s talk and finish

Let students work in pairs and finish their

timetable.Then present to the class,let students choose the “busy bee”.

The purpose is to attract the students’ attentions and consolidate the dialogue, so that they can participate in my class and study actively,it is also helpful to improve their spoken English.

Step four Consolidation and extension.

Let’s act. students work in groups and act different kinds of characters.They can be a driver,a nurse or a

doctor. For example:when do you get up in the morning?I get up at 4 o’clock.Wow,you are so early.You are great.

The purpose is to consolidate today’s knowledge and develop students’ cooperative spirit.Let them know the hardness of different jobs.

Step five Summary and homework.

Help the students to summarize what they learnt today. Let students complete the workbook exercises and use the main sentences to make a new chant in groups.Let them chant for us next class.

Now, I’ll say the teaching assessments.

I’ll use Self–assessments, the group members’

assessments, and the teacher’s assessment. At the end of the class, I will check which group gets the most points.

Finally, Blackboard design and time division.

This is topic; I’ll divide the blackboard into two parts. On the left part, I’ll write some new words and sentences. On the right part, I’ll write the scores of each group and some forms.

Time division: Warming–up(5minutes);

Presentation(15minuties); Practice(13 minutes); Consolidation and extension (6 minutes) summary and homework (1 minute).

As far as I am concerned, a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would change the traditional relationship

between teachers and students and help them not only on their study, but also on their lives. I’m sure I can be a good teacher. Thank you for your attention.

  • ·四年级下册my,school的说课稿(2016-09-22)
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