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幸福的中英文 篇一:《幸福是一种选择(中英双语)》


Everything You Need To Know About Happiness In The World


Unemployment can cause as much unhappiness as bereavement or separation, according to the World Happiness Report, published by Columbia University's Earth Institute and co-edited by Nobel laureateJeffrey Sachs.


The report found that the happiest countries in the world are all in Northern Europe with Denmark topping the list.


Meanwhile the least happy countries are in the poor regions of sub-Saharan Africa. 同时,最不幸福的国家位于撒哈拉以南非洲的贫穷地区。

联合国首发全球幸福指数报告 丹麦居首中国排112位>>>

The report looks at how happiness is measured and examines some of its policy implications. We read through the groundbreaking report and pulled the most interesting findings about happiness.


The happiest countries in the world are all in Northern Europe


The happiest countries in the world namely Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Netherlands are all in Northern Europe. Their average life evaluation score is 7.6 on a scale from 0 to 10.


The least happy countries are all poor countries in Sub-Saharan Africa


The least happy countries are all poor countries in Sub-Saharan Africa namely Togo, Benin, Central African Republic, and Sierra Leone with average life evaluation scores of 3.4.


But happiness is measured by more than money. Community, religion, and health play big roles 但是,幸福并不单单用金钱衡量,生活社区、宗教和健康状况也非常重要

The key external factors that determine happiness include income, work, community and governance, and values and religion.


The personal features that determine happiness include mental health, physical health, family experience, education, and gender and age.


Sometime there is a two-way interaction between the determinant and happiness itself. For instance health affects happiness and conversely happiness affects health.


Of course, Income is always a factor in explaining happiness, but it isn't the most important thing 当然,收入总是说明幸福与否的一个因素,但它不是最重要的指标

In 1974 Richard Easterlin wrote a seminal article which found that richer people are on average happier than poorer people (a cross-sectional fact) but that over time within different societies the population does not on average become happier when they country's income rises (a time-series fact). This came to be known as the Easterlin paradox.


Income is not the most important factor in determining happiness.


Relative income i.e. income relative to others of the same age, sex, education is the only one that matters when it comes to happiness. Absolute income is not that important.


Unemployment causes as much unhappiness as separation or bereavement(幸福的中英文)


People experience a sharp drop in well-being when they are unemployed. Unemployment causes as much unhappiness as bereavement or separation.



High unemployment impacts the happiness not just on the families of the unemployed but also those in work who feel less secure in their jobs.


The quality of work is extremely important to happiness. Respondents from OECD countries were asked to rank eight different job characteristics on a five point scale from not at all important to very important. Only 20 percent of respondents from OECD countries said a high income is very important, 60 percent said job security is very important, while 50 percent said interest work is very important.


Trust, freedom, equality and social interactions increase happiness


Individual happiness comes from a set of social interactions, and trust plays a huge role. In a well-functioning society there is a high level of trust between citizens and between institutions. 个人的快乐幸福来自于一系列的社交互动,在这其中信任起着重要作用。在一个运行良好的社会中,公民与制度之间存在着一个很高程度的信任。

Bonding capital i.e. people who are similar to one another and bridging capital i.e. people who are different impacts life satisfaction and happiness. "We want both - not only good social capital within communities but also good links between communities."


Freedom is a key component to happiness.


Equality plays a huge role in happiness because greater equality is associated with reduced social tensions, especially when the inequality is seen as unfair. Also, the value of extra income is greater for the rich than the poor.


In countries where life is harder, those who are more religious report more positive emotions 在那些生活艰辛、人们宗教信仰更虔诚的国家,人们的正面情绪更多

About 68 percent of adults across the world say that religion is important in their daily lives. Religious belief and practice is more common in countries where life is harder. In the U.S. religious is belief is higher in states where life is harder.


While there is no difference in life satisfaction between more and less religious countries, in countries where life is harder there is significantly more positive emotion and less negative emotion among those who are more religious.


Values, certain behaviors and the environment play important roles in happiness


Many values taught by religion are reinforced by society through more secular systems. Altruism and kindness have shown happiness in both the giver and the receiver.


Most ethical systems also teach that material wealth should not be pursued beyond the point where it compromises other values. At a given level of income, people who cared more about their income were less happy with life overall.


All other things equal, watching television is also associated with lower happiness. This is because its reduces social life and increases exposure to violence. But television can provide enjoyment and instruction.


The environment also plays a crucial part in happiness. Green spaces are associated with better health, performance and life satisfaction.


Mental and physical health both have huge impacts on happiness


"Happiness depends crucially on personality, and personality is strongly affected by your genetic make-up." One important way in which in genes operate is through mental health.

“幸福感极其依赖于性格,而性格又受遗传基因性格影响颇深。” 心理健康是实现基因运转


Those who are mentally ill as adolescents are more likely to experience low earnings, unemployment, criminal records, teenage pregnancy, physical illness and poor educational performance than others in the population.


Panel data allows comparisons of the life-satisfaction of the same individuals before and after they become disabled. The impact effect of severe disability is estimated as being 0.6 points on the one to seven life satisfaction scale, and that of moderate disability as 0.4 points.


Adaptation to disability also impacts life-satisfaction, and someone who has been disabled for all of the past three years is less affected than someone who is recently disabled.


Having children is no guarantee of happiness


Being married rather than single, divorced or widowed is strongly associated with higher self-declared happiness. In most countries married people are happier with their life than those who cohabit with a partner.


Studies have shown that individuals who are already happier when they are young have a higher probability of becoming and remaining married. And getting married also boosts happiness if only for some years. But leisure and social activities of one's spouse can reduce life satisfaction in the other spouse.


Life satisfaction is said to peak in the years before and after marriage. For those who never get divorced, happiness is permanently higher than before they were married.


Moreover having children is no guarantee of higher happiness.


幸福的中英文 篇二:《哈佛大学幸福课第22课 中英文双语笔记》

Harvard learning challenged association 哈佛学习障碍协会

And we are hosting a forum inspired by this class受到这门课的启发,我们将举行非一个论坛

Entitled learning disabilities 名叫学习缺陷

Learning challenges and positive psychology 学习障碍和积极心理学

A lot of student on campus are registered with learning disabilities很多校内学生都有学习缺陷

And even more have learning challenges有些甚至有学习障碍

Which can include a difficulty studying or chronic procrastination包括学习困难和长期拖延症

Also ,a lot of learning disabilities 而且,很多学习障碍

Are associated with higher rates of depression and low self-esteem都与抑郁症高发率和低自尊有关

So in this forum ,we hope to ask questions like 所以在这个论坛上,我们会问

"how can we think positively about learning disabilities?"如何积极看待学习障碍?

And "how can we use positive psychology我们如何用积极心理学 To further explore this field of studying?"进一步探索这片研究领域? All are welcome,whether you have learning challenge 欢迎大家参加,不管是你有学习障碍

or your friend does还是你的朋友

or you just have a tough time studying 或者你最近遇到学习困难 or you are just interested或者你只是感兴趣

Please come and join us.都请来参加

it's convenient time 时间很方便

one week from now,Tuesday 11:30 一周后,星期二11点半 at the Adams House Conservatory 地点是Adams宿舍音乐院

which is between the entrance and the dining hall of Adams House 就在入口和Adams宿舍的食堂中间

So mark your calendars记住在日程表上标出来了

It should a good discussion.we hope we'll see you there.这会是一次很愉快的讨论,希望到时候能见到大家

Thank you so much.非常感谢

My name is Holly.我叫Holly

And I'm the president of an organization on campus 我是校内一个协会的主席

called the Leadership Institute an Harvard College这个协会叫做哈佛大学领导才能协会

And David and I want to just quickly mention what the club does David和我想简单跟大家介绍一下我们的协会

One of our founders actually is one of your TFs-John Deutch 我们的一位创立人就是你们的助教John Deutch

over here helped get the group started a few years back他几年前开始创立这个协会

So very briefly what the club has-forming programs 简单来说,我们的协会组织各种活动

all aimed up promoting leadership on campus旨在提高校内学生的领导能力

We have a development program where we bring in speakers 我们有一个发展活动,在这个活动里,我们会请人

to work on workshops and interactive seminars 在研讨会和互动会上演讲

that help all of us on really useful skills 教会我们真正有用的技巧

like running a meeting and negotiation and public speaking 例如主持会议,谈判,公众演讲

They are all free and open to all undergraduates这些活动对所有本科生免费开放

We also enable collaboration between student presidents,我们还会举行午餐会和讨论,让学生主席


chief editors,总编辑

captains on campus through luncheons and discussion forums校园队长进行合作

We have an outreach program where we train Harvard undergraduates 我们还有一个拓展计划训练哈佛本科生

as instructors for leadership curriculum当领导才能课程的讲师

And we run a one year program on Saturdays 我们有一个长达一年的活动,每周六举行

with middle school students here at Cambridge是和我们这里的Cambridge中学生一起参加的

And lastly,we are starting a student leadership focused magazine 最后,我们正在成立一份专注于领导才能的杂志

that will be distributed in the future在将来不久就会发行

Hey guys,My name is David Tebaldi大家好。我叫 David Tebaldi

I'm the leadership development initiative director 我是领导才能协会发展领导才能活动的

at the Leadership Institute首要负责人

I'm here to give you a little bit of idea 我来为大家简单介绍一下 of what's in store for the fall我们秋季会有什么活动

First of all we have the Presidents Forum 首先我们会举行主席论坛 which is a banquet that brings together the students all across the 这是一个聚集全校

students leaders from all across the campus 学生领导的宴会 to discuss their own experiences 他们会分享他们

with leadership and challenges related to that对领导才能以及相关挑战的经验

Afterwards we had a very first magazine coming out which is pretty(幸福的中英文)


It'll have a lot of articles about leaders that we 里面会有很多文章关于以前

hosted the past events 主持过活动的领导

and their own experience with leadership以及他们在领导才能这方面的经验

We have a lot of other events following that as Holly mentioned before 我们接下来还会有很多活动,正如Holly 刚才提到

with negotiations and a lot of public speaking events are in store我们会有关于谈判和公众演讲的活动

If you'd like to know more,如果你们想了解更多

you can just google leadership institute at Harvard college 请搜索哈佛大学领导才能协会

and you should be able to find our website 大家就能找到我们的网页 Thank you for your time谢谢你们

And I hope to see you at some of our events next year希望在下一年的活动上能看到大家

So we had a breakfast this morning with the teaching staff of this class我们今天早上和班上的助教吃了早餐

It was our final breakfast get-together这是我们最后一次的早餐聚餐 And I'm a little bit sad我有点伤心

幸福的中英文 篇三:《幸福课__哈佛公开课_中英文对照_第一课_校对版》


Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.


Wonderful to see you here.


I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.


This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。

But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.


I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.


And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.


I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。

I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.


Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.


It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.


And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology. 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。

With a single question: How can I become happier.


Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.


But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.


Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier . 研究积枀心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。

It continues to make me happier.


And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.


That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.


So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.


And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.


And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.


When I first taught this class that was back in 2002.


I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out that left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students.

是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。两名退出了只剩我和其他六个人。一年后学生稍微多了点。有300多人参加。 And then third year when I taught it which was the last time.


I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard .


And that’s when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why.


They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that’s larger than Introduction to Economics. How could that be?



So I was invited by the media for interviews whether it was newspapers, radio, television.


And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews.


So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview.


And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out. And say something to the effects of well, thank you Tal for the interview.


But you know I expected you to be different.


And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.


I didn’t really care but had to ask anyway “How different”.


And they would say: Well, you know, we expected you to be more outgoing”.


Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing: Thank you for doing the interview”.


“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different”.


And once again, nonchalant of course so how different.


And she would say: “Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit”.


Next interview, same thing “How different?”


“Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.”


Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy”.



Coz I get very nervous in interviews.


l Interview after interview, literally dozens.


More outgoing, more cheerful, less introverted, more extroverted. And on and on.


But here the best one.


So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview.


We had a quite long interview which I thought was actually pretty good. And at the end of the interview. 聊了很多,我觉得进行得很不错。采访结束。

The interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder.


And says, ”Thank you very much for doing the interview.” And then the usual comes.(幸福的中英文)


“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different.”


And I said, ”How different”. Just so you understand by this time, my self-esteem is short.


But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked “How different”.


And he looks at me and says: ”Well I don’t know Tal, I expected you to be taller. ”. Taller? What?


Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness?


And I thought about it, I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning.


And I think I understand why they expected someone different.


You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience.


How come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics?


And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extroverted and of course, tall.


Well, there is one L missing there, But……. Yeah, if only.


So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation.


In other words, they were looking at the messenger, what they needed to look at was the message. Now how do I know that?


You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world.


There are over 200 campuses here in United States that teach positive psychology.


And almost every campus where this class is taught it’s either one of the or the largest class. It’s about the message.


I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their as consultant companies. 越来越多的机构组织开设这门课,还有咨询公司。

Some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on.


More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class.……Elementary schools are introducing it.


The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field. Why? Because it works, because it really works.


You see this whole realm of life flourishing on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movements.


What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting that are very accessible.


We have speakers who are very outgoing very charismatic and tall attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big “but” here.


Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminars lack substance. Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.


So there are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader.


The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life.Overpromising, under-delivering.


On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in the academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance.


We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually work, good stuff.


But, there is also a very big but here. Very few people read refereed academic journals.


I mean think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology?


Most people don’t even know what that means.


The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people.


You know……And that includes the author’s mother. So you know I say half in jest but it’s actually really sad.


Because… Certainly sad for me, as an academic.Because these things are good.


They are important, these things make a difference, can even make more of a difference. But not accessible to most people.


And this is where positive psychology comes in. And this is also where this class comes in.


The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and Main Street.

幸福的中英文 篇四:《美好的英文句子



no matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world。


love is a carefully designed lie。


promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover。

4。凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去

fading is true while flowering is past


why i have never catched the happiness? whenever i want you ,i will be acpanyed by the memory of。。。

6。爱情-在指缝间承诺 指缝-。在爱情下交缠。

love ,promised between the fingers

finger rift,twisted in the love


if you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miall the shining stars


to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,eternity is always there


幸福的中英文 篇五:《幸福唯美的英文句子》

1、take away love, and our earth is a tomb。

2、if we believe that true love never has to end, then we must know that we will love again。

3、believe that god is fair。

4、darling you know i love you till the end of time。

5、the only present love demands is love。

6、within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again。幸福唯美的英文句子

7、where there is great love, there are always miracles。

8、no matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world。

9、i'm here to please you, i am your man。 every day,every night, i hold you tight。

10、you and me together, we can make magic。

11、even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet。

12、how many dream had, and never came into my heart。

13、home every day happy to see her mother smile is my happiness。

14、take me to your heart, take me to your soul, give me your hand before i'm old。

15、your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead。

16、cant you hear when i call a little love is all i ask。

17、i need him like i need the air to breathe。

18、your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful。

19、i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you。

20、although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day。



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