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小学英语鲁科版(五四制)五年级下U3L1 What's wrong with you

Book6 Unit3 Lesson1 What’s wrong with you?教学设计


1、能够听懂、会说并认读单词wrong, feel, fever, cough, headache, bad, cold, medicine及句子What’s wrong?

2、能听懂、会说、认读、运用句型What’s wrong with you? 询问身体状况并用I cough and feel cold. I have a very bad headache. You have a bad cold. Take some medicine.描述病情并给出建议。



(一) 教学重点:

1、单词wrong, feel, fever, cough, headache, bad, cold, medicine的听说认读;

2、运用所学词汇与句型What’s wrong with you? I cough and feel cold. I have a very bad headache. You have a bad cold.谈论病情。

(二) 教学难点:

1、单词wrong, medicine的准确读音;




(一) Warming-up.


2、Sing the song“How are you?”.

3、Free talk.

教师问三名学生“How are you?”,之后又用“How do you feel today?”问第四个学生,引出新单词“feel”进行学习。


1、出示课文图片一教师接着说We all feel well today. But our friend Wang Hong doesn’t feel well. What’s wrong? 出示单词

卡片学习新单词“wrong”.教师要反复口型示范发音,强调发音要领与口型,让学生准确读出该单词。再板书句子“What’s wrong?”学生猜意跟读。


(1)播放第一部分课文,回答教师提出的问题“What’s wrong with Wang Hong?”;引导学生回答“She has a fever.”学习新单词“fever”,升降调读,男女读,开火车读。

(2)看第二部分课文动画,让学生划出医生提出的问题“What’s wrong with you?”、“Do you have a headache?”以及王红对自身病情描述的语句“I cough and feel cold.”“I have a very bad headache.”学习新单词“cough”、“bad”、“headache”,爬音高读、男女读、两两读、开火车读;板书句子,教师领读后再与学生问答读说,学生两两练说问答。

(3)播放课文最后一部分,划出医生诊断和建议的句子“You have a bad cold.”、“Take some medicine.”,教师板书句子,告诉学生“cold”除了“寒的,冷的”外还有另一种含义“感冒,伤风”,教学新单词“medicine”。

(4)运用单词卡片以What’s missing?的形式巩固单词读说。

(5)Listen and repeat.

(6)Read the dialogue by themselves.


1. Let’s chant.

What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong with you? Have a headache, have a headache. I have a headache. What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong with you? Have a bad cold, have a bad cold. I have a bad cold.

Don’t worry. Don’t worry. Take some medicine and you’ll be all right.

2. Let’s talk.




任教学科:任教班级:任教老师: 英 语 六年级

一、 学情分析


二、 教材分析


Let’s learn部分的词汇仍然是围绕话题归类出现的。这样有利于学生记忆和开展话题的讨论。Let’s learn的大部分词汇要求学生做到听、说、读、写四会掌握。用来巩固复习词汇的活动主要是结对和小组活动,以及Let’s find out等启发学生主动思考的活动。

Let’s talk部分是一个浓缩了的情景会话,目标句型突出。为给学生提供灵活运用语言的机会,这一部分提供了可供替换的内容。

Let’s Read 部分呈现了与各单元话题相关的趣味会话,旨在复习巩固本单元A、B部分的主要语汇,并适当扩展语言,增大语言输入量。引部分的教学目标是:读懂对话或短文;完成检测学生理解程度的活动。


三、 教学目标


2. 能听、说、认读16个单词。 3.能完成1个手工制作。 4.能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。 5.能听懂、会吟唱8首歌谣。 6.能完成6个自我评价活动。 7.能理解6个幽默小故事。



四、 教学措施



3.通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。 4.培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量。












出题人:梁娇 2014/9/29


一. 根据所给情景,选择正确答案。(15分)

( ) 1.早上来到学校,见到李老师,你应该说:————

A. Hello, Mr. Li B. Hi, Mr. Li.

C. Good morning, Mr. Li D. Good afternoon, Mr. Li

( ) 2 ―I‖ ___ a letter(字母.)

A. is. B. am c. are,

( ) 3 .— What’s this in English ? —It’s __________ .

A. an orange B. a orange C. orange D. the orange

( ) 4 — Spell it , please! — ________ .

A.Thank B. P—E –N, pen C. I t’s pen D. OK

( ) 5 What color _______ it? A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 6 — What color is the ruler?—_____________.


A. It’s a ruler B. It’s white C. It’ a white D. It’s a white

( ) 7 ---- What color is it? ----- It’s __ green ,it’s __ green pencil.

A. a, a B. \, a C. a, an D. an ,a

( ) 8。 The desk is blue .The chair is ______ ,too.

A. black B. yellow C. blue D. green

( ) 9 . This is _____ map,. ___ map is English.

A. a ,an B. the, a C. a, the . D. the ,The

( ) 10.当你的老师向你介绍一位新同学时,你应对他说:

A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Thanks. D. OK

( )11. 你手里拿着一张卡片问别人时,应说:

A. What's this? B. What's your name?

C. How are you? D. What color is it?

( ) 12.My grandfather likes ________ tea best(最喜欢).【小学五四制英语】

A. red B. blue C. black D./

( )13. 下午见面问好, 你应该说_____________

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.

( )14. 想知道对方的名字时, 你应该说____________

A. I’m Amy. B. Hello. C. What’s your name?

( )15. 向别人介绍自己, 你应该说_____________

A. Good morning. B. I’m Ben. C. What’s your name?

二. 将A,B栏问子配对。(5分)


( )16. Hi, Alice! How are you ? A.C-U-P.

( )17. Good afternoon ! B.Nice to meet you ,too.!

( )18. Hello! Frank. C.Hello! Eric.

( )19.Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thanks

( )20. How do you spell cup? E. Good afternoon!

三、补全对话. 从所给的选项中选出恰当的一项补全对话。(10分) Jack: Good afternoon, Dale!

Dale: _____21______, Jack!

Jack: ______22______ today?

Dale: __ ___23______. And you?

Jack: I’m OK, thanks. What’s this in English?

Dale: Oh. __24__ a pencil. It’s my pencil.

Jack: Spell it, please.

Dale: P-E-N-C-I-L.

Jack: ______25______?

Dale: It’s red.

Jack: Thank you.

Dale: That’s OK.

( ) 21. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon

C. How are you? D. Good evening

( )22.A. How are you B. Hello

C. How old are you D. How do you

( )23. A. I’m 13 B. I’m fine, thanks

C. Thanks D. Not bad.

( )24.A. It B. This C. It’s D. That

( )25.A. What color is it B. What’s this

C. How are you D. What’s that

阅读理解 (20分)


Helen: Good morning, Jack.

Jack: Good morning, Helen.

Helen;Bob, this is Jack.

Bob: Hi, Jack.


Jack: Hi, Bob.

Helen : Oh, what is this?

Jack: It’s my green key.

Helen: What’s this?

Jack: It’s a ruler.

Helen : Is it your ruler?

Jack: No, my ruler is red. This ruler is blue.

Helen: Bob, is it your ruler?

Bob: Oh , no, It is Bill’s ruler.


26.Helen and Jack meet_________.

A. in the morning. B. in the afternoon C. in the evening

27. Jack’s ______ is green.

A.key B. pen C. map D. jacket

28. Jack’s ruler is _____

A. red and blue B. white and black C. red D. blue

D. at night. 四.

29. The blue ruler is ________.

A. Helen’s B. Jack’s C. Bill’s D. Bob’s

30. 空格处应该填:——————————

A.It’s your ruler. B. Thank you. C. No, it’s my ruler. D. It’s a pen.


Look at this . It’s a pencil case. It’s orange. It’s my pencil case. What’s in it? Look, this is a pen. It’s black. This is a pencil. It’s red . And this is a ruler. It’s green. This is an eraser. It’s blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice . I like it.


( )31.My pen is black.

( )32.This is an orange pencil case .It’s small and nice.

( )33.There is a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and an eraser in it.

( )34..My eraser is blue and black.

( )35.I like my case.


1-5------------------ 6—10------------------- 11-15--------------------

16-20---------------------- 20-25--------------------- 31-35-------------------------


什么时候(when) 回来(back) 回家(home) 那些(those) 冰激凌(ice cream) 和。。一起(with)吃完(finish) 赶紧(hurry) 快点(hurry up) 等待(wait) 落下(drop) 亲爱的(dear) 跑 过去式(ran) 跑(run) 遇见 过去式(met) 遇见(meet)

需要(need) 食物(food) 购物单(shopping) 奶酪(cheese) 多少(how much) 千克(kilo) 果汁(juice) 盒(box) 瓶(bottle)

大英博物馆(the British Museum) 伦敦眼(the London Eye) 轮状物(wheel) 令人惊奇的(wonderful) 明信片(postcard) 小时(hour) 山(mountain)

我的(mine) 你们的(yours) 争吵(argue) 困难(matter) 穿(wear) 她的(hers) 他的(his) 绳子(line) 干净(clean) 谁的(whose)

足够的(enough) 给(give) 每个(every) 每人(everyone) 小心的(careful) 他们(them)

好的(well) 队,组(team) 控制(control) 不好地(badly) 真正的(really) 接住(catch) 极好的(fantastic)

有用的(useful) 失明的(blind) 聋的(deaf) 听到(hear) 消防员(复)(firemen) 消防员(单)(fireman) 妈妈(mum) 坐(sit) 坐下(sit down) 小鸟(chick)

跳绳(skip) 铃(bell) 想(过去式)(rang) 想(ring)

感觉到(feel) 生气的(angry) 疲倦的(tired) 丢失(过去式)(lost)

应该(should) 说话(say)

难过的(sad) 想念(miss) 没什么(nothing) 秘密(secret) 农场(farm) 比赛(game) 闻到(smell) 穿过(cross) 抓住(hold) 匆忙(in a hurry) 无聊(bored) 告诉(tell) 丢失(lose) 手(hand)

什么时候( ) 回来( ) 回家( ) 那些( ) 冰激凌( ) 和。。一起( ) 吃完( ) 赶紧( ) 快点( ) 等待( ) 落下( ) 亲爱的( ) 跑 过去式( ) 跑( ) 遇见 过去式( ) 遇见( )

需要( ) 多少( 瓶( )

大英博物馆( 令人惊奇的(

我的( ) 穿( ) 干净( )

足够的( 小心的(

好的( ) 真正的(

食物( ) 购物单( ) 千克( ) 果汁( ) 伦敦眼( ) 明信片( ) 小时( 你们的( ) 争吵( ) 她的( ) 他的( ) 谁的( ) ) 给( ) 每个( ) ) 他们( ) 队,组( ) 控制( ) ) 接住( ) 极好的( ) 奶酪( ) 盒( ) 轮状物( ) 山( 困难( 绳子( 每人( 不好地( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

有用的( ) 失明的( ) 聋的( ) 听到( ) 消防员(复)( ) 消防员(单)( ) 妈妈( ) 坐( ) 坐下( ) 小鸟( )

跳绳( ) 铃( ) 想(过去式)( ) 想( )

感觉到( ) 难过的( ) 想念( ) 无聊( ) 生气的( ) 没什么( ) 秘密( ) 告诉( ) 疲倦的( ) 农场( ) 比赛( ) 丢失( ) 丢失(过去式)( ) 闻到( )

应该( ) 穿过( ) 抓住( ) 手( ) 说话( ) 匆忙( )

晚餐 茶 考虑 几点 咖啡 在周末 跑得快 分发 跳得高 照相 很多 在路上 穿马路 在农场 下棋 朝。。。看 和。。。跳绳 快点 等等我们 太多 在绳上



(20分钟 满分100分)


( ) 1.A. ice hockey B. ice fishing C. dog sledding D. the Lantern Festival ( ) 2. A. riddle B. prize C. lantern D. interesting

( ) 3. A. fever B. cough C. cold D. feel 考 ( ) 4.A. learned B. got C. acted D. do ( ) 5.A. car B. bus C. train D. junk food 二、读一读,将正确选项的序号填入括号内。(10分)

( ) 1. Everyone _______ happy that day. A. is B. was C. were ( ) 2. Beijing Opera is a little ________. I’m not good at it.

名姓A. easy B. difficult C. fun

( ) 3. I went ice fishing and _________ a big fish. A. get B. got C. took ( ) 4.The light is _________ now. Let’s stop and wait A. red B. yellow C. green ( ) 5. Welcome to my home, my _______ friends. A. deer B. beautiful C. dear ( ) 6. Don’t ________ in the library. A. shout B. sing C. read ( ) 7. I feel ________. I have a fever. A. cold B. hot C. warm 级班( ) 8. We _____ eat fruit and vegetables every day. It makes us healthy.

A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. should

( ) 9. You will get ________ soon. A. good B. well C. better ( ) 10. An apple a day _______ the doctor ________.

A. keep , away B. keeps, away C. to keep, away 校三、读一读,将正确选项的序号填入括号内。(10分)

学( )1. What did you do in the winter holidays? A. Let’s cross the street. ( )2.The light is green now. B. I don’t feel well, I feel cold.

( )3. Here comes the bus. C. We should have enough sleep. ( )4.What’s wrong with you? D. I learned Beijng Opera. ( )5. How can we keep healthy? E. Hurry up! Let’s get on the bus. 四、连词成句,并规范写在四线格内。(10分) 1. did do what in holidays the you (?)

2. had for they yuanxiao breakfast (.)

3.before cross look you street the (.)

4. you feeling how today are (?)

5. play games we for shouldn’t computer long too (.)


Sarah is an 80-year-old lady. How can she keep healthy? In the morning, She usually gets up early and does taijiquan in the park. Then she drinks some water and has bread and vegetables for breakfast. She doesn’t eat junk food, because it’s bad for health. After breakfast, she often reads newspapers and books. In the evening, she goes to bed early and has enough sleep.

( )1.Sarah is an eighteen-year-old lady.

( )2.In the morning, Sarah usually does taijiquan in the zoo. ( )3. After breakfast, she often watches TV at home.

( )4. Sarah likes eating junk food, because it’s good for health. ( )5. Sarah gets up early and goes to bed early.



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