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八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U1 课文

Unit 1 Penfriends


1. know the name of

2. rugby

3. top-right corner

4. signature

5. above -- below

6. the whole day = all day

7. postcode

8. a group of letters and numbers

9. be part of

10. A postcode makes it easier for the post office to deliver letters.

11. tell you something about myself

12. You can call me Jon.

13. about one and a half meters tall

14. Playing chess is my hobby.

15. own a Chinese restaurant

16. be at university

17. during the holidays

18. be keen on = be fond of

19. My ambition is to be a/an ...

20. an ambitious man

21. It is beautiful, isn't it ?

22. a photo of myself

a photo of mine

23. the meaning of

24. live a meaningful life

25. for example

26. play squash

27. even if

28. other/others/the other/the others/another

29. a kind of sport

30. idle = lazy

31. train sb to do sth

32. trainer

33. junior high school

34. senior high school

35. do well in = be good at

36. tick the boxes of the things he writes about

37. He often feels unhappy, _______ _______ ?

38. Find facts in the letter that tell you they probably true. are

39. go to university

40. leave school

41. question words

42. at the beginning of

43. write the questions correctly

44. put sth in the right order

45. begin with -- end with

46. an honest person

47. describe

48. description

49. match ... with ...

50. at the end of

51. make a similar conversation

52. introduce A to B

53. introduce oneself

54. introduction

55. reply to

56. alone/lonely

57. imagine that you are writing to another penfriend in Canada

58. use capital letters where necessary

59. a girl from Germany

60. two Germans

61. pop music

62. learn to do sth learn doing sth

63. native language

64. quite/quiet

65. be very close to...

66. share one bedroom

67. attend school

68. from all over the world

69. e-mail sb

70. maybe/may be

71. look back

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U3

Unit 3 Trouble


1. give short answers to these questions

2. on a ferry = by ferry

3. dial telephone to call the police

4. diary


5. dairy

7. a woman tourist

8. two women tourists

10. hold out

15. We were in the bookshop, buying postcards.

16. start to do/doing sth

17. Suddenly my friend noticed that her purse was gone.

18. two of ...

19. run away

20. go after

21. take the next ferry

22. be afraid of...

23. pick up the phone

24. want to report a theft

25. a few minutes ago

26. give some more details

27. put the phone down

28. see sb do/doing sth

29. look worried

30. well done

31. walk by

32. public place

37. We can use the simple past tense to refer to things that happened in the past.

38. the past form of the verbs

39. change...to...

40. regular -- irregular

41. learn by heart


42. the correct form of the verbs

43. take place

44. the Pizza Palace

45. traffic jam

46. practise doing sth

47. What's the date today?

48. write one's thoughts

49. the first one

50. the last one

58. run out of...

59. A helicopter was waiting for them.

60. write an article about...

61. interview Detective Smith

62. arrest sb

63. a strange case

64. We found out later that his wife gave the sweater for his birthday.

65. He just wanted to return it to the shop for a refund.【八年级上册英语课文录音牛津版人人网下载】

66. release sb

67. steal sth from sb

68. rob sb of sth

69. write on the back of an envelop

70. give it to the teller

71. receive a phone from sb

72. as soon as

78. smuggle some rare birds from Thailand into Australia

79. a special pocket

80. go through customs

81. the same...as...

82. work as..

83. be in prison

84. a prison officer

85. be allowed by the law

86. from one country to another

87. place where some officers check what are bringing into a country

八年级英语上册上海牛津版 U4 课文(包括词组、句型、重点句子)

Unit 4 Numbers


1. an international language【八年级上册英语课文录音牛津版人人网下载】

2. a decimal number

3. odd numbers

4. even numbers

5. a fraction

6. a percentage

tell you

14. in many different ways

15. in the same way

16. in tens

17. the system of numbers

18. an important invention

19. invent the zero

20. one of the first calculating machines

21. Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.

22. a modern electronic calculator

23. add, subtract, multiply and divide

24. square roots

25. in a flash

26. in one's whole life

do in your whole life.

34. like lightning

35. program the computer with instructions

36. solve a problem

37. powerful enough

38. write the words that go with the descriptions【八年级上册英语课文录音牛津版人人网下载】

39. cardinal numbers

40. ordinal numbers

41. ten thousand

42. two hundred thousand

43. one million

position of something.

46. except for...

47. a decimal point

48. zero point five

55. add 3 and 9

3 plus 9 equals/is 12.

56. subtract 3 from 9

9 minus 3 equals/is 6.

57. multiply 3 by 9

3 multiplied by 9 equals/is 27.

58. divide 9 by 3

9 divided by 3 equals/is 3.

59. positive imperatives

negative imperatives

60. the base form of verbs

61. need to do sth

62. begin with

63. in class

in the class

65. on a cold day

70. be used to do sth = be used for doing sth

71. be used to doing sth

72. used to do sth

73. read the decision to the class

74. traffic accidents

75. She asked Inspect Ken for the figures.

76. draw a line graph

77. do a survey

78. discuss the answers orally

79. how high

80. the average temperatures

81. arrange...for...

82. give a total of 15

83. between...and...


Unit 1 Newspapers


1.当地人 2.主编

3.付款 4.商量,讨论

5.投票选某人 6.世界新闻

7.放学后 8.考虑

9.这学期 10.足球比赛

11.take charge of 12.a pile of newspapers

13.be responsible for sb. 14.hold a meeting

15.the head teacher 16.take notes

17.different ideas 18.make a decision

19.have experience 20.in one week’s time

II. 情态动词练习题


( ) 1 John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A. may B. can C. has to D. must

( ) 2 They ___ do well in the exam.

A. can be able to B. be able to C. can able to D. are able to

( ) 3 -May I take this book out? --No, you___.

A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. aren't

( ) 4 You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.

A. can B. must C. dare D. would


( ) 5 -Can you speak Japanese? -No, I____.

A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not


( ) 1 -He___ be in the classroom, I think.

-No, he ___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can't D. may; mustn't

( ) 2 --Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad? --Thanks, but you___, I've had enough.

A. may not B. must not C. can't D. needn't

( ) 3 Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem, so it _____ be very difficult.

A. may B. must C. can D. need

( ) 4 He isn't at school. I think he ___ be ill.

A. can B. shall C. must D. has to

( ) 5 ___ I take this one?

A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do


( ) 1 The children___ play football on the road.

A. can't B. can C. mustn't D. must

( ) 2 You ___ be late for school again next time.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. don't need to

( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once? --No, you___.

A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. may not

should 和 ought to 有什么区别?


2.ought to比should 语气强

(1)should 表示主观看法,一些建议,劝说时,译作“应当”。 ought to,直接接动词原形,更多反映客观情况,“有义务”或“必要”做某事,译为“应当,应该”

(2)ought to的否定就表示做某事一定是错误的而should的否定就表示某动作不一定要做

ought to 是唯一一个可加to的情态动词!


We __________learn to help others.

We __________ to learn to help others.


We _________ waste or pollute water.

We____________ to waste or pollute water.

III. 完形填空

Schools may be frightening to young children. They are __1__in their school . Before that they stayed at home . At home children may have been able to do __2___they wanted to do at any time . But in schools they are _3____time for talking, working, playing and eating. At home children are scolded in private (私下责备), but in schools children will be scolded in front of their __4____.“Bob,”the teacher may say , “__5___didn’t you do your yesterday’s homework?” Or “David, why are you the only one who can’t work quietly at your____6_? ”In schools the child may not be noticed very much by the teacher or the teacher is too busy to ___7___him or her. But at home the parents will treat (对待)their son or duaghter ___8_. For these and other reasons, it is not __9___that children may not like to stay at school. Though it is much __10____in schools, the children can learn a lot. They can’t learn so much out of school.

( ) 1. A.happy B. new C. angry D.old

( ) 2. A. what B. that C.how D.why

( ) 3. A. had B. given C. spent D. got

( ) 4.A.teacher B. classmate C.brothers and sisters D.parents

( ) 5.A.how B. what C. when D.why

( ) 6.A.home B. desk C.school D. room

( ) 7.A.teach B.look at C. take care of D.scold

( ) 8. A.carefully B.angrily C.carelessly D.happily

( ) 9. A.interesting B.frightening C.moving D.surprising

( ) 10. A. happier B. better C. stricter D.worse




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