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八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷

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八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇一:仁爱版英语八年级上册测试题 Unit 4 Topic 1


Unit 4 Topic 1

(考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)

第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片,其中有一项多余。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

A. B. C.

D. E. F. 1._______2._______ 3._______ 4._______5._______

Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每组对话读两遍。(5分)

( )6.What’s that in the tree?

A.A cat. B.A bird.

( )7.Why does Kangkang like frogs?

C.A monkey. A.Because they are more lovely than other animals. B.Because they bring us joy. C.Because they eat insects.

( )8.When does Wang Wei often go fishing?

A.On Sundays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Fridays.

( )9.How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.

( )10.Which kind of animals moves faster than the others?

A.The cat. B.The frog. C.The snake.

Ⅲ. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)

( )11.Hong Kong was covered by a thick(浓密的) forest many years ago.

( )12.There weren’t any animals in Hong Kong at that time.

( )13.People cut down trees to build their houses.

( )14.You can see wild animals anywhere in Hong Kong today.

( )15.Animals like staying in the zoo better than in the wild.

Ⅳ. 听短文,完成句子。短文读三遍。(5分)

生词:chain /t∫ein/ n. 食物链

16.The lion may be the _______ animal in the land food chain.

17.The shark(鲨鱼) is one of the most _______ animals in the sea.

18.We can make the animals and the _______ our food if we want to.

19.Many animals and plants are _______ than before.

20.If we take care of animals and plants, we are _______ ourselves.

第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1.All animals need _______ water.

A.little B.many C.lot of D.plenty of

( )2.—You are standing too near to the TV. Can you move a bit _______?

—OK, Mom. Is it all right here?

A.faster B.slower C.farther D.nearer

( )3.—Did you have breakfast this morning?

—No, I got up late and went to school _______ breakfast.

A.for B.in C.without D.after

( )4.Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _______.

A.dry B.open C.quiet D.clean

( )5.There were _______ animals in the forest many years ago.

A.thousand of B.thousands of

C.three thousand of

( )6.—Wow, your school is great!

—It is _______ school in the city.

A.much more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.three thousands of B.much beautiful D.beautiful

( )7.Blue whales are the largest and heaviest animals in the world, but they _______ the

smallest sea animals.

A.feed in B.live in C.feed on D.fed on

( )8.—Zhou Fang, can you finish your homework better with _______ time?

—I think I can. A.few B.fewer C.little D.less

( )9.As we know, water is very important _______ us.

A.of B.to C.on D.with

( )10.Look! There is a rabbit, two _______ and two _______ in the picture.

A.cows; sheeps

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分) B.mice; tiger C.gooses; snakes D.foxes; wolves


Mike: Hi, Jim, what are you talking about?

Jim: Oh, we are talking about something in the forest.

Jim: I prefer plants.

Jim: Because they are very beautiful. I think, I like bamboo best. Mike: I like animals better than plants. I think animals are very interesting and we can play

with them.

Jim: Mike: I like pandas best. They are very lovely.


Mike: Sounds great! Let’s go this Sunday.

Jim: OK. We can see many kinds of plants and animals there. It’s so interesting!

Mike: See you!

Jim: See you this Sunday!

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Many animals use some kind of “language”. They use signals(信号)and the signals have meanings. For example, when a bee(蜜蜂) has found some food, it goes 16 home. It is 17 for a bee to tell bees where the food is by speaking to but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and it is.

Some animals show how they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to 21 . If a dog is angry, it barks(吠). Birds make several different sounds and has its own meaning. Sometimes we humans make sounds 23 . We make sounds like“Oh!”or“Ouch!”to show how we feel about something or when we something on our feet.

We humans have languages. We have words. These words have the meaning of things, actions(行动), feelings or ideas. We 25 give each other information. Writing down words, we can remember what has happened or send messages to people far away.

( )16.A.out of B.on with C.away from D.back

( )17.A.important B.difficult C.necessary D.impossible

( )18.A.each other B.another C.other D.others

( )19.A.it

( )20.A.how long B.him B.how far C.them C.how many D.themselves D.how old

( )21.A.watch B.see

( )22.A.each B.every

( )23.A.in the same sound

C.in the same way

( )24.A.put B.drop C.look D.tell C.all D.some B.by different sounds D.by different ways C.fall D.set

C.couldn’t D.be able to ( )25.A.could B.are able to

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(共30分)


Plants are very important. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals can get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. So animals and man need plants in order to live. This is why there are so many plants around us.

There are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can know some trees from their flowers and fruit. Non-flowering plants do not grow flowers. You can not see many non-flowering plants around you.

If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many kinds of plants. Some plants are large and some are small. Most of them are green. Thanks to the plants

around us we can live on earth.

( )26.We need many plants around us because _______.

A.plants can grow easily

B.plants are green

C.we can get what we need from plants

D.we like all kinds of plants A.man doesn’t need any plants B.most animals don’t eat plants C.man and animals need plants to live ( )27.There are so many plants around us because _______.

D.the earth will become more beautiful

( )28.There are _______ non-flowering plants than flowering plants around us.

A.much fewer B.much more C.much larger

( )29.Which of the following does NOT come from a plant?

A.Basket. B.Bread. C.Cabbage.

( )30.Which is the best title(题目) of this passage?

A.Plants around us C.Live on Earth D.much better D.Stone forest. B.Man and Animals D.Food and Plants


Do you know why different animals or pests (害虫) have their special colors?Colors on them seem to be used mainly (主要地) to protect themselves.

Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot catch them easily. Why? Because locusts change their colors according to the colors of crops (庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others, so they have to hide (隐藏) themselves and appear (出现) only at night.

If you study animal life, you’ll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人). This is because they have colors much like the trees.

A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid (液体) when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads out, its enemies (敌人) cannot find it, so it can escape (逃跑) at once. That is why it can live long, though it is not strong at all.

( )31.From the passage we learn that locusts _______.

A.are small animals B.are easily found by birds

C.are dangerous to their enemies D.change their colors to protect themselves

( )32.How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger?

A.They run away quickly. B.They have the colors much like their enemies. C.They hide themselves by day and appear at night. D.They have to move quietly. A.they have the colors much like the trees B.they move quietly C.they like brown and grey colors ( )33.Bears and lions can keep safe because _______.

D.they live in forests

( )34.Why can the kind of fish live long?

A.Because it is very big and strong.

B.Because it can send out a kind of very black liquid to help it escape from its enemies.

C.Because it can send out a kind of liquid to kill its enemies.

D.Because it swims faster than any other fish.

( )35.Which is the best title(标题) of this passage?

A.The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests. B.Colors of Different Pests. C.The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests. D.Some Animals and Pests.


Tom has the most beautiful garden in our town. Many people take part in“The Nicest Garden Competition”each year, and Tom wins every time. Mike’s garden is larger than Tom’s. Mike works harder than Tom and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Tom’s garden is more interesting. He has made clean paths (小径) and built a wooden bridge (桥) over a pool. I like gardens, too, but I do not like hard work. Every year, I take part in the garden competition, too, and I always win a little prize (奖励) for the worst garden in our town.


第三部分 写作(25分)

Ⅰ. 词汇。(10分)


1.People can enjoy n_______ in the countryside. The air is fresher and the sky is bluer there.

2.She c_______ the table with a cloth yesterday.

3.In the o_______, there are all kinds of fishes.

4.She was full of j_______ because her parents love her.

5.Thousands of old trees were in the f_______ ten years ago, but now there are few.


6.These plants float on the _______ (表面) of the water.

7.My grandparents keep a lot of _______ (绵羊) in the countryside.

8.The fox usually _______ (以„„为食) meat.

9.The teacher had no _______ (控制) over the children.

10.The rivers in the countryside are much _______ than those in the cities.

八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇二:仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit4 topic1测试题
















































































































































































































八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇三:仁爱版八年级上 Unit4 Topic1 单元测试试卷

仁爱版八年级上 Unit4 Topic1 单元测试试卷



A B C D E ⒈ ____ ⒉ ____ ⒊ ____ ⒋ ____⒌ ____


( )⒍ A. The suburbs.

( )⒎ A. A dog.

( )⒏ A. A cock.

( )⒐ A. Flowers. B. A horse. B. A duck. B. The park. C. The school. C. A sheep. C. A goose. D. A caw. D. A hen. D. My home. B. Animals. C. Rainforests. D. Cats.

C. The wolf. D. The tiger. ( )⒑ A. The rabbit. B. The elephant.


( )⒒ Who’s the telephone from?

A. Li Ping. B. Wang Ping.C. Li Hai. D. Wang Hai.

( )⒓ Who answers the telephone?

A. Li Ping. B. Wang Hai. C. Li Hai. D. Wang Ping.

( )⒔ What was Wang Hai doing at eight o’clock yesterday evening?

A. He was reading a book. B. He was watching a game. C. He was watching a movie. D. He was watching a TV play.

( )⒕ What does Wang Hai think of the dog?

A. Brave. B. Lovely. C. Strong. D. Both A and B.

( )⒖ How many people are there in the dialogue?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.


Rainforests are the 16______ of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the air 17_________ and cleaner. They also help to control the weather. They give us

18_______ , fruit, rubber and medicine. So they are very 19 _____ to us. We must 20 ____ them well.





⒈ We must keep the balance (平衡) of n________ .

⒉ Look at the s______ . How lowly the plane is flying!

⒊ Water covers over 70 % of the earth’s s________ .

⒋ In f._____ , he knew nothing about it.

⒌ I come from Hefei. So Hefei is my h___________ .


⒍ The sky in the countryside is ________ (blue) than that in the city.

⒎ I think the city is _________ (dirty) than the countryside.

⒏ Rainforests can give us a lot of ________ (use) things.

⒐ Water make up the _________ (large) part of the human body.

⒑ Birds are ______ (big) than insects.



( )⒈ Which place do you like living ____ , the countryside or the city?

A. well B. better C. best D. good

( )⒉ I think the panda is ____ of all animals.

A. lovely B. lovelier C. loveliest D. the loveliest

( )⒊ Please share the happiness ____ me.

A. about B. together C. with D. for

( )⒋ I quite agree ____ what you say.

A. to B. with C. on D. in

( )⒌ You should think ____ the life condition before you go there.

A. on B. about C. to D. at


( )⒍

A. great interesting C. very interested B. very interesting D. great interested

( )⒎ I’m going to Kunming for my winter A. vacation B. season C. months D. time

( )⒏ A. best B. finest C. nicest D. dearest

( )⒐ A. half B. all C. much D. most

( )⒑



A 看图完成句子。

A. If has no B. If has not C. Don’t have D. without

B 补全对话


A:Where do you come from, the countryside or the city?


A:Do you like living there?


A:Why do you like living there?

B:Because the air in the countryside is fresher than that in the city.

A:____ But I think the life in the countryside is boring.


A:No. I like living in the suburb.

B:Why do you like living in the suburb?


B:That’s right.

A. So you like living in the city. B. The countryside.

C. I like living in the town. D. I agree with you.

E. Because it’s quieter than the city. F. Y

es, of course.



Tom was a boy. One day, his mother him to see his grandmother. His grandmother’s home was very their town. So they went there bus. There were people on the bus. They sat on their seats. Tom was very . He looked the window and talked with his mother. A moment later, Tom started running _ are you always running? Please sit down,” said his mother. “I want to see my grandma . I want the bus to move faster,” answered Tom.

( )⒈ A. 4 years old B. 4-years-old C. 4-year-old D. 4 year old

( )⒉ A. went

( )⒊ A. far from

( )⒋ A. by

( )⒌ A. a lot of

( )⒍ A. excited

( )⒎ A. at

( )⒏ A. by bus

( )⒐ A. What

( )⒑ A. faster



The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. When our part (部分) of the earth turns to the sun, it is day, When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it's much nearer to the earth. The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright, too. But it

doesn't give any light at all. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon because they're much farther away from us.

( )1. ____ moves round _____.

A.The earth, the moon

C.The moon, the stars B.The moon, the earth D.The sun, the earth B. took B. near to B. on C. brought C. next to C. in D. carried D. in front of D. taking B. plenty of C. quite a few D. only a few B. mad B. out of C. worried C. into D. tired D. for B. at the bus C. on the bus D. in the bus B. How B. earlier C. Which C. better D. Why D. later

八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇四:2014仁爱八年级Unit4topic1知识点详解及练习

Unit4 Our world

Topic1 Which do you like better,plants or animals?


1.成千上万的 thousands of 2 .灭绝 die out 3.以.....为食 feed on 4.越来越少less and less 5.处于危险状态be in danger 6. 考虑,思考 think of /about 7.在农村in the countryside

8. 给某人提供某物provide sth for sb 9.与......分享......share sth with sb

10.在.....扮演重要角色 play an important part /role 11.和......一起玩 play ...with

12. be important to sb对某人来说是重要的 13.in the south of China 在中国的南部

14. 在数量上越来越少become fewer and fewer in number

15.欣赏自然之美enjoy the beauty of nature

16. 为了他们的毛皮和骨头杀了他们kill them for their fur and bones

17.众所周知 as we know 18. 储存水hold the water 19.保持水循环keep the water cycling

20.控制气候 control the climate


1. I think the countryside is much quieter than the city.

2.He is lazier than me.

3. I think roses are the nicest of all the flowers.

4. As we know ,they are both important to us .

5. We share the same world with them.

6. Because animals are our friends .They make me happy.

7. Which kind of animals do you like better, frogs or snakes?


三. 基础词汇和句型:

★ think about 意为 “考虑,思考”时, 与think of 可以互换使用。后面所接动词要用ing形式。

注意:think of 还有 “认为,想起”,这时二者不能互换使用。

1. I am thinking about ________ (get)a new dictionary.

2.让我考虑一会儿。Let me ________ _________ it for a while.

3.你觉得这场篮球赛怎么样?What do you _______ ________ the basketball match?

4.她经常想起她的朋友安娜。She often ______ _______ her friend,Anna.

链接: think over 仔细考虑 e.g. You had bettter think it over and then write down your answers.

★ in the countryside 在乡村 in the city 在城市

★ enjoy sth.喜欢......,享受......;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事;enjoy oneself =have a good

time 玩得开心

Lots of people enjoy __________(listen ) to music to relax themselves.

★ nature 名词, “自然,自然界”。 e.g. It’s important for us to keep the balance (平衡)of


natural 形容词, “自然的,天生的” e.g. He is a natral musican.

Lucy dances very well ,she is a_________(nature) dancer.

★ “of all/the +基数词”,表示 “在所有/三者或三者以上之中” ,应用最高级。e.g. Kate runs the

fastest of all.

He is __________ of all. A.tall B.taller C. the tallest

★ sheep 绵羊,单复数同形,类似的词还有deer, Chininese ,Japanese

★ As we know ,they are both important to us

1.as we know 众所周知 e.g. As we know, water is very important to us.

2.both 两者都,常用的结构有both ...and ,其后的谓语动词要用复数。

Both he and his father _____ (want) to visit Beijing on holiday.

3. be important to sb 对某人来说是重要的。

Your idea is very important ______ us. We should follow it.

★ share ...with 意为 “与......分享......,和......共用” e.g. Would you like to share the cake with your brother?

外面下雨了,你愿意我和你共用一把伞吗?It’s raining outside, would you like to _______ your umbrella _______ me.

★ or 的用法

1.意为 “或者”时,表示选择关系

2.or 还意为 “否则”,表示转折关系。but “但是”,表示转折。and表示并列或承接关系。 a. Be quick,_____ we’ll miss the flight to Hainan Island. A.or B.but C.and

b. Studay hard, _______ you will fall behind.(or,but ,and)

c.Money is very important ,______ it’s not be the most important thing. (or,but ,and)

d.Which do you like better, the moon ______ the sun? (or,but ,and)

★ like ...better “更喜欢......”,常用于两者之间的比较。e.g. Which do you like better, basketball or football?

like...best “最喜欢”,常用于最高级中。e.g. Which subject do you like best? 译:____________________________

Which kind of music do you like _______(good) ,pop music or classical music?

★ cover 作动词,意为 “覆盖,遮盖”。 e.g. She covered her face with her hands. 译:____________________________

作名词,意为 “盖子,封面” ,e.g. The book needs a new cover. 译:____________________________

be covered with “被...所覆盖” e.g. The road was covered with snow. 译:


Most of the earth is _______ with water. A. cover B. covered C.covering

★ earth 1.the earth 地球 2.泥土e.g. sandy earth 沙土

on earth 1.(用于加强语气)究竟,到底 e.g.What on earth is the problem? 译:____________________________

2. 在世界上,=in the world

on the earth1.在世界上,= in the world 2.在地球上

e.g. He is the luckiest man on (the) earth. 译:____________________________

★ wood 作不可数名词,意为 “木材,木料”。 e.g. The chair is made of wood.译:____________________________

意为“树林”,可数名词 e.g. There is a wood near my house. 译:____________________________

形容词是wooden “木制的,木头的” e.g. a wooden chair .译:____________________________

I like the ________(wood ) table very much .It’s very nice.

★ hundred,thousand,million 的用法

1.这些词表示不确定数目时,可与of构成短语,但要切记,这些词之后要加 “s” ,e.g. millions of

2.表示确定数目时,要在这些词前加具体的数目,但这些词之后不加“s”, 且不需要加of.

a.我的MP4 花了我200 元。 My MP4 cost me two _________ yuan.

b. ________ parts make up the machine. A.Hunderds of B.Hundred of C. Two hunderds of

★ They play an important part in controlling the climate.

1.play an impotant part/role in (doing) sth 在......中扮演着重要的角色。


Computers _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ in our daily life

2. control 动词,“控制”,过去式controlled ,现在分词controlling,

★ smaller and smaller “越来越小” 比较级+and+ 比较级,表示“越来越......

fatter and fatter 译:____________ stronger and stronger译:____________

链接:部分双音节或多音节的形容词要表达“越来越...”时,则要同“more and more +多音节的形容词”

e.g. more and more interesting译:__________________ more and more beautiful译:___________________

如果要表达“越来越不.......,则用 “less and less +多音节的形容词”

e.g. less and less careful译:___________________

★ provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物

练习:1.政府为他们提供了房子。The government __________ them __________ houses.

=The government __________ houses __________ them.

2.超市应该为我们提供各种健康食品。Supermarket should __________ us ______ _______ ____ healthy food.

3. 120必须为病人提供及时的救助。120 must __________ help _______ the patients ______ _________.

★ feed 作动词,意为 “喂,饲养” e.g. My job is to feed the animals.

feed on 以......为食 e.g. Sheep feed on grass.

The animals ________ grass best. Kate likes them very much. A. feed on B.feeds on C. fed on

★ be in danger “处于危险中”,be in +名词,用来表示“某人/某物处于......中。类似的

短语还有be in trouble,danger是名词,形容词是dangerous

1. Tigers are __________ animals .(dangerous,danger)

2. She is a kind woman, and she often helps people________. A.in dangerous B.in

trouble C.in the trouble

★ wolf 意为 “狼”,复数形式是wolves

W______ are dangerous animals .You shoul keep away from them.

★ in number 在数量上

★ in the south of 在...的南方。 类似的还有in the east/west/north of 在.......的东方/西方/北

in the south of China =in South China “在华南” in 表示“在......范围之内”e.g. Guangzhou is in the south of China.

我们都知道四川在中国的西部。We all know Sichuan is _______ _______ ________ of China.




1)原级,即原形。e.g. I’m tall.

2)比较级,表示“较……” ,用于两者之间的比较。 e.g. I’m taller.

3)最高级,表示“最……” ,用于三者或三者以上的比较 e.g.I’m the tallest.


1) 规则变化

①一般在词尾加--er或--est. e.g. young --younger-- youngest;long--longer--longest

②以字母e结尾的词,加--r或--st. e.g. large--larger--largest

③以“辅音字母+y” 结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”,再加--er或--est.

e.g. easy--easier-- easiest;hungry-- hungrier--hungriest


e.g. big --bigger --biggest ;red-- redder-- reddest

⑤部分双音节词或多音节词前面加more ,most.

e.g. interesting--more interesting--most interesting; famous--more famous--most famous


good/well--better--best; bad/ill--worse--worst; many/much--more--most

little--less--least;far--farther/further--farthest/furthest; old--older/ elder--oldest/eldest 两好,两多、两坏、两多、 一少、一老 、一远.


1) 原级:可用very, quite, so, too,等词修饰. Jim is ______ tall.(very, much)

2) 比较级:

①可用much ,even, a lot ,a little 等修饰. He is ______ richer than me. (very, much) ②主要句型有:

a. 比较级+than e.g Mary is much younger than Sue.

b. 疑问句+动词+比较级, A or B? e.g. Who draws better ,Tom or Jim?

c. 比较级+ and+比较级 e.g. The days are getting shorter and shorter.

d. more and more+原级(多音节/双音节)e.g. The girl is becoming more and more


e. 比较级+than the other +名词复数 e.g. He is taller than the other boys in our


f. 比较级+than any other +名词单数 e.g. = He is taller than any other boy in our class. =He is the tallest boy in our class. g. 数字+比较级+than+比较对象 e.g. He is one year older than me.

h. The +比较级… , the +比较级…越…就越… e.g. The more you eat ,the fatter

you will be.

The more, the better.越多越好。

i. the +比较级 of the two/ twins 二者/双胞胎中比较…的那个。

e.g. Lucy is the _________ of the twins.露西是双胞胎中比较高的那个。

He is the __________ ___________ of the two. 他是两个人比较帅的那个。

3)最高级 : 形容词的最高级要加定冠词the , 副词最高级可省略the, 主要句型有: ① the + 最高级 + in/of e.g. My mother is the busiest in my family.

② 疑问句+最高级, A, B or C? e.g. Which book is the most interesting,Lucy’s ,Lily’s or Tom’s?

③the +序数词+最高级 表示“第几...” e.g. Huanghe is the second longest river in China. ④表示 “最…之一” one of +最高级+复数名词 e.g. Huanghe is one of the longest rivers in China.


八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇五:仁爱英语八年级上Unit 1 Topic 1测试卷

Unit 1 Topic 1


第一部分 听力 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( )1.A.Yes, I will. B.Yes, I am. C.Very good.

( )2.A.Thank you. B.Yes, I will. C.I must win.

( )3.A.He is good. B.He is friendly. C.I think so.

( )4.A.You must come. B.What a shame! C.I hope you come.

( )5.A.Twice a week. B.For a long time. C.No, I don’t. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每组对话读两遍。(5分)

( )6.

( )7.

( )8.

( )9.

( )10.

Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

( )11.A.Class One. B.Class Two. C.Class Three.

( )12.A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A nurse.

( )13.A.Tom. B.Maria. C.Tom and Maria.

( )14.A.No, he doesn’t. B.Yes, he does.

C.No, he doesn’t, but Wang Junfeng does.

( )15.A.Honey. B.Candy. C.Chocolate.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

( )16.Amy is from _______.

A.England B.America C.Canada

( )17.She likes _______.

A.music B.dancing C.sports

( )18.She likes playing _______.

A.tennis B.table tennis C.basketball

( )19.Which sports does Amy prefer?

A.Volleyball. B.Skiing. C.Swimming.

( )20.Amy thinks skiing _______.

A.is good for legs B.is a good way to keep her getting up early

C.can make her strong

第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1.—_______ do you prefer, walking or running?

—I like running better.

A.What B.How C.When D.Which

( )2.—Are you going to _______ our English club?

—Yes, I am.

A.take part in B.join C.took part in D.joined

( )3.The foreigners arrived _______ Shanghai _______ night.

A.at; at B.in; at C.in; in D.at; in

( )4. Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the U.S.A. next week.

A.leaving for B.leave for C.to D.left

( )5.Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _______ teaching.

A.for B.to C.with D.at

( )6.I want to be a doctor when I _______.

A.grow up B.talk about C.get up D.was born

( )7.I see Wei Han _______ English almost every morning.

A.reads B.reading C.read D.to read

( )8.—Which team are you going to play _______ the day after tomorrow?

—A team from No.7 Middle School. I hope we will win.

A.about B.with C.for D.against

( )9.Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.

A.to do B.doing C.do D.does

( )10.There _______ an English Party in our class next week.

A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.have

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


Frank:Which do you prefer, swimming or skating?


Frank:Me, too. Do you skate much?


Frank:What’s your favorite sport?

Sam:Football. What about you?

Frank:Sam:Who is your favorite player?

Frank:Yao Ming.


Frank:Don’t miss it!

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Swimming is very popular. People like in summer because water makes people feel . These years, a lot of people when they were themselves in the water, and most of them were students. Some people are not in swimming. They often think they swim so well that will happen to them in the water. Summer is here again. If you swimming this summer, don’t get into water when you are If you remember these, swimming safe. Swimming is good for your health.

( )16.A.boating B.running C.swimming D.skating

( )17.A.hot B.cool C.cold D.warm

( )18.A.dangerous B.happy C.safe D.danger

( )19.A.dying B.died C.dead D.death

( )20.A.enjoying B.enjoyed C.helping D.helped

( )21.A.careless B.care C.careful D.carefully

( )22.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something

( )23.A.will go B.go C.goes D.went

( )24.A.alone B.lonely C.safe D.danger

( )25.A.is B.be C.will be D.will Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30分)


In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.

Players sometimes kick(踢) the ball, but they also throw(扔) the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field; they have four chances to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touch-down(持球触地).

It’s difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.

Thousands of people come to watch. They all jump while they yell. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the

season ends. The best teams play again on January the first. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.

( )26.In America, football players can _______.

A.only kick the ball B.only throw the ball

C.only carry the ball D.kick, throw and carry the ball

( )27.There are _______ on each team.

A.ten players B.eleven players

C.twelve players D.thirteen players

( )28.If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team has to _______.

A.go home B.carry the ball ten yards

C.run with it D.kick the ball to the other team

( )29.The best teams play again _______.

A.on Christmas B.after the season ends

C.on New Year’s Day D.on Sunday

( )30.The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “_______”.

A.shout(喊) loudly B.jump C.talk loudly D.sing


2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初次亮相) on October 23,2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he scored 16 points in another game.

Yao Ming, 22, has been a star in China for some time, but it is still under question as to whether he can play well in the NBA. Yao Ming said,“When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA , it is really difficult.”He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge.“I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games.”he said.

Yao Ming can speak some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language problem. They say that Yao Ming is one of the best players in their team. They all like him.

( )31.On October 23, 2002, Yao Ming played his _______ game in the NBA.

A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

( )32.Yao Ming scored _______ points in the first two games for the Houston Rockets.

A.6 B.13 C.22 D.28

( )33.Yao Ming thinks that _______.

A.it is boring to play basketball B.playing in the NBA is not easy

C.it is difficult to watch NBA games on TV D.he is an NBA star

( )34.From the passage we can learn that _______.

A.Yao Ming often watches TV B.Yao Ming will work hard for his team

C.Yao Ming is a very strong player D.The Rockets has lost several games

( )35.What’s the passage?

A.An ad B.A notice

C.An instruction D.A news report


Ai Fukuhara (福原爱),the Japanese table tennis star, was born on Nov.11, 1988. She started playing ping-pong when she was three. At that time, she was too small. She couldn’t see over the tabletop (桌面). She had to stand on boxes to play against adults (成人) in exhibition (展览)


Now she is a very famous player. But she still works very hard and she practices for five hours a day during the week after morning school lessons and eight hours a day at the weekend.

In May 2003, Fukuhara made the quarterfinals (四分之一决赛) of the World Championships. At the age of 15, she was the youngest player for Japan at the 2004 Olympic Games. She joined the Liaoning Club in 2005.“I hope I can learn from my Chinese teammates and improve (改善) my preparation for the 2008 Olympics.”said Ai Fukuhara.

第三部分 写作 (25分)




1.Let’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.

2.Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.

3.Things are looking p_______ good.

4.The Big Big World is a very p_______ song.

5.My grandma is old. There is something wrong with her h_______.


6.I _______ (grow) up in the countryside.

7.Jane prefers _______ (cycle).

8.Running can help you keep _______ (health).

9.Xiao Ming broke the men 800-meter-race _______ (record) at the school sports meeting.

10.Ann is going to go _______ (skate) with her classmates tomorrow.


八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇六:仁爱英语八年级下unit8 topic1习题检测


Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. —____ shoes would you like to buy?


A. How longB. What sizeC. How wideD. What color

( )2. This purse is made ____ leather ____ France.

A. of; byB. by; fromC. with; inD. of; in

( )3. The girl ____ a red coat is my sister.

A. wearsB. inC. wearD. puts on

( )4. —Why don’t you take the T-shirt, Linda?

—I have only $10. I can’t ____ it.

A. borrowB. affordC. sellD. bring

( )5. The ____ are very excited to come to the Great Wall.

A. Australia visitorsB. Australian visitors

C. Australians visitorsD. Australian visitor

( )6. When I went shopping, a beautiful hat ____ my eye.

A. cameB. wentC. tookD. caught

( )7. I want to buy a windbreaker ____ I will look more handsome.

A. soB. sothatC. thatD. that so

( )8. This pair of sunglasses ____ very expensive.

A. isB. areC. paysD. does

( )9. —Did you see who the driver was?

—No, the car ran so fast ____ I couldn’t have a good look at his face.

A. thatB. whichC. asD. after

( )10. You’d better take a sun umbrella to protect yourself ____ the sun shine.

A. ofB. fromC. underD. to

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


A. Can you tell me what I should wear in the office?

B. Is that a new shirt you’re wearing?

C. How are things going with you?

D. That’s all right.

E. What’s it made of?

F. No problem.

G. Can you tell me where I need to go?

Black: Hi, Tom. Long time no see!

Black: Fine. Thanks for asking. Black: Sure. I talked with the seller for a long time to get the price I wanted. Black: It’s made of silk. It’s very soft.

Tom: Does your company let you wear casual(非正式的) clothes in the office? As long as we don’t have the business partners(伙伴).

Tom: Could I wear my swimming pants in the office?

Black: No way!

Black: I think you need some good advice. Listen carefully!

11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分) for Mr. Smith, her husband. There were so many beautiful shirts that she couldn’t decide While Mr. Smith was reading a newspaper, she showed him the shirt. She wanted to know the shirt. But it didn’t fit him It was both too long and too big. Mrs. Smith washed it in order to make it become smaller. didn’t fit him. Now it was too small for him. She asked Tom, and he did so. The shirt didn’t fit him, Because it was too large, she didn’t like it at all. None of them knew upset.

( )16. A. shirtB. shoesC. clothesD. short

( )17. A. she chose which oneB. to choose which one

C. that which one she choseD. which one to choose

( )18. A. tried onB. tried outC. woreD. put on

( )19. A. not at allB. at allC. any longerD. any more

( )20. A. usuallyB. stillC. everD. always

( )21. A. put on itB. put it onC. have on itD. have it on

( )22. A. alsoB. tooC. as well asD. either

( )23. A. smallerB. biggerC. the smallestD. the biggest

( )24. A. happyB. nervousC. worriedD. unhappy

( )25. A. how to do withB. what to doC. when to doD. how to do

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


When you want to go shopping, you will decide how much money you can pay for new clothes and think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then you look for those clothes. There’re labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The labels may say “dry-clean only”. If you put these clothes into the water to wash them, you may ruin(损坏) them.

Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry-cleaning is expensive. So when you buy new clothes, check if they will need to be dry-cleaned. You’ll save money if your clothes can be washed in water.

You also can save money if you buy clothes that are well-made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always made better. They don’t always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than the more expensive clothes.


( )26. If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that can be washed in water.

( )27. The labels inside the clothes tell you how to save money.

( )28. The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is to see how much money they cost.

( )29. From the passage we learn that cheaper clothes can sometimes fit you better.

( )30. Many clothes today must be washed in water.


What’s the coolest kind of transportation(交通) for middle school students back from winter holidays? A racing bike? A car? No, it’s a special kind of shoes called Heelys(暴走鞋). Heelys look just like common sports shoes, but they have a wheel(轮子) hidden(藏) in the heel(鞋跟). So instead of walking, kids can “fly” around in them.

“Wearing Heelys is fun and cool!” said Wu Peng, a boy who wore them on his first day back at No. 6 Middle School in Beijing. Wu Peng said he loves the shoes so much that he wears them to go here and there. Sometimes he even follows his parents’ car to the supermarket in his Heelys!

Other students also think they are very cool, but some aren’t so lucky with their Heelys. It’s said that some children fell down and were hurt while wearing these shoes.

“Heelys wheels are in the heels of the shoes, so it’s easy to fall,” said Liu Rui, a doctor at the Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing. Even worse, Liu said, “Wearing Heelys for a long time could stop young people from developing their legs. ”

( )31. What’s the coolest kind of transportation according to the passage?

A. A car. B. A racing bike.

C. A pair of Heelys. D. A pair of common sports shoes.

( )32. Why do kids like Heelys when they wear them?

A. Because they can fly in space. B. Because they can walk.

C. Because they are fun and cool. D. Because they can skate.

( )33. Heelys are common shoes with ____ the heel.

A. a wheel hidden inB. a wheel in front of

C. an arm hidden inD. a leg hidden in

( )34. Not all the kids are lucky because some of them ____.

A. have no money to buy themB. are afraid of falling down

C. are not allowed(不被允许) to wear themD. fell down and were hurt

( )35. What does the doctor think of Heelys?

A. They are too expensive to buy. B. They are too fast to go.

C. They are bad for kids’ health. D. They are good for training.


One day a farmer went out for a walk with his little son. The farmer wore a pair of wrong shoes. One had thick sole(厚鞋底) but the other didn’t. He began to walk and his feet hurt. When he was just out of the house, he turned to his son and said, “Why is one of my legs longer than the other today?”

The son looked at his father’s legs carefully as he was walking and then laughed, “Oh, no, Daddy. Your legs are all right. You’re wearing the wrong shoes. ”The farmer was very happy to hear that and said to himself, “What a clever son!” Then he asked his son to go back and got the other pair of shoes for him. The farmer had only two pairs of shoes.

When the son ran back to the house, he found that the other pair was also a wrong pair. He had to return to his father with nothing in his hands and said, “It’s no use changing them, Daddy! The shoes at home are not a pair, either!”


36. One day a farmer wore _____________ to walk with his son.

37. Was one of his legs longer than the other?


38. ____ found the farmer’s legs were all right.

39. The son came back to his father with ____.

40. Is the son really clever or not?



Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


41. The girl opened her h____ and found a postcard with a British stamp on it.

42. This silk blouse is nicer than the c____ one.

43. The s____ around the girl’s neck(脖子) makes her more lovely and beautiful.

44. In winter, we have to wear g____ to work in a cold place.

45. In modern s____, clothes do more than keep us warm.


46. The machine should be ____ (heat) before we use it.

47. This costume is made of ____ (nature) material.

48. Today ____ (near) every family in our country has a TV set.

49. In ____ (north) parts of America, people often wear warm clothes in winter.

50. As the old ____ (say) goes, “Time waits for no man!”

Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。(5分)

51. The old man said he could not ____ ____ (依靠) his son all the time.

52. Different people wear different clothes on ____ ____ (特殊的日子).

53. There are some different shoes,____ ____ (例如) sports shoes and boots here.

54. ____ ____ (根据) the passage, this answer is wrong.

55. ____ ____ (据说) that the first type of clothes were made of animal skins. Do you think so? Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10分)




八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇七:仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 1测试题

Unit 1 Topic 1


第一部分 听力 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( )1. A. Yes, I will. B. Yes, I am. C. Very good.

( )2. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I will. C. I must win.

( )3. A. He is good. B. He is friendly. C. I think so.

( )4. A. You’re right. B. Me, too. C. Good idea.

( )5. A. That’s too bad. B. All right. C. I think so.

Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确图片。每组对话读两遍。(5分)

( )6.

( )7.

( )8.

( )9.

( )10.

Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)

( )11. A. Class One. B. Class Three. C. Class Four.

( )12. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A nurse.

( )13. A. Tom. B. Maria. C. Tom and Maria.

( )14. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

( )15. A. Honey. B. Candy. C. Chocolate.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5分)

( )16. Amy is from _______. A. England B. America C. Canada

( )17. She likes _______. A. music B. dancing C. sports

( )18. She likes playing _______. A. tennis B. table tennis C. basketball

( )19. Which sports does Amy prefer? A. Volleyball. B. Skiing. C. Swimming.

( )20. Amy thinks skiing _______. A. is good for legs

B. is a good way to keep her getting up early C. can make her strong

第二部分 基础知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. —_______ do you prefer, walking or running? —I like running better.

A. What B. How C. When D. Which

( )2. —Are you going to _______ our English team? —Yes, I am.

A. take part in B. join C. took part in D. joined

( )3. —_______ do you play baseball? —Twice a week.

A. How long B. When C. How many D. How often

( )4. Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the USA next week.

A. leaving for B. leave for C. leave D. left

( )5. Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _______ teaching.

A. for B. to C. with D. at

( )6. —What do you often do _______ the summer holiday? —I often go swimming.

A. at B. to C. during D. on

( )7. I see Wei Han _______ English almost every morning.

A. reads B. reading C. read D. to read

( )8. —Which team are you going to play _______ the day after tomorrow?

—A team from No. 7 Middle School. I hope we will win.

A. about B. with C. for D. against

( )9. Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.

A. to do B. doing C. do D. does

( )10. There _______ an English party in our class next week.

A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. have

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


( M—Michael;S—Steve)

M: Good morning, Steve. Nice to see you!

S: Good morning. Nice to see you, too.

S: I’m going to play basketball.

S: My favorite player is Lin Shuhao. And yours?

S: Twice a week.

M: 14.

S: I want to be a basketball player like Lin Shuhao.

M: I hope your dream will come true (实现).

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

Summer is coming again. Many students swimming. It’s a good way cool. And it’s also good for our health. But sometimes it’s very because some students are not always others or they don’t swim in a place. They always think is around them and will happen (发生) to them. Then some people their lives when they were swimming. So we should make it alone when we plan to swim. If everyone remembers this, swimming safe. Let’s enjoy swimming and keep safe!

( )16. A. to go B. went C. are going D. goes

( )17. A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. kept

( )18. A. danger B. dangerous C. safe D. safety

( )19. A. with B. for C. to D. about

( )20. A. beautiful B. good C. right D. nice

( )21. A. lucky B. luck C. shame D. pity

( )22. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something

( )23. A. lose B. lost C. losing D. will lose

( )24. A. usually B. often C. always D. never

( )25. A. be B. is C. will be D. will Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.

Players sometimes kick (踢) the ball, but they also throw (扔) the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field; they have four chances to move the ball ten yards (码). They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they can receive six points. This is called a touch-down (持球触地).

It’s difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team. favorite team. They dance and jump while they are yelling. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The football season usually begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January lst. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.


( )26. In America, football players can _______.

A. only kick the ball B. only throw the ball C. only carry the ball D. kick, throw and carry the ball

( )27. There are _______ on each team.

A. ten players B. eleven players C. twelve players D. thirteen players

( )28. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team has to _______.

A. go home B. carry the ball ten yards C. run with it D. kick the ball to the other team

( )29. The best teams play again _______.

A. on Christmas B. after the season ends C. on New Year’s Day D. on Sunday

( )30. The underlined word “yell” in the passage means “_______”.

A. shout (喊) loudly B. jump C. talk loudly D. sing


There are many kinds of ball games in the world, basketball, volleyball, football, baseball…In my opinion (观点), the most popular game is football. When the important matches begin, all the

Football started in England. Now it’s very popular in many countries, such as France, Germany, Italy and so on. It is surprising that very small kids in England know a lot about football. They can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. They can show you the photos of their favorite players. They can remember clearly the results (结果) of the most important matches. They can even expect (预料) which team will win or which team will lose. Can you believe it?

However, in China, Chinese students work hard for higher grades and they have no time for sports. The schools should arrange (安排) some games and matches for their students. It’s good for children.


( )31. Which sport does the writer think is the most popular in the world?

A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Baseball. D. Volleyball.

( )32. From the passage, we know .

A. it’s surprising that Chinese students know much about football

B. all the audience only cheer for one side in a match

C. in fact (事实), no one knows for certain (确切的) who will win

D. in China, students don’t like football

( )33. The underlined (画线的) word “audience” in the first paragraph means

A. 体育馆 B. 成年人 C. 观众 D. 小孩子

( )34. According to (根据) the passage, football comes from _______.

A. China B. England C. France D. Germany

( )35. What’s the passage about?

A. Music. B. Custom. C. Sport. D. Culture (文化).


Ai Fukuhara (福原爱),the Japanese table tennis star, was born on Nov.11, 1988. She started playing ping-pong when she was three. At that time, she was too small. She couldn’t see over the tabletop (桌面). She had to stand on boxes to play against adults (成人) in exhibition (展览) matches.

Now she is a very famous player. But she still works very hard and she practices for five hours a day during the weekdays after morning school lessons and eight hours a day at the weekends.

In May, 2003, Fukuhara made the quarterfinals (四分之一决赛) of the World Championships. At the age of 15, she was the youngest player in Japan at the 2004 Olympic Games. She joined the Liaoning Team in 2005.“I hope I can learn from my Chinese teammates and improve (完善) my preparation for the 2008 Olympics,”said Ai Fukuhara.

第三部分 写作 (25分)


(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. Let’s c_______ Liu Xiang on.

2. Work hard, and your f_______ is not a dream.

when he grows up.

4. The Big Big World is a very p_______ song.

5. My grandma is old. There is something wrong with her h_______.

(B) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. Our class is going mountain climbing this weekend. Every student is 7. Jane prefers _______ (row).

8. Running can help you keep _______ (health).

9. Listening to music can make us (relax).

10. He practices (play) the piano (钢琴) every day.



11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______

八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇八:仁爱版八年级上第一单元topic1试卷


Topic 1,Unit 1

(检测时间:45分钟 满分100分)


( ) 1. —Would you like us?

—I’d like to.

A. to joins B. to join C. to take part in D. take part in

( ) 2. How much does he on the new computer?

A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost

( ) 3. Mike prefers to A. to swim; skating B. swimming; skating

C. to swim; skate D. swimming; skate

( ) 4. I see him basketball almost every day.

A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing

( ) 5. — do you play sports?

— Three times a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How many

( ) 6. Ann spends one hour in the gym every day.

A. at least B. at last C. for least D. for last

( ) 7. Tom Japan for a summer holiday.

A. leave B. will leave C. is leaving for D. left for

( ) 8. Yao Ming is playing basketball the NBA.

A. in; in B. in; for C. for; for D. for; in

( ) 9. What can you see in the sky?

A. else B. others C. anything D. something

( ) 10. The police stayed at home only yesterday.

A. half a hour B. half hour C. a half hour D. half an hour

( ) 11. I really enjoy friends with you.

A. to make B. made C. making D. to making

( ) 12. I arrived home at 11 o’clock last night.

A. to B. at C. in D. /

( ) 13. There an English movie tomorrow.

A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will has

( ) 14. Doing exercise can us healthy.

A. makes B. to make C. making D. make

( ) 15. Kangkang is good running. He thinks it is good his health.

A. for; at B. at; for C. at; to D. for; to

Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。(5分) is to be a doctor. Ⅲ.根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(15分) 在将来).

2. Japan’s team will China’s national team (同……比赛). their school team (加油). (保持健康). ________ ________. (全世界).


Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning we get up, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercises again. We have classes twice a week, but we do physical training at five every afternoon. The most popular sports is basketball. enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too. popular sports is football and in every class there a lot of football fans. Volleyball is often played when the weather is We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often of us go to watch it and cheer our side on.

Besides ball games, some of us like track-and-field events(田径项目we often practice running, jumping and throwing. Every team we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting.

Sports help us to keep ( ) 1. A. while B. when C. before D. after

( ) 2. A. English B. Chinese C. P.E. D. music

( ) 3. A. teacher B. boys C. students D. people

( ) 4. A. Some other B. Other C. Another D. The other

( ) 5. A. are B. is C. were D. was

( ) 6. A. shining B. rainy C. fine D. wet

( ) 7. A. see B. have C. look at D. watch

( ) 8. A. several B. few C. a few D. many

( ) 9. A. because B. but C. or D. and

( ) 10. A. thirsty and hungry B. healthy and happy

C. fat and tired D. thin and weak

Ⅴ. 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(10分)

A: What are you going to be ? B: I can’t decide. Maybe . A: Sounds interesting. B: Yes. But Can’t you see that I am stronger and healthier? A: Oh, yes. 1.______ 2.______ 3.______

4.______ 5.______

Ⅵ. 阅读理解。 (20分)


Dreams may be more important than sleep. “Some people don’t need much sleep. But we all need to dream,” scientists say.

Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams every night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer.

Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They are thinking about their work all day. These thoughts can appear in dreams.

Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But we often can’t remember the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory.

Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep but still feel tired.


( ) 1. It may be less important to sleep than to ______.

A. think B. dream C. work D. study

( ) 2. Dreams and films are usually ______.

A. very long B. in color C. about work D. very sad

( ) 3. People often dream about their work because ______.

A. they are tired in the daytime B. they are not interested in their work

C. they may be thinking about their work D. they have too much work to do

( ) 4. The main idea of the story is that ______.

A. people need to dream B. people like to sleep

C. dreams are like films D. we always remember dreams

( ) 5. The title for the story could be ______.

A. Terrible dreams B. The longest sleep C. Memory D. Dreams


Skin diving(潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon! When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks because you are no longer heavy.

Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is enough light. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands.

When you have tanks(罐子) of air on your back you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful.

To catch the fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. On the other hand, you can clean the ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep sea.

Now you can see that skin diving is both useful and interesting.


( ) 6. Skin diving can take you to ______.

A. the moon B. mountains C. the sun D. the deep sea

( ) 7. You can climb big rocks under water because ______.

A. you are strong B. the fish can help you

C. you are not as heavy as on the land D. there is a lot of light

( ) 8. A skin diver ______ under water in the day.

A. can see everything clearly B. can’t see anything clearly

C. can see nothing D. can see only fishes

( ) 9. With a tank of air on your back, you can______ .

A. catch fish very easily B. stay under water for a long time

C. be in safe place D. have more fun

( ) 10. Which of these sentences is NOT true?

A. Skin diving is a new sport. B. Skin diving is like visiting the moon.

C. The only use of skin diving is to have more fun.

D. Skin diving is both interesting and useful.




参考词汇:athlete (运动员), be hurt, contest (比赛), so far, stand, face, the facts (现实), overcome (克服), study, try one’s best, a useful person


八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇九:仁爱英语八年级下unit5topic1试卷

八年级英语unit5 topic1试卷

姓名_____ 分数______

第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子, 选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅱ. 听句子, 选择与句意相近的答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( )6. A. Mike won the match. B. Mike and I felt excited. C. Mike and I took part in the football match.

( )7. A. Ann can’t look after her mother. B. Ann can look after herself. C. Ann doesn’t look after herself.

( )8. A. Beijing Opera is very popular with most old people.

B. Beijing Opera is not popular with most old people.

C. Most old people think that Beijing Opera is very popular.

( )9. A. I’m very proud of my elder brother. B. I’m proud of my younger brother.

C. My little brother is proud of me.

( )10. A. Tom is an amazing boy. B. Tom felt surprised. C. Tom told me an amazing story. Ⅲ. 听对话, 选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)

( )11. What’s the man’s favorite film?

A. Cats. B. The Sound of Music. C. Titanic.

( )12. Does the woman have a ticket?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

( )13. What does the woman think of the movie?

A. She doesn’t like it at all. B. She likes its music. C. She thinks it’s just so-so.

( )14. What’s Tom’s plan for next week?

A. He is going to Beijing. B. He will have to do housework at home. C. He has lots of work to do.

( )15. How does Tom like Beijing Opera?

A. Very funny and interesting. B. Boring. C. Moving.

Ⅳ. 听对话, 选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)

( )16. Li Ming is feeling .

A. not well B. very well C. very bad

( )17. Li Ming looks .

A. excited B. upset C. disappointed

( )18. Li Ming go to see the movie at first.

A. will B. can’t C. won’t

( )19. Li Ming has to .

A. do his homework B. look after his mother C. care for his sister

( )20. Li Ming thinks the girl’s idea is .

A. bad B. good C. just so-so


( )1.. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.

A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him

( )2.. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children.

A. because B. for C. about D. because of

( )3.. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone

( )4.. —Why do you ____ very happy this afternoon?

—Because we are going to spend the evening at Lily’s house.

A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell

( )5. —What ____ news!

—Yes, all of the children were ____.

A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting

( )6.. Tom didn’t go hiking with his classmates ____ his illness.

A. because B. because of C. as D. since

( )7.. He feels lonely because he has no close friends ____.

A. to talk B. to talk with C. talking D. talking with

( A. excited, excited B. exciting , exciting C. excited, exciting

( , because we all have good parents.

A. surprised B. lucky C. unlucky

( )10.The sound of music is one of in the world.

A. popular, movie B. most popular, movies C. the most popular , movies

( to them.

A. hello B. thank C. thanks

( news.

A. excited, excited B. exciting , exciting C. excited, exciting

( )13. A.to B.in C.on

( )14. A: Why is the woman worried?

she lost her little son.

A.So B.Since C.Because

( the poor business.

A.for B.of C.at Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10分) 根据对话情景选择恰当的选项。 A: Hi, Rose, how are you doing? B: Hi, Tom,

B: I was not feeling well when I got up this morning. But now I’m feeling even worse.

B: But there are two classes.

I’ll tell the teacher about it and lend you my lesson notes.

B: Thank you. Tom.

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(20分)

Smiling is the best way of making friends.

old, my father found a job in the city. So my family moved there. I also came to a school near where we live. My old school was far away. At first, I did not know anyone in my class. I was very I was afraid to make friends with my classmates. I talk to anyone about my

problem, and I didn't want my parents to me.

Then one day, something good happened. I was sitting at my desk as usual while my classmates were came into the classroom. I didn't know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other classmates and made friends. Day by day,I

10 the smile,I have moved on to a new life. Now,I believe that the world is what you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back.

( )1. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

( )2.A. old B. new C. same D. easy

( )3. A. because B. before C. after D. if

( )4.A. couldn't B. mustn't C. needn't D. won't

( )5. A. talk to B. look after C. worry about D. ask for

( )6.A. early B. unhappily C. quickly D. wonderfully

( )7. A. a girl B. a boy C. some girls D. some boys

( )8.A. of B. on C. at D. into

( )9. A. closer B. older C. cooler D. colder

( )10. A. Instead of B. Look forward to C. Pay attention to D. Thanks to

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(20分)


I felt very sad because I was not able to get the ticket to the film Hero last Friday. I learned from the newspaper that tickets could be bought at the cinema box office in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Since I work from 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. , the only time I could go to the cinema is during my 45 minutes’ lunchtime. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town and the bus service between my company and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.

Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one come round the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip, so I had to go back. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man said he had been waiting in line for over an hour. I found I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and went back across the town.

By Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. It was expensive, but I felt it would be cinema, I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line. But I quickly found out that it was because they had already sold out all the tickets.


( )1. It seemed that the writer of the story works as a ____.

A. worker B. doctor C. farmer D. clerk

( )2. The writer tried to go to the cinema every day, but really got there ____.

A. five times B. twice C. four times D. three times

( )3. We can infer from the underlined sentence that the writer was ____.

A. worried B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased

( )4. In the end the writer got ____ ticket(s).

A. one B. two C. three D. no

( )5. When the writer reached the cinema, he was delighted because ____.

A. he understood his only hope was to make the trip by car

B. it was expensive, but he felt it would be worth it to see the film C. he saw that nobody was waiting in line D. the trip by car only took 10 minutes


Films in Beijing Theater This Week


American film

Director: Alfonso Cuaron

Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson

Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥50


Chinese film

Director: Zhou Xingchi

Starring: Zhou Xingchi, Liang Xiaolong, Yuan Hua

Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥40


Chinese film

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Starring: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥40 (Half on Sunday for children)


American film

Director: Wolfgang Peterson

Starring: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a. m.

Ticket Price:¥30


( ) 1. There will be ____ in Beijing Theater this week.

A. one Chinese film B. two Chinese films

C. three American films D. four foreign films

( )2. If an adult with his child goes to Beijing Theater to watch A World Without Thieves on Sunday, they will

spend ____ on the film.

A.¥30 B.¥40 C.¥60 D.¥80

( )3. If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film ____ in Beijing Theater.



( )4. You can see three films on ____ or ____.

A. Wednesday; Friday B. Tuesday; Wednesday

C. Thursday; Friday D. Saturday; Sunday

( )5. From the poster(海报), we know ____ is both a director and actor.

A. Alfonso Cuaron B. Feng Xiaogang

C. Wolfgang Peterson D. Zhou Xingchi

八年级仁爱英语Unit4 Topic1测试卷篇十:仁爱英语八年级上册Unit1Topic1检测卷

仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 1Topic1 检测卷



1.在将来2.体育明星3.同…比赛 4.他最喜欢的运动员5.五个女医生6.动身去某地

7.生某人的气8.花费…做…9.金牌 10.为他加油


13.对…有益 14.跳远

15.后天 16.放弃做…17.打棒球 18.到达北京



22.为…效力 23.这学期

24.去划船 25. 排球运动员



3.Swimming helps to keep your heart and lungs ___________(health).

(skate).What about you?

you _______ (cheer) us on this afternoon?Yes, I am.

(swim)is a good exercise.Most people like it.

_(row)in summer.

9.There_________________(be)a movie next Sunday.

10. 一,do you know? 一Yes,it was Chen jie.


1. Michael is going to play table tennis this afternoon. (改为一般疑问句,)

_____Michael _____ to play table tennis this afternoon?

2. There will be a match between Class One and Class Two this Saturday.(改为同义句)

3. Do you prefer swimming?(用running改为选择疑问句)

do you prefer, swimming ______running.? 对划线部分提问)

_______ he going to _______ tomorrow ?


____ _____ _____ Bill_____ in the river?

6. It often takes me half an hour to do my homework every day.(改为同意句)

I often _________ half an hour _______ my homework every day.

7. Who is your favorite player ?( 改为同意句)

Which player do you ________ __________?

8. I saw her. She is playing with a dog. (合并为一句)

I saw_____ _____ with a dog.

9. They are going to Japan next week .( 改为同意句)

They are _______ ________ Japan next week .

10. I’m going to climb a mountain on Sunday .(改为一般疑问句)

______ _____ going to climb a mountain on Sunday ?



( A. going to B. going C. getting to D. reaching

( A. a bit B. a few C. too many D. quite a bit

( A. shopping B. does some shopping C. go to the market D. going to the shops

( A. a bit B. a few C. too many D. quite a bit

( A. got B. reached C. arrived at D. went to


( ) 1. —Would you like us?

—I’d like to.

A. to joins B. to join C. to take part in D. take part in

( ) 2. How much does he on the new computer?

A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost

( ) 3. Mike prefers to .

A. to swim; skating B. swimming; skating

C. to swim; skate D. swimming; skate

( ) 4. I see him basketball almost every day.

A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing

( ) 5. I really enjoy A. to make B. made C. making D. to making

( ) 6. I arrived

A. to B. at C. in D. /

( ) 7. Kangkang is good running. He thinks it is good A. for; at B. at; for C. at; to D. for; to

( )8. Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the U.S.A. next week.

A.leaving for B.leave for C.to D.left

( )9.Kangkang wants to be a doctor when he _______.

A.grow up B.grows up C.will grow up D.growing up

( )10.Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.

A.to do B.doing C.do D.does

( )11.There _______ an English Party in our class next week.

A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.have

( )12. — What ______ Michael ______at weekends?

—He goes bicycling.

A. do; do B. does; do C. will; do D. is, doing

( )13. Swimming is a good way _____healthy.

A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. keeps

( )14. I will ______the basketball team.

A. joined B. take part in C. join D. took part

( )15. —Where are you going?

—I’m _____New York.

A. going to B. going C. going to go D. going to go to

( )16.—Which team are you going to play _______ the day after tomorrow?

—A team from No.7 Middle School. I hope we will win.

A.about B.with C.for D.against

( ) 17. —_____do you visit your grandparents?

—Once a month.

B. How soon

C. How long C. cry D. How often D. Cried A. How A. crying ( ) 18.Can you hear a baby ______ in th next room?. B. cries

( ) 19. They _____China the day after tomorrow.

A. will leave B. will leave to C. are leaving to D. are leaving for

( )20.It____rain.We’d better stay at home.

A.is going to B.is going C.goes to D.go to


People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports are good for people’s health and sports make .

.They buy tickets or turn on their TV sets to watch games. They usually have “their teams” or “their players”. When “their teams ”can’t win the ga Sports change(变化)with play different games in different seasons. Most people’s favorite sportsis swimming and skating is usually a winter sport. sports like them. Football, for example, .

( ) 1.A.happy B. strongly C. interesting D. tired

( )2.A.play B. playing C. to play D. played

( ) 3. A. busier B. angry C. worse D. sader

( )4.A.time B. seasons C. countries D. people

( ) 5.A.to B. for C. in D. in the

( ) 6.A.look B. find C. talk D. watch

( )7. A. will B. are C. must D. shall

( ) 8.A.great B. favorite C. popular D. well

( ) 9.A.can’t B. can C. may D. mustn’t

( ) 10.A.same players B. better players



Mary likes sports. There will be a sports meet in her school on May 4.She will take part in the high jump and the long jump, and the other girls in her class are sure she will

win both. Then ten days before the sports meet, when Mary climbed the hill she was injured in her left leg. Her first thought was for the sports meet. Would her leg be all right by May 4?Four of her friends sent her to hospital. The doctor said it was not serious. Mary’s left leg was much better by the end of April, and on May 4 she was able to run and jump at the sports.

( ) 1. Mary would take part in _______.

A. the high jump B. the long jump C. the hill-climbing race D. A and B

( ) 2. When was Mary injured in her leg?_______

A. May 4. B. April 24. C. April 23. D. May 14.

( ) 3. What was Mary’s first thought when she was hurt?It was whether(是否)_______.

A. her leg was broken B. she could go to hospital

C. she could go to school or not D. she could take part in the sports meet

( ) 4. Why did the doctor say she would be better soon?______.

A. Because Mary was not badly hurt. B. Because Mary was sent to hospital in time.

C. Because Mary was strong enough.

D. Because Mary had a lot of time before the sports.

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?______

A. Mary could not enter herself for the sports meet.

B. Mary won the high and long jump at last.

C. Mary took part in the sports meet.

D. Mary was only able to watch the sports meet.






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