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Unit6 Jobs 教学设计

Unit6 Jobs 教学设计

一、 教学要求

1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker

2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型

Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t.

Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is .


能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker



Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t.

Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is .



单词卡片,关于本课时的多媒体课件或人物用物品。 五,教学过程

Step 1 Sing the song : good morning to you. Step 2 Free talk

1. Greetings (师生之间常规问好)

2. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Hi!/Hello!/ Nice to meet you. How are you?

Step 3 Read and say

1. Watch the cartoon and try to read the words: police

officer,nurse,cook,doctor,bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker

2. Read after the tape. 跟读, 齐读、分组读

Step 4 Games

1. Flash the card.

2. Bomb.

3. What’s missing.

Step 5 Chant.

Step 6

Guessing game.


1. writer the new words.

2. Copy and translate Part A.


Unit6 Jobs

Is she a worker ? No, she isn’t.

Is she a farmer ? Yes, she is .

police officer,nurse,cook,doctor,

bus driver, taxi driver, farmer, worker

Unit6 Steve Jobs讲义

Unit6 Steve Jobs讲义



( )1. ____ expensive trousers!

A. What B. What a C. How D. What an

( )2.. Sindy, ________ to be here at 8 o’clock

A is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure

( )3. Oh, John, ____ you gave us!

A. How a pleasant surprise B. How pleasant surprise

C. What a pleasant surprise D. What pleasant surprise


( )4. Let’s do it at once, ________ ?

A shall we B will you C do we D do you

( )5. Let us do it at once, ________ ?

A shall we B will you C do we D do you【unit6,jobs】


( )6、A、party B、star C、war D、car

( )7、A、past B、has C、fast D、ask

( )8、A、but B、bus C、cut D、student

( )9、A、son B、month C、front D、mop

( )10、A、job B、stop C、nose D、box



成功的__________ 词性( ) 或许_______词性( )

回到__________ 词性( ) 买_______ 词性( )

丢失__________ 词性( ) 过去式_________

完成__________ 词性( ) 公司_________ 词性( ) 复数______



He _____ _____ ______ the Chinese people _____ _____ _____ ______ _______.


Do you______ _____ ______ ____iPad ____ ______wonderful cartoon movies _____ Toy Story?


He _____ these things ____ ______


But he _______ ______ _______.


So in 1976 he and his friend _____ _____ _____ computers____ their home.


_____ ______, he _____ Apple _____ the world’s _____ company.

Step 4、知识点讲解

1、Do you love playing with...

1)love+ving 类似用法:like /enjoy/finish

2)play with ...和...玩

拓展:play football【unit6,jobs】

弹吉他_____________ 弹钢琴______________ 下棋____________


2、He made these things come true.

Make 1、制造 make a cake make model planes.


2、make sb. V原


1、My mother made me ______(clean) my room all by myself yesterday.

2、The match made them ______ at last.

A.happily B.quickly C.slowly D.friendly

3、Most of the children enjoy ______ computer games.

A. play B. playing C. played C. to play

4、 Bill can play _____ violin but he can’t play _____ chess.

A. the, 不填 B. the, the C. 不填, the D. a, 不填

5、Tom finished ______ this book yesterday.

A.to read B.reading C.read D.reads

3、work as+职业 __________


4、game-worker 游戏制造者


5、But he quickly got bored.

quickly词性_______ 动副结构




1、The boy draw ____

A careful B.carefully C. be careful

2.The pupil is ____because she is reading a ____book.

A bored;bored B.boring;bored C.bored;boring

3.I have two sister. One is a teacher,____ is a nurse.

A another B.other C.the other

4、His car is not new, and mine is not new ____ .

A. too B. also C. either D. so

5、 What ____wind! It’s blowing____ .

A. a strong; strongly B. strong; strongly C. a strong; big D. strong; strong

6、star to do=start doing

7、...Steve made a lot of money.

a lot of=_____________=____________ +可数名词\不可数名词

make money ___________


9、turn...into 把.....变成




1. There are some art rooms in this building. (改为单数)

There _____ _____ art room in this building.

2. Give that sharpener to me.(改为同义句)


3. The table is two metres long. (对画线部分提问)


4. She likes this coat.(改为否定句)


5. We can see some kites in the sky. (改为一般疑问句)



( I ) ( II )

1. ( ) How much is that? A. I'd like a cake.

2. ( )Nice to meet you. B. The green one.

3. ( )Good night. C. Yes.

4. ( )What can I do for you? D. She is a worker.

5. ( )Which game do you want to buy? E. Good night.

6. ( )Will you go with me? F. Nice to meet you, too.

7. ( )What does your mother do? G. The same to you.

8. ( )When do you usually have lunch? H. Fine, thanks a lot.

9. ( )Happy New Year! I. It's five yuan.

10. ( )How is your grandfather? J. At twelve.


1. How does your best friend go to school?


2.Who is your hero?


3.What's the capital of Japan?


4.What did you do last Saturday?


5.Were you at school yesterday?



My father __ 1____ a good friend in the factory (工厂). He is sixty. He is an old man.

All of the children like him. We call ____2___ Uncle Sam. He __3___ from England. He ___4___ in Sichuan. He can’t __5____ Chinese. We teach(教) him Chinese He ___6_ us English. He ___7_ work on Sundays. He __8__ making things. And he likes watching TV with his children at night.

( ) 1. A. have B. haves C. has D. Is

( ) 2. A. he B. they C. him D. His

( ) 3. A. come B. comes C. goes D. to come

( ) 4. A. live B. living C. lives D. to live

( ) 5. A. speak B. tell C. say D. Talk

( ) 6. A. teach B. teachs C.teaches D.teaching

( ) 7. A. do B. don’t C. does D. doesn’t

( ) 8. A .likes B. like C. to like D. Liking

Unit6 Jobs 教学反思

Unit6 Jobs 教学反思

Unit6 Jobs 第一教时为单词学习,本课主要有8个单词和一个问答句型的学习。但是句型看似简单明了,要能让学生自如运用,着实困难,它不单涉及了询问姓名、年龄以及的工作的对话,而且涉及到人称的变换以及单复数与be动词的对应运用。那么纵观整个课堂,我主要从以下几个步骤入手: 一、人称句型复习和课堂导入本部分共两个个环节,歌曲练唱,自由对话、单词游戏。前两个环节主要是句型的复习。自由对话围绕句型" Is she a teacher ?Yes, she is ./No, she isn’t.展开,借以上句型,反复加深学生对he与she的区分,并复习了之前所学的职业类单词,以便在本节课后面的练习中能够灵活运用。反思:这两个环节中复习的句型单词,学生还比较熟悉,但是歌曲虽然贴切所学单词,却稍有难度,学生不能跟唱歌曲,所以,歌曲导入的效果不如设想的好,课前应先带学生学习一下这首歌。

二、 本课是单词讲解,主要围绕单词练习、句子来进行,课文中出现的问答主要有工作、能分清男女两个方面,所以开篇就要涉及课文内容的讲解,学生很难从课本中人物的角度去了解句子的意思,也不能很好地把握语境、角色的转变以及人称的转变。因此,在进入课文内容学习之前,先

利用PPT学习了句型Is she a teacher ?Yes, she is ./No, she isn’t.及相关的职业类单词police officer,worker ,cook,doctor,bus driver借此先强化课文中出现的几类问答方式。活动一,运用chant复习巩固职业类单词及人称he,she,的变化。反思:在学习句型Is she a teacher ?Yes, she is ./No, she isn’t.时操练的有些少,且没有强调单词复数形式的发音,而对于chant更让他们感兴趣。所以,总体来说,本节课课堂设置不是很好,有些难易颠倒,本应先易后难,循序渐进,而本课相反,所以一开始没有很好地将学生带进学习状态中去,今后的课堂中应更好地从学生的接受角度出发,从最基本的知识入手,逐渐过渡到难知识的变迁。另外,还要考虑到学生对知识的敏感度和接受度,才能更好地将学生的注意力集中到所学知识中去。 三、课文内容的学习因为先前句型的学习而相对简单,学生学起来也很轻松,因此对课文的练读困难不是很大,但是课文学习还是过于枯燥,只是跟读录音机,师生练读,缺乏学习的意境,如课前再作相应的准备,多些道具、头饰,让学生现场表演,效果也许会更好。

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