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we're having a party. 教案

新课标小学英语(一起第八册)U1M5 We’re having a party.


本课围绕着“Happy party”展开教学,通过party song, party chant, party game 等导入环节,为课堂营造party的氛围,让学生在轻松的环境下进入课堂。之后通过整体感知课文,引出课文主人公正在举办母亲节的聚会,之后围绕着聚会表演的节目,设计missing game, luck dog, magic words, guessing game 等环节来突破本课重难点—正在发生的事情的问答。在单词教学中,我采用情境表演法,直拼法来突破surprise和happening.之后,我让孩子们也自己举办一个自己喜爱的party,到讲台来边说边表演。最后,我让学生观看我们学校“七色光”舞台的表演,让学生为自己喜爱的节目投票,并写在投票券上,将听说落实到写上。


本节课的故事讲的是几个小朋友在母亲节为妈妈举办聚会的情景。采用现在进行时描述聚会的现场What are you doing? What’s happening? 以及回答We’re having a party. Sam is singing.等等。学生在二年级下学期已经接触过现在进行时态。所以本课的重点在于让学生了解句型的结构以及能运用现在进行时描述某个场景。同时,教材中孩子们给妈妈一个surprise,抓住surprise 适当引导学生爱妈妈,爱爸爸,爱家人。





1. 能在语境中理解,听说,认读单词、句子:surprise, Mother’s Day, What’s happening?

2. 能理解,听说,并在语境中运用现在进行时。

3. 能综合运用并书写现在进行时句子。


1. 通过肢体表演,歌曲,游戏等活动让学生巩固现在进行时的结构特点。

2. 通过让学生表演动作,举办聚会的活动,让学生大胆的展示自己,激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固运用句型

3. 通过让学生评选投票的方式培养学生综合运用语言的能力。


1. 通过母亲节,赞扬母亲,激发学生对母亲的爱

2. 由母亲节,引申出父亲节,教育学生父亲,母亲和我组成一个家庭,我们要爱我们的家人,我们要和谐相爱。



1. 能在语境中理解,听说,认读单词、句子:surprise, Mother’s Day, What’s happening?

2. 能理解,听说,并在语境中运用现在进行时。






Ⅰ. Greeting:

—Hello, boys and girls.

—Hello, Ms Yan.

1. Today we’re going to have a happy party. Do you like party? And I’ll see who is the party king and party queen. And look here, we’ll have a group competition; I’ll see which group is the last winner.

Are you happy? Please stand up.

Firstly, let’s have a party song.


1. Sing a song:” I’m listening to music”

T: Wow, you can sing the song very well. And I think you can do the actions well


T: Whole class, please follow me.

Clapping, clapping, I am clapping.

Jumping, jumping, I am jumping.

(singing, dancing, listening to the music, playing football, playing basketball, playing the piano)

2. let’s play a game—clap and stamp

(having a party放在最后)


So today we’re going to learn U1M5 We’re having a party.

Ⅲ. Presentation

1. T:look, what can you see in the picture? Who are having a party? Ss :(…) T:what party are having? Is it...? Is it...? Let’s listen and watch. Ss :(…) Answer my question” What party are they having?”

T: (play the CD-ROM) Is it a birthday/father’s day/ teacher’s day party?

Ss: they’re having a Mother’s Day party.

T: (teaching “mother’s day”)

T: When is Mother’s Day? Ss: on the 2nd Sunday of May

(Don’t forget to say thank you to you mum on this day. our mother is so great. So is out father.)


T: When is Father’s Day? Ss: on the 3rd Sunday of June

(father ,mother and I form a family, we can say “father and mother, I love you ” to you mother and father)

T: Our mother is great. I think you love you mother very well. So what can you do for your Mum?

Ss: make a card, send follows, do some housework, have a surprised party T: (评价 oh, what a surprise!)(teaching “surprise”)

T: And today I prepare some surprise for you

Who can read this word in good pronunciation and intonation will get my surprise.

2. T: yeah. Look, they’re having a surprised party for their mother.

What’s happening in the party?

(teaching” happen”) a /æ/ having happy clap clapping piano

Say a chant:

What is happening?

We are clapping, clapping .

We are playing the piano.

We are having party.

We are very happy.

T: Yeah, we’re having a party. What’s happening in the party?

Let’s listen and match.

What’s Amy/Sam/Tom doing? (问-答,missing game, answer quickly)

3. T: (look and the picture and say)(Amy is playing the piano.) What’s Amy doing? Ss: Amy is playing the piano.


T: (what’s missing?)

4. T: wow, you can say the sentences very well. Next, please listen the text and imitate.【were,having,a,party教案】

5. T: look at the text. If you see the missing words, please stand up and read out the words

6. T:(板书,拿出一张Amy 弹琴的图放在“what’s…doing? 上”) what’s…doing? Ss: Amy, What’s Amy doing?

T: What’s Amy doing?

Ss: Amy is playing the piano.



Ⅳ Extension

1. Luck dog—幸运大转盘

(1) T: what’s Sam doing?

Ss: Sam is ….

(2)T: Sam is doing so many things. Please work in pair and talk about what’s Sam doing?

(3)Guessing game: Who’s the luck dog?

2. It’s your show time



“what’s…doing”问,其他组的回答。表演完之后,我们将评选party king 和party queen.

3. Our school show time

(1) Watch 4 short videos and talk about “what’s she/he doing?”

(2) Write down your favorite show and put it in the voting box.

八. 板书设计


1. Listen and match.(听音连线)

U1M5 We’re having a party. What’



______is______________ ______is______________ ______is______________

We are having a party 教学设计

We are having a party 教学设计

铁岭经济开发区第二小学 程征远


b、Title: Module 5 Unit 1

We are having a party .

c、Teacher:Zhou Furong.

d、Tape:New lesson.

e、Gtade:Grade 4 of primary school.

f、Book:《New Standard English》Book 8 Teaching design a、Teaching aims:


1.Grasp and understand new words

happen ,Mother’Day, surprise, party.

2.To master some sentences:

What are you doing? We’re having a party.

What’s happening now? Tom is singing.

3.Consolidating present continuous.


1、Make a dialogue using the new sentence patterns.

2、To enable Ss to be interested in English.

3、To enable Ss to communicate with others in English

4、To enable Ss to study in groups and co—operate skillfully.

Moral education:

1、Ss can take part in all kinds of activities,Consolidating

present continuous.

2、Love parent, love family,love life, love world. Importances:


happen , Mother’Day, surprise.


What are you doing? We’re having a party.

What’s happening now? Tom is singing.

Difficulties:Talk about activities are placing now. Consolidating present continuous.

Class Time:40 minutes.

Teaching method:Task-based method.

Teaching aids:cards, CAI, audiotape.

Teaching Steps.

Step 1、Warming-up

1.Greeting each other.

2.Sing a song:I’m listening to music.

3.Say some phrases:

eat,sing,dance,walk,play football, watch TV and so on.

4.Play a game.

T Ask 6 students to come to the front, put the students in a row. Give pictures to students, they should do actions one by one.

T:What are you doing?

S1: (do actions)I’m eating.

S2: (do actions)I’m watching TV.

S3: (do actions)I’m playing football…



Step 2、Presentation

1.( Look at screen)T:What is he/she doing? Look at screen


and tell me.

2.T show the picture and song,Ss listen and feel. Teach Words and Expressions:Mother’s Day,have a party.



Step 3、New concept

1. Listen and guess.:

⑴T (show a picture).On Mother’s Day. Then the teacher say: Someone is playing the piano. Someone is playing the drums ,And someone is singing. Why are they so happy? Can you guess? Ss:We’re having a party.

⑵CAI: (sound: someone is singing.)

T: Listen! What’s happening now? Can you hear? Please guess. S1: Singing.

T: Look! (CAI: show the picture) She is singing. Can you hear?

Ss: Yes.

The same ways: What’s happening now?She is playing the piano.He is clapping. Ss and T read it a few times.

2. (Pic on screen)Talk about the form.

T: What’s happening now?

S:He is …

3.T play the tape : Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions:

Who is singing?

Who is playing the piano?

Who is playing the drums?

Ss:Listen twice and answer.

4.Open books,listen and find“ing”

5.Read the text together.Ss read the text in groups. ⑥Read out.



Step 4、Practice

1.(Pic on screen)【were,having,a,party教案】

新标准module5unit1we're having a party教学设计

教 学 设 计

《新标准》Module 5 第一课时 Unit 1 We’re having a party 教材分析:

这个模块的故事讲的是几个小朋友在母亲节这天給妈妈们举行聚会的情景。采用现在进行时描述聚会现场What are you doing ? What’s happening?以及回答We’re having party. Sam is singing.等。学生在二年级下期已经接触过现在进行时态,所以本模块的重点在于让学生了解它的结构以及能运用现在进行时描述某个场景。同时,教材中的孩子们給妈妈们一个surprise,老师应抓住surprise适时引导学生爱亲人、爱身边的人并学会用实际行动来表达对她们的爱。 学情分析:

本班学生从一年级开始学习本套教材,周课时三节课。经过几三年多的学习,学生的英语理解能力、阅读能力已有一定基础。 设计意图:

本故事比较简单,只有What’s happening? surprise两个新语言点。因此,本课时的教学重点应放在培养学生的自主阅读能力和运用进行时态描述场景。就在准备这节时课,四川芦山发生了7.0级地震,所以决定利用报纸上的新闻引进句型What’s happening in Lushan\now? 来让学生理解句型,关爱生命。最后通过本节课的课堂评价,給表现好的小组中的每个孩子一个拥抱,让学生再次体会surprise、听练说surprise,感受老师給他们的爱,引导他们爱亲人、爱身边的人并学

会用实际行动表达出他们的爱。 教学目标: 知识目标:

1、能在语境中理解、听说、认读单词、句子surprise、Mother’s Day、What’s happening? 2、能理解、会读故事。

3、能在语境中进一步感知现在进行时的意义和结构。 能力目标:


2、通过对故事的学习,能逐步掌握一些阅读的技巧和方法。 情感目标:

1、适时引导孩子们关爱、珍惜生命。 2、引导孩子们爱亲人并付诸于行动。 教学重点: 1、故事的认读。

2、运用句型What are you doing ? We’re having party. What’s she\he doing?等进行时态描述场景。 教学难点:

1、句子What’s happening?的理解。

2、运用句子What are you doing ? We’re having party. What’s she\he doing?等进行时态描述场景。 教学资源:

课件、视频 学习过程:

chapter19 having a party教案及教后反思

Chapter19 Having a Party

讲授者: 温州华侨职专 毛琼淑 2008-9-19

I. Aim & Demands:

1. Let the students know and use the useful expressions of having a party.

2. Develop the students’ spoken English and communicative abilities.

3. Encourage the students to use English dialogues in everyday life.

II. Importaces & Difficulties

1. Importances: new words and useful expression

New words: birthday party invitation flower Karaoke dance cocktail

Useful Expression:

1. ——I’m having a birthday party tomorrow night. Would you like to come?

——Of course, I’d love to.

2. ——This is your invitation.

——Thank you.

3. ——Shall we sing Karaoke?

——Yes, we’ll sing, dance and drink some cocktails. Can you sing?

——Of course. We’ll have a good time.

4. ——Happy birthday to you, George. The flowers and the cake are for you.

——Thank you very much.

2. Difficulty: Make up situation dialogues.

III. Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Greeting & Lead-in activity


Q: What’s the date today? → tomorrow is my friend George’s birthday. And he is having a party tomorrow night.

Q: Which kind of party is George having? → birthday party

If you have a birthday party, how can you invite your friends? → invitation

On the party, what presents do you usually get? → flower

What do you usually do on the party? → Karaoke dance cocktail

Step2. Warming up words

1. present the new words

2. practise together

3. practise student by student, tell and spell the words

Step3.Useful Expressions

1. present useful expressions and explain the useage

2. pratise in pairs according to the Ss’ fact

Step4. Model dialogues

1. listen to the dialogue and answer questions on Bb.

The first listening (With books closed) ( take some notes)

The second listening(check the answers)

Q1: Which kind of party is George having?

Q2: Which day will the party be on?

Q3: Would Jenny like to come?

Q4: When will it begin?

Q5: Dose George give Jenny the invitation??

Q6: What will they do on the party?

Q7: What presents does Jenny take for George?

Q8: What do they sing first?

Q9: Then what do they sing?

2. read after the tape

3. practice in pairs according to the key words on Bb, then retell it together twice(exchange the roles)

Step5. Pair work

2. present the honor of the best actors

Step6. Summary

Step7. Homework

1. Practise a similar dialogue with your desk mates.

2. Remember the words and expressions, frequently-used sentences in this chapter.

3. Surf on the Internet to find out more information of foreign parties.

IV. Blackboard Design:






We’re having a party.教学设计

Module 5 Unit 1 We’re having a party.

Step 1: Warming-up:

1. Greetings: Hello,boys and girls.

2.First let’s sing a song.

Step 2: presentation:

Now let’s say and do action . T:clap clap s: clapping (listen-stop swim run-stop)

Are you happy? Tom and Amy are happy too,because today is Mother’s Day.what’s happening?let’s have a look! Step 3: practice:

1.Look here’s a question who can read it? Next Let’s Listen and answer this question:What are you doing ,Lingling ? --- we are having a party. 教师板书

2.Look here are four questions,who can read them

(1) What’s Amy doing?

(2) What’s happening now?

(3) Is it Lingling’s mother’s birthday?

(4) What kind party is it?

Now please turn to page 18. let’s Listen and underline the answers.

discuss your answers in your group

(1) What’s Amy doing? She is playing the piano

(2) What’s happening now? Tom is singing,Sam is playing the drums.

(3) Is it Lingling’s mother’s birthday? No,it’s Mother’s Day .

(4) What kind party is it? It’s a surprise party .

3. listen and repeat. (跟读)

4.Read in roles.


1. Do you like games.First let’s play a guessing game.look? What’s/are she /they doing?

What’s happening now?

2. listen and number:

T:Do you like cartoon? let’s watch a cartoon and number

3. Finish the test

Now please take out your paper and finish it.

4.Present boxes

T: one team choose number ,the other team finsh it .

5.Make a performance:

A: What are you doing on Mother's day?

B: We’re …

A: What’s happening now?

B: …

Let’s have a look? who is winner?

Step 5 summary and homework

A: Listen to the tape and repeat the text . B: Express your love to your mother !

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