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八年级上册教案设计 Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.

Section A

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课时的主要活动为1a和2。 通过Michael和Kangkang的对话,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:将来时be going to do结构。结合本单元的话题Playing Sports, 呈现了重点短语:play basketball/football, have a basketball/football game, cheer … on, win (the game), prefer doing等。Playing Sports这个话题和学生们的生活紧密相连,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。但要正确使用be going to do对学生来说还是有一定困难的。困难一:be动词和主语不一致(多数学生);困难二:不会正确地将do替换成具体动词(少数学生)。所以,要求老师以课本文本内容为依据,结合学生的实际生活,引导学生正确地使用be going to do谈论自己的运动计划,并能用书面表达形式写出自己的运动计划。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims:

1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词表中的单词:team, win, cheer, row, quite, during, against, practice…

2. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词。 3. 能正确运用be going to do 表达运动计划。

4. 能正确地运用prefer doing结构表达喜好,如:prefer swimming, prefer rowing等。 5. 能运用本课所学语言,就自己的运动计划与他人交流。 Skill aims:

1. 能听懂有关运动计划和运动爱好的简单对话和陈述。 2. 能正确地口头表达有关运动计划和运动爱好的话题。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。 4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己的运动计划及运动爱好。 Emotional aims:

通过对Section A的学习,学生能够写出自己的运动计划,并讨论各自喜好的运动,激发学生的运动意识,帮助学生养成运动的好习惯,学会强身健体。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points:

能正确、熟练地运用be going to do句型。

Difficult points:

1. be going to do句型中的be动词和主语的一致性。 2. see sb. do和see sb. doing的区别。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies

1. 学生通过看图猜测单词,锻炼他们的预测能力。 2. 学生模仿例子编写对话,提高他们的改写能力。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Computer multimedia projector

Everyday saying: Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。 Ⅵ. Teaching procedures


Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

第一课时 Section A (1a~1c)【八年级上册英语教案2016】



1.Do you like to drink yogurt(酸奶)?

2.Eating too much salt(盐)is bad for our health.

3.Water with honey(蜂蜜)is good for our throat.

4.Why are they digging holes(洞)over there?

5.You should peel(剥皮)bananas before you eat them.


Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation)

T:Hello,everyone!Today we are going to talk about drinks. What is your favorite drink?

Ss:Coke cola,green tea,water and orange juice.

T:Today we are going to learn a new kind of drink,banana milk shake. What is it? A beverage made of milk,flavoring, and ice-cream,shaken or whipped until foamy.Blender means a kind of machine that blends, with whirling blades for chopping, mixing, or liquefying foods. Here are two pictures about them.

Let's see how to make a banana milk shake.

Warming up by learning grammar

Grammar Focus

Countable items are things we can count, one, two,three „for example:one pen,two computers. Uncountable items are things we can't count. They are not separate items.When we talk about them we should use a noun that can express amount, for example,a cup of milk,one teaspoon of cinnamon.

Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)

Look at the picture in 1a on page 57. There are some actions.What are they doing? Let's see how to fill them into the picture.

When you do this exercise you should pay attention to the order of these actions. Step 3 练习与体验 (Practice)

If we want to make something,we should follow the instructions.Instruction means a guide to make something that you can follow. Let's listen to the tape and put the instructions in the right order and we will know how to make a banana milk shake.

Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)

First,we should read the instructions several times.Then please don't look at your books and tell your partners how to make a banana milk shake. You can use these words “first, next, then and finally”. Sometimes English speakers pause after these words and this helps the listener notice that the speaker is saying a set of steps. You can pay attention to it when you talk with your partner.

Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)


Turn on the blender.打开搅拌器。

turn on意为“打开”,是一个由动词与副词构成的动词短语,此类短语在宾语为名词时,可以放在副词与动词之间,也可放在副词之后;但若宾语为代词,则必须放在动词与副词之间。turn on通常指打开一些设备,如灯、电视、收音机、水龙头等。其反义词组为turn off,意为“关上”。


__C__a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself.

A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on


Cut up the bananas.切碎香蕉。

①cut up意为“切碎”,也是“动词+副词”型短语,相当于cut sth. into small pieces“把某物切成小块”。

②cut动词,意为“切;割”,其过去式为cut,现在分词为cutting。cut短语还有: cut„ in two/half把„„切成两半

cut down 砍倒

cut„into pieces把„„切成碎片(块)



I cut_up all the meat.


Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入搅拌器。


①pour„ into„把„„倒进„„里

②pour sb. sth.=pour sth. for sb.为某人倒„„



Please pour_the_tea_into the glass.

Step 6 家庭作业(Homework)


第二课时 Section A (2a~2d)



1.We can use the blender(果汁机) to make orange juice.

2.Please cut up a watermelon(西瓜),I'm thirsty and hungry.

3.Do you know how to make a banana milk_shake(奶昔)?

4.Could you please tell me know to add(添加) the salt?

5.Finally(最后),We can drink the soup together.


Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation)

We have learned how to make a banana milk shake. I believe we all know make it.Who

can tell me how to make a banana milk shake? (Ask some students to describe how make a banana milk shake.)

Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)

How many + countable noun„

How much + uncountable noun „

Maria and Katie are making fruit salad.Listen carefully to what they're saying. When we ask the amount of something,we use how many with countable nouns and use how much with uncountable nouns. Now let's fill in this form with what you hear.

Step 3 练习与体验 (Practice)

The “amount” is how much of something you use. The “ingredient” is what you put into the bowl. Listen again and fill in the chart,try to find out how much ingredient they need in the salad.

Tapescript :Activity 2a,2b

A:Let's make fruit salad.

B:OK.Do you have bananas?

A:Yes, I do.How many bananas do we need?

B:We need three bananas.

A:That sounds about right. What else?


A:How many watermelons?

B:Oh,only one watermelon. And we need some honey.【八年级上册英语教案2016】

A:How much honey do we need?

B:Let's see. Two spoons.

A:Right. What else?


A:How many apples do we need?

B:Two should be enough.And yogurt.

A:How much yogurt do we need?

B:A cup.Now what else do we need? Oh,do you have any oranges?

A:I think so.How many oranges do we need?

B:Only one.This is going to taste great!

Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)

Two students want to make fruit salad. Let's read the dialogue in pairs. Then I will ask some pairs to do one question and answer each.

Ask some students to role-play the conversation in 2d.

Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)


Finally, don't forget to add some salt.最后,别忘了加点盐。


forget to do sth.意为“忘记要去做某事”;forget doing sth.意为“忘记做过某事”,即做过某事,但忘记了。



I'll never forget visiting the mountain school.









Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

Section A 1 (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself


① —Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains.

② —Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach.

③ —Did you go with anyone?

2) 能了解以下语法:

—复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

—yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。

3) 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。

2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。


2. 教学难点:

1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。


Ⅰ. Lead-in

—Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions.

2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows

something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat:

Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach,

visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp

3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the

activity,point to the sample answer.

4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d

III. Listening

1. Point to the picture on the screen.

Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains.【八年级上册英语教案2016】

Ask: What did the person do in each picture?

2. Play the recording the first time.

3. Play the recording a second time.

Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture.

4. Check the answers.

IV.Pair work

1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class.

2. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversation about the people in the picture.

3. Ss work in pairs. As they talk, move around the classroom and give any help they need.

4. Let some pairs act out their conversations.

V. Listening

1. Tell Ss they will hear a conversation about three students’ conversations. Listen for the first time and fill in the chart. Then listen again and check Yes, or No.

2. Let Ss read the phrases in the chart of 2b.

3. Play the recording the first time. Ss listen and fill in the chart.

4. Play the recording a second time for the Ss to check ―Yes, I did.‖ or ―No, I didn’t. ‖

5. Check the answers with the Ss.

VI. Pair work

1. Let two Ss read the conversation between Grace, Kevin and Julie.

2. Let Ss work in pairs and try to role-play the conversation.

3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

VII. Role-play

1. First let Ss read the conversation and match the people and places they went.

2. Let Ss act out the conversations in pairs.

3. Some explanations in 2d.


用英语询问你的一位好朋友,她(他)假期去了哪里?看到了什么?并将此对话写在作业上。 A: Where did you go…?

B: I went to…

A: Did you see…

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.



Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构。

2)总结学习anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, nothing等不定代词的用法。


2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。

2) 复习运用本课时出现的新词汇。

2. 教学难点:

1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。

2) 阅读填空能力的提高。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Free talk: Ask Ss the questions: Where did you go on vacation?

Ss try to answer the questions.

2. Review the usage of “复合不定代词”

Ⅱ. Grammar focus.

1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。

1. 你去了什么地方去度假?

______ ______ you go on ___________?

2. 我去了纽约市。

I _______ _______ New York City.

3. 你和什么人别一起去的吗?

______ ______ go out with ________?


Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?

第一课时 Section A (1a~1c)




1.There is a big theater(戏院)in our town. It's next to my house.

2.It's comfortable(舒服的)to sit on this sofa and read some books.

3.There are five hundred seats(座位) in the meeting room.

4.I often go to Guangming Cinema because it's close (近的)to my home.

5.I need to buy three tickets(票). Can you help me?


Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation)

T: Where do you usually watch movies?

S1: „Theater.

S2: „Theater.

T: Why do you go to that movie theater?

S1: Because it's„

S2: Because it has„

Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)

How do you choose a cinema to go to? Here are come things about cinemas.Please decide which is important and which is not important.

Discuss which items are important. Maybe new movies are important because we go to a cinema to see the new, not to review the old.

Step 3 练习与体验 (Practice)

Listen to understand.Three people are talking about several theaters and their qualities. After listening, please write down the three names of the three theaters.

Let's check the answers!

Step 4 运用与生成 (Production)

Can you imagine what cinema is the best? Make a list of its qualities.

A.It is the biggest one.

B.It has the biggest screen.

C.It's the closest to home.

D.It has the shortest waiting time.

E.It has the best sound.

F.It has the most comfortable seats.

Now talk about the theater you know.Ask and answer like this:

A:What's the best movie theater?

B:Sun Cinema.It's the cheapest.

A:But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats.

This period we've learnt how to talk about the movie theater and how to describe a place-our town.We made an interview of our town. By this we know about our town.And from this class we know that a good plan is a good start to success.We also learn that to be the best,to be core. Then you'll be great.

Step 5 巩固与提高(Progress)


It has the most comfortable seats.它有着最舒适的座位。

comfortable seats舒适的座位

①comfortable形容词,意为“舒适的;舒服的”。其反义词为uncomfortable,比较级为more comfortable,最高级为most comfortable。

②seat名词,意为“座位”。常用短语:take one's seat就座;take/have a seat坐下。



The sofa in this shop is_the_most_comfortable in the city.


It's close to home.它离家近



②作形容词,意为“近的”,常用于短语be close to中,意为“离„„近;靠近„„”,其反义短语为(be) far from。





My home is_close_to school.


What's the best movie theater?最好的电影院是哪家?




This movie theater has the_best_sound.

Step 6 家庭作业(Homework)


第二课时 Section A (2a~2d)






1.They live close to the station.

2.There are 50 students in my class,so there are 50 seats in our classroom.

3.There are many kinds of clothes. Which one do you want to choose?

4.The best movie theater has comfortable seats.

5.You can see her on the TV screen quite often.

6.—What can I do for you?

—I want to buy a ticket to a ball game.

7.—What do you think of the singer?

—He is good,and I like his songs.

8.Welcome to the clothes store,they are at a very good price,you can buy clothes cheaply.


Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation)

In the listening material,how many clothing stores can you hear?Yeah,there are three.They are Miller's, Blue Moon and Dream Clothes.The conversation is between the reporter and the boy.How does the boy describe the clothing store?Please circle the description expressions.

Step 2 呈现与输入 (Presentation)

Let's work in pairs.You are the reporter,and your partner is the boy. You are talking about the clothing stores.Making a conversation and role-play it .

Step 3 练习与体验 (Practice)

Ask some students to role-play the conversation in 2d.



Unit 1 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball.

Section A

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课时的主要活动为1a和2。 通过Michael和Kangkang的对话,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:将来时be going to do结构。结合本单元的话题Playing Sports, 呈现了重点短语:play basketball/football, have a basketball/football game, cheer … on, win (the game), prefer doing等。Playing Sports这个话题和学生们的生活紧密相连,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。但要正确使用be going to do对学生来说还是有一定困难的。困难一:be动词和主语不一致(多数学生);困难二:不会正确地将do替换成具体动词(少数学生)。所以,要求老师以课本文本内容为依据,结合学生的实际生活,引导学生正确地使用be going to do谈论自己的运动计划,并能用书面表达形式写出自己的运动计划。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims:

1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词表中的单词:team, win, cheer, row, quite, during, against,


2. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词。 3. 能正确运用be going to do 表达运动计划。

4. 能正确地运用prefer doing结构表达喜好,如:prefer swimming, prefer rowing等。 5. 能运用本课所学语言,就自己的运动计划与他人交流。 Skill aims:

1. 能听懂有关运动计划和运动爱好的简单对话和陈述。 2. 能正确地口头表达有关运动计划和运动爱好的话题。

3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读。 4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出自己的运动计划及运动爱好。 Emotional aims:

通过对Section A的学习,学生能够写出自己的运动计划,并讨论各自喜好的运动,激发学生的运动意识,帮助学生养成运动的好习惯,学会强身健体。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points:

能正确、熟练地运用be going to do句型。 Difficult points:

1. be going to do句型中的be动词和主语的一致性。 2. see sb. do和see sb. doing的区别。 Ⅳ. Learning strategies

1. 学生通过看图猜测单词,锻炼他们的预测能力。 2. 学生模仿例子编写对话,提高他们的改写能力。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Computer multimedia projector

Everyday saying: Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures



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