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B6M5Cultural Corner教学设计

四川大学附属中学 (成都市第十二中学) Brave New World教学设计

执教教师:乔宇(川大附中英语组) 授课班级:高二年级 课型:Reading and Speaking 授课时间:2014/05/26 [课标分析]:



本模块的话题是克隆,本节课的话题是一部科幻小说《Brave New World》。该节课的内容是Cultural Corner,该内容是一本由一位多产的英国作家Aldous Huxley在1931年创作的一篇著名长篇科幻小说《美丽新世界》“Brave New World”,文章主要就描述了随着人类科技文明,在六百年后的未来,有一个叫做世界政府的组织控制着整个世界的克隆人和人类,其中就特别提到了运用了一些方法去控制世界,包括利用克隆技术针对性的繁衍出不同等级的后代,从幼儿开始对其进行洗脑和让人们服用一种药物,使其情绪稳定,对现有生活感到满足和开心,不会去试图改变本已被安排好的社会。通过这样一个反面消极的未来,让我不得不运用正面积极的未来遐想推进对学生的发散思维。 [学情分析]:

这次授课的对象是高二的学生。经过两年高中阶段的英语学习,他们应具备良好的阅读技巧,能够较好的把握文章的大意和细节。在语言表达方面,学生也有能力对我设计的问题进行有效的整理和回答, 但在个别专业用词上恐怕还把握不准。 [核心任务]

阅读《Brave New World》并对比另一种新世界,谈自己更喜欢哪种未来世界。 [教学目标及重难点]: 1. 教学目标

通过阅读了解文章细节内容对文章进行理解和加工,并通过与文章相反的未来遐想,开展话题讨论并能流利的表达自己的观点和原因。 2. 语言技能

1)帮助学生理解文章并能表达自己的观点; 2)帮助学生正确拼读单词。 3. 情感态度

通过讨论和互评培养学生合作意识及提高学生自主学习的能力。 4. 教学重点

1) 理解文章的大意和观点;

2) 帮助学生探讨两种不同未来世界的。 5. 教学难点

发散思维构思自己脑海中的未来世界。 6. Teaching aids: 教学辅助手段

multi-media (多媒体)




Use your imagination, write a short story of your future within 100 words.



Book 6 Module 5 学案


1. terrify v. ________ adj. ________ adj.

2. emotion n. __________ adj. 感情的,情感的

3. murder v. __________ n. 杀人犯,凶手

4. breathe v. __________ n. 呼吸

5. beneficial adj. __________ n. 利益,好处 __________ v. 使…受益

6. imaginary adj. __________ v. 想象 __________ n. 想象力

7. violence n. __________ adj. 暴力的,猛烈的

8. resist v. __________ n. 抵抗,抵制 __________ adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的

9. flexible adj. _________ adv. 灵活地,有弹性地,易适应地 _________ n. 灵活性,弹性

10. analyse vt. __________ n. 分析,分析结果 __________ n. 分析家

11. optional adj. __________ n. 选择,可选择的办法

12. incredible adj. __________ adj. 可信的,可靠的

13. absorb v. ________ adj. 被吸引的,全神贯注的 ________ adj. 吸引人的,引人入胜的

14. exceptional adj. __________ prep. 除…之外 __________ n. 例外

15. handy adj. __________ vt. 处理

16. gene n. __________ adj. __________ 基因的 __________ n. 基因学


1. beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的 benefit vi./vt. 有益于,有助于

be beneficial to = be of benefit to 对…有利的(有益的)

benefit sb./sth. 对某人(某物)有益

benefit from/by 从…中获益

for the benefit of 为了…的利益

1) 新鲜空气和蔬菜有益于健康。


2) More and more migrant workers are __________ the new policy of the central government.

A. benefited B. benefiting C. benefited from D. benefiting from

2. burn out (火)燃尽,烧毁;筋疲力尽

burn down (建筑物等)被烧毁,火势减弱

burn up 烧光,烧尽;使某人发怒

burn sth. to the ground 夷为平地

1) The hotel was completely burnt __________; only walls remained.

2) The way he treats her really burns me __________.

3) If a building burns __________ the ground, it is completely destroyed by fire.

4) The room grew colder as the fire burnt __________.

3. contrast vt. n. 对比,对照

by contrast: 相比之下

contrast…with…: 和...相比

in/by contrast to: 和…形成对比

1) It was cold yesterday; __________ __________(相比之下) it’s very warm today.

2) The snow was icy and white, __________ __________(形成对照) the brilliant blue sky.【b6m5阅读课教案】

3) _______ _______ _______(与之相反) your belief that we will fail, I am confident that

we will succeed.

4) ______ the imported goods ______ the domestic products, you can see the difference.

4. treat vt. 治疗,对待 n. 款待,请客

把…看作… : treat…________…

严肃/认真对待…: _______/_______…seriously/carefully

treat sb. ________ 给某人治疗疾病

1) It is my treat today. 今天我请客

cure vt. 治疗,痊愈 n. 药物,疗法

cure sb. ________ disease 治愈某人疾病

2) I’ll treat you __________ a simple lunch.

A. to B. in C. as D. like

3) Teenagers don’t like__________ children.

A. treating as B. treated as C. being treated as D. treated

5. rely on vt. 依赖, 依靠, 信任

rely on sb. for sth.

rely on to do/doing sth. 指望某人做某事

rely on it that… 指望…, 放心…

1) 你可以相信我保守秘密

You can _____ _____ _____ _____ _____the secret.

2) 你放心好了, 他会来接你的

You may ______ ______ ______ that he will come to meet you.

6. suspect vt. 怀疑,不信任. 过去式_____,过去分词_____ n.嫌疑人 adj.可疑的,仅作表语 suspect sb. of doing 怀疑某人做过某事

suspect sb. to be… 怀疑某人是…

suspect that从句

1) 我怀疑他病了 ________________________________________________

7. accompany vt. 陪伴, 陪同; 为…伴奏。过去式________, 过去分词________

keep sb. company 给某人做伴

accompany sb. on the piano 用钢琴为某人伴奏

be accompanied by 伴随

1) ________ by his daughter, he went to Qingdao.

A. Accompany B. Accompanied C. Accompanies D. Accompanying

2) He ________ to the park.

A. accompanied us to go B. accompanied us

C. companied us to go D. companied us

8. resemble vt. 像, 类似。 无进行时, 无被动

resemble sb./sth. in… 在某方面像某人/某物

1) 她的外表像她姐姐,但性格不像。


9. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引注意力, 使全神贯注

absorb oneself in = be absorbed in 全神贯注于…

absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

be absorbed into… 被并入…

absorbing adj. 吸引人的

absorbed 精力集中的

1) 她躺在床上, 专心致志地看书

She lay in bed, ________ ______ her book.

关于专心做某事的短语还有: devote oneself to doing, fix/focus one’s attention on, concentrate on, be lost in

2) When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely ___ a magazine.

A. absorbing B. absorbing to C. absorbed in D. absorbed to


1. I wish后接宾语从句时,常表示一种假设情况,谓语动词常用虚拟语气。一般有下列三种情况:

(1) 如果假设的情况与wish同时发生,用过去时(be用were)。

(2) 假设的情况发生在wish前, 用过去完成时。

(3) 假设的情况发生在wish后, 用would/could + 动词原形。

1) I wish I ________(go) I to see the film with him yesterday.

2) I wish that I _________ (have) a better chance to learn in the future.

3) I wish I_________(fly) like a bird.


4) I wish I _________(be) you.

2. An idea came to it. 它突然想起一个主意

come to: …被想到; 苏醒

occur to: (想法, 念头等)浮现

strike 过去式/过去分词__________

it comes/occurs to sb. that. 某人突然想起

it strikes sb. That

1) 我想起来了, 他也许对我们讨论过的那个问题感兴趣

It _______ _______ me that he might be interested in the problem we had discussed.

3. …was/were doing…when…: 正在做…这时…

…be about to do…when…: 刚要做…这时…

…had just done…when…: 刚一做完…这时…

1) 他刚睡着这时电话铃响了


2) 我刚要出去这时有人敲门



1. throw oneself ________: 扑倒在…上面 16. mistake sb. for sb.: ____________

2. be identical ________: 与…一样, 与…一致 17. in other words: ____________

3. ________ mistake: 错误地 18.in a word: ____________

4. a sequence ________: 一系列的 19. keep one’s word: ____________

5. rely ________: 依赖, 依靠 20. I couldn’t agree more: ____________

6. ________ follows: 如下 21. That’s a good idea/point: ____________

7. get out of control: ____________ 22. rely on sb. to do sth.: ____________

8. as far as we know: ____________ 23. for the first time: ____________

9. break down: ____________ 24. for fear of/that 从句: ____________

10. vice versa: ____________ 25. on the contrary: ____________

11. bring…back to life: ____________ 26. protect sb. from: ____________

12. burn to the ground: ____________ 27. accompany sb. to sp.: ____________

13. burn one’s boat: ____________ 28. that is it: ____________

14. by/in contrast: ____________ 29. throw light on/upon: ____________

15. in contrast with/to: ____________ 30. is up to: ____________

五、反馈练习 单项选择

1. _______early economics, much of modern economic analysis largely ignores geography.

A. In contrast to B. By contrast

C. In addition to D. According to

2. He got to the station early, __________missing his train.

A. for fear that B. instead of

C. for fear of D. in search of

3. The room grew colder as the fire had__________.

A. burnt off B. burnt out

C. burnt down D. burnt away

4. After a day's work, she felt exhausted. She _____ herself on the bed, unwilling to say a word.

A. drew B. flew

C. threw D. blew

5. She was finally __________ by the programme, so she turned off the TV.

A. disgusted B. attracted

C. disgusting D. attracting

6. I wish I __________longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

A. could have slept B. slept

C. might have slept D. have slept

7. It was really a __________ experience. Afterwards, everybody was still__________.

A. terrifying; terrifying B. terrified; terrifying

C. terrifying; terrified D. terrified; terrified

8. I tried to get them to bring down the price of the TV set, but they _____ to. So I didn't buy it.

A. promised B, offered

C. agreed D. refused

9. Try not to refer to the dictionary when __________ the passage.

A. read B. reading

C. reads D. are reading

10. ---Do you know our town at all?

---No, this is the first time I__________ here.【b6m5阅读课教案】

A. have come B. was

C. came D. am coming

11. It was in the village __________ he once lived __________ he got his junior education.

A. that; where B. where; that

C, which; where D. where; which

12. When we climbed up the top of the mountain, we were all__________.

A. out of the breath B. short of the breath

C. out of breath D. short of breaths

13. Such an educational programme can teach us how to make positive choices when __________ with personal conflicts.

A. to face B. facing

C. having faced D. faced

14. We had an anxious couple of weeks __________ for the results of the experiment.

A. wait B. to be waiting

C. wailed D. waiting

15. __________ writing the article, the author forgot that he bad a meeting to attend.

A. Absorbed in B. Absorbing at

C. To absorb in D. Having absorbed by

16. Hearing this, the than rose up hurriedly, looking extremely _____, and rushed out the office.

A. disgust B. disgusted

C. disgusting D. to disgust

M5 第一部分 教学设计

MODULE 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges

Part One Teaching Design 第一部分 教学设计

Period 1 Reading—A Trip Along the Three Gorges


● To learn to read passages about the Three Gorges ● To learn to read with strategies


Step 1: Warming up by defining gorge

A canyon, or gorge, is a valley walled by cliffs. Most canyons originate by a process of long-time erosion from a plateau level,

with a stream gradually carving out its valley. The cliffs form because harder rock strata that are resistant to erosion and weathering remain exposed on the valley walls. Canyons are much more common in arid areas than in wetter areas because weathering has a lesser effect in arid zones. Canyons' walls are often formed of resistant sandstones or granite. ... Step 2: Before you read

Please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling. Step 3: While you read

第 1 页 共 15 页

3. Complete the article with one word in each blank.

In August 1996, Peter Haussler and a _1_ of his were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college. When the _2_semester finished at the end of January and they decided to take a boat downstream. They just _3_ to show our passports at the dock and got on the boat. As the sun set they docked at Fengdu to _4_ the sun setting behind the white pagoda. They slept through the first gorge, which is called the _5_ Gorge. The gorge narrows to 350 feet as the river rushes through the two-mile-high _6_. The next day they went through the big gorges on the Yangtze River. It was a lovely _7_ as they went through the Wu Gorge. They passed the Xiang River, home of Qu Yuan, the 3rd _8_ BC poet. As they came out of the third gorge, the Xiling Gorge, they sailed into the _9_ site of the dam. They saw on a distant mountain a sign in 20-foot 4. Answer the reading comprehension questions according to the text.

1. The first semester finished at the end of _____and they had four weeks off for _____. A. July, the Moon Festival B. January, the Spring Festival C. October, the National Day D. September, the Teacher Day 2. A Jiangyou boat _____.

A. is very crowded B. is mainly for goods and people trading along the river C. doesn’t stop at the temples D. all of these

3. We slept through the first gorge, which is called ____.

A. the Xiling Gorge B. the Qutang Gorge C. the Wu Gorge D. the Dam Gorge

4. What does ―setour‖ mean in At Wushan we made a detour up the Daning River to see some of the smaller gorges?

A. deviation from normal course B. a back route

Step 4: After you read

1. Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book.

第 2 页 共 15 页

第 3 页 共 15 页

Period 2 Grammar—Revision of modal verbs


● To revise the modal verbs ■Procedures

Step 1: Revising modal verbs

When do we use modals?  To talk about someone’s ability (or inability) to do something example: “We can find your house without the street plan.” “She can’t have a son that old!”  To talk about an action that is necessary (or impossible, or not necessary)

example: “You must always have your driver’s license when you are driving your car.” “You needn’t carry your wallet around with you.”  To talk about a situation that is possible (or impossible) example: “Do be careful with that cup, the cat might knock it over”

第 4 页 共 15 页


Step 2: Revising other uses of modal verbs

Apart from being used to describe degrees of certainty, modal verbs can also be used in the 第 5 页 共 15 页


教案:《Book6 Module5 Unit1 It’s big and light.》


本课是《新标准英语三年级起点第六册》第18页 Module5 Unit1 It’s big and light.







能听说读写单词:light, broken, heavy, pockets.

能掌握句型:It’s big and light. It’s got two pockets.






2、句型:This black bag is nice. It’s big. It’s big and light. It’ll be easy for her.



Step1 Warming up课件1


T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you.

S: Hello, Nice to see you.

T: What’s your favorite color?

S: It’s blue/yellow…

2、Review: 课件2

T: Ok, let’s look at the screen. This is a seven-color flower.It’s beautiful.Let’s say the color.

(复习表示颜色的形容词 red green yellow blue black purple orange )

T: Ok, let’s read the words together. 在课件上呈现形容词,并让学生读一遍。 Step2 Lead in

T: Class. Do you like go shopping?

S: Yes , I do .

T: I like go shopping very much. And I bought a new bag yesterday at the department store. Look, this is my new bag. It’s big and light. It’s got two pockets. Because my bag is heavy and broken.( 通过对话引出新单词,并进行教授。)

Let’s chant

Light light ,it’s very light .

Heavy heavy ,it’s very heavy .

Broken broken, it’s very broken.

Pocket pocket , it’s a pocket.

Step3 New contents

Our friend Ling ling wants to buy a new bag.

Here are three bags, the black bag, the green bag and the blue bag.

Let’s listen to the tape first and find out which bag that Ling ling choose? Activity1 Listen again and answer the questions.

1、which bag did Lingling choose ?

2、what’s wrong with Lingling’s bag ?

3、what’s the black bag like ?

4、what’s the green bag like ?

5、what’s the blue bag like ?

Activity2 Read and tick

Step 4 拓展

1. Say your bags.


2.Look and say 看图组织句子表达

3、Let’s guess

(1)、It’s big.

It’s gray.

It’s very heavy .

It’s got a long nose.

What is it ?

It’s an elephant .

(2)、It’s beautiful.

It’s very light.

We can fly it in spring.

What is it?

It’s a kite .

(3)、It’s big and light.

We can put lots of books in it.

We often take it to school.

What is it ?

It’s a bag .


. Step 4 Homework


2、认真书写单词 light heavy broken pocket.



Module 5

Unit 1 It’s big and light.

It’s broken. It’s small and light

It’s got two pockets.

It’s big and heavy

It’s big and light It’s got four wheels.





You like western classical music, don’t you?



1、面向学生:初中 2、学科:英语 3、课时:1








1. 知识目标:



通过听力训练、小组合作和背诵, 掌握反意疑问句表述不确定事实的的方法。

3.情感目标: 通过对各种音乐的认识,进一步陶冶学生的情操。



单词,词组:pop, techno, sad, serious, slow, Austrian, composer, fan, on earth, noisy, hear of.

句子:You’ve heard of him, haven’t you? He was German, wasn’t he? „so she doesn’t like pop music, does he? No, she doesn’t.

2. 掌握反意疑问句的用法

3.学习on earth 的用法。








1.在对话中找出新词汇:blues, pop, techno, sad, serious, slow,Austrian, composer, fan; on earth, noisy, hear of. classical , jazz, rock, beautiful, dramatic, lively, traditional , sure, German .


你不能认读的单词有:___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

2. 通过预习,你还存在的问题有:_________________________________



1. She likes western c______ music very much.

2. Now many young people like p________ music.

3. Mr Smith looks s________. He never smiles.

4. Xian Xing was a c__________. He wrote much beautiful music.

5. The girl likes dance but she p________ music.

6. Our country is becoming more and more b_________.

7. Have you ever h_______ of him.

8. She is from Germany, she is a G________.


1. 预习情况交流



2. 听力处理.



3. 对话学习


1.The Blue Danube is by______

A. Mozart B. Strauss C. Beethoven

2.Does Lingling like western classical music?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she doesn't. C. Yes, she does.

3.What country did Strauss come from?

A. Germany B. Austria C. Australia

4.Who likes rap?

A. Daming B. Betty C. Tony【b6m5阅读课教案】

B. 再听一遍完成活动4(表格)。


D. 独自完成Activity5, 教师订正答案。

经过学习,你对反意疑问句有了什么概念,自己总结和归纳反意疑问句的用法。 请先看下列句子:

(1) You like classical music, don’t you?

(2) He lived in Vienna, too, didn’t he?

(3) Your parents can swim, can’t they?

(4) Tony doesn’t like classical music, does he?

(5) This music isn’t very popular, is it?

通过这些例句,你一定对反意疑问句有了初步的认识了吧,写下你的感受。 _________________________________________________________________.


Grammar 反意疑问句

构成: 陈述句+简短问句(助/系+主)


1) 前__后__, 前__后____. He is a student,__ __? There’s little water,___ ____?

2) 反意疑问句的主语必须是代替前面主语的_____.

3) 反意疑问句助/





1. Mary is reading English now, ____?

2. Tom was away yesterday, ______?

3. Mary often has lunch at school, ________?

4. The boy doesn’t like fish,______?

5. The rain stopped,_______?

6. She had a good time yesterday, ______?

7. The bus will stop here, ______?

8. He has been to Japan three times, ________?

9. Ms Li hasn’t visited Beijing, _______?

10. ----John hasn’t gone to his uncle’s, has he?

----________. I saw him just now.

A. Yes, he hasn’t B. No, he has

C. No, he hasn’t D. Yes, he has







11、让我们清净会儿。_________12、这是谁创作的?__________________ III.用括弧内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Li Shuangjiang is a ______(music). He is very famous in China.

2. The music sounds __________(live). We all enjoy it.

3. Many football _________(fan)went to watch the football match.

4. You _________(write)a diary, haven’t you?

5. The old man likes _________(tradition) music, he doesn’t like rock music.

6. Some people don't like to live in this _______(noise) city.

7. Some ________(German) will come to museum.

8. It ________ (call) The Blue Danube.






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