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学生的睡眠情况 英语

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学生的睡眠情况 英语篇一:学生的睡眠情况

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇二:各种睡眠问题英语表达



1. insomnia/sleeplessness 失眠;

2. sleep deprivation 缺觉、睡眠不足;

3. sleep disorder/somnipathy 睡眠失常/障碍;

4. jet lag 时差综合症,由时差造成的疲劳和睡眠障碍;

5. night terrors 夜惊;

6. teeth grinding (bruxism)磨牙症;

7. nightmare 噩梦;

8. sleepwalking 梦游

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇三:关于大学生睡眠的英语报告

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇四:睡觉学英语

睡觉学英语 第1页(共1贴)

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1楼. 睡觉可以学英语吗?是的!请问:当你睡觉的时候呼吸仍在进行吗?当你睡觉的时候心脏还在跳动吗?原来,当你睡着后,你的一切由潜意识控制着。我们头脑中的潜意识,就像一位幕后的工作者,一位慈善家,在我们需要的时候就送来供给,为我们耐心地劳作。潜意识为我们最重要的精神活动提供了一个尽情表现的舞台。弹钢琴、溜冰、打字还有老练的商业行为等种种完美的技巧也同样是从潜意识中而来。你可以一边弹奏流畅优美的乐章一边和他人进行一场幽默风趣的谈话,这更是取决于潜意识的指挥棒。显意识有引导潜意识活动的能力。从物质的层面来说,潜意识是维护生命的需要,在大脑正常运转中也发挥着十分重要的作用。这取决于它具有的本能如心跳、血压、学习等功能。近代著名心理学家傅洛伊德认为,人的心灵就像一座浮在海洋中的冰山,意识只是冰山露出海面的那一小部分,而潜意识是在海面以下体积更庞大的部分,那是深不可测的、隐藏的深层心灵,潜意识学习能力是意识的三万多倍。


睡觉学英语CD由潜意识音乐和纯正英美外教录音组合而成。 潜意识音乐能使身体和头脑和谐一致,特别是它会打开通向超级记忆情绪通道。如果在这类音乐伴奏下,把英语句子读给学生听,这些句子就容易飘进学生的潜意识,使学生能更快地掌握。一个人记住一首歌的歌词远比记住一整页孤立的句子来的快,就是因为左脑和右脑同时都动员了起来。也像电视、电台广告那样,语言配上音乐让你不得不记住,躲也躲不掉。录音分别由英籍教师和美籍教师专门为我国英语爱好者编写、录音,正宗地道。潜意识英语CD分初级、中级和高级。初级适合中小学生,中级口语适合高中生和大学生,高级以文化为主着重涉外交际。

听潜意识DVD应有的心态:无论何时何地都向他人致以美好的祝愿。您可以读书、写字、开车、坐车、吃饭、睡觉、看电视、听音乐时听都可以,您只要把它当背景音乐播放即可,无需专注去听,在不知不觉中,您纯正的英语语感就会形成。“坚持一个月,每天五小时,口语加文化,英语初学成”,英语口语闪电速成强调:只有坚持不懈,才能有所回报,而且这种回报是非常巨大的!影响潜意识最重要最重要的关键,就是重复的次数。任何讯息经过不断地重复,就可以深入到你的潜意识里面 。《道德经》讲“有无互生”,愿潜意识英语CD祝您梦想成真!

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇五:关于睡眠的英语作文





Sleep is part of a person’s daily activity cycle. There areseveral different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are anaverage sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you fist drift off intoslumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, you temperature will drop slightly,your muscles will relax, and your breathing well slow and become quite regular.Your brain waves slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down abit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves 1 sleep. For the next halfhour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 andstage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep. slower your brain waves will be.Then about 40to 69 minutes after you lose consciousness you will have reachedthe deepest sleep of all. Your brain will show the large slow waves that areknown as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.

You donot remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increaseagain slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activitypattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closedeyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you. Thisperiod of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REMsleep. It is during REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, yourbreathing will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep----only to riseonce again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.


学生的睡眠情况 英语篇六:睡眠与健康英文

"Adequate sleep, do not stay up late, sleep health from" this is the scientists recently proposed view. No sleep is not healthy, sleep is the pace of life is an important component in the. Lack of sleep, not only consume the body not to supplement, but because of lack of synthetic hormones, can cause environmental imbalance in the body. More importantly, sleep around the body's immune function. Scientists believe that, if you want your own health, we must re-examine the role of sleep on health. Often stay up all through the night, or to play cards, watch TV, is detrimental to health.

The United States University of Florida immunologist professor Berry Dabi research group made a series of research on sleep, hypnosis and immunity of the human body, and concluded that: "sleep can eliminate fatigue, causes the body to produce new vitality, and enhance immunity, resistance to disease is closely related to the". Results show that the professor Darby self-hypnosis training on 28 test personnel, mesmerize, after the subjects blood T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes were significantly increased, and these two kinds of cells are main force of human body immunity. The scientists also found, the hypnotic subjects in the daily pressure before the show more self-confidence, self-esteem and independent ability. In addition, the night of 10 to 2 am, is most active cell necrosis and neonatal body, do not sleep, cell the new supersedes the old. Will be affected, people will accelerate ageing. Long time stay up late and lack of sleep, even if the next patch 8 hours of sleep, but also difficult to recover the loss.

However, the mental workers prone to insomnia, insomnia, makes people feel fatigue and anxiety, fear of insomnia can affect health. In fact, health effects can not sleep, but anxiety. Anxiety would hinder the rest, make people fall asleep more difficult. According to physiologists observation, not sleep just relax muscles, eyes closed static bed, not much difference between energy and produce harmful substances consumed by the organism and sleep. So, don't anxiety, insomnia and magnanimous, it is important to find the causes of insomnia. Many causes of insomnia, anxiety, depression, pain, disease and excessive fatigue, sleep environment (such as noise, bright, hot, cold, bedding or uncomfortable pillow etc.) will affect the sleep.

Prevention of insomnia, in addition to try to eliminate or avoid the causes of insomnia, pro before sleep do not drink tea, coffee, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't watch thriller, TV, in order to avoid excessive excitement sleep influence. It is worth to recommend to you, before bedtime hot bath, foot bath, then drink a cup of hot milk, to sleep good. When necessary, under the guidance of a doctor taking drugs to help sleep.

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇七:中学生睡眠状况(2)

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇八:大学生睡眠质量调查英文

学生的睡眠情况 英语篇九:'睡觉'的各种英文表达

晚上不想睡,早上不想起。就算是昏昏欲睡(nodding),半睡半醒(half asleep),或者快要累趴下(ready to drop),熬夜族也要玩会儿手机,刷刷微博微信。长此以往,睡眠成了大问题。困了累了,别撑着!关注睡眠健康,先来看看英文"困了"还能怎么说?

1. I'm feeling a bit dozy this afternoon.


2. Sorry, I'm half asleep.


3. The speaker was so boring that half the audience was nodding.


4. I am ready to drop.


5. I was shattered when I got home from work.


6. I've got pillow lust, and I've got it bad.


7. I might take a nap.


8. Come on, sleepyhead, let's get you to bed.




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