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上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>

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上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇一:上海版牛津英语1a教案Unit6






上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇二:上海牛津1A Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival含单元分析

Unit 6 Mid-Autumn Festival



通过前几个单元的学习,师生关系日趋融洽,师生之间的密切程度有所增强,课堂教学效率有所提高。学生已经掌握了一些基本的词汇,有了初步的语音语感,能听懂简单的课堂用语。教师对学生有了全面的了解,针对学生之间的认知能力和智力水平的不均衡,要注重学生不同层次的发展。中国的饮食博大精深,每个节日都有它的特点,本单元时围绕Mid-Autumn Festival来学习中秋节我们常吃的一些事物,如:mooncake, taro, bean等,让学生感受中国的饮食文化。学习有关秋天的单词,如autumn, leaf; 并学习句型I/You have got a/an…,来表述自己所拥有的物品和食物。


a) 单词moon, mooncake, bean, taro, leaf, autumn达到“三会”要求。能够听懂,会说,会认读。发音正确到位。能够辨认所学单词,并能把图片和单词进行配对。

b) 能听懂并会说祈使句 Look at your hands. Wash your hands .Eat a cake.并作出反应。

c) 能听懂并会用What do you like to eat?来提问,并回答。

d) 能够认读,听懂,会说You have got a cake. Yes, I have got a cake. You have got a taro. No, I have got a leaf.知道其中文意思,发音正确到位。能够掌握You/I have got a…这个句型,来表述自己或对方所拥有的东西。

e) 能够熟练地唱本单元的歌谣,会表演。



The first period


第6单元Let’s act

Look at your hands.Wash your hands. Eat your cake. 学习目标:

1.能听,说,读Look at your hands.Wash your hands. Eat your cake.


2. 能够准确而迅速的认读这3个句子,做到又快又准确



1.能够正确的听,说,认,读Look at your hands.Wash your hands. Eat your cake.并发音正确,到位。


1.能够正确的听,说,认,读Look at your hands.Wash your hands. Eat your cake


2.注意hands 的发音。




Step1. Greeting and Warming-up

1. Greeting:

T: Good morning,boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning,lucy.

T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you

T: How old are you?

Ss:Iam six/ seven years old

2. Warming-up

1.上课前先复习以前学过Raise your hand . put it down. Step2. New Contents

1、将蛋糕和一盆水带进教室,利用学生的生活体验引出祈使句;Look at your hands.Wash your hand.Eat a cake…



4、接着抽查个别学生的学习情况,全班听录音组织学生围圈而站开展simon says的游戏,只要听到simon says,才能按指令反应作出反应,出错者被罚出局,最后留在圈内者为胜。


将学生分成小组,操练祈使句,在开展小组活动前,建议教师用其他用其他人体部位的的单词来套勇敢句型,Look at…,Wash…这样既帮助学生复习了学过的语言,又丰富了语言操练的内容,最后可让学生表演已经改编后的祈使句,以鼓励学生的创新意识。 Homework:

1、 27页听录音跟读五遍。



The second period


Let’s talk

What do you like to eat? Ilike to eat mooncake. 学习目标:

1、能听,说,读What do you like to eat? Ilike to eat mooncake.并根据意思说出句子。

2、 能够准确而迅速的认读这3个句子,做到又快又准确



能够正确的听,说,认,读What do you like to eat? Ilike to eat mooncake.



1、能够正确的听,说,认,读What do you like to eat? Ilike to eat mooncake.


2、注意like和eat 的发音。




Step1. Greeting and Warming-up

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇三:上海牛津6B英语unit2


M2 At the airport

一, 现在完成时

1, 写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词。

bring _____________ get __________________

write _____________ buy _________________

put _______________ pack __________________

live ________________ do ___________________

2,现在完成时: ________________________________________________________ 标志性词语:_______________________________________________________

(1), Have you brought your passports _______________?

Yes, we’ve __________ brought our passports.

Have you got your boarding cards yet?

Oh, no! We haven’t got our boarding cards _________.

(2), I bought the bike this mourning. I have ___________ bought it。

Miss Li has _________ come into the classroom. She came in a minute ago. A, already B, just

(3), They have done many things. (改否定句)


(4), Where is Tommy? He ______ the library.

A, has been to B, has gone to C, goes C, went

二,leave for Angeles __________________

leave Angeles ____________________

leave Angeles to New York ______________________

1, 你们的飞机明天几点飞往Angeles?

—————————————————————————————————— 2, We will leave _____ Paris ______ 6.54 tomorrow afternoon.

A, in…at B, for…at C, to…on D, at…at

3, What time does your plane leave ______ Japan?(for/at)


1, Mr. Wang is going to visit Singapore by ________(/plein/)

2, Have you checked your ______ (护照)。

3, Look, there are some signs on that ________ (t恤衫)。

4, I have already packed my __________ (手提箱)。

5, Don’t w_____, there is enough time.

6, Can you tell me you’re a_____?

7, Please look at the c__________(清单)。


My father and I are going to London tomorrow. We are going to v_____ Aunt Lucy. She has l_______ in London for ten years. My father and I haven’t been to London b-________ . We p______ to stay there for a month. We will l______ home for the airport at 10 a.m. We’ll h_____ to stay at the airport for two h_____. We think we’ll have a g______ time in London.

M3 Dreagon Boat Festival

一, 介词:有, 和…谁一起______________ 没有 _____________ 1, I like milk _________ sugar because sugar keeps me fat.

2, 没有空气或水的话,我们就无法生存。____________________________________

3, 我喜欢没有豆子的甜粽子,但我不喜欢咸的肉粽子。

I like sweet rice dumpings ________ beans, but I don’t like salty ones_______ meat. 二,愿意做某事:________________________= ______________________________ 你想要…吗?_______________________=_______________________________ 1,我想了解一下关于端午节的知识。

(1) ____________________________________________________________________

(2)____________________________________________________________________ 2, I’d like to go to the cinema with you.(改一般疑问句并作回答))

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3, _______ ______open the window for you?

_______ ______ _______ ______ open the window for you?

_______ ______ _______ ______ open the window for you?

4, _______ you like to have dinner with us tonight.

A, Would B, Do C,Are D, Will

5, Woudd you like some Chinese pudding?

No, thanks. I don’t like Chinese pudding very much? I _____ _____ have a hamburger.

6, I’d like to go to the cinema with you.(改一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 7, Tonny would like to have a picnic in the City Park.(保持原意) __________________________________________________________________ 三,基数词、序数词。

one ___________, two ___________, three __________, four _________

five __________, six ____________, seven __________, eight___________ nine __________, ten ___________, twelve _________, twenty ____________ twenty-one _______________, thirty _____________, ninety _______________ 1,那一天正是那一年的五月五日。

________________________________________________________________________ 2, December is the ____________ month of a year.

3, Monday is the _________ day of a week.

4, August is the ________ month of a year.



1, 不,谢谢。我不喜欢粽子。我宁愿来一块披萨。

__________________________________________________________________ 2, 我宁愿在农场工作而不愿意在工厂工作。

___________________________________________________________________ 3, I don’t like the red dress. I would rather ______________.

A, the blue one B, buy the blue one C, blue D, buy blue one 4, I would rather _______ (have) some orange juice.


1, People eat rice _______ on the Dragon Boat Festival.

2, I want _______ (某物) to eat. I’m hungry.

3, My _______ (建议) is to eat less unhealthy food.

4, People wii d______ without water.

5, There was once a b_______ between these two countries.

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇四:牛津英语 1a unit6

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇五:上海牛津英语6A Unit 6-10词组

Unit 6 Going to school


Unit 7 Rules round us



Unit 8 The food we eat



上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇六:上海牛津英语高一下Revision Unit4-Unit6

Unit 4 Revision


1. Betty jumped _______ fright, and then shouted: “Kill it!”

A. with B. in C. by D. on

2. Now this teaching method __________ all over the world.

A. was copied B. was being copied C. is copied D. is being copied

3. While shopping, people sometimes can‟t help _______ into buying something they don‟t really like.

A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded

4. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years.

A. discovered B. have discovered

C. had been discovered D. have been discovered

5. Have you had the nurse _______ your little brothers?

A. to take B. taking C. take D. taken

6. ______________ made her very upset.

A. Lose her wallet B. To lose her wallet C. Lost her wallet D. Losing her wallet

7. After digging deep into the mud at the bottom of a pond, they do not stir again _____it is warm.

A. until B. when C. while D. because

8. If on one answered the front door, why not try ______ at the back door?

A. to knock B. knocking C. knock D. having knocked

9. The students looked at me with a _______ expression. Maybe the problem is quite ______.

A. puzzled, puzzling B. puzzling, puzzled C. puzzled, puzzled D. puzzling, puzzling

10. I will never forget the day ______ I met Mr. Lu Xun.

A. that B. which C. when D. in which

11. I hope to get such a car ______ he is driving.

A. that B. which C. when D. as

12. ________ a reply, I decided to write again.

A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received

13. The girl entered the house and left me ______ outside.

A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. to be standing

14. Twenty percent of the students suggested that the programme ______ more music.

A. had B. having C. have D. would have

15. I‟ve got to make _____ he told a lie.

A. that clear B. it clear that C. quite clear D. this clear that

16. One of the advantages of living on the top floor is that you can get a good ______.

A. sight B. scene C. scenery D. view

17. _______ has a debate attracted so much media attention.

A. Hardly B. Rarely C. Few D. Little

18. _______ rain has been increasingly used on some special occasions.

A. True B. False C. Artificial D. real

19. _________ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.

A.Several million B.Many millions C.Several millions D.Many million

20. We often compare children ______ flowers.

A. with B. of C. by D. to


1. 这两种文化有许多共同之处。(common)


2. 这个决定是在我不在的时候做出的。(absence)


3. 我想到了一个好主意。(occur)


4. 同其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。(compare)


5. 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此的埋怨,而是相互帮助。(not...but…)


6. 我们学得越多,将来就越能为祖国更好地工作。(the more …the more)


7. 第一次当众演讲时,我紧张得一个字也说不出。(the first time)


8. 他说他要写完那些圣诞卡才离开。(not … until)


Unit 5 Revision


1. The little girl felt frightened ______ the fierce tiger at the zoo.

A. for B. of C. at D. on

2. After working for hours, John returned home _______ and exhausted.

A. tired B. tiring C. to be tired D. being tired

3.The president _______ a visit to Tai Wan , but he made another arrangement.

A. had meant paying B. meant to pay

C. had meant to pay D. meant paying

4. _________ others is impolite.

A. Tease B. Teasing C. To tease D. Being teased

5. Tom thought it a pity for him__________ the 2010 World Expo held in Shanghai.

A. missed B. miss C. missing D. to miss

6. I usually like _______ chess . but I don‟t like _______ chess with him now because I feel sleepy.

A. playing, to play B. to play, playing

C. to play, to play D. playing, playing

7. That did it! ______ I had meant to return the extra money, I had a clear conscience.

A. While B. Since C. However D. For

8. Williams regretted _______ illegal things when he was questioned by the police.

A. to do B. doing C. to have done D. done

9. Considering from the ______ look on his face, the animal must have been ______.

A. frightening; frightened B. frightened; frightened

C. frightened; frightening D. frightening; frightening

10. I don‟t like the way _______ he gets along with other people.

A. what B. how C. that D. which

11. All ______is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed

12. _______ from the report, he is a careless students.

A. Judge B. Judged C. Judging D. To judge

13. Suddenly I noticed a man ______ at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction.

A. sit B. seat C. seated D. seating

14. Mum is coming. What present _______ for your birthday?

A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got

C. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got

15. We haven‟t settled the question of _______ it is necessary for him to study abroad.

A. if B. where C. whether D. that

16. The job given by Mr Li was such a ______ one that it took us three hours to get it done.

A. strong B. violent C. heavy D. tough

17. The exam was really difficult, but to my satisfaction, I _______ passed it.

A. narrowly B. widely C. hardly D. nearly

18. Few could make him change his mind, but I was able to ______ him into going with us that day.

A. advise B. ask C. persuade D. argue

19. Mrs. Clark shopped a whole morning and her car was not big enough for her ______.

A. shopping B. products C. purchases D. supplies

20. The job given by Mr Li was such a ______ one that it took us three hours to get it done.

A. strong B. violent C. heavy D. tough

II. Translation:

1. 很难说服他做他不想做的事。(persuade)

2. 请尽快的通过E-mail 和我们联系。(contact)

3. 由于没有讲出真相,我感到问心有愧。(guilty)

4. 应该采取行动保护环境。(action)


III. Writing

1. Write an English short message in no more than 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese

假定你是李华,最近发现你校一学生常到图书馆看书时剪下报刊中的文章或图片。当你第一次看见时,你没说什么;第二次告诉父母,他们却说你莫管闲事;为此,你写信向某中学生英文报“烦恼和我说”编辑Ms Linda求助。

2.Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English letter in no more than 120 words according to the instructions given below.

Suppose you are Mary, a teacher counsellor at school. A student named Wang Yun writes to you about his problem. Write a letter to him to give him some advice.

In his letter, he talked about his problem. Here is an extract from the letter:

I like learning English, and I can get good marks in English exams. But I am afraid of speaking English, especially in front of a large audience. Last week, my English teacher asked me to take part in the English Speaking Contest held in school. I want to participate in this meaningful game, but I am afraid that I might lose the competition. What can I do? Can you give me some advice?

Unit 6 Revision

Choice: Name:______________

1. This explains to them how to ______ their expenses _______ their income.

A. meet … with B. balance … with C. meet … against D. balance … against

2. The value of saving money should _______.

A. be understood B. have known C. be having known D. had been known

3. Every March since 1981, people _______ trees around their surroundings.

A. were planting B. have planted C. had been planted D. planted

4. _________ children is wrong.

A. Advertised to B. Having advertised to C. Being Advertised to D. Advertising to

5. My mother wonder _____________. Which is wrong?

A. if I have passed the exam B. where I can buy a good microphone

C. why the „Magic Babies‟ are one of the world‟s best-selling toys

D. how can I get to the school in such a short time

6. I regret _______ that you didn‟t get A this time.

A. saying B. to say C. to have said D. having said

7. _______ watching ads can make kids informed of the current information, watching ads will also make them materialistic.

A. Therefore B. When C. Furthermore D. While

8. I hadn‟t meant _______ you.

A. to hurt B. hurting C. having hurt D. by hurting

9. Many things ______ are silly and encourage violence.

A. being advertising B. being advertised C. advertised D. having advertised

10. The reason ______ parents don‟t allow kids watch commercials is ______ they don‟t want to see their kids obsessed with goods.

A. that … that B. why … because C. for which … that D. in which … that

11. This explains _______ to deal with the money ______.

A. why … having earned B. how … we earned C. what … that we earned D. that …earning

12. _________ the school activity, the company won popularity with the students. Which is wrong?

A. After sponsoring B. Having sponsored C. After the company had sponsored

D. Sponsoring

13. Not everyone _____ happy to see the kids ______ into consumers.

A. are … turning B. were … turned C. is … having turned D. was … turned

14. I found nothing wrong ____________.

A. with what he says B. with what he is considering C. with what he said D. for what he considered

15. He advised that action_______ as soon as possible.

A. be taken B. must be taken C. take D. takes

16. The birds flew out of _______.

A. view B. idea C. look D. landscape

17. What I did was ______.

A. silly B. ill C. considerable D. fool

18. Bankers teach students _____ to ______ the money. Which is wrong?

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇七:牛津1AUnit6__第1课时参考课件

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇八:牛津英语上海版1A-6B中英版大全

上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇九:上海版牛津英语1A教案

Unit 1 My classroom

Period One

Teaching contents: Let‘s act ( Page 2) Teaching aims:

1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。

3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。 Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。 Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag. Teaching procedure:



Unit 1 My classroom

Period Two

Teaching contents: let‘s talk ( page 3 ) Teaching aims:

4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。

5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。 6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。

Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。 Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet. Teaching procedure:



Unit 1 My classroom

Period Three

Teaching contents: let‘s learn ( page 4 ) Teaching aims:

7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。 8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。 9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。

Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。

Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards. Teaching procedure:


上海牛津英语1A--unit 6-<my family>篇十:上海版牛津英语1A Unit2

Oxford English 1A Unit 2

Class(班级)_________ Name(姓名)___________ 一、 Listen and tick(听单词,在相应学习用品的括号内打√) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、 Listen and circle(圈出你听到的单词) 三、 Listen and tick(听单词,在相应数字的括号内打√) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、 Listen and circle(圈出你听到的单词) 五、 Listen and fulfill the blank(听录音,在横线上填写数字) 1.









· · two pencils · · five rulers · · one bag · · three books · · six rubbers · · four pens

附加题1: Write.(书写)



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