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以下是中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)为大家整理的《端午节英语作文:端午印象》的文章,供大家参考阅读!

一看到妈妈泡米和桌子上满是粽叶,我就知道端午节又到了。 Seeing mom and bubble meter table is covered with leaves, I knew went to the Dragon Boat festival. 小的时候我不知道端午节的由来,只知道每年家里就像过年一样隆重地过端午节。后来也只是知道一点点关于纪念屈原的传说,至于还有什么我就一无所知了。 When I was young, I didn't know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, and I only knew that every year, as the Chinese new year, the Dragon Boat Festival was as grand as the Spring Festival.. Then I just know a little bit about the legend of Qu Yuan, as to what I know.. 每到端午节,佩戴香囊和系五彩线是必不可少的。大人们要做的第一件大事便是在孩子的手腕、脚腕、脖子上拴五色线,栓好了的五色线只能在夏季第一场大雨或第一次洗澡时,才可丢掉。妈妈告诉我说,据老人们讲,这样可以避免灾害,由此可以保安康。 Every Dragon Boat Festival, wearing sachet and Department of colorful line is essential. The adults to do the first issue is the bolt in the child's wrists, ankles, neck tied colored lines are good colored lines can only in the summer the first heavy rain or the first bath, only to be lost. Mother told me that, according to the old people, this can avoid the disaster, which can protect the Ankang. 端午食粽子是我们家乡的主要习俗。刚到五月,家里就开始浸泡糯米了。妈妈一般都会准备一盆米进行浸泡,同时也把粽叶放在水里浸透,可能是泡好的糯米会更粘些吧,我记得多年来妈妈就是一直这样做的。 The Dragon Boat Festival food and rice dumplings is the main custom of our hometown. Just to May, the home began to soak glutinous rice. Mother usually prepare a bowl of rice to soak, and at the same time, the bamboo leaves soaked in water, may be a good soak glutinous rice will be more stick some, I remember many years to mother is always do the. 端午前一天,妈妈就开始动手包粽子了,我偶尔也会捣乱,试着学包起来,可每次却都以失败而告终。看来包粽子也并不简单。 The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, mother began to pack the dumplings, I occasionally will trouble, try to learn to wrap up, but each time they end in failure. It seems that the package is not simple dumplings. 包粽子的时候还可以放一些大枣、葡萄干、鸡肉等掺在糯米里做馅,制作不同口味的粽子。而我最喜欢吃米里加肉的,吃起来特别的香。 Package dumplings can also put some dates, raisins, chicken and mixed in the glutinous rice do stuffing, making different flavors of dumplings. And I like eating rice, especially the s



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