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编辑:  成考报名   发布时间:07-06    阅读:

以下是中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)为大家整理的《端午节英语手抄报内容:端午节的祭祀》的文章,供大家参考阅读!

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, our hometown has the habit of a sacrifice, morning my grandma and I together to organize sacrifices with the items, and then do "five animals" (five animals are five kinds of animals: pork, beef, fish, chicken, duck. Five is called "sacrifice") by grandma to pick the ancestral temple.
To the ancestral temple, my grandmother and the sacrificial offerings on the for the stage, point candles, the fire with a candle incense, incense, three kowtow nine worship, again to the East, South, West, North four directions of the worship five times and Xu many immortals map hanging on the wall, after the ceremony, by my grandmother and the "God" prayer. Finished, grandma burn money, burn paper money, but also the side of the burning praying in the home, hope God lot of blessing. After the burn, I and my grandmother together the five animals pick home, home, grandma happily take the dumplings to me to eat......
This year, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting.!



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