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成考报名   发布时间:09-23    阅读:




A.大写字母 1. ______D ______ 2. _____ O ______ 3. _____R _____ 4. ______T ______ 5. _____ W ______

B.小写字母1. ______e ______ 2. _____ h _____ 3. _____ k ______ 4. _____r _____ 5. ____ x_____

二.找出各组字母中的元音字母,并把它写在题号前的括号里。(1×5=5分) ( ) 1. d , e , s, l ( ) 2. g , a, r , x ( ) 3. U , J , K , Y ( ) 4. J , K , L , I ( ) 5. R , Q , O , W


/eɪ/ s__ fe(安全的)sh__pe(形状)风扇)m__gic(有魔力的)/i:/ sh___(她) w__ (我们) /e/ fr__sh(新鲜的) tw__lfth (第十二)/aɪ/ l__ne (线路) l___e(说谎) /ɪ/ w__sh (希望) h__ll (小山)/əʊ/cl__se (靠近)N__vember(十一月) /ɒ/ cl__ck(钟)al__ ng(沿着)/jU:/ __se (使用) bea__tiful (漂亮的) / ʌ/ __pstairs (在楼上) p__blic(公共的)


( ( (

( ( ( (

五.请找出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个,并把它的字母编号填写在题号前的括号里。(1×10=10分) ( )1. A. gate B. shape C. plane D. traffic ( )2. A. country B. by C. my D. bye ( )3. A. catch B. watch C. math D. dad ( )4. A. put B. run C. sunny D. under ( )5. A. flower B. blow C. cow D. brown ( )6. A. group B. thousand C. around D. count ( )7. A. book B. foot C. food D. cook ( )8. A. when B. where C. white D. whose ( )9. A. orange B. message C. geography D. vegetable ( )10. A. helped B. needed C. missed D. looked

六.请认真拼读下列音标,并把对应的单词写在横线上。(1×25=25分) 1. /sɪt/ __________ 2. /bed/ __________ 3. /pʊt/__________ 4. /hɑ:d/__________ 5. /dɔ:/__________ 6. /swɪm/__________

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


7. /deɪ/__________ 8. /wi:k/__________ 9. / bɜ:d/ __________ 10./ frʌnt /__________ 11. /stɒp/_________ 12. /raɪd/ _________

13. /ʃɪp/_____________ 14. /tʃek/__________ 15. /ʃʊə /___________ 16./tru:θ/_________ 17. /drɔ:/__________ 18. /mʌnθ/ ___________ 19. /hɪə/____________ 20. /tʃeə/__________ 21. /`seldəm/______________ 22. / rɪ`tɜ:n/ ______________ 23. /` lɪsn/ ___________

24. /ɪn`dʒɔɪ/______________ 25. /`pleʒə/__________________

七.请根据句子意思和音标提示,在空格里填上一个形式正确的单词。 (1×20=20分)

1. You are all tired . Please sit down and have a short ______________ /rest/ . 2. What ________________ /els/do you want, madam ?

3. Their houses are on the other side of the river, so they go to school by ____________/bəʊt/ every day .

4. People in England drive on the ______________/left/ , so you must drive very carefully .

5. Please be careful when you ______________/krɒs/ the road at this time of the rush hour .

6. He was _____________/leɪt/ for school because he didn’t wake up until 7:30 this morning .

7. I have nothing but 10 yuan in my ______________/ pɜ:s/ .

8. Your hands aren’t ___________________/kli:n/ . Will you please wash them right now ?

9. We must keep ______________/`kwaɪət / when we read books in the reading room . 10. I don’t like this shirt . Would you show me _____________ /ə`nʌðə / one ? 11. Is there anything interesting in today’s________________/`nju:zpeɪpə/ ? 12. Mother is busy in the __________/`kɪtʃɪn/. She is cooking now .

13. Teachers’ Day is on _____________/sep`tembə/ 10th . We should say thanks to our teachers on that day .


14. If you have a card , you can _______________ /` bɒrəʊ /some books from the library .

15. We ____________ /`nevə/go to school by subway . We always take a yellow school bus .

16. I saw an ____________/`æksɪdənt/ happen on my way home yesterday afternoon .Two people got hurt in it .

17.Yesterday he went to the post office to buy many interesting ______________/stæmps/ .

18. Mike lives next to us . We are good __________________ /`neɪbəz/.

19. I’ll buy some ______________ /`preznts/for Michael and John . Their birthdays are coming next week .

20. The computer ______________/kɒsts/ too much . I don’t have enough money to buy it .

八、选出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的词: 1.

A.class B.name C.Kate D.cake 2.

A.desk B.yes C.these D.egg 3.

A.see B.meet C.fifteen D.zero 4.

A.look B.good C.soon D.put 5.

A.door B.blackboard C.yours D.ours 6.

A.these B.sit C.us D.yes

IV.从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词: 1.

A.school B.cats C.these D.cups 2.

A.student B.ruler C.excuse D.must 3.

A.father B.age C.black D.grade 5.

A.give B.listen C.picture D.Chinese 6.

A.clock B.zero C.who D.mother 7.

A.eraser B. C.very D.dress 8.

A.look B.good C.school D.book V.指出下列各组单词中含有不发音的字母的词:

1.A.meet B.there C.eight D.six 2.A.why B.she C.car D.ruler 3.A.thank B.know C.ask D.our 4.A.see B.twin C.over D.where

5.A.three B.zero C.who D.row 6.A.boat B.tree C.five D.much



目录 目录----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


My Pledge/Oath----------------------------------------------------------------------------

第一部分·脚踏实地 --------------------------------------





前元音[i:] [i] [e][æ]----------------------------------------------------------------

中元音[ə:][ə][^] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 后元音[α:][ɔ:] [ɔ][ u ][µ:]--------------------------------------------------------------




爆破音:[ p ][ b ] [ t ] [ d ] [ k ] [ g ]---------------------------------------------------

摩擦音:[ f ][ v ][∫][ З ][ θ ][ ð ][ s ][z][ r ][ h ]--------------------------------------

破擦音:[ t∫] [ dЗ ] [ tr ] [ dr ] [ ts ] [ dz]----------------------------------------------

鼻 音:[ m ][ n ][ ŋ ]--------------------------------------------------------------

舌侧音:[ l ] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

半元音:[ w ][ j ]

第三部分· 境界升华—美国人这样说英文

Reduced form弱读篇------------------------------------------------------------------------

Linking of Sounds连读篇---------------------------------------------------------------------

Contractions 缩读篇------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skimming 略读篇-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rhythm of English Speech-------------------------------------------

第四部分· 实弹演练场




西点英语网络学习互动平台 咨询热线025-58578852

My Pledge/Oath

我的誓言 What's your story?

You can't speak! You can't understand!

You feel bad! You feel hopeless!

That's crazy! Cheer up!

It's not the end of the world.

Speaking English is a piece of cake.

Don't look back.

Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face.

The more mistakes you make,【英语语音练习】

the more progress you make.

Don't give up. Just try your best.

Relax! Don't panic! Take it easy!

Be patient and enjoy yourself.

Learning English should be fun.

Speaking good English is no big deal.

It's worth your time and effort.

It's an easy job. Do something about it.

You have no choice.

No more excuses! Get moving.

Let's get started! Let's talk in English!

You'd better do it now.

I have every confidence in you.

I want to be proud of you.

It's my pleasure to help you anytime.

You can count on me! Don't worry about it.

I'm Serious. I'll try my best.

We will make it together.

We wish you the best of luck!

NanJing WestPointEnglish

西点英语网络学习互动平台 咨询热线025-58578852







1、 You have my word.(向你保证)

2、 To get ahead(出人头地)you'll have to work long hours and take short vacations. (多流汗,少享受)

3、 No sweet without sweat.




English has become an international language. Wherever you go , English is always commonly used. It is convenient to know the language.



Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone doing something. In the end, it never gets done. If we leave things undone, we will eventually worry. This will cause unnecessary stress. Therefore, if you have this bad habit, it‟s best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible. (Monster 三最纪录:11秒)



长元音双元音饱满;短元音急促;连音;略音和咬舌头。 下面举几个例子:

1、Time and tide wait for no man.(双元音饱满)

2、Business is business.(短元音)

3、Get out of here.(连音)

4、Ask-Bob-to sit-behind-me.(略音)

5、the same thing(咬舌头)

西点英语网络学习互动平台 咨询热线025-58578852


清 晨 励 志 音 乐 演 讲 内 容

As you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice where the light comes into your room, listen carefully, see if there are any new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends and take your life to a totally unprecedented level.

In your mind’s eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the places you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach. You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream! You can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes. You can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!

You know all this is real as long as you are confident, passionate, and committed. And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed! You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways, approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb(屈服, 屈从) to challenges and hardships; you will never waver(动摇) in your pursuit of excellence. After all, you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear! I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!

西点英语网络学习互动平台 咨询热线025-58578852

第二部分 咬牙切齿---锻造地道美音






元音分为单元音、双元音。根据舌头活动的部位不同,单元音分为前元音、中元音、后元音。 元音

Unit 1 Front Vowels前元音

1、[ I:] [ i ]


[ I:] chinese clean 干净 read 阅读 sheet 床单 feed 喂食 speak 说

[ i ] drill练习 fish鱼 hill 小山 Jim吉姆 lid盖子 pig猪 sit坐 stick棍子 嘴型要领:

发[ I:]音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部尽量向硬腭抬高;双唇微开,口型呈扁平状,不能收圆;发音时声带要振动;

发[ i ]音时,唇部扁平,但没有发[I:]音时那么伸展,且口形稍大,舌前部稍向硬腭抬起,但趋势不要太强。

[ I:]是长元音,发音细长,双唇平展,嘴角尽量往后拉;而[ i ]是短元音,发音急促,口型开得略大。



1,[ I:] 上下齿分开,距离能容纳一个火柴棒;嘴角尽量往后移,呈微笑状,所以英美人士在拍照实说“cheese”。发这个音的秘诀:请一定要拉长这个音,让它超过两秒钟! 2,[ i ] 上下齿的距离稍大,约一个小指尖;发这个音的秘诀:一定要收小腹! 西点英语网络学习互动平台 咨询热线025-58578852




1、 ] A B C D

2、 [ ] A. B. C. D.

3、 ] A. B. C. D.

4、 ] A. B. C.

5、 [ ] A. B. C.

6 ] A. B. C

7、 ] A. B. C.

8、 ] A. B. C.

9、 ] A. B. C.

10、 [ ] A. B. C.

11、 [ ] A. B. C.

12、 [ ] A. B. C.

13 [ ] A B C

14、 [ ] A. B. C.

15、fever [ ] A.sickness B.warship C.seize

16、 [ ] A.great B.breathe C.bath

17、 [ ] A. B. C.

18、 [ ] A. B. C.

19、 [ ] A B. C.

20、 [ ] A. B. C. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.Planet D.branch D. D D. D.

Exercise 1:( )

( )1. A. November B. monkey C. nobody D. notice ( )2. A. ready B. weather C. leave D. bread

( )3. A. soon B. good C. book D. foot

( )4. A. closed B. listened C. excused D. watched ( )5. A. about B. round C. mouth D. could

( )6.A. three B. those C. thank D. theatre

( )7. A. physics B. quickly C. library D. ticket ( )8. A. that B. apple C. black D. afternoon


( )9. A. spell B. telephone C. she D. very

( )10. A. window B. show C. now D. yellow

( )11. A. war B. farmer C. larger D. cart

( )12.A. mule B. truth C. duke D. puke

( )13. A. square B. fare C. are D. rare

( )14. A. nation B. collection C. dictation D. question ( )15. A. certain B. again C. trail D. faint ( )16. A. dear B. hear C. early D. fear

( )17. A. ceiling B. niece C. field D. friend ( )18.A. dew B. few C. blew D. new

( )19. A. cause B. launch C. fault D. laugh


( )20. A. thank B. thin C. sink D. spring

Exercise 2:

( )1. A. radio B. rapid C. value D. valley

( )2. A. check B. chemist C. chicken D. children ( )3. A. north B. short C. horse D. worker ( )4. A eight B. bright C. night D. enough

( )5. A. army B. angry C. July D. lucky

( )6. A. through B. another C. either D. though ( )7. A. worried B. wanted C. loved D. stayed ( )8. A. call B. talk C. half D. walk

( )9. A. stool B. choose C. spoon D. flood

( )10A. head B. ready C. great D. peasant

Exercise 3:

( )1. A. umbrella B. universe C. unknown D. understand ( )2. A. own B. follow C. know D. knowledge

( )3. A. enjoy B. tend C. spend D. bench

( )4. A. wing B. blind C. drive D. decide

( )5. A. pays B. plays C. says D. stays

( )6. A. why B. where C. when D. who

( )7. A. courage B. operate C. package D. orange ( )8. A. twenty B. sweet C. wrong D. worth

( )9. A. physics B. medicine C. physicist D. society ( )10. A. cave B. rather C. vast D. pass

Exercise 4:

( )2. A. beast B. measure C. real D. breathe ( )3. A. arrow B. flow C. crowd D. bowl ( )4. A. technology B. chest C. church D. cheerful ( )5. A. method B. maths C. thorough D. smooth ( )6. A. nurse B. husband C. thirsty D. master ( )7. A. curious B. music C. student D. university ( )8. A. package B. pat C. imagine D. shake ( )9. A. cough B. brought C. bought D. fought ( )10. A. success B. accident C. according D. accept : Exercise 5:

( )1. A. horrible B. block C. thoroughly D. knock ( )2. A. regret B. report C. recently D. reward ( )3. A. fear B. dear C. disappear D. bear

( )4. A. exist B. expect C. except D. extend ( )5. A. creature B. dictation C. curl D. incident

( )6. A. gravity B. valuable C. dangerous D. companion ( )7. A. future B. muscle C. popular D. amusement ( )8. A. stroll B. stove C. lose D. noble

( )9. A. character B. choke C. cheek D. cheer ( )10. A. concert B. answer C. better D. mercy Exercise 6:

( )1. A. position B. operation C. question D. revolution ( )2. A. says B. days C. ways D. plays

( )3. A. reply B. silly C. lonely D. calmly ( )4. A. cough B. though C. laugh D. enough ( )5. A. country B. courage C. touch D. mouth ( )6. A. metre B. message C. memory D. medal

( )7. A. whistle B. which C. wheat D. whole ( )8. A. oxygen B. taxi C. exact D. exercise ( )9. A. matter B. gather C. father D. rapid

( )10.A. procession B. decision C. revision D. conclusion Exercise 7:

( )1. A. month B. moment C. money D. among

( )2. A. repeat B. thread C. teach D. reader ( )3. A. report B. short C. recorder D. worth ( )4. A. rain B. entertain C. main D. mountain ( )5. A. hide B. hidden C. high D. hiding

( )6. A. they B. this C. that D. thing

( )7. A. autumn B. August C. aunt D. astronaut ( )8. A. there B. here C. where D. care

( )9. A. situation B. suggestion C. revolution D. Russion ( )10. A. country B. count C. ground D. found

( )1. A. worm B. world C. form D. word ( )2. A. clothing B. clothes C. close D. clock ( )3. A. book B. tool C. food D. soon ( )4. A. formal B. worker C. perform D. north ( )5. A. partner B. farmer C. warm D. harm ( )6. A. second B. college C. physics D. physicist ( )7. A. everything B. there C. either D. those ( )8. A. true B. tune C. flute D. June ( )9. A. clear B. dear C. year D. heart ( )10. A. chief B. belief C. quiet D. field Exercise 9: ( )1. A. angry B. cry C. army D. copy ( )2. A. second B. Thursday C. president D. hesitate ( )3. A. magazine B. temperature C. grandson D. language ( )4. A. doubt B. rough C. double D. enough ( )5. A. pollution B. position C. question D. invention ( )6. A. chalk B. false C. half D. walk ( )7. A. neither B. height C. either D. neighbour ( )8. A. professor B. storm C. ordinary D. short ( )9. A. pride B. decide C. police D. describe ( )10. A. surround B. difficult C. succeed D. funny Exercise 10: ( )1. A. already B. steal C. dead D. peasant ( )2. A. key B. knock C. knee D. knife ( )3. A. laugh B. night C. enough D. rough ( )4. A. driver B. prefer C. proper D. dinner ( )5. A. laugh B. delightful C. frighten D. daughter ( )6. A. punish B. business C. running D. brush ( )7. A. though B. trouble C. enough D. cousin ( )8. A. captain B. whistle C. little D. television ( )9. A. young B. shoulder C. trouble D. encourage ( )10. A. command B. answer C. practical D. father Exercise 11: ( )1. A. bear B. heard C. early D. search ( )2. A. secure B. pure C. failure D. cure ( )3. A. young B. enough C. country D. proud ( )4. A. nature B. candle C. danger D. stranger ( )5. A. breath B. length C. smooth D. thousand ( )6. A. shoulder B. account C. trousers D. count ( )7. A. front B. accompany C. solid D. comfort ( )8. A. bristle B. castle C. firstly D. whistle ( )9. A. physics B. recycle C. bye D. hydrogen ( )10. A. return B. Saturday C. surface D. murder :

( )1. A. medicine B. bicycle C. medical D. certain ( )2. A. early B. research C. heard D. disappear ( )3. A. debt B. climb C. cabin D. comb ( )4. A. worked B. defended C. stressed D. finished ( )5. A. moves B. manages C. changes D. rises ( )6. A. extremely B. example C. experience D. extend ( )7. A. result B. thrust C. reduce D. trunk ( )8. A. powder B. own C. meadow D. follow ( )9. A. plain B. said C. main D. brain ( )10. A. chemistry B. stomach C. headache D. chest Exercise 13: ( )1. A. unite B. union C. unfair D. universe ( )2. A. kilometer B. pretty C. complete D. scene ( )3. A. technical B. children C. satellite D. universe ( )4. A. chemist B. check C. children D. chicken ( )5. A. bread B. ready C. break D. weather ( )6. A wear B. earth C. search D. learn ( )7. A mountain B. shout C. mouth D. cough ( )8. A. any B. apple C. black D. thank ( )9. A. spell B. telephone C. she D. second ( )10. A. sew B. flew C. threw D. blew Exercise 14: ( )1. A. now B. how C. down D. snow ( )2. A. read B. great C. meat D. please ( )3. A. good B. book C. look D. too ( )4. A. laugh B. plough C. cough D. enough ( )5. A. season B. master C. husband D. suit ( )6. A. resist B. glide C. grinding D. decide ( )7. A. bear B. tear C. dear D. fear ( )8. A. onto B. month C. long D. wrong ( )9. A. it’s B. its C. his D. this ( )10. A. though B.caught C. through D. tough Exercise 15: ( )1. A. hired B. planned C. tried D. defended ( )2. A. Germany B. governor C. package D. geography ( )3. A. courage B. birdcage C. package D. cottage ( )4. A. Saturday B. stay C. daylight D. sway ( )5. A. suggestion B. action C. attention D. revolution ( )6. A. twenty B. gentle C. entirely D. lend ( )7. A. punished B. glared C. saved D. proved ( )8. A. shoot B. cool C. cookie D. bamboo ( )9. A. healthy B. heavy C. head D. heat ( )10. A. north B. worse C. horse D. force




1、 ] A B C D 2、 [ ] A. B. C D. 3、 ] A. B. C. D. 4、 ] A. B. C. 5、 [ ] A. B. C. 6 ] A. B. C 7、 ] A. B. C. 8、 ] A. B. C. 9、 ] A. B. C. 10、 [ ] A. B. C. 11、 [ ] A. B. C. 12、 [ ] A. B. C. 13 [ ] A B C 14、 [ ] A. B. C. 15、fever [ ] A.sickness B.warship C.seize 16、 [ ] A. B. C. 17、 [ ] A. B. C. 18、 [ ] A. B. C. 19、 [ ] A B. C. 20、 [ ] A. B. C.

D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.Planet D. D. D. D. D.【英语语音练习】

Exercise 1:( )

( )1. A. November B. monkey C. nobody D. notice ( )2. A. ready B. weather C. leave D. bread ( )3. A. soon B. good C. book D. foot

( )4. A. closed B. listened C. excused D. watched ( )5. A. about B. round C. mouth D. could ( )6.A. three B. those C. thank D. theatre

( )7. A. physics B. quickly C. library D. ticket ( )8. A. that B. apple C. black D. afternoon ( )9. A. spell B. telephone C. she D. very ( )10. A. window B. show C. now D. yellow ( )11. A. war B. farmer C. larger D. cart ( )12.A. mule B. truth C. duke D. puke ( )13. A. square B. fare C. are D. rare

( )14. A. nation B. collection C. dictation D. question ( )15. A. certain B. again C. trail D. faint ( )16. A. dear B. hear C. early D. fear

( )17. A. ceiling B. niece C. field D. friend ( )18.A. dew B. few C. blew D. new

( )19. A. cause B. launch C. fault D. laugh ( )20. A. thank B. thin C. sink D. spring Exercise 2:

( )1. A. radio B. rapid C. value D. valley

( )2. A. check B. chemist C. chicken D. children ( )3. A. north B. short C. horse D. worker ( )4. A eight B. bright C. night D. enough ( )5. A. army B. angry C. July D. lucky

( )6. A. through B. another C. either D. though ( )7. A. worried B. wanted C. loved D. stayed ( )8. A. call B. talk C. half D. walk

( )9. A. stool B. choose C. spoon D. flood ( )10A. head B. ready C. great D. peasant Exercise 3:

( )1. A. umbrella B. universe C. unknown D. understand ( )2. A. own B. follow C. know D. knowledge ( )3. A. enjoy B. tend C. spend D. bench ( )4. A. wing B. blind C. drive D. decide ( )5. A. pays B. plays C. says D. stays ( )6. A. why B. where C. when D. who

( )7. A. courage B. operate C. package D. orange ( )8. A. twenty B. sweet C. wrong D. worth

( )9. A. physics B. medicine C. physicist D. society ( )10. A. cave B. rather C. vast D. pass Exercise 4:

( )2. A. beast B. measure C. real D. breathe ( )3. A. arrow B. flow C. crowd D. bowl

( )4. A. technology B. chest C. church D. cheerful ( )5. A. method B. maths C. thorough D. smooth ( )6. A. nurse B. husband C. thirsty D. master

( )7. A. curious B. music C. student D. university ( )8. A. package B. pat C. imagine D. shake ( )9. A. cough B. brought C. bought D. fought

( )10. A. success B. accident C. according D. accept :

Exercise 5:

( )1. A. horrible B. block C. thoroughly D. knock ( )2. A. regret B. report C. recently D. reward ( )3. A. fear B. dear C. disappear D. bear ( )4. A. exist B. expect C. except D. extend

( )5. A. creature B. dictation C. curl D. incident

( )6. A. gravity B. valuable C. dangerous D. companion ( )7. A. future B. muscle C. popular D. amusement ( )8. A. stroll B. stove C. lose D. noble

( )9. A. character B. choke C. cheek D. cheer ( )10. A. concert B. answer C. better D. mercy Exercise 6:

( )1. A. position B. operation C. question D. revolution ( )2. A. says B. days C. ways D. plays

( )3. A. reply B. silly C. lonely D. calmly ( )4. A. cough B. though C. laugh D. enough ( )5. A. country B. courage C. touch D. mouth ( )6. A. metre B. message C. memory D. medal ( )7. A. whistle B. which C. wheat D. whole ( )8. A. oxygen B. taxi C. exact D. exercise ( )9. A. matter B. gather C. father D. rapid

( )10.A. procession B. decision C. revision D. conclusion Exercise 7:

( )1. A. month B. moment C. money D. among ( )2. A. repeat B. thread C. teach D. reader ( )3. A. report B. short C. recorder D. worth ( )4. A. rain B. entertain C. main D. mountain ( )5. A. hide B. hidden C. high D. hiding ( )6. A. they B. this C. that D. thing

( )7. A. autumn B. August C. aunt D. astronaut ( )8. A. there B. here C. where D. care

( )9. A. situation B. suggestion C. revolution D. Russion ( )10. A. country B. count C. ground D. found

( )1. A. worm B. world C. form D. word

( )2. A. clothing B. clothes C. close D. clock ( )3. A. book B. tool C. food D. soon

( )4. A. formal B. worker C. perform D. north ( )5. A. partner B. farmer C. warm D. harm【英语语音练习】

( )6. A. second B. college C. physics D. physicist ( )7. A. everything B. there C. either D. those ( )8. A. true B. tune C. flute D. June ( )9. A. clear B. dear C. year D. heart ( )10. A. chief B. belief C. quiet D. field Exercise 9:

( )1. A. angry B. cry C. army D. copy

( )2. A. second B. Thursday C. president D. hesitate ( )3. A. magazine B. temperature C. grandson D. language ( )4. A. doubt B. rough C. double D. enough

( )5. A. pollution B. position C. question D. invention ( )6. A. chalk B. false C. half D. walk

( )7. A. neither B. height C. either D. neighbour ( )8. A. professor B. storm C. ordinary D. short ( )9. A. pride B. decide C. police D. describe ( )10. A. surround B. difficult C. succeed D. funny Exercise 10:

( )1. A. already B. steal C. dead D. peasant ( )2. A. key B. knock C. knee D. knife ( )3. A. laugh B. night C. enough D. rough

( )4. A. driver B. prefer C. proper D. dinner


( )5. A. laugh B. delightful C. frighten D. daughter ( )6. A. punish B. business C. running D. brush ( )7. A. though B. trouble C. enough D. cousin

( )8. A. captain B. whistle C. little D. television ( )9. A. young B. shoulder C. trouble D. encourage ( )10. A. command B. answer C. practical D. father Exercise 11:

( )1. A. bear B. heard C. early D. search ( )2. A. secure B. pure C. failure D. cure ( )3. A. young B. enough C. country D. proud

( )4. A. nature B. candle C. danger D. stranger ( )5. A. breath B. length C. smooth D. thousand ( )6. A. shoulder B. account C. trousers D. count ( )7. A. front B. accompany C. solid D. comfort ( )8. A. bristle B. castle C. firstly D. whistle ( )9. A. physics B. recycle C. bye D. hydrogen ( )10. A. return B. Saturday C. surface D. murder :

( )1. A. medicine B. bicycle C. medical D. certain ( )2. A. early B. research C. heard D. disappear ( )3. A. debt B. climb C. cabin D. comb

( )4. A. worked B. defended C. stressed D. finished ( )5. A. moves B. manages C. changes D. rises

( )6. A. extremely B. example C. experience D. extend ( )7. A. result B. thrust C. reduce D. trunk ( )8. A. powder B. own C. meadow D. follow ( )9. A. plain B. said C. main D. brain

( )10. A. chemistry B. stomach C. headache D. chest Exercise 13:

( )1. A. unite B. union C. unfair D. universe ( )2. A. kilometer B. pretty C. complete D. scene

( )3. A. technical B. children C. satellite D. universe ( )4. A. chemist B. check C. children D. chicken ( )5. A. bread B. ready C. break D. weather ( )6. A wear B. earth C. search D. learn ( )7. A mountain B. shout C. mouth D. cough ( )8. A. any B. apple C. black D. thank ( )9. A. spell B. telephone C. she D. second ( )10. A. sew B. flew C. threw D. blew Exercise 14:

( )1. A. now B. how C. down D. snow

( )2. A. read B. great C. meat D. please ( )3. A. good B. book C. look D. too

( )4. A. laugh B. plough C. cough D. enough ( )5. A. season B. master C. husband D. suit ( )6. A. resist B. glide C. grinding D. decide ( )7. A. bear B. tear C. dear D. fear ( )8. A. onto B. month C. long D. wrong ( )9. A. it’s B. its C. his D. this

( )10. A. though B.caught C. through D. tough Exercise 15:

( )1. A. hired B. planned C. tried D. defended ( )2. A. Germany B. governor C. package D. geography ( )3. A. courage B. birdcage C. package D. cottage ( )4. A. Saturday B. stay C. daylight D. sway

( )5. A. suggestion B. action C. attention D. revolution ( )6. A. twenty B. gentle C. entirely D. lend ( )7. A. punished B. glared C. saved D. proved ( )8. A. shoot B. cool C. cookie D. bamboo ( )9. A. healthy B. heavy C. head D. heat ( )10. A. north B. worse C. horse D. force



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.






1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( D 6. ( 7. ( 8. ( 9. ( 10.( 11.( 12.(

13.( 14.( 15.( 16.( 17.( 18.( 19.( 20.(

参考答案 :1-20 ABABD BBBCD





1. The PRC ________(代表) the People’s Republic of China .

2. They live in the same ________(宿舍).

3. At noon ,students are in the _______(食堂) for lunch .

4. Their _______(航班) number is 9573.

5. Children are _______(好奇) about everything .



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