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(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2016.4



Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分





1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) Coffee. B) Tea. C) Juice. D) Water. 8. A) By car. B) By plane. C) By bus. D) By ship. 9. A) 10 Yuan. B) 9 Yuan. C) 90 Yuan. D) 100 Yuan. 10. A) In the library. B) In the department store.

C) In the classroom. D) In the restaurant. 11. A) This Wednesday. B) This Saturday.

C) Next Monday. D) Next Sunday. 12. A) Because Tom is ill at home. B) Because Tom didn’t call back.

C) Because Tom didn’t go to school. D) Because Tom didn’t do his homework. 13. A) The hotel is really great. B) The hotel offers good service.

C) The service in the hotel is really poor. D) Customers can’t get anything from the hotel. 14. A) He got injured. B) He visited Japan.

C) He sold plane tickets. D) He wrote a book about Japan.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. Jack booked into a hotel in New York on his business trip. 16. He was not satisfied with the food served in the hotel at all.

17. When he returned to the hotel on the second day, he found his room empty.

18. Jack asked for the hotel service of packing his suitcase because he was leaving.

19. Jack was very angry when he found everything packed in the suitcase was in a mess. 20. Jack asked to see the manager most probably to complain about the service in the hotel. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每

空格限填一词) (10分) 21. On a Christmas Eve the Hardens got a special call which lasted only ______ ______. 22. The Hardens were ______ ______, so they started a special telephone service.

23. Runaway children can call “Alive and Well” and leave ______ ______ for their parents. 24. With the answering machines, nobody can speak to the child or make him ______ ______. 25. The Hardens ______ ______ the children’s words and connect the given addresses.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? 27. It is our tradition to respect ________ old and care for young children. A) a A) in A) for A) all

B) an B) on

C) the C) by C) of

D) / D) at D) to D) neither D) quickly D) nor D) before D) the fattest D) Anybody D) changing D) learning

28. You will find that everything is beginning to come to life ________ spring. 29. It’s amazing that my opinion on the problem is similar ________ my teacher’s.

B) with B) both

30. A serious car accident happened to him and ________ of his legs were badly hurt.

C) either C) slowly C) and C) so

31. Tom’s mother walked as ________ as possible so that her son could keep up. A) safely A) but A) as A) fat

B) carefully B) or

32. Mrs. Li suggested we practice singing either after school ________ at the weekend. 33. The earth was so seriously polluted ________ we must take action to save the planet.

B) that B) fatter

34. Jack eats a lot and never takes exercise. He is ________ of us three.

C) fattest

35. ________ was able to escape from the building when the earthquake hit the area. A) Nobody A) to change A) to learn

38. The sportsman suddenly ________ down while he was running the 1,500-meter race.

B) Everybody B) changed B) learn

C) Somebody C) change C) learned

36. Jack is considering ________ his flat into a big house at the moment. 37. His parents encouraged little Jerry ________ to play the violin at a young age.

A) would fall A) moves

B) fell C) was falling C) had moved

D) had fallen D) would move D) was made D) need D) putting

39. Mrs. Wang told me that our new neighbor ________ into this house next Friday.

B) will move B) is made B) must B) puts

40. Great progress ________ in studying the new medicine for cancer (癌症) recently. A) will be made A) can A) put

C) has been made C) shall C) to put【2016松江区英语二模】

41. Some animals ________ change their skin colors to fit into the environment. 42. Ladies and gentlemen, please ________ on the life vest before boarding the ship. 43. ---________ do you think of the film “Kung Fu Panda” you’ve just seen? --- It is funny. A) How --- ________ A) No, thanks.

B) Don’t worry. I will help you. D) Yes, please.

C) Not at all. Here you are. --- ________ A) It’s a pleasure.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be

used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)

B) How terrible!

C) Congratulations!

D) That’s a good idea!

B) What

C) Why

D) Who

44. --- Would you mind passing me the salt?

45. --- My car was badly damaged in the accident.

Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much thing and then breaks it, you may get angry.

Your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe faster; your face turns ; and you may want to break something or hit someone. But sometimes you hide your anger. You may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may .

Actually, it’s not to hide your anger. It’s normal (正常的) for you to get angry sometimes. As soon as you find your problems, you may try to relax. When you get angry, you can talk about it with , such as your parents and teachers. After doing that, you’ll find those bad feelings start to . Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug (拥抱); go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.

Remember that when you are angry, how you can make everything better or worse. Don’t let your anger control you.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词

的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共8分)


54. You will find various _________ available in the school library. (book)

55. During the outing, all the students enjoyed ________ in the Happy Valley. (them) 56. Today is Tom’s ________ birthday. He is now a grade two student. (nine) 57. Electricity is invisible and dangerous. You must be ________ with it. (care) 58. Your idea sounds ________ than Jerry’s. I like it very much. (good) 59. Our goal is to ________ people’s lives through communications. (rich) 60. The sun is gold and shiny. It seems ________ to rain today. (possible) 61. My brother has made a ________ to go abroad for further studies. (decide)

V. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限

填一词) (共14分)

62. They talked about their plan for an hour on the phone. (改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ talk about their plan for an hour on the phone?


________ ________ did it take Uncle Bob to finish the half marathon in Songjiang? 64. Betty likes the dress with red spots more than the one with stripes. (保持句意基本相同) Betty ________ the dress with red spots ________ the one with stripes. 65. The words on the screen are small. Nobody can see them clearly. (合并为一句) The words on the screen are ________ ________ for anybody to see clearly. 66. John really didn’t know how he could connect his runaway son. (改为简单句) John really didn’t know ________ _________ connect his runaway son.

67. Jenny takes her dog to the pet store to have a bath every Saturday. (改为被动语态) Jenny’s dog ________ ________ to the pet store to have a bath every Saturday. 68. take, a number of, after school, extra classes, students (连词成句) _________________________________________________________________.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

Besides the spelling of the word, there are, clearly, many differences between American and British humor.

There is a common belief in the U.K. that Americans don’t understand irony (讽刺). This is of course not true. But what is true is that Americans don’t use it all the time. Irony may show up in American comedies(喜剧), but people there don’t use it as much as the British do in daily life.

However, irony is common in British culture. It actually runs in the blood of the British people. They use it as much as prepositions(介词) in everyday conversations, as a way of playing with their friends and laughing at their enemies, as well as themselves. This may sometimes make

people unhappy if the listeners are not used to it.

Things are quite different in America. After Americans use irony, they will clearly say that they are “only kidding”. They feel the need to make a joke clearer so that it will not make other people uncomfortable.

Humor is tied so much to culture. American jokes are more clear and forward, a bit like Americans themselves. British jokes, on the other hand, are more American culture.

However, we still find that certain American comedies have made huge success in Britain and vice versa(反之亦然). Therefore, although there are differences between both comic styles, there is still an appreciation(欣赏) and understanding of the other’s sense of humor. 69. American people use ________ British people in daily life. A) as much irony as C) as little irony as

B) less irony than D) more irony than B) fight with their enemies D) make other people unhappy B) say they are just kidding D) show they are uncomfortable C) 直接的

D) 难以捉摸的

meaning. This may result from the fact that British culture is more reserved(矜持的) than

70. When talking in everyday life, British people use irony to ________. A) make friends with others C) laugh at themselves A) make another joke

71. Americans will ________ after using irony in a joke. C) make their kids laugh A) 明白的

72. The underlined word “” in the passage probably means ________.

B) 保守的

73. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A) There is usually a dark hidden meaning in American jokes. B) British comedies have not made any success in America yet.

C) American and British people understand each other’s sense of humor. D) Americans don’t use irony in their daily life because they don’t understand it. 74. The best title for the passage is “________ VS.(与…比较)________”. A) American humor; British humour B) American people ; British people C) American culture ; British culture D) American word spelling; British word spelling

B. Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文) (12分)

For a period of a month some time ago I became a vegetarian(素食者). Some people won’t eat meat because they think it is cruel to animals, or because they care about their health. My reason is a little I simply wanted to remember my grandmother by not eating meat. My grandmother spent a large part of her life as a vegetarian, and some of my happiest childhood memories in Thailand were about sharing a with her.

In fact, as a child, I learned how to value(珍惜) food not from dishes my mother

often cooked from the simple dinner my grandmother prepared. Often, dinner with




(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2016.4



Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分





1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) 7. A) Coffee. B) Tea. C) Juice. D) Water. 8. A) By car. B) By plane. C) By bus. D) By ship. 9. A) 10 Yuan. B) 9 Yuan. C) 90 Yuan. D) 100 Yuan. 10. A) In the library. B) In the department store.

C) In the classroom. D) In the restaurant. 11. A) This Wednesday. B) This Saturday.

C) Next Monday. D) Next Sunday. 12. A) Because Tom is ill at home. B) Because Tom didn’t call back.

C) Because Tom didn’t go to school. D) Because Tom didn’t do his homework. 13. A) The hotel is really great. B) The hotel offers good service.

C) The service in the hotel is really poor. D) Customers can’t get anything from the hotel. 14. A) He got injured. B) He visited Japan.

C) He sold plane tickets. D) He wrote a book about Japan.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列

句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) 15. Jack booked into a hotel in New York on his business trip. 16. He was not satisfied with the food served in the hotel at all.

17. When he returned to the hotel on the second day, he found his room empty. 18. Jack asked for the hotel service of packing his suitcase because he was leaving.

19. Jack was very angry when he found everything packed in the suitcase was in a mess. 20. Jack asked to see the manager most probably to complain about the service in the hotel. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空

格限填一词) (10分)

21. On a Christmas Eve the Hardens got a special call which lasted only ______ ______. 22. The Hardens were ______ ______, so they started a special telephone service.

23. Runaway children can call “Alive and Well” and leave ______ ______ for their parents. 24. With the answering machines, nobody can speak to the child or make him ______ ______. 25. The Hardens ______ ______ the children’s words and connect the given addresses.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? 27. It is our tradition to respect ________ old and care for young children. A) a A) in A) for A) all

B) an B) on

C) the C) by C) of

D) / D) at D) to D) neither D) quickly D) nor D) before D) the fattest

28. You will find that everything is beginning to come to life ________ spring. 29. It’s amazing that my opinion on the problem is similar ________ my teacher’s.

B) with B) both

30. A serious car accident happened to him and ________ of his legs were badly hurt.

C) either C) slowly C) and C) so

31. Tom’s mother walked as ________ as possible so that her son could keep up. A) safely A) but A) as A) fat

B) carefully B) or

32. Mrs. Li suggested we practice singing either after school ________ at the weekend. 33. The earth was so seriously polluted ________ we must take action to save the planet.

B) that B) fatter

34. Jack eats a lot and never takes exercise. He is ________ of us three.

C) fattest

35. ________ was able to escape from the building when the earthquake hit the area. A) Nobody A) to change A) to learn

B) Everybody B) changed B) learn B) fell

C) Somebody C) change C) learned

D) Anybody D) changing D) learning D) had fallen D) would move D) was made D) need D) putting

36. Jack is considering ________ his flat into a big house at the moment. 37. His parents encouraged little Jerry ________ to play the violin at a young age. 38. The sportsman suddenly ________ down while he was running the 1,500-meter race. A) would fall A) moves

C) was falling C) had moved

39. Mrs. Wang told me that our new neighbor ________ into this house next Friday.

B) will move B) is made B) must B) puts

40. Great progress ________ in studying the new medicine for cancer (癌症) recently. A) will be made A) can A) put

C) has been made C) shall C) to put

41. Some animals ________ change their skin colors to fit into the environment. 42. Ladies and gentlemen, please ________ on the life vest before boarding the ship. 43. ---________ do you think of the film “Kung Fu Panda” you’ve just seen? --- It is funny. A) How --- ________ A) No, thanks.

B) Don’t worry. I will help you. D) Yes, please.

C) Not at all. Here you are. --- ________ A) It’s a pleasure.

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be

used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)

Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too

B) How terrible!

C) Congratulations!

D) That’s a good idea!

B) What

C) Why

D) Who

44. --- Would you mind passing me the salt?

45. --- My car was badly damaged in the accident.

much and then breaks it, you may get angry.

Your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe faster; your face turns your anger. You may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may

Actually, it’s not to hide your anger. It’s normal (正常的) for you to get angry sometimes. As soon as you find your problems, you may try to relax. When you get angry, you can talk about it with ’ll find those bad feelings start to . Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: count from 1 to 100; give someone a hug (拥抱); go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.

Remember that when you are angry, how you can make everything better or worse. Don’t let your anger control you.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的

适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共8分)

54. You will find various _________ available in the school library. (book)

55. During the outing, all the students enjoyed ________ in the Happy Valley. (them) 56. Today is Tom’s ________ birthday. He is now a grade two student. (nine) 57. Electricity is invisible and dangerous. You must be ________ with it. (care) 58. Your idea sounds ________ than Jerry’s. I like it very much. (good) 59. Our goal is to ________ people’s lives through communications. (rich) 60. The sun is gold and shiny. It seems ________ to rain today. (possible) 61. My brother has made a ________ to go abroad for further studies. (decide)

V. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限

填一词) (共14分)

62. They talked about their plan for an hour on the phone. (改为一般疑问句) ________ ________ talk about their plan for an hour on the phone?

对划线部分提问) ________ ________ did it take Uncle Bob to finish the half marathon in Songjiang? 64. Betty likes the dress with red spots more than the one with stripes. (保持句意基本相同) Betty ________ the dress with red spots ________ the one with stripes. 65. The words on the screen are small. Nobody can see them clearly. (合并为一句) The words on the screen are ________ ________ for anybody to see clearly. 66. John really didn’t know how he could connect his runaway son. (改为简单句) John really didn’t know ________ _________ connect his runaway son.

67. Jenny takes her dog to the pet store to have a bath every Saturday. (改为被动语态) Jenny’s dog ________ ________ to the pet store to have a bath every Saturday. 68. take, a number of, after school, extra classes, students (连词成句) _________________________________________________________________.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)

VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共50分)

A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)

Besides the spelling of the word, there are, clearly, many differences between American and British humor.

There is a common belief in the U.K. that Americans don’t understand irony (讽刺). This is of course not true. But what is true is that Americans don’t use it all the time. Irony may show up in American comedies(喜剧), but people there don’t use it as much as the British do in daily life.

However, irony is common in British culture. It actually runs in the blood of the British people. They use it as much as prepositions(介词) in everyday conversations, as a way of playing with their friends and laughing at their enemies, as well as themselves. This may sometimes make people unhappy if the listeners are not used to it.

Things are quite different in America. After Americans use irony, they will clearly say that they are “only kidding”. They feel the need to make a joke clearer so that it will not make other people uncomfortable.

Humor is tied so much to culture. American jokes are more clear and forward, a bit like Americans themselves. British jokes, on the other hand, are more and usually with a hidden American culture.

However, we still find that certain American comedies have made huge success in Britain and vice versa(反之亦然). Therefore, although there are differences between both comic styles, there is still an appreciation(欣赏) and understanding of the other’s sense of humor. 69. American people use ________ British people in daily life. A) as much irony as C) as little irony as【2016松江区英语二模】

B) less irony than D) more irony than B) fight with their enemies D) make other people unhappy B) say they are just kidding D) show they are uncomfortable C) 直接的

D) 难以捉摸的

meaning. This may result from the fact that British culture is more reserved(矜持的) than

70. When talking in everyday life, British people use irony to ________. A) make friends with others C) laugh at themselves A) make another joke

71. Americans will ________ after using irony in a joke. C) make their kids laugh A) 明白的

72. The underlined word “ in the passage probably means ________.

B) 保守的

73. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A) There is usually a dark hidden meaning in American jokes. B) British comedies have not made any success in America yet.

C) American and British people understand each other’s sense of humor. D) Americans don’t use irony in their daily life because they don’t understand it.






>文 言文(40分)


1.蜂蝶纷纷过墙去, 。 (《雨晴》)

2. , 酒。 白水绕东3. , 城。

4.而吾蛇尚存, 〇

5.未果,寻病终。 (《如梦令》) (《送友人》) (《捕蛇者说》) 。 (《桃花源记》) 2016.4

(二) 阅读下列诗句,完成第6-7题(4分)



6、甲、乙分别通过“ ”和“_ ”等词句表现“凭栏之久”,以此表达用情之深。(2分)

7、 下列对诗句理解不正确的一项是 ___ 。(2分)

A、两句所交代的时令都是春季。 B.都描绘了有情人离别时的场景。

C、甲的抒情方式委婉,而乙较直接。 D.两句中的景分别用来渲染气氛和层层设障。

(三) 阅读下列选文,完成第8-10题(9分)

泰山正南面有三谷。中谷绕泰安城下,郦道元所谓环水也。余始循以入,道少半,越中 岭,复循西谷,遂至其巅。古时登山,循东谷入,道有天门。东谷者,古谓之天门溪水,余 所不至也。今所经中岭及山巅,崖限当道者,世皆谓之天门云。道中迷雾冰滑,磴几不可登。 及既上,苍山负雪,明烛天南;望晚日照城郭,汶水、徂徠如画,而半山居雾若带然。

8、 节选语段的作者是清朝 ___ 派古文家 (姓名)。(2分)


(1)崖限当_道者( )(2)半山居雾若带然( )

10、下列对划线句理解错误的一项是 。(3分)

15. 描绘了泰山顶上时而日照时而迷雾的奇特气象。

16. “半山居雾若带然”一句从侧面表现了泰山之高。

17. “苍山负雪,明烛天南”表现了积雪的厚实白亮。


18. 表达作者历尽艰险领略到美景后的兴奋畅快之情。


梁鸿家贫而尚节,博览无不通,而不为章句①。学毕,乃牧豕②于上林苑中,曾误遗火, 延及他舍。鸿乃寻访烧者,问所去失,悉以豕偿之。其主犹以为少。鸿曰:“无他财,愿以 身居作。”主人许之。因为执勤,不懈朝夕。邻家耆老见鸿非恒人,乃共责让③主人,而称 鸿长者。于是,始敬鸿,悉还其豕,鸿不受而去。



悉以豕偿之 _________________________________________

12、下列不属于梁鸿“尚节”具体表现的两项是_ 、 。(4分)

① 博览无不通,而不为章句

② 寻访烧者,问所去失,悉以豕偿之

③ 以身居作,以偿主人之失

④ 耆老称鸿为长者

⑤ 主人悉还其豕,鸿不受而去

13、主人从“ ”到“ _”的态度转变,直接原因是 ,而根本原因是他被梁鸿 _________________________________________________ 的高尚节操所打动。(5分)




①2012年,我参与了整个伦敦奥运报道,伦敦奥运会最重要的一句话是“影响一代人”。 有记者提问:“体育如何影响一代人? ”伦敦奥组委的一位官员回答:“体育教会孩子们如 何去赢。”这句话很正常。在中国,很多事都能教孩子们如何去赢,但是他的下一句话让我 格外感动,“同时,教会孩子们如何体面并且有尊严地输。”

②这是中国人很缺乏的一种教育。在我们的教育体系中,孩子从小到大,什么时候学习 ii体面并且有尊严地输?

③其实我们的老祖宗早已明白这个道理,说“人生不如意事十有八九”。既然不如意事 十有八九,为什么我们从来不教“十有八九”时的心态和应对能力?十之一二的成功,被看 得极其重要;十之八九的挫折,也被放大到无以复加。

④回头看中国乃至世界历史,有无数的人物之所以伟大,从某种意义上说,是因为失败, 而不是因为成功。

⑤项羽是成功者吗?作为一个男人,一个将领,项羽已经失败到无以复加的地步了。但 是


他仍然以英雄的形象,存留于中国的戏剧故事和百姓谈论当中。反倒是“成功者”刘邦, 会让我们在内心里,产生某种不屑或者不那么喜欢的感觉。

⑥岳飞是因为成功才伟大吗?如果从我们现在的“成功学”角度来看,岳飞很失败。不 管你仗打得怎么样,被人家N道金字令牌召回,最后还给杀了,在当时来看,他是一个失败 者,秦桧才是成功者。可是后来呢?秦桧在西湖边上已经跪了多少年,岳飞才是我们心目中 的英雄。

⑦林则徐的人生成功吗?大家只记住了他那一点成功——虎门销烟,却不知道在很多 “妥协派”的威压下,一年之后被去职。从当时来说,他成功吗? 一点儿也不。


⑨此外,我们还应该明白,挫折与失败原本就是变革的机会。因为人在胜利的时候是不 必做决定的,但在失败的时候要做决定。做出决定,往往意味着一种变革,因此,每当失败 与挫折来临,你应该怀着好奇心去看待它,并试着去弄明白它的目的:难道这是一次提醒? 难道我应该做出一个更有利的决定?

14第③段划线句的意思是 __________________________________________ 。 (3分)


⑴ ______________________________________________________________ ;

⑵ _____________________________________________________________ ;

(3) __________________________________________________________ 。

16、下列对文章理解正确的两项是 ___ 、 ____ 。(4分)



C. 第⑨段与第④-⑧段是并列关系,顺序可以互换。


6. 下列这段文字是从原文中提取出来的,它应在哪两段之间?请具体阐明理由。(5分) 南唐李后主,要论失败的话也登峰造极了,但他已永远地留在了中国的文学史上。如果 不是彻底的国破家亡,他会写出“问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流”的感怀吗?在他 的文字中,失败,竟成为了一种深远的意境。



①西大滩加油站到了。这是离藏区最近的青海加油站,海拔4150米,周围都是无边无 垠的荒原。路过这里的司机,无论多晚,只要叫一声老韩,瘦小的男人就颠颠奔出,披着军 大衣,双手习惯性地拢在腰间。到了近前,老韩解开大衣钮扣,原来怀中藏着的是一只热水



18、根据拼音写出汉字。(2分) mo qi ( )



(1) (2) ___ ; (3) ____ 。

21、对文中有关红柳树的描写理解错误的一项是 。(3分)

① “方圆十几里地唯一”恰同老韩一家是四周荒芜的加油站的孤独守护者。

② “贴地盆景”极言树的坚韧,就如同在恶劣环境中坚守八年的瘦小老韩。

③ “孤独的红柳树悄然站立”意喻老韩的儿子虽己殉职,但灵魂依然屹立。

④ “犹如火焰一般”象征着老韩热忱对待他人、甘于无私奉献的伟大精神。

22、第⑥段写老韩离不开加油站是因为舍不得儿子,这是否有损于人物形象?请写出你的观 点和

三、综合运用(10分) 阅读下面材料,完成第23-25题(10分)

材料一:武侯祠,位于四川省成都市,是中国唯一的君臣合祀祠庙。其中,祭祀丞相的 武侯祠建于唐以前,初与祭祀蜀汉开国皇帝的汉昭烈庙相邻,明朝初年重建时将武侯祠并入, 形成了君臣合祀、祠堂与陵园合一的格局。1984年成立博物馆,享有“三国圣地”之美誉, 是全世界影响最大的三国遗迹博物馆。


志商标,注册商标“说 书俑”为刊徽,曾被评为中国最佳吉祥物之一。


____ 和 。 (2分)


国最佳吉样物之一,是因为 ______________________

_________ (包含动作神态描写,至少运用一种修辞)。(4分)

25、下列诗文不宜陈列于武侯祠的两项是 、 。(4分)

B、三顾频烦天下计,两朝幵济老臣心 陶塑说书俑

C 、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为


E、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远 A、东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔





(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2016.4


可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 N-14 O-16 S-32 Cu-64 Zn-65 C-12

六、选择题(共20分) 27.属于化学变化的是 A.汽油挥发





A.水银—Ag B.干冰—H2O 29.属于纯净物的是 A.食醋






30.氯元素的化合价为+5价的是 A.HCl 31.酒精(C2H6O)属于 A.混合物 32.属于复合肥的是

A.(NH4)2SO4 B.NH4HCO3 C.NH4NO3 D.KNO3 33.既具有可燃性又具有还原性的氧化物是













A.铁丝在空气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射 C.红磷在氧气中燃烧,生成浓厚的烟雾 35.实验操作错误的是

B.镁条在空气中燃烧,发出耀眼的白光 D.硫在氧气中燃烧,发出淡蓝色火焰





初三化学 第1页 共6页



B.每个生成物分子由3个原子构成 C.该反应中反应物的质量比为1:2 D.两种反应物均为单质



B.元素组成 C.微观结构





 H2+ CO A. C+ H2O

Cu+H2O C.H2+ CuO



2H2O+O2↑ B.2H2O2


D.H2O +CO2→H2CO3




C.Ba(NO3)2 D. Cu(OH)2


A.lmolH2SO4含有6mol原子 B.18gH2O中含有2mol氢

C.0.5molO2中约含有6.02×1023个氧原子 D.lmol氮气的质量是14g




B.某溶液中加入硫酸铜溶液,产生蓝色沉淀,则该溶液是氢氧化钠溶液 C.燃烧需要同时满足三个条件,则灭火也要同时控制这三个条件 D.某溶液进行焰色反应,火焰呈黄色,则该溶液中含有钠元素

初三化学 第2页 共6页


A.Fe→Fe2O3→FeSO4 C.NaOH→NaCl→Na2CO3

B.HCl→CuCl2→BaCl2 D.CO2→H2CO3→CO



① 澄清石灰水 ② 无水硫酸铜 ③ 氢氧化钠固体④灼热的氧化铜

A.②①③④②① C.①②③④②①

B.②③①④②① D.②①③④①②



B.I中减少的质量是氧元素的质量 C.反应后I中固体成分可能有3种情况 D.Ⅱ中增加的质量是吸收的二氧化碳的质量



① 元素符号是最基本的化学语言。硅的元素符号是 (1) 。

② 化学式是用元素符号表示物质组成的式子,如N2、CO2、HCl、Al(OH)3、NaOH,其中能用于治疗胃酸过多的是 (2) ,空气中含量最多的是 (3) ,引起温室效应的主要物质是 (4) 。

③ 硝酸铵(NH4NO3)是常见的氮肥。其中氮、氢元素的质量比为 (5) 。

初三化学 第3页 共6页


① t1℃时,A、B、C三种物质溶解度的大小关系是 (6) 。 ② t1℃时,20克A加入到 (7) 克水中,完全溶解后,恰好得到饱和溶液,要进一步提高该溶液的溶质质量分数,可进行的操作是 (8) 。

③ t3℃时,将等质量A、B、C三种物质分别加水制成相应的饱和溶液,得到溶液质量最小的是 (9) 。(选填“A”、“B”、“C”)【2016松江区英语二模】

④ 现有操作步骤:a.溶解 b.过滤 c.降温结晶 d.加热浓缩;若A中含有少量B,则提纯A的操作步骤是 (10) (填字母序号)。 49.某校学生学习金属后做如下探究:

① 用一定量AgNO3溶液进行了如图实验。

Ⅰ.向固体乙上滴加盐酸没有气泡产生,则固体乙的组成是 (11) 。 Ⅱ.溶液甲呈蓝色,溶液甲中一定含的溶质是 (12) 。使溶液呈蓝色的化学反应是 (13) (写化学方程式),该反应的基本类型是 (14) 。

② 称取铜粉和锌粉混合物10.0克,逐滴滴入100克稀 硫酸溶液,实验情况如图所示。

Ⅰ.混合物中Zn的物质的量是mol。 Ⅱ.稀硫酸溶液中溶质的质量分数。 八、简答题(共21分)


① 由图可知该实验操作是将 (1) 滴加到另一种溶液中。 ② 写出该反应的化学方程式 (2) 。 ③ 实验过程中,甲同学取了a、b、c中某处的溶液于试管中,加入氯化铜溶液,无明显现象。则该溶液是 (3) 处溶液。(选填“a”、“b”或“c”)。乙同学只用一种试剂就能区分a、b、c三处的溶液,该试剂是 (4) 。

初三化学 第4页 共6页



① 取粉末样品加水搅拌后过滤,得到沉淀和无色溶液A。 ② 向上述沉淀中加入足量稀盐酸,得到黄色溶液且无气泡产生。 ③ 取无色溶液A进行如图所示的实验.

Ⅱ.无色溶液A中一定有的溶质是 (6) 。

Ⅲ.生成白色沉淀B的化学方程式是 (7) 。

Ⅳ.这包粉末中一定不含有的物质是 (8) ,可能含有的物质是 (9) 。 52.用下列装置制二氧化碳并进行二氧化碳与过氧化钠(Na2O2)的反应. 资料:过氧化钠(Na2O2)是一种淡黄色固体,能与CO2,H2O发生反应: 2Na2O2+2CO2→2Na2CO3+O2, 2Na2O2+2H2O→4NaOH+O2↑

① 写出仪器a的名称 (10) 。

② 装置A中发生反应的化学方程式为 (11) ,利用装置A制取CO2的优点是 (12) 。

③ 装置B的作用是吸收CO2中混有的HCl,装置D的作用是 (13) 。 ④ 装置E中收集到的气体是 (14) (填化学式),该气体还可以用下图中的 (15) 进行收集(填写字母序号)。

初三化学 第5页 共6页





1、蜂蝶纷纷过墙去, 。 (《雨晴》)

2、 ,浓睡不消残酒。 (《如梦令》)

3、 ,白水绕东城。 (《送友人》)

4、而吾蛇尚存, 。 (《捕蛇者说》)

5、未果,寻病终。 。 (《桃花源记》)




6、甲、乙分别通过“ ”和“_ ”等词句表现“凭栏之久”,以此表达用情之深。(2分)

7、下列对诗句理解不正确的一项是( )(2分)

A.两句所交代的时令都是春季。 B.都描绘了有情人离别时的场景。

C.甲的抒情方式委婉,而乙较直接。 D.两句中的景分别用来渲染气氛和层层设障。


泰山正南面有三谷。中谷绕泰安城下,郦道元所谓环水也。余始循以入,道少半,越中岭,复循西谷,遂至其巅。古时登山,循东谷入,道有天门。东谷者,古谓之天门溪水,余所不至也。今所经中岭及山巅,崖限当道者,世皆谓之天门云。道中迷雾冰滑,磴几不可登。 及既上,苍山负雪,明烛天南;望晚日照城郭,汶水、徂徠如画,而半山居雾若带然。

8、节选语段的作者是清朝 派古文

家 (姓名)。(2分)


(1)崖限当道者( )(2)半山居雾若带然( )

10、下列对划线句理解错误的一项是( )(3分)











12、下列不属于梁鸿“尚节”具体表现的两项是( )( )(4分) ①博览无不通,而不为章句 ②寻访烧者,问所去失,悉以豕偿之 ③以身居作,以偿主人之失 ④耆老称鸿为长者


13、主人从“ ”到“ ”的态度转变,直接原因是 ,

而根本原因是他被梁 的高尚节操所打动。(5分)








⑤项羽是成功者吗?作为一个男人,一个将领,项羽已经失败到无以复加的地步了。但是他仍然以英雄的形象,存留于中国的戏剧故事和百姓谈论当中。反倒是“成功者”刘邦,会让我们在内心里,产生某种不屑或者不那么喜欢的感觉。 ⑥岳飞是因为成功才伟大吗?如果从我们现在的“成功学”角度来看,岳飞很失败。不管你仗打得怎么样,被人家N道金字令牌召回,最后还给杀了,在当时来看,他是一个失败者,秦桧才是成功者。可是后来呢?秦桧在西湖边上已经跪了多少年,岳飞才是我们心目中的英雄。

⑦林则徐的人生成功吗?大家只记住了他那一点成功——虎门销烟,却不知道在很多 “妥协派”的威压下,一年之后被去职。从当时来说,他成功吗?一点儿也不。




是 。(3分)


(1) ;

(2) ;

(3) 。

16、下列对文章理解正确的两项是( )( )(4分)









①西大滩加油站到了。这是离藏区最近的青海加油站,海拔4150米,周围都是无边无垠的荒原。路过这里的司机,无论多晚,只要叫一声老韩,瘦小的男人就颠颠奔出,披着军大衣,双手习惯性地拢在腰间。到了近前,老韩解开大衣钮扣,原来怀中藏着的是一只热水袋。寒潮一过境,加油站上就刮着吹哨子一般的寒风,气温很快跌到零下20度,加油枪就容易被冻住,得用热水袋把它慢慢暖开。 ②加完油,如果天色已经像墨汁一样浓黑,老韩会建议跑长途的货运司机在他家借住一晚,次日早上喝过老韩媳妇做的面片汤再走,这样安全。

③因为地处荒凉的高原,老韩一家人的饭食十分简单,都是面片汤、馒头;长迗7个多 月的冬季只有洋葱、土豆和白菜这三样蔬菜,连3岁半的孙女也吃这样简陋的饭食。司机们看了十分不忍。时间一长,有些司机就达成了moqi:在内地前往高原的途中,给老韩孙女带点稀罕的蔬菜水果。最近,他们带过来的就有:三斤月牙般老扁豆,一个歪脖子大南瓜,两个临潼大石榴,一嘟噜野柿子,还有三个硕大的葵盘。那葵盘是一个拉饮料去拉萨的司机从黄河河套路过时,吆喝呼


④老韩应聘到加油站工作前,4年中这里已经换了 7拨主人一一条件太艰苦,工资待遇低;因为海拔太高,就算是本地人,只要动作稍微快一点,太阳穴那里就像有一面小鼓在敲,突突地抽痛。因此,不论是领导,还是经常光顾的老司机,都没曾想老韩一来,就已呆足八年。

⑤陕西人老韩如今已摸准了高原的脾气,他会叮嘱第一次跑这条线的司机:“遇上啥事您都别激动,那是拿自己的性命开玩笑知道吗?您得德高望重地行走,老成持重地坐下。总之,像老袓宗一样慢腾腾地悠着来就对了。”万一有点高原反应,老韩赶紧吩咐媳妇给煮酸 菜面片汤,把家里人都舍不得吃的鸡脯肉下在汤里。喝完汤,额头上密密麻麻出一层细汗,无休止敲打太阳穴的那面小鼓就停了。 ⑥喝汤的人就说:“老韩,你要是不在这里干了,我们还怪不习惯的。”老韩很不能接受这样的赞美,局促地搓手回答:“一时半会离不开的,我舍不得儿子„„”老韩的大儿子落葬在离加油站只有一里地的戈壁上,那里有方圆十几里地唯一的一棵红柳树,早被高原上 的风吹成了贴地盆景的模样。儿子的去世是老韩心里永远的痛:加油站由旧址搬往新址前,同为加油站员工的儿子前去看守物资,暖气还没有装好,半夜冻得睡不着,不得不烧炭取暖,就这样再也没有起来。

⑦老韩媳妇说,他以前从不抽烟,但现在,想儿子想得受不了时,他会带上烟,慢慢走到红柳树下,在那里抽上一根。老韩媳妇偷偷清点过,儿子去世一年多,家里开的小卖部里, 香烟少了 93根。

⑧每次,老韩走挺远的路去抽烟,小孙女都能感应到爷爷心里的难受,会寸步不离地跟着他。一老一小,缓缓走去的背影,让在加油站门口闲聊打趣的司机们都安静下来,近乎肃穆地目送着他们。 ⑨在远方,那棵孤独的红柳树悄然站立,茎秆在寒风中抖动,犹如火焰一般。

18、根据拼音写出汉字。(2分) mò qì ( )



(1) ;

(2) ;

(3) 。

21、对文中有关红柳树的描写理解错误的一项是( )(3分)








材料一:武侯祠,位于四川省成都市,是中国唯一的君臣合祀祠庙。其中,祭祀丞相的武侯祠建于唐以前,初与祭祀蜀汉开国皇帝的汉昭烈庙相邻,明朝初年重建时将武侯祠并入,形成了君臣合祀、祠堂与陵园合一的格局。1984年成立博物馆,享有“三国圣地”之美誉,是全世界影响最大的三国遗迹博物馆。 材料二:武侯祠博物馆存有东汉陶塑说书俑,现亦为《故事会》杂志商标,注册商标“说书俑”为刊徽,曾被评为中国最佳吉祥物之一。



为 和 。(2分)

24、从右图可知,说书俑能成为《故事会》商标并被评为中国最佳吉样物之一, 是因为 (包含动作神态描写,至少运用一种修辞)。(4分)

25、下列诗文不宜陈列于武侯祠的两项是( )( )(4分)












1.却疑春色在邻家 2.昨夜雨疏风骤 3.青山横北郭

4.则弛然而卧 5.后遂无问津者

(二)(4 分)



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