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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Section A

1a Match the pictures with the descriptions. 将图片与描述相匹配。 1. ['taɪlænd] 泰国泼水节 香港龙舟节 北京春节

江西元宵节(lantern灯笼) [ˈlæntən]

What a great day! What did you like best? 多么美好的一天!你最喜欢什么?


6 ___________bad the weather is! A How B What C What a D How a 7 ______________good news it is ! A How B What a C How a D What

8 _____________the sunshine is! A What a bright B How a bright C How bright D what bright 9 ___________ he writes. A How good B How well C What good D What well

10 ____________ LiLei runs! A What fast boy B What fast C How fast D How a fast 6-10 ADCBC

11_______ hard he works! A How B What 12 which is true?

A How tall the buildings are! B What tall the buildings are! C How tall buildings they are! D what a tall buildings they are!

13 __________ it is raining! A How heavily B What heavy C How heavy 14 ____ delicious the dish is! A. What B. How C. What a

15 ____ strange clothes he is wearing! A. What a B. What C. How a 11-15 AAABB

16 ____ interesting subject it is! A. What an B. How C. What 17 ____ foggy it was yesterday! A. What B. What a C. How 18____ careless a boy you are! A. How B. What a C. What

19 _________ wonderful time we have had. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 16-19 CCAD

练习二 CBCBC 6-10 CCBCC

1. _______ bad weather! We have to stay in. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 2. _______ strong wind! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 3. _________ big the tree is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

4. _________ interesting story it is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How a 5. _________ nice they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

6. _________ beautiful the flower is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

7. _________ hard the people are working!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 8. _________ good boy he is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

9. _________ funny the little boy is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 10. _________ hot the water is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

练习三 1-6 CACCB B

1.____ a nice watch it is!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

2. ____ bright girls they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 3. ____ interesting the film is! A. What B. What an C. How

4. ____ sunny day! Let’s go out for a walk. A. How a B. How C. What a D. What 5. ____ hard work it is! A. How B.What C. What a D. What an

6. ____ day it is! It’s rainy again. A. How bad B. What a bad C. How fine D. What a fine

练习四1-5 AAACC 6-10 ADCAC

1. _______ carefully the boy does his homework! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

2. _______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances! A. How, how B. What, what C. How, what D. What, how 3. ________ cheap these clothes are! I’d like to buy some for my son. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 4. _______ fools they were! They believed what the girls said. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 5. _______ difficult questions they are! I can’t answer them. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 6. I miss you very much. _______ I want to see you! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 7. Oh, ________ mistake you’ve made! It’s too bad. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 8. _______ lovely weather we are having these days! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 9. _______ delicious your supper is! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

10. _______ interesting work it is to teach children! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

I guess that it was a little crowded.

这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,I guess为主句, it was a little too crowded为省略了引导词that的宾语从句。在复合句中,当主句为一般现在时时,宾语从句可根据其具体情况使用任意适当的时态, I guess he is a policeman. 我猜想他是个警察:

I hear she went to Beijing by plane yesterday. 我听说昨天她乘飞机去北京了

crowded形容词,意为揭挤的、常构成短语be crowded with. . “被挤满”

The shop near my home is always crowded with people. 我家附近的那家商店总是挤满了人。 crowd动词,“拥挤,群集”

Hundreds of people crowded into the church 数百人拥进了教堂

1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 听录音。正确的圈T,错误的圈F

2. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. T F 玛丽认为那些赛队很棒。

3. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. T F


4. Bill and Mary believe that they’ll be back next year to watch the races. T F

1c Talk about the festivals in 1a. 谈论1a中的节日。

A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?关于龙舟节,你最喜欢什么?

B: I love the races. I think that they’re fun to watch.我喜欢(龙舟)比赛。我认为它们看起来很好玩。

2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences. 听吴明和哈利之间的对话并圈出句中的正确词语。

1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins / strangers / friends. 吴明和哈利是表兄弟/陌生人/朋友。

吴明去了新加坡/香港/澳门度假 3. He visited his relatives / friends / classmates. 吴明拜访了他的亲戚/ 朋友/ 同学。

2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but these also have down sides. 吴明做了很多有趣的活动,但也有不好的一面。 Listen again and fill in the chart. 再听一遍录音填表。

Fun activities 有趣的活动 Down sides不好的一面 Eating out 外出就餐 Shopping 购物

Dragon Boat Festival in June 六月的龙舟节

2c Role-play conversations between Wu Ming and Harry. Use the information in 2a and 2b or make up your own conversations. 分角色表演吴明与哈利之间的对话。使用2a和2b中的信息或自编对话。 A: What did you do on your vacation? 你在假期中做什么了?

B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! 我拜访了我的表兄弟们。我想我们一天吃了5顿饭!我都胖了5磅了!

2d Role-play the conversation. 分角色表演对话。


year there.

Clara: Yes,

Ben: I wonder if itClara: Yes, I think so. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. Ben: Cool! But why do they do that?

Clara: Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things. Then you’ll 克拉拉:猜猜看?一两周后我打算去清迈

本:哇,听起来像很有趣!但我认为在那里四月是一年中最热的月份。 克拉拉:是的,的确如此。但在那里,从4月13日到15日是泼水节。 本:我想知道它是否和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。

克拉拉:是的,我认为是。这个时候是泰国新年。人们到街上去相互泼水。 本:太酷了!但是他们为什么那么做呢?

3a Read the passage about Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions. 1. How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?

2. What do mooncakes look like? What meaning do they carry? 3. What story is the reading about?

阅读这篇有关中秋节的文章并回答问题。 1.人们如何庆祝中秋节?

2.月饼看起来像什么?他们寄托什么含义? 3.这篇阅读是关于什么故事的?

Full Moon, Full Feelings

Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes have the shape of a full

moon on mid-autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching.


数个世纪以来,中国人一直在庆祝中秋节,吃月饼。月饼是中秋之夜满月的形状。它们寄托着人们对他们所爱与思念的家人的祝福。 关于这个节日有很多传统的民间故事。然而,大多数人认为嫦娥的故事是最感人的。

Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magicwhen Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e嫦娥是后羿美丽的妻子。在后羿射下9颗太阳之后,一位女神送给他仙药作为酬谢。无论谁喝了此药便能长生不老,后羿打算和嫦娥一起服用。然而,一个坏人,逢蒙,试图趁后羿不在家之际偷药。嫦娥拒绝把仙药给他,全部吞下了它。她身体变得很轻,飞上

ite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back! 后羿悲痛不已,以至于每晚都对着月亮大声呼喊她的名字。一天夜里,他发现月亮是如此亮而圆,以至于他能看到他的妻子就在那3b Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order. Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night, and wished his wife could come back. Chang’e became light and flew up to the sky. 再读一遍文章,将事件按正确的顺序排序。 一位女神通过送仙药来酬谢后羿。

新目标英语九年级unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious全单元教学设计

I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学设计(Period1)

北京101中学 纪志杰


在本节课结束时,学生将能够:谈论自己了解的节日并对某个节日、某种节日特色等发表观点。 知识与能力:

学会使用What do you like best about…?句型来询问对方最喜欢的节日及节日特色;能够使用准确的语言描述自己喜欢的节日、节日特色及理由。















Step 1: Lead-in

导入本单元话题——节日。教师通过提问Do you know these festivals? , What other festivals do you know? 和What festivals do the pictures remind you of?让学生思考、了解、谈论部分中西方节日及节日特色。



Step 2: Listening and speaking (1b, 1c)

Activity 1. 引导学生在听力练习之前对听力内容进行预测。通过提前审题,了解1b中出现的信息,推测听力内容。



Activity 2. 听对话,判断1b中句子的正误。



Activity 3. 谈论节日特色,学习以下句型。

What do you like best about…?

I like/love…I think that…

Step 3: Listening and speaking (2a, 2b, 2c)

Activity 1. 听录音,圈出句中正确的单词。



Activity 2. 听录音,填表格。



Activity 3. 结合听力内容,进行对话练习。



Step 4: Role-play (2d)

Activity 1. 指导学生分角色表演对话。



Activity 2. 指导学生根据课本对话内容,自编问题,互相问答。


学生根据课本对话设计问题,与同学互问互答,旨在提高学生对材料的全面掌握能力及口语交流能力。 Activity 3. 利用幻灯片,指导学生进行语言点学习。如in two weeks,wonder,be similar to…wash away。



I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学设计(Period2)

北京101中学 纪志杰


在本节课结束时,学生将能够:更加深入地了解关于中秋节的文化;复述文章中的神话故事。 知识与能力:



采用自主学习、小组合作探究的学习策略,利用幻灯片等来展开课堂阅读教学。本单元的教学法建议:阅读教学——通过指导学生分别完成pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading中的任务,让学生充分理解阅读材料;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动互相操练。





(1)理解文章“Full Moon, Full Feelings”。




(1)理解文章“Full Moon, Full Feelings”。



阅读教学——通过指导学生分别完成pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading中的任务,让学生充分理解阅读材料;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动互相操练。


Step 1: Pre-reading

Activity 1. 利用猜谜—提问—讨论的方式引入新课,激发学生对于课文学习的兴趣。



Activity 2. 根据线索,预测文章内容。



Step 2: While-reading

Activity 1. 第一遍阅读,核对Pre-reading中对于文章内容的预测,然后回答两个问题。



Activity 2. 第二遍阅读,完成事件排序。


第二遍阅读,理解应深入到细节,通过文中事件排序,达到对文章逻辑顺序掌握到位的目的。 Activity 3. 第三遍阅读,分析文章结构及各段大意。



The first period (Section A 1a-2d)

ⅠKnowledge and language skills

Master the new words and conversations

ⅡImportant and difficult points

Talk about the festivals

ⅢEmotions and attitudes

Train the Ss to make conversations by using new words and sentences

ⅣTeaching aid: tape recorder

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step ⅠWarming up

Sing the song and dance to the music

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1. Watch the pictures and match the pictures with the descriptions. Learn the festivals in the different places: The Water Festivals, The Dragon Boat Festival, The Chinese Spring Festival, The Lantern Festival…

2. Talk about the festivals in 1a:

A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?

B: I love the races. I think that they’re fun to watch.

Step Ⅲ Listening: Listen and circle T for true or F for false.

Step Ⅳ Listening 2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences.

2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again

2c Make conversations A: What did you do on your vacation?

B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve put on five pounds!

A: I guess the food was delicious, right?

2d Role- play the conversation

Step Ⅵ Summary

1. New words and expressions

2. I think/guess…

Step Ⅶ Homework

Make a conversation

Blackboard Design:

Section A1 (1a-2d)

The Water Festivals, I think… / She thinks….

The Dragon Boat Festival I guess…

Teaching review:

The second Period (Section A 3a-3b)

ⅠKnowledge and language skills

Master the new words and the key sentences.

ⅡImportant and difficult points

Talk about Mid-Autumn Festival.

ⅢEmotions and attitudes

Get the Ss to know about the festivals in China.

ⅣTeaching aid: tape recorder and computer

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step ⅠWarming up

Get the students to say the festivals they know.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1. Get the Ss read the passage for the first time and find out the main idea.

2. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 3a.

3. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.

4. Explain the key points and read fast.

5. Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order in 3b.

Step Ⅲ Practice

Complete the sentences with the correct words without looking at he passage. Step Ⅳ Summary

The key words and phrases in the passage.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Get the students try to recite the text and finish the exercises.

Blackboard design

Uint2 Period 2 Section A 2

1. in the shape of 2. traditional folk stories

3. the story of 4. shoot down

5. refuse to 6. fly up to

Teaching review

The third period (Section A Grammar focus-4c)


ⅠKnowledge and language skills

Master the new words and grasp the conversation

ⅡImportant and difficult points

Give a personal reaction

ⅢEmotions and attitudes

Train the Ss to love English

ⅣTeaching aid: tape recorder

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step ⅠRevision

Step Ⅱ Presentation

I know/wonder/believe…


Step Ⅳ Practice

Make up dialogues using the sentences in Grammar Focus with your partner

4a Write sentences using the words given.

4b Read the passage below and underline the object clauses.

4c Which festival do you like? Ask your group and report to the class.

Step ⅤSummary

1. New words and expressions

2. I know/wonder/believe…

Step Ⅵ Homework

Make a conversation

Blackboard Design:

Section A Grammar focus-4c

I know that the Water Festival is really fun.

What fun the Water Festival is!


Teaching review:

The fourth period (Section B 1a-2e)

ⅠKnowledge and language skills

Master the new words and the key sentences.

ⅡImportant and difficult points

Talk about the festivals in foreign countries.

ⅢEmotions and attitudes

Get the Ss to know about the festivals in culture.

ⅣTeaching aid: tape recorder and computer

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step ⅠWarming up

Get the students to look at the pictures and words related to Halloween. Guess what festival it is.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1. Do the listening part in 1c and 1d.

2. Think about the Halloween activities that interest you most. Discuss what you have learned with a partner.

3. Teach the reading strategy and get the Ss to read the passage for the first time and find out the main idea.

4. Read the passage again and answer the questions in 2b.

6. Read the passage carefully and find out the key expressions and sentences.

7. Explain the key points and read fast.

8. Finish the exercises in 2c.

Step Ⅲ Practice

Complete the practice in 2d-2e.

Step Ⅳ Summary

The key words and phrases in the passage.

Step Ⅴ Homework

Get the students try to recite the spirit of Christmas and finish the exercises.

Blackboard design

Uint1 Unit4 Section A 2

1. the true meaning of 2. the importance of

3. used to be 4. warn … to do

5. take…back to 6. wake up

Teaching review

The fifth period (Section B 3a-Self check)

ⅠKnowledge and language skills

Master the new words, phrases and sentences

ⅡImportant and difficult points

Write a letter

ⅢEmotions and attitudes

Train the Ss how to write a letter about your favorite Chinese festivals

ⅣTeaching aid: tape recorder

ⅤTeaching procedures

Step ⅠRevision

Discuss the questions with a partner. And take notes.

Your English-speaking pen pal wants to know about your favorite Chinese festival.

1. 信头:发信人地址和日期。这部分有时可省去发信人地址,但一般要写日期。放在信纸的右上方。

2. 称呼:对收信人的尊称。最普通的是Dear.

3. 信的正文。

4. 结尾:发信人对收信人的谦称或鲸鱼。放在信的右下方。

5. 签名。签名一般在结尾语的下面一行。

Step Ⅲ Writing

1. Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival.

2. In your letter:

First, introduce the festival and when it is celebrated.

Then talk about what people do and eat.

Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel.

3. Useful expressions:

My favorite Chinese festival is…

It is celebrated in/on…

During this festival, people…【新目标英语九年级2,I,think,that,mooncakes,are,delicious?】

It’s my favorite festival because…

It makes me feel…

Step Ⅳ Self check

1. Complete the passage with the words in the box.

2. Review these sentences as exclamations.

3. Make sentences about a festival/festivals you like using these words + that/whether/if.

Step Ⅴ Summary

Memorize new words and expressions

Step Ⅵ Homework

Write a letter

Blackboard Design:

Section B 3a-Self check

My favorite Chinese festival is…

It is celebrated in/on…

During this festival, people…

It’s my favorite festival because…

It makes me feel…

Teaching review:

新版新目标英语九年级UNIT2 I think that the mooncakes are delicious. 重点短语

Unit 2 短语归纳

1. The Water Festival

2. The Dragon Boat Festival

3. The Chinese Spring Festival【新目标英语九年级2,I,think,that,mooncakes,are,delicious?】

4. The Lantern Festival

5. What a great day!=How great the day is!

6. wonder =want to know

7. be back =come back

8. What do you like best about…?

9. be fun to watch

10. on your vacation

11. put on five pounds

12. in two weeks=two weeks later

13. from…to…

14. be similar to =take after

15. the time of…

16. go on the streets

17. throw water at each other

18. a time for cleaning and washing away bad things

19. have good luck in the new year

20. for centuries/years/months/weeks

21. in the shape of a full moon

22. on the Mid-Autumn night

23. carry people’s wishes to…

24. traditional folk stories

25. the story of Chang’e

26. the most touching

27. magic medicine

28. live forever

29. refuse to do

30. fly up to the moon

31. call out her name to the moon

32. lay out

33. The tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families

34. a good time to do

35. Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May

36. Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June

37. take them out for lunch

38. flowers and cards for mothers

39. shirts or ties for fathers

40. many ways to show our love

41. turn off the lights

42. light candles

43. dress up as ghosts

44. ask for sth

45. play a trick on sb

46. learn about

47. the spirit of Christmas

48. think of gifts

49. Behind all the things lies the true meaning of Christmas.

50. The importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.

51. be mean and think about oneself

52. treat others nicely

53. treat everyone with kindness and warmth

54. care about

55. make more money

56. die ---death----dead

57. warn sb to do

58. end up doing

59. expect sb to do

60. the Ghost of Christmas

61. the Ghost of Present (present=gift)

62. the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

63. take him back to his childhood

64. remind sb of sth

65. take sb to do

66. take sb to the future

67. wake up in his bed

68. find out

69. promise to do

70. people in need

71. spread love and joy everywhere he goes

72. It is celebrated in/on

73. between …and…

74. the beginning of new life

75. give birth to life

76. a symbol of new life

77. not only…but also…

78. spread…around



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