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PEP人教六年级下册英语Unit2 Part A练习试题

PEP8 Unit2 A 知识检测

一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,相同在括号内写“T”, 不同写“F”。(10%)

1. load cold ( ) ( ) ( ) ) )


1 2 3 4 5

1. Sarah has a sore ________.

2. Wu Yifan’s finger _________.

3. Chen Jie has a _________.

4. Zhang Peng has a sore _________.

5. John has a ________.


1. There is something wrong with my teeth. I have a t__________.

2. My nose h_________. And my throat is s_________.

3. W________ the matter with you? I’m OK. Don’t worry.

4. -How do you feel? -I feel sick. I think I have a c_________.


1. A: ____________________________________________?

B: Yes, I have a flu.

2. A: ____________________________________________?

B: I feel sick.

3. A: ____________________________________________?

B: Mike is 170 cm tall.

4. A: ____________________________________________?

B: I am not fine today. There is something wrong with my mouth.

5. A: ____________________________________________?

B: My leg hurts.



is, my, sore, throat

2. drinks, medicine, hot, drink, take, some, and



you, matter, with, what, the, is

4. the, do, how, flu, have , feel, you, you, if


the, in, some, sick, feel, winter, people


( )1. —________ does John feel ? —He feels cold.

A. What B. How C. Why

( )2. Bai Ling ________ not fine. What’s wrong _______ her?

A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to

( )3. Please stay in _______ bed and drink _______ water.

A. / , many B. / , more C. the , much

( )4. _________ some medicine and you’ll feel ________ soon.

A. Have, better B. Take, better C. Take, fine

( )5. Mike is sick. What should he do?

A. Take some medicine. B. Go swimming. C. Read many books.

( )6. The straw man _______ a headache, and the robot ______ tired.

A. have, is B. has, is C. have, are

( )7. —How ________ Wu Yifan feeling? —He’s ________ better now.

A. are, feel B. is, feels C. is, feeling

( )8. If you are sick, you can see the _________.

A. teacher B. doctor C. hospital

( )9. In the football game, John hurt his leg. And now he has a ______ leg.

A. break B. broke C. broken

( )10. —How are you feeling? —I’m as _________ as new.

A. good B. better C. best

七、读左边的句子,然后从右边句子中选择相对应的句子,把序号写在题前的括号里(5%) ( )1. You have a fever. A. See the dentist(牙医)

( )2. You have a sore throat. B. Take some medicine and drink more water. ( )3. You have a headache. C. Stay in bed and have a good rest.

( )4. You have a stomachache. D. Stop drinking and eating.

( )5. You have a toothache. E. Don’t talk too much.




八道河总校 张秀莲



( ( ( ( D. bag

( 二、你一定会将图片所代表的英文名称写出来吧,试试看!(16) 1. _____________

2. _____________ 3.______________ 4.______________

5. _______________ 6.



_____________ 8.



1、left ______(反义词) 2、west_______(反义词) 3、north _______(反义词)

4、twelfth ______(汉语意思) 5、take ________(同义词)


( )1、The zoo is next_____ the science museum.

A at B in C on D to

( ) 2、Is the canteen ____ here ? Yes , it’s far.

A near B far C near from D far from

( ) 3、Is there a park near ___ here?

A at B to C \ D in【人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit2,part,A练习】

( ) 4、--What are you ___ to do after school.

-- I want to buy a ____ of shoes.

A going pair B go pain C going pear D are is

( ) 5、Go straight for five minutes. It’s ___the left.

A in B on C at D to


( )6、--How can I get to the museum?

--______ straight for five minutes. _____ turn left.

A .Go Then B. go than C. by bus First D. I then

( ) 7、-- Today is my birthday. -- _________

A .Happy birthday B. Happy New Year C. Thank you D. Good idea

( ) 8、Thank you all for ______.

A come B to come C coming D have come

( ) 9、Please come to my home ______ Monday.

A in B on C go D turn

( ) 10 、First walk south for three minutes, Then ______ the No. 15 bus.

A have B come C go D take

( ) 11、My home is ______ of our school

A in front B in C front D \

( ) 12、 Get ______at the post office.(更正加at)

A off B of C for D in


1、Walk straight _______ (for, to) three minutes.

2、You can go by the _______ (No. , no ) 15 bus.

3、Get off _____ (at , in) the cinema.

4、You are _______ (welcome , thanks).

5、It’s ______ (not , no) far.

6、They can ______ (get to , to ) the Zhongshan Park by bike.

7、It’s ______ (east of , east) the post office.【人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit2,part,A练习】

8、How can I ______ (get up , get to ) the school?【人教版pep小学英语六年级上册unit2,part,A练习】

9、Look ______ (for , of ) me near the door.

10、Today is ______ (my , me) birthday.


( )1、How can I get to the Zhongshan Park ?

( ) 2、Excuse me , is there a cinema near here?

( ) 3、Thank you!

( ) 4、Where is the cinema please?

( ) 5、How do you go to school?

A、You’re welcome.

B、I go to school by bus .

C、Yes, there is .

D、It’s next to the school .

E、You can go by the No. 301 bus.


1、Where the is post office ?


2、the cinema left Turn at .


3、cinema east It’s of the .


4、near office It’s the post .


5、can I get to How the school ?



next to please Excuse me Thank you

A: ______________ ,is there a cinema near here?

B: Yes, __________ is.

A: Where is the cinema, ___________?

B: It’s _____________ the hospital.

A: Is it for from here? there

B: No, it’s not far.

A: ___________________.

B: You’re welcome.

九、博览群书的小博士,快来阅读乐园判断它的正(T)误(F)吧!(15) Chen Jie: What are you going to do this afternoon ?

Sarah: I want to buy a story book. Where is the book store ?

Chen Jie: It’s next to the post office .

Sarah: How can I get to the book store ?

Chen Jie: You can go by the No.5 bus from my school . Next get off at the post office.

Then go straight for three minutes. The book store is on the right.

Sarah: Thank you.

Chen Jie: You’re welcome!

( ) 1、Chen Jie wants to buy a story book.(改正:want加s)

( ) 2、Sarah wants to buy a story book in the library.(改正want加s)

( ) 3、The book store is next to the post office.

( ) 4、Sarah can go by the No.5 bus.


( ) 5、The book store is on the left.


一、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A

二、1.bookstore 2.cinema 3. hospital 4. post office

5.school 6. go straight 7. turn right 8.turn left

三、1 right 2 east 3 south 4 第十二 5 by

四、1 D 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 A

五、 1 for 2 No. 3 at 4 welcome 5 not

6 get to 7 east of 8 get to 9 for 10 my

六、 1 E 2 C 3 A 4 D 5B

七、 1、Where is the post office ?

2、Turn left at the cinema .

3、It’s east of the cinema .

4、It’s near the post office .

5、How can I get to the school ?

八、 1、Excuse me 2、there 3、please 4、 next to 5、Thank you

九、 1、F 2、F 3、T 4、T 5、F

新版PEP小学六年级英语上册Unit2 Part A教案(全英)

新版PEP小学六年级英语上册Unit2 Part A教案(全英)




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