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happy family剧本

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happy family剧本篇一:4人英语剧本A Family一个家

4人英语剧本A Family一个家

by Betty Liao廖寶彩



Miki: older sister

Pink: The oldest sister

Anita: Boss

Tina: Younger sister



(In a dining room, Pink is preparing for the dinner.)

Pink: Miki! It’s time to eat dinner.

Miki: OK, Pink. I’m coming.

Miki: Wow, the food’s so delicious. Why didn’t Tina come home?

Pink: Oh! She went to the library. She’ll come home later. We don’t have to wait for her.

Miki: You’ve been working hard since Mom and Dad died.

Pink: Taking care of you and Tina is my responsibility. No matter how hard I work, I can bear it.

Miki: Well, I’ve found a job. I’ll start working tomorrow.

Pink: What? Why didn’t you discuss it with me first?

Miki: Don’t be angry. I just want to help you. I think you’re too tired. I…

Pink: But I have told you before. You just concentrate on your study and do nothing else.

Miki: I can work part –time and study at the same time.

Pink: It’s out of the question.

(Then, bangs on the table.)

Tina: I’m home. (She feels shocked.) What happened? (Miki is so angry, and then, she leaves the dining room.) What are you arguing about?

Pink: Nothing! Just eat dinner and then go back to your room to do your homework.

(The next morning Pink goes into Miki’s room, and sees a note.)

(Note: I’m sorry about our argument yesterday. But I still want to work so I’m leaving. Don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of myself.)

Tina: I’m going to the library. (She looks at Pink.) Are you OK? What happened?

Pink: Miki and I argued yesterday. She told me that she wanted to work part-time and study at the same time. But I won’t let her do that. So she left home this morning.

Tina: What are we going to do now? I’m so worried about her.

Pink: Let’s go find her.

Tina: Do you know where she is?

Pink: Well, I don’t know. I’ll ask her friends first. (Pink calls Miki’s friends.)

Hello, I’m Miki’s sister. Is Miki there?

Pink: OK, thank you. (to Tina) No one knows where she is.

Tina: Oh, no!


(Miki is working in a restaurant and she is moving some stuff. )

Boss: Miki, come over here. Wipe the table.

Miki: Yes, I’ll do it right away.

(Twenty minutes later.)

Miki: Wow, it’s time for lunch. Can I eat lunch now? (She is thinking to herself.)

Boss: Miki, after wiping the table, you should clean the windows at once.

(Miki is cleaning the windows and feels sad. The night is coming. She walks to a park and sits on a chair .She looks at the moon and misses her family.)

(A boy runs into her.)

Boy: What happened? Why do you look so gloomy?

Miki: Well, I’ve some problems.

Boy: This is for you. It can make your three wishes come true at once.

Miki: Really? (Smiling) I see (Goes way).

(The next morning, she meets the boy again when she goes to dump the garbage.)

Miki: Was that you in the park yesterday?

Boy: Yes…

Boy’s mother: Johnny! Johnny! Where are you?

Boy: Sorry, I have to go. My mother is waiting for me to eat dinner.

Miki: (Thinking) Maybe my family is waiting for me, too.

(Pink and Tina are walking along the street because they want to find Miki.)

Tina: Wait! Isn’t that Miki?

Pink: Where? … Yes, yes. That’s her.

Miki: Hello, can I help you? (Surprised) Why do you come here? How do you know I’m here?

Pink: Let’s go home now. I don’t want you to work.

Miki: I …

Tina: Let’s go see the Boss.

(Tina knocks at the door.)

Boss: Come in! Who are you?

Tina: I’m Miki’s sister. Sorry, Boss. My sister wants Miki to go home to finish her study.

Boss: Really? Oh! Miki, I was so serious because I wanted to test your attitude on your work. I really like you. I think you’re really a good girl. I want to hire you. Can you stay and help me?

Miki: Well, (looks at her sister and thinks) but I want to go home with my sisters, sorry.

Pink: Boss, thank you for the offer. You’re a good boss. But I hope she can finish her study first.

Boss: All right! Good luck to you! By the way, if you want to work, you can come back anytime.

Miki: Yes, ma’am. Thank you.


(The Three sisters go to a nice restaurant to eat lunch. They are happy. They have many things to talk about. After eating lunch, they go home together. The next morning Pink is in the kitchen. Miki and Tina are eating breakfast .A person knocks at the door.)

Tina: Who is it?

Boss: Excuse me, I’m Mr. Chen. I want to talk to Miki. Is she at home?

Miki: Oh! Yes, I’m here. (She opens the door.) Is there anything I can do for you?

Boss: Yes. After thinking, I really want to hire you. Nobody works so hard like you. Are you willing to come back? Please.

Miki: Well, I…

Boss: I can give you a good salary.

Miki: (She is looking at Pink.) Can I get the part-time job, Pink?

Pink: (Thinks for a while)…Of course…you can.

Miki: Oh! My dear sister, I love you!

Boss: Thank you. (Shakes hands with Pink)

Miki: (Miki talks to Pink) Don’t worry about my study. I’ll try my best to handle it.

Pink: I believe you can do it well.

(Pink, Miki and Tina embrace together.)

happy family剧本篇二:剧本




场景二:让人瞠目结舌的是他们竟然都是同班同学!! 场景三:很快他们以难以置信的速度相识并成为好友,六个人躺在草地上,同一片天空下的他们有说有笑。

场景三:跑道上,他们吃着雪糕,其乐融融,来!干雪糕!! 场景四:灰机,有灰机耶!!!放飞梦想,放飞希望。 场景五:展示宾宾的画画功力,在黑板上涂鸦,每个人都有属于自己的卡通图像。



Sure this guy knows where we are going?


Yep, he says we just stay on this main path, then we take a left at the third bend.


Oh, so you speak Greek now?


Come on, we have got bigger problems. one of your donkeys just did something way nasty.


Shit ! Oh, that is goona leave a mark


Opa! Lena! Bridget!

哇,Lena! Bridget!

What are you this guy doing here?


You think we would let you do this alone?


Oh, my god!


It turns out my stepdad had a million frequent flier miles and they were about to expire, so he gave them to us.我的继父有一大堆飞机里程数,都快过期了,所以他给了我们。

Hi, Tibby

嗨 Tibby

I just fell off a donkey


Are you ok?


Are we having fun yet?



Dear classmates亲爱的的同学,

if you are reading this ,you have been on vivi’s class,


and if you have done assignments so hard, maybe you would do a bit harder. 你们的作业那么难,(后面三组)再接再厉吧。

You remember the name of the class, don’t you?


one o six 106课室,

You could use excellent performances to brighten my eyes,


I will keep an eye for you, and the applause for you.


Remember, classmates……


assignment is good thing……


maybe the best of things.


And no good thing ever dies.


I will be hoping that this letter finds you ……and finds you all ready. 希望你读到信的时候已经准备好了。

Your friend……will.


The recommended reason:

Almost everyone are all searching for the meanings of the family, friendship, love, and life, then you can just take this easy comedy movie into consideration. The American language of humor 、the scenery of painting、the topic of

provoking、the end of significance,all of this attractions are included in the movie. the most successful expression is to show the friendship between girls is powerful and strong ,what’s more, satisfaction and happiness can be made by the deep and tacit friendship.

推荐理由:几乎每个人的一生中都在找寻家庭、友情、爱情、乃至生命的意义,这部轻松喜剧型的影片则可以作为参考 ,美式语言的幽默、风景如画的情景、引人深思的话题、意味深长的结尾都是这部片的看点。影片诠释得最精彩的莫过于见证女生之间的友谊是很有力量的,深厚和默契的女性友谊也能让人产生满足感和幸福感。


The film tell us a story about four girls‘ friendship ,an understanding what they shared and encourage each other to meet with life in their unpredictable growth process. They spent the first year of colleges, their summer vacation plans make them go further away on their own road. Meanwhile, they will experience the life course including freedom, love, selection and challenges. Naturally they become more and more mature. The precious jeans among them contact each other of their life together and become the friendship bond. Finally, they realize the strength of friendship.

简介:《牛仔裤的姐妹情谊》更多译为《牛仔裤的夏天》, 片中讲述了四个女孩在不可预知的成长过程中分享彼此的友谊、彼此鼓励迎接生活的故事,四位挚友崔比、卡门、布丽奇特和莉娜度过了大学的第一学年,他们的暑期计划使整整分开了一年的他们在各自的道路上走得更远,他们将分别经历自由、爱。情、选择和挑战的人生课程,各自走向成熟。而那条在他们中间传递的宝贵的牛仔裤则将他们的人生彼此联系起来,成为友谊的纽带,四位挚友比平时任何时候都认识到友谊的强大量力。

The recommended reason:

There are not too many times to recommend such a nice movie like <The Shawshank redemption>. It is reasonable for some people say this is an inspirational film, you can easily find the chief actor Andy does not lose hope in the face of adversity and never gives up to pursuit of the freedom. What’s more, the simple and sincere friendship between he and Red move us deeply most. I strong believe that it will also bring you an extraordinary feeling after you finish it!



Shawshank ,a prison name, there’re thousands of prisoners are held in here ,however, a common banker called Andy that is treated unjustly to murder his wife and wife’s lover. During the 19 years behind bars. He raises money for the library of prison, helps criminals to study for the degree, surprisingly does the Warden a big favor to launder money. Finally, he uses a big poster and a small hammer thought to carve stones and escapes in a stormy night. 简介:肖申克,一座监狱的名字,无数的犯人关押在这里,一个普通的银行家安迪,被冤枉杀害了自己的妻子以及妻子的情夫,在蹲监狱的19年时间里,他为监狱图书馆集资,帮助罪犯求学,并且,帮典狱长洗黑钱。最后,在一个风雨交加的夜晚他逃了出去,而他的工具是:一张诺大的海报以及一把仅仅被认为是可以雕琢小石子的小锤子。

happy family剧本篇三:剧本

Let tour Chinese dream fly

—To all compulsory education teachers


Part I

It tells a story about a couple who are both college students and they are going to graduate. The girl keeps a secret in her mind and she hopes the boy can support her and help her achieve her dreams. Let’s see what happen?

这讲了一对即将大学毕业的学生情侣,这个女孩心中一直保持了一个秘密,她希望男孩可以支持她和帮助她实现她的梦想,让我们看一下到底发生了什么? A:Julie, we are going to graduate, my dad assigns job for us, we don’t need to worry about the job problems.

Julie, 我们即将要毕业了。我父亲为我们安排了工作,我们不需要担心工作问题。

B: Jason, I must tell you something. Maybe I won’t stay here anymore after graduation.

Jason, 我必须告诉你,毕业后我可能不会留在这里了。

A: What’s up? 发生了什么事情?

B: I’m going to a small village in Yunnan Province; I will be a compulsory education teacher there.


A: Are you crazy? You abandon what you have and go to the remote, poor place to be a teacher?

你疯了吗?你抛弃了你所拥有的,为的是去贫穷、遥远的地方当一名老师? B: Shut up! 闭嘴

(唱)Doctor, actor, lawyer or singer

Why not president, but a dreamer.

I can be the one what I want to be .


I have a dream, a small Chinese dream

I want to help those poor children to get better education.

I want to inspire them, encourage them, help them achieve their dreams.

It can let me cry, there are so many difficulties waiting for me, but it can let me smile, it will

Be the most meaningful in my life.

我有一个梦想,一个小小的中国梦。我想要帮助性和谐贫困的学生得到更好的教育。我想要激励,鼓励他们,帮助他们去实现梦想。它让我哭泣,前方会有很多困难,但是他会让我微笑,它将成为我生命中最有意义的一部分. A: (唱):Just you wait, you will be sorry and your tears will be too late.

You will be sad. You will be cry. You will be regret.


I can understand what you do, what you say, you should take, responsibilities for your

family and your future. You dream is not the whole world in your life. Have you ever think of me? 我不能理解你做的,你说的,你应该为你的未来和家人负责任。你的梦想不是你生活的整个世界。你想过我吗?

B: I hope you can go with me. And support me to achieve my dream.我希望你和我一起去、支持我去实现梦想。

A: Please give me some time.请给我时间。

B: I’ll wait for it. 我会为此等待。

Part II

Although Jason against Julie’s dream for being a teacher in the remote, poor place in China. He finally gave in and went with her. He just gave 3 mounth and change her mind after hard ship .


They came to village, Julie insists on having class, and preparing lessons late at night, they stayed there for a month. 他们来到这个村庄,Julie坚持每天上课,晚上很晚都备课,他们这里停留在这里大概一个月的时候。

A: (各自形式)Dear Diary, it had been a month I stay here with Julie. I can’t imagine the bad conditions here. We can't have meat every day, we don’t have internet, we can’t buy something we need. Although I had a cold, I need to go to the hospital where far from here. It’s true I hate here. But something touched me happened today. There’s small girl in Julie’s class, she always stands under the tree and is afraid to talk to people. And Julie tried to get close to her.


B: Hey, little girl, why you always stand under the tree, tell me, my dear, what can I do for you?


C: My dear teacher, I am sorry let you worry about me. I stand under the tree because it is planted by my dad. He had been to the big city and never came back and my mom always doesn’t want to tell me why.


B: My dear,(唱)If the angel never comes to you, if you need someone if you feeling

blue, but if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder. If you need someone who cares for you I’ll always be there for you.

亲爱的,如果天使从不在你身旁,如果在你难过时候需要一个人,但是如果你想哭,在我肩膀上哭泣。如果你需要有人关心你,我将在一直在即身边。 C: Thanks my dear teacher. 谢谢你,我亲爱的老师。

Jason: Dear Diary, those are what I saw today, should I change mind and support Julie to stay and help the children? I’m puzzled about my choice, what should I do three months later?


Part III

After three months, it is the time for Jason to choose he will stay in the village or not, will he support Julie or not, let’s wait and see. 三个月过去了,是Jason必须要做出选择的时候。他是否会选择在村庄留下来吗?他会支持Julie吗?让我们看看。

B: It has been three months, have you made your decision? Are you going to leave here?


A: I’m so happy those days, but I can’t make decision by myself. I have responsibilities for my family, I…

B: Ok, Ok. You don't need to explain it to me. Don’t find excuse, I don’t want to listen to it.


A:I’m sorry .......


B:(自白)I’m so sad. But that’s ok. Dream is a kind of pursuit, I’ll keep on my dream no matter what kind of difficulties I will meet in the future.



A: I came back. My heart told me that I should help those children. I’m sorry I against you before. 我回来了。我的心告诉我应该帮助这些孩子,我很抱歉我之前反对你。

B: That’s great.。 太好了

A:As a college student, we should have our own Chinese dream, we should try our best to achieve it. Although it is a small candle, but if everyone light their candles, our nation will be bright. 作为一个大学生,我们应该有我们自己的中国梦。我们尽力去实现这个梦想,尽管只是一枚小蜡烛,但是若每个人都点燃他们的蜡烛,那么我们的国家将会明亮起来。(面对观众)

B: Jason, I didn’t realized my dream till the day I met you. We will stay here to help those children to have better education. We won’t give up. Boys and girls, I know you

could reach the top, make sure that you won’t stop. But be the one that you wanna to be. Now sing this with me:

Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president be a dreamer. You can be just the one you wanna be.


happy family剧本篇四:剧本

第一幕吝啬鬼时间:圣诞节前一天下午地点:斯克罗吉的办公室人物:斯克罗吉 鲍勃•克拉奇蒂 绅士斯克罗吉一边工作,一边监督着他的雇员鲍勃•克拉奇蒂有没有怠工。屋子里非常寒冷。旁白:In London, everyone knew Jacob Marley was dead. When Marley died, Ebenezer Scrooge who is the partner of Marley continued with the business. He interested in nothing, except money. Of course he was a hard, clever, mean old man. (在伦敦,所有的人都知道,雅各布•马利已经死了。马利死的时候,他的合作伙伴埃比尼泽•斯克罗吉还在继续营生。他对什么都不感兴趣,除了赚钱。是 的,他就是这样一个刻薄、精明、吝啬的老头。)绅士走上前台。绅士:We’re hoping to give some meat and drink, and wood for a fire, to people who need all these things. How much will you give, sir? (我们希望为那些穷人提供一些肉类、饮料和柴火。你能给多少,先生?)斯克罗吉:(冷笑)Nothing! Humbug! 什么都不给。骗人的东西!鲍勃:(微笑,对斯克罗吉)I think you had better support them.我认为您应该资助他们。斯克罗吉:(暴躁地,对鲍勃喊叫)Shut up!闭嘴!(鲍勃耸肩,继续埋头干活)绅士:Some people are willing to die because of poorness.您知道有些人为了摆脱贫穷,宁愿去死。斯克罗吉:If they prefer to die, why don’t they die? I’m very busy man. Good afternoon, gentleman! 如果他们愿意去死的话,他们为什么不去死?我很忙,再见,先生!(绅士从旁边退下)(钟敲了五下,下班的时间到了。鲍勃一下子站起来,立即戴上了帽子。斯 克罗吉慢慢地从桌子后面站起身。)斯克罗吉:You’ll want a holiday all day tomorrow, I suppose?我猜测你想明天一天都放假,是吗?鲍勃:(礼貌地)If you don’t mind, sir.(渴望地)It’s only once a year.先生,如果您不介意。一年就这么一次圣诞节!斯克罗吉:(尖刻地)Be here early next morning.第二天早点儿到。鲍勃:Thank you, sir!(哼着歌,快步走下场)谢谢,先生!斯克罗吉:(对台下)Humbug!(神情愤怒地走下场)骗人的东西!第二幕 马利的鬼魂时间:圣诞节前一天晚上八点地点:斯克罗吉的卧室人物:斯克罗吉 马利(斯克罗吉的卧室非常阴冷。楼道里响起拖动铁链的声音。)(钟敲了八下。)斯克罗吉:(故做镇静,却在屋里踱来踱去)It is true that Marley has been dead, he can’t be there.马利已经死了,他不可能出现。(马利拖着沉重的铁链和箱子走上前台。)斯克罗吉:(声音颤抖,对马利)who are you? Am I dreaming?你是谁?我在做梦吗?马利:I was your partner, Jacob Marley.(摇动铁链,发出可怕的叫声

。)我是你的合作伙伴,雅各布•马利。斯克罗吉:(非常害怕,跪在地上)Yes! Yes! You are real! Why have you come?好吧,你是真的!可你为什么回来?马利:(放声哭泣)No peace, no rest for me in death, because I was never good or kind in life. You will end up as I am.没有安宁,死了也不得休息,因为我活着的时候从来没有行善积德!你会落得和我一样的下场。斯克罗吉:(尖叫)No!不!马利:Three ghosts will catch you tonight. This is your last chance to stop being such a miser.(凄厉地大叫着,走下场)今天晚上会有三个幽灵拜访你。这是你不做吝啬鬼的最后一次机会。斯克罗吉:(左右张望,大叫)Humbug! I want to sleep.(打着哈欠,走下场)骗人的东西!我要去睡觉了。第三幕 昔日圣诞幽灵时间:午夜十二点地点:弗茨威格的家人物:斯克罗吉 昔日圣诞幽灵 年轻的斯克罗吉 伊莎贝拉(当斯克罗吉醒来时,他发现自己已经来到一个陌生的地方。一个矮小的幽灵站在他的旁边。幽灵的头上满是鲜花。)(钟敲了十二下。)(屋子里充满欢 乐的气氛。年轻的斯克罗吉和伊莎贝拉正在跳舞。)昔日圣诞幽灵:(严肃地)Good night, Scrooge! I’m Christmas Past.斯克罗吉,你好!我是昔日圣诞幽灵。斯克罗吉:(反感地)Who and what you are?你是谁,是干什么的?昔日圣诞幽灵:(拉着斯克罗吉走到窗边,冷冷地)On a visit to your past.去看看你的过去。斯克罗吉:(向窗户里看,惊讶地)Why, this is Frezziwig’s place. I used to work here.啊,这是弗茨威格的家。我曾在这儿干过活。昔日圣诞幽灵:You had a happy time.你有一段幸福的日子。斯克罗吉:(惊喜地,怀念地)That was me. The girl is Isabelle! She loved me.是啊。那就是我。那个姑娘是伊莎贝拉!她爱我。(年轻的斯克罗吉牵着伊莎贝拉的手走下场。)昔日圣诞幽灵:(看着斯克罗吉)But now……可现在……斯克罗吉:(自嘲地摇摇头)I threw away all that happiness and the girl I loved because I was more in love with gold. I’m too foolish.我抛弃了一切幸福,抛弃了我爱的女人,因为我更爱的是金钱。我是多么愚蠢。昔日圣诞幽灵:(拍了拍斯克罗吉的肩)That’s good, you have learned something already.很好,你已经学到一些东西了。(昔日圣诞幽灵和斯克罗吉一起走下场)第四幕 今日圣诞幽灵时间:午夜一点地点:克拉奇蒂的家人物:斯克罗吉 今日圣诞幽灵 鲍勃 蒂姆 克拉奇蒂夫人 蒂姆的姐姐 蒂姆的哥哥(钟敲了一下。)(今日圣诞幽灵穿着绿色的棉衣,一脸笑容,和蔼可亲。)(克拉奇蒂一家正要吃要他们的圣诞晚餐——一只骨瘦如柴的小

鸡。蒂姆拄 着拐杖蹒跚而来,坐在餐桌旁。他们每个人脸上的表情有非常幸福。)今日圣诞幽灵:(善意地)I’m Christmas Present.(略带谴责地)Look, how “well” the money you pay your check.我是今日圣诞幽灵。看,你给你的雇员的工资是多么“好”啊!斯克罗吉:(颤抖地)Who is that kid?那个小孩儿是谁?今日圣诞幽灵:(忧伤地)That’s tiny Tim. He will die soon.是小蒂姆。他将不久于人世。斯克罗吉:(惊呼)No!不!克拉奇蒂全家:(起身,端起酒杯)Merry Christmas!(对台下)Merry Christmas!(克拉奇蒂全家坐下)圣诞快乐!圣诞快乐!鲍勃:Merry Christmas to Scrooge!祝斯克罗吉先生圣诞快乐!克拉奇蒂夫人:(生气地)That miser! How did he treat you! Are you mad?那个吝啬鬼!看看他是怎么对待你的!你竟然还祝他快乐!鲍勃:(温柔地)It’s Mr Scrooge whose money has paid for this meal. Remember it’s Christmas.是斯克罗吉先生付的钱,我们才能吃上今天这顿饭。记住今天是圣诞节克拉奇蒂全家:(举杯)Merry Christmas to Scrooge!祝斯克罗吉先生圣诞快乐!蒂姆:(留恋地,对台下)What a wonderful world! I wish I can live very very long.世界是多么美好啊!我希望我能活很长很长。(克拉奇蒂全家走下场。)今日圣诞幽灵:(带着斯克罗吉要离开)Let’s go.我们走吧。斯克罗吉:(自责地,对台下)How stingy I’ve been!(激动地拉着今日圣诞幽灵的衣袖)please! The kind! Save the poor kid! Please!我是多么吝啬啊!求求你,善良的幽灵,救救这个可怜的孩子吧!(今日圣诞幽灵和斯克罗吉一起走下场)第五幕 未来圣诞幽灵时间:午夜两点地点:墓地人物:斯克罗吉 未来圣诞幽灵 鲍勃(时钟敲了两下。)(未来圣诞幽灵穿着深色的大衣。他的脸藏在阴影里。)(鲍勃趴在坟墓上伤心地落泪。这是蒂姆的坟墓。)斯克罗吉:(惊恐地)Are you Christmas Future?你是未来圣诞幽灵吗?未来圣诞幽灵:(指蒂姆的坟墓)Look at there.看那儿。斯克罗吉:(呜咽地哭泣)It’s Tim’s grave! Oh, no! Don’t let it be!是蒂姆的!哦,不,不,不要这样!鲍勃:(悲伤地)Our family is not happy any more.(擦着眼泪走下场)我们的家不再幸福了,不再幸福了。(未来圣诞幽灵指旁边一个挖好的坟。)斯克罗吉:(擦眼泪)Whose grave is it then?这又是谁的坟墓?未来圣诞幽灵:(推倒斯克罗吉,吼叫)Yours!是你的!斯克罗吉:(跪在地上,尖叫)Help me! I’ll be better! I promise! I’ll never rob or cheat anyone again! Never! Never! Never!救命啊!我发誓!我要变成好人!决不敲诈和欺骗任何人了!决不!决不!决——不!(未来

圣诞幽灵走下场)(斯克罗吉起身,追着未来圣诞幽灵走 下场)第六幕 圣诞节时间:圣诞节早晨地点:斯克罗吉的办公室人物:斯克罗吉 鲍勃(鲍勃在工作。)斯克罗吉:(对台下,兴高采烈地)That was Christmas Future. It’s not too late to make things right. Tiny Tim is still alive!(兴奋地拥抱鲍勃)Merry Christmas, Bob!那是未来圣诞幽灵。现在弥补过失还不晚。小蒂姆还活着!圣诞快乐,鲍勃!鲍勃:(奇怪地)Are you all right?先生,您怎么了?斯克罗吉:(兴奋地,拉着鲍勃的手)Bob, I will help your family and give tiny Tim a present.鲍勃,我要帮助你家,还要给小蒂姆一份礼物。鲍勃:(感动地)Sir, it’s so kind of you!先生,您真是太好了!斯克罗吉:(拉着鲍勃)Let’s have a Christmas meal.(对台下)Merry Christmas!我们去吃一顿圣诞大餐!圣诞快乐!(斯克罗吉拉着鲍勃走下场) ——完——

happy family剧本篇五:齐德拉__剧本









(大型无场次剧音乐话剧) 编剧 夏爽 时间: 古代

地点: 印度曼尼浦尔大森林

人物: 齐德拉(变化前)——曼尼浦尔公主,勇武而善骑射,不可多得的女中豪杰,由于从小被当作王子培养,性格刚毅,而表面上缺乏女子的阴柔,性格有些调皮骄纵,后遇到俱卢族王子阿仲那,才意识到自己外表的缺憾,时时为自己的外表感到尴尬难堪,而最终接纳真实的自我。后简称为‚齐德拉A)






























Arjuna Another spring comes to my bosom. The male swallows chase incessantly

after the female, the eager flowers bear full blossoms to feed their lovers, even the cold ice melt in all the prevailing agitation.(叹气)Another sweet spring, yet, belongs to others.

Arjuna I am Arjuna, the invincible son of Kurus house! The duty of a Kshatriya

remains sharply engraved in my heart. My dream is on the horseback, I should protect my family and our mom with my four brothers. But where am I? And the loveliness, in fact, should be a sound cure for a man’s heart. Yet, ignore it. (讲述地)A accident droved me hastily interrupt the romance of Draupat and my eldest brother, as the original agreement, I should be exiled for a whole year, yet I make it a 12 year’s celibacy. A true Kshatriya should stick to his word, for the sake of a warrior’s name. Oh, quiet, my heart. The exhausted spirit should have a sound rest.(躺下欲睡,戏谑地)Fair lady, I’ll meet you in my dream.





Chitra (催促地) Sir, could you make a way for me ?


Chitra(俯下身摇他的手臂)Sir, could you…



Chitra(呵斥道)Get out of my way !




Chitra(不由自主地)Who are you ?



Chitra(不讲理地)Tell me your name or stay here.

Arjuna(不耐烦地)What do you want from me?

Chitra Your name.

Arjuna Arjuna.

Chitra You are indeed Arjuna, hero of the great Kurus clan? Wait, Sir. I’ve heard

your name for long time. I…,I…,I…

Arjuna(半开玩笑地)I am now a hermit. You little boy go and chase your deer.(转身


Chitra(不依不饶地)No. What about having a competition with me?

happy family剧本篇六:英语话剧剧本



小青:姐,这是哪儿呀? Sister,where are we?

小白:容我找一下(拿出地图寻找),现在在雷峰塔边上,前面就是西湖了!(准备地图)Eh.Let me find the location on the map .Oh, If Lei Feng tower comes ,can the West lake be far behind?


Sister, the phone is smallerl than my hand.Can you find the West Lake?


Critp in hand, The saying goes


What a genius! We’re too tired for looking for the benefactor.


Hungry ghosts ,once you are hungry,you feel weak ,come to get a Snickers

小青(恢复精力,容光焕发)兴奋道:姐姐,那里有个男人,他朝我们走过来 Dear sister, look at that man! ,he is coming ! he is coming!



Goose goose goose ,singing crooked towards the sky , white hair floating on green water,red foot paddlling clear wave. Good poet! Really Good!

小青:姐,好吃,肯定好吃! Good food! Delicious!


Qing,control your desire , a lot of Saliva sets on you mouth ,but the young man looks really grace.


Sister,who knows whether he thinks and acts in the same way.


So we need test him. You can you up


Oh ,the sun is so big that I have a headache ,help me

许仙:连忙扶着,正准备揩油,斜眼看到了白娘子,(心说:恩,那个更漂亮),遂丢开小青 Wow ,that in white is more beautiful



Beauty,the sunlight is so strong, you must feel hot ,yeah?

小白:这真是个体贴的人啊! How Considerate he is!


Colour wolf ,leave my sister alone

许仙向后跌倒,小白上前营救,虚扶着许仙(音乐响起my destiny).时间静止。含情脉脉四目相对

小白:Dear man ,I just want what’s your name?And where are you going?



My name is Xuxian.I live in Qiantang.I’m going to LanXiagn.So,what’s your names?

小白:我是白素贞! I am Bai Suzhen. We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型)

小青:我叫小青!我们是姐妹。 I am Xiaoqing.We are sisters (摆出史密斯夫妇的造型)

小白:请听我讲一个故事,记得,我还是条小蛇的时候,我很贪玩!有一天去山上玩耍! Please let me tell you a story.When I was a mini-snake,I was playful.One day,I played on the hill.

小青:姐,你出去玩,不带我! Sister,why didn’t you take me outside?


Because you were just an egg. You know

I was basking in the sunshine ,lying on the green grass.Suddenly a bull came and stepped on my tail. It was so painful !Then you came our like a hero and saved me. So I felt in love with you at that time and I remember you forever


(手机铃声响 山东蓝翔的广告声)噢,我的师傅让我回蓝翔了,我得马上回去学挖掘机了,实在是遗憾,不能和两位姑娘一起欣赏西湖美景了。

I see.Oh,I am sorry ,My teacher gave me a message and call me to LanXiang. I have to go back to learn excavators.It is regrettable, for can not enjoy the beauty of West Lake with two girls. 小青:公子是蓝翔的呀,前途无量,姐姐你真幸福

I admire You can study in LanXiang, sister,you are so luck

许仙:我可以用挖掘机做饭。 I can cook with excavators.


Dear Qing, don’t worry ,I will look for a Handsome cook graduated from New Oriental for you 许仙:新东方也是很牛的!和我们蓝翔一样卓越!The New Oriental is as outsanding as LanXiang 小青:姐姐再也不用担心我的饮食问题了

My sister don’t have to worry about my diet any more


We are a happy family

happy family剧本篇七:非凡家庭剧本

 Michael Chiklis --a police sketch artist who is super-strong, nearly invulnerable, can leap over tall buildings, and is fire-resistant.

 Julie Benz– a scientist who works at Global Tech. She has super speed (running 10 miles in just under 5 seconds) and an incredibly fast metabolism that allows her to heal quickly.

 Kay Panabaker Daphne – Jim and Stephanie's 16-year-old daughter. She has the power of telepathy and the ability to see the memories of others by touching them, which has allowed her to restore her own memories.

 Jimmy Bennett "JJ"– Jim and Stephanie's 14-year-old son; a teenager with vast intelligence. He has the ability to speed-read and comprehend large amounts of information by just reading the page (but is initially only capable of remembering it for six hours).

Section one

(In order to save their familyship, JJ and Daphne is going to prepare a wedding anniversary for their parents)

S:Dad,your anniversary is coming

F:yeah, I know.....

S:It seems that you are so sad, tell me what you will do.

F:Nothing special.....(Smile shyly),the only thing I wish is to get back the feeling we had the day we met with each other, you know that your mother and I had married for 20 years, but ...,

S:Don't be so sad, Dad, I can help you make it

F:you sure?

S:Do as I told you (whisper)

the two are talking for a long time. Finally, the father smiled again with satisfaction.

Section two


D:mom, help me

M:What's up, honey? Where are you?

D:At the 520 reunion street

M:Ok, I’ll be there immediately.

Oh my god, I’ve to go now.

In the office, no one notice about Julie’ leaving, just left several papers fly to the floor…

On the other side, the mother suddenly appeared at the place where the daughter mentioned.

D:mom, I’m ok, but it's your anniversary today.

M:What? Oh, yeah, I hardly forgot…but why do you cheat me that you are in danger? you know that my job is so important to me, to our family …I gotta go.....there is a biological report need to be done by tonight. About the anniversary....we'll talk about it later...OK?

D:But mom, have you ever been thinking about promoting our relationship? How do you get it if you always mind your work rather than us?

having heard of the determination, the daughter was very anxious, but was still trying hard to keep her mother here.

Just at this time, there is a familiar figure in the distance and it is getting nearer and nearer by jumping, oh, the father just appeared

Section Three

F:Do not leave us here, we can not be happy without you


F: (轻扬眉毛)Maybe we should have a family meeting to change our way of life

the family were home together, the parents were moved by the dinner which was prepared by the children on the table.

M:I think maybe there is something we would talk about

F: My life wasn't turning out the way I'd hoped. Meanwhile, you were turning around, living your dreams.

M: But it is my job. What if I had no work, wandering all day long, having nothing to do and……

D: You have family, mother, and we are your family. You have us all. M: Oh, sweet heart.

D: We go on vacations to reconnect. But why would we wanna connect in the

first place? Trips and talks are all done, now it’s time for us to find out practical approaches to refine our attitudes towards life, towards our family. M: Well, well, honey. Maybe you’re right. I’ll spare my time to be with you, my dear. I promise.

S: (很打趣地说)As for Dad, he is too busy at housework without any entertainment in his life~

F: and you, JJ, you should have more confident of yourself...you are smart... you are considerable...conscientious, you are a perfect son to us, you know? Just have a little faith of yourself.

M: And you Daphne, Actually I really want to know you. I tried to communicate with you, but it doesn’t work. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep pace with your thoughts. I’m your mother, open your heart to me, Ok?

F: So……now we need to do something to change this situation. Now that mom can run fast, she can save time in her work, so she should not be absent in our family dinner. and Daphne can read mind, she will be more considerable and easy to communicate. and JJ becomes smart, he can raise his ability to maths. We will go for trips twice a year which everyone in this family should take apart in

on the dinner table, the family discussed how to use the super power reasonably in a harmonious atmosphere, they were just like years ago, happy and caring each other, and lived a happy life from then on.

happy family剧本篇八:剧本






2,oh ,I also know that!

0, I’m a freshmen here 。I’m late, that’s because there are something happened in my family .i’m 0. It’s very happy to meet you guys here!

2,Same here !it’s great that you have been admitted into this college .have you finished your registration procedure ?

0,yes ,it’s done .

1,look !looking at this club notices.i’m thinking of joining one .hey,why don’t we join a club together?


1,how about the tennis club?

0,actually ,I’m not in to tennis at all

2, neither am i.it’s just that the pretty girls are in that club

2oh,come on.that’s no reason to do sth you are not

interested in


2,well ,what are you interested in ?《问1,但看3进来后转问3》3?come on , any suggestions?

3well,let me see,how about the poetry club?

2,3,give me a break.it’s for hicks.have you seen the girls in that club ?you can tell them right bookworms

1, that’s not completely true.i have a friend in that

club who told me that they party all the time.but I know nothing about poetry…

2,is there any hot water in the thermos ?3?

3,helpyourself!there is the thermos

2,it’s empty shall I go and fetch some ?

4敲门,2,who ?4,4,may I come in ? ,1,it’s ok

4,hey ,boys,what are you doing ?you look so excited! 2,oh ,it’s about the club notices, we cant decided which one is the best for us .dou you have some ideas? Maybe Ishould go to get some water fiest ,

4,wait ,the boiler room is not open yet,I saw the notice on the wall ,it says that the water tank is broken and time has been changed ,you can go after supper.i’m in the music club, maybe you can think about that

,1it’s one of our major clubs .sounds ok to me.i like music

2,great!let’s make it !

4,there are quite a few good looking girls there ,I think you made the right choice !

1,maybe I can meet my baby 1哈

2hey ,0?will you join us ?

0,of course!一边继续洗衣一边回头答应

2,wow,it’s cool,I cant wait to enter my name …

Scene2,the playground


0,did you see the basketball last night ?

1,yes ,can you believe it went in to three over times ?! 0,I know ,I was on the edge of my seat !

1,i wish I could goto the next game,but it is out of the town. there is nothing like being in the action 0,me ,too

1,you have to admit the best part of the game was the slam dark from the throw line

0,you’re right.眼神依旧望着操场边,事实上他在看操


1,That was quit a move!

0,dou you know who that girl is ?

1,which one?

0 the one under the tree ,on the side of basketball

1,oh,that’s 5.she is the one who just come here for one week

0,oh ,really?just like me !do you know anything about her ?

1,don’t you know she is also in the music club ? 0,no,I didn’t

1, ok,I think I should introduce you to her .and as far

as I know she is still single !so, boy, you lucky dog! 0,maybe

1,she often go to the NO2 teaching buiding for reading .all know is telling you, brother. hould on your chance ,and I know you can !

0,笑,thank you…

Scene 3,classroom


0,look ,who is here !

5, ?

0dont you rember me ?we have meet once before in the music club ,you were singing the right ,here waiting ,on the stage

5,oh ,are you the bandsman ?I remember now ,nice to meet you here ,I evern don’t know your name now ! 0,0,may I have your name ,pretty?

5,ah,what’s your hometown…..


0,there is concert tomorrow evening.do you want to enjoy it ?

5,I’d like to very much ,but is it easy to get a ticket ? 0,I’ll try to reserve two tickets right now

5,then will you tell me if you get the ticket ?

0,of course ,I will !


背影 ,牵手远去 ,

happy family剧本篇九:表演剧本


Good afternoon everyone! It is our honor to show our presentation here.Our team members include 。。。The topic of our team is disaster, and we will use a special form to present our opinions about the topic. Please enjoy it!



Ladies and gentleman, It’s my great honor to be the host of the ceremony. The big show of the year is here. Its Ocars night.(播放欢呼声)

The most glamorous affair in glamorous Hollywood draws a glittering crowd.

Tonight must be a big night. I'm a little nerves that we shall have a great crowed of super star here, and we will witness the great moment of the borning of our Ocars best film!

Here is the schedule for tonight.(PPT上写出流程)

Firstly, we will review the marvelous clips of the nominees.

Secondly, we will present the award of Ocars best film, and the director of the award winner will make the thank-you words.

Thirdly, the organization committee has prepared a surprise for the winner. Fourthly, we will review the clips of the Ocars best film!

At last, actor and actress of the film will appear on the stage and give out some words. To present the award, please welcome our honored guests Xiaomin and Lichao. 第二幕:颁奖



Well, thank you so much. Hello everyone! It’s my honor to be here today. Oh Lichao, you look so handsome today!(to 利朝)

Oh thank you, you are gorgeous! Well here are the nominees for the best film. 播放提名电影片段

All of these film are amazing, and it is hard to choice which is the best.

Yes, but the Juries have made the deal and the result is in it. Let me open it. The Ocars goes to „„

The Day after Tomorrow(播放欢呼声)







Thank you so much! Oh, my god. I just can’t believe it. I never expected this award tonight. I would like to thank the Academy for allowing me to have the most incredible ride with rooms full of artists that I see tonight .I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. There are so many people I’d like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. And, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support when I needed a shoulder to cry on , especially to Guo meng,Guo xiaomin, Tan yingqian, Cao lichao .Thank you for being there when I needed you. Finally I would like to thank the disaster, thank you; I just want to say it change everything of my life .It impressed on me so many things .I never forget that autumn. I remember that ……(开始表演)

Wanghui is reaching back into the past and lost in thought. Her mom wanted her to be white-collar. So Wanghui gave up on her dream and became a secretary automatically. It is a beautiful Sunday morning. She’s working overtime in a large company, as busy as usual.

【(妈妈)】My love girl, have you get up yet?

【女儿】Eh… yeah.

【同事】Wanghui ,give me this year's financial statements,please?

【女儿】Ok, wait a minute please.

【妈妈】(困惑的神情)Who were you talking to? Aren’t you at home?

【女儿】I’m in the company. I work overtime today. Mom, I am so tired.

【妈妈】(语重心长的说)En, I can feel that, but I want you to remember that “No cross, no crown. No pains, no gains.

【女儿】(不耐烦的说)Yes,I will never ever forger it——no pains, no gains.

【妈妈】But, in the same time, although you are busy with work, you’d better eat at regular hours.


【女儿】(不耐烦的说)I know. Mom, But I am really busy now, my boss is calling me. Call you back later. Ok? Goodbye

【妈妈】The cold air is coming, Be careful not to catch cold. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?(叹气„摇头„)

【女儿】Good morning, Mr. Cao.

【(老板)】Morning. Well, have you arranged my schedule on Monday?

【女儿 】Ah yes. I have framed the active schedule favorably.

【老板】Well, send an email to me immediately. And I want the chart that shows the

sales results for the last year, as well as the company's sales target this year.

【女儿】I am going to arrange and sending an email to you 20 minutes later. Ok?

【老板】 OK, bye.

【女儿】 Thank you, Good bye.

【话外音】At this time the floor begin rocking wildly, She realizes it is the earthquake, (播放含有地震的声音、墙板掉下来的声音、人们的叫喊声的片段) She feel panic and hides under the desk.

【女儿】(无助的喊)Help, help!


【话外音】At first, She cried out for help. After hours of waiting anxiously, she felt a desperate tiredness set in and thought of her mom.

【女儿】Mom, what can I do? I miss you, I should not be so hasty to hang up, I should not talk to you like that. Forgive me. If I will be snatched from the jaws of death, I will love you more than love myself.

与此同时PPT 播放儿时的回忆:一些关于母亲照顾小孩的温馨图片或者是无声的视频

【女儿】I can’t die .I have a lot things to do .Dear God!Just look at what I’ve done all these years! I just keep working and working. I almost forget that I want to be a director. I never try my best to touch my dream. God, please, please help me, I can’t die…help me….

【话外音】Her mind suddenly switched back to the scene of Academy Awards.

【女儿】I was so lucky .Thank god give me another chance to survive and thank the disaster, it taught me a lot. It impresses on me so many things that I make sense of loving my family,cherishing my life and time and the biggest change is that I try my best to make dream come true.(播放欢呼声) Remember that we have only one life. We do not know what will happen in the next second, so never give up on your dream. Just to do what you want to do. Try your best to make your dream come true. God bless you.

Thank you so much


Thank you . Please hold a minute!

Your special experience impressed all of us and you really did a wonderful job of the film. But, you can never imagine that, we have a mysterious surprise for you! Guess what?

We interviewed your mother and boss after that, you’ll see the video we made for you, let’s share it with everyone here and in front of the television. LET'S see the big screen!



老板:Hey guys, do you remember me? I’m so proud of you. Congratulations. Well you know, before the disaster, I loved the money more than my life. All thoughts in my heart were how to make a lot of money, for that I always drove you to do jobs as many as possible, sometimes I made your wage in arrears.

And at that time, I thought the relationship between boss and staff was exactly the relationship between superior and subordinate.

But after experiencing the disaster, it dawns on me(恍然大悟) that money is not everything and no amount of money can not resist the earthquake. Life is most important, and everyone should treasure everything in the life, including family and friends.

And the relationship between boss and staff can be friends and copartners. My company is a team, not a factory. Everyone should do his best to make the team better, including me. I have raised the wage of my staff, and the arrears of wages become a history.

In the face of disasters, we as entrepreneurs must take more social responsibility. The fortune created by our companies actually comes from the staff and society. In return, we should do our best to make the society better. I have decided to donate 100,000 dollars to the Red Cross, helping the victims of the disaster.

In the face of disasters, we are always looking forward to giving our hands to the victims of the disaster. So please think about that we can give our love to the victims of the disasters, why not give it to the people around us? The boss can give the love to staff, and the staff can give the love to the company. Students in the school can give their earnestness and love to their classmates. So please cherish the people around us. Love the people around us is to love the society.

Thank you.


Mom:Hello,My sweet girl! I don’t know whether the film you directed can get the award or not. No matter what, I am really proud of you.

All of the time, I want to pass on my hard-won wisdom to you. I hope you can achieve success some day. So I was strict with you when you were a child. I ask you to obey what I said, because I really want you to be the person as I hope. I want you to be an office lady, even though I realize you don’t like it. Fortunately, whatever I want for you, I know you’ll go your own way. It’s traditional for daughters not to listen to their mothers, not till much later, at least. Today I feel happy that you didn’t obey my words years before and you just follow your heart. Now you have an amazing job. I really want you to know that I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair, but

I hope one day you will see, I taught you well because I care.

As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know, you'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go. You'll always be my winner, and victory will prevail. You have taught me so much more than I have taught you before, and I think raising a daughter is an infinite gift. I love you, my lovely girl!

At last I hope everyone at the ceremony or in front of the television can have a wonderful life. I make a sentence to end my words: accompany your parents, accompany your son or daughter, accompany persons who you love as much as you can! Thank you!

【主持人】 thank you. Hope you will make more and more good films for all of us.

【女儿】No words can fully express my gratitude .Thank you , God bless you, God bless China.

happy family剧本篇十:英语剧本


Stella is a freshman in a famous university. In the beginning of her first semester, her teacher asked them to introduce themselves.

Teacher: Nice to meet you guys, could you introduce yourselves to everybody? (Then the students do it one after another.)

Student A: I…I am a good person; I hope I’ll have many new friends. (weakly)

Student B: I…what should I say?” (He tickled his head) Umm, I …I like reading books, listening to music, and doing something like that. (Then went down the stage quickly and with shyness)

Stella: I have a dream, that is, to have a colorful life in the next four years. First I’ll do my best in studies, not only for scholarship but also for my self; I do not want to waste every minute of my life. Second, I’d like to learn something I’ve never learned before and I invite challenges to improve myself and….

With no doubt, Stella will be a star in the class.


Stella always has a wonderful mood anytime you see her. She sings happily when she sweeps T building in the morning .She also likes to help others as she has finished her own work.

Stella: Good-morning Frank! You look so tired today! Are you all right?

Frank: Oh, Good-morning Stella! I am preparing my oral test. It’s very difficult! I don’t know how to do it, to pass English tests.

Stella: Don’t worry! I’ll teach you how to pass the oral test. But, I’ll help you clean the class first. There is garbage everywhere!

Frank: Ha-ha! Stella, you are so kind! Today is my lucky day! (He pats Stella’s shoulder.)

Stella: Don’t mention it! It’s my pleasure. Well, we must hurry if we want to have breakfast before our class.

In the class, teacher suddenly announces one thing. (Suddenly bends his head down.)

Teacher: Last time we had an exam. Everyone’s got very low grades! Some of you even got only 9 points! ………. Stella!

Stella: Yes! I’m here! (She is very nervous.)

Teacher: Stella! You got the highest grades! Congratulations! You are the only student who can get more than 80 in my class! You really did a good job!

(Everyone in the class give Stella a big hand!)

Stella: Thank you, sir! (She goes back to her seat exciting)

(Amy and Frank are discussing it.)

Amy: Stella, you do have some talent on this subject!

Stella: It’s breeze! No big deal! (They keep talking.)


A man who knocks on the door and yells in a rude way. (Bum…)

Head buster: Is anyone home? We have to take to Mr. Li.

In the dark, Mom wakes up Stella.

Mom: Stella, wake up!! Wake up!!

Stella: Hum…what? What happened? Mom, what time is it?

Mom: It’s 2 o’clock now. Hurry up! We have to move quickly.

Stella: But why we have to go out in the midnight? It’s cold outside and I really want to sleep. I have a big exam tomorrow.

Mom: Hurry!! I don’t have time to explain. You take your coat and something you might need…

(Bum! Bum!!! )

Head buster: Hey! Open the door!! Mr. Li, you’ve owed a large sum of money.

Stella and her mom try to flee secretly from the back door, when they leave their house; they run as fast as they can.

Mom: Hu…wait! Wait for me, Stella!

Stella: What? Oh, I am sorry, Mom.

Mom: Well, it’s not your fault after all.

Stella: But what happened? Who is that guy? Why he mentioned Dad and a lot of money?

Mom: Your father had borrowed money from the Head buster. He couldn’t pay back the money. So, they come to us.

Stella: (Feel very shocked!) How could it happen to us?


Stella gets big trouble for the first time. She doesn’t know how to deal with it and who can help her. She feels depressed. But her motto is “never give up”

Stella: “Nothing can hinder me. I’ll try my best; I should work harder than before. I’ll never never never give up!”


Stella is in the class .Amy is next to her and wants to talk to her.

Amy: Hi, Stella. We want to go to Frank’s birthday party.

Stella: Oh. And then?

(She answers Amy but doesn’t concentrate. She just does her own thing.)

Amy: You want to join us? (Amy looks so happy)

Stella: What?

Frank: She says do you have free time to come to my party? (Frank walks to them.) Stella: Well, sorry. I think I have no time…. um…happy birthday, Frank. (Stella still does her own thing.)

Frank and Amy feel a little angry because of Stella’s attitude. They go out of their classroom and say something about Stella to each other. And Stella continues to do her own thing. Stella: Oh, I forgot!

(Stella shouts suddenly. And then she runs out of the classroom to look for Frank and Amy.)

Stella: Hey, please wait a minute. (Frank and Amy stop walking.)

Stella: Could you tell me what’s been taught in the previous class? Please, I… I… slept in that class.

Amy: I know something about that lesson but I think you don’t have time to listen to me, you know.

Frank: Well, I agree with her. Now we are very busy. Don’t waste our time, please. Stella feels so sad. She doesn’t know why her friends speak like that. At that time she hears her teacher calling her name.

Teacher: Stella. (He calls her name angrily.)

Stella: Yes, I’m here, teacher. Did I do anything wrong? (She’s scared)

Teacher: I can’t believe that you got these grades in this exam.

Stella: I feel very sorry. But I can.

.. I can explain.

Teacher: I don’t want to listen to any excuse. I’m very disappointed at you.

(Teacher leaves. Stella just stands there and cannot say anything. She looks hopeless.) SCENE VI

Stella: What should I do?I really want to study harder, but I need a lot of time to do part-time jobs to support my self and my family…(sign) And I really want to go out play with friends, did anyone understand me??

(Every one comes on the stage and judging Stella.)

Amy: She thinks she is busy, isn’t she? We are busy, too.

Frank: Yes, she doesn’t need us, she’s smart enough to sleep in the class and still pass the courses.

Amy: Ha, you’re right. By the way, the movie you mentioned is really interesting, you know…(they walk away)

Teacher: Stella, you really made me disappointed, I don’t know why you’ve become such a terrible student! And you didn’t do homework yesterday; if you can’t hand in yours today, you will fail. (Point to Stella)

Head buster: Where is the money for this month? Take it out, hurry up, and don’t make me angry. (The gun points to Stella’s head)

Stella’s mother: Oh, Stella. I’m sorry to have put you in this terrible situation. Will you forgive me? I’m so afraid, if we can’t paid off the money…(holding Stella and crying) SCENE VII

Stella: (Head up but dejection in her face) I don’t know why everything becomes so badly and hard to face. In the past, I always hold a positive view about life. But now, I just want to run away, run away all of these. How I wish I could have my old days back. Could it be possible? No, I don’t think so!

She’s taking out two white notepapers and slowly writes some last words on them. Then she stands up and walks to the kitchen, opening the gas, her eyes looking down the floor straightly and waiting for the death to bring her life.

(News on TV)

Newsman: This early morning, a college student ended her life by herself. It is said that she got some money problems. Let’s see another news, there is a dog who can sing and dance Cha Cha…



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