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1、Love for ever!


2、Happy wedding!


3、Marriage is a promise for two hearts to give―one word, one love, one life to live. Best wishes… today and always.


4、The sweetness of sharing a dream made for two is one life's greatest treasures. Wishing you both much happiness and a wonderful life.


5、Every good wish on your wedding day. Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.


6、As you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned.


7、To the happy couple, congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come. 恭贺幸福伉俪新婚之禧,并祝来日事事称心如意。

8、Have a sweet honeymoon!



1.You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。

2.May the coming years, fill your lives with love and happiness. 在未来的数年,将你的生命装满爱和快乐。

3.May you have a long and loving life together. 愿你们长久、热爱生活在一起。

4.We never knew two people better suited to each other. 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

5.Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always! 一 生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹,你俩的整个世界顿时变得绚丽新奇。祝永远幸福!

6.May the joy you share on your wedding day Be the kind you'll share all along life's way. 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。

7.He must be extra special, because he is marrying a lovely girl. 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

8.You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。

9.A wish to two happy people for a future of dreams comes true, Congratulations! 祝两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。祝贺你们!

10.God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。

11.May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age. 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。

12.Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true. 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!

13.Wishing you many years of joy and happiness. 祝你有用永远的欢乐和幸福。

14.For the Bride and Groom Wishing you love in your hearts, joy in your home. 为新娘和新郎祝福你爱在心中,在你的家里。



在英语中,tie the knot就是结婚的意思,例如:Some couples fly off Las Vegas to tie the knot. (一些情侣专程飞到拉斯维加斯结婚。)此外,结婚还可以用marry; get married; wed来表示。

Marry是结婚的意思,可是要注意的是,“我要结婚”不能说成I will marry. “结婚”老外不单讲 marry,而说 get married. 因为单讲 marry 是表示嫁或娶的意思,是一个及物动词,必须要宾语。例如“我要娶她”就是 I will marry her. 。那么“结了婚”就可以说 We were married 或是 We got married. 这二种都很常用。

结婚还可以说get hitched. 例如Let's get hitched.(我们结婚吧。)另外,可以说 make a big commitment,原意“作一个重大的承诺”,婚姻不就是一个重大的承诺吗?所以你可以说I've decided to make a big commitment to him. 意思就是“我决定要嫁给他了。”

婚礼前通常来宾会将礼金即喜钱(gift of money to the couple)送给新郎新娘,而婚礼仪式(wedding ceremony)中最重要的部分则是交换结婚戒指(a wedding band),仪式结束后便开始婚宴(Wedding dinner, a wedding reception)。

现在中国有越来越多的年青人趋向于西方式的婚礼。教堂婚礼的重头戏就是由牧师带领两位新人作结婚誓言 (wedding vows),通常是这样的一段话:I, Ross, take thee Rachel to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. (我 Ross,愿娶你 Rachel,成为我的太太,从今以后,不论是好是坏,富有还是贫穷,悲伤还是快乐,我会好好爱你,珍惜你,直到死亡将我们分开。) 注:thee 是古英文,也就是 you 的意思。


婚宴wedding reception




立下婚誓say one's vows

举行婚礼的日子wedding day


新郎bridegroom or groom






婚纱、结婚礼服wedding dress/gown

婚礼进行曲wedding march




1. wedding banquet 婚宴;喜宴

2. bride 新娘

3. bridegroom 新郎

4. formal 正式的

5. gown 女长袍,礼服

6. solemn 庄严的;隆重的

7. make a vow 宣誓

8. propose a toast 敬酒;举杯

9. procession 队伍;行列

10. escort 陪同;护送


College English Intercultural Communication Final Paper

A comparative study on wedding customs among

different countries


Marriage is a bringing together. It is a bringing together of two people, of two families, or two tribes, or two villages, or even two countries. Marriage is that powerful. Marriage is not something to be entered into lightly. Marriage is a pledge

meant to last a lifetime. Since the marriage is so sacred,the wedding is of course important.Now,the paper will study the wedding customs among different countries. Key words:wedding customs, different countries.


NO.1 The wedding customs in China

As we all know, different countries have different wedding customs. When it comes to Chinese traditional wedding customs, we may think of many complicated customs etiquette.In ancient China, After riding in the red bridal bride, the groom rode in front, with the matchmaker, and the Bridal teams to groom the family weddings. Both parents sit on the court, while the bride and groom were married the next hall. The whole wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, under the command of his , a bride and groom preparing for the wedding, and worshiped Diocese, then husband and wife worship, into the bridal chamber.

Today,more and more weddings in China are western,however, the theme of Chinese wedding is remaind.At first, Red is central to the wedding theme of China. It signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in a variety of ways in Chinese wedding traditions. The bride's wedding down is often red, as are the wedding invitations, and wedding gift boxes or envelopes for cash gifts. Even the bride and groom's homes are decorated in red on the wedding day.

Second, before a Chinese bride wedding celebration, she traditionally goes into seclusion with her closest friends. This Chinese custom gives the bride-to-be some

time to symbolically mourn the loss of her friends and family. Some time before the couple are married, the groom's family carries wedding gifts in red baskets and boxes to the bride's house. One of the baskets will contain "uang susu" or 'milk money'. Others will contain personal things for the bride, so that on her wedding day all of her personal belongings will be in the groom's house. The bride takes the gifts to another room where they are sorted through. Three days before the wedding day, women from the bride's family reciprocate, bearing gifts -- including some 'returns'-- in red wrappings to the groom's family.

In addition, Wedding anniversaries in China are carefully chosen according to astrological signs. It is also customary for couples to be married on the half-hour or their wedding day rather than at the top of the hour. In this way, the couple begins their new lives together on an 'upswing', while the hands of the clock are moving up, rather than down. On the morning of his wedding day, the groom is symbolically dressed by his parents. The groom arrives at the house of his bride on the way to the wedding chapel. He brings gifts of cash, wrapped in red tissue, to give to his bride's friends, in exchange for 'letting her go'. In some families, the wedding couple serves tea to both sets of parents while kneeling in front of them. a symbolic gesture of asking for permission. The bride and groom then leave for the wedding site together. Usually,the wedding ceremony is usually attended only by the couples' immediate families. Just after the ceremony and before the wedding reception, the bride who honors tradition will serve tea to her in-laws in a formal ceremony. The couple will

usually go to a professional studio for wedding pictures before they proceed to their reception. The wedding reception, an elaborate standing only affair.

A welcoming speech is usually performed by an MC who is hired for the occasion. The speech is followed by a cake cutting ceremony. The traditional wedding cake is immense, with many layers. The layers symbolize a ladder that they couple will 'climb to success', so couples will cut the cake from the bottom and work their way up. The cutting of the cake is the only event of the reception. The bride and groom feed each other a piece of cake with arms entwined, trying not to destroy the bride's elaborate makeup. A piece is then cut for each of the parents and for the grandparents, who are fed by the bride and groom holding the cake together. Sometimes a wedding toast is given and guests are invited to greet the newlyweds and their parents. Musical entertainment, which ranges from a simple keyboard player to a symphony or orchestra, accompanies the receiving line It is customary for guests to shake hands again before leaving the reception. At more elaborate Chinese weddings, a sit-down reception may feature a 9 or 10 course meal as well as musical entertainment. Chinese brides often change outfits at least three times during the reception.

NO.2 Some other countries

In Asia,in addition to China,the wedding in South Korea is also ceremonious. Before a Korean bride may be married, she must take part in the traditional Introduction ceremony, where she is accepted into the groom's family. After the Korean newlyweds have exchanged their wedding vows, the groom, formally,

introduces his new wife to his parents. The groom's father may throw red dates at his daughter-in-law to bring her luck in fertility.

In addition to these, South Korea also have their own characteristics .A couple getting married in Korea might incorporate ducks or geese into their wedding ceremony. Both ducks and geese mate for life and represent faithfulness.At one time, a man who wanted to get married in Korea, would travel to his future bride's home on a white pony and present her family with a pair of geese.

NO.3 Typical delegate: America

Similarly, in the other side of the ocean----The United States Wedding Traditions are different from Asia.The United States has few wedding traditions that are totally unique to the U.S. Virtually all U.S. wedding traditions and customs have either been taken directly from a wide range of other countries and cultures – primarily European – or they have evolved from traditions in other nations.

There are a few things that all U.S. weddings have in common. To begin with, U.S. wedding ceremonies may be either religious or civil. Most brides prefer a large and rather elaborate ceremony if it is their first wedding .Marriages are not “arranged.” A typical U.S. wedding takes place between two people who have sought out a partner and have found someone whom they believe they can share their life with. In other words, in the United States marriages are based on LOVE. They are not arranged to strengthen family business or influence.




今天凯撒国际英语的小编为大家准备了成人英语中的经典话题! 助大家生活幸福!

A: how are you wedding plans going.

B: very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done. The only thing that isn’t ready yet is my wedding dress.

A: when will that be ready?

B: the dressmakers said that is would be ready in two weeks. A: you’re getting married in three weeks. So that should be ok. So, you’ve prepared the church, catering, transport, hotel-everything.

B: yes. We’ve taken care of all of that. We decided not to get married in a church though. Neither of us is very religious.

A: which hotel will the reception be held at?

B: the palace hotel they’re taking care of the catering, including the

wedding cake. I’m sure they’ll do a good job.

A; oh, yes. It’s and excellent hotel. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect, though very expensive.

B: yes. It will be expensive, but we think it will be worth. It gives us great peace of mind to know that our reception is in the hands of experienced people.

A; I think you make the right decision.

通过以上成人英语口语对话,看来一场完美的婚礼需要提前做大量够工作。多读多练!学好成人英语口语,让生活更精彩! 小编祝大家每天快乐!



“盛大婚礼”的英文表达是A-list wedding。林丹与谢杏芳大婚之日临近早已不是秘密,但此前具体婚期仍是一个谜。近日,根据马来西亚媒体报道,林丹和谢杏芳的大婚之日是在9月23日。与此同时,林丹已确定婚礼将邀请马来西亚名将李宗伟、印度尼西亚名将陶菲克和丹麦名将盖德。


The wedding day for China's two-time badminton Olympic champion Lin Dan and his former teammate, Xie Xingfang, has been set for Sept 23. The A-list wedding ceremony will be held in the Beijing University of Technology Gymnasium. The couple received a marriage certificate in 2010. They also announced their wedding party. Lin's badminton

teammates Bao Chunlai and Chen Jin, as well as actor and singer Ren Quan, are on the groomsmen list.



文中的A-list wedding即为盛大婚礼。A-list解释为“最好的、重要的”,比如,A-list stars 一线大牌。marriage certificate是结婚证的意思,相反地,divorce certificate则解释为离婚证。groomsmen是groomsman的复数形式,解释为伴郎,相同的表达还有bridesmaid伴娘。


wedding reception 婚宴


usher 引宾员

vows 婚誓

say one's vows 立下婚誓

wedding day 举行婚礼的日子 bride 新娘

bridegroom or groom 新郎 officiator 主婚人

pastor 牧师


bridesmaid 伴娘

honeymoon 蜜月

wedding dress/gown 婚纱、结婚礼服 wedding march 婚礼进行曲




1、born to the purple 皇室出身;出身权贵

因为purple紫色是帝王之色,这个词组原指出身帝王世家royal families,后来就衍生到其他的权贵之家了。

2、born with a silver spoon in mouth 出生在富贵人家


3、born rich 出身富贵



1、marry into the purple 嫁入豪门

从面前那个born to the purple引申而来。

2、marry into wealth 嫁得好


3、marry into a rich family 嫁入富足之家


4、marry money 嫁给有钱人



1. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor。


2. Because of her beauty she has managed to marry above her。


3. He married beneath himself, but he is happy。


4. Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marry in haste, and repent at leisure."


5. She was able to marry her way out of poverty。


6. She tried everthing to marry into money。


7. Many girls want to marry into the purple。


8. He wishes one day he could marry a fortune that can help him in the career。


9. They are going to have shotgun marriage next week。


10. Cyber love, one-night stand, speed dating and flash marriage have been common in big cities。 网恋、一夜情、速配和闪婚在大城市里已见惯不惊了。


关于英文中结婚的表达方式(2008-07-28 12:10:30)标签:新概念英语 tying knot 结婚漫谈 时间:2007-11-07爱情最开始,是在一个天气晴朗的下午,同桌的娜娜把你叫到幼儿园的大树下,说:你连大白兔奶糖都没有,我不跟你玩了。你伤心的发现自己的初恋结束了。英美人士把初恋称为puppy love,让人想起小狗之间的玩耍和打闹,很是形象。下次对你has a sneaking suspicious (疑神疑鬼) 的妈妈说:this is just a case of puppy love,她就会放心了。爱情的美好已至产生许多美好的词汇。比哪爱上一个人,英文说:have a crush upon someone,让人想起陆游的词‘零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故’喜欢一个人就是和她在一起粉身碎骨,不顾一切。让人想到长大成人世界的复杂——involved。这个单词又是多么的形象在,缠绕的,理不断,理还乱的:involved。Have you, Steven, a free will and a firm intention to take unto yourself as wife, this woman. Angela,, whom you see before you? (deer hunter). 在这样一段庄严的誓词之后,两个渴望的心——让我们姑且这么说——终于靠在了一起。这时我们说他们结婚了:They were married。但是,the World news在报道姚明结婚时说:Yao, the Houston Rockets' center, tied the knot with Ye Li, a 6-foot-2 player on the Chinese women's basketball team in a ceremony at the Shangri-La Hotel. 中国人说‘共结连理’,英文也有一个tie the knot, 看来人类的语言真是相通啊。同时我们在口语中表示结婚时也说:get hitched,电影hitch, 翻译成:全民情敌。女主人公说:So, Hitch, Is that a verb or a noun? 亲爱的Hitch,你的名字到底是一个动词还是一个名词啊?这个句子一语双关,意思是你到底是骗子还是一个婚姻掮客。对方回答说:I guess it depends. 我觉得视情况而定吧。所以才会有他精彩的即兴排比:Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. but if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. if you must steal, steal away from bad company. if you must cheat, cheat death. and if you must drink… drink in the moments that take your breath away.不要撒谎,如果要,就在爱人的怀抱;不要偷,如果要,就偷坏人的;不要欺骗,如果要,欺骗死亡,不要醉酒,如果要,就在动情之时。在中古拉丁文中,‘结婚’这个词根可没这么生动。在晚期的拉丁语中出现gamia一词,表示婚姻,就是现在的gamy,比如我们说:在大部分文明的国家里,一夫一妻是普遍的做法。则说:Monogamy is a normally accepted practice in most civilized country. 说美国犹他州和附近州仍然有40000多名摩门教派原始教义信徒仍然过着非法的“一夫多妻”生活:There are 40,000 Mormons having illegal polygamy lifestyle in Uta

h of America. and others States in the neighborhood. 如果表示重婚就说:bigamy. 他受到重婚的指控就说:He was accused of bigamy.当一个结了婚,我问到婚姻状况 ( marital status) 的时候,我们会问到很多有意思的句子。Are you married? 是最常见的。同时,Are you Miss Li or Mrs. Li? 是一种较委婉的方式,而不想透露自己婚姻状况的人就会说自己是Ms. Li---李女士。口语当中经常说,Are you still available? Are you still single? 俏皮一点的说法可以说:Are you still on the market? 在bad company (临时特工)中,当主人公Kevin的女友说自己想结婚时,Kevin 生气的说:So you gotta put yourself back on the market while the merchandise is till fresh. 你就是想趁自己年轻赶紧到市场上去卖个好价钱。两个句子有异曲同工之妙。婚姻美好,其用法也美好,学一学其中表达,心情也会美好许多。


Traditional wedding anniversary gifts are chosen from a list of materials that are designated for each year. The first wedding anniversary is symbolized with paper, and from there traditional anniversary gifts become more precious or scarce to reflect the growing number of years a couple has remained together.Wedding Anniversary CustomsNo one is certain just when the traditional gift list came into existence, but it probably evolved over time. Calling years twenty-five and fifty 'Silver' and 'Gold' may have originated in medieval Europe, where wives were given a silver wreath to celebrate their twenty-fifth year of marriage and a gold wreath for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.Diamond Wedding AnniversariesDiamonds are traditional anniversary gifts in both the sixtieth and seventh-fifth years. Year sixty probably became a part of existing traditions when Queen Victoria celebrated her Diamond Jubilee after sixty years on the British throne.The traditional list may seem somewhat boring for the early years, but it doesn't have to be if you get creative. There are many ways you can turn each year's anniversary theme into a special gift.Anniversary Gifts for the First Years, Paper and Cotton?A lovely origami booklet or box folded in a shape that's special to the recipient. And, hint--hint, you can tuck a second gift into the paper.?Paper tickets to a movie, the theatre, a concert or another performance.?A first edition of a favorite book.?Paper flowers that will never fade.?Vintage or new cotton clothing or decorative items.?A scrapbook with a plush cotton cover, filled with memories.?A cotton wallhanging or quilt, or a painting on cotton.That's the idea. There are plenty of personal and decorative gifts for each year and I'm positive you can come up with something special.Anniversary Gifts with a TwistYou can celebrate the yearly tradition even if you want to break away from it -- make that year's theme material a carrier for your gift instead of the actual gift.?Tuck a ring in a leather wallet.?Tie a bracelet to a bouquet of roses.?Hide a necklace inside the pocket of a silk robe.?Fold a cozy woolen shawl around another gift.When a Traditional Anniversary Gift Won't Work?Ivory is traditional for the fourteenth anniversary, but most new ivory cannot be imported to the US. You can find items made from vintage ivory, but if you're among those who do not want to own the material at all you might want to consier ivory alternatives, made from nuts and seeds of palm trees and other vegetation.?Coral isn't as protected as ivory, but it is another item that many people do not think should be removed from nature. Choose an alternative for your thirty-fifth anniversary, or take a diving trip to see the real thing!Traditional Anniversary Gifts by YearFirst: PaperSecond: CottonThird: LeatherFourth: Fruit or FlowersFifth: WoodSixth: Candy or IronS

eventh: Wool or CopperEight Bronze or PotteryNinth: PotteryTenth: TinEleventh: SteelTwelfth: Silk or LinenThirteenth: LaceFourteenth: IvoryFifteenth: CrystalTwentieth: ChinaTwenty-Fifth: SilverThirtieth: PearlsThirty-Fifth: CoralFortieth: RubyForty-Fifth: SapphireFiftieth: GoldFifty-Fifth: EmeraldSixtieth: Diamond1周年 紙 婚 Paper Wedding 2周年 布 婚 Cotton Wedding 3周年 皮 婚 Leather Wedding 4周年 丝 婚 Silk Wedding 5周年 木 婚 Wood Wedding 6周年 铁 婚 Iron Wedding 7周年 铜 婚 Copper Wedding 8周年 电器婚 Appliance Wedding 9周年 陶器婚 Pottery Wedding 10周年 锡 婚 Tin Wedding 11周年 钢 婚 Steel Wedding 12周年 麻 婚 Linen Wedding 13周年 花边婚 Lace Wedding 14周年 象牙婚 Ivory Wedding 15周年 水晶婚 Crystal Wedding 20周年 瓷 婚 China Wedding 25周年 银 婚 Silver Wedding 30周年 珍珠婚 Pearl Wedding 35周年 珊瑚婚 (碧玉婚) Coral(Jade)Wedding 40周年 紅宝石婚 Rudy Wedding 45周年 蓝宝石婚 Sapphiye Wedding 50周年 金 婚 Golden Wedding 55周年 翠玉婚 Emerald Wedding 60周年 钻石婚 Diamond Wedding



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